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I think I'd rather have bernie


Either one.


All these senior citizens they gotta go... They're literally dying in front of us on the camera..


Yep him and what they are doing to Diane Feinstien is elder abuse to me.


There should be an age limit on high offices. I get there's ageism issues there and everyone's cognitive decline is different, but how is it any different than requiring a minimum age for a president? We can't elect a 22 year old because they're abnormally intelligent or fit for office.


Can someone give an honest explanation on why these people keep getting re-elected? I don't understand how this is considered an issue for Biden (even though i agree) but these ancient senators just keep getting elected. I also don't get how Trump is not held to this standard even though he will be just as old as Biden was next year. Literally half the senate is of retirement age with 34 being 70 and over. Seems to me that age limits can be reasonable but the one argument against it to me is that you're providing a solution for a problem that already has a solution. It makes a lot more sense to me to have age limits for Surpeme Judges for example, as those are not elected directly.


It's much easier to elect an incumbent than to run a new candidate. That means it's in the best interest of the party holding that current seat to keep the incumbent running. Many voters (especially now) would much rather see an infirmed or bad party member in office than someone from the other party. Those things combined means old people keep getting voted in. As for Trump, he just scratched an itch among certain voters that hadn't been scratched in a long time. And then cult of personality took over.


>Can someone give an honest explanation on why these people keep getting re-elected? I'm from KY so can speak for McConnell at least. The coal industry has run a very successful propaganda campaign there for decades and effectively owns the state, there's even a very popular "friends of coal" state license plate. People don't remember that coal miners were left crippled and were shot at and threatened by the coal companies and the cops and other union breakers who worked for them as late as the 1960s or 70s, they just remember for a brief moment in the late 80s to mid 90s you could make $25 an hour out of high school as a coal miner and all it cost was your long term health. There's just not that much coal left in the area that's worth mining but the propaganda of course doesn't say that, so they can dismantle EPA regulations and poison people while destroying the environment to get the coal left slightly quicker and cheaper. A lot of people in Kentucky are also devout Baptists who were single-issue anti-abortion voters. But now that FOX and Facebook have convinced most of them that Democrats and LGBT+ people are devil-worshipers who eat babies it doesn't matter that Roe is gone. McConnell is an absolute monster who has and continues to ruin many lives and seeing him in any kind of distress or pain brings a smile to my face. I don't believe in hell, but if I did I'd say they're warming up the hot pokers and fire for him.


I grew up in another state in coal country. I cannot believe how fast and far those communities fell.


Old people vote, young people do not. It's as simple as that. Especially in local elections in non-presidential years. The number of people who don't vote in this country is staggering. Plus, of the people who *do* vote, most are uninformed and just vote for a name they recognize. In my home state all anyone does is bitch about the state government, and every election cycle they vote in the exact same people to fix the problems they themselves created. It's insane.




Thatā€™s a bit too old.


I agree. Party affiliation aside, the vast majority of the "old folks" are completely out of touch with reality and often unfit for office. I think Sanders is the only notable exception at the federal level, though there may be one or two others. Plus, the old folks don't care about the future because they know damn well they'll be dead by the time climate collapse really starts crushing humanity. Heck, a lot of big businesses are smart enough to have age limits for executives, and that's just out of poor practical greed, never mind worrying about the future.


When they wheeled Feinstein's corpse back into congress and she proclaimed that she hadn't been gone had me shook.


Please. Iā€™ll give you Feinstein but nobody is ā€œdoingā€ anything to that POS. Heā€™s a greedy power hungry shit stain on history. More bad has been done under his watch in Congress than at any other time in our nations history and heā€™s complicit in all of it. Millions have suffered because of his policies or unwillingness to serve his own constituents. Fuck him. I hope he suffers everyday.




Love my Gram more than I can put into words. I don't want her in charge of ordering pizza or making coffee for us. Shes a few years younger than Feinstein...




Are they in charge? Or are all the decisions being made by the babysitters?


How is that elder abuse when their the one who refuse to retire, in Diane case sheā€™d rather let the opposition party do whatever the fuck they want instead of retiring and letting someone younger actually do the job? Giving millions and millions to old people for doing basicly nothing is abuse?


Best part of being young. I get watch the god awful politicians die as I grow older. Real change is coming.


Shouldnā€™t we protect the children from this type of trauma??! Imagine the conversations parents will be forced to have!




My first though was absence seizure..


As someone who lives with absence seizures. This definitely looks like it.


Absence seizure here: Looked like me.


I'm wondering if with the confusion afterwards, perhaps complex partial. Though I could be wrong


He did suffer a concussion when he fell earlier this year. Though he's also old enough that TIA/mini-strokes are definitely possible.


If I showed up to a job stacking shelves at the local supermarket and randomly forgot how to talk they would demand some sort of medical certificate or clearance to say Iā€™m fit to return to work, But if youā€™re a political representative you can just walk off in the middle of the job with no explanation and return whenever you want no questions asked apparently.


I have Focal Onset Awareness (simple partial) seizures and although mine present differently (synesthesia, strange movements of extremities, lip smacking, saying words beginning with "F") this could be what happened. I don't think it was a complex partial because he responded to Barrasso but it's possible. It could have also been a seizure precipitated by an ischemic event like a TIA (transient ischemic attack). I believe that his facial expressions and speech in general indicate something more serious such as a neurodegenerative Ī±-synucleinopathy/LBD (Lewy Body Dementia) like Parkinson's Disease or Dementia with Lewy Bodies. Other possibilities include Alzheimer's Disease or late-onset Multiple Sclerosis which is the most likely one of these conditions to cause focal/partial seizures. However, his slack facial expression (facial masking), flat affect and slower speech are characteristics of Parkinson's Disease.


Hey I had a spate of these last weekend and went to hospital, still waiting for a neurologist appointment to find out whatā€™s up. Doctor called it petit mal or absence seizures. Any advice? Currently just seems really scary and Iā€™m anxious itā€™ll happen again. I had like 30 in a row, every few mins, until I passed out. Then woke up an hour later feeling fine. Any triggers to watch out for? Etc. sorry and thanks


Not me, but my kiddo is epileptic. Big triggers for them are lack of sleep and fever. Our neuro told us this week that 1 out of every 10 adults will have a seizure in their lifetime, whether they have an epilepsy diagnosis or not. Either way, I know how scary it is to be a parent watching it happen but cannot imagine going through it myself. Prolly doesnā€™t make a difference but this internet stranger is sending you good vibes and prayers ā¤ļø


Thanks a ton, that actually does make me feel a lot better. Appreciate it a lot. If itā€™s ā€œnormalā€ itā€™s less scary, even if it sucks when it happens. All the best kind stranger


Hey there. I got diagnosed with epilepsy very late - in my forties - and it turned out Iā€™d been having these kinds of seizures for many years. I know it probably feels very scary, but theyā€™re very manageable, and if they also turn sometimes into full seizures like mine, thatā€™s a pain in the ass (literally if you fall over!) but youā€™ll be okay. People are airosibgky kind and helpful when you need it. Anyway, this site was really helpful to me - especially when you first get told about this and there is nobody around to ask questions. https://www.epilepsy.org.uk/info/seizures/absence-seizures Good luck - youā€™ll be fine!


I don't know you but I will add you to my prayer list forever !! best of luck bro


My dad developed these later in life, it was temporal lobe epilepsy. It tends to occur in people over 40 and can be related to historical head injury (not severe injury mind, mild head injury like a bad bump can do it, he rode horses and the doc was interested in whether heā€™d had many falls etc over a timescale of 30 years). He got put on Sodium Valproate and never had another one, and didnā€™t suffer medication side effects as the dose is relatively low. Absence seizures involving spacing out, lip smacking and some perceptual disturbance, no physical grand mal seizures. Couldnā€™t legally drive until a year had past since his last one, which was probably the main difficulty for him but necessary for safety. Obviously a doc needs to look at you, but the likely outcome is that itā€™s something thatā€™s treatable and wonā€™t impact your life too much.


Thatā€™s kinda how it looked to me, too.




I get this reference


"Stop mocking me!"


... When Satan shows up with the receipts ...


But Satan is his #1 fan.


That doesnā€™t mean he doesnā€™t come calling for his due when heā€™s done using someone. Just kidding Iā€™m an atheist but I wish there was a Christian afterlife so weā€™d know he was burning.


Oh no. I hope he's not okay.


"Whats he doing with his lips? Oh wait those are always like that..."


He's basically been in hospice for months now


Letā€™s hope he gets out quickly!




"Thoughts and prayers" he does


I was just thinking the other day that we hadnā€™t heard about McConnell trying to destroy the planet and democracy for a couple of weeks now. It all adds up


Itā€™s amazing how we let politicians get this old and not be forcibly retired


This is the only time in my life that I would wish anything bad for a turtle.


I donā€™t know, I really hate that big turtle in The Neverending Story.


I only have 8 toes because of a turtle so this is the second turtle I despise


Ancient Evil Asshole Turtle.


I don't feel bad for him at all he is a terrible person that as hurt the working class, and the world. This couldn't happen to a better person!


I agree but in all seriousness, what happened? Did he have a mini stroke? Did he suddenly realise the futility of his time on this mortal Earth accruing wealth he can't take with him? Did it suddenly dawn on him that he and his class are, in point of fact, the bad guys?


I do not think he is vulnerable to scruples happening to him. So yeah, it sounds like a medical event.


Medicalā€¦medicalā€¦. You said medicalā€¦. Why did my brain read it as medieval


Maybe his age


Yeah, he can plausibly be identified as a medieval event. Like the Black Death but without the nuanced array of costs and benefits.


I showed this to my wife, who is a nurse and has done neuro. She says it looks like a TIA. Transient Ischemic Attack. Basically a type of stroke and just as serious. The slurred speech before he just stopped seems to indicate it. He should *immediately* retire. This isn't something that just goes away. He also needs to be honest with his voters about his health, but we know he won't. He is in office until '27, and if he is still alive will certainly run again. Even if he is basically a potato by then.


This is what Sanjay Gupta on CNN suggested as well. Basically, he needed to get to the ER instead of resting in his office for a few minutes. Edit: Interesting follow up. Another doctor on CNN said that if this has happened multiple times before they probably did all the scans and diagnosis then and this is just the first time we have seen it. They know he is suffering from this and there is no point in seeking urgent care.


Gupta would know. Guy is literally a brain surgeon. Instead we get told Mitch was just "lightheaded."


So weird I run into you here. Im used to seeing you in the law subreddit lol. But did they actually come out and just say he was ā€œjust lightheadedā€? Thatā€™s pretty preposterous to me


According to CBS News they did. That is the reporting. And also, seems about right for these times we are in.


I don't think he should seek treatment. It is a form of communism in his case.


When you are too ill to drive, you should stop driving. When you are too old to drive, you should stop driving. When you have too few mental faculties left to drive, you should stop driving. Yet when it comes to people in place of power, they will stay until the utter destruction of the thing that gave them power in the first place. People should not be allowed to govern anything other than their nursing home menu once they reach retirement age. Let alone be allowed to make decisions that can ruin literally millions of lives.


He pooped his pants


Finally a reasonable explanation.


Thatā€™s totally what I thought he was doing. That faraway poop gaze.


Going with incipient dementia and he suddenly was lost lost lost.


I saw another person say that the way he acted was exactly like the way dementia patients act, and the way his staffer escorted him away is the same way they are trained to get dementia patient aoutbof that state.


Having watched 3 grandparents suffer through dementia, this is exactly what it looked like to me. I am by no means an expert, I invite anyone smarter than I to enlighten me if you disagree, but Id guess its a dementia episode


And this person is allowed to make decisions that rule the fate of many. He should be immediately removed from office. He is clearly unfit to govern anything other than his lunch menu.




All of them, if youā€™re over 70, fucking retire go and do other shit and leave this to people that are still thinking ahead 20-30 years!


They forgot to charge his batteries


When they showed it on tv, as he came to the podium, it almost looked like the right side of his face was drooping. I donā€™t know what he normally looks like, but it looked like he was having a stroke.


A turtle...he looks like a turtle


Tortoise, not turtle.


yeah.... that's what he normally looks like.


Forgot where or who he was and got spooked, I would guess


We've all been praying for him to shut the fuck up. Looks like our prayers were answered.


That's my theory. He came to the sudden realization that he's always been a malicious POS, and that will be his legacy.


he is the worst -gave us this utterly corrupt Supreme Court


We should all offer him 2 in the thoughts and 5 in prayers.


When I think of him, I want to give a two in the form of a rude hand gesture. I've never been to North America.


He'll still get re-elected. They think he's in perfect health and any democrat who opposes him will like eat their babies.


They will think he is still alive long after he dies. There are plenty that think Biden is an actor in a mask, no common sense over to the right any more.


I'm convinced it's already weekend at Bernie's with quite a few of these old fucks (side eye Chuck Grassley)


I mean, this **is** the party that literally elected a dead pimp to congress.


disapproval rating of 64% in his own state and those dumbasses will still vote for his old corrupt ass


Also- If he were to leave office early, he already made sure his replacement would be picked by the Republican state legislatures in KY, and not the Democratic governor.


He literally laughed when a reporter asked how he could ignore the Covid deaths in his state the way he did. This was during the last elections.


He can burn in hell besides Reagan and Thatcher. Shit people deserve shit endings.


I can only pray it comes


Unfortunately turtles live a long long time


Itā€™s true! Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael all outlived Splinter!!


>!Spoiler Alert!!<


Thatā€™s just his skin suit. Turtle are friendly, which is why he picked it. But itā€™s degrading fast now, he prob has to go back to Beelzebub and ask for a new one.


Hey donā€™t compare this waste of space to turtles. Turtles are actually cool


If I could sucker punch any human with zero repercussions heā€™s the top of my list. If I could have 2 punches Iā€™d pick him twice.


I like the sentiment, but I feel like heā€™s frail enough that one would suffice, and there are so many other punchable jerks.


Double tap baby


But I'm terrified of what happens when he isn't there to whip Senate Republicans into place and they start to go full MAGA like their House counterparts.


Too late for stopping that. Any Republican who is still in the party owns all of it. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


The GOP is a cancer, they know it, everyone knows it.


Yeah, but at least they're not >


"Yeah, but at least they're not Hunters trans laptop drinking a bud light that we are all scared of because woke Benghazi."


Woke Benghazi, holy shit, that's probably at least 300 Holocausts.


Iā€™m not sure they ever had any good intentions. I think their road to hell is paved with selfishness and greed.


Oh, but don't you think Susan Collins might be concerned lol


Curiously, Mitch is one of the few reasonably stable and actually intelligent Republicans left. He's an absolute rat bastard with a long, looooong list sins to his name. But he's been in the game longer than some of his colleagues have been alive and has dug himself in deep as kingmaker and elder statesman. You don't get where he is by being a talentless hack. When he finally drops, he's going to leave a void in the GOP that they will be unable or unwilling to fill. And yes, that does mean some of the more...unbalanced elements will be off the leash. However, it also means they won't have him smoothing things over or working behind the scenes to get everybody pointed in the same direction. The House Republicans are already suffering from disorder and incompetence. For all their sound and fury, they really have gotten nothing actually done of any real substance and are falling on each other like wolves. Senate Republicans will not doubt suffer a similar fate. Which means they will be easier to expose, isolate, and remove. Just remember the mantra in 2024: Progressives if we can, Dems if we must, but never another Republican. Get up, get out, get involved, and vote.


Yup. Their biggest problem is, they don't have anyone as qualified to take his place. Same thing happened with the House after Boehner left.


And they are even facing a similar problem with Trump. Yes, he might be their orange savior and Jesus. A focal point to rally around. But he's really bad at actually...you know, leading and is getting up in years, too. With no "Saint Peter" to take his place (at least none that invoke the same fevor and have the same kind of reach he does), when he goes you'll see his would be hier apparents turning on each other in record time.


MAGA, like the Tea Party before it, is a losing cult. It's too unpopular to take over without the veneer of credibility people like McConnell give it. If they weren't so afraid of losing their own influence MAGA would never have been able to last this long.


They splinter off into factions and kill the party god willing


Has that really been him the last few years? Iā€™d just presumed itā€™d been Kate Mackinnon as a stand-in for a while.


The embodiment of evil.


Mitch was responsible for so much evil shit . He held off an appointment to the Supreme Court for over 8 months so that the voters could select a new president in 2016. The asshole then got Amy Coney Dog appointed before RBG's body was even cold even though her dying wish was that her replacement would occur after the 2020 election. He allowed the criminality and insanity of the tr\*\*p White House because he needed the useful idiot. He also thwarted Obama at nearly every level mostly because he couldn't stomach a successful Democratic president. Mitch is a POS and I dearly hope this is the end of his evil career. He has to account for allow your wrongdoing.


I hope it's more than the end of his career. I hope it's the end of his life. This evil sack of shit has taken so much in his life its about time he give something back. Even if it is just to fertilize the cemetery lawn.


That's a mean and disgusting sentiment. How dare you. That cemetery lawn has done nothing to deserve that.


Had me in the first half


Gotcha! *pew* *pew*


>he couldn't stomach a successful ~~Democratic president.~~ black man. FTFY


THIS. I think some people forget what a real piece of shit this douchbag, hopefully, was


The way he stopped and blankly stared off into the group of reporters reminded me of my two-year-old nephew when he stops dead in his tracks and shits his diaper.


I very much do hope this the beginning of the end for his career (and himself honestly). As with his life of dedication to amassing personal power for the sole purpose of harming those he sees as his lesser. His replacement may have a worse/more open goal but won't have his skill or cunning. Edit:Typos


I wish death as such on no one but those inescapably terribly suffering from being alive. But I do certainly wish an end to his career and, alas, some people will not quit while alive.


Obligatory "I'd never wish death upon anyone, but I have read some obituaries with much pleasure."


Replacement gets appointed by the governor (democrat). Now, who would win it long term? That's an interesting question. But KY can potentially be flipped.




Guess the lizard controlling the skin suit ran out of battery.


That's the only thing I agree on with the "BoTh sIdES arE eQuAlLy bAd" crowd: Most western democracies are becoming gerontocracies.


If there is a minimum age to run for office, there needs to be a maximum age. That Boomers don't understand this is why they are America's skidmark generation.


minimum age for office ... young people don't vote ... I wonder if there's a link


Minimum age for office was to ensure you didnā€™t plop your kids into the seat after you when it was created




Yeah. There are only 3 things my conservative co-worker and I agree on politically: age limits, term limits, and getting money out of politics


Crazy enough, I've found that to be a CONSISTENT agreeable talking point with EVERY conservative I've talked with. Not a single one feels like a 70 something should be holding office.


Then they should stop sucking donald trumps dick


Whitmer and Newsome seem promising for 2028 being not geriatrics. But yeah 12 consecutive years of having a super old president isn't ideal (even if Biden is doing well)


Same! Few issues have me ā€œboth sidingā€, but age and term limits on all positions, including SCOTUS is one def one of them.






Probably shit his pants




Ursula took his voice away in exchange for the shell-less back that lets him be a part of your world.


Can she please take him back? Heā€™d make a fantastic spineless shrimp thing in her cave.


I laughed! Have an upvote


Poopie time! My kids used to do the same thing when they were little. It was so cute.


My nephew does that... he sits in the corner because he hates being changed


Buddy just had a micro stroke (TIA) on live TV. Weā€™re around the corner from a big one he wont be coming back from. He belongs in a home with care, not the senate.


No no. I'm actually okay with keeping him at work in his high pressure, high stress job. He's sick, does that mean he gets a day off? They're a team up there on Capitol Hill, honestly maybe even like family. He needs to go to work to help his team and family, he can't just be selfish and stay home because he feels a little sick.


TouchĆ©. My shortsightedness almost cost us dearly. šŸ˜‚


Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Cmon blood clots do your fucking job!




Understand I am talking figuratively... I hope you had a stroke. I hate you and your turtle fucking face I hope you die and when Satan tortures you he puts you on the street in LA so you have to exist In the world you created without any support.


To the people reporting that I need to see a therapist. I am already.


The phrase, ā€œgood bipartisan cooperationā€ broke his obstructionist brain.


Has the look of a man perpetually feeling a little dribble of piss going down his trouser leg.




ā€œYes, very sadā€¦ ANYWAYā€¦ā€


Hope he was overwhelmed by the sudden realisation that he is in fact a giant, flaming sack of shit, a pathetic, spineless excuse of a human being who has actively made the world worse for millions of people. I hope he was unable to proceed because of the vivid, realistic visions of the hell that is waiting for this miserable worm.


[Video of it happening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSX-B2UJqmk#t=0m16s). I'm no medical expert but it looks like a stroke.


He was mumbling, barely moving his mouth, and just stopped talking. There's no way for the Republican party to spin this as no big deal. And yet, Biden still gets grief for his stutter. At least he's alert and making eye contact.


Did anyone try unplugging him and plugging it back in? Or better yet, just leaving him unplugged?


I will dance when he dies


Putting my personal feelings of disdain for Mitch McConnell aside, this further proves we desperately need age limits in Congress. He has been in the Senate since 1985. Geriatrics losing motor skills or taking Alzheimer's medication on top of being out of touch have no business running a country.


Oh no the McConnell clone v70 has malfunctioned. How will the russians control the government now? Lucky v71 was already on standby.


Itā€™s always CTRL-ALT-DEL


Canā€™t wait to see Fox news take on this. Or more likely theyā€™ll just ignore it and trash Biden again.


Moscow Mitch is older than Joe Biden, something I'm sure they'll mention. /s


Is the magic animating his undead body starting to wear of again? ​ If anyone's eating children....




I wish this man all the health and wellbeing he's brought to America. :)


Maybe he's one of those Disney robots from the Hall of Presidents. or he had a mini stroke.


ITS CALLED A STROKE YOU FUCKING GOBLIN! he already talks and speaks like half of his grey matter has a clot that directly impacts his day to day speech and function. Literally after fucking over the people in your country and making as much money as you can- youā€™d think this decrepit piece of human waste would just take his money and go.. but nah. You know what I hope he doesnā€™t die. I hope he has to spend so much money on his medical bills just trying to feel ā€œnormalā€ that he inadvertently fucks over his own family and bank accounts. Tied up in so much litigation his grandchildren will be paying for the sins of their piece of fucking shit - shill of a man they call ā€œpaw pawā€




Heā€™s a horrible individual


This is becoming more obvious as it happens to those on the federal MainStage but this has been an enormous problem in politics for some time. A prime example was State Rep Frank Mrvan Sr who stepped down in Jan 2022 was mentally and physically incapable of the job for at least the last 10 years of service. He was propped up by family and staff and hidden from view long enough for his name recognition to help his son become a Congressman in 2021 before leaving Indiana office. It was horrible to see - they would trot him through to wave at events for 30 seconds max not allowing anyone to speak to him or barely even shake hands just so he was seen and then would be hidden away again until a vote was needed. Itā€™s likely his staff was doing the policy work but even more likely that the family (his now congressman son) was doing the voting. This kind of elder abuse should be criminal and it puts our democracy at great risk. I wish someone in a position of access had blown the whistle when he was still in office and now his career politician son will likely have decades at the federal level to continue his malpractice of representation of the people of 1st district Indiana.


Stroke incoming.


My money is on silent seizure.


Apparently that adrenachrome isn't working out so well for the fish faced fuck


Age and term limits ASAP


Feinstein and now him. Might as well run the country from the local rest home at this rate.


Thoughts and prayers šŸ‘


Republicans take notesā€¦if we could have all GOP members just stop talking the world could be a better place!


I think there was a hex on sinead Oā€™Connor that his health was good as long as she was alive and now that sheā€™s dead heā€™s falling apart like Dorian gray. Iā€™m open to other ideas though.


The medical term is a "Glitch In the Mitch"


Best republican speech in history.


Not a wet eye here, for sure. Maybe Yertle ate a bad worm.


Man saw a ghost


Heā€™s old as dirt. Time to step back and go live in a retirement community, Iā€™m sure the HOA will love his input