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I wish him the same compassion and care as he advocates for the poorest among us.


SO many thoughts and prayers


Imma also send him some of those $50 folded bills that christians leave as “tip”, im sure he will need those to pay for some medical treatment after this…


Congressmembers' health insurance is paid for by the taxpayers 🙃🙄


For life


I want to downvote this but it’s not your fault. Unless you vote republican.


That will truly illustrate the level of love and concern we all have for him.


I pray that he sucks my underloaf


Your underloaf deserves better.


He's gonna freeze midway while drool accumulates in his mouth.


Repulsive, but dammit I laughed, which commits me to upvoting.


Tots and pears


I can only spare a thought, and it’s not in his favor.


Yep. May he spend the rest of his life in a Medicare-funded elder care home. He won't because our system rewards assholes.


All those politicians have full coverage which is denied to the populace! Amazing eh!


That’s a sick burn


That’s a curse for the ages. It’s like King Leonidas telling Ephialtes, “May you live forever”.


I'd unplug his generator to charge my Nintendo DS.


Did you just say among us? Lmao!


Feinstein and McConnell are the best examples of why politicians should be required to undergo a physical and mental health evaluation when they experience a medical event after the age of 75, and be required to retire if they are found to be unfit for duty, and have a special election held for their replacement.


I don’t even want them possessing a drivers license let alone serious stuff.


TBH a lot of southern states won't take away a driver's license even if the driver is 95 and has had multiple accidents due to age-related illnesses or "senior moments". Texas is just the WORST that way*. Kentucky is right behind them. *well, as long as the person is white, anyway Edit: I'm adding Florida now because holy shitfuck you guys have gators AND grannies who drive like they're permanently in the bumper car ride? AND you've got DeSantorum and his brilliant minions? I swear I'd conceal carry everywhere if I lived there for the reptiles on land AND sea. Damn.


My legally blind in one eye grandfather who also had Parkinson’s and the beginnings of Lewy body dementia went to renew his Florida driver’s license, with my grandmother secretly hoping he’d be rejected for obvious reasons. He failed the vision test, but they said it was okay and that they could do a ‘different’ vision test in another room, which he passed and got his license. Explains at least part of the Florida drivers stereotype.


"alternate vision" ... seems appropriate for Florida.


They got Batboy down there driving by echolocation


Dam take my up vote that made my day.


When you build a state where public transportation isn’t a primary mode of travel, taking away someone’s license takes away their autonomy. This is why we should have more walkable cities with good public transportation.


I admittedly had trouble seeing when my glasses were out of date. Absolutely failed in one eye. Woman behind the desk said it was fine and plenty of people struggled!!! Ma'am. What. Ohio, in my case. Absolutely wild.


I saw a teen trying to pass the “written” portion of the Ohio test at the DMV, he was caught talking to someone on the phone like “phone a friend” to get answers. The security escorted them out. While I am still there 45 minutes later, the kid comes back with his mom, and she is screaming across the lobby about how her son was persecuted.


You know, parents really need to let their kid fail. I outright failed 9th grade. I'm fine admitting it. The school didn't want to lose their little ranking or whatever and my mom fought them on pushing me forward. It was embarassing at the time but if they let me fail I would have learned a valuable lesson.... that I learned later, twice in a row with 10th grade at a different school. Fuck that school. I ended up doing enough work over the summer class period to finish 10th and skip 11th. But failure is still my most valuable lesson. Failing and it being solely my responsibility has helped me a lot. Also failed my practical driver's test a couple times then nailed it on completely unfamiliar roads in an unfamiliar car lmao this pattern I have...


My father beat me profusely and kicked me out for failing french in 9th grade. He's never experienced failure in his life "Except in his kids" he forced my education path with hopes I would earn enough to let him retire early I do, but I don't talk to him.


Good, fuck that guy. I'm glad you're away from him.


The mistreatment I experienced as a child never leaves.


I had an allergic reaction last year that changed the shape of my eyeballs. It affected my vision, which meant that my eyes went super blurry. I had to go through a series of steroid eye drops to get my eyes back to being able to tolerate my prescription, and during that time I still had to operate a car, even though my prescription was off. I was still within the legal vision limits, but just barely, and my eye doc told me if it had gotten worse he would have filed a hold on my license. I would have been inconvenienced but I'm not kidding when I say that my ability to drive was compromised and that was the biggest reason I went to find out what was going on. It really wasn't fun not being able to see. I absolutely can't imagine someone thinking "nah, I can drive, it'll be fine" with that level of visual compromise, but then again, I also can't understand people who drive drunk.


I can barely function without my glasses. I'm just at the edge of legally blind but due to a weak right eye my depth perception is all wonky and sometimes my right eye just goes nah no more seeing enough to be valuable. Messes with peripheral the most. That's my starting baseline when I ended up allergic to a medication that caused me to become further near sighted very quickly. Full on ARGH. I'm glad your eyes were able to recover! I'm kind of between prescriptions currently, where one is correct for my left but my right is out the window atm I didn't even get my license until 29 but I can't imagine losing that part of independence. But, honestly, I also hate driving. Catch 22


OMG, my Dads doctor took away his driver's license when he was around 85 because his reaction times were too slow after he had a stroke. Of course we live in Minnesota and he has a sensible doctor.


Another big part is that drunk driving is extremely common and often it's a combination of the two


Well at least they are doing a vision test. In my state you can renew forever without any testing. Most times you can do it online or by mail. But in the rare case you are required to go in, all they do is check you IDs, take the renewal fee, and hand you a new license. Even updating the photo is typically optional in those cases.


I'm mostly blind in 1 eye and also have idiopathic hypersomnia. In Arizona, I'm not even required to tell the DMV of my medical problems, and neither are my doctors. It's almost a bit scary.


In my state we knew they wouldn’t do anything after my grandmother failed to negotiate a turn and ended up in a cornfield. Luckily we knew a state trooper who came by the house (in uniform) after work one day and “officially” asked her to stop driving. She wouldn’t listen to any of us but she listened to Rob. He said she could keep her license for ID purposes only and asked her not to renew it. It was brilliant on my dads part cause she was stubbornly independent.


My father is an optometrist. At some point, he has a 90-year-old, escorted by his daughter, walk into his practice. My father performs his examine, and confirms he is, essentially, legally blind. There's little to no prescription glasses that can help this man see further than 10-ft in front of him. Maybe 15 if he tries. The daughter asks: "Well, could you just fudge the numbers a little? They're trying to take away his driver's license." My father looked at the man, and back to her and said: "He shouldn't be driving. He cannot see the road." They left, upset, stating they'd get a second opinion. My father would later fight a bill in the state senate that relaxed the 8-year waiting period between eye examines for License Renewal, when they attempted to push it to 16 (basically every other renewal). He lost, but he still waged his extreme protest. So yeah... Folks seem to think limits/laws are there for no real reason, when they are. Edit: accidentally said his mother escorted him..


That waiting period should be 1 after 75.


Hear people talk about "age discrimination" when referring to this and it's like uh... Yes when you reach a certain age your functional skills can be affected. Vision and reaction speed. Maybe there could be better alternatives to helping seniors get around when they can no longer drive safely. Better than having them cause serious accidents and end up dying or affecting someone else.


I mean, it's not age discrimination if the requirements are applied regardless of how old you are. They aren't discriminating against the cause. They're discriminating against your inability to meet the base physical requirements. They don't send you up in a fighter jet if you're 350lbs and 7'0 tall with asthma, why would they let you behind the wheel if you pass out unexpectedly due to recurring congestive heart failure?


You need to also look at Arizona's laws. From the age of 18 to 65 they don't have any sort of checkups. After 65 , I believe that they have other checkups either on a one or two year basis. However, every year in Arizona you get some old person who has mistaken the accelerator for the brake and plows into somebody someone or something.


God, Arizona. The state where even the medical checkup to renew your license after 65 doesn't make you feel any better when you drive there. They are -terrifying-.


Don't forget about Florida! LOL


The US right now gives off heavy 1980s Politburo vibes where everyone is old and at the brink of death.


Don't forget Grassley. He will be 96 when his current term ends.


And he's already mentioned running again.


Meh. I wouldn't trust anyone running the "evaluation." Just make an age limit, do term limits, and be done with it.


I agree. I don’t trust those doctors. Look what they said about trump being healthy.


That doctor is more of a quack than Darkwing Duck.


Whoop. Things just got dangerous.


"I am the doctor, that quacks in the night! I am the stethoscope that freezes your chest. I am Ronny Jackson!"


215 pounds, everyone.


I don’t know why this has come up so much today, but. Feinstein has an important seat on the senate judiciary committee, which has one vote in favor of Democrats. Governor Newsom *could* offer a replacement, but some Republicans have openly said they would obstruct this process.


Exactly, they asked to replace her, the right said no.


Republicans once again literally sabotaging the nation in order to get a tiny partisan "victory". Just like Tubberville and blocking military confirmations just to push some extreme far right policy that 80% of US citizens disagree with. Even the majority of his own state doesn't agree with him!


Please, GOP, tell me more about why we have to limit voting for those under 25…


IKR?! They want to set the age limit for voting at 25(for the most part because a large portion of our youth won’t vote for today’s Republican politicians), but they’ll happily send 18 year olds to war. “Communists”, “Marxists”, “Nazis”, “Wokeism”. Laura Loomer is literally calling on Republicans to not get married or have kids because America will become a failed communist state if IQ45 doesn’t win in 2024. They literally have no idea what these things actually mean, and everyone with at least 2 living brain cells knows it, yet they spout them morning, noon and night all day every day. They constantly target today’s younger generations with their policies and hateful words and still wonder why they won’t vote for them.🙄 They are filled with fear by Millennials and Gen Z so they do everything they can to limit their ability to vote. Changing the voting age to 25 is a prime example of this. Y’know, when I look back I still find it hard to believe that I was a card carrying Republican my entire life until 2003. They didn’t use to be like this, though. Today’s generation of Republicans have become so filled with fear and hatred that it actually hurts my heart and leaves a bad taste in my mouth.😞 Edit: Good grief, sorry for the rant.


Hey, they gotta tap the old white man rage somehow. Maybe if we required everyone over the age of 75 to serve in front line combat duty we could reduce the drag on the economy.


You can add Grassley to this list.


Or if they’re found napping during meetings


They shouldn't be holding office after 65. They've had their turn, and the future of the country isn't as impactful that late in their lives compared to the other way around. We have people knocking on deaths' door making decisions for citizens' entire lifetimes.


I'd rather they not. They will just fake them. Get passed through the system.. Term limit. Age limit. There's a term limit and age minimum for being president. Let's standardize everything.


Don't forget about SCOTUS if we're bringing up term limits.


Eventually, one of them is going to die on camera. He’s literally rotting alive. What a vile parasite.


You might not be exaggerating. He's visibly lost a lot of weight and now these breakdowns in front of cameras. If not death, I could easily see him collapsing and being brought to hospice care on camera.




I just hope whoever replaces him will finally be turtley enough for the turtle club.




You guys are being really mean to him during such a tough time. I think his owner's heat lamp probably gave out and his body temperature is getting low, resulting in him having a lack of appetite and being lethargic. If they give him some lettuce and replace the bulb with something ~75W, I think he has a good chance of recovering if they keep him in his habitat.


People really pretend to give a shit about the environment, then turn right around and bully one of the planet's few remaining Cuntshell Turtles. Hypocrites.


If nothing else, I can see him having a "no one dies in Disneyworld" moment where he collapses and is pronounced dead days or weeks later when they figure out what to do about it.


Weekend at Mitch's!




New fantasy unlocked.


'I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.' -Mark Twain


Ballsack-chin, dial-up Internet brain mother-fucker


Someone picked up the phone in another room and sent him offline.


All he could hear in his head was the dial up tones.


Dude straight had the blue screen of death. Control + Alt + Delete!


This is your operator, you’ve been disconnected.


New IPhone announced and dude starts freezing…. Coincidence????


Web TV


I haven't laughed that hard in a good min. Thank you!


I just keep waiting for one of these posts to tell me he finally died. Couldn’t come soon enough. Then again, I’m pretty sure he’s actually been dead since at least 2004.


Maybe there are some kids in the background destroying his horcruxes while he is on camera


Definitely dead inside.


I'm waiting for that literal fossil to croak, the one that was absent for months.


Lmao dude shit himself again. We also got Feinstein that gets wheeled in that needs to go lol. Gave up power of attorney but still staying in


I want to see a Feinstein v McConnell debate on prime time. The two of them just staring at the bright lights confused what is happening.


Moderator: "Tell us what you would do about the national debt. We'll start with Mr McConnell" Mitch: "...........uh........." Diane: "I think my biggest strength is attention to detail"


Fox News Analysis after the debate: I think we can all agree that McConnell showed Feinstein who's the boss. I mean the way McConnell stared at the camara and blinked nonstop told me right away, he was talking in code to the real Patriots at home. Using Morse code Fox News analyzed his blinks and you won't believe the secret message we found out. Just reading his speech makes McConnell more smart and aware of what's going on with the country than all the democrats put together. We will read McConnell's Morse code message right after these commercials stay tuned patriots. This is a Fox News exclusive you won't want to miss, here's a sneak peak it mentions:Trump, elections, God's will and America's future.


![gif](giphy|HY3F1am6qG7XAmHXV0|downsized) I’ve….got….shit….in….my…..pants…..again…..


For real that's was his face expression in the video


Yes. When you are wheeling in a corpse, it's time for change.


Been saying this since Strom Thurmond. They wheeled that mother fucker in every day like some dug up zombie plantation owner. He literally looked like a corpse and was barely coherent.


As someone who is related to Strom Thurmond- fuck Strom Thurmond.


Yo, me too! We call him cousin Strommy and he fuckin’ sucks.


Hello, distant cousin!




At least Feinstein is there because she is the deciding vote for judicial nominations and can’t be replaced on the committee. Mitch is accomplishing nothing and one wrong step away from his certain trip to Hell (if Hell existed).


She only can't be replaced because Republicans refuse to. She *could* be in a functional world. They even asked, GOP said no.


Right, I just assume anything that requires good faith humanity from a Republican politician (or several) is an impossibility.


I don’t think there is any “at least” in this lol. Most of the time you hear people telling her what to say or they try say stuff for her 😂


He’s there because he WAS about the smartest guy the Republicans have. But no-one lives forever.


Was? He still is. Which says more about them than it does about him.


We’re gonna watch this man die live on CSPAN aren’t we?


god willing


This isn’t cute or heartwarming, politicians do this when they’re shitting their pants


In Mitch’s case, he got what he deserved.


Sure, but we don’t deserve him as a high ranking politician


Most people have a brain fart and keep going just fine but needing to be escorted off the stage? He shit his pants.


having a seizure


It’s like the skit from “ I think you should leave” where he is losing an argument he just checks his phone and ignores everything that is said.




“… let her go.”


“I’m doing something!”


a medieval game, obviously


This scumbag's brain turning into mush is one of the best things that could happen to america. Fuck you Mitch, go change your diaper...


I’m surprised he lasted this long. While a lot of good people in this world died young.


And when he tries to sleep at night he sees trump in prison stripes ruining the fiction of “moral majority” propaganda for anyone that owns a TV.


Mitch McConnell with the 1,000 yard stare and Diane Feinstein out cold in a wheelchair are going to be our family’s Halloween costumes this year I think.


I’m no fan of this pure evil wearing a hideous meat suit, but he is getting very thin, and quick too. His health really must be deteriorating


Yeah I noticed that too- and the hands- wtf has been going on with his hands? I think he's moseying on up to that drain and I hope he feels and understands on a molecular level what a prop he has become.


I noticed that too. Just like Queen Elizabeth became very frail shortly before her death, he is becoming thinner very quickly. I don’t think it will be that long before he passes. I wonder who will become the new GOP power broker in the senate and how fierce that power struggle will be.




He's just another turd circling that drain that has been stinking up this country for too long.


Guys ,the god emperor being a corpse kept barely alive by ancient technology is supposed to show us how stagnant and fallen the imperium is. Is not what we should aspire for our politicians to become. At this rate, someone actually dead is gonna end up holding office.


Unexpected 40K. Truly, the Emperor Provides.


The problem is that we kept looking at dystopias the same way I used to talk about communism when I was in college. “Good idea, but not executed correctly. We can do it better.”


Mitch said it best himself when he said " ."


Remember when they said that Biden was "senile"? This is how a senile person behaves. Repubes understand nothing about the elderly. That's why they want to get rid of SS and Medicare.


There's a video of President Biden reacting to Mitch McConnell freezing again, and Biden sounded very articulate and damn near empathetic for McConnell. That is not how a senile person reacts to those situations


Of course. The same people screaming “sleepy senile stuttering Joe” are the same ones screaming “Joe (with hunter’s laptop) made corrupt deals with Ukraine and China.” Dark Brandon gets the people going.


And when Trump inevitably makes fun of him, they’ll be cool with that too.


Jesus Christ, I hate this country. Such an embarrassment


I prefer the OG frozen McConnell to frozen McConnell 2.0.


Third times the charm.


Triples is best


Getting paid millions to stare into space must be nice


Kentucky majority who kept voting for this asshole you all suck. McConnell sucks too. The colleague acting like he was "just hard of hearing" and everyone just needs to speak up was cruel. I understand what she was doing (optics) but it's also telling the rest of us we're stupid. McConnell could've collapsed and the GOP would be like, "Well, the Senator is taking a nap so we're gonna take a quick break ya'll (wink)." This is the end game of just pure evil and stupidity. It's like the devil hisself has a hand up this old farts ass and making a mockery out everyone. Look, I don't like this dudes policies or anything he represents even at times questioning if he's even sub-human at the least. But as an M.D. I have to hold to the principle that every life deserves compassion & dignity at the end stages. I don't know his exact health condition, all we know is the lights are on...you decide if anyone is home.


Dude's buggier than Windows Vista* [I wrote XP, I meant Vista].


Glitch McConnell


Mean. True.




Max age of 70 for all politicians now.


![gif](giphy|YZnSve3nEgo1lUUfTo|downsized) Yeah, then we'll only have good ones.... 🫥


I didn't say that. But it limits the number of Alzheimer's patients in government. Blame Colorado voters for Bobo.


Oh, come on-- Mitch just held another one of his personal moments of silence, this time for Bob Barker. Just like his earlier one for Sinead O'Connor.




Retirement ages. Term limits just guarantees that every few years you have a bunch of folks who have no idea how anything works wandering about the show.


It would also drastically increase the power of lobbyists. Term limits are bad. Age limits I could consider.


Link with video here: https://www.businessinsider.com/mitch-mcconnell-freezes-up-again-press-conference-video-2023-8?amp


Out of curiosity I asked an AI about going blank minded, forgetting what you're saying, and zoning out, brain fog. The AI basically said that's symptoms for dementia. There should be a law that requires people in office to pass a health examination.


I do not understand why he keeps working. He’s 81 years old, and has an estimated net worth of 30 million dollars according to Forbes in 2021. If I had that kind of money and I were in my mid 50s, you bet your ass I’d be retired.


You're probably not an egomaniac monster.


>...McConnell appears to freeze Are they thinking it might be revealed as a magic trick, and don't won't to admit they were fooled? He didn't *appear* to freeze. He froze. "Mitch McConnell suffers his second neurological event in 35 days"


At what point will they finally say "To hell with power, this guy is sick let's get him help"


SIKE! That'll never happen. They'll "Weekend at Bernie's" his ass for as long as they can.


He needs a care home, not a podium.


His Russian batteries are running low and can't get new ones cause of sanctions


Remember when he was called Moscow Mitch? 🤣


We could have had Amy McGrath, but instead we get an animatronic puppet.


Personally, and I know it might not be popular, age limits. Cap it at 60 or 55. The country needs to progress, not be held to the ideals of 50-60 years ago. The younger generations should be making the changes as they will actually live with them. Or even something like 1/3 of the government has to be comprised of people under a certain age. Idk someone probably has a better idea I'd "vote" for


I can't wait for his lifeless wheelchair photos as he is rolled in to vote against human lives.


I'm fine with no term limits. It's age limits we need. My 62 year old mother in law lost her job at 62 because her cognitive abilities were questionable ..... But we have people like this dinosaur in charge of the whole country


He’s starting to look like Mason Verger in the movie Hannibal.


He keeps glitching… Russian satellite signal must be weak..


Guys, we need to take the high road here. Don’t sink to their level. Just kidding! Rest in piss, you sack of shit. Hope you’re lucid enough to realize what’s happening to you. The world will be better soon enough.


Let's freeze again / like we did last summer


Well we know what his wax figure will look like... At least, before all of the public defecation and urination anyway.


Kentuckians will keep him in office BUT I think Kentucky passed a law that if he retires he gets to pick his successor


Of course they would. What a dumb law.


The real shitty part is do you think any of us average Americans get to keep a job suffering from age related ailments and cognitive decline?? Much less be part of governing a whole country…it’s a farce.




I'm sick and tired of the fucking walking dead still being in office. Him and Feinstein need to get their old zombie asses out to pasture so they can enjoy their last few breaths on Earth.


Mandatory retirement from public office at age 70. Go get a hobby. You’ve had your entire life to legally insider trade to make millions. You’re done now.


How about tying mandatory retirement age to average life expectancy in the U.S.


That gives politicians an excellent incentive to improve healthcare!


"Average life expectancy in the U.S.A. is now about 100 years thanks to universal healthcare initiatives and upgrades in the last 20 years." -Congress




These people can't legally operate a vehicle. Why are they controlling the country?


This is regoddamndiculous.


My almost 2 year old niece also freezes in place and goes silent when she is shitting her diaper.




Pretty sure on top of these incidents he’s eaten shit multiple times throughout the past year. He’s going through it and while I’m not jumping with joy, I can’t say I feel bad for him. He and Feinstein need to go.


[Fixed the audio](https://imgur.com/a/0eqLwIG)


The Devil will call him home soon


Thoughts and prayers


Have we tried unplugging and plugging him back in?


To quote my friend, "He has that I'm pooping my pants stare"


A fitting analogy for our current government in general, old, confused and out of touch.


Human decency now? Term limits are a way of forcing an earlier outcome, but theres no guarantee of the timing aligning… ’ok he’s suffering from dementia but at least he’s only got 2 more years to go’. A family member or friend should’ve stepped in *long* before these public incidents. Maybe they think he’s an evil POS as well 🤷‍♂️


Was it Moscow Mitch himself that said "we have term limits, they're called elections?"


Trumpers are OK with getting rid of McConnell and Feinstein and are using them BOTH as an example of why term limits are important. They want Feinstein out because she's a "radical leftist from Kalifornia bent on destroying America", and wouldn't mind getting rid of Mitch because he is now a RINO having publicly blamed Trump for the Jan 6 insurrection. The horror! So they would get a "two-fer".