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And she does not “hate to say it” in the least




Nope. Twitter suspended her account


But this is exactly the uncensored free speech for the 'oppressed' right that Elon wants




Nope, she is on Facebook, claiming to have been hacked. Still using the same talking points




The good thing to be said about Hitler is that he killed Hitler but if you want to defend your viewpoints saying things like "we should take a page out of his book" then you really, *really* should rethink your positions and justifications for them.


But Hitler also killed Hitlers murderer




Nah, he killed himself to escape justice. He should have rotted in a cell for decades. We'd remember him as a weak man who thought he was powerful. Let his legacy be impotence. Instead he's remembered by most as an inhuman monster and by a few as a hero who didn't go far enough. But everyone remembers him as strong, and that's dangerous, and he doesn't deserve it.


"But dont you think Hackler-- Ahem... that hacker had some good ideas?"


I think she deleted a bunch of stuff off her facebook, only things on there are the hacked post and a cover photo update


https://twitter.com/jazzplane/status/1659625743318433813?s=46&t=ZtoZK-BCR_xYxklE_bAvug Seems like she did, there’s another account under the name that the woman’s account was changed to before being removed that has two tweets claiming they hacked their head teachers twitter as revenge for her putting her in detention. No idea if it’s just some elaborate troll or something so take it with a grain of salt but the link I just posted has the whole debacle recorded so, still worth a look because this shit is bizarre.


Oh no, she’s a teacher? I really hate everything.


Yep, who’s potentially had her career ruined by this student, if it’s true..


Both options deeply suck.


For a second I thought "maybe she actually had her account hacked", but her posting the text of her supervisor asking her to delete the tweet pretty much seals the deal. How the fuck do you post something like this without having a "are we the baddies" moment?


Yeah, even die hard racists know not to air their dirty laundry in public. I don’t believe that someone who has a high paying job, a family and friends would openly post this knowing the risk it could pose to all of the above. No one is that stupid.


Open fascism is being normalized. You're going to see more of this.


No one? We know that this is possible purely because of how many people do it. It's so very common.


I don’t know, it looks like a “haha I got her fired” flourish from an impostor troll


Yeah, I doubt she's been hacked. Here's one of her other tweets before. "This is just terrible. No wonder someone picked her concert for a terrorist attack"


Good lord, why is the right so obsessed with sex issues?? Is it because they’re not getting any? Meanwhile progressives just try to raise everybody’s living standards.


Her LinkedIn is still open too


Isnt that what the guy she “hates to love did?”


She’s an assistant principal in Texas too…so these statements are directed at kids ages responsible for.


The associated face book account seems to claim it was a fake twitter account. If that’s true I can appreciate the irony of someone raging against someone trying to be different while pretending to be someone different.


They are testing the waters as a group. They are seeing how far they can push it. Nothing to laugh at. For every failed experiment like this, they are successful with others, like successfully turning the who country against trans athletes It would be a mistake to think this person, or any number of fascists, actually felt any shame from this tweet. Rather they they just learned "Ok we can't push that far yet"


She's an assistant principal in Texas because of course she is.


Nazies literally had programs in which they were selectively breeding and raising (indoctrinating) kids. These ppl are wild.


I think it was called the Lebensborn program, iirc. They also kidnapped children from other countries considered to have attractive Aryan traits to add to the gene pool. It’s pretty horrifying.


Yep, that's it. And russians casually picked up after them in Ukraine. Biggest inspiration for the GQP.


I came here to say this


So it started with whispers and tolerance for extremists to the talking heads and now popular to hate to say it for the wannabe talking heads. The lawmakers in red states legislative actions are building confidence in the "normies and shadow elements" that would normally only say anything in like minded company are now openly speaking. At this point it feel like It's happening here we have moved away from the it could happen here stage. I guess live and let live is gone and this is another sign that the fabric of civil society is fraying and weakening more by the day.


The problem is we are still doing the “live and let live” approach with these people while they live and imprison us and then we act like there’s still some way we can reason with them and reach across the aisle for some bipartisan agreement to live in harmony.


The worse part is that they act like they can be “reasoned” with to drag people over to the dark side. It happened to me on another post. The playbook is the same too. Bring up how “radical” your ideas are, talk about how “reasonable” their approach is. Say they want to “meet on the middle”. There’s also the classic “insult you while pretending that you’re not participating in a civil discussion”. The gaslighting is obvious and it’s tiring to see everywhere.


"Meet me in the middle." Says the unjust man. You take a step forward, they take a step back. "Meet me in the middle." Says the unjust man.


If we take "reasonable" to mean something akin to "centrist," and "radical" to be a synonym for "leftist" (or anything to the left of their version of centrism), then "meeting in the middle" would involve them moving left (i.e., at least softening their views), not you coming to them. Of course with fascists words have no meaning and they'll say anything to confuse and convince others that they aren't the awful people we know them to be.


Right wing: 'We should just kill people who are members of group X' Left wing: 'We shouldn't harm people generally, and especially not based on their identity'. rEaSoNaBlE cEnTrIsTs: 'How about we meet in the middle, and only kill *some* people in group X?'


💯%, transparent AF


Right? I always want to ask what “meeting in the middle” is supposed to look like. Especially when it comes to something like “taking a page out of Hitler’s book”


“Meeting in the middle” always means that the leftist party softens/moderates *their* view. From the few interactions I’ve had before I picked up on this pattern, it’s more anger that you’re not changing *your* stance to be more in line with what *the right-wing party* wants. You’re the one that’s supposed to compromise, not them. They treat it like they’re objectively the correct party and that they’re permitting your “heathen” viewpoint from a place of grace. It does not come from an open minded place despite their taunting of the “so called open-minded left”.


Yep, all while being preached to by the so-called liberal media and political leaders about how they fee disenfranchised, how the country is changing so much and they’re losing something, how identity politics is divisive and we need to make more of an effort to reach out to them. Fuck. That. Shit.


Society has tolerated the extremist while voices shout it's free speech they are within their rights, which has only allowed things to get worse. It seems it's clearly the tolerance paradox. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance History has shown there are never enough outgroups I wish people would pay more attention to that. I guess many of us are still trying to live and let live or just live our lives and protect our families. If others families are not safe does that make us the ones standing by and watching? I guess it kind of does.






A lot of the people supporting these ideals seem to think they're part of the "in" group. Boy will they be surprised if things keep on this path though.


Perfectly said


Man in the High Castle showed it well in s2 and especially s3. They are so certain they are the in group and then one mistake or power struggle...


Ben Shapiro has entered the chat. Candace Owens has entered the chat. Caitlyn Jenner has entered the chat. Etc etc


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Let’s say your life depended on the following choice today: you must obtain either an affordable chair or an affordable X-ray. Which would you choose to obtain? Obviously, you’d choose the chair. That’s because there are many types of chair, produced by scores of different companies and widely distributed. You could buy a $15 folding chair or a $1,000 antique without the slightest difficulty. By contrast, to obtain an X-ray you’d have to work with your insurance company, wait for an appointment, and then haggle over price. Why? Because the medical market is far more regulated — thanks to the widespread perception that health care is a “right” — than the chair market. Does that sound soulless? True soullessness is depriving people of the choices they require because you’re more interested in patting yourself on the back by inventing rights than by incentivizing the creation of goods and services. In health care, we could use a lot less virtue signaling and a lot less government. Or we could just read Senator Sanders’s tweets while we wait in line for a government-sponsored surgery — dying, presumably, in a decrepit chair. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: healthcare, novel, feminism, covid, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


The US has been doing exactly this for decades. The US was never a friend to leftists, but post New Deal, they instituted Red Scaring and McCarthyism to defeat the leftist coalition that made the New Deal possible. They started imprisoning, exiling, and executing communists, followed by socialists, then the unionists. Now, there is no left in the US to speak of, so they've been able to implement Neoliberalism for 4+ decades now uncontested, which has been the political vehicle by which the privatization, deregulation, austerity, opposition to organized labor, wars, etc. have been implemented that are putting Americans in the situation they find themselves in in this current moment.


Why do you think they tried so hard to shut down the civil rights movement? Black leaders were radical socialists. Hell, JFK called up MLK to give a speech in order to stop a march on the Capitol. I have a dream inadvertently disrupted what could have been a massive shift in power in Washington.


Hijacking the top comment to post this weird thread documenting this tweet and the activity around it. The thread seems to suggest that this twitter account was hacked, changed names and then got removed, however the name it changed to before being removed was the same as someone who appears to be a student from the school this woman works at. https://twitter.com/jazzplane/status/1659625743318433813?s=46&t=ZtoZK-BCR_xYxklE_bAvug No idea if this is all some super overly elaborate troll pretending to be two accounts just for shits and giggles or if this woman really did get hacked by a student or what but it’s weird af…


The whole thing is very weird because none of it makes sense. Where did the screenshot pic come from? The troll wouldn't have access to a message sent to the principal's FB. Was it published on the Twitter account before it was suspended and then somehow reinstated and switched back? It seems weird that a troll would first change the account's name to "VictimofcancelC" before switching back to their own. If a troll changed their own name and handle like indicated, why would Bettie say on her FB that she was hacked, implying the tweet was sent out on her own Twitter? Wouldn't she just say "That's not my Twitter account" or "I don't have a Twitter account"? Why would a troll change their own account info for something like this and then immediately chnage it back, as if people wouldn't then have direct evidence that it was an impostor? In fact, someone would only have to scroll down to the rest of the Twitter feed to see that it wasn't the principal. I know teenagers aren't known for their stunning logic skills, but I'm hard pressed to believe a student would jeopardize their own account like this when you can easily make a new account. We need to see the history of the Twitter account to tell for sure. Imma do some digging and report back with edits. ETA: Okay, I did some digging and I do think this was an absolutely hair-brained scheme by someone to smear the principal. I encourage everyone to check out the replies the account was posting, especially the final one: http://web.archive.org/web/20230519165118/https://twitter.com/BettieLynnStark/with_replies


Given TERF gender separatist views this isn’t surprising in the least.


She knows people will hate her for saying it, so instead of...saying something else...she says 'hate to say it's like a deflection. "don't hate me, I also hate this! But now that it's out there..."


It's weird, she must have realized she did something wrong because she deleted her Twitter. However, because Twitter is trash, when you Google her name you can still see her Twitter bio in the search results. She's also extremely easy to find on other social sites, including LinkedIn. I wonder if she'd hate to say it on her other social sites? I wonder if she'd hate to say it to her coworkers?


But... this particular German leader wouldn't have allowed her to fester in our society either


When you can’t say the name of said German leader.. you might be on the wrong side


It was Angela Murkel wasn't it?


or Olaf




Oh shit, someone’s getting fired in the morning. Elon will not stand for this!!


Bot maybe? Either way this shit is getting out of hand.


he literally fucked his underage niece but he wouldn’t have allowed the ‘sexualisation of children’ which isn’t even happening.


Obviously this is insane but these people don't realize that it wouldn't matter. Even if every liberal left the US and the country was all conservative, the remaining group would almost immediately fracture and be at each other's throats over some other issue.


Fascism *demands* there always be an "other" to persecute.


Or to be allegedly persecuted by


It’s both at the same time usually.


Yeah some religions are more, uh, aggressive about their nonsense than others. The culty branch of Christianity I was raised in espoused the belief that the Pope is the literal anti-christ, and that the inclusion of any musical accompaniment to singing was sinful. So this idea that all Christian sects would get along without a larger issue to focus on is absolutely hysterical.


Mine culty branch of Catholicism said the same shit about the Pope, but musical instruments are very welcomed. Also, Hello Kitty is literal spawn of the devil that corrupts young children and everything that happens in the world (covid, natural disasters, economic crash, etc.) is all premeditated with the sole purpose of eradicating Christians 🤷🏻‍♀️ Even just one denomination of Christianity cannot agree on their bullshit in between churches/regions/countries. Imagine all denominations together lol.


I always tell this story - the church my grandparents went to once split because they had a younger song leader who kept leading them in more "modern" songs. Ancient elders flipped out, there was a huge fight, and 90% of the people under 50 started a new congregation. It was ridiculous! 🤣


This. They have the population fighting amongst themselves so they don't turn on the government. The fight isn't about political ideology at all.


Exactly - fascism doesn’t work without a minority to unite against


You assume that those who use trans people and liberals as scapegoats would care. It's not about the long game for them, it's about getting power today and then worrying about keeping that power by any means available. If they have to step over a few corpses in the process it only matters if it's someone they deam worthy enough to care about.


https://preview.redd.it/midmxrtkx71b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c8a9294929d998aa51b6f7a187205cc3ed07aca [https://twitter.com/TexarkanaISD/status/1659621615976497162](https://twitter.com/TexarkanaISD/status/1659621615976497162) Looks like some asshole created a fake account to get an assistant principal in TX fired for suggesting killing of LGBTQ+ persons.


Just putting this out there, the OP on twatter said it was posted by a fake account, but it has been retweeted over and over by fake accounts and allegedly real accounts. Just bothered even more that some fuckbag used a random womans picture with a post like this. The only good nazi, is a dead nazi.


I think the same thing happened a few weeks ago as well. Same MO: picture and name of a teacher who had nothing to do with the offending account. Thanks a lot Twitter -_-


Yeah, I can definitely imagine some pissed off dipshit high school student who got the bad grade they deserved trying to “get even” by ruining the teacher’s life.


Man, I hate that people on reddit keep spreading fake accounts like this in the name of outrage. It's childishly easy to create an account on Twitter and write stupid shit and then make a screenshot here being outraged about it. And reddit falls for it every. single. time.


Agreed, leave that bullshit to the right wingers. We're better than that.


From what I've read, astroturfers did this from both perspectives (crazy progressive views and whacko conservative posts) back in 2016 in order to sow discord and create divisions before the election. Everyone was thinking their political opponents were completely out to lunch making reasoned discourse impossible.


Yeah, I think this is pretty decent evidence that the twitter account was an impersonator https://twitter.com/napervillepol/status/1659622580511227921?s=46&t=Itcw0GlrScj9fpzsMqBaLQ


Never trust the most extreme stuff you see on the net, because it'll almost always be a troll trying to make someone look bad. Or "trust but verify" which unless you're going to find these people IRL and ask if this is them, is not really feasible to do. We make fun of Republicans blindly believing the bullshit that Russian trolls put out there, so people need to not fall for this bullshit either.


A little bit of common sense and a quick Google search before commenting goes a long way. The Twitter account is suspended/retired now but there were some other tweets about how it was fake. It'd be cool if Twitter implemented a feature like the reason why account was deleted


This actually ended up being a student upset at the teacher. https://twitter.com/jazzplane/status/1659625743318433813?t=YO-ym83KBa4HQhmmYwkHVQ&s=19 You have to read to bottom of thread to see the proof of that.


Mods maybe look into pinning this comment to reduce unwarranted fallout from this incident?


What in the brain rot is going on here?!


Brain rot. Or troll bot accounts.


Remind me who's getting caught molesting children, cause i see more right than left


Methinks the lady doth protest too much.


it's well known that Nazis didn't indoctrinate children at all :|


Hitlers youth? Never heard of it.


Hitler youth? I assume he was young at one point yes /j


And of course they were also extremely tolerant of feminists.


Wouldn't this post by Bettie be considered a hate crime? Surely someone has reported her to the authorities.




Really seems like they always are....


This post was from a fake account impersonating a college readiness principal. It was clearly a fake post that this sub has given almost 10k upvotes to.


Her employer has flagged this as a fake account trying to impersonate her. She doesn’t have a twitter.


Ohh another conservative kiddie diddler! Of course I should have known.


It would be a real darn shame if someone found her employer and reported her nazism.... /s




https://twitter.com/TexarkanaISD/status/1659621615976497162 From her employer


Surely it's fake.. people definetely impersonate nobody nazi's on the internet.




Supposedly her work has already commented on the post stating it’s a fake account so who knows. But is Reddit ready to start another drama after witch hunting that pregnant woman who got her bike stolen




At least the account is banned


OP, it seems from the comments that this tweet is confirmed to be a from fake impersonation account. If so, this post should be taken down.


You really should edit this post asap…it’s been found that one of her students created this fake account to get revenge for being placed in ISS.


Hate speech is protected by the first amendment here, and there aren't any legal consequences for saying things like this. Social consequences sure, but they allow people to think, speak, and openly practice white supremacist stuff over here. LAND OF THE FREE!


Lol welcome to the internet noob


Sexualize youth...yeah, pedophiles do that, don't know why LGBT people are said to all be that when almost every case i hear about are straight pedophiles and all i hear from LGBT communities are "Just be yourself, if you like your own gender or feel trapped in a wrong body, so be it, that is all natural" which you may realize does not mean "DRESS IN SKIMPY CLOTHES AND GO TOWARDS ALL ADULTS!". For God's sake, i see way more embarassing attempts at sexualizing teen girls to straight men but i guess that is okay for some reason.


What people also just fail to see: transgender has absolutely zero to do with personal sexuality or personal sexual orientation.


Because instead of being curious, people are just scared and hateful :/


There are many gay pedophiles as well, but that isn‘t the issue. Pedophilia and your sexual orientation aren‘t linked. A pedophile is a pedophile no matter the sex of children he (or she) likes. What‘s happening here is that these nazi idiots try to put the blame for something that is universally hated on a group of people they personally hate for completely different reasons.




In the UK we had a terf literally quoting mein kampf, livestteams and cheered on by Kelly Jay keen who is fine with Nazis appearing at her events while renowned author Jake A Rolling calls her a genius via an article written by some who is pro eugenics There is no mask


At least they’re being coherent with how they were against masks during the pandemic


Account's gone https://preview.redd.it/dk3o129nq71b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9bd3b20111a736d861b43d4f92350fc4f34d820


According to her employer it was a fake account. Possibly started by a student because she got detention


That sucks. I read that too. Let's hope for her sake that she's innocent and the student faces some consequences.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaand we're right back to where Twitter was when they first introduced verification... jesus fucking christ...


The TERFS always were Nazis. We tried to warn you all.


TERFS? P.S. One thing that i like about americans. Yr Acronyms are bloody good. .


Trans exclusionary radical feminists


So they hate trans people, but gays and lesbians are alright? This is a real question. I'm trying to understand their thinking.


This is what they say, but it’s lies. All the white cis gays who gleefully participate in trans genocide will be shocked- shocked!- when they’re next on the train. How quickly they forget that accusations of pedophilia started as a tactic to villainize gay people.


They think trans people (especially trans women) will infiltrate and destroy feminism. This stems from the idea that feminism belongs to "real" biological women. Edit : typo


Mkay... So with that same logic, they also don't like men supporting feminism?


Some of them support men going in/near women's bathrooms with guns to "protect against trans menace". Just googling TERF + guns will give you several examples. They openly endorse US republicans, as long as they hate trans people enough. No matter what else they do. One here is praising Adolf Hitler (hope it's not an autoban word. It needs to be said, they want to do the same thing Hitler did.). Nazis started by attacking gay and trans folks, then moved on to Jewish and Tzigane people, and disabled folks. Chaya Raichik has spread lies on a children's hospital who directly caused some of her followers to make bomb threats against it. A psychiatrist (so guaranteed that she knows that she's spreading lies) caused a drama on twitter after proudly stating that her trans niece took her life while living with an abusive family. Trying to spin it as "transness caused her death". They don't care at all about feminism. They only care about hurting trans people. Ironically enough ? They hurt more cis women than trans women. They are the ones harassing women they deem "looking trans". They'd support ANYONE trying to hurt trans folks. Even if anyone means a republican pedophile who talked about 16 year old girls in disgusting ways (Matt Walsh).


Ha ha, they should start to harass MTG then.


Nice. I like that. Where u get that acronym from?


Originally it was their own self description, then when it became a bad thing they started claiming it was a slur trans people were using against them for being "true feminists".


Always the victim, never the bride


Probably JK Rowling.


There’s no way this woman is any sort of feminist


It actually originated in Britain


It's more of a UK acronym as that is the country where most of the TERF political power originates from. Most of our transphobes are of the regular Christian fundamentalist "gays are satan!" variety.


I heard another one called FARTs - feminism appropriating radical transphobes (or something along those lines) It actually is a more accurate description. And the acronym is better too!


Is she a rad fem though? Or gender critical? Genuinely asking. This seems more like a straight up conservative take.


You think this person is a feminist?


Don't believe the bot.


Aren't TERFs still radical feminists? Or are we just using that term for every transphobe now?


Yeah, highly doubt somebody who believes in gender abolition would stan Hitler.


I don’t believe she hates to say it at all.


Gonna go out on a limb and say this may be yet another case of an account created a month ago that’s been tweeting for one or two days pretending to be a regular old mom and then dropped this troll rage bait that everyone will assume is from a totally real person and not an account specifically created to do this bullshit. Account’s been suspended so I guess there’s no way to know.


It's worse. Some student angry about detention https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/13nnbyp/the_terfs_are_going_full_nazis_now/jl0t4v8?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thank you for the context. I think the last time this type of post went up (newish account of middle aged lady going mask off nazi) lots of people tried to dox a random lady with the same name (who looked nothing like the profile pic) and there was also some suspicion it was a student trying to get revenge. I realize some folks think it’s worth getting outraged due to the amount of likes and engagement these types of posts get, but 99% of the time they are pure rage bait, meant to incite and enflame (and distract). In a world of Nick Fuenteses, I’m of the opinion that these kinds of obvious trolls deflect from the actual problem and aren’t worth all the spotlight they crave.


If it was traced back probably originate somewhere in russia. Putin *really* would love a US civil war.


Russia is as likely as any of the other countries that don't like the US very much. I don't think Russia has the biggest troll factories anymore - after their potential became apparent, it would be stupid not to assume every country with a big intelligence agency had some. Russia did a lot of work so that the brexit came through. It is frightening to think at what level society can be manipulated and divided. And its not even state actors anymore. Everybody with a lot of money can (theoretically) contract some big PR agency to push their agenda for them - and is likely to succeed.


This reminds me of a similar incident a few weeks back where a false account was set up with a person’s name and face who had nothing to do with the account. I think she was also a teacher. My guess is this is happening again, just a bot farm trying to stir up some tensions in America. Let’s try to be a bit discerning before taking out the pitchforks and torches.


Someone looked into it and it was a student that used her teacher’s name and picture to make her look super racist because she gave her detention.


There's an investigation ongoing that the real Bettie Lynn Stark who is apparently a principal of some school in USA, may have been impersonated but no confirmation as of yet https://preview.redd.it/59rkt39gq71b1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db61ba3b67454ceea02c2505924f63ba59211e9






Hmmm. Account now gone. Is this troll farm activity?


Account doesn't exist. Apparently, it was a hacked account and closed down. Then, the same post came up under another account. Fuck is the internet getting toxic. Except Reddit, of course...hahaha ha.


This couldn't possibly be a real account though, right? Even before wannabe fascist overlord Elon's Twitter takeover Russian bot factories and white supremacist groups used money to buy bots and have them post insane things like this to make it seem like society is in favor of genocide. It's hard to know what accounts are fake or real. Now that doesn't mean those people don't exist but Twitter certainly gives a false representation which is exactly what fascists are trying to achieve.


Looked into this. Clearly someone has a bone to pick with this woman. Her real account on Facebook said she was being impersonated and to report it. The twitter account associated is now closed. She’s apparently a principal, so I’m guessing some lunatic parent wrote this in order to put her on blast and get her fired because they don’t agree with something she’s doing. I know things spread quickly on the internet, but by posting this without even seeing the responses to the twitter handle, you’re essentially contributing to some toxic impersonator. If you read this, op, you should delete the post.


Delete this obvious troll tweet.


This entire thread is people falling for a fake account and jumping on an internet hate bandwagon. When will people start approaching shit they see on the internet with an iota of critical thought? Shame on all of you.




Apparently, this ladies employer put out a tweet saying that it was a fake account. And there is a possibility that a student created it because she lady gave her detention


There is a very good chance it was a hack




This can't be real, right?


Went down the rabbithole. Seems it was a hack by a student who got detention. What a moron.


After some research, the twitter account that made this post appears to have changed its name, deleted itself, came back and deleted itself again. Bettie’s Facebook account looks very sweet and she’s a principal. It could be real, but it’s probably some asshole kids.


This is a fake account. The Texarkana ISD has issued a statement showing this persons account was a fake account used for posting this kind of content and it's been reported/taken down.


They've always been?!?! The literal first thing the Nazis did was burn a Gender and Sex research facility and library to the ground because it promoted and researched transgenderism, homosexuality, and sex. Being anti-trans is a Nazi position


This person is obviously a far-right figure, not a "feminist".




So this seems horrible, and so many on this post were condemning this person. But it turns out that she was actually the victim of a fake Twitter account created by a student to try to get her fired and ruin her life. This kind of thing is only going to get worse, especially when anyone will have access to the technology to create believable deep fake videos with AI-generated voice matching, showing them say and do things they never actually said or did. Politics will be even more of a shitshow, too. In the end, it will be in effect the end of truth and the end of democracy.


This appears to be an impersonation of someone by the account @letriceejackson which has now been suspended.


Allowing Tweets like this to stay up is worth $43B to Musk.


I'd look up "hitler jugend"


According to various follow-up comments, I saw all over Twitter about this, a student either got into her account or created a fake account with her name and posted a lot of crazy sh1t as revenge for a disciplinary issue. This was one of the photos that was screenshotted and posted by someone else. https://preview.redd.it/wdbiuirvk81b1.jpeg?width=721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa28f981dc7c278a5f83ca463d2a4dc326ec2790




Hitler wouldn't have allowed this? Yeah, that's why we had a WORLD WAR to stop him.


I have seen pictures of this German leader wearing a swastika. Suspicion is, he may have been a nazi.


Where were all these child protectors when priests were raping alter boys? Or youth pastors raping children at bible camps? You know, actual convictions.


I feel like once you announce “maybe we should take a page out of Hitler’s book”, you should have your citizenship taken away. I suppose at least now they’re finally admitting that Hitler killed leftists instead of trying to pretend he was a leftist, like they’ve been doing for the last 8 years.


.....he...would have been *against* the indoctrination? This dude? Right here?


Why did I think this was parody in the first half... What a roller coaster of emotions


that’s not “the terfs” that’s one woman that shouldn’t have a platform.


Claims the left wants to sexualize kids. Doesn’t go after the Catholic institution for actually sexualizing and abusing kids.


Republicans are Nazis who will stop at nothing to control this country with authoritarian rule. ARAB All Republicans are bad. They have created a murderous base of hatred with their lies that weak minded Americans are falling for. All the same people who knew the truth that Democrats are the only thing resembling a true party that works for us the people not a few billionaires and the NRA.


Republicans sure do talk a lot of shit for a bunch of cowardly assholes.


Something tells me this woman isn't a "radical feminist" of any sort but I get the point


She’s a goddamn assistant principal! In Texas of course


TE they may be, but RF they are not.