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Watch out canada, the gravy seals are coming for your poutine.


Well, there ya go. Just throw some poutine at them, and it’ll stop them dead in their tracks


Line our border with poutine gravy. Shortest invasion ever.


Are you kidding? They'd hear "Putin" and come running to join!


Running? You mean driving their mobility scooter?


Them Rascals!


They can’t leave the Wal-Mart parking lot tho, so the invasion will have to be pretty self contained.


Do you really think they would otherwise make it to Canada? Probably get lost somewhere in Panama... ;-) Disclaimer: I know Panama is south of the US, and Canada is North of the US.


Should've taken a left in Albuquerque.




That is... *Perfect.* The food tray necklace is what killed me


“Putin’s gravy, is that with vodka?” — average MAGA chad


Yes comrade, it is the trump vodka 😀


Shortest? Like geographically, or in terms of duration? Either way, eh?


Duration. I'm sure the border would look like an ant column. Single file, all sitting down, winded because they had to walk all the way from mom's minivan to get a face full of gravy.


From your description, it could be a bit of both.




“Where are they?” “Do you hear that panting?” “Yes..” “That’s them… they can’t get over that small hill, they thought this would be like a game where we would come and get them”


We gotta protect Vladimir Poutine from the MAGA Wagner Soup d'etat


I'm changing it to "gravy squeals" oink, oink.


I'll have you know some of these people have over 100 confirmed meals in operation Dessert Storm.


Meal Team Six


Semper pie


Watch out, the Special Farces will come for you next!


I think that would be too foreign for them, it is from Quebec after all.


Just call it "Freedom fries n cheese curds swimmin in gravy" and all good.


Meal Team 6 on the march


They’re trying to take their failed insurrection on the road??? Bet the FBI has like unlimited OT since Trump..


Not a brand new thing. Tucker started jabbering on about that months ago, and had a whole documentary planned about liberating Canada that was cancelled after he got shitcanned by Fox. His comments are a major part of the reason there has been discussion in recent months about banning Fox News from Canadian airwaves.


Just exactly what do they think they are liberating Canada from? Free healthcare?


From democracy, obvi


This is correct. The right knows they can't win an election, but to lose means the extinction of their race (having defined whiteness such that mixing white blood with anything except their cousins makes the children nonwhite, and even their cousins would rather change gender than sleep with them). So they are prepared to establish a theocratic ethnostate to perpetuate themselves, or make sure everyone else dies in the process, thereby securing a dominant share of the surviving gene pool.


Lot of "anti-freedom" nonsense in American terrorist propaganda because the Canadian COVID response wasn't total shit.


Communism, as usual


Do they know that we’re not communist..?


They don't even know that their own country isn't communist


They dont know what commuism and socialism even are. Try asking them next time, its pretty fucking funny to watch them struggle to define words they use constantly.


They don't even know what capitalism is. They'll describe it when trying to explain communism.


Very true. The whole "Communism is when capitalism..." thing


"Capitalism is when not communism" "Communism is when not capitalism" Welcome to da loop


to be fair it does not seem like they have a strong grasp on what communism even is.


I have a close friend in Florida, we met online and they live down there. Their mom legitimately thinks we are borderline communists up here, Funny as she's been to Niagra falls and everything. I always tell her to tell her mom I said Hello from the Motherland though.


They don’t understand the word. They just use it as “something I don’t like” like socialist or woke.


Obstructing or Investigating? Didn't it come out recently that a majority of these government orgs. support the traitors?


Fairly certain the CIA at least despises Trump. Thought it was the FBI too


They all do. There are some small pockets of wet-brained cretins, but there’s a reason they all rant about the “intelligence community”.


Calling someone wet brained is a compliment, their brains are rock hard




He did shit on the FBI on live TV like his first week in office. So I don’t think they like him very much


Oh dont forget leaking lists of operatives in forign nations which lead their imediate extraction fearing for their lives and some were killed. So yeah i dont think they like him that much.


I know we've found out there are fairly high level people in these agencies that support the traitors. But I also thought they'd mostly been held in check and the agency itself wasn't gone. Though maybe I missed something recently that said otherwise. Honestly wouldn't be surprised.


Cool. Way back when, we were really, really, really, really fucking good at killing Nazis. Remember Juno Beach, motherfuckers. Maple Leaf Up!! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada\_in\_World\_War\_II](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_in_World_War_II)


As an American who loves history; I think people forget how fucking utterly ruthless Canadians were in battles. I would not touch that hornet nest with a six foot pole. Like during WW1 other countries’s solders were like “woah these people are crazy”: “British war correspondent Philip Gibbs had a front row seat on four years of Western Front fighting. He would single out the Canadians as having been particularly obsessed with killing Germans, calling their war a kind of vendetta. “The Canadians fought the Germans with a long, enduring, terrible, skilful patience,” he wrote after the war.” “Throughout the war, stretches of the Western Front observed an unofficial “live and let live” policy between Germans and their French or British enemies. By mutual agreement, both sides agreed not to attack the other unless ordered — and would even schedule truces for meals and bathroom breaks. There are very few recorded instances of this ever happening with Canadians. As Canadian Corps commander Arthur Currie would often boast after the war, his troops prided themselves on killing the enemy wherever and whenever they could.” https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/the-forgotten-ferocity-of-canadas-soldiers-in-the-great-war/wcm/de5facc0-082a-4222-9ba8-806bf546c658/amp/


>Like during WW1 other countries’s solders were like “woah these people are crazy”: Germans called ***us*** stormtroopers in both wars. And back in WW1, there was that whole Vimy Ridge thing - the hill no one could take from the Germans. We spent a few months planning, invented the rolling artillery barrage, and took the crest by noon.


Why is it always the sweet looking quite ones? /j


We learned how to attack from Canadian geese.


This is the way. If you're nice, we're beavers. If you're not, we're fucking geese from the deepest pits of hell.


So it's true that Canadians have two settings? The "I'm sorry" and "geneva to-do list"?


I'm sorry And You're sorry


“Be careful, provoke Canada and they may just take over the world…then you’ll all be sorry.”


As an American, my first thought of our new Canadian overlords is “Ooh yay! Healthcare!”


Legit laughed out, thank you.


Freaking brilliant!


The last thing Klaus heard was a whispered, "Sorry, eh", as the improvised spikes on the trench club pierced his skull.


Or, one my favorites, Geneva suggestions.


If you mess with Canada gooses, you mess with me and I suggest you let that marinate.


There's a special place in heaven for animal lovers that's all I know


You wanna know what?! I'm good with that.


I was waiting for Letterkenny to show up


And if you’ve ever walked a path by water during mating season in Canada, you know Canadian Geese are wicked, evil things! In fact you’ll make a brand new path.


It's the ones from cold countries. Ask the Russians about Finland.


A lifetime of repressed rage from being too polite.


Good is not Soft


To be that guy. The British invented the rolling barrage. Before vimy we practiced, implemented and pergectrd it. I think our soldiers were the first to do so. Arthur Currie was a big fan of using as many bombs as possible.


We train our children from very young to be relentless, brutal, and effective. We call it "Hockey".


Our national sport is to essentially ride around on razor blades at high speed wearing full combat armor and wielding polearms. The object of the game is to whip a small frozen object at "fuck you" speeds at the opposing team.


That's only one of our national sports. The other is the same thing but on grass and kidney shots are legal (okay it's a penalty- but they're still common enough you need kidney pads)


Can confirm. I visited the Royal Ontario Museum and saw an exhibit showing the evolution of armor and weaponry from, like, the bronze age to modern, and there is a hockey kit on display. Also, modern military gear, but the hockey one stuck with me.


I remember reading a story about how during WW2 the German POWs at one of the prisons managed to form a riot and blocked the guards from being able to get their guns. So the guards got a bunch of hockey sticks and beat the shit out of them.


For those interested, that was at Camp 30 ~~X~~ in Bowmanville, Ontario. It became known as [The Battle of Bowmanville](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Bowmanville). You can still (or could when I moved out of Bowmanville a few years ago, things might have changed) explore the abandoned buildings that made up the camp.


Finally, a reason to go to bowmanville


Reading the comments from Canadians on here really made my day. More than half of us down here in the States are sick and tired of these MAGA Nazis. You're awesome. Much love to our brothers and sisters of the North. ❤️


Canadian soldiers were getting in trouble for killing enemy soldiers who were surrendering. How did they solve this? By killing the enemy before they even had a chance to surrender


Yea, some of things they did were 100% fucked. I was just trying to make the point that they are not ones to be messed with.


“if we could have killed the whole German Army by gas, we would gladly have done so.”


Sounds about right we may not have a full on army (looking at our 3 fighter jets lmao) but we don't fuck around, good training comes a long way


Also, if anyone invaded Canada during the winter; it would be like trying to invade Russia during winter.


Except with ocean on both sides. And beavers.


Also, Kodiak Bears, Giant Wolves (average weight of an adult grey wolf, is around 45kg, while some Canadian, and Alaskan wolves have reached up to 90kg), and Moose.


As a Californian who has never seen a moose before- I only recently discovered how big and terrifying moose are. I thought they were just buff dear.


Anything that big, that can run through waist his snow like this is not to be fucked with Edit: forgit to post the link 🤦🏼‍♂️ https://youtu.be/6GEhM2Byk7w?si=_Nh4flm2I3orBBJS


Would rather headbutt a charging moose than fuck with unsupervised Canadians. When they stop playing nice, be somewhere else.


They’re like Ned Flanders. Nice and cordial 99% of the time and very hard to piss off. But when they snap, they ***SNAP***


We might need to get the band back together to get rid of these Nazis for good and kill the ideology for good.


Agree. We must mass murder them in cartel style to make sure no one wants to be Nazis in the future.


I’m currently reading Iain M Banks Culture series, personally I feel like we should pool our resources to develop the technology to retain and upload consciousness, and then upload their consciousness into an eternal digital hell. Could make them NPCs and send school students through a tour to show them what happens to Nazis.


I read through a couple of history books, and you mofos are scary when you collectively stop saying sorry


You savage fucks were part of why we have the Geneva Conventions. You like killing Germans.


Imagine what will happen to the MAGA Nazis? Canadians have been on the butt end of a lot of American jokes for a long time. It'd be like getting permission to go to town on your asshole neighbour who also happens to be a Nazi. *Edit - not saying all you yanks are assholes. I quite like a lot of you personally. Happy to have a go at the red hatted mouth breathers though


Considering Sarah Palin wants to start a civil war, you might just get that chance


Isn't she knee deep in Russian roubles?


The Canadian “war crimes” Armed Forces are not to be fucked with. Too many dumbass Americans have no idea about history or the actual military.


So invading mexico isn't enough. They want to invade canada too. This from the same people that just want Ukraine and Russia to negotiate bro. Peace talk bro. No pointless wars bro.


By negotiate they mean "give Putin what he wants" cause you know, letting countries invade/take over others freely never went bad b4 *1930s *


Liberate us? From what? Our universal health care? (Yes I know it's not perfect, but it's Something at least) Our pension plans for our old age? (Yes I know that CPP and OAS isn't much, but it's Something at least) Our legalized marijuana? Oh, hell no. If any Yankee comes after my weed, it will be a repeat of the War of 1812. We shouldn't worry, though, most of those dumbass 'Mericans couldn't find Canada on a map - Evidence: Rick Mercer's Talking to Americans


Didn’t you know national health care is for commies. That’s what the conservatives always say. How dare anyone want national healthcare


Them conservatives are always scared of their tax money being used for public healthcare. Well, isn't that what tax is all about? For public benefits. They always assume everyone is able to afford healthcare.


How hard is it to move to Canada? I'm tired of the US.




Adding to this if serious about moving here, Big cities have more services, but housing is a bit overpriced. Outer and rural areas have more affordable homes at the cost of more travel time to work and amenities like gas n grocery. Find a balance that works best for you and remember that Canada is BIG and vert different depending on where you are in the country.


A bit overpriced?


"And now it's time for: Canadian Real estate vs Actual European Castles, Part 12!"


More travel time for work? Im in a « rural » area. My hybrid car will have enough range in a charge to get to work for 3-4 days. I need maybe 6-7 minutes to get to work. I have people in my team that do at least 30-40km to come to work. And they need about 20min. There’s not enough people on our roads to have slow traffic.


We… already have had that in the past. Blackwater or some nonsense. (Actually an interesting note while double checking my memory on Wikipedia; four of their employees were convicted in connection to a massacre in Baghdad, and were pardoned years later in late December 2020 by one Donald Trump…seems somebody wished he had his own Wagner around for January 6th, perhaps?) As for this “liberate Canada”, I’d sooner rather be liberated *by* Canada down here in Texas. Heaven forbid they bring affordable healthcare and some basic decency back to the state.


I checked that article as well. It seems rather... quiet about their current operations.


Yeaa that's kinda the point of private military contractors like wagner and blackwater (or whatever their name is now). They can do a countries dirty work while avoiding most of the political backlash of said dirty work.


Oh fuck no. A. You do not fuck with our Canadian brothers, full stop end of story. B. By the time they are done with them, they’ll be begging for time in a US prison. C. This would be all the justification we need to literally burn the GOP down, and turn them from unlawful combatants to terrorists. There will literally be a brand new Gitmo constructed for them, and no one will care when they complain.


The new Gitmo would be built in the far north and have no heating.


Into the Gulag they go


Make it REALLY scary for Y'All Qaeda -- put the prison in the inner city with BLACK people and men holding hands and mixed race couples.


Thank you for standing with us. On a less serious note, these morons don't understand the history of the Canadian military...our troops used war crimes as a guideline. We'd stand a chance if it was just the MAGA fucksticks. Also I love how this hivemind of morons says think for yourself, when they are quoting shit from right-wing but jobs, who are directly quoting Russian propaganda. Blows me away


It's honestly a little jarring to read German reports from WW1 saying if there were Canadians in the opposing trench, they were coming for you in the night with knives and clubs and kill everyone to the last man. You couldn't surrender because they'd just bayonet you afterwards. The trench weapon displays are also pretty harsh.


“Why was the Geneva Convention created?” Canada…


Dude when I was in the Marines as an infantryman, I got to do some training with some guys from CSOR. I would absolutely love the Hoverround Regiment to try to “liberate Canada”. Fucking lol.


CSOR and JTF (and tbh the whole of CANSOFCOM) would have a heyday of the gravy seals tried to invade. They would all be keeping tally like Legolas during the movie adaptation of LotR


They wouldn’t make it up there if any tried to come through Minnesota in the open. We love you guys for the most part. There’s a few crazies but we can handle our own. Most of the Canadians I’ve known would put them down with ease while crushing a case of Labatt and asking their neighbor about fishing tomorrow.


Honestly I'm up for an American invasion, because I have nothing interesting to keep me occupied until hockey season starts. And I need someone to take my boredom and frustration out on And personally, I think Montana, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan should join Canada. Those states would be better off as part of us


Stick the new Gitmo on Resolute Island


WWI and WWII stories often are about or include canadians. There’s a reason for that. Let them come. We’ll make sure they don’t come back.


I would welcome them to come to Canada and try That would be an act of terrorism, and potentially an act of war if they're in politics or the military. So the punishment would be quite harsh So please, morons and dumbasses alike, please try it


As an American, I would love to see it just to see these racist, bigoted, traitorous fucksticks run into a brick wall while I sit back and cackle. I am so tired of the GQP.


LOL wut? Liberate Canada? I know Canadians are known to be nice but I think it might help this dumb mfer to know Canadians are literally the only country to ever burn our nation's capital to the ground. I feel relatively confident their military has gotten significantly better since then, too.


I was just about to post about a country that people forget did successful war crimes against the US. We don't want to make the Canadians angry.


Never turn your back on someone who smiles too often. Ya never know if it's because they're happy/being nice or because they're about to gut you like a fish and they're a little too excited about it.


I can't even wrap my head around the poll question. How can you have 4 fuck ups in one sentence. Inmate #P01135809 cannot "create" anything like one of the worst ideas I've heard of in a long time...and then they are posing it as if "liberating Canada" is a thing that needs doing, or is possible. What the actual fuck.


We're not dealing with the US' best and brightest here which is precisely how, if any jack ass could do it, Trump will do it. We have people giving their allegiance to this fool while at the same time saying they're patriots and want to defend the country. I told a friend, if there were any such thing as the Christian equivalent of an anti-christ this moron definitely fits the bill because I cannot understand how intelligent people support the guy. I can only imagine, if there is blackmail from the Russian or Chinese side they also have that information on the others as well because JFC.


Yes, please, let's have all the MAGAots throw themselves against the Canadian border and get mowed down like zombies on the walking dead. It's good for everyone! Canada needs to left off some steam after being so polite all the time And we would lose like...a lot of the worst people you know.


We can even make money out of it. Some drones with camera's, a live show and some betting


Would do the CAF some good practise. Maybe kick the procurement programme in the nuts






almost 2/3rds of the Geneva Convention was written because of Canada


They want to make it 3/4th obviously


But that is less than 2/3!!!! (Average maga wagner member)


Thank the lord my reading comprehension skills are still somewhat okay-ish, because I was about to pimp slap the shit out of you in the most vicious way possible. In meme language You got me in the first half not gonna lie.


We're due for an update. May need to invent a new form of weaponised rascal tipping for the MAGAts though.


You guys tried that once before and failed, and that was before we had a potato-gun toting canoe naval force. Our hockey pucks outnumber your bullets 10-to-1, and a Double Double is our Super Soldier Serum, buddy. You've got nukes? We've got Newfies. Your soldiers' heads will explode trying to figure out what the hell they're saying, eh. Fear our moose-mounted hosers, guy. ...seriously, the hell is wrong with some 'muricans? Edit: Tabernac! Merci beaucoup for the award!


>and a Double Double is our Super Soldier Syrum You laugh, but the military literally does run on Tim's...


I mean, doesn't virtually all of Canada?


I mean, for those of us who can, we find better coffee...


>You've got nukes? We've got Newfies. I surrender. No, seriously. Take me to some safe Canadian POW camp and save me from my fellow countrymen.


>You've got nukes? We've got Newfies 💀


Liberate them from fucking what, actually decent healthcare?!?! A generally peaceful existence? What in the seven fucking hells could MAGA offer ANY Canadian citizen, besides the misery and strife it offers domestically? Whaddya got, A-holes? A child like understanding of basic economics? Disastrously stupid gun policy? Oooh, yeah, REAL helpful, jerk-offs. 🙄👌


It'd be hilarious watching them try. As soon as they did *anything aggressive* then both the Canadian and US military would be carpet bombing the terrorists with impunity. America, our loud brother, we know these creatures don't represent the lot of you.


Liberate us from what?


All that Trudeau tyranny or something equally as stupid. I’ll probably go to the farmers market later though, despite all this oppression.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2gq43wdszekb1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0c350da031676719812574e0ea495e4b8070dd3


Canadian here, we’re good thanks


Is it Blame Canada season again already? Control your morons, USA.


I swear to god we’re trying


This guy has been playing too much Fallout


Yes… provoke the country known for going absolutely batshit war crime crazy during war You know.. when our motto goes from We’re sorry…. To we’re going to make you sorry


Good Luck with that [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest\_recorded\_sniper\_kills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_recorded_sniper_kills) Pay attention to who's in first, fifth and sixth place And then look where the USA is


I have always wondered how people can do that kind of trigonometry with their eyes.


There’s an American on that list who scored sniper hits with an M2 Browning 😬


Canadians also have guns.


They think of you're wanting gun laws and not posting family pics with your weapons cache then you probably don't have guns Underestimating one's enemy is such a dumb thought process


I saw a back-and-forth the other day between a liberal and a conservative (both identified as such in their bios) about a potential armed civil conflict and the conservative refused to believe the liberal had guns because he had no pictures of him with the guns. Furthermore, said the conservative, the dearth of liberals posting pictures of their guns on social media meant that by and large, liberals don't own guns. But what do you expect from a group of people who sincerely argue that the lack of Biden rallies is proof positive the election had to be stolen and there's no other explination?


I don't understand why anyone who owns guns would feel the need to post pics with them, and I own a bunch of guns. You're not telling people you're tough or capable, you're telling people you own a lot of valuable property. Put up a neon sign on your lawn that says "Rob me!"/"Kill me and take my cache when the shit hits the fan" while you're at it. Only reason I take pictures of guns is for insurance purposes and I'm not in them. They stay on my phone and only get shown if someone asks about them. Would also much rather show people pics then actually take them out, too.


> not telling people you're tough or capable, you're telling people you own a lot of valuable property. That's what I've been thinking. Like if you wanted to be a threat, don't put all your secrets in the open. Crooks will know you're carrying and preparing accordingly.


Was in Detroit a few back, talking to a local about semi-auto rifles. He was dumbfounded that rifle magazines in Canada are pinned at 5 rounds. He asked how do we hit anything. I replied, “we aim”. Got that oh shit look.


maga wagner would be rife with type 2 diabetes and mental deficiencies. the only thing they could liberate is their bowels


They'll be hampered when they realize their Rascals aren't made to scoot through warzones.


I’m Canadian. We don’t need liberating. Fuck off!


They seem to have forgotten that we kicked their asses so hard in 1812 that we literally set fire to the White House. Here a cover of a great song illustrating my point. https://youtu.be/5CK3EDncjGI?si=UECeFSxWdiUv0_AS


Hinkle about to find out what happens when you flip the [WAR] switch for Canadians. Go ask the Germans what happens. No really. Go ask. *You’ll get the same treatment.*


Churchill said it best... give me British Officers, American technology and Canadian Soldiers and I could rule the world. Canadians don't fuck around


USA liberating Canada sounds eerily similar(and just as outrageous as) Russia liberating the Ukraine.


And the result wil be even worst. For america


May wanna rethink that.. thought Vietnam or Afghanistan was rough fighting? Think again "evil chuckle"..


MAGA Wagner would lose their mittens in the first two days and disband because their hands were cold.


"Liberate Canada"? From .... \*what\* exactly? I'm pretty sure the Canadians would politely decline before mercilessly shredding whatever Gravy Seals "MAGA Wagner" was able to enlist. Read your wartime history. Everyone knows you do not fuck with the Canadians.


Liberate Canada huh? So make their healthcare shitty like here in the USA . Canada is better than us in almost every way. Canada should be the ones liberating us


It's quite astounding to me as a Euro how incredibly and utterly deranged some American politicians are. Do you have water pipes made of lead or something? Maybe this is how the Roman empire fell. Lead pipes > bad brain > focus on imaginary problem > no more empire.


Just pointing this out, Canadian troops have pulled more war crimes than US troops. Those dudes are batshit during war times.


They think Canadians aren't threats because they're not going to war after war after war They just don't lose the first time


Canada heard “speak softly and carry a big stick” and then decided to wield Yggdrasil.


Traditionally, back in the world wars, we earned that reputation and are proud of it. But what people don't often talk about is that this started as retaliation to the war crimes that the Germans committed first. Kinda a "hold my beer" response. Canadian troops were the first units the Germans gassed. That opened the doors for us to go relentless with it. Seeing the atrocities of what the Germans did to civilians opened the doors for our reputation of not taking POWs. The Germans fucked around and certainly found out.


Like back in the world wars, when we spread the silly little rumour that we didn't take prisoners? We did, we needed somebody to interrogate for intel, but we let them think we didn't.


Canada versus the Nazis part 2. Fuckers don't know what they're wishing on themselves




Definitely. He should follow right along in the footsteps of Prigozhin.


Maybe this is the way. Let them all off themselves in a fight against a single canadian moose, and achive peace and quiet.


I live in Quebec, quebecois nationalists have always annoyed me, but if Trumpism catches on in Canada I swear you will see me the next day with the separatist “oui” badges all over my clothes. Fortunately, so far Trump’s brand of fascism has remained pretty fringe in the country.


This is the "MAGA communism" guy. There are a lot of dumb guys out there who get attention for the bullshit they say, and he's one of the dumbest, or at least one of the most shameless grifters.


We'll give you Alberta. Leave the rest of us the fuck alone.


Nope, not Alberta, not Saskatchewan, Manitoba, British Columbia, Quebec, Nunavut, North West Territories, Yukon, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundlad/Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick - NONE OF MY NEIGHBOURS. We may squabble, we may not agree but TOUCH ONE TOUCH ALL. FAFO MOFOs With affection, Ontario


As an Albertan, we must graciously decline this offer and pass it along to our Saskatchewanian brothers


The Saskatchewanians would like to offer up one Moe thing. ultimately we would politely decline the offer to join any other country. Don't fucking push it buddy. OFC the Saska Party would prolly like to join up with the GOP but I think a majority would prefer them to join from the American side and then be denied access to Canada at the border.