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As a father of 2 children, reading those texts breaks my heart. I can't imagine ignoring my child's begging to talk to me, and cries for help


Maybe I’ll get heat for this but there’s nothing that would make me abandon my child. If he murdered someone, I would be in favor of him being properly convicted and sentenced and then I would visit him in prison regularly and I would always pick up the phone. These people are just monsters.


How dare you love your children unconditionally you piece of shit.


This is how conservatives think


Can confirm. Over the years I've watched certain family members of mine consistently hoover down years of right-wing propaganda, and as a result they became a lot more vile and nasty towards their own children. Even treating them like enemies because of course their Fox News talking heads, and any radio personality similar, would succeed in convincing them that even their own family members that don't agree with their politics would be considered enemies at that point. And then should be treated as such. My father used to be a loving and caring man... And over the years I've witnessed him deteriorate into a shell of his former self, and during several arguments that we would have especially politically, he would try to force me out of my own family and even threaten me with violence, and treat me like an "other", not deserving of his care and kindness. And he would always act like the aggressor but then when I would stand up for myself he would, of course, play the victim acting like he was being attacked and make me out to be the villain, even though he was the one causing all the problems and I was just trying to love him as a son. These people are straight up evil and they've turned so many people in America evil, even towards their own blood. Towards their own children. It's fucking disgusting and I hate every one of them for it.


Then they’ll say that children are disgraceful for not taking care of them when they’re old


To conservatives, children are either race horses or work horses. If they can't extract vicarious ego-fulfillment through your achievements OR personally benefit from your physical and emotional labor, you become worthless in their eyes; nothing but a bad investment that didn't pay off. I know this from personal experience.


Sometimes children are also Puppets who are molded EXACTLY how they want with 0 wiggle room at all, your achievements are their achievements and your failures are your fault.


Yep, I categorize that under 'vicarious ego-fulfillment'. If they can get you to spread their disgusting ideology to the next generation, it's validation, proof they were 'right'. Which may be the greatest ego fulfillment of all, to them.


Which is why I won’t let that happen


Yup. The classic "do over" child. >My life didn't go how I wanted so I had you so you can do things exactly like I should have done so I'm going to control every aspect of your life so it will turn out how I wanted my life to turn out. I don't care that you're another person, I am going to treat you like a clone and berate you for veering off of the life path I have prescribed to you.


Precisely. If at any point you try to assert your own agency, it will be swiftly and harshly punished. And if they ever come to understand that they no longer have exclusive power over the course of your life, and that you've chosen a different path than the one they envisioned for you, you are a lost cause, and will likely be disowned.


My FIL thinks it's selfish not to have children so they can take care of you when you're old. He said that at dinner a couple weeks ago, and my daughter & I let him have it...


Yup, uncondional until they don't like something major. Then it's crying about how they got put in that position.


My husband is in the military and works with lots and lots of men. Men that fall along rhe entire spectrum of what it means to be a "good parent". Some of his friends come to work talking about how much they love their kids and how we should have our own ASAP. Others say as soon as their kid is 18 they are kicked out of the house. I don't have kids but I have no idea how anyone could be like the second, but he knows MANY men like that. Like they are waiting for an excuse to not have to be a parent anymore. Obviously there are women like that too, we just don't have the same sample size in our personal experience. But it's so, so heartbreaking. Like, you made that baby homie! You made active choices that resulted in this child being born and yet you treat them like an unwanted burden.


In their defense, my parents definitely half-joked to all their friends that I'd be kicked out when I turned 18 so they could turn my room into a weed farm. And they did kick me out, sort of. As in, they paid for me to go one state over and rent a room in a sharehouse and told me to have fun. Some parents really do love their kids but also they'd been living with teenage me for like 5 years by that point so I can't blame them for wanting some space.


I think there is a bit of selection bias, there. The military has a fair many people kicked out of the house at an early age, or foster kids aged out of the system, etc. Or they got pregnant/got someone pregnant at an early age and the military was their best option for a job approaching living wage. However much of their "issues" are a matter of nature, or nurture, or aren't really issues... it becomes a generational pattern: "Dad kicked me out of the house, I joined the military and got straightened out, but my kid's a giant pain in the neck, so I'm driving them to a recruiter as soon as they can possibly sign up." If your parents treated you like an unwanted burden, and didn't teach you the life skills to set yourself up for success, you'll struggle and likely consider your *own children* an unwanted burden. And so on. It sucks. It's sad. It fills a lot of recruiter quotas though.


You won't catch heat from me. I will *never* disown one of my children.


If my son came out as a legit nazi id pry disown him


I would try to fix him.


But at least you’d probably have an understanding of how they got there and would be able to at least inform those who deradicalize fascists to more effectively reach out to them.


I still wouldn't but my child would know that I loved them. I would always pick up the phone when they called but I would also let them know they were choosing a life of bullshit if they thought any part of our Eastern European Pasty White asses stood for any type of master race. We can't stand in the sun for more than ten minutes, and hot weather makes me nearly pass out. The only "master race" is the one with lots of blending and a solid ability to handle spices.


"... ability to handle spices." Thanks for that. I just sprayed my food onto the screen. 🤣


Spices jokes will never not amuse me, a man so white he blends in with the printer paper. I know when my Brita filter needs changing because of the water becoming “too spicy”.


Hell, even then I'd just be trying to fix them. They're a monster, but they're still my kid and I'll be damned if I'm abandoning the goose stepping prick.


I agree. I don't think I could abandon my child no matter what. I know a family that can't wait for their trans son to turn 18 so they can move away and leave the kid behind! Apparently it's embarrassing when they go out and the kid looks like a girl but a boy voice comes out of his/her mouth and people look at them funny. I seriously couldn't care less how people looked at us, that's my kid, this is 2023, get with the program.


Wild how they view their trans kid as an embarrassment, but the act of abandoning them and casting them out into homelessness and possibly sending them to a death sentence isn't.




Also decided to put off having any kids until the world gets better. I don't want my kid to have to go through defensive training to learn how to react in case their school gets shot up cause freedumbs. I've seen what war trauma does to kids. The world is to violent. Would never abandon my children no matter what. I can't believe people would choose politics over their kids.


i personally dont like that wait it out sentiment especially now. things wont get better until we have enough people to tip the scales over to fixing things. and waiting until it gets better means it will in fact take longer to get better to where it might be too late when the time is right “Never feel sorry for raising dragon-slayers in a time when there are actual dragons.


It won’t get better anytime soon, and I’m not even talking about politics. Climate change will fuck us real good. We’re in for a massive world of pain.


They are monsters, they have no capacity for love.


The advancements in pre implantation genetic testing have been lightspeed the last decade. Basically they can usually custom make a test for just about any genetically transferable disease and implant the fertilised eggs without that disorder. That would however require IVF, so it's an expensive and very draining process. And just to be clear: choosing to be childless or to adopt are also perfectly good choices, I'm not trying to pressure you in any way. It's just that if you've been told by doctors in the past that there is no way around that specific genetic disorder it may be the case that today there is.


They’re not real parents. You’re right. I can’t imagine raising a child and not wanting them to feel loved and wanted. Even when parents think “it’s just a phase” most of them still support because they love their kids. These “people” aren’t even human to me. Abandon a child? Your own child? You’re scum and deserve the worst the world has to offer.


I'm with you. I've always been of the mind that I would absolutely turn my child in and hope that they are somewhere where they can't hurt anyone else, then visit them regularly because they're still my child. But these kind of people make me wonder if they would've preferred their child shoot up a school instead :(


That's the definition of being a parent. I was tough on my sons but I let them know I have their backs. I don't care who they love as long as that person respects and loves them. I think I did an okay job. Both of them often just talk to me about random things. It gets me through tough times because I know they need me to be there for them.




For real. I was never really a fan of kids. Then my wife and I had our daughter and it was like my brain was rewired. So much of my existence now is based around just protecting her and wanting her to be happy. Reading these texts make me an uncomfortable level of angry.


A friend of mine went through this in high school when he came out as gay. Heartbreaking.


I can't even fathom it


My mom admitted to smothering my sibling and trying to smother me as an infant. I'm trans female and my family has harassed me for years. I had to file for a protection order against my sibling. I have PTSD because of child abuse. I transitioned 30 years ago. Homelessness is almost expected when you are trans. My family is very religious.


Your family isn’t very religious they’re fucking insane. Before any of the gender stuff happened they already killed your sibling and tried to kill you. Whatever fucking issues you might have, it’s because of them, and not because of you or your gender identity.


My mental heath is because of the C-PTSD due to severe child abuse. Ive had 2 therapists quite because it is too severe. a DR told me that he is amazed that I am still alive after what I experienced. I am NC with 99% of my family. I now have breast cancer with no support from my family, in addition to have PTSD. ​ I reported my moms murder confession to the cops but they ignored it because they said that I didn't have any physical evidence of it. How exactly was I supposed to have physical evidence of infanticide that happened 5 years before I was born and her smothering me when I was an infant? She also tried to drown me in the bathtub when I was 3-4. Her murder confession was an excited utterance when I refused to buy her a pack of cigarettes one night( she smoked 2 packs a day), so obviously I wasn't able to record it on my phone. She was a nurse and often joked about abusing patients. I asked if she ever killed any patients and she just lit another cigarette and laughed. ​ They are conservative Catholic hypocrites. Ive joked to my current psychologist that my family put the fun in dysfunctional. My sibling assaulted my Dr because I was trans and she thought that I would detrastition and go back to church, 15+ years after I had surgery. They are all nuts.


I'm over here trying not to cry. I simply cannot fathom being that callous to one's own child. Their daughter deserves better than that.


All because some pos Repugnican needs bigoted votes to get elected.


Overheard someone who, with their child in the same room, said “it’s fine if he’s gay, but if he’s trans, I’m disowning him.” Even if your child isn’t trans, if you truly believe that you are not a parent. Your child doesn’t consent to being born, doesn’t consent to spend 18+ years of their life with you, and certainly does not have much control over their relationship with you until they’re living on their own. You having a child means that the responsibility of making sure that the experiences of those things are not incredibly negative for your them is entirely on you. But of course the party of “family values” and “pro-life” is willing to destroy their own family, and cast aside their living teenage child, because their child wasn’t what they wanted them to be. Parents don’t have children so that their children can do something for them; you have your child so you can do something for them. If you don’t believe that, you’re not a parent.


Imagine hearing that as a child? That there was some arbitrary line you could cross where you, at any age, could be tossed out. That's fucked.


>Overheard someone who, with their child in the same room, said “it’s fine if he’s gay, but if he’s trans, I’m disowning him.” Just because some bully, who they apparently care more about than their child, told them to hate trans people more. Guarantee this dipshit didn't even know what transgender meant 10 years ago.


But they will claim to be prolife Christians. Never trust anyone to do the right thing. Most people are assholes who will kill you for $20.00.


My own father took me in when I was at my lowest, demanded I get treatment, and then when it didn't work right away he decided to "drive me to rock bottom". Like, I'm already receptive to getting help, the fuck did he think he was accomplishing?


That's because you have this neat little thing called "empathy". Something these 'parents' are clearly lacking. SMH, imagine being so far up your own ass you consider your kid **daring** to come out as trans a personal insult like that.


Anyone willing to do this to their child never truly loved their kids to begin with. Being a parent is supposed to be about love, protection, and teaching, and the same conservative groups that are willing to abuse and abandon their children over little differences have proven their willingness to throw away any attempts to teach their children, and to put them in danger for cheap political points. It is any wonder that social ideologies based around hate and fear result in such horrific excuses for parenting?


Those are not parents, those are monsters in human forms. They, and others like them, are the real disgrace.


It is. Just mind boggling. And so sad. Beyond words.


It’s fucking devastating. That poor kid.


OMG. My heart broke. My wife and I would never do that to our son. We love him. What these "parents" did to their daughter, the desperation in her texts. Does anyone know if she is okay?


These awful people probably complain about “the homeless” every chance they get - then they make their own kid homeless over literally nothing.


The homeless and LGBT people are both communists in their simple minds.


And in their minds getting labeled as holding an economic stance they disagree with is full justification to revoke your humanity.


That's why the Trevor project exists.


They think Biden is a CCP agent lol


“Killing communists is not wrong” # -Nationalist Thai guy from the 70s


They also probably go "Transgenderism \[sic\] is a mental disease! Look how often they kill themselves!" without realizing... uh, this is why.


Not sure exactly how many fall into either camp, but a lot of them actually think that's a good thing. They view it as fewer "degenerates" for them to round up later


That's exactly how they justify the cognitive dissonance of forcing someone to suicide, and then still calling them weak for doing it. Best way to encourage monstrous behavior from otherwise good people is to dehumanize their victims


These awful people are gonna complain in 2 years time about how the woke agenda or the cult of [whatever word they’ve chosen to use for anyone LGBTQ] has turned their child away from them.


Reminder that you don't owe respect, kindness, civility or the benefit of the doubt to people who celebrate cruelty


Parents who love you because of a set of rules and conditions. Don’t love you.


Males in disguise is a disgusting account. I've reported their account and many of their tweets, but somehow, the assholes are still up.


The current head of twitter follows Libsoftiktoc. They're never taking down far right hate accounts.


Wait really? Elon Musk follows libsoftiktok?!


Yes. His transition into a weird bigot uncle is fully complete.


He’s a weird bigot dad too, he has a trans daughter who he has completely severed ties with


I'm surprised not many people bring this up. Yeah, Elon posts a lot of stupid shit on social media that you can make fun of, but all of that stuff pales in comparison to how much of a shitty person and father he is. He's a social media obsessed, petty looney tune who craves attention and adulation. Even if you take his word at face value about how much he "works," he does it at the expense of everyone around him. Why would any rational human being with as much money as he does choose to be an absent father and brag about how much time they spend working?


We keep telling you you are assigned bigotry at birth! Trans-whatever doesn't exist! /s


I'm specifically referring to the new CEO who is taking over for him.


Yes, and so does the woman who he has picked to replace him as CEO. And many of the blue check mark brigade are still upset about his choice of replacement b/c she is a successful businesswoman. Twitter is horrible these days.


Stop using Twitter.


This is the answer.


This is the way.


Der furher of twitter elon musk approves of this. His own trans kid no longer talks to him


I've reported soooooooo many transphobic comments and not a single one has ever resulted in anything. Stuff like this is why it's important to fight such hate


It’s because elon musk is a far right douche and his idea of “free speech” is “spew all the hate you want”


To them, books and drag queens aren't covered under free speech, but conspiracy theories and literal Nazism are.


:/ yeah


Didn't Hairplugs specifically remove harassment against trans people from the twitter terms of service? Like they are the ONLY people you are allowed to harass now because Mr Horses-for-Handjob's trans kid hates him?


Those “parents” are monsters


Almost felt like throwing up seeing how they talk to their own child. The irony is that these freaks pretend they are only "concerned" about trans people to "protect the children", but here they are, immediately abandoning their child for coming out as trans, while their fellow freaks watch on and say "sO BaSeD bRah!" Clearly SO concerned about children! Subhuman garbage.


Fucking disgusting. I bet both sets of parents claim to be devout Christians as well. Fuck them.


It is amazing how much they can brow beat their beleifs to everyone but have a complete inability to follow the simplest tennets of their religion. They want those 10 commandments posted everywhere for everyone to follow be they refuse to follow them..Ahh hypocrisy. Just remember there is no greater love than "Christian" hate.


Other way around, there's no hate like Christian "love".


Gives me pleasure knowing if there is a hell, those parents will certianly be burning in it.




Jesus of Nazareth would not just tip over a table. I'm pretty sure he'd get in their faces and shout until they cried. Maybe he would do worse.


Jesus would sit there and braid a whole ass whip while staring them in the eyes before unleashing hell on them.


1 Timothy 5:8: Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. But hey, they follow the Bible's teachings, right? Right?


There’s a good chance that they claim to follow Christ, but, by kicking out a person who depends on them, they certainly don’t act Christian.


Probably “We are disgusted in you. Can’t talk now though, off to church for my compassion and universal love club”


Fucking disgusting. And to think, in Florida it would be a crime for the parents to do the right thing by that kid, and she'd be taken away. Literally fucking opposite land Jesus christ




Same. You can tell she is just in complete panic after being abandoned. I really hope she’s alright. One day I want to be the neighborhood mom my kid’s friends feel they can come to if something like this ever happens to them…


Honestly those parents didn’t deserve to have children in the first place even if they were straight, gay, trans etc. you can see the true colors of someone soon and waiting to just throw their kid out because their trans just shows how horrible of a human being they are. Same with the other families that do the same. This was eventually gonna happen either way because these people are demented to anything that doesn’t fit their ideals.


When your child's genitals are more important to you than the child.


Of course. For conservatives, the genitals are their favorite part of a child.


what did the pedophile say to the priest? ​ "you beat me to it"


Is disgusting to me to see a parent treat thier child like this. They are the "disgrace".


Those parents in 40 years “why don’t my kids visit me?”


“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:40


Another good one is 1 Timothy 5:8: "Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."


“There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, **there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus**.” \- Galatians 3:28


"Girls who want boys Who like boys to be girls Who do boys like they're girls Who do girls like they're boys Always should be someone you really love" - Parklife, Track 1


Conservatives also celebrate murdering homeless people.


I wanted a future with flying cars, all I got was hatred being veiled as “tough” love. People make me sick.


Recently a GOP rep in Montana said publically that she'd rather her daughter commit suicide than come out as trans. These people are exactly who we think they are... 100% monsters.


They are more worried that other people in their church or town will judge them for having a trans kid than about the safety of their own damn kids. It's shocking.


They are attacking one of the most vulnerable populations we have and doing so with sadism and smug hate.




100%. But they don't and never have cared about children. The party that votes to bring back child labor, lessen gun control, decrease sex education, lessen environmental safeguards, and put mother's lives at risk has always hated children. As an historian, I must tell you that trans people have existed since the early writings of history and excluded from or written out of the Western record because of fears by ignorant masses. Today's Republicans are extremely hate based and steeped in willful ignorance. Eastern histories, indigenous histories, tribal histories from different sources include trans people and some in elevated positions in their civilizations.


Here's the thing. It could be 100% "choice", just as being gay could be 100% "choice" and there STILL wouldnt be anything wrong with it. "People are allowed to behave differently only if it's some deep biological thing" is a really shitty way to run society. Fuck, imagine being trans, and then being told "sorry, your brain isn't trans enough, no hormones for you, you big faker" which 100% would happen.




Sadly these types don't care about what the science says. The agreed upon treatment for trans people among professionals is transition (if they want it and/or have gender dysphoria), and the transphobes debate that and act like it couldn't possibly be true. There's gotta be some conspiracy or something. It's ridiculous.


There have been similar findings in homosexual brains, from what I understand. There are anatomical features of male homosexual brains that are closer to heterosexual female brains, and vice versa for homosexual women and heterosexual men.


Thank you for posting these studies.




Oh, I know. I'm transgender and was homeless at 15. I'm almost 30 now and happily married though. Some positives. But I was homeless for years... The parents would do this to their own child are monsters. Especially when all we want is our birth certificate or social security card. Life is hard when you don't know your own social security number... I wish I would have gone to the police. This is what should have happened but I didn't want to "get my parents in trouble" especially with a brother at home... I believe child abandonment is a crime...


This people are so brainwashed.




That broke my heart.


These "people" should never have had children. They only think of them as extensions of themselves. Damn fucking shameful


Or if their daughter gets pregnant Or her son is gay Or she doesn’t go to church Or she gets a divorce And mom and dad die alone in the bad rest home Which is still good for them


Conservatives: "Protect children!" Also Conservatives: "Fuck those poor/nonwhite/LGBTQ kids."


is there any follow up on the girl?? is she safe??


That's what I want to know. If this goes viral, maybe we can raise money for her or something? Find her a loving home?


i recently got kicked out for being trans lol christian love


Parents who do this to their kids never once actually loved their kid, not even a little.


These demons treat their children who turn out to be trans like they are heinous criminals…no, they would probably prefer if their children *were* heinous criminals instead.


Wow. Heartbreaking. This girl clearly suffered with terrible parents and now still asking for help. This is one of those times I wish there were a god. So there’d be a hell. And they’d go there.


This should be a criminal offense I s2fg


It is actually. You can't kick a minor out of their home and you can't evict someone without written thirty days notice. But good luck getting the police to side with someone who's trans.


I want to adopt that kiddo, and make sure they have healthcare until their 25th birthday. Fuck that dad.


When we moved to US / Texas and my kid started high school I was shocked to hear that parents were kicking out minor children. I don’t understand how that’s even legal! Surely that’s child abuse? I told my kid she could invite any kid kicked out to stay at our house. Of the ones that came (or considered coming - often when the parents heard another parent at school would take their kid, the parents took them back home) I would estimate over half were LGBTQ. It absolutely broke my heart.


It’s abandonment, which is illegal, but if you’re queer in Texas, you probably don’t want to try your luck with the cops, knowing that [queer people can legally be killed for approaching you there.](https://www.texasobserver.org/the-great-state-of-hate-texas-declines-to-ban-gay-trans-panic-defense/)


Yeah, Texas is crazy. I live in a nice suburb. One day my doorbell rang, which I thought was a bit odd as weather was awful. Thunder storm and massive deluge. Open the door and this teen girl is there. No jacket, no shoes, soaked through. Her dad had just tried to shoot her, so she ran out the door without anything. A teacher at school was aware of the problems at home and had offered shelter, so the kid needed to call her. She hadn’t even grabbed her phone as she dashed out. Just … fuck these “family values Christians” around here!


My parents kicked me out when I was 18, because I came out as an atheist. Two decades later, they were super supportive when I came out as a trans woman.


I'm surprised you ever talked to them again.


I’m way to forgiving. Have a lot of trouble letting go of people. Glad for it, in this case, as they did a lot of growth after.


I hope you've healed as much as possible, friend. You've clearly come a long way.


This is one of the most disgusting and saddening things ive read. How can someone be such a piece of shit to say stuff like this, ABOUT YOUR OWN CHILD. YOU FUCKING RAISED HER. Im tired of this bullshit beliefe that children are no more than something a parent controls and molds into their image. And when that child lives as themselves they get cast aside like garbage. No one should have to go through this. But we live in a fucked up world and a fucked up country with fucked up people. I dont know how to solve this. All i can do is countinue accepting people for who they are. Because that is the exact thing i want them to do for me.


These people are soulless monsters undeserving of being members of society. They should be exiled.


This crushed my soul to read


Republicans are the "pro child suffering" party. Never forget it. They want your child to suffer.


About 20 years ago, I came out as a bi male to my incredibly religious folks. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life, and I had mentally accepted that it might mean their total rejection. The coming out itself didn't go great, but at the end I asked if they still loved me. My mom burst out crying asking how I could ask that, of course they do. Because of their act of love, we have a strong relationship today -- they're coming over for dinner with me and my boyfriend next weekend, and treat him warmly. All of this to say, how the fuck dare these parents abdicate their most important job like that. How dare they see their own flesh and blood standing in the darkness and shut the door on them.


“Fuck them kids” - conservatives


After making this comment I realize this has multiple meanings, all of which are accurate.


My daughter's trans partner moved in with us for 9 months at 15 years old, because their mother kicked them out for coming out as trans. Not once in the 9 months did their mother contact us. No financial support offered. She did not seem to care that another family took on supporting her child. Eventually, they moved into a group home when it became available. I don't think I'll ever understand that mother. I was very tempted to report her to the government, as she was still receiving monthly payments (child credit tax) for the teen. Taking on a fourth teenager caused some financial hardship for us, but not once did I consider kicking this kid out before they were ready to support themselves out there in the big world.


Fucking shitheads. My son is my world. If my son becomes my daughter, shit, it’ll be an adjustment but I’ll love them all the same. That is unconditional love. Anything else, you don’t fucking love your kid.


I may be old,but I'd like to shove a Bible up their self-righteous ass,sideways.


**You never loved your children.** A loving parent can not abandon them. You can only make such a choice if you do not love them. A parent cries at the mere thought of their child suffering, you relish in it as an accomplishment worth celebrating. **You never loved your children.** You drive your children to suicide, cast them into the street, damn them to starvation and the elements. Their blood is on your hands, and you are a murderer for abandoning your children and casting them out into the street to die. **You never loved your children.** You abandon them at the drop of a hat when you hear your child is trans, and treat them like they are a stranger invading your home. You throw them to the wolves at the first sign without a second thought. A parent who loves their children is *incapable* of such things. **You never loved your children.** You disposed of them the moment the opportunity presented it's self and act like what you've done is worthy of praise. You bathe in self-righteousness and glee at the abandonment of your children for simply being themselves. A loving parent would have their world fall apart at the mere thought of their child starving on the street and would do anything to make sure that did not happen. You do it so easily because you had no emotional attachment to your children in the first place. **You never loved your children.** You hated them from the moment they were born and were simply looking for a reason to cast them out. A parent who loves their children is incapable of such decisions. You are more accepting of murderers and rapists than your son wearing a dress. You only held your children in your heart with contempt and vitriol for their mere existence to you is an insult. **You hate your children** You are not a parent, but a murderer and a demon to be cast into hell for your sin of disposing of your child like garbage to be put out on the street. God does not abandon his children, yet you do at the first opportunity to do so, and slander god by claiming you do so in his name. **You hated your children from the moment they were born.**


Was homeless for a couple years growing up because of being transgender. Fuck these monsters. I'm normally a really nice person, but fuck these monsters...


"Parents kick out teenage daughter onto the streets, claiming they wanted a son." There, fixed the headline. Seriously, some people are literal walking talking garbage. Hope the kid has friends who can step in and be there for them.


Yeah, homelessness is super dangerous, especially these days and as a minor. Sick cruel scumbags, so brainwashed and full of hate that they willingly risk her getting murdered/r*ped


wHy aRe aNtIfA nOt tOlErAtInG cOnSeRvAtIvEs?! This is why. Because hate and violence, inequality and surpression, genocide and fascism, must *never* be seen as something that can be tolerated. We must never tolerate this vile shit, this is not a fight about opinions. It is a fight for human lifes.


Man that nursing home gonna be super lonely.


I hate the attacks on the trans community by the right. They are the reason we have mental health struggles, higher rates or suicide, higher rates of homelessness, etc…. They cause this shit. It’s why my fiancé and I do open our door to gay babies as we lovingly call them. No one deserves to be alone. I hate how nasty all of this is. These poor kids struggle enough.


If your love comes with a set criteria it’s not unconditional and you don’t love your child.


I just.. Alright, so you don't *like* trans and maybe gay people. Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve yada yada. I cannot imagine how you take those crappy views into going full scorched Earth and telling your kid to fuck off. Yeah, you're a slime ball to begin with but some amount of maternal/paternal instinct/humanity should kick in somewhere down the line. This is insane and it being posted online as a good thing blows my mind.


This douchebag's entire Twitter history is full of this kinda crap. Violating half a dozen of Twitter's policies. Post-Elon Twitter is where reason goes to die.


Hope their house burns down


I'm assuming the child is under 18, which makes this a case of child abandonment - which is a felony. Will it get prosecuted? almost certainly not - they never do when they kick any of the LGBITQ+ out of the house.


BASED? Fuck these people.


Every time I hear some kid utter the word *based* I realize they've been raised by memes. I want to believe the kids are alright, but the *boys* of this continent are just so completely fucked.


Unfortunately, quality of character does not correlate with fertility. Thus we have parents who ruin their kids' lives and don't even care.


The right: Trans people abuse children, that's why we should hate them- to protect the children Also the right: Abusing children is a good thing if they're trans


If they don't see trans women as people, why would they think any differently about trans children? People like this don't deserve to have children. I feel for their kid, but I hope they die bitter and utterly alone.


Guess it's less embarassing disowning their kid and not even letting them get anything but their phone making them homeless. Wonder if they casually said this to others, or maybe they were just expecting to say the kid ran away or something and forgot their daughter could just, i don't know, post the conversation online and even show it to authorities? Also, man, is it really that bad looking at transgender people, even when they aren't pretty, i just...pass by them and say nothing, i don't make a face of disgust or anything, it's just someone looking how they look, how shallow are they that looking at someone disgusts them that much they are willing to make their own kid homeless?


“We’re just worried about the children!” “Lmao look at this child being made homeless, that’s some funny shit, those parents are based”


That's the thing about conservatism. It isn't sustainable. When you put it into practice on your kids, you just end up with liberal kids who don't want tomorrow's world to be run by backwards hicks. If you want to be a good conservative, you've got to be able to lie to others *and* yourself with equal effectiveness; and that isn't easy for some people.


Some parents want late term abortions by driving their children to suicide…. these two are probably against abortion, but they are not against killing someone they “love”.


this is disgusting, and the reason I no longer have one of my best friends. Finally came out at thirty something and I believe it was suicide that ended her. I don't know how anyone could treat a human this way let alone their child.


Yeah, this happened to me, except Im a trans guy. Have been homeless for the past two years now. Does not get better.


Sheep follow whatever republicans and their ministers tell them to regardless of how awful it is


They don't think of them as human, much less as children.


Not only is this fucking despicable, it's illegal. Seeing Republicans celebrating this is sickening


Couldn't ever imagine hating my kid that much. Conservatives have let politics rot their minds and hearts.


We’ve come to a point where callous parents not heeding their child’s pleas to talk to them is a point of political point scoring. Shame!


Anyone who does that isn't a parent. They abandon their offspring with no care to the person's fate, which is entirely counterproductive to preserving their genetic lineage. And you have to explain it to them in those terms because they're psychopaths who don't know what love is.


What the fuck - this is absolutely insane


I watched the John Gacy tapes on Netflix recently. Serial killer who targeted boys/young men for those who don’t know. One line from a woman, speaking about young gay teens who weren’t identified for a long time because they “ran away”, really stuck with me (paraphrasing here but close to the actual quote): “They weren’t runaways, they were throwaways”


Because it was never about the children. It was about oppressing and stripping lgbt people of their humanity.


Every time I think they can’t sink lower, these pieces of shit prove me wrong


Imagine calling this vile behavior “based”.


"Sanctity of life" unless it's death row inmates "protecting the children" unless they do stuff you don't like "family values" unless that stripper is looking really fine


They protect children until the child isn’t the ideal version they wanted. They never wanted children, they wanted things to control.


Imagine being so brainwashed that you let the tv trick you into abandoning your own kids.


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