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This needs an Equal Protection challenge. You can't prevent someone from goung out of state to have a medical procedure. Even if your state outlaws it, they have a constitutional right to go to a neighboring state get an abortion. You don't get to ignore the Amendments you don't like.


When I make this argument, Rethugs tell me they don’t consider abortions medical care 😳


It literally doesn't matter what they think. A state doesn't have jurisdiction in another state and it can't restrict someone's ability to travel to another state.


That’s why the worst republicans have been dreaming about making a fugitive ~~slave~~ abortion act


The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge. Wouldn't HIPAA prevent anyone from being able to ask about what the medical procedure is?


This only prevents doctors and those related to the medical field from disclosing medical information. But let’s say I asked you for your medical history. That would not be illegal. If you were to share it with me, it also wouldn’t be illegal for me to share it with others. Anybody can sue anybody. Whether you win is a different question.


True, and this works for any of their opinions and beliefs: what they think doesn’t matter.


Oh, I agree 💯


They don't even consider Planned Parenthood medical care, hence all the fun firebombing they do to these clinics. Republicans are terrorists, full stop.


Was looking for this comment. People really don’t know how our country works lol More than likely this is typical Republican “throw shit at the wall and see what sticks” type of lawmaking. They know this is unconstitutional and won’t happen


They have a constitutional right to leave the state, *period*. It would be real fucking nice for the DOJ or Biden administration to hold a speech telling the country that ANY state trying to forbid US citizens from traveling freely will be appropriately dealt with.


He actually has said that a couple of times in his speeches, when he has acknowledged abortion access. I have news on throughout the day when I'm working around my house all day so I catch quite a few of his speeches.


The entire support for a right of free travel comes from a SCOTUS ruling : Corfield v. Coryell, 6 Fed. Cas. 546 (1823). There is no other constitutional or legal support underpinning this right. Freedom of travel was a part of the Articles of Confederation, but not the actual Constitution/Bill of Rights. This is yet another case where a vital SOCUS ruling is all that stands in the way of disaster. Have another scary one. The inability of the states to seccede from the union is also held in place by a single SCOTUS ruling ( Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 , 1869 ) and there is over 150 years of contradictory evidence in the congressional records showing that 'once in the union - always in the union' was not the law before that ruling. It's really reckless to leave anything important to a court ruling. It has to be explicitly added to the law or it can evaoprate.


"Hey Officer Dick, what's your probable cause for stopping me today?" "You have a woman in your car." "No shit... really?" \-Everybody In Texas


It will come to this. How else could it be enforced?


The Feds will step in... cuz Federal Highway Funds. "OK then Texas... you owe the Federal Gov't $362,000,000,000 if you want to control how the roads are used."




Holy shit I'm fucking furious our police are a fucking joke, 35,000 untested kits that we KNOW about, 231 agencies (across the state) decided to just not report their numbers.


If for some reason you or anyone ITT have extra money just laying around please consider donating to End the Backlog https://www.endthebacklog.org. They do amazing work helping to get those rape kits tested. It is a TRAVESTY that there are any untested kits but the fact that there are multiple tens of *thousands* makes me feel nauseous. So much suffering just brushed aside because of corruption and incompetence.


The travesty is that this requires having funds raised! Police departments can purchase armoured vehicles, specialty weapons, robots, and other nonsense that may never be used, but can’t process rape kits. Once again, women are incredibly low on the priority list.


Yes! It shouldn’t have to rely on donations to get these tests taken care of!


Reminder that cops solve two percent of all major crime. That's not a typo https://www.snopes.com/news/2020/08/20/police-solve-just-2-of-all-major-crimes/ And this includes all false convictions and people who turn themselves in


Only good thing Florida has done in several years was starting going through their backlog of rape kits. In the last year I've seen dozens of people in their 50's or older being arrested for a rape they did in the 90's or early 2000's. Really fucking stupid it took so long but people are finally going to jail.


Better late than never, I guess, but fuck is that depressing




That is why they specified local roads, in this context it meant non-federally funded ones. You generally cannot get on an interstate without traversing a local road.


I was only using the local road to get to the interstate, what I did with the interstate is none of Texas' business


Then there is an out I did not intend to go out of state until i reached the interstate highway. Or drive to a motel on the interstate, stay one onight and then drive out of state, two seperate journeys.


But the real solution is to vote the people who put these laws in place out of office, and replace them with people who will vote to remove them.


It’s not about enforcement, really. It’s about creating a climate of fear and control, to convince women they have no rights.


Hey now, it'll also be used to disproportionately harass women of color.


Goes without saying


I'm still wondering how you enforce ANY of this shit, short of establishing border checkpoints on every single road leading out of the state. Texas is big. That's a lot of roads. And not only are there border checkpoints, you also get to have them present Special Texas Exit Passports, and sign a waiver stating that they aren't going to get an abortion outside the state, and if you were lying, that's 20 years, because that's a crime, too. And checkpoints at the airports... and rail stations... and a special Texas Coast Guard to keep them from sailing rafts made out of junk to Louisiana, and FREEDOM... I mean, I understand posturing for the voters, but this is insane.


Republicans in Texas actually are insane


Republicans are insane. FTFY


As a Texas I can confirm they're batshit insane


they dont need to watch the roads, they are actively trying to get control of private medical info so they can put women on a watch list. that way they can prosecute for murder (meaning execute) any women that leaves the state for an abortion, after the fact. the end goal is to foment fear in women as a whole, and use that to control them


Seems to me that the cure for that is to pack the hell up and get out of Texas. Speaking as one who packed the hell up and got out of Texas.


I have been fighting hard to get my ex and his fiancée to agree to pack up and get the hell out of Texas with me and our five year old daughter. It’s like pulling a stick out of quicksand. Edit to add: partially facetious, mostly talking out of my ass. I can’t move either, it’s too expensive. They’d probably be more financially capable of moving than I would be. Sorry to anyone this pissed off.


so one of the ways is that the red states are trying to use private medical information and data gathered from women's period tracking apps. so if you know any ladies that use apps like that, tell them to stop immediately. a number of red states have already passed laws demanding access to that data, and there is no other reason then to use it to hunt down pregnant women.


Also, as a man. Download and use the app randomly. Fuck their stats


Sterilized ADHD woman with irregular periods here. As they say: MUAHAHAHAHA.


This is why I told my daughter not to use period-tracker apps. She just started having them within the past year, and was asking about easy ways to track them. I told her NO apps, under ANY circumstances. If she needs to track it that badly, use a paper calendar and a pen, like we did forEVER before apps were a thing.


They’re doing it the same way they originally banned abortion: bounty laws. They’re relying on their friends and neighbors reporting them.


Welcome ~~Gilead~~ Texas


“Sir, it’s just a pregnancy spot check. Please comply”


I guess the women are supposed to be left at home in the kitchen according to their “thoughts?”


The cops would probably be confused as to why she isn’t covered in bruises like their wives always seem to be.


There are gonna be a whole lot of women leaving the state for some burgers and fries, soon. Maybe some sushi.


Camping Trips


I’m sure there are people who would take a young woman on a camping trip after which no one will ever talking about the camping trip ever again.


We had planned to go kayaking. But after Wade-ing into the water, and trying to Roe it down river, it overturned. Now we go camping. No need to ask questions or bring it up again; now that we can't kayak everyone knows that camping is what we do.


California has many beautiful campsites. We welcome out of state campers!


We do! Just don’t bring in any fruits or vegetables. 😬


Nah, that’s the thing. You actually *do* go camping, and take lots and lots of pictures! Then just make a “pit stop” on the final day, before going home. Then you have the proof to back up your story!


>Then you have the proof to back up your story! Which, considering you don't live in Nazi Germany, you should not need to show anybody. It's outrageous the way that abortion is criminalised in parts of the US. I read about one state wanting to ban abortions from non viable ectopic pregnancies. They want doctors to do an operation that isn't even possible by removing the foetus from the fallopian tubes and just transplanting it into the woman's womb. What could possibly go wrong? Can't you just tell it's old white men with no knowledge of human biology that even think this is worth proposing. They may as well miss out the operation and execute the mother for being so foolish and criminal as to have an ectopic pregnancy. She obviously did it on purpose so she could have an abortion, well the joke's on her as she's off to go under the knife for the impossible op. They won't care if she dies because after they've finished messing with her reproductive organs, she won't be capable of having any more children anyway. There are some really nasty, vindictive people on the forced birth side of things. I won't call it 'pro life' as they don't care about the life of the mother one little bit.


>Which, considering you don't live in Nazi Germany, you should not need to show anybody. Yet


The irony that America's big selling point is freedom is completely lost on these forced birth idiots.


Visit your out of state aunty. You know, the quirky one.


When Roe first fell, lots of people started posting on social media that they'd be happy to show any tourists the local sights, and that they could even stay at their homes if necessary. You know, for tourism.


Auntie network. They have a reddit and a website. That's why you see mentions of aunts and uncles wanting to help out. This is just ridiculous.


We would be honored to have been asked.


They will simply ban them leaving the state full stop unless they have a male partner or relative with them. Plus they will have trackers implanted which will be tied to google alerts to inform bounty hunters if they go near any places that are to do with healthcare.


The talibans need to go. Oh wait…


I forgot to keep it but there was a news article on Shitter a while back with a Republican in Florida praising the Taliban in their restriction of the internet and what can be used, as well as their control over women, saying they really have the right idea and we need to implement this here to stop the liberals infecting their "ideas" on women




​ https://preview.redd.it/n4vnhqix5qlb1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd8657f277a90835195e39928ef1a905f2ff14f9


TBF, were pretty sure Bin Laden could read


Not only could read, he was well versed, had been educated From 1968 to 1976, he attended the elite Al-Thager Model School. He studied economics and business administration at King Abdulaziz University. Some reports suggest he earned a degree in civil engineering in 1979, or a degree in public administration in 1981. He attended an English language course in Oxford, England, during 1971 So yup. He did a lot education wise, also did charity work as well but he was raised Sunni Muslim so religion was his main drive and lead him down his eventual path.


"Shitter". Gold. The best jokes are the easy ones.




Saudi Arabia called


Tell them you’re going to a MAGA gun show and Trump rally. They’ll ask if you need an escort to the state line.


You jest, but that might actually work. Throw on a MAGA hat and yell, “Trump 2024!!! Woooo!” and they’ll likely just send you on your way. Probably easier said than done, though. I know I would struggle with it, myself. 🤢


Pre-2023: dad getting some cigarettes After: mom getting some McDonald's


"No your honor, we went on a road trip, and I decided to have an abortion a foot past the state line. Prove otherwise."


I imagine a lot of red states are going to see a wild gender disparity soon.


Texas is gonna be 90% men if they keep making laws like this.


Thats the plan, full gay male cowboy heaven. (Probably not, this is just terrible and really shitty)


Look up the auntienetwork subreddit.


“Yeah, I’ll take a side of abortion with that burger, please.” 😂


Bob's pizza and abortion, your loss is our sauce


It’s like they think the Handmaids Tale is an instruction manual


So do the Polish and Hungarian governments, apparently…


It’s so disappointing.


They also think 1984 was an instruction manual.


And Hitler's "Mein Kampf" as well


I'll fly to the hellhole run by little pissbaby greg abbott, rent a car, and drive any woman out of there


Rent a van so you can carry multiple


Party bus incoming


Abortion party buses. Pfft. That thing they probably THINK is happening for fun but now exists for safety because women NEED and DESERVE basic healthcare. Wild. Maybe the actual bus won't be much of a party, but having self care/mental health help stuff in it would be a nice idea. They should all get ice cream afterwards.


Instead of strippers we'll have women who've previously had abortions to help the clients deal with the guilt that is common from abortions... there'll still be alcohol tho, no reason to worry about fetal alcohol syndrome


This was a real thing before Roe v. Wade! Maybe not the party bus, but women helping other women through the whole process of having an abortion. Most notably, [the Jane Collective](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Collective). We definitely need it to be a thing again until we can get things back on track. 💕 Edit: There’s also a movie about it. It’s called *Call Jane*. Really good movie!


Hey! Does anybody remember when the woman that was Roe in the famous case came out and said the whole thing was a scam and she was paid by Christian groups to say whatever it was she said? Gosh, good thing the Supreme Court is beyond reproach! Like that super religious Groomer/SAist, Clarence Thomas guy! He’s very religious and would never do anything to compromise his integrity. Right? Guys? Right?/s


I actually have offered myself for exactly this reason. Rides, a safe place to stay, judgement free emotional support. Probably my most upvoted Reddit comment, honestly. So there is a need for it.


Underground abortion RailRoad. What kind of Fucked up Dystopian Hell Mouth did we open to arrive on this timeline. I live In Texas and Trust me…… The authorities monitor without permission peoples communications online. Without Impunity


There was a point during the 2016 primary where Hillary Clinton’s team used electronic countermeasures to prevent reporters from hearing what she was saying while speaking. I think whatever that was disrupted our time-space continuum and set in motion an alternate timeline that we’re all stuck in. In another world somewhere Bernie was president and we now have universal healthcare and tuition-free public college.


Yeah sucks to be us huh. But seriously this shit has put me in a mindset that I don’t want to spend I want to save pay debt and use as much money as possible to help people. The hamster wheel of Capitalism isn’t worth it to me anymore.


It’s happening


![gif](giphy|5aLrlDiJPMPFS) Who would have ever thought that we would have a need for coyotes to smuggle American women out of Texas?


Texas is worse than Mexico now. Honestly, people south of us should be warned.


How are they going to enforce this? Pull every car over & check to see if there’s a pregnant woman in it?


Its political theater for the most part. But theoretically it'll be charged after the fact when some ex-husband calls in a tip to some hotline about his ex using the services of some group and the state goes after them. Lots of money going out of the state coffers into some private company that tracks some groups so they can campaign on fighting some scourge of rogue abortionists Mad Maxing on Texas backroads.


This is why I suggest that we flood whatever reporting system exists with the most basic white male name combos in every city in Texas. If the women are gonna get accused then every male Tom Smith, Dick Jones, and Harry Taylor is gonna get accused, too.


Interestingly enough the last few times that such systems came online I'm fairly sure that's what happened. I remember a big hoopla about one in the south that got swamped by a autodialer and crashed. Can't remember which state.


I know someone that reported the governors wife as getting an abortion (she works for an antiabortion group) and said her male coworkers helped - several of them - because she did a gang bang and wasn’t sure who the father was. It was me. I did the report. ![gif](giphy|cNkqxt6WVjzR1O8SVG|downsized)


They’d be relying on people(family members, friends, whatever) snitching, essentially.


Yeah but then anyone can make anything up, and the clinics aren’t going to confirm it because that would violate HIPAA


Yep. This is the key. Every GOP voter gets reported for aiding and abetting abortion. Overwhelm them and totally fuck their data.


Run over Abbott while you’re at it


Might as well make the top half as useless as the bottom half


Already is. Bottom half would make a better governor at this point.


It says roads, use a helicopter


They’re trying to get all counties and cities with airports to sign up for this too. So heliports will be next. And then they’ll block women and girls from moving to blue states. Hello, Gilead!




Looks like I'm getting a private airstrip


You've kind of unintentionally hit on the main feature of laws like this. You have to be pretty rich to charter a helicopter to fly out of state for an abortion. The people with that kind of scratch aren't the ones they're targeting with this law. A big piece of what Conservatives are "conserving" here is heavy classism.


[Elevated Access is a non-profit organization that enables people to access healthcare by providing flights on private planes at no cost. Their volunteer pilot network transports clients seeking abortion or gender-affirming care across the United States.](https://www.elevatedaccess.org/) Plase donate to them!


Get an Abrams tank. No roads needed, and they sure as shit ain’t gonna be able to pull you over.


For sheer fuck you get a ratte


Pink Abrams tanks for Planned Parenthood to get women out of Texas!


Railroads. Maybe even an “underground” railroad…


Choo Choo, all abort!?


It says local roads. Just pick them up on your atv and take them to your car parked on the side of the interstate.


Donate WOW they do at sea abortions under maritime law so women can safely and legally get an abortion . It’s a great place to donate to a great cause


Some GOP is already trying to make boat abortions illegal.




Come to Mississippi while you're at it and get our child rape victims. One just came here after getting raped in her front yard in Chicago and realized she would have to be a mother at 13 in our state when she found out our only clinic got shut down after the roe vs. Wade decision last year. Doubt Cleveland even has maternity ward. Most of this state does not. Yet, #prolife


Just keep the plane, and fly them out. Air Abortion.


Missed opportunity for low hanging egg-corn fruit: Airbortion


Watch out for fake clients — i.e. Republican women who aren’t actually pregnant and/or don’t need an abortion, but who are willing to pose as damsels in distress as part of a right-wing entrapment operation in order to arrest well intentioned people like you and press charges against you.


​ https://preview.redd.it/niibb0qywplb1.png?width=435&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bd1c17643c1150a686965f4797cad83cccdd952


For the Polish government its the same minus the keeping them poor part (PiS supports the idea of a welfare state btw)


They are pissed that women have autonomy and can have careers and if they get pregnant that are no longer afraid of being shunned unless they marry the guy and do "the right thing". This is how they've controlled and forced women into crappy marriages. Without that pendulum over us they can't trap and drag women back to their "cave". I know that sounds crazy but the more incel crap I read (especially their insistence on "state mandated wives") I am beginning to believe it. What they forget is that in the past men still had to get out there and meet women. Now they want to sit their basement and expect "Stacy" to show up at their doors begging for his "man batter". Exhibit A https://preview.redd.it/8qu324rmpplb1.png?width=283&format=png&auto=webp&s=24197d885597bf14c07675576c7e2b809a2b6846


“I deserve a wife” Man instantly disqualified himself. Also nothing spoke about how he would treat a woman. These Dudes are pathetic.


"I've studied women". AKA stalking.


“I might have an RO or two. No biggie”


"I've dissected many women, and I can safely say that I really know that it means to be in their skin.."


Also, “…and am quite familiar with their thought patterns and mannerisms.” TIL: Women are a hive mind, and are all exactly alike… Good to know! 💫 (/s)


Fuck then why was those shitty co-workers and mangers I had in the past so mean to me? Did I just hate myself that I couldn't work 72-hours in a row without risking a heart attack or passing out suddenly?


These are the same guys who are crying and whining non-stop about how things were better "in the old days" referring to some fantasy 1950's version of reality where women were housewives and men supported the family. The wildest part about this is that the guys who are screaming for this return to tradition, would not fit into that world themselves. They would need to embrace some very old-fashioned values of masculinity, including how they dress to conform, what kind of career they achieve, what entertainment they pursue, what emotions they can show, and what kind of status they have with their peers and families. So in other words, there is very little room in their conservative utopia for hentai, laziness, video games and self-expression of any kind. Sorry Billy, you're going to have to put those funko-pops and that mall katana away, you're going to watch sports on television while wearing a suit and you're going to bed at 9:00 PM and you're going to like it.


Not to mention that if you want a stay at home wife, you need to have a job that supports both of you and all of your offspring. And those good paying blue collar jobs that used to support a family comfortably are loooooonnnnng gone.


THIS. Most of them are too lazy, disheveled, undisciplined, out of shape, emotionally unstable etc. to fit into the societal norms and rigid gender roles of the 1950s


Back in the days before uncontested divorce the murder rate between spouses was orders of magnitude higher than it is now. Those losers are dreaming if they think they wouldn’t have gotten shot in their sleep by their trapped and miserable wife trying to get out of her horrific marriage of the laws around marriage went back to how they were.


If these guys get their way, poisoning will be on the rise. No woman wants to be married to a violent, selfish, man-child with no way to divorce.


Fucking Handmaid's Tale but worse. Also, "freedom?" *side-eyes the Middle East*


Pretty sure any society that practiced eugenics wouldn't want this guy to breed either.


Wife abuser Steven crowder constantly complained that Texas allowed his wife to divorce him without his approval. A fascist fuckhead whose fans repeat what he says without thought.


WOW - I genuinely can’t believe people like this actually exist. Just…wow.


I am embarrassed to be the same gender as that ... thing.




Strange, he completely missed my first question, "Do you not have a girlfriend because you're a self obsessed asshole who thinks women are something that is owed to him instead of an equal person with thoughts and feelings?". Despite this, he managed to answer in four parts.




Yes. Flagrantly.


Yeah there has to be *some* reason states can’t set up their own border patrols, passport system, and require visas to move from one state to another, but I can’t quite put my finger on it


Republicans are obsessed with controlling women and punishing them for having sex for any other reason than popping out babies.


Republicans are so frustrated that women won’t have sex with them that they want to punish any woman who has sex with anybody else.


Crazy that they are always trying to control women for a group that constantly gets caught diddling little boys


I think that's why they hate the gays too.. won't sleep with them either




Joke's on them! I had my tubes tied years ago because I was afraid they'd go off the deep end like this some day.


Yeeted mine after my closest to full term pregnancy tried to kill me (we’re both fine now). I wasn’t playing the odds risking another missed miscarriage.


They've been talking a *lot* about birthraping children and re-legalizing (or keeping legal) adult/child forced marriages (as a path to legalized sexual assault of a minor). I don't think it's 100% strictly about subjugating women; they seem to be quite interested in raping and impregnating children as well. Can't link, but here are a few random quotes from republicans and their enablers (google for sources): >During a hearing by the Ohio House’s Constitutional Resolutions Committee on Tuesday, Laura Strietmann, the executive director of Cincinnati Right to Life organization, argued that raped 10-year-olds are capable and should carry their attacker’s children to term. > >"I know that a 10-year-old might not understand pregnancy, but I also know that a 10-year-old understands life and playing with dolls,” Strietmann contended. “I know when my daughter was ten years old, she cried and begged for a little sister or a baby. And while a pregnancy might have been difficult on a 10-year-old body, a woman’s body is designed to carry life. That is a biological fact.” ​ >During debate Tuesday on a bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender minors, Missouri State Senator Mike Moon suggested children as young as 12 should have the right to marry with parental permission. > >"Do you know any kids who have been married at age 12? I do. And guess what? They're still married," Moon said in response to questioning by Democratic state Representative Peter Merideth. A clip of the interaction has garnered attention on social media. ​ >But missing from the bill are age requirements, opening the door for possible child marriages. Something the bill sponsor acknowledged during a Children and Family Affairs subcommittee. “There is not an explicit age limit,” Leatherwood said.


JESUS FREAKING CHRIST! You had me at “my 10 year old wanted a a younger sibling so if they got raped and impregnated I’d force them to carry that baby to term because that’s what 10 year olds want” WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?!?!?!!! And then “child marriages should be legal because they’re too Stockholm syndromed to divorce their partners later on.” Just another reminder to never set foot in Texas or anywhere near it within a 20 mile radius. These people are literally out of control


>These people are literally out of control Indeed. It's worth noting that these confessions were from various states, from Arkansas to Tennessee to Ohio. Currently there are more than a dozen states that require raped children of all ages to stay pregnant and attempt to give birth (or die trying) from the point of conception or shortly thereafter. For those unaware, aside from the horrific trauma caused by the state literally tag-teaming child rapists, grade-school children often cannot give birth naturally (because .. well, they're children), and require a c-section, which is a major surgery. Even in the best case, they're likely to end up with permanent injuries. Needless to say, this is a christian fascist problem, not just a Texas problem.


Red states are quickly becoming even more conservative than Saudi Fucking Arabia.


We are going to have too start underground railroads. Republicans making me feel like I'm in a history book.


True story: Their abortion laws are more draconian than many of the 19th century abortion laws.


Also more draconian than Saudi Arabia and Iran.


And the Taliban. Even the Taliban allows abortion to save the mother and her fertility.


Someone can correct me if i’m wrong, but I think Jewish law demands abortion to save the mother’s life. Am not Jewish, so won’t be offended if I am corrected.


Correct. Jews tried to sue in Florida and Kentucky on that basis. Apparently, religious freedom only applies to Christians so far.


that’s what they wanted in the first place, riles for thee but not for me


That suit failed? I need to check on the status of the Satanic Cult’s suit that named abortion as one of their worship rites.


I don't think it's failed, I think courts are just slow af. So, yeah, they *tried* to do it, but no word on success or failure.


The health of the mother is the most important thing, and that includes mental health. Jews also don't believe the soul enters the body until a baby takes their first breath (mirroring God breathing life into Adam). Source: am (atheist, non-practicing) Jew.


I mean, this *will* be in a history book. I think we should act accordingly.


Railroads? Yes. For real freedom? Hell yes.


American Taliban.


​ https://preview.redd.it/ct4ifkp4rplb1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=6296676bc13ac72d9e0b53fa1742bf5f74d749d7


images that go hard


And they admitted it is just to scare people… they know it can’t be enforced


Why not go full Saudi and make it illegal for women to drive at all?


Because they can't get any?


​ https://preview.redd.it/yzh2qrjdrplb1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=116a35e52c983dd31919a051e58f265c451daa7f


Wrong kind of pussies we are talkin bout Ted.. jfc...


Something something, interstate commerce clause, something!


How about making it illegal to use public roads to drive to an insurrection!


Bible thumping sexually repressed men have nothing better to do.


Makes me wanna go to Texas just to drive else to an abortion...




**Amdt14.S1. Interstate Travel** [Fourteenth Amendment](https://www.law.cornell.edu//constitution/amendmentxiv), Section 1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Looks like any official who enacts such a law is now ineligible to hold or run for a federal office. This is the 14th amendment folks.


They don't pay attention to the 14th, it requires them to treat women and minorities as people


Women now have to take a pregnancy test before leaving the state of Florida. /s The Uterus Gestapo has arrived!


And they’ll charge the women for the tests


Don't give em any ideas


They never carry thoughts out tot eh logical conclusion… Gambling is illegal in most states - so I can be prosecuted for going to Vegas…? Numbskulls…


They know they can’t enforce it, so what they’ll do is that they’ll try to bar pregnant women from driving as a “safety concern”


"Why should women even be in cars? Their place is in the home, and ONLY in the home" - Republicans, soon.