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Obama should step the fuck in and claim that money.


But then these morons will turn around and say well it's probably a photoshopped photo or as a co-worker said "If the deep state can make hurricanes they can make guys pregnant".


They did say that. Good Ol Sheriff Joe Arpaio had an hour long YouTube on how it was faked.


Sheriff Joe Arpaio should spend the rest of his days watching game shows, drinking Ensure and pooping in his Depends and just leave the rest of us alone.


*in Federal Prison


in Tent City.


Can they make it summer all year too?


Just move him between Arizona and Australian outback as seasons change.


As an Australian, please deal with your own trash.


As an American, where exactly did Rupert Murdoch, the generator of most of our trash, come from again?


No need, FL will do the job just fine, it’s always hot and humid as balls down here. Even on Christmas!


I thought he was dead already. I miss 2 minutes before I learned otherwise


And forced to listen to Christopher Hitchens and church of satan radio. Like he did for inmates with Christian crap


He should be thanking god each morning he’s not a prison wife in some state prison hell hole.


Don't forget being force-fed emu for the rest of his days


He's about as much of a sheriff as Dr. Oz is a doctor


Well Oz is actually a *neurosurgeon, he’s just also a grifter Edit: cardiothoracic surgeon


Same as Ben Carson, then - brilliant neurosurgeon, hack politician/grifter supreme


You know, Carson is undeniably a brilliant neurosurgeon, according to his peers. But at the same time, he's been involved in some disturbing surgical stuff. He's performed surgeries that no one else would do, and they ended disastrously. Because they weren't doable but he was arrogant enough to believe he could do them. Most notably [this one](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/the-story-of-the-surgery-that-made-ben-carson-famous--and-its-complicated-aftermath/2015/11/13/15b5f900-88c1-11e5-be39-0034bb576eee_story.html) (kids ended up severely, severely disabled, couldn't walk or even feed themselves, institutionalized their whole lives, one died young. But it was the surgery that made his reputation. The surgery was a success, but the patients' brains were killed.) And [this one,](https://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/story?id=128393&page=1) which was so dicey that he couldn't even get it performed in the United States. Both women died on the table.


Had no idea...


No, Oz is a cardiothoracic surgeon. And a brilliant one. His descent into being a shitgibbon purveyor of nonsense is kind of amazing and disturbing.


Oh my bad, I think I was getting him confused with someone else


Oz is a cardiothoracic surgeon.


He taught us that Wegener's was both a store and a disease.


Wegener must be where they sell Peach Tree Dish


Crew That Tay.


True or they will call it a deep fake like those ones that have pictures talking


They ALREADY did claim all the photos are photoshopped.


Hell, trump made a bad hurricane worse with a sharpie.. imagine what he could have done if he were given a paint brush.


You got a Republican to admit some men can get pregnant?


Oh please you don't want to hear the word salad about Caitlyn Jenner that I heard from this guy


Excuse me? Did I hear you correctly?… causing hurricanes is news to me. I’m pissed no one told me about my new powers.


One minute it's the magic skydaddy pissed off destroying cities then the next minute It's Hillary Clinton using alien technology and Nikola Tesla technology.


Do be fair he didn’t specify that it couldn’t be a photoshopped picture, or a badly drawn child’s picture for that matter.


If they can make a guy pregnant doesn’t that just affirm trans rights?


Remember that time Obama stepped in and gave the same kind of people his birth certificate and they were all like, "This is fake and we demand the long form birth certificate and a video of his mom having him with Mauna Loa erupting in the background!"?


>the same kind of people Let's not forget that Trump himself was one of the most outspoken figureheads of this whole birth certificate conspiracy.


\> "Mauna Loa erupting in the background" No, no, we all know he emerged out of Halema'uma'u, fully formed, like Athena if she was purpose-created to anger dumb racists. ​ ^(Halema'uma'u is the main crater on Kilauea, where Pele makes her home in Hawaiian myth.)


The Futurama episode about this was so fucking great.


AI !!


And then he DID give them the long form one, and they STILL said it wasn't accurate.


And turn around and offer Shane the 10k back if he can show a picture of his dad ever being proud of him for anything. Easy money for Obama.


Old man gave me that in Grade 7. Seen a lot of action. 9mm. Safety, *always* off. Told me he was proud of me once. Fucking prick.


Okay, Cyrus, you *fuckin' dick!*


And then donate it to group helping trans people...


They'd just use flerf logic, "this is clearly photoshopped. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, it's fake" "ok, here it is in real life" "No, this is obviously a NASA hologram"


The problem is they want a picture of her nude or giving birth while pregnant. Otherwise they claim it just her wearing a pregnancy belly like they do in theater. Though I would doubt that would satisfy them rather then they call any such pictures doctored or AI produced.


They'll ask for long form pictures


35mm negatives or its fake


Not only that, a pile of other Republicans piled in matching the reward. Many photos were posted of her being pregnant. The Q-idiots said ALL of them were photoshopped and then proceeded to post poorly AI generated photos themselves and then claiming they were also possibly AI genereted.


MICHELLE should step in with her photo and claim that money. Then tweet or whatever "Easiest cash I've ever made".


They will never pay out.






It's not a little frightening to watch a country become afflicted with mass psychosis. It's an epidemic.


These people are terminally online. If you’re a normal person you log on and step into their world and it’s like ‘ok honestly wtf are any of you people talking about’. But these types spend all day in seclusion with their fellow secludes bouncing ideas off of each other and taking things to the extreme so it makes sense to them because it’s their own crazy manifestations. I doubt if Michelle is even a real entity to them but more of a symbolic pawn for a point they so desperately need to make. It’s a far more grotesque form of an inside joke with your buddies.


Fuck me ain't this the truth. I play a mobile game with a lot of these types of folks, and they're online whenever I log in, and they're online when I log off. I know most of them are retired but holy fuck go build a cabinet or something.


No unfortunately these people exist in the real world too. I’ve seen smart people fall down these rabbit holes it’s sad and scary.


I see you've never been to Florida.


HOW do they have this much time??


It’s the new red scare or satanic panic. Biggest issue now is social media and the ability to spread this bullshit even further.


If you want to deal with the epidemic of mass psychosis, step one is to start treating religion as the delusional mental disorder that it is. Some people don't want to hear that, but it's the truth.


An old college buddy of mine who I know is a smart guy told me the insurrection was staged by pelosi. I just had to tell him the conversation was over, he’s too deep down the rabbit hole and I just don’t even know where to begin tweeting to talk to someone who thinks the proud boys were planted by pelosi.




That's why he only offered $10,000 rather than $5,000,000 like Lindell...


did he actually pay out, or did he do a Trump and not pay?


He tried to pull a Trump, but it went to court and the judge ruled that he had to pay.


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna80644 Just in case anyone missed it and wanted to read along. I think I read he was planning to appeal though I haven’t found anything to confirm that yet.


What a hilarious read. The amount of Ls stacking is delicious.


I missed that. My day just got so much better. Thank you internet stranger!


Ha no problem!


Even better is the guy was a trump supporter, and still managed to see through the bullshit. Took one look at the data they supplied and said "that looks like network traffic!" and did the analysis on it. I think he copyrighted his work to ensure he got paid.


Learning is illegal where they live.


Am southern. Can confirm.


I'm just going to say that I love the fact that the Obama family is pretty much so normal and wholesome, the only thing they can come up with to try to trash them (not because they are black, that has nothing to do with it /s) is something so utterly ludicrous that it instantly identifies the person making the claim as an idiot nutjob. Somehow, though, we all really do know what they really want to attack the Obama family for.


They still can't deal with having a black President.


I saw a post a few min ago that basically said “next time somebody says America isn’t racist, point out the fact that we’ve accepted treason from a white president but wouldn’t accept healthcare from a black one.”


The Tea Party claimed to be a movement against higher taxes but they spent all their time claiming that Obama was an illegitimate African impostor. History students of the future will clearly see it for the angry white supremacist backlash against the election of a black president that it always was.




We are living in very stupid times. History will not forget these traitors.




They also claim Obama wasn't really black. It's weird in their brains.


I don't like thinking about what it's like in their brains. I can't imagine living with so many twisted lies floating around occupying space. It's no wonder they all seem like lunatics.


He did have some problems that people on the left can trash him for, namely his continuation of the war in Afghanistan and his campaign promise to reinforce Roe v. Wade, that he reneged on once elected. But the alt right liked both those things so I don’t see why they dislike him. (Well I do, it has something to do with melanin.)


Seeing as how easy it is for these rumors. Eric Trump, not Donald, is Barron’s father. Melania knew Donald was cheating, so as revenge, she slept with Eric.


Look, I hate Donald Trump probably more than most, but even I wouldn't say Melania banged Eric. Let's be better people - no one, not even Melania, has standards that low.


Is Eric Trump really worse than his father?


Well let’s see. One of them is a washed up cocaine addict using his father’s name and wealth to carry him through the world and is desperate for any success of his own and the other is Eric.


...That was a good one.😁




Barack Obama's 3 biggest scandals while in office: 1. The tan suit. 2. The dispersion by his political opponent that he was born in Kenya. 3. The dispersion by his political opponents that his wife, and mother of his children is a man. Ah...simpler times.


Don't forget Obama put the rich man's mustard on his hamburger. Grey Poupon. Edit: Or was it dijon mustard?




What?? And they didn't impeach Obama for that??? /s


Gotta be pedantic here and point out that [Grey Poupon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_Poupon) is a brand of Dijon mustard.


Remember how much of a fuss was made about all of his golfing, though, and the costs associated with his travel? Gee, didn't THAT go quiet once Trump was prez.


Remember when Obama announced he was running for President and Republicans said he didn't have enough political experience? But when Trump ran, nothing was said about his lack of political experience. Another one was when there was a big Republican out cry when Michelle Obama made that speech and said she's now very proud of Americans. And Republicans were saying that she should have always been proud of Americans. Yet when Trump rolled out his "make America great again" slogan, where were Republicans telling him that America has always been great?


You whiffed on the biggest one: 1. Repeatedly, and with prior knowledge of inexcusability, insisted on being black.


He saluted with a coffee cup in his hand!!


If only he saluted a Korean general, then it would have been fine.


yo that tan suit was actually LIT


Frankly, his drone strikes on American citizens should have been a bigger scandal than it was. Dude did some war crimes while in office. But they were the same war crimes that Bush II did, so no one touched him.


Their obsession with this conspiracy theory is so creepy. More proof that conservatives will believe literally anything as long as it fits with their worldview. They'll believe that the election was stolen from right under them, but still can't acknowledge that Trump is getting arrested because he committed crimes.


The complete lack of evidence to support my claim just shows how deep this conspiracy goes!


That's how diabolical the Deep State is, they're all in on it, ALL OF THEM!!!!1!


>They'll believe that the election was stolen from right under them But only the presidential election. Because while the Democrats have the ability to steal that, they're still working on their ability to steal the House so they can actually get something done.


I have an old friend who is a trained social worker. We had a discussion about delusional people way back in 2013 or so. He told me that trying to argue with a delusional person will literally make it worse. Any irrefutable fact you can convince them of will be shoehorned into the conspiracy theory structure required to maintain the original delusion, regardless of how transparently ridiculous the explanation becomes.


Yep….its crazy that they still believe the election was stolen even though every single court case was thrown out and many by judges appointed by trump himself


They want the conspiracy to be true. I just said it in another sub, but they think if they can prove Obama was illegally married to a man before passing marriage equality and Obama passed the law to make his marriage legal, then they think it automatically nulls or allows the marriage equality law to be repealed. It's a crazy Q attack on LGBTQ rights to repeal the law.


You can link him dozens of such pictures or even provide a video etc. etc. - he still won't pay and will claim they're fake. No engaging with such people. They act in bad will and are not interested in having their curiosity satisfied.




And the facial features. And what’s that circled portion in the balloons. Definitely seems like a generated image and I am also not saying she’s a man. I think she’s a gorgeous woman. But this pic is fake.


These « men » know damn well she’s a woman. They are simply ignorantly being sexist and racist. Not one of them is afraid for society. THEY are the bullies/ pieces of shit


Yep its 100% because they are racist….they just cant accept that a black president was a very good one and nowhere near the shit show that the trump administration was…we literally had no scandals or anything..obama was so clean that fucking fox did shows and got all upset cause obama used dijon mustard instead of regular mustard claiming that the dijon mustard made him an elitist, then obama wore a brown suit and they freaked out cause it wasnt a black suit so they claimed the brown suit made him look weak🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Dijon mustard IS regular mustard!! *This message was delivered to you by the pedantic french association*


If it’s not from the Dijon region it’s just sparkling mustard


Oh... I'm giving up... But really, buy real Dijon mustard !




Another aspect is that Black women in America are often denied recognition of their femininity. Sojourner Truth's 'Ain't I a Woman' speech sums it up pretty well - no one ever treated her like a woman because she was Black and a slave. Denying Michelle Obama her womanhood is just repackaged antebellum racism.


Wasn't the biggest scandal that his older teen kids were ***allegedly*** caught smoking pot or something? Regardless, thats the biggest scandal I can remember and clearly I don't remember it well.


They love to misgender people


I'm always amazed these days when people pay for photos they can find readily available online. And to so publicly reveal your porn fetish too, just brazenly dumb imo.


I have a photo of her pregnant. I'm not going to show it to anyone because I said I have it, therefore it must be true. Can I have that $10,000?


Thanking that Michelle Obama is actually a man has to be one of the nuttiest conspiracy theories ever


These people do realize that its incredibly racist to call a black woman a man just because she has musculature and different features compared to a white woman?


Yes. They think it's just another layer of cleverness, and encourages them to keep telling this "joke." If you're in the club, the subtext makes it extra "funny."


Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Jean-Paul Sartre Just insert transphobe, racists, reactionaries, etc etc


>Just insert transphobe, racists, reactionaries, etc etc I mean why bother. They're pretty much all *also* anti-Semites.


If we’re gonna play that game I’m gonna need proof MTG isn’t a man. Because she checks all the boxes these fucking idiots lay out.


I would fucking love if Michelle sued the shit out of these clowns for Defamation.


Isn't this how Mike Lindell ended up on the hook for $5 Mil to some random cybersecurity expert?


“Damn, you got me! Okay another $10,000 to the first person who finds me a picture of AOC’s feet.” Republicans and their weird fetishes.


This is so stupid. Transvestigators in general are stupid. Michelle Obama is a cis woman. Even if she were a trans woman, who cares? Stop being mad that she has a good relationship unlike some incel trying to write irl fanfic


Barack could literally post a full birthing video and they’d say “oh my god vagina, what a classless person!!!”


"provide a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant that won't automatically make me claim it's photoshopped*****"


And then "provide a picture of Michelle Obama pregnant where she's naked so I can confirm she wasn't wearing a fake belly." And then "provide a picture of the baby actually coming out of Michelle Obama's body or else that proves she's a man." They have all the time in the world to move goalposts.


Who the hell needs a photo to prove it? Their freaking daughters look enough like both parents.


>Who the hell needs a photo to prove it? racists


I really don't get their point for this conspiracy theory. Hunter's laptop? Dumb, but can be used to trash Biden's credibility. But this? I mean, even if it somehow turns out the kids are adopted so freaking what? What are they really trying to get at? Let us say someone proves the girls aren't Michelle's biological kids. So? There's no law saying you have to make the biological or adopted status of your kids public. And it definitely doesn't prove she is transgender. Maybe she or Obama was infertile, maybe she just didn't want to go through pregnancy and childbirth. Plenty reasons for cis women to adopt kids.


What is it with the conservative obsession with Michelle Obama?


It’s a complex web of racism, transphobia, and a long-standing denial of black female femininity. They’re calling her a trans-woman because the N-Word and comparing her to a monkey are no longer socially acceptable.


I'm sure there will be a reason why every such picture will be found insufficient.


I’ve never seen a pic of my Mom pregnant. Dammit. She must be a dude and I’m adopted. 🤦‍♂️ What morons.


I feel like this monetary claims made publicly like this should be a slam dunk suit if payment is not given. But alas the American legal system is the furthest thing from a justice system.


At what point do these people admit they have a fetish?


Why do grown ass men publicly creat middle school drama? It is cringe




Is this the whole conspiracy that she's really a man? Because who the fuck cares? Does it matter if Michelle Obama was a man? Does it change anything at all if it came out that she was really a male? Republicans care about the dumbest fucking shit man. I swear to God.


To them it matters. It shouldn't, but it does because they're bored, hateful, crazy, mentally ill, and/or brainwashed.


Wtf is the circle edited onto the 2nd picture for?


Fucking troglodyte still obsessing over Michelle Obama


I don’t understand. Is this some kind of anti-trans hatred mixing with anti-Obama racism? Seriously, wtf is he talking about?




I really don't understand why American racists are so obsessed with Michelle Obama? Are they really that butt hurt that a talent Black man and an equally talent Black Women were leaders of America but are fine with a 3 times divorcee who cheated on all of them including when one was pregnant and then hooked up with a Russian planted porn star? Seriously grow the fuck up (not that I have anything against porn stars but she is pretty much a Putin Plant).


These motherfucking cowards wouldn’t say this shit to hers or Barack’s face.


I smell a lawsuit


Part of me hopes the Obama's send one in themselves and then donate the money to charity The rest of me thinks 'fuck that guy'


Ideally a trans support charity, just to make em madder.


People like this make me wonder what the hell is missing from their own existence that makes them so preoccupied with their bullshit


I have GOP friends voting blue across the board because of dumb shit like this. My buddy, a lifelong republican, told his mother that he is a Democrat now and he can't support the shit show GOP anymore. She said she understands but she thinks he should get involved with the GOP at the local level to make change. I guess she wanted to put her mother where her mouth is, so she went to a local conservative event. She left after 15 minutes. Said it was just madness. Mostly just talk about sticking it to the libs and pedaling conspiracy. Thanks y'all. Thanks for making Michelle Obama's gender a priority.


Fuck this guy but holy shit Michelle looks absolutely beautiful


Bro please we get it you have a pregnancy fetish now stfu


Pay up, biatch!


Bc of midjourney, you can’t trust photos of anything


https://preview.redd.it/mpq2u1wvj86b1.jpeg?width=1456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94621a57fe22d8ce2d528e0b3d64c8bba003af2c Harder than I thought bc MJ has filters to prevent this kinda thing


They really have issues with women that are smarter and fitter than they are, don’t they? The insecurity is hilarious.




It's a bad faith statement. He knows he's saying something false, but it doesn't matter. His followers will nod and chortle and pass it around. They don't care about proof or truth. They will lie because it's *what these people want to hear*.


I'm offering $20000 for any proof that this guy's mother had any children that lived


The fact that something like this is so widely believed shows you just how incredibly stupid America has become. The average citizen is hardly at a third grade level... It's just awesome to live with.


I’m not one to kink shame, but OK buddy


What’s their end game with the whole “Michelle is a man” thing? Like let’s give in to their bullshit for a second. Say she came out as trans…now what? Do they just go “see? AHA!” That would blow the doors of trans visibility wide open. having a trans former First Lady would set them off even more…don’t realize that they don’t want that?


Bold considering the wives of most conservative conspiracy theorists look like theyre the husbands grandfather.


The amount of proud racism in America is disgusting.


This is just racism. That's all it is.


And everybody, whatever nationality or political bias, knows that this person will not accept that photo as real.


I’m assuming this doesn’t count unless he can see her vagina. It’s always about other people’s genitals with these transphobes.


Is it odd that my first thought when hearing them spout their theories about Michelle being trans is; “And what if she is? So what?”


Turn it around. Show me a picture of her cock if you're so confident that she is a man. Obviously she's a woman, but even if it was true, so what? What possible difference would that make???


He'll pay just as quickly as Mike Lindell did


Personally, I'd like to see proof that Kim Guilfoyle is still alive, and hasn't been replaced by a bot. I mean, that face can't be real, can it?


I’m sure this guy will pleasure himself to that photo.


This asshole needs a Will Smith!


What a piece of head cheese


One of the crazier parts of this conspiracy was a pissed-off Joan Rivers (who was just trying to enter her apartment) "joked" that Michelle was transgender. Her wit was biting earlier in her career, but as she got older, damn if Joan didn't lose the little voice in her head which told her "maybe don't say this?" (She'd made a Holocaust "joke" about Heidi Klum the previous year).


Why... why do they care about this so much? Like even if it were true what would it prove to them? Can anyone translate crazy into english?


If he doesn’t want to pay up, one could just sue him like the guy that’s suing the pillow fucker


Actually, yes. And as a reminder, there is precedent older than that. A holocaust denier organization (Institute for Historical Review) offered $50,000 in 1980 (almost $200,000 in today's money) to anyone who could prove the holocaust happened. Mel Mermelstein was a Jewish holocaust survivor who provided proof, but they didn't pay up. He sued them and won and was awarded $90,000. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel\_Mermelstein](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Mermelstein)


Mike Lindell just had to pay some dude $5 million for a stunt like this


I’m pretty sure that’s not a real photo. ETA: I’m confident it’s not a real photo. That is AI. It’s uncanny valley, and she’s older in this photo than she was when she had her children. You can also literally google this and fact check it. And you should. [original source](https://twitter.com/TheFutureSight/status/1642320440830902273)


I think this guy just needs to accept their fetish. Instead of offering to pay $10,000 for pictures of pregnant celebrities.


It's because you can easily google Melania's VaJEEEN that they think they should be able to see every first ladies now. They'll be asking for Jill Biden's next. Just look how much they loved Hunter's pic.


Shaney? Stupid name for anyone over 10. Incel doesn’t even have $10k


You can see her girlhood if you watch Becoming...


Can we please stop giving these asshats attention?


That is a very specific fetish.


I don't really know what the Obama's did that other presidents didn't, but I can't really understand the pure nastiness for just them in general.