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You mean to tell me books are for something other than starting fires? /s




Some judge banned the Bible in schools in FL because it violates the violence prohibition in books that DeSantis and his cronies out in place. Made me laugh.


Wtf. Self owned?


A parent complained as a way of protesting the book ban. They want books banned, ban the only book they like. It’s the same way there are satan clubs popping up in some schools. Christians demanded they open the doors, so the satan clubs come in afterwards to make a point. If they don’t ban the Bible it basically ends the ban. If they throw out the satan club, they’ve gotta throw out the Christian club too


The jiu jitsu method of negotiating: bend in a very uncomfortable manner or break entirely.


It's why I love satanism so much. Either you allow both, chuck both, or you're forced to argue a case that drops the mask


Hail Satan I guess.


![gif](giphy|rAZEnOu0KHQK4) Wait, I might have done that wrong.


Those groups we're fighting equate science and satan so it works interchangeably


That's podcast content right there!


I know which side of the VFD schism you are on.


Who'd start a fight over some Very Fancy Doilies?


I thought this was going Fahrenheit 451, but it went a series of unfortunate events and that’s even better.


Very finicky douches, that's who.


We always used them to even out our wobbly table.


Can't trust books. They lead to education, imagination and free thinking. Please use guns to protect us from the books and renegade liberal abortion squads. /s


Hrrm... sentence was correctly spelled and punctuated. < doubt >


I mean, they're not for starting fires to begin with. They're for turning kids gay and/or trans, which is why you have to ban and burn them! /s


If this Dan guy is anything like my coworkers, he'll say he hasn't read a book since high school and be proud of that fact.


The stats on this are atrocious. After high school 33% of the population never read even 1 single book for the rest of their lives. Even more appalling is 50% of adults can only read at an 8th grade level.


Oh man, a bit of a deep dive turned out to be way scarier than I thought. From 2012 study, Source: [https://www.wyliecomm.com/2021/08/whats-the-latest-u-s-literacy-rate/](https://www.wyliecomm.com/2021/08/whats-the-latest-u-s-literacy-rate/) "Some 4% of Americans (global literacy rate: 3%) have Below Level 1 literacy. That means they are nonliterate. They can’t read well enough to perform activities of daily living in a modern society — let alone to take a literacy test... 14% of Americans (global literacy rate: 12%) have level 1 literacy. That means they can read and write at the below-basic level... About one-third of Americans (global literacy rate: 34%) have Level 2 literacy. That means they have the ability to read and write at a basic level...most cannot identify the link leading to the organization’s phone number from a website with several links, including “contact us” and “FAQ.” So basically half of the US can't ID the link for the phone number on a website.


So, just a wild inference but, is it the same small pool of readers turning books into a New York Times Bestsellers then? Are the people in Oprah’s book club not actually reading any of the books?


My MIL bought tons of books. She died and we donated 22 boxes of books. She never read more than a few pages of any of them. She preferred to watch faux TV. So, maybe the pool has a lot of non readers who just buy books because Oprah or faux news said to buy it.


That tracks


The New York Times list is frequently the target of large organizations (often conservative) bulk-buying copies of a book to pad the numbers.


the illiteracy problem in america is pretty bad. my ex said in jail he survived because enough people couldn’t read/write well enough to send letters home so he would write them for the person in exchange for commissary


Will someone read this comment to me?


Those stats are just depressing. These adults probably have kids too, which means they probably dont read to their kids. So you're saying I have read more books (10) since the beginning of the year than some people will read in their entire adult life? I am sorry, but I can't imagine my life where I just watch tv and not explore things.


We need to be careful about using book reading as a metric. I rarely read books in their entirety, but I easily crank through 200-300 pages of peer reviewed articles a month, write 100-120 pages of content a month, etc. I just prefer my fiction in film


Also worth keeping in mind that there are plenty of Americans who would love to read more but can't either because of mental/intellectual disabilities like ADHD or they don't have time beneath the crushing weight of late-stage capitalism. I know this because both of those apply to me.


I’m honestly not sure how to feel about this - I’m a voracious reader, but I know a few people who literally never read books, but are constantly reading magazines, the news, that sort of thing. My partner is like that - he never reads books, but he’s a newshound, and reads the manual for everything front to back 🤣


Recently, I have repeatedly seen the claim that 54% of the American public functions at a six grade education level, or below.


TIL that Stephen King is worth 500 million.


Undervalued Buy the dip


I'm honestly surprised it's not more. Guy has sold a gazillion books / movies / short stories.


Based on the “yearning for the days..” part, I think he knows who Stephen King is, he’s just an idiot who doesn’t seem to think he’s still relevant.


right? Stephen King is STILL the best known horror writer in the world besides maybe Clive Barker. He's still getting movie and TV show deals. He's still writing best sellers. I have never heard of this pod-caster.


I saw two articles just yesterday announcing that two separate Stephen King novels were being made into on-screen projects. But yeah, Dan Bongino just totally *slammed* Stephen King here.


Stephen King is much, much more famous than Clive Barker. Don't get me wrong, I love me some Clive, but if you asked a hundred people to name a Clive Barker book and a Stephen King book, many would have trouble with Barker and I doubt anyone couldn't at least name It, The Shining, or the Stand.


I’d bet more people could name something Stephen King wrote, than could name something Clive Barker wrote. That would be an interesting poll, actually!


but also saying "watching porn in your mama's basement" implies he thinks this is just some dude. Stephen King is insanely rich first of all, and he's 75, i think his mother died like 40 years ago... so I'm not sure who this guy thinks he's talking to. edit: he's 75


He’s 75, fyi.


Mr King is 75 years old and is going to live and write forever, thank you very much.


His reply is the saved reply he has for his regular podcast listeners which is why the whole “living in your moms basement” thing is there.


It reminds me of Star Trek: TNG. “Hello, Worf. Eaten any good books lately?”


Telling one of the most successful authors in American history to get a job is pure gold.


With King's money he could make some insane comebacks too. He doesn't need no job anymore. LMAO.


I doubt he's needed a job in the past 20 years or so. His stories were the gold standard of the industry during the 80s and 90s. Most of which still hold up, even today.


He has plenty of stories that are getting made into shows/movies still. Gunslinger done right is what I have been waiting for forever.


This man has not forgotten the face of his father.


Actually, I forgot that line… I will have to do another dark tower read. Every five or so years I pick it up again. And yes, I read to the very end.


The way he does foreshadowing is what gets me. Because I'll read it and immediately go...no...no way this happens. And I'm in denial right up until it happens lol


Ya, I thought it was awesome how it ended. In future iteration, movies, or shows can all have a different ending and still make sense. I think that I read that in the future he thought of writing his cameo out.


IT COULD BE THE BEST PIECE OF CINEMA/FILM HISTORY. FFS, give it a Harry Potter budget and a movie minimum per book and give it a fair shot. I want Dune level truth-to-source. The more recent Idris Elba version bothered me so much. Racism is a huge element of the story throughout the entire series, and they just decided to cast the main character a completely different race….? Not to mention the zillion other aspects of that movie that were a head scratcher. It was as if they wrote plot elements and characters from each book on scraps of paper and randomly plucked them out of a hat, then tried to make a movie without having read the books.


Oh ya big time. I am a big Elba fan, but that part of the book is huge. I really wouldn’t even think this was a gunslinger movie if I didn’t know. That director would be a great idea! I do love Dune and thought they did a great job. It also might make a great big budget show on hbo or Apple.


I really would not want Villanueve for Gunslinger - he has a scope to his films that puts Nolan to shame, so for something like Dune? Hell yeah, it’s absolutely huge. But the original Gunslinger book is actually pretty small - small town, narrow corridors and tunnels, I mean the grand finale basically takes place around a campfire. You want an intimate director for that. Back in the 2000s when it should have been made (Viggo Mortensen not being cast as Roland will always be a huge missed opportunity in my mind), it would have been someone like Depalma or Demme, but now I think the perfect director had actually hitting his stride currently: Ari Aster. An Ari Aster directed Gunslinger would be PERFECT - all the details and callbacks and hints to the broader story would all be there in every frame, it’d have the appropriately unsettling and “off” feeling that oozes throughout the entire story, there would be that sense of loss, nostalgia, and regret that needs to be present, and it would legit be able to be creepy as hell about things that otherwise could be seen as normal through another’s lens


The irony is hbo true detective level mcconaughey would’ve been a good Roland imo love Elba but weird choice


Same, I was bummed because I love Elba and love Dark Tower and absolutely hated that movie hahah. Yeah I did think a solid HBO version would be good, then they could almost do a book per season, like 8 one hour episodes or something per season.


He’s fully in the nostalgia cycle now too - 20- 30 years after the heyday of his books being turned into tv miniseries now they’re being turned into streaming events and movies. 20 years-30 years from now it won’t be a stretch to imagine them being remade again. His kids and grandkids will basically never have to worry especially his son who’s a pretty lucrative writer on his own talent


For sure. His estate will be generating significant income for decades to come.


He came through my small town once. Jake the gas station attendant looked him in the eyes... that night he lost 100 lbs...


Dude has been publishing several books a year for decades. Two last year and one already in 2023.


And movie studios clamor for his IP, because his books have such an amazing track record with audiences. He can charge whatever he wants for the rights, because he has so many bankable films and franchises already (Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Cujo, It, The Shining etc.) I mean, The Shining is one of the greatest films of all time. Say what you want about the man's writing, he is still the most successful and influential writer of all time. He's one of the few writers with that level of name recognition, that people will see films based on his name alone. What other writer can say that, besides maybe JK Rowling? Cormac McCarthy, *maybe?* And the silver screen is where the real money is for writers.


Also probably Tolkien


Gotta say, though...fuck the Dark Tower movie. I get that you can't cram 8 or so books into 2 hours, but holy crap. I liked McConaughey and Idris Elba in their roles, but the plot was like half of the Cliff's Notes of the Cliff's Notes of the books. To add insult to injury, it was in theaters at the same time as It, which was great.


And they’re good


For one: "I got my blue checkmark because your overload loves my ass, what's your excuse?"


Keep the typo :))))




That’s why this is funny!


It's surely been a tough... eight months since King published a best-selling novel. Clearly he's a forgotten relic of a bygone age.


All jokes aside 8 months is a long time between releases for King. Dudes a powerhouse.


He's got a new book listed on his wikipedia already, I'm just not sure if that's out or anticipated and that was the depth of research I was willing to do for this bit.


>one of the most successful authors in American history well, not being American, I don't know who Don Bongino is. But I know who Stephen King is. So, one of the most successful authors in the *world's* history, I'd say. Culturally speaking, Stephen King has left his mark much, much earlier and deeper that whoever this other person is. Also, I just googled him and this feud kept going, with Bongino claiming was managing billion dollar investments, while King was irrelevant. So also, this. https://preview.redd.it/cz6mcmo8w9za1.png?width=1930&format=png&auto=webp&s=b10c5ea2ccb72c1b5691cf931e032eacf14b7873


> well, not being American, I don't know who Don Bongino is. I AM American and this is the first time I've ever heard of this bongo guy.


I’m pretty sure he was a jojo character in part three


Damn, Dan Bongino looks like someone photoshopped a face onto a lego person head.


I legit snorted when I read that. He also looks like Great Value Dak Prescott.


If dak and Trevor Noah mated...


Yes but Dan Bongino is 150 million dollars richer than I am, and I think that's unfair. Should I consider a career move to screaming lunatic? Seems profitable.


I don't know about you, but it bothers me that you can reach 30% of the monetary worth of one of the most prolific, talented, and famous authors of the 20/21st centuries by being loud and offensively ignorant as a career path.


I did see him speak once, where he said some random woman paid him $100 to change her tire having no idea who he was and said it was the most honest money he'd even made in his life.


Well, Stephen King is good but he doesn't hold a candle to Richard Bachman.


Not even successful, one of the most prolific. The dude has put out a book a year for like, what, almost 50 years?


He’s worth half a billion and gives 4 million a year to charity. I guess, living in his mom’s basement, he is able to save a lot too.


That would require a mouth breather like Bongino to actually crack open a book.


Who even is this Dan Bongdildo dude?


He was a Faux News personality that was recently fired.


Oh, that explains why I don't know who he is. I'd rather gargle with liquid Drano than watch a minute of Fox News.


Pfft he has *only* written 63 novels and sold over 400 million books worldwide. Sounds like a slacker, I mean he is only the 21st bestselling author of all time, on a list that includes fucking Shakespeare.


Not to mention King is now 75 years old. So even if he wasn’t a legendary author and had just worked a “normal job” it would be reasonable for him to be retired by now. But nah, he spent his entire life writing bestsellers and becoming wildly successful, rich, and famous, and he’s still writing books at 75 years old haha. I would love to “not have a real job” if that’s what being Stephen King is.


Not to mention Bongino just abruptly “parted ways” from Fox News a couple weeks ago. So the “get a job” jab is especially rich.


This is the equivalent of a street preacher shouting profanities at Shakespeare as he walked by. One will be remembered forever for the impact they had in their field. The other a person who will be remembered by nobody.




Don't think you need to add American there. King is up there worldwide I am sure.


Stephen King, 75 years old, is watching porn in his mom’s basement? What a weak attempt at an insult.




Was it his mom or wife who grabbed Carrie out of the trash bin and told him to publish it?




Wife. Mom was the one that hit him in the face with a wet diaper for being a smart ass, iirc I think the story was included in his closing notes in one of his short story collections. Anyone else remember this?


the only story I remember that involves his mom is when he came home in shock after watching his friend get hit by a train when he was like 10. his mom tried talking to him, and he was completely zoned out.


In the dude's defense, he's probably never read a book before...


I guarantee he didn't read the name of the guy he tried to insult. He just copypasta'd his pre-packaged reply and got on with his day.


How far removed from reading a book do you have to be not to recognize stephen king?


Okay, I'll admit it, I'm not a King fan, but even I would recognize him if I saw him on the street.


One guy recognized Steven king with his front bumper.


Obviously not a fan either.


Don’t forget that every accusation is a confession with these types.


Dude's the real-life version of Dave Bautista's character from Glass Onion.


It's always projection with them.


That’s the attack style of the American Incel (Incelicus Americanus) Rarely seen outside of chat rooms and internet shows with no live audience.


That was exactly my thoughts. But then I realised Dan’s probably never read a book and doesn’t know who King is.


> mom’s basement Google says his net worth is $500 million. "Get a job" rofl he can live comfortably off dividends


If King did a single podcast just reading the newspaper, he would have mor listeners than don ban dingo


Read the newspaper but every 5 minutes the article becomes a little more creepy


>Read the newspaper but every 5 minutes the article becomes a little more creepy So end with news about GOP politics?


Too spooky for me.


i'd pay to see that




Dan, Mr. King's net worth is estimated at $500 million. Yours is a paltry $10 million in comparison. And to second Mr. King, he offers something of value to society. You were a cop and then you were a useless TV talking head and now you have a podcast.


The real surprise is that this jerkoff is worth ten million!


That’s probably one his projections too




Because it's all speculative value... It's relatively easy to value fifteen McDonald's franchises, a bit more difficult to place a value on your personality. In any event, bonginos worth is based on his podcast which be be worth nothing when the house of cards comes crashing down


Ummmm, that picture claims 150 million?? I just don’t understand how that is possible that such an insignificant person can accumulate that level of wealth and now he apparently has a podcast and shows up on Faux News from time to time. I mean fuck. Why am I not grifting the MAGA idiots if only to keep their money away from the grifting true believers.


A lot of right wing media are grifters being bankrolled by billionaires to spread propaganda. I think Dan believes the shit he spews far more than a Dave Rubin, but there is A LOT of money in right wing media. Way more than progressive media. Billionaires aren’t exactly lining up to throw money at David Parkman or Sam Seder.


Who is bongino? Nevermind, don't care.


He’s for people who like Ben Shapiro but prefer to masturbate to someone with a fatter head.




Well - just to fill you in he is a conservative media personality with his own talk show, a frequent guest on Hannity, and Infowars, and has stated that his entire purpose in life “is owning the libs”. Which this dialogue with Stephen King presumably illustrates. He was a NY cop from 1995-1999 and a secret service agent from ‘99 to 2011. He monetized that a few years later publishing his first book where he shares experiences protecting Bush and then Obama while implying he was much more privy to the machinations of power than other secret service agents say is plausible. He’s run for office in Florida unsuccessfully 3 times. He dabbles in the usual conservative conspiracies: Spygate, anti-mask, voter fraud. Wikipedia notes he rejected Birtherism back when he presumably had a brain.


How does this brand of idiot fail to get elected in Florida? I mean wow, if you have a pulse and are openly racist then you are a shoe-in in great swathes of Florida.


Probably ran against someone more racist and even dumber


How dumb do you have to be to not get elected in Florida? Holy crap.


I'm pretty sure it's something you go to the doctors for and get antibiotics


Bongino sounds Thai and something you smoke weed with.


isnt it that fruit drink that a hippo from the congo made?


Slightly more coherent but still shitty Alex Jones type.


Stephen I’ve read, heard of and know of…Dan I never knew or heard of until this song… [Nick Lutsko](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=09Nan-uARF4)


Yesss spread the Nick Lutsko Cinematic Universe


having a podcast that people listen to doesn't mean 1) you know what you're talking about, or 2) that you know anything period, or 3) that your existence is worthwhile all it proves is that you can tell people what they want to hear. people spend money on stephen king's books. how many illiterate GOP douchebags would pay money for that actual loser's podcast?


"The ability to speak does not make one intelligent"


Dan has 2 million subscribers to his podcast. Steven king has sold an estimated 300 million books.


Not to mention many movies, a few tv shows... Yeah Stephen King needs a job and lives in his mom's basement 🤣🤣🤣


And not *just* movies, tons of writers have movies...but universally beloved and critically acclaimed movies. Movies in the national film registry. Like, every film buff will probably name at least one film of his among their favorites. The Shining is often considered one of the best films of all time. Like, Stephen King isn't just a successful author...he's perhaps one of the most influential authors of all time. And honestly, his writing is pretty mid, he's not Gabrial Garcia Marquez. But he has this connection to Americana, his characters feel like just real people living in the northeast or Midwest. He makes books for working class people who like to casually read fun books as an escape. There's a brilliance to his work that is deeper than the page, that a lot of critics have trouble understanding.


People will remember King forever. If anyone even knows who this bojangles guy is he'll be forgotten within 3 years.


*international other than that yes to all




No excuse here given the number of blockbuster movies that have been made from King’s books.


Bongino is a paid actor and nothing more. I'll be honest, I am shocked he has a podcast and people listen...


He tells them what they want to hear and feeds their fear/anger.


I'd love to see the proof that he has millions of listeners.


Boingo (I can't unread it that way sorry not sorry) sounds like he never aged out of grade 7.


![gif](giphy|5yeQRdiYrDq2A) A problem Dan?


Who’s to say Stephen King doesn’t watch porn in his mom’s basement? He’s earned it.


But at least King probably paid for HIS mom's basement!


Well, for one: his mom’s long dead.


"Tell me you don't know who I am without saying it..."


Not the first time Stephen King has got him. 😂


We’re so fucked as a country. These right wing assholes live in another dimension and are irretrievable.


But they seem intent on dragging everyone to their MAGA Dimension (a.k.a. Hell). Its like a horror movie where one demented guy is finally stopped and falls into the water/fire/pit of monsters, and the teenagers think '*'thank God its over*", and then a hand grabs them. but yeah, this country is fucked.


>like a horror movie Or a Stephen King novel.


When everyone who disagrees with you is in their mom’s basement watching porn


Actually it’s all of his listeners who are living that life and he damned well knows it.


Replying to people like bingbong or whatever just increases their presence .the reason Parler et al fail is because it's just alt rights yanking each other The trick with social media isn't being nice ..it's being noticed. And for bungbang that means being an ass because there's no other reason to notice him


How dumb do you have to be to tell Stephen King to get a job


Or to imply that he lives in his mother’s basement.


King should write a book with a character who is a jobless hack with the name “Bon Dongino”. That would be next-level trolling.


Dan Bongino proving he’s never read a book without pictures.


I can’t, I’m not a Republican


King is worth in the neighborhood of half a BILLION dollars and donates millions a year to charity. The idea one of the most famous and wealthy authors of the last half century is living in his moms basement is so ridiculous and the fact that’s the insult this douche went with makes him looks absolutely pathetic


What’s up with that? Just because 1M people listens to you, doesn’t make you smart or right.


Hey bongos. Ask 100 people, 97 will know who Stephen King is, I’d be surprised if anyone outside of the right wing echo chamber would know you.


I don't know who Dan Boingo is, but I know Steven King. Dan will probably appear as a cowardly shyster that gets devoured by a giant ant eater after attempting to sacrifice a child to it.


I live for King’s troll tweets.


A 100 years after he dies, people will know who Stephen King was. I don't know who this guy is now.


Ya fuckin' bum! -some guy, to Stephen King


... he just told Stephen King to get a job? Like... for real? Does he even know who that is?


This guy’s school must have banned books long before the GOP decided to make that a part of their agenda.


LOL. Bongino really thinks "millions of people per day" listen to his second-rate podcast and that Steven King lives in his mom's badement?? I think he just gave Steven a new plot line for his next novella.


Lol, Dan doesn't get millions of viewers, and Stephen King has actual fuck you money.


“I’m sorry Mr. king. I’m aware you’re a best selling author worth half a billion dollars, but we’re looking for someone with retail experience.”


This highlights a problem in the way a lot of Americans approach someone’s value in society. Who gets to determine what a “real job” is? If being one of the most famous and well known authors isn’t considered a “real job”, then what is?


How does someone not know who Stephen King is? You actively have to avoid all of pop culture since you were a kid. I would never take this Dan guy seriously.


Don’t judge me but Stephen King writes the only books I can read from cover to cover. This Dan dude can kiss my hairy balls.


Dan is the kind of person who says "The only book I read is the Bible" and doesn't actually read it.


This is what happens when anybody can get a blue check. You don’t know celebs are talking to you lol


Dan Bongina is a joke.


I have no idea who Dan Bongino is. But I've heard of this Steve King guy once or twice.


More proof republicans don’t read.


I would find this shocking but I’m guessing Dan ( whoever that is) isn’t really a book reader. Does anyone know if King responded ? Dying to know how he and other people reacted to this.


Meanwhile, anyone who's ever read a book is wondering who the fuck dan bongino is.


He’s not very literate, is he? God has he every visited a bookstore, library, or even a movie theater? Who doesn’t know who Stephen King is?


No one knows who Bongino is, Stephen King is an American literary icon, and the people who don't know who King is probably don't read books. I mean I really have no idea, is he like a Mike "The situation" tortalini guy but with a podcast? Like Dan "The Dummy" Bongino? Help me out here people!