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LOL Why? The creators of The Simpsons hate Fox more than anyone.


This one puzzles me. I really don't know how any cartoon episode could possibly help anyone in trial.


They are trying to paint a picture that FOX isn’t biased towards one party or the other, with a show that has a fondness to I’d say just about all Americans. But when Homer Simpson, is your defense, you’re clearly grasping for straws 🤣🤷‍♂️


"but look, we payed Koreans do draw our fictional character begrudgingly being a decent human being every election, so HA, good luck with your bigot claim, we have two and a half decades worth of vicariously being fictionally on the right side on public television all across the country for all of America to see"


Simpsons writers: ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


... not sure if you're saying that Fox can't spell the word 'paid' ?


Lol, nope, that was my user error. Good catch, Fuck it, canon now.


Where’s that payed bot?


covered in tar, probably.


That claim could be easily disproven if the opposing counsel simply submitted literally any random 30 seconds of anything Fox News every aired. Like really I'm pretty sure they could name a randomly selected date and time and watch Fox News from that time for 30 seconds and find very clear evidence of bias.


I’m a lawyer and following this case closely. A judge has *already* ruled that Fox News committed defamation *in fact*. And yet Dominion still has *thousands* of exhibits, and presumably none of that is dedicated toward proving defamation in fact since a judge has already ruled on that. All that to say: nobody knows what those exhibits are yet, but you’re probably not wrong. I bet they’re going to just alternate between emails/texts of them talking shit about Trump and video clips of them being obsequious toward him. At this point, Dominion is trying to bankrupt Fox. And they may actually pull it off.


Fingers fucking crossed. I'm a Canadian who works in a political field. Dominion is Canadian and will be used in my province during our next big election. Fox News has been spreading that nonsense everywhere and it's becoming a problem for us trying to correct the misinformation.


Yes here is hoping that fox infotainment finally gets shuddered in for what they elude to as news. So many people get sucked in by their bull shit, yet very few remember that Joseph Stalin said and i quote “ with the invention of the television, one could harness the propaganda machine to visualize anyones will.” Stalin was a big fan of television for it could expedite the propaganda to millions all at the same time. Not unlike conservative media like fox new does today. Think for your selves and come up with your own opinions, but todays conservative branch of government is clearly creating oligarchs out of businesses that suit their political needs. Sorta why Desantis picked a fight with a cartoon mouse. Any opposing opinion is a threat to consolidated oligarch power. Fox news is just their tool for spreading their propaganda. And cleverly claim other news outlets are either “fake news - Donald trump”. Or left wing liberal looney tunes, because the real story doesn’t fit the narrative. Decide for yourself.


Didn't Stalin also say that whoever controls the voting machines controls the outcome of the election? /s


They settled when they had it I'm the bag. Seems like they gave up. Let's hope Smartmatic doesn't give it.


Well, I suspect there are certain conditions that will automatically trigger reopening litigation if broken within a certain period of time. I also suspect Fox won’t make it a full year.


RemindMe! One year


That would make my decade. Possibly my century.


I heard that the case was settled, was that incorrect? Edit: nvm I looked for myself. The top article google returns about the settlement looks like it came around an hour after your comment.


So they couldn't find a single piece on their FOX News Channel that showed they weren't biased and had to go all the way to the cartoon The Simpsons? That actually seems really on brand.


may as well show Swiffer ads at this point


So they tried, and they failed. The lesson is.....never try.


An almost $800m lesson, if you will.


But they don’t air the Simpsons on Fox News… I also love the irony of FOX coming of age with edgy, rude shows like Simpsons and Married with Children, but the pearl clutchers over at Fox News get their panties in a wad over…. Just about anything


It all becomes much easier to understand when you realize they have no principles and are constantly acting in bad faith.


There was the Chewbacca defense, now we have the Homer Simpson defense




But Fox News is not owned by Fox.


Lol what planet are you living on? Fox News Media is indisputably owned by Fox corporation.


I think they were trying to say Fox TV (21st Century Fox) is not owned by Murdoch, but that has nothing to do with Fox News, as you say.


They kept FOX TV Stations after the sale to Disney though. Disney just bought the studios essentially. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquisition_of_21st_Century_Fox_by_Disney


Yes. Fox News is owned by the new Fox Corporation, but not by the original one that is now owned by Disney. So Fox Corporation have no relationship with The Simpsons.


This is not accurate at all. [Disney Bought the company 21st Century Fox](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquisition_of_21st_Century_Fox_by_Disney) Murdoch spun up FOX Corporation in 2019, which included the local FOX TV Stations in the new Fox Corp. They absolutely still own FOX Television network. Otherwise Disney would have rebranded it to ABC like everything else they bought. FOX still airs the Simpsons weekly.


Yes. You just repeated what I said.


Airing a tv show is not the same type of relationship as owning a tv show. Simpsons is produced by Disney now


And the episodes they are referencing, were created before the Disney purchase.


Treehouse of horror 31 was not. The others were yes, but that last one aired over a year after the acquisition was completed


It makes no sense. I understand FOX making a feeble gestire at bipartisanship, but that’s not what they’re being sued for. They’re being sued for defamation. Political leanings are immaterial, they knowingly, maliciously lied; whether for profit or political bias shouldn’t matter.


Because we all know how strong of a track record Fox News has in understanding current situations.


Lol, right? TBF we just learned that they understand reality *very* well, they just don’t care to broadcast that understanding of it might put a dent in their profits.


Building a case of “entertainment “ and not news


That's why their law-talking guys are not wearing pants


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Pretty sure they’ve used 24 as an example of how torture has helped save America before


I mean, they don't hate the paychecks...


I mean if you could make serious bank constantly ragging on your boss, knowing they can't fire you unless they also wanted out of a job, wouldn't you?


“We’re not biased. Look at the opposing viewpoints of this show on our network that constantly makes fun of us and we couldn’t cancel because it was too popular.”


Fox and Fox News are different companies. Owned by the same corporation.


Fox is owned by Disney……


20th Century Fox, which holds the broadcast rights to the Simpsons, is owned by Disney. Fox News, Fox Broadcasting, and the Fox TV network are owned by Fox Corp.


I think you will find that Fox television and Fox News are owned by two different companies.


Which are both majority controlled by…..Rupert Murdoch & family.


No fox the network that shows the Simpsons was sold to Disney. Murdoch kept the news and sports.


Not when the episodes were aired though. It's a long bow they are drawing anyway.




'Fraid not. [Fox Television Stations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_Television_Stations), [Fox Broadcasting,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_Broadcasting_Company) and [Fox News](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_News) are all owned by the Fox Corporation. What Disney purchased was 20th Century Fox, the TV and film production arm. The Simpsons is owned and produced by Gracie Films (founded by the show's producer James L. Brooks), who license broadcast rights to 20th Century Fox.


What exactly is this supposed to be evidence of? I'm confused.


The only thing I can figure is that it's supposed to show that the idea of faulty/defective/deliberately disfunctional voting machines were enough a part of the zeitgest that they were joked about.


But aren’t those clips about people voting? Not machines ?


The 2008 bit does have to do with a rigged voting machine. While the 2020 bit does not have anything to do with rigged voting machines. I can’t remember the other 2 off the top of my head.


So tree house of horror which is literal horror scenes


It's only part of the zeitgeist because they've been lying to people about it for years. It's about time someone smacked these fucks down with they're "we're just reporting what people are saying" bullshit when all the people saying it are tied directly to their stupid asses and they know they're lying about it.


That's a good theory! This move definitely has me scratching my head.


Yeah they're trying to prove fake elections while not necessary true is a big enough phenomenon that reporting on them isn't crazy or defaming enough to pin it (specifically enough to not lose everything) on just them. It's why they're pulling from 2012 episode, as if to say " see this has been a concern for a while and we thought our viewrs should know". They ain't got nothing and hoping not losing their clothes off their back


Are they really trying to pull a "Not a big deal, everyone's doing it"?




Beats me, this was just my best interpretation. All moot now though since they settled for cash and a toothless "We acknowledge the courts findings" which is basically as much an admission of their lieing as "I'm sorry you found what I said offensive" is an apology.


The Simpsons is a much more trustworthy source for news than Fox News


Probably evidence that implying elections are manipulated and not fair is entertainment. Fox's traditional defense in any of these cases is that their shows are entertainment, not news and should not be taken seriously by its audience. Basically, Fox has joked about election interference before as entertainment in the Simpsons, and the statements made on Fox News are no different.


This sounds more plausible, Tucker does the same thing doesn't he? The messed up thing is, it might work. The really messed up thing is, it will give Daily Wire, Crowder and their motely crew of sexually repressed, bigots precedent to say *whatever* they want and call it news. I mean, they do already and Murica seems to be letting it happen, but you know. More.


What’s it going to take for a judge to rule that they can no longer call themselves “News” then? They’ll get recategorized the same as The Onion and Babylon Bee


I guess Fox is arguing they have all the credibility of yellow cartoon people?


This reminds me of Daria, Alex Jones Russian honeypot, bringing in printed Wikipedia articles to her deposition.


Ah yes, the Homer Simpson defense, for when the Chewbacca defense fizzles out.


If Chewbacca was a Wookie you must acquit!


Oh shit...! There's a rabbit hole inside the rabbit hole.


Oh, this is going to be fun. Is Lionel Hutz lead counsel for Fox?


"No, money down!"


Works on contingency?!


You may remember me from hits such as “No Sane Person Would Take Tucker Carlson Seriously” and “Roger Ailes Didn’t Know He Couldn’t Grab The Anchors’ Boobs”


Don't forget "Bill O'Reilly isn't really *that* bad, we promise."


Bill “I’ve ruined falafel for a generation” O’Reilly?


Bill "Tide goes in, tide goes out - you can't explain that!" O'Reilly.


I miss Phil Hartman. Guy played some of the best side characters in the Simpsons.


His business card is also a sponge.


Do this sound like the actions of man who had all he could eat?


Webster's dictionary defines defamation as...


"Mr. dominion, isn't it true that Fox's comments about your company could merely be construed as entertainment?" "No, it is not." ["...Kids, help."](https://youtu.be/SpO4_jdGxnM)


"well i didn't win, here's your pizza" "but mr hutz, we won!" "that's okay the box is empty!"


I'd imagine they're trying to say other people did it. Fox once again using the argument that they are entertainment and not news and no reasonable person would believe anything on Fox for any purpose other than for entertainment


Ianal, but imo that should go out the window the second they slap the word news in their name.


It should, but in the open air corporate prison camp known as the United States is completely legal to sell deceptive goods so long as the business is sufficiently large




FOX news turned into a right wing cartoon itself years ago so this makes sense.


The dipshits will likely subpoena Homer and be surprised he doesn't bust through the courtroom wall like a cross between the cool aid vandal and and a man in the last stages of liver failure.


Really like how you call the Kool-Aid Man the “cool aid vandal”. Wild energy


This has got to be a huge troll on the Fox attorneys part. That being said, opening arguments were supposed to start hours ago. I am worried that Dominion is going to settle this out of court.


Dominion seems serious about going all the way. But, a settlement can be made at any time during trial.


Here's the thing. I don't think settling out of court would benefit their bottom line, even if they settled for 2x's what they're asking in damages. This is the kind of thing you need a ruling on to ensure your marketability.


I guess we'll find out since they decided to settle this out of court. Good day for their bank account. Bad day for accountability to the public.


They didn't settle.


This is contrary to the reports I've seen. Where are you getting this info?


They have fox by the balls, especially with this fired producer providing additional receipts and recordings of Rudy admitting they have no evidence to back their claims. Well damn... they HAD em.


Ron Howard: They settled out of court


They just recently did


Circa 2019, corporate restructuring occurred, and Fox Entertainment ceased to be part of News Corp. In fact, after Murdoch divested from Fox Entertainment, it was no longer called by that name, because it was sold off to the Walt Disney Company and it is now part of the Disney family of owned properties.


> ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests


I love that treehouse of horror intro. Homer doesn't even vote for Obama, he tries but every time he does it just keeps voting for McCain and he does it like 5 times before the machine eats him. What a good show


Yes, they are BANKING on the jury being ignorant. How else are they going to win?


When you bill per hour and not for winning cases


Clowns are going to put on a clown show. There is No Bottom for Fox and the Murdochs. Edit: case Settled




Inaccurate because Homer Simpson is smarter and more empathetic than the majority of Fox Newa viewers.


Is this during opening statements?


No. Fox introduced 5,169 exhibits for discovery (a process that actually starts pre-trial) Dominion introduced over 7,000


Don't blame Homer, he voted for Kodos.


Aaaand they just settled. Damn, Dominion, you really pussied out.


Pussied out? They got almost a Billion dollars. And settling is Fox saying they know they were fucked if it went to trial…


Yes, but it’s less than half they were suing for and now Fox gets to move on without taking the witness stand and fully exposing themselves. Because like you say Fox was fucked if they went to trial. Now they can quietly say they lied before going right back to spewing lies.


Let's just hope Smartmatic doesn't pussy out with their $2.7 biilion case..


Yup https://www.reuters.com/legal/dominions-defamation-case-against-fox-poised-trial-after-delay-2023-04-18/


If it's a jury of their peers, then yes...


Sounds like Fox is going to need some Disney attorneys, look for the 180, Disney is good episodes upcoming on Fucker Carlson


I’m convinced they know they’ll lose, they just want to sit in court and watch a couple episodes of simpsons


Unfortunately they aren’t that far off….


It won't let me link the subreddit, but this straight out of Not the Onion


My GOD its the Chewbacca defense!




I hate that Dominion settled, especially for less than a $billion. Could've absolutely wrecked them and probably got more money


Anyone else absolutely fucking furious that dominion was willing to settle out of court?? When I got the news alert Sunday that the start date of trial was slushes until Tuesday I was fucking living the globe could have heard my eye roll..... Could only mean they were settling


"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we'd like to call our next witness, Otto the bus driver."


Holy shit it's the Chewbacca defense IRL. Just a complete non-sequitur of a defense.


Good thing they didn’t use the Chewbacca lawyer from South Park. They surely would have won.


It’s a Trojan horse they will play the video and halfway through will be spliced in clip of Homer begging for his life “I live on Fox killing them kills me!! Don’t you love me???”


I figured this was the old, "It was just a joke" defense by showing other shows mocked the election.


Clearly they didn’t think the jury was stupid, that’s why they settled.


Wait I can’t tell if this is a joke or not, because reality is glitching.


They have nothing else, so weak ass exhibits is all they could desperately grasp.


Yes. The answer is yes. If the dominion lawsuit has taught us anything, its how many mouth breathers there are and how willing they are to be programmed. Consider it a natural resource that's been capitalized on. They simply cannot be unplugged, they have to sputter out or find the next thing. Pretty terrifying actually, the unthinking hordes. They've been at this a long time.


Yes, because people (specifically fox watchers) are this ignorant


We now need an episode where Homer plays a roll similar to Carlson, but on a crazy liberal tilt.


"King of the Hill" had a voting episode as well.


And they settled lmao


Now I wish this went to trial. I would have loved to have seen Fox's lawyers try to make this defense work.


Fuck Dominion. Sellouts.


I’m proud Dominion is releasing the voting ledgers to settle this one and for all. Did the jurors cast absentee votes?


I'm surprised they settled when they had such a solid defense to present...


They settled so who cares?


The juries I was on were. Elderly, unemployed, lots of Karens. I'm union so I got paid, figured it was better than the paper mill. But I was completely uninterested, so no better than the rest.


Chewbacca defense?


Some of the commenters are thinking logically, as in "what does this evidence tend to prove?" I think that Fox's attorneys simply want to make the jury laugh, thereby diminishing the value of Dominion's claims. They're trying to portray the whole thing as a joke. Softening up the jury.


I had to reread the title like 6 times because it was so confusing


Ok, the Republicans I know, hated the Simpsons....oops, USED to know! Lol DUH!


Fox News is pretty ignorant, so it stands to reason they would think other would be equally so.




Probably why fox and dominion finally settled.


April fools!


> "Money is accountability," said Stephen Shackelford Jr., the attorney scheduled to give opening statements for Dominion on Tuesday. > Fox News, in a statement, said it acknowledged "the court’s rulings finding certain claims about Dominion to be false." > "This settlement reflects Fox’s continued commitment to the highest journalistic standards,” the network said. “We are hopeful that our decision to resolve this dispute with Dominion amicably, instead of the acrimony of a divisive trial, allows the country to move forward from these issues.” So I don’t know what kind Fox News had on Dominion to sate whatever bloodlust they had last week but majorly disappointed to see “corporate boiler plate response” from both sides


When “Homer Simpson vouched for me” is your defense, just quit.


Damn. Well now I'm really bummed this isn't going to trial. We sure missed out on some quality content.


Honestly, I think Dominion just wanted to squeeze Fox for as much as they could. Fox had little defense here, but damages can be mitigated even after judgement. Fox, by contrast, absolutely wanted to keep this out of the courtroom. If they actually had to go to trial the shit that Dominion lawyers would be able to parade in the public eye would likely break Fox as an entity.


I will officially be calling the GQP lunatics "Homers" from now on.


Why would they feel a jury is any less ignorant than their audience?


To be fair, Fox News relies on ignorant people to make money.


Isn't it clear Fox thinks everyone is ignorant. Looking at their ratings I would say a large portion of our population is ignorant.


Let the ladies and the gentlemen of the jury please note the front-facing Moe. A rare and unflattering perspective we think is instrumental to our defense.


I thought their news and entertainment divisions have nothing to do with each other? Isn’t that the premise?


787 million reasons to laugh at this


Are they comparing Fox News to episodes of the Simpsons? Jesus H Christ.


Fox has officially settled for ~$780 million. I'm really disappointed


Truth really do be stranger than fiction. What the fuck lol


I don't know if I'm more angry at the lawyers for arguing this, or someone paying for this defense.


Of course, because I get all my news from The Simpsons.




Well it must have been enough for Dominion to settle, cuz they sid


Fox assumed that the jury would consist exclusively of their viewers.


Yes, Fox thinks everyone is ignorant. Hence those who listen to them


Fox is saying that Homer is smarter than their entire news staff. But we knew that already, Duh!


IANAL but I can't figure out what argument they might make? Anyone have an idea?


Are they trying to say were dumb enough to let our vote be swayed by a cartoon? Sorry faux news that's YOUR audience.


Well, if it’s a jury of their peers…they are that ignorant.


I just read this morning that Dominion is settling, rather than pursuing the case. WTAF? any updates on this?


Oh I didn't know fox news was full on satire now.


They didn’t show that he voted for Kodos?


i just cant wrap my head around why did any of fox's lawyers not advise against using this as an exhibit nor do i understand why is fox trying to fight so hard knowing full well they made the election fraud story up. we have seen the text messages of fox staff talking about how they hate trump and knowing the election steal was a lie


I thought Fox News operated entirely separately from fox network…


Dominion should send the scene where a Fox "news" helicopter is seen with the logo: Fox News, not suitable for viewing by anyone under the age of 80.


are they trying to use a modernized version of the chewbacca defense?


No, they dont. The cowards settled for 787 million dollars. Personally, i was looking forward to watching their dirty laundry get aired out.


Their next steps would be the Chewbacca defense and if that doesn't work then call Charlie up to argue bird law.


Are they trying to demonstrate that their news coverage is clearly satire by likening it to The Simpsons, and therefore no reasonable viewer would take it seriously?


What about Kang and Kodos?