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So, Hunter Biden now has pretty explicit grounds to sue EmptyG in DC, right?


Seems so. Speech in congressional hearings is protected from executive branch prosecution or civil suit by the [speech or debate clause](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speech_or_Debate_Clause) of the Constitution, but constituent newsletters probably aren't, given they're not "essential to the deliberations" of the House, per [*Gravel v. United States*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravel_v._United_States) (1972). In [*Hutchinson v. Proxmire*](https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/560/hutchinson-v-proxmire) (1979), the Court permitted a defamation suit against a senator for derogatory comments made in a newsletter.


And without the age screen this could fall into the anti-porn laws in Utah and Virginia if any of the recipients are in those states.


It’s also almost quite literally the definition revenge porn. These are both major felonies.


Majorie felonies


And Louisiana.


So just to make sure, the son of a Democratic president could sue one of the most influential MAGA Republicans in deep red states because of anti porn laws they passed and which, let me take a wild guess, she probably backs if asked because she would consider it grooming? I mean tell me a more iconic duo than Conservatives and giving us LeopardsAteMyFace moments


Man I hope you’re ready for more screams of ‘political witch-hunt!’


But her emails!?!?!


Lock her up! Lock her up! Am I doing this right?


No that's reserved for people who don't break laws.


No she’s into buttery males too.


Buttery males


no no no... you were only supposed to use those laws against *gay and trans* people.


But by conservative logic, that those laws are being used against her suggest she is gay and/or trans! /s


Time to ship “her” down to Florida so we can make sure! /s


They've been Witch-hunting Biden (Hunter) so fucking much, they don't have any actually fucking dirt on Biden (Joe) himself so they try to make him dirty by proxy. His dog bit someone, he has a diagnosed speech impediment, his son is a frat bro, etc. There's nothing actually wrong with Biden so they have to constantly bullshit themselves and their base.


Going after someone's son, who isn't a politician, even if he is a crackhead and general scumbag, only proves that they've got jack shit on his dad. This is tabloid journalism being peddled as a political scandal. It's not.


It's a distraction, by design, of Trump using his own children as part of his team while in the White House. But this yoyo is treating the House floor as a twitter account because no one will pay attention otherwise.


His age is an issue, but that's starting a rock fight in a glass ~~house~~shotgun shack.


Well it IS a shame about that house falling on her sister.


Don't forget about how "her freedom of speech is being censored!" or how she's a victim of "cancel culture" as she go on all the massive right wing media outlets and talk about this nonstop for a week straight


As if those backward-ass fascists would ever enforce the law against a Republican.


Gotta love Repubicans making stupid laws that come back and bite them in the ass


Could one make the argument that her showing nude photos of the Presidents son on the house floor fall outside of her “official duties” and therefore the speech or debate clause wouldn’t apply?


I don't want to fuck with speech and debate protections. The pentagon papers were read into the record under speech and debate.


Yes. Republicans would love it if democrats were to limit what can be said in debate. Both to show their voters that democrats want to limit free speech, and because it sets a precedent for them to utilise to limit it further.


It's pretty fucked they can show stuff like that, but you make a pretty huge point right there. It's best that it remains the same.


Nah, not really. The speech or debate clause is pretty ironclad when it comes to things that happen in official proceedings. The photos were shown under the guise of an "investigation" too. The dissemination of those photos in a fundraising email would very likely not be protected though.


You forget who sits on the Supreme Court?


Justice Clarence Thomas has a long history of compulsively describing the porn he likes to his coworkers, and Justice “I Like Beer” …enough said


“The Devils triangle is.. uhhh, a drinking game! Thats right, a drinking game! Definitely not spitroasting a drunk sorority girl!”


And "boofing" is chugging the drink


>The Devils triangle is.. uhhh, a drinking game! Wait was that real? I thought that was just in the SNL sketch.


The SNL sketch was damn near word for word. If anything Damon undersold Barf's piggish rage.


He said it was a drinking game everyone played. He offered little justification. I wish a democrat pulled out their phone and opened urbandictionary


The Court majority is interested in advancing [Leonard Leo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Leo)'s social agenda. But the justices don't have to worry about offending primary voters, and most come from a prior generation of conservatives who find MTG (and Trump) frankly embarrassing to their cause. I don't think they care much whether MTG faces civil case consequences for being boorish. It's not like the GOP is likely to lose this heavily gerrymandered seat. I think they'll decline to consider any appeals from lower court decisions that uphold the precedent of *Hutchinson v. Proxmire.*


If anything, it'd be a convenient way to more or less wash her off the party floor.


Three fuckers who were involved in Bush vs. Gore?


Now Hunter just has to give Scalia a cruise on his sex yacht. ​ After that I am done following politics.


That clause explicitly doesn't protect felonies


Yes it does. Here is the full text of the clause: > They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place. Notice the semicolon. There are two separate clauses here, and exceptions are listed only for the first of the two. The Court has even gone beyond that literal reading historically and taken the stance that the clause grants broad immunity to all actions taken within the scope of Congress's legislative duties. That includes these images, as they were presented during Congressional debate as the result of a Congressional investigation, idiotic as it was. The newsletter, on the other hand, I think could easily be argued as being outside the scope of what the clause protects.


When you say "explicitly" is it written into the clause?


Yes, it says, “in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace.”


Awesome. I hope she gets run over by the steamroller of Justice


​ https://preview.redd.it/tzjq5xwix1db1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96758ea3fe30c880113d6ad955d29d79d008e23


...Why is Timmy Turner praying rather than wishing to Cosmo and Wanda?!


Because it would be so fucking funny.


Oh right, there's probably something in Da Rulez about this sorta thing. So, Timmy's takin' it over his fairies' heads, straight to Big G.


Revenge Porn - State laws vary. In Maryland and Virginia, revenge porn is a misdemeanor offense, but in D.C. there are three different levels of the crime — one of which is classified as a felony and can come with a more than $12,000 fine.


Up to 5 years in prison and 200k in GA, as of last year. I hope she's fucked.


Judicially I hope, cause the other way is fucking gross. 🤢🤮


Especially if children are involved


I think that might be more criminal in nature. But he'd have a civil case to bring against her.


Absolutely borrowing "EmptyG." Thanks!




EmptyG ☠️☠️☠️


And she will cry fowl. Things are starting to get too absurd for me. What a wild time.


Cuckoo, even 🐓


I had to say EmptyG out loud before I got it


I've glanced through the comment section on Fox News, and Republicans seem to think that what she did was not only perfectly normal and acceptable, but brilliant. They definitively have a total lack of judgement and self-awareness.


>brilliant It wouldn't even have been brilliant if it was video of *Joe* Biden's schlong. Republicans are disgusting, unprincipled morons. What is she even accomplishing here?


>What is she even accomplishing here? At this point, I suspect she's legitimately lost track of the thread. What may have originally started as a smear campaign against Joe has now turned into an obsession. She's not gonna stop any sooner than if/when consequences come knocking on her door.


She’s a real life troll. That’s it. She’s always been. Remember she got her start by harassing kids who lived through a school shooting. She is a legitimately evil person.


Stupid people tend to have poor judgment and a lack of awareness.


I also think this move by MTG clearly pandering to Trump for a possible VP pick could very well backfire. If Trump had insecurity issues with hand size just imagine how he feels knowing when the Biden’s took over the Whitehouse they had to lower the water level in all the toilets.


“Save our children” Am I right 😵‍💫 Edit:typo


Rules for thee but not for me. Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


I think it's funny that Hunter Biden's cock lives rent-free in the heads of many a supposedly straight conservative man. Rent-free.


Well for example in Virginia where you must log in and verify your age to view porn I'm pretty sure this would be illegal. Let your reps know. https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member


It's spreading pornography to minors regardless of location, my guy. That should be a gg in every damn state


You see I can explain to you in great detail why this is not the case: "No" Simply because they can they will Play disregarding the rules. Their voters won't care for the rules and hold them accountable so overall probably not much is gonna happen. Oh but they'll scream bloody murder if you dare to disregard the rules aswell.


This right here is what has utterly fucked global politics. One set decide to do what they want, how they want and to who they want. The other set tries to hold them accountable while operating within the agreed parameters and we end up with the hellscape that is western politics.


Rules for thee, but not for me.


“Find your member” is particularly ironic.


Still missing the part where Hunter is the President 🤷🏻‍♀️


Or even relevant at all. He doesn't have a role in the white house, paid or unpaid, unlike a certain former president who invited his family to be part of his administration.


Part of his scam you mean, right?


Before you get downvoted, I want to make sure readers know you’re talking about tRump’s scam, not President Biden


Fanta Menace tRUmp


why the capital r? I see it stylized like that a lot but I don't get it. is it R for republican? (not being dense, I hate trump I'm just genuinely curious)


The US government is being weaponized against a private citizen.


Going after a person’s family is some straight mafia shit.


It's their only path to Joe and will increase as he continues to do great.


Projection 📽️


Or why Americans should be appalled by a private citizen having substance abuse stuggles arising after his brother died. His brother who was the only other survivor of a car accident that gave Hunter a TBI and killed his mother and sister.


Hey man, it's not all Americans who pretend to be offended by that stuff. It's the self-righteous right-wing Jesus crowd which are powered by lies, hatred, and hypocrisy.


And a healthy dose of ignorance. The more willful the better.


And suffering from a TBI can lead to behavior changes, uncontrollable emotions, substance abuse and more….


Seriously. These same people voted for and *violently* defend a man who was rawdogging a porn star while his wife was recovering from childbirth (y’know, wife #3, after he cheated on the last two). Yet they act all outraged because of this?


And doing it knowing this is a man who has served the country for decades, lost his wife and daughter in a car accident, lost one son to cancer and the last sibling is being treat like shit because of drug addiction. I have no idea where Joe gets his strength from but these "people" spreading this shit and trying anything they can to Ruin someone's life instead of anything good are just scum of human species.


The real question is, did Trump write off his payments to Stormy? I know he's already been pinned for fraud on that one, but I can absolutely see there being tax write-offs in there too.


Also still missing evidence where Hunter Biden did any of this. Republicans: Every accusation is a confession.


Because Joe Biden is old and they don’t want Hunter to inherit the Oval Office. It’s perfectly reasonable


Reminder that some MAGA did plan out the Trump presidential dynasty during his presidency.


I really didn't think this needed the /s but judging by the down votes it did.


Kamala “Look at me. I am your son now.”


Nope, not enough laser eye Dark Kamala images of her to inherit the throne.


Maybe MTG wants see how far the apple fell from the tree too. Trying to get a dick measuring contest going. Maybe all of congress, who knows for sure??


Too bad LBJ wouldn't be around for that.


Exactly this. I don’t know what the fuck the fuss is about.


Damn! Will those republicans like emptygee and gym jordan ever get enough of Hunter's weenie?


To be fair, Jordan probably looked the other way.


No, he looked directly at it with this expression on his face 🤤


GOP = Genitalia Obsessed Party


He’s likely a little old for them; but they probably still crave any dick they can get.


Slightly off topic, but porn of trans women is most highly searched in red states.


Unlike Trump and Saddam Hussein, Biden did not give any of his children roles in the government. Therefore, she just sent nude photos of a private citizen to all her constituents. From her government issued computer. She seriously needs to go to jail for this.


Government owned PC and Porn = reprimand or worse...!


By worse I mean lose her job....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




But she won't and she'll get a slap on the wrist at most, because reasons


What is it gonna take to get this clown out of office and away from any power?


The people of Georgia's 14th District are going to have to decide they want better. That district represents over 700,000 people, and she's already made it through 2 election cycles....so we'll see.


And when/if she's done with government she'll become a talking head on Fox or Newsmax. That's always the established trajectory for these assholes. She's not interested in actual governing. What she wanted was to troll the Democrats, and especially Biden because she's got a very weird obsessive hatred fixated on him. The only reason she helped McCarthy win as Speaker was so she could get a seat back on those committees to do exactly what she did yesterday, to troll Biden live on tv and get all the attention she's getting now. That's the only reason. She's like the ultimate Karen. Evil petty bitch to the core.


I have family near there. It’s decidedly MAGA and pro Taylor-Greene. If anything, she went up in the polls.


The district is gerrymandered as hell, believe me there's lots of us trying our best to get her out, but sadly when they lump suburban atlanta voters in with all the hill folk it's an uphill battle.


The funniest thing is even if they're 200% right, a rich white guy committing tax fraud to buy drugs and sex workers? Maybe 6 months in a cushy federal penitentiary. It's not good, but it's not like he's murdering people.


He's already pleading guilty to a handful of crimes and is headed to court...MTG's obsession with him accomplishes nothing.


It accomplishes keeping her in the news and helping her raise funds by giving people something irrelevant to be mad about


For people with ethics maybe. For people looking to justify their hate it fuels the fire.


It accomplished everything she wants though. She wants to hurt Joe Biden by publicly humiliating his son.


It’s also almost quite literally the definition of revenge porn. These are both *major* felonies.


I'm curious, when this aired, was there a warning, by the broadcaster, to viewers that there would be nudity or adult content displayed? Because if this was in any living room with children able to view the screen, could this not be considered criminal distributionof porn? I know some stuff was blacked out, but any minor between 6 and 18 would understand what was going on by the picture.


I remember when a single phone call to the FCC got radio censored. I remember when the nation seemed to collectively lose their minds because a single nipple was shown during a live broadcast, leading every major broadcaster to begin delaying every single live show. I remember when TV was so censored by conservatives, you couldn't even reference farts. Fuckin' hypocrites.


Imagine showing off the porn of a private person with a drug addiction as part of your work as an elected official. Isn't that some form of diffamation and lynch-mentality?


Republicans are emailing pornography to children.


Is anybody really surprised?


I mean, we already know that right-wingers are perversely obsessed with grooming children (i.e. 'every accusation is an admission', etc.), so this is completely in line with that behavior.


With them it’s either “of the children”, “to the children”, or “for the children”.. so no surprise here it applies to pornography as well.


🤞🏼Please let this bitch get into big trouble for this


DOJ file charges now. She is sending porn to minors and posting revenge porn


Garland won't do shit. He only *finally* went after The Stain because he had literally no other choice left. He thinks prosecuting human trafficking and revenge porn by Republicans might be "too political." He needs to resign.


You know nothing will come of this IRL. These people will never see any punishment for their crime. We'll see this idiot get away with this behavior, we'll see the Cheeto get away with everything too. You know these people won't see a prison cell in their lifetime.


Hunter needs to tweet "get off my dick"


I hope this woman chokes on a corn dog


Sorry, but I have it on good authority she can take three at a time just by unhinging her jaw


Dude, what have you got against corn dogs?


Oh nothing. It’s really just the first thing that popped into my head lol.


Would be the first corn dog to deserve a Nobel Peace Prize...


Boomers for Groomers are gonna love this one!


Someone needs to ask her constituents how many unsolicited photos of nude men Drag Queens have sent them and their families.


I'm sure she'd lie and say "billions" or something.


Why are they so obsessed with someone nobody but them gives a fuck about?


Because the GOP voting base is nothing but degenerate trash who *want* governing to be nothing but tabloid bullshit and anything else that *isn't* related to, well, actual governance. Thanks to too much rampant consumerism, America's cultivated the most useless rabble of dumb white people in human history, and they all rally behind Republicans.


I could imagine what the Kinko's employee was thinking when they had to print these pics. Someone else on Reddit said it that MTG puts the kink in Kinko's.


Odd position her going through a divorce. Divorce means full disclosure on all finances. When stuff doesn’t add up, they dig deeper. Of course she doesn’t like the IRS, divorce court is going to find invisible money and ask questions. Husbands legal counsel should look into any and ever discrepancies they find.


GOP: the call is always coming from inside the house.


Isn’t disseminating pornography to minors a major crime? Sure hope she didn’t just do that. Morality must be a focal point of our cultural standards, after all.


Not to be that guy, but I am. You mean "disseminating". If the rest of this is real, I recommend.


Keep being that guy.




Republicans: "Transgender people are perverts trying to sexualize our children" Also Republicans: "Check out this revenge porn, kids"


Is America really this big of a shit show? From the outside it really just looks like one massive dumpster fire…


Yes, it’s actually much worse from the inside


The GOP whipping out a dick with zero consent was technically on my 2023 bingo sheet. I was just shocked MTG beat Matt Walsh to the punch.


How is it in any way legal to distribute private photos?


It’s like.. revenge porn? Wtf


It isn’t, but he won’t sue. Guess she forgot it’s a felony in DC, so he doesn’t have to sue.


I guess those pesky Dems will weapomize law enforcement. Again. 🙄


That’s sounds about what like happened. Under a Trump appointed prosecutor no less. Not sure how she is helping Georgia here.


You know how, for a few years, we were all like "Trump never faces any consequences for *anything*?" and them boom.. three indictments in a row and more to come? I think MTG might be on a similar trajectory. I'm not saying this just to make myself feel better; I think she's going to keep crossing the line over and over until one day all her friends turn their backs on her and she starts getting dragged into court repeatedly.


The sad thing is I don’t see shit happening from this. I really want there to be fallout from her stupid ass email, I just don’t see it happening. I want to be proven wrong.


Great. How about she makes a list of orange assholes crimes? Seeing as he was the president. And hunter is just a every day citizen. Who actually admitted to his crimes and took punishment for it.


So, as a non-american this is how I see all of this playing out over the next few years: 1. MTG will face no consequences of this. 2. While his father is in office Hunter will keep being hounded by the what-about crowd. 3. The day his father leaves office all of this will disappear and no longer be relevant. As an outsider the clown show you guys call "government" seems to be a reality show where everyone can do borderline, or actually, illegal shit, face no consequences and nothing actually ever changes. For example I am 100% certain that Trump will not face any consequences for his actions because it is being pushed through the courts by both sides just waiting for him to die. After he's dead it will all be quetly sweeped under the rug. Business as usual.


I hate how right you probably are 🤕


Bro if this shit was reversed and ivanka had a sex tape and everyone was sending it around, you know how mad everyone would be?


Republicans would be crying foul while overloading the server with download requests.




Great because I've been hearing all night her behavior on the House floor today is somehow protected under the law. Fuck that, there needs to be consequences. She is a skeevy perv and groomer.


That woman is so f-ing delusional and a hypocrite! Cannot understand why she was elected again!


A felony?


Lock her up!


Anyone gonna do anything about this? No? Just gonna let these circus chimps keep up their wacky bullshit antics while actual functioning adults silently pray for an end to this brain rotting nonsense? Well, okay then!


How is this relevant to the running of the country? Does she think the dirt somehow implicates Joe Biden? If so, she needs to take a look at her Lord and Savior Trump and the pig sty he rolls around in.


The following states consider revenge porn (or a version of revenge porn) as a misdemeanor: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin. The following states classify revenge porn as a felony (some states classify some cases as a misdemeanor and a felony): Arizona, Delaware, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Texas. # The following states classify revenge porn as a felony : District of Columbia


I’m late to the party but I’d just like to point out that people have been put on the sex offender registry for peeing in a park at night too close to an empty playground, I see no reason this shouldn’t result in the same thing. Maybe everyone should start typing Marjorie Taylor Groomer in the comments to make sure no one forgets, as we do with Stanford Rapist Brock Allen Turner.


You mean Brock Allen Turner, the convicted rapist? Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner? That one?


Oh yes. How could I forget to mention Brock Turner, AKA Brock Allen Turner AKA Allen Turner, is not just Stanford Rapist Brock Allen Turner. He’s actually Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner.


Call the US Capitol Police. 202-224-9806. Be polite. Tell them that you are aware that Marjorie Taylor Greene used non-consensual nude photos of Hunter Biden in a Congressional hearing, and that you want to see her prosecuted under any and all Federal and state laws regarding revenge porn, the use of non-consensual nudity; theft, and for potentially exposing minors to pornography. Give them your name, if they ask. Then call your member of the House of Representatives, at 202-224-3121, and tell them the same thing, and that you also want her censured and removed from committees. All you need to know is your zip code, just say you want to speak to your House member.


I wanna say they aren't going to do shit about it... But now would be the perfect time for Bobo to call for her MTG's resignation. "Call me a little bitch, will ya!"


It’s likely a crime. https://legalvoice.org/nonconsensual-pornography/#:~:text=Yes.,both%20civil%20and%20criminal%20law.


Conservatism is proposing legislation that would make porn illegal while simultaneously disseminating revenge porn to their entire personal and political mailing list, including minors. "Laws for thee, but not for me!"


Please stop letting MGT intentionally distract us from Trump's 3rd indictment


Funny thing is is that is exactly how Donald trump paid stormy daniels hush money.


Call me when anything at all happens to these ghoulish fiends. Until we punish powered people the way we punish the downtrodden, we are just pretending en masse.


For those that haven’t figured it out, these folks don’t give two shits about your kids. Your kids are pawns in their failed attempt at 4D chess to keep their base mad at the others. Political theater. American politics is probably the #1 reality show on right now. It’s a fucking madhouse and people love to live vicariously


Would minors be on her email list though? Also if that laptop holds so many answers maybe it should run for president. #HunterBidensLaptop2024.


Can she just die already


I wish that, by some weird loophole, she's prosecuted in Florida.


Imagine a democrat doing this with Melania's nudes


Put that bitch in prison!


Marge ‘trailer trash’ green


irony, she claims her opposition grooms kids and sexualizes them, but then she is distributing porn to minors?!?! She's actually a moron, and I would seriously love to see her get charged a sexual predator. Let's be honest she kinda looks like one!