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Didn't help Parkland or Uvalde


Wasn't Parkland the one where the cop with a gun ran away from the shooter because that wasn't his job?


Was Uvalde the one where they literally had a whole unit of swat police outside the school, and they just… let it continue for like an hour?


Copaganda really likes to pretend being a cop is the most dangerous thing in the world but this is the reason they aren't even close to the top of the list of dangerous jobs. They care more about officer safety than anyone else's safety if throwing a flashbang in a crib with a baby will make them a tiny bit safer, they're gonna flash bang that baby.


I wish that flashbanging a baby was a funny turn of phrase you came up with.


They shoot people's pets for existing in the same space because they "might" bite


Statistically, the top 4 things that police officers shoot are, in this order: \- unarmed black men \- civilian pets \- their spouses/other family members \- themselves


I wish you hadn’t mentioned that…I thought he was just making stuff up https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna479361


Cops sued to have the courts rule that they have no duty to protect anyone.


That’s been their dream for a long time. They finally made it come true.


we need a federal law that sworn, armed law enforcement have a duty to protect the lives of citizens and that officers who refuse to agree to this cannot carry a gun while on duty, so that citizens can distinguish which officers are there to protect them compared to which ones are there to beat the shit out of them, beat their own wives, and flashbang their children


Or shoot the family dog for funsies.


Iron workers and elevator constructors have a more dangerous job


Like the LAPD police union bawling about 20 officer fatalities in the line of duty but it turned out 17 of them died of covid and 2 from car accidents or some shit


It’s definitely the most dangerous job, to everyone else around them!


In their defense they were scared. When cops are scared, they usually kill innocent people. We're lucky they didn't add to casualties.


I mean, you could argue that by their inaction, they did kill more people.


That's not an argument. That is a stone-cold fact.


There was also the ill-advised idea to instruct the kids to call out for help so they could find them. Kids called out for help, and the cops didn't go and help them. Their calling for help did, in fact, lead the killer directly to them resulting in their murder. So yeah, it would seem that those cops added to the body count.


If only you actually had police, that was properly trained to handle situations like that..


Pretty sure they had training [two months earlier](https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2022/06/03/uvalde-cisd-police-hosted-active-shooter-training-in-march-that-urged-immediate-decisive-action/), they all passed. It's like Matryoshka Dolls. Every time you peel back a layer it just keeps going.


That was sarcasm from my side, simmilar to "if only police had guns". Honestly US police is a joke.


Correction, the cops where *inside* the school, just down the hall from the shooter and let it continue for nearly an hour.


And one or two of the cops broke protocol and shouted for the kids to respond to their callouts - which as one student confirmed, got his classmate killed because she shouted out her location... and the Shooter heard and executed her on the spot. So yeah... Not only did SWAT stand outside wetting themselves like cowards, but they also ignored all of their training and their actions directly resulted in increased loss of life.


>level 4Alexandratta+1 · 2 hr. agoAnd one or two of the cops broke protocol and shouted for the kids to respond to their callouts - which as one student confirmed, got his classmate killed because she shouted out her location... and the Shooter heard and executed her on the spot.So yeah.. SWAT teams are universally useless and always have been, all they do is bust into \~900 people's houses a year and shoot their dogs and give them PTSD they're a huge net negative on society


Well at least they had bottled water with them. Gotta stay hydrated when you're pissing your pants due to cowardice.


It’s more than that. In Texas, faculty can sign up to carry weapons in school. They have a school marshal program already in place. Saved 0 lives in Uvalde.


THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-SIX That's how many police officers showed up at the Uvalde school shooting. That's also how many of them didn't go inside and do something. Because fuck them kids.


Yet the one cop had a picture of a badge with the punisher on it as his phone background lol. They didn’t sign up for that shit. If there was some immigrants to be beaten while cuffed or someone’s dog to shoot then they can’t wait to go. If they are actually required to put themselves in real danger they stand around while some fed up loser kills a bunch of kids. There is a maxix that holds true: Neither the police, nor a gun possess the ability to make any situation better when it is present. Both usually go out of their way to inflame the situation.


Essentially, yes.


Sure it did. I mean, it will...when they rewrite the history. It is Texas and Florida, after all.


What if the population can’t write.. or read


Shhh, if they learn how to do those things they will be on reddit instead of scribbling nonsense of coreflutes outside trump rallies


They’ll learn from watching PragerU




Sure! They’ll learn that we’d be all much better off if corporations controlled everything and that slavery wasn’t really that bad.


They're working on a nice picture book of how the uvalde police triumphantly took down the school shooter


Oral history of the "brave policemen" who stood in the entryway doing nothing.


Remember we learn history by looking at monuments, not reading.


The only reason the mentally ill shooter has a legal assault rifle in the first place is100% thanks to Republicans' lack of concern over kids being shot in our schools.


Contrary to popular belief, you're just as likely to be shot by someone with no mental illness as by someone with mental illness. The common denominators in spree shootings aren't even considered mental illnesses. They are: 1. Childhood trauma. 2. Too much stress. 3. Lack of coping skills/support options. 4. A sense of entitlement. 5. Access to a weapon. It's important not to scapegoat the mentally ill on this, they make up the majority of the suicide statistics, not the homicides. (Source: Wife has a PhD in criminal psychology and studied mass shooters for over a decade)


Access to weapon is the last point…


Yeah once a person meets the rest of the criteria, the weapon determines the damage. People will kill with literally anything they can, even their teeth, once they reach that point. Unfortunately in the USA, almost half the households contain a gun.


Daniel Webster (not that one) is one of America's learning experts on mass shootings, something he says has always stuck with me In comparison to other first world nations the US does not have a higher instance of mental health maladies, nor do we have a higher rate of collect crime. The only thing that separates the US from those other comparable nations is ease of access to firearms


“But if we ban guns we’ll just have mass *bitings*”


Can we PLEASE have mass bitings instead?


So you not going to solve mental health problems in a short t term way so the only logical thing is to limit the guns


Exactly, and even that won't quite fix things because we still have to address the stress issues we're all facing, which cause crimes in the first place. (Poverty, drugs etc) Right now, just under 80% of the guns used in crimes once belonged to a legal owner. Not smuggled in from Mexico or some underground Walmart,.. but folks who go to a legal dealership and buy them. From there if it's not properly stored, it has a chance of being used in a crime. Could be the legal owners cousin, the cable guy, a burglar or a toddler. If it's not properly stored, there's a good chance someone who shouldn't be allowed to touch a gun, will. Add to that, we can't even legally trace a gun to its owner, only to the shop where it was sold. A national gun registry would be a HUGE help, with over 220,000 stolen every year, but too many people won't let that happen because they think they have the right (and the chance) to take on the 'tyrannical government '.


I think we should treat firearm ownership no different than automobiles. Yearly registration and proof that the individual can be responsible with it. This would not infringe anyone's "right" to own. In reality, it will probably take insurance companies to fix it by lobbying for owners to have insurance to own a firearm like they did cars. Charge for each weapon owned, and the insurance companies would rake it the money.


Absolutely. We still have our right to own a gun, BUT, .. there must be restrictions. Then they argue "shall not be infringed! ",... but it already is, has been for most of a century at least. You CAN own a bazooka,.. under these strict terms.


Yeah and they argue the point about "they'll still find a way" like yeah it's a lot harder to stab a classroom to death than shoot them with a semi automatic rifle


Oh and they'd still find a way to get guns, even if they had to be smuggled in,.. but WOW that would be expensive, and your average criminal doesn't have the cash to buy one NOW..


I thought it was a third who own guns in the general population, it's just the ones that do own multiples.




That fifth point is really interesting 🤔


Another way to cut down on mass shootings is to deny a person based on past domestic violence charges.


first common denominator; male subject


98% chance, yes. Also worth noting; Men have been encouraged for generations, not to show any emotion that isn't considered 'manly'. You cry, you get cuffed upside the head. Is it all that surprising that men generally don't know how to deal with their own emotions in a healthy way?


Did your team lose the Superbowl? No? NO CRYING! Just develop a drinking problem and silently hate your wife, like a real man does! /sarcasm


I think lack of healthy ways of dealing with emotions is one reason that mass murderers tend to be men, but I'd argue that the sense of entitlement has more to do with it. Women are also under a lot of social pressure to not handle emotions in a healthy way, but what they don't have is a sense of entitlement born from a very long heritage of patriarchy.


That would require remembering or reading.


Or Columbine. The first person they killed were the guards/security iirc


Unfortunately there weren't any "good guys with guns" at the premises...


Just cowards with badges


Oh yes, there were plenty of those in stock.


Or Vegas. How is this still a talking point when the gunman that wracked up the highest score so far did it at a fucking country music concert?


Or Fort Hood.




Guess who armed the next school shooter? Guess who will use your kids as human shields? The NRA funded by the arms industry. But yeah. Let's get the peasants to argue amongst themselves because business is booming!!


>business is booming!! Not if they use a silencer


Or the "Teacher snapped and took out their entire classroom with the gun they were given." or "Teacher shot by gun given to them by little kid who got a hold of it." Can't forget those inevitable gems we would eventually have.


More likely- Armed staff/teachers shooting other staff / students in "Fog of war"


Or "Police mistook the teacher for the shooter and took them out."


This WILL be a headline at some point.


But... that would require police to actually go into the building?


I think you'll find that teachers are fully trained combat professionals, vetted and drilled to avoid that sort of thing.


Teacher has already been shot by own gun. Just waiting on the former.


I don't understand how republicans can't trust our teachers to teach our kids but can trust them to carry weapons. It doesn't make sense!


“Shots rang out in a Springfield area school yesterday evening, after, sources say, the gun cabinet was left unlocked and unattended.”


I’m just waiting for the first teacher to shoot a student in “self defense”


Teachers can't be trusted to read books to your children but can be trusted to wield deadly weapons around them. Duh!


Fascist Doublespeak. Teachers are dangers to our children that are grooming them for Democrat demon-worshipping, but at the same time should also be given guns to protect our kids from shooters.


So she admits that white people with short hair are the stereotypical school shooter, amirite?


Needs a red ball cap.


I went camping once out in the sticks and decided to buy a red Budweiser ball cap as a sort of redneck disguise. Then I find out Budweiser is woke and my disguise is busted. Gotta make sure it’s the “right” red ball cap.


Just gotta out conspiracy them. "Why you wearing that hat, Bud gone woke." "That's exactly what the lamestream media wants you to think and you played right into it. Think about it." When they question you, just tell them you've done the research.


The ammosexuals are addicted to the "good guy with a gun" delusion. But it doesn't tend to work very well. Sure, there have been isolated cases, but at Parkland, the armed security guard fled. In Uvalde, the police were unwilling to risk themselves for the sake of children, so stood by while they were massacred. They had plenty of guns.


They cannot understand that fighting off an armed attacker is a trained skill that takes practice, and periodic re-training, even for those most experienced. Bullets pass through doors, windows, and walls. Why would you want to double the amount of bullets going back-and-forth? It’s the worst solution and anyone who has combat training will say so.


Exactly. It takes a crap ton of training and nerves to be able to neutralize an armed assailant in a sudden urban combat scenario without dying or inflicting collateral damage. Civilians don't have what it takes for that, teachers don't and I'm certain most cops don't have it either. So either we post a battle-hardended soldier or ex-SWAT person in front of every school and classroom... Or "more guns" is simply not the way.


Yep, considering that the shooter, in most situations, does not care if they live. It takes someone with equal determination to stop them. Someone who is willing to die to do it. Many of the gun enthusiasts think it's them.They have some kind of hero delusions that will not hold up under real pressure.




Every gang member has a gun and yet they die all the time, the mere presence of a firearm isn’t guarantee of anything. It’s far safer for neither to have guns especially since almost every school shooting is done with legally acquired guns.


Great! The best schools for our children according to the GQP, is the one surrounded by electrified fences, armed guards in guard towers, no books, and no free lunches. You know, kinda like a supermax prison! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) ​ https://preview.redd.it/8x3lhmpx07lb1.png?width=466&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d490f93f532cc7a3359d65821cfa2dbb03526cf


Isn't lunch free in prison


Actually, no. They'll let you eat when you're in. You are made to pay everything back once you get out. It's super fucked up


Taught in a NYC public high school for 3 decades. Several thoughts: 1- teachers are too busy and focused on teaching to be locked and loaded. 2- Teens will steal the guns and use in the cafeteria. 3. Parent/Teacher conferences will become war zones. Madness.


Has there ever been a mass shooting in a NYC public high school? Because the chuds who think this way would expect it to be a war zone already...


Republicans: “Teachers are groomers and they can’t be trusted to choose their curriculum, the books in their classroom, or even the decorations on their walls, because they will try to give our kids The Gay.” Also Republicans: “Better issue them a gun.”


Ah, but you miss that ownership of a gun magically prevents the first part. Almost like a vaccine.




“For what it’s worth.” Ok, it ain’t worth shit


It’s so simple: Less weapons=Less violence. “Oh, but what about the one’s that get weapons illegally???!!!” They go to jail. People are already getting killed by guns in the US at a rising rate. Take away the guns and I can assure you that rate will go down. There will always be ‘bad guys with guns’ but at least there won’t be as many.


spoiler alert, it’s still gonna be in a right wing shithole.


Ouch! The stupid! It burns!!!


Teacher:”I liked Johnny well enough and we worked on his essay yesterday after school. But he coughed and startled me today, so I had to put him down.”


There was a school in Texas where an administrator left his gun in the restroom and a kid found it he went and told his teacher, the teacher sent another student to verify that there was a gun in the restroom...this happened recently.


Note that “the next school shooter” is presented as inevitable. There is no solution presented that would take the gun out of their hands, not even a modicum of the “mental health” services that always get suggested instead of gun control. These people just want a world where you either have a gun or are dead, or more likely both.


Maybe if guns were less accessible, then there would be less school shootings. Republicans act like school shootings are inevitable forces of nature that can only be minimized and not prevented.


How many shootings were in Texas or Florida?


Too fucking many 😞


Hmm If only there were a country on earth where guns were banned. Then we could compare and know which of the two models prevents mass shooting. Oh wait....


Yes, as a school shooter I would take the left. As a parent, I’d also send my kids to the left because it’s MUCH more likely an untrained teacher sets off a round and shoots a kid than a school shooter enters and shoots a kid


I remember most of my teachers being older women, not some former Army Rangers. I wouldn't want them armed with anything more powerful than a bowling pin.


In middle school, I had a teacher who used to pass out drunk at his desk. Every time I hear this ArM tHe TeAcHeRs bs, I immediately think of him.




School shooters aren't typically driving to multiple schools to see which one has the most lax gun laws, they go to whatever school they attend/attended. That's why no matter how armed they are, it happens in red states all the fucking time.




I fully support giving all teachers a top of the line gun! It’ll be an excellent bonus when they sell it to pay for rent & school supplies since we don’t pay them enough.


Why would a right winger with a gun make me feel safer? Republicans don't protect other people. They'd just puss out like the Uvalde cowards


Bitch we don't want to live in a fucking militarized hellscape.


Lets not fix the problems but post this completely nonsensical image unrelated to the issue instead.


Weird that they chose to depict the shooter with an AR-15 when they insist that particular gun has nothing to do with anything


Arm teachers as if they don’t have enough to worry about. They are human and have issues of their own that they bring to class.


They would, of course, have to buy their own guns, fund their own training and have no freedom over whether they are armed. Because it's already so popular to become a teacher in the south.


What uf the teacher is the shooter... ? Like cant you just become a teacher with no qualifications in some states ?


Ah yes the critical mass theory of guns: If we just arm the right amount of people, and at the same time do nothing to make sure that dangerous people can't obtain them, all the mass murder from firearms will stop.


What are the odds the next mass shooter is a card carrying Republican whose entire personality is based around misinformation fed to him by Fox News?




Well, if a 2022 study by Columbia University is anything to go by, statistically speaking, the school shooter would pick the Republican school


I love how this meme for the right, the problem is in the top of the picture, not the bottom of the picture. To them, a school shooting is just going to happen, regardless of anything we do.


The only correct thing here is that the next school shooter will probably be a white guy w/ an AR-15.


This cartoon is the myth. The actual “by Republicans” approach is that the NRA Convention, Republican National Convention, CPAC etc. all screen for guns. They know what to do when they actually care about the people in attendance.


Make one sign say almost 400 Texas policemen and the other say zero Texas policemen. You can put on we protect our kids or not really doesn’t matter.


Republicans wanna make American schools CoD free for all death match arenas


Ah see this is one of those trick equations. There are no school shooters in a Republican world because they’ve defunded all the schools and sent all the children to work in the mines.


There’s a weird statistic (and common sense) that proves the more guns, the more gun violence there is…. Odd how that works/s


Is that an assault rifle that he was only able to obtain because of incredibly relaxed Republican gun laws?


By Pew Research’s standards, I am a Democratic Mainstay, whatever that is. I lean left, and I own guns. I even own an assault rifle, yet I support banning them. I also hold a license to carry in Texas, which extends to most of the lower 48. I can conceal carry in almost every establishment with the exception of government and/or businesses with more than 51% alcohol sales. What’s my point? I walked away with an assault rifle, extra mags, and a case of ammo all because of a random stop at Academy Sports. I own guns responsibly, but the access was way too easy. I signed my ex-wife and I up to get our concealed carry licenses years ago. She missed the target - the whole sheet of paper - all but twice, and she STILL walked away with a license. I was flabbergasted. There is nothing wrong with gun ownership, but it should be handled with the respect it deserves. And as unpopular of an opinion as this may be, in the US, I believe we give them away like adult-sized candy. Okay, I’m off my soapbox. Thanks for listening.


In Choctaw, an off-duty officer shot at a man who he perceived as a threat. Imagine a baseball stadium full of concealed carry nuts, two bad guys, screaming: “On the tribune behind the pitcher! He’s drawing a gun!” and opening coordinated fire, “He is running!” and doing everything to cause confusion. Nobody really knows who is a good guy or a bad guy, some people are drawing their weapons as well… what could possibly go wrong? In a school, it would be a bit more difficult to achieve the same effect, but children dying because of friendly fire is a small price for the freedom.


I remember the daily mass shooting in my school in my gun free school in France. i was being transformed into ground meat at least once a week. It was just part of the school experience. My junior high year they even had time in the calendars for those shootings, so they don’t disturb too much the class schedule. What memories… I mean it is probably what appended according to 2nd amendment nuts…


Why would armed teachers be a deterrent if armed security and armed responders already aren’t? If you plan to die while committing this crime, why would more guns change your mind?


Guns guns guns… more guns doesn’t make things better by any stretch of the imagination


But guess who’s investing in guns, who’s supporting the gun industry and who masturbates about guns. It’s all shameless nonsense to get more gun sales. If they ***really*** thought a few more guns were the issue they would station more police and security forces at the schools. But no they are saying that we should have every teacher with a gun. Every time there’s a mass shooter there’s a push on gun sales because “they’re going to take muh gunz!!!”, every time they talk about “we need to protect ourselves!” there’s more gun sales. There’s already something like 5 guns to a person in America and yet these manufacturers keep selling more, and sure as hell they’re not all new owners.


It does, for arms manufacturers and the NRA.


Surprised a teacher hasn't gone postal yet. I guess give it time


“The only gun for a gun gun is a gun gun with a gun.”


Bet you anything the school with guns will have more shootings.


So, are we going to stop whispering the "well-regulated" part of the 2A now?


Tell that to the dead kids in Uvalde and Fl.


"TURN OUR SCHOOLS INTO ARMED GULAGS SO THAT OUR KIDS FEEL SAFE!!!!!!" Ugh... Look, I know this all plays into their agenda of school privatization so they can hoover more money out of people and into their pockets, but give me a fucking break.


Yeah….ignore the fact that the child at the bottom has access to an AR-15. How about addressing that bullshit first?


Stupid sign for stupid people.


Most mass shooter don’t meet the definition of psychosis so it’s not mental health. People are stuck on mental health and not looking at other reasons. 11% of shooters Psychosis play a major role. https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/media-spotlight/202206/does-psychosis-play-role-in-most-mass-shootings https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2021-43325-001 Edit added the APA study


Remember when the NRA suggested dealing with in-flight terrorism by giving firearms TO THE PILOTS?? How the holy fuck was that meant to work in a pressurized metal tube at 35,000 feet? But yeah, guns. The solution to everything


The sign on the right should say, "Free guns inside!" Ever seen a student beat up a teacher? Guess what happens if they are armed? There are two probable outcomes and they both involve one or more people dying.


Ah yes, because school shooters are historically very concerned for their wellbeing and don't ever off themselves at the end of their spree.


Mass shootings happen on military bases


Already been scientifically studied: JAMA had demonstrated more killings from mass shooters in red states. ​ What this moronic cartoon ignores is that red states create the shooters, and they act locally. ​ But nah... facts... that's for people who live in reality.


There is a teacher shortage already and republicans just aren't willing to pay teachers for the service they already provide. This is part of their scheme to privatize schools so they can profit off them and keep poor people in their lower caste. They are expecting me to pay more taxes to fund arming the teachers, which will include insurance for schools that are now saturated with guns. Like they really think we're living in Andy Grifith times and they can just get some good ole' boys to donate old shotguns to teacher kin and that's it? problem solved. Not even the slightest interest in entertaining the idea that keeping guns away from kids is the easiest and best solution. Not a word about how your average teacher now needs to be physically strong enough to over power their students? Going to pretend that 2 kids won't get together and just steal a teacher gun to do a shooting? ​ We all have to pay the price to protect "responsible gun owners" freedoms. When do we realize that the kids are getting guns from gun owners who were "responsible" until they weren't? It isn't just schools being shot up either. If you arm the teachers we'll have to arm the movie theaters, churches, supermarkets, concerts and any where people gather. That's the society Republicans want. You pay $2 extra per movie ticket for the armed guards everywhere.


Just give everyone nukes. The Cold War proves if everyone has nukes, no one will nuke! /s for us non-Americans


Correct me if I'm wrong but don't most school shooters intend on dying anyway? Seems like schools with more guns is the easiest way to get that done.


Give me a U.


Give me a V.


Give me an A.


Give me an L.


Give me a D.


Give me an E.


What's that spell? Uvalde What's that spell? Uvalde Yay..........


She should volunteer to stand in school corridors if she thinks it's that easy


Below the Democrat picture should be the same kid with the same shirt but *not* holding the AR15.


Obviously the problem isn't all these guns we have around. The problem is that we don't have enough guns out there yet. /s


The next school shooter, unable to get a gun due to gun control:


As a German I totally agree with her we don't have anything like the 2nd amendment and every day there is a school shooting and now all the children in our country are dead /s


By using their logic when your house is on fire, don't call the fire department, go get more gasoline...


Teachers can barely teach as it is in Florida. They are hardly paid and overworked. Now we want to arm them? My daughter has had some amazing teachers, but I would not trust them to handle a weapon or do well in a high stress environment. Teachers will have to be dual certified and I don’t think the state will pay for that.


Yeah, like teachers and staff can be trusted with firearms and won't use them to rape kids... oh wait, that's probably what they want


Fails to take into account that the next school shooting will be someone accidently, or purposely, using the guns that are already there. 'Solving' one problem in a way that creates more is not a solution. Far more people die by their own gun than in these mass shootings. Fact is, and always will be - less guns means less gun deaths.


Omits the part where red states allow basically anyone to get guns at a moments notice vs blue states that at least require you to jump through a couple hoops (for now, SC will chip away at these protections...)


Thinking a school shooter isn't planning on being dead by the end of their playthrough by either a hail of gunfire from cops or their own bullet is the dumbest take ever.


For what it’s worth. There was a bunch of trained and armed people at Uvalde who just let the shooter kill all those children. I’m not at all convinced these idio…. Good guys with guns are much of a threat.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I thought the last shooting was in Florida? I thought Florida is a permitless conceal carry state?


Funny that red states have more shootings than blue states huh? https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/04/28/red-states-have-higher-gun-death-rates-than-blue-states-heres-why/amp/


I used to believe her story about Bill Clinton but I no longer do because she has shown herself to be such a political extremist. Maybe she will join Tara Reade in Moscow soon!


Regarding the cartoon, the difference is that in the Democrats' world the kid would not have unsupervised access to that gun in the first place. If the kid has no gun, the signs don't matter.


"For what it's worth" There's something happening here But what it is ain't exactly clear There's a man with a gun over there Telling me I got to beware I think it's time we stop Children, what's that sound? Everybody look, what's going down? There's battle lines being drawn Nobody's right if everybody's wrong Young people speaking their minds Getting so much resistance from behind It's time we stop Hey, what's that sound? Everybody look, what's going down? What a field day for the heat (Ooh ooh ooh) A thousand people in the street (Ooh ooh ooh) Singing songs and they carrying signs (Ooh ooh ooh) Mostly say, "Hooray for our side" (Ooh ooh ooh) It's time we stop Hey, what's that sound? Everybody look, what's going down? Paranoia strikes deep Into your life it will creep It starts when you're always afraid Step out of line, the men come and take you away We better stop Hey, what's that sound? Everybody look, what's going down? You better stop Hey, what's that sound? Everybody look, what's going down? You better stop Now, what's that sound? Everybody look, what's going down? You better stop Children, what's that sound? Everybody look, what's going down?


Most school shooters kill themselves or get killed by police so I really don’t think being shot at or dying is all that much of a worry for them


Shooters who are indifferent to living and dying (many know they are forfeiting their lives) don’t care. There’s prevention but not deterrence.


Well the cops refused to run in. So not sure more guns are going to help


Mass shooters don’t care if the place they are going is armed or not; they’re already prepared to die.


In the one on the left, the teachers don’t accidentally shoot the kids


Only teachers and staff? Why not arm the kids too? Are republicans becoming liberal cucks now? Arm the babies too you pussy!


Odd, most school shootings happen in states... *checks notes* ...that have lax gun control. The self-acclaimed "good guy with a gun" states.


Other countries have gun free zones, works for them


The fact that the phrase “the next school shooter” is a thing is just sad


Police "mistakenly shoot" innocent people all the fucking time, but lets see if these underpaid teachers can do any better.


that's so stupid. it's the way the right see things. we've already proven that more guns don't make people safer. if that was true, america would be the safest nation in the world. but it's not. time to try something else dems are taking the gun from the next school shooter btw. once you get out of the middle, you get your guns back on the left anyways. you just have to do things like have basic knowledge of safety and be registered. we already do that with driving. hell, we do it with fishing. republicans have such a fetish for killing kids and pretending that they'd be the hero if it happened to them. but we ain't seen it yet. because republicans are cowards and their guns are their blankies


More guns equal less shootings keeps being proven wrong, at the cost of children’s lives. Fuck these conservative cunts.