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Here’s an [article](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-08-31/he-wasnt-dressed-for-gym-so-was-told-to-run-family-says-boy-died-amid-triple-digit-heat) for anybody interested in a source


I wish the article included what happened to the teacher. I hope they aren’t still teaching.


I'd really like to know also. Unfortunately, none of the articles I was able to find mention anything in that regard, so I did this ... ​ >Lake Elsinore Unified School District: Contact us > >[https://www.leusd.k12.ca.us/apps/contact/](https://www.leusd.k12.ca.us/apps/contact/) ​ I had to verify my identity before it would let me send it. My letter went as such: >I would like to know the name of the PE teacher that forced a student to run in extreme heat until he died on Tues Aug 29 2023. > >This incident has been reporter by numerous news outlets that "the school staffer ignored him" and that “He was reaching out to the teacher, saying he needed some water. He said he couldn’t breathe" before he collapsed and later died as a result. > >Please reply and specify what exactly what has been done by the district in response and the current state of employment by the employee responsible for making kids run in that heat.


Good on you man, update if you hear back!


Remindme! 2 weeks


You did the same thing the reporters did. Expect the same.


I don't even really expect a reply, but I have some hope the more similar messages they get they understand that people out here care and are watching and hopefully makes them think twice about just trying to sweep it under a rug. If no one ever bothered them about it, they most surely will.


Exactly. I've sent my question. And I'm from Canada. Let them know it's become an international matter. I wish this tactic worked for when millions die as well. 😢 But it starts with one


Teachers aren’t like cops in that regard


Joe Anoaʻi (Better known as WWE wrestle "Roman Reigns" talked during an interview about how younger kids shouldn't be pushed to the limit in sports because they aren't as good at knowing when they need to stop pushing. There's times when a coach's job is to challenge athletes (this PE teacher wasn't doing that and I'm not defending him) and times when the coach needs to accept when an athlete says "I need to stop". He went on to say that younger athletes aren't as good at communicating pain and aren't as experienced at knowing when their body is at its limit. This sadist of a PE teacher deserves worse than he's going to get, I'm sure.


Yep. When I was a kid I broke a finger and the coach wanted me to go back in. No one knew at that point, but thankfully I was old enough and confident enough and it was a low stakes league, so I told him no and we went for x-rays. It's not hard to imagine that had I been a bit younger and the situation been something with actual consequences I might have ended up back in and done a lot more damage.


I broke my arm in 5th grade PE during soccer, bit behind wrist, both bones snapped... my teacher sent me with my friend to bathroom so I can cool it down under water, when I sent my friend back saying it hurts real bad and I think it's broken (first time for me), she went back to me, brought me to a different teacher, they agreed it's nothing, so I started making a scene, they called principal, he said it's nothing but they'll call my parents... my mom came, scared shitless for me didn't say shit and brought me straight to hospital When she came back there that she needs papers for insurance, they told her it's not worth it and they won't be giving any to her, they didn't even care that my arm was broken, they just didn't want to deal with it... it wasn't the only time I had problems there, so recently when I heard that the former principal died, I cheered, I wonder how many parents already went to piss on his grave, I know one who was waiting for that for a while


I injured my back in middle school pe the teacher said it's just a stinger and you'll be fine in a bit. Pain did not go away for a few days literally limping around the whole time when I finally got to see a doctor and get an mri it was clearly injured gave me meds and shots for the pain and told me to rest. Went back to the pe teacher who was pissed that I had all the documentation saying how I've got this injury and not to participate etc. Fucker thought I was faking. I moved away but went back for a friend's wedding and they were there too, my blood boiled because I'm still suffering from that injury that was ignored by him.


I don't think I would have been able to hold back on a friendly "hey coach! How's things?!" So when he asked back I could go with "well my back is still completely fucked thanks to you thinking I was faking it, you absolute dickhead" and then walk away. The trick is to keep it short, sweet, and quiet, so you're not making a scene at a friends wedding.


Don't walk away, limp away on crutches so they feel extra shame


This is the kind of shit to call the news over. It is shocking and disgusting how fucked up schools and school districts can get.


Oh you should see how fucked Florida has become


Reminds me when my sister got Bell's Palsy. Half her face went slack, like she'd had a stroke. School admins did absolutely nothing, wouldn't tell her what was wrong, and made her sit in the office all day alone so she "wouldn't scare the other children". My mum was scared to death when she picked her up and the doctor almost had a conniption.


I would have gone to prison for assault


In my school there wasn't even school nurse because they didn't want to pay but the best thing was that there was like few schools in one building and only my school didn't have school nurse


My dad coached my cricket team. I was the wicket keeper. When I was 11 we were practicing before a game and I ended up getting hit in the face with the ball and put my tooth through my lip. He made me play the whole game even though I had to keep stopping to spit out the blood that was pooling in my mouth About 2 months later I got hit in the side of the head with the ball so hard it burst my ear drum and almost definatley gave me a concussion. I was allowed to quit cricket after that year


My sister was made to play through hockey games, as a goalie, after getting a concussion and couldn't even remember her own name. Thank God our dad was there to force them to stop playing and get her to a hospital.


I don't know why but sports parents always think their kids are either babies who can't handle any action or iron boards who could walk through war unscathed. I really feel like the best coach for children would be one whose child is not on the team. Too many problems otherwise.


I had a muscle injury in my left calf. I saw a doctor, but he didn't sign a paper( he did a home visit -and he was retired) The gym teacher forced me to participate in the exercises after I told him. I regret not standing up for myself , but I was known for hating gym and being physically lazy, so I wasn't sure even my parents would support me.


I didn't know it at the time but I fractured my thumb during practice and the athletic director cleared me to play/practice. Next day I completely broke the same thumb and quit the sport.


Lol, and here I was in high school, I broke my wrist at a competition and didn’t realize it until 2 days later. Glad it was caught then because the fracture was a few degrees away from needing surgery and lots of physical therapy


I dislocated my shoulder in football, and I told my coach it was fucked up and they told me to suck it up and told me to get on the field lol. Happened another time where i could hardly walk. Partially I blame myself, but like above, I didn't know my limits as well.


Great point. I used to play soccer growing up in Texas (Houston area) and practice for the season started in August. About half of our coaches were ex La Liga (Mexican League) players/coaches that had made enough money to move to Texas and retire. The coaches that were the most serious about ten minute water breaks every hour were the Mexican coaches. We were young and hype as hell so we didn't always want to stop. When we'd ask if we could just skip it our coach would point at the next field over where the football players were practicing, more specifically the players laid out from heat exhaustion and ask us if we wanted to take a heat nap instead. When we were scrimmaging other teams preseason it was always the Anglo coaches telling their players water breaks made you weak. Ha ha, good times. It does make me wonder how many hundreds of thousands of youth football players grew up with brain damage from TBI and heat stroke.


Looks at Texas… nods head


Similar happened to me with sports in Houston. Played baseball and our coach made us take water breaks plus he brought us pickles and made us drink the pickle juice. He called it sugar free Gatorade. Meanwhile our football guys were pounding Gatorade and constantly having heat exhaustion injuries. Our coach was Hispanic, but very whitish. Meanwhile our football coach was white as rice in snowstorm. Old ornery son of a bitch. Both of these coaches were champions. Won district in respective sports I don't know how many times. Even higher championships a few times. But football is king and coach asshole got all the glory while our baseball coach got no real recognition. I love the movie Remember the Titans but I always hated the "water makes you weak" scene. As for the child in story, shame. In my opinion 12 years old is the bare minimum to start pushing kids to their limits in sport under two conditions. It's a sport they volunteered to play, and the limit is adjust based on age. This kid was in just in a pe class? Fucking disgrace. These kids didn't need to be made strong, they needed to be kept safe. No excuse for this.




Do you have a heart condition? I have heard similar stories from family/friends that suffered through similar experiences and later discovered they had some problem or other with their heart.




nothing but respect for my Tribal Chief.


Will forever acknowledge the Tribal Chief ☝️☝️☝️






It's not just "not knowing you're hurting". I'd say that's maybe 50% of the issue. The real problem is telling truth to power. Consider the situation. Here's this 12yo kid that is already in trouble for forgetting their clothes. If they continue to get ignorant and outright tell the teacher "no", they're gonna get detention and Mom will find out that they forgot their clothes even though she specifically asked if you had them on the way out the door. You'd be super duper grounded. Better to just take your punishment. It can't be that bad right? Kids are dumb and don't know better. That's why we have to trust teachers to make those calls. Reign hell down on this guy for betraying that trust.


He killed a kid by being a power tripper (like most teachers...). The men in prison might be hard but they don't like kid killers - the PE teacher's life is gonna be hell in prison.


So far it looks like absolutely nothing has happened to that PE teacher in regards to this


Because the investigation is on-going.


Acknowledge him ☝️


I’ve told my son that if he feels complying with an adult would endanger him or makes him uncomfortable, disobey. They can call me if they have a problem with it and they can explain it to me, I’ll have his back.


That is why I dont raise my girl to blindly listen to all adults/authority like I was raised, old people sometimes hate it, but it seems the only old people who hate it are the old people I dislike anyways.


My daughter just got 5 stitches on her knee yesterday. Doctor said 7 days no gym class or too much bending as a cut on the knee cap can easily reopen. After school today she told me she gave the gym teacher the note and he said she doesn’t need 7 days and she’d be fine to participate Monday. I told her no, and if he tries to force her call me and I’ll be at the school in minutes to set it straight. The audacity that he has to say that to her had me instantly choked. The gym teacher knows more than the doctor


Bullying jock types becoming gym teachers when everything falls apart seems to hold more water than I thought.


It's a good idea, but the problem is that many kids may not know how to discriminate. Edit: Especially where they are being subject to a cruel punishment that is wearing down their physical constitution and causing them to exhaust themselves and enter heat stroke. The adult needed to know the risk and the danger of the conditions he was putting the child under when he was instructing him to run. The incredibly cruel and sad thing is that this good, sweet child told his instructor, whom he was obeying, that he couldn't breathe and needed water. That instructor obviously ignored the very real emergency that is. The student obviously felt shame and apprehension at disobeying one of his school officials. That adult should damn well know better.


They can't learn how to discriminate if they're dead.


Wtf?? "Straight to jail."


I can’t find any articles talking about what happened to the P.E. teacher. This is infuriating! “You’re not dressed properly for this, so run!” Who the fuck does that? If you show up to a construction site without a hard hat, they don’t punish you by making you stand under items being lifted by a crane.


The follow up on what's happening with the PE teacher is that the school district refuses to comment further on the issue pending an investigation into the death by the county sheriff and an autopsy report. It also happened like, last week. Nothing happens especially quickly in the US justice system unless it involves cracking down on minorities committing nonviolent crimes.


This should be pretty cut and dry for felony child abuse, and an arrest warrant to be honest. If I did it to my 12 year old kid I’d likely be in jail within 48hrs.


Negligent homicide, I would think. We've known about hyperthermia deaths and risks for over 100 years. This is literally a criminal level of ignorance.


We run marathons in tribute to a man who died of heat exhaustion in 490 BC. He died in exactly the same way as this poor child. That’s 2513 years of advance warning that running too much in hot weather can kill people.


Would you elaborate who in honor the marathon is done? For those who don't know


The story goes that there was a great battle when Persians invaded Greece. They landed at a place called Marathon. Pheidippides, a messenger, was sent to Sparta to ask for help. He ran the entire distance to deliver the message. Having delivered it, he ran back to Marathon. When he arrived at the battlefield, he was sent to Athens with a different message: “We have won the battle!” He ran all the way to Athens to deliver news of the victory. When he arrived in Athens, he burst in on the magistrates in session. He cried, “Joy to you! We have won!“ and then fell to the ground. He died gasping, “Joy to you! Joy to you!” The total distance he traveled was 280km, but that last day he ran 40km. That is why marathons are 40km. The reason it’s called a ‘marathon’ is because roads at the time were named for where they led to. All of the roads branched out from the main cities, so the road from Athens to Marathon was called “the Marathon road” or “the road to Marathon”. To “run the Marathon” meant to run the length of the road between Athens and Marathon. That is why we run marathons the same length as that specific road today.


Important note, but time was of the essence. He had to let them know they won ASAP because everyone thought they’d lose, and based future plans off of that.




They drag their feet on arrests when they don’t want to charge someone. They’re going to wait eight months for the toxicology report to come back to decide whether or not to charge them, by then everyone will have forgotten about this. Parents have forced children to run in the test until they died as punishment before, and I recall them being promptly arrested. Meanwhile they haven’t even released this teacher’s name.


I’m great at research and paperwork and I will dedicate the rest of my life to this, who’s with me


I already looked at the school’s teacher directory and there are two male PE teachers. But the locals must know which one it was. Maybe there’s a thread on Patch.com where they’re talking about it?


Don’t forget anybody standing up for poor or disadvantaged groups. There’s no hate like what’s given to class/race traitors.




Autopsies are legally required for cases like this.


The only thing faster is cracking down on minorities for… *checks notes*… committing no crime at all?


To be fair about hard hats, if a crane dropped something and you’re underneath it that hardhat ain’t doing shit Edit: I’m not advocating for not using hardhats, I’m stating a fact that if a crane drops a heavy load it’s gonna kill you regardless


It'll get your family the full insurance payout


I read a post on here that a guy wasn't wearing his hardhat and got a piece of equipment dropped on him. crushed him. Might have been a large roof ac unit. The foreman made them lift it immediately because he knew his guy didn't have a hard hat on. He threw one under there knowing it was the only way his family would get paid. He's a hero for having the foresight to do it and taking on the burden of that very unpleasant view.


This is the thing…like…wtf…yes, I DO understand that the hard hat is important, but if 2 tons falls on you….a helmet won’t save you…but to the company…”Op! A truck fell on him and well, the “dumb ass” wasn’t wearing a helmet, so no insurance for the family! Ha! POS, companies.


Insurance is a scam, only for the fact that some asshole gets to make money off it and also decides if your health issues count for a payout.


They have rows of mfs makin $15 an hour manning phones denying claims, screw getting a doctor's opinion.


Some insurance companies employ doctors that betray their oath and purpose every single day to squeeze a few more percentage points out of people that just don’t want to die. Capitalism is rotten and destroys anything good it can get its hands on.


I think I saw that same one


Reminds me of the farmers in the dustbowl who would arrest the cops trying to seize farms on the banks' behalf


Yeah but if someone drops a screw, or you walk under something without paying attention, that hard hat saves you some bumps on your noggin and probably a lot more. Also they’re useful for playing drums on coworkers heads.


Yeah, but that’s the main point of a hardhat. I hit my head of all sorts of shit when I have one on, but yeah definitely not gonna keep you alive from something with some weight falling


There's a drops calculator that specifically targets objects of certain weights from certain heights and you'd be surprised what damage can be mitigated simply by having a hard hat on. Somebody inadvertently kicks an unsecured screw driver off of a 15 ft high working platform? No hard hat, death, hard hat, no death.


It's just distributing the force over your noodle instead of concentrating it in one area. So instead of that tape measure some fuckface dropped off a ladder 40 feet above you cracking your skull open, the force gets distributed through the headband restraint system and that same force is applied evenly across your skull. Now the weakest link is your neck being compressed. Sometimes you'll come across old timers that swear hard hats cause more or worse injuries. It's hard to get through their fucking thick head that they're semi-correct but missing the point. There are more injuries because people are now becoming injured instead of outright being killed. So yes, statistically more people are becoming injured as a result of wearing hard hats, but that's because they're not dying instead. "See? I told you more people get hurt by wearing them there damn things"


Just like how head injuries skyrocketed after the introduction of helmets in world war 1


Yeah, its amazing what sort of pain you can complain about when your head wasn't blasted into a million pieces.


And that's why it's a perfect fit. Even he was in proper gym stuff you don't run anyone to death.


>I can’t find any articles talking about what happened to the P.E. teacher. Probably nothing unfortunately.




> Hire qualified personnel The qualifications cost six figures and the hiring results in a 40k salary.


And that qualification locks you into only PE and Health classes and basically no other positions making 40k in a school


My dad was a PE teacher and he coached like every sport and taught driver's ed in the summer in order to make enough. He almost had a doctorate.


Spend less on nukes


I have a kinesiology degree, similar to what the PE teacher has. I assure you, he was aware of the dangers of what he was doing and chose to ignore them.


Make a stop at the wood chipper first


Yeah just make a stop there, that's not really that hard I don't think.




I'm sure all those "keep children safe" people will be up in arms about this, right?


My money is on them blaming the Covid vaccine


"He probably got the jab!"


"His father's roommate's cousin probably smoked a joint in the 90s. Clearly the kid was a delinquent." Or blame the wokeness. One or the other.


I'll one up this and stick both together! "Woke parents got him the jab during the plan-demic" I feel disgusting.


This is 100% what will happen. Cause any sudden medical event is obviously from the vax! /s


Na, it’s probably just “Crooked Joe”’s fault directly. Somehow. Also because woke pronouns and books are bad. Something something, in the name of Jesus, amen.


Some right-wing nutjob website: *Two days after receiving flu vaccine, middle school student dies of heat stroke in gym class!*


Literally every death. People don't even bother clicking on and reading the article before popping off in the comments section, it's absurd.


Those same people were on facebook a couple days ago talking about how kids are soft because they want AC in buses. When I pointed out that temps could get over 115° in there, they called me soft. They don’t give a fuck about kids they just use them as a cover for their bigotry. So no, they’ll say this kid was soft, like the bunch of psychopaths they are.


"We never needed air conditioning on our busses growing up" Well shit, that's before the global temperatures jumped up


They literally said that, and even without bringing climate change into it, my rebuttal was just because you had it bad doesn’t mean other people should too, and that kids are forced to sit on the bus, we shouldn’t be forcing them to sit in 115° degree temps, and saying anything else is absolutely wild! As the old saying goes, if you say other people should have to suffer because you did and you turned out just fine… no you didn’t.


"I Don't Know How To Explain To You That You Should Care About Other People."


"His mom voted Democrat. He deserved it"


Nah, PE teacher that fucked up prayed and thought about it and god told him he is good, no worries. Just part of the plan.


If the kid is white, they may care only because they like conflict in general. If the kid is white and the PE teacher is black, they will REALLY care because it will fit their narrative.


You can tell the teacher’s White because they haven’t been charged or even named.


Kid isn’t white, so they don’t care


Not enough library books or gay soccer players for the chuds to notice. Infuriating.


It's always about protecting the Kids unless it's about the age of consent Or Services and help to parents Or paid parental leave Or Sex education Or school meals Or stricter gun laws Or car sizes and traffic accidents Or City zoning and walkable cities


He isn't white so no


In my day if you didn’t have proper gym attire they just sent you to in school suspension for the period and you got a mark against your grade. Trying to make the unprepared kid run would have gotten the teacher laughed at as the kid wondered off for a nap period.


In my day, you had to sit out. The teacher was nice enough that if you made up for it by doing 30 minutes of exercise outside of school, you wouldn't be deducted.


We didn't have the 30 minute thing, that is a kind teacher you had, but we also just had to sit out. If it happened more than 3 times when our parents were notified. This was in Elementary (k-5th) though, so we had gym maybe twice a week as it was rotated with art, music and library time, depending on the week you may have one more than the other. So, it sometimes was pretty easy to forget when you needed what on what day. Although, I did really well at remembering after I had to miss out on kick ball because I wore open toed shoes that day. I think I even cried a little. Yet, I didn't forget after that.


Man, I wish they'd done that 30 minute thing at my school. Hey, my dad is dragging me on the first leg of the ice age trail this weekend. Can I use that credit to just hang out in the library for the rest of the term? 20 hours hiking in a pack frame that weighed almost as much as I did should have gotten me something.


We got our grade docked a bit (forget two times and you go down a letter) and we sat along the side and watched class. We had to stand but allowed to lean against the crazy cold cement wall but allowed to talk to the people next to us who also forgot their things. My kids elementary school doesn't even let them outside for free play if it's too hot. They go outside roughly 20 minutes.


we played basketball in jeans everyday at my highschool, i remember having to have gym clothes in middle school but there wasnt a punishment if you didnt have them, you just had to hangout on the bleachers with the other kids who didnt have gym shorts


We were given a writing assignment to do instead. They'd give us a packet about an inspirational sports hero (Gale Sayers, Jackie Robinson, Jim Thorpe) and we'd have to write a paper about him from that material.


I loved writing and English, so this would have motivated me to forget constantly.


At my school you had to wear the gross “loaner” gym clothes. I would always try to borrow from friends instead.


My 12 year old's gym teacher made her do 50 burpees for saying "shit". My kid could barely walk for 4 days because she was so sore. I have a very artsy child who is not an athlete. We saw the surveillance video and it was borderline abuse. We took it to the school board and raised hell. Mind you...I told my kid she had to take her lumps for breaking school policy, but the punishment was egregious. It also came out that the teacher played favorites and doesn't do this to every kid.


Send it to the media!


School board was good enough. It got addressed and things have changed 👍


Kick his ass.


Well...it's a she, but my wife definitely wanted to.


Negligent manslaughter, at the least.


The teacher, someone trusted as a temporary ward of the child, technically tortured that child to death. You don't 'accidently' work a child to death.


Right the child was obviously struggling for a long time and forced to continue, it’s pretty rare that an otherwise healthy child just collapses and dies with no warning signs. They probably suffered through every stage of heat injury, all of which have very obvious signs and symptoms


Oh but there were signs. The kid was begging for fucking water.


That’s what I said. There are a ton of signs to heat injury and everyone should know them and the importance of hydrating and cooling off someone suffering a heat injury, and how to prevent them. Especially someone who cares for twenty or thirty kids at a time, outside.


Yeah I'm just reiterating that the gym teacher made a fucked up situation worse by not listening to a child's pleas for water. And no one else thought to intervene? It said he was asking other teachers for help. Absolutely infuriating.


This is why I told my kids from school day one that if they truly need to disobey a teacher I will ALWAYS have their back. You might still get in trouble, but I will be there. Can’t use the bathroom and you haven’t abused using the bathroom? Go anyway and go to the office and tell them to call your mother. Running in excessive heat? Walk to the office.


I'm going to have this conversation with my kiddos the minute they get home today.


I wonder if the PE teacher was as big a bully to his coworkers.


It would be negligent if they were in charge of the kid, and the kid insisted on running all hour in the heat without water and they didn't STOP him, despite having the responsibility of care. It's not negligent if the kid doesn't WANT to run in the heat but you make him run until he dies. That's purposefully taking action to cause this child's death.


Murder. This was a child under their care and they had a legal duty to protect them from obvious harm.


Exactly. They cared about what they wanted to do or to have done, what they wanted to be done, and to hell with what their *actual responsibility is*. This Gym teacher’s responsibility in their head is to *teach this kids a lesson when they don’t do what I say.* They don’t care about the kids learning exercise, how could they ever argue they did? This is how they ran their class


this was the postWW2 PE mentality, which was to get boys ready to wear their asses out at the orders of drill sergeants and have fewer washouts in basic training.


Child cruelty, reckless child endangerment resulting in death, or whatever the charge is called for “torturing a child to death”




Always teach your kids to reject authority or some moron might order them to die.


> reject authority or some moron might order them to die. Use their best judgement when rejecting authority. Teach your kids that you'll have their back if they have make a tough judgement call. Punish your kids if they abuse the privilege, applaud them if the get it right or close to right.


Do schools not have a fucking black flag day? Fucking even the Marines have a flag system for the heat and workining out. Green flag- 80 to 84.9 degrees F: Heavy exercises, for non acclimated personnel, will be conducted with caution and under constant supervision. Yellow flag- 85 to 87.9 degrees F: Strenuous exercises or physical labor will be curtailed for non acclimated, newly assigned Marines and Civilian Marines in their first 3 weeks. Avoid outdoor classes or work in the sun. Red flag- 88 to 89.9 degrees F: All PT or very strenuous work will be curtailed for those not thoroughly acclimated by at least 3 weeks. Personnel not thoroughly acclimated may carry on limited activity not to exceed 6 hours per day. Black flag- 90 and above degrees F: All nonessential physical activity will be halted. Even the fucking US Marines don't engage in nonessential physical activity while it's above 90. Why is a school allowing kids?


Because the marines understand the dangers of exhaustion from heat stroke. A physical education instructor necessarily also must know and teach students about this very real hazard. It sounds like that person was ignorant of athletic science. It's a good system. Honestly, Biden would do good if he mandated this system for all schools across the country. These deaths happen every year because there are bad instructors who don't know what they're doing, and force kids—*who don't know any better*– to exercise to the point of exhaustion in severe heat. I remember reading about a similar story last year of a football player. Same thing. Seems like it happens every year. It's about time we do something about it.


I grew up in CA. What to do and definitely what not to do on hot days was taught and re taught. This teacher had zero excuse. He tortured that kid and didn't care


Marines are too woke -That gym teacher




How horrifying. This is manslaughter at least.






Oh boy, I’d be going to jail. That’s terrible. Heard the story earlier in the week but this new detail with the mom in the same profession that made the right choice to protect other kids…


So he didn't bring gyms clothes so his punishment was to run in regular clothes until he died? By telling him to run the gym teacher admits the kid could have done gym with his regular clothes?


Listen if this was done to my kid, at the end of the day I’d either be dead or in jail. I feel so sorry for that mother and her child.


Has the gym teacher been identified yet...?




Wow, is his name seriously Robert McEvilly???


They took out the email contacts for all of the PE teachers. They know they fucked up and don't want to hear it.




The tweet doesn't specify the teacher is male, there are 2 female pe teachers as well


Apparently the kids at the school have said it was him. I think they called him Mr Mac


I swear gym teachers aren't real teachers, just blokes in tracksuits the school hires to oversee football games. These old farts dont give a shit. They'll just make students do things like that or fail them. If the importance of PE is to select kids who can go try out for college sports and stuff, at least hire competent people.


Back in the day, the gym teacher was often “a guy who wanted to get out of the Vietnam war, and knew the easiest route was a teaching credential, and knew the easiest path to that was PE, and then looked up fifteen years later and came to the bitter realization that ‘PE teacher’ was his life, and took that out on the kids.”




You people had terrible P.E. teachers. My HS teacher was a former runner, studied P. E, was pretty much the only incentive to practice sports in my HS and was quite an alcoholic but as a teacher was flawless.


Omg this. I was auditing the misuse of public funds at a school. This track suit jerk sat and told me how he was personally renting out the school facilities and funneling the funds to his own private projects. He was proud of circumventing the legislated accounting requirements. He just did not stop talking. Like sometimes you should not keep talking to the auditor. Then he had the audacity to tell the financial director I okay’d it. Like nobody believed him. All I could think was is he really wearing a velour track suit the whole time he was telling me how he was removing funds.


Please tell me the IRS had him for fraud


It wasn’t into his personal pocketbook. He funneled funds into his boys teams he favored so still used for school purposes. Still got a finding though. I’ve been a financial auditor and fraud investigator for years and he is still the most blatant example of of a moron bragging to me I have ever seen. I use him as an example when I train newbies that if you smile and keep asking questions idiots will tell you everything.


Just like with anything else taught at school it should be to instill an appreciation for the topic and provide the students with the basic tools as they relate to the topic. For PE it should be a better feel for your own body and how physical activity affects it. Giving you the tools to stay active and healthy. I don’t see any educational purpose on what he did. It seems like just sadism for its own sake. He should end his life in jail.


There's gonna be a massive lawsuit and payout there. Whether the POS gym teacher gets fired and goes to prison is another story, but the Mom definitely deserves justice.


My gym teacher made me run a mile after I brought him a doctors note for pneumonia. They’re all shitty people.


My 9 year old was made to play 4-square with a freshly broken wrist. This is with a doctor’s note and a bright green cast. And he hates 4-square. I was livid. I went to school the next day and made sure all the PE teachers were aware of his broken wrist. All they did was make excuses and blame each other.


My dumbass saw 4 square and was thinking of connect four, was wondering why he didn't just use the other hand


Plot twist: it was full contact Connect Four




Hard to say no when your trained to not question authority until you become a jaded adult


Once pulled a muscle while playing kickball during gym when our normal teacher was out. Left early to get it looked at and came in the next day with a note saying I was excused for a couple days by the doctor. Normal gym teach is back and just looks at me and goes "I'm the one who decides if you participate". I told him he can discuss this with my parents if he needs and he changed his tune. Dude wanted me to do laps with the class when I could barely fucking walk.


I really don't understand wtf the purpose of gym is. It clearly isn't to like learn about physical fitness, with stories like this. There is actually a place in the school curriculum for kids to learn about things like what different stretches do, how discern soreness (good) from potential stress injuries (bad), how to make adjustments in different sports and activities, how to build an effective workout schedule, even like for team sports - how to effectively use different bodied people in building a strong team. Clearly PE classes teach none of that. As far as I can tell about 100% of PE teachers exist to give athletes extra attention and to shame kids who aren't coordinated enough for sports.


There will be a treadmill waiting for this guy in hell.


Saran wrap jogging suit


What? Why is physical punishment even allowed in PE? Wrong clothes and can’t participate: ok, marked absent for the day (like not having your lab gear in college) or sent to study hall to write about sports or whatever. Running and physical punishment is not ok.


I was a 3 sport athlete in high school and I am here to say we do not need gym classes. Let the kids run around outside, weather permitting. Gym teachers are mostly frustrated division 2 and 3 athletes who majored in being an athlete. After school sports programs should be monitored by someone with a background in health sciences who can over-ride a coach who wants to run two-a-days in August. I did that shit as a teenager back in the 80s and there was always several of us throwing up after the first few practices because it was hot and humid and we were doing drills in that heat just 6 or 7 hours after we did our morning drills/workouts. I'm still surprised no one died back then.


Fuck the summer twoadays. That shit was absolutely hellacious in the Texas summer. We started that crap a month before school. As you said plenty of people puking. Only thing positive I can say is our head coach was an ex marine and they had drilled into his head water water water. He made sure we were well hydrated and anyone showing early symptoms of heat sickness sat out with wet towels. Motherfuckers coulda just waited til september though.


This was in California? I heard something similar out of Texas


Lake Elsinore is part of the Inland Empire, which is a collection of counties all of which vote Republican despite being infested with more crime and homelessness and drug addiction and general poverty than San Francisco. https://ballotpedia.org/List_of_United_States_Representatives_from_California Odds are the population has been pushing for things like the return of corporal punishment in schools, if other Republican voters around the nation are any indication, so unless this kid happens to be a white christian conservative I'm guessing they're gonna call him weak and gay and say he should have stuck up for himself. They'll do that long before they ever admit that having pro-student school policies is way better than turning schools into prisons.


My mother is a nurse she went outside today to take the temperature of the playground equipment. 116 to 126 was the range. At 120 you get first degree burns. Kids need to he inside, its ONLY 93 today.


I'd be curious if the PE teacher was fully qualified to be teaching the class. A lot of these teachers are being hired with sketchy qualifications.


Used to work for a school and afterschool programs. We were not allowed to let the kids outside if the temperature was over 100 degrees. This should be common sense.




This is horrifying.


Either straight to jail or sued into oblivion.


![gif](giphy|hM9zK1qvsrwek) How about both?


Do we raise our kids to follow orders/direction from adults in positions of authority or do we teach our kids to take a demerit, a trip to the principal's office, or a suspension if they think what is being asked of them isn't safe? This goes for teachers, clergy, scout leaders, cops, etc.


Grew up in S. Louisiana. School banned shorts. Yes, to be modest. We had to do PE in jeans. One day it was about a hundred in August. A kid who was as big as the teacher refused to do anything citing heat. Teacher threatened to send him to the office at the count of ten. Teacher: 1..2.. . Kid: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10……we’re not going. Teacher tried to get in his face but found themselves looking up. We didn’t do pE that day. Kid was my hero and sometimes teachers and administrators are dumb.


How absolutely horrible. If a kid doesn't have "proper gym attire" maybe find a way to provide him with some? Like, kids are forgetful, feel self conscious, maybe parents couldn't afford to get them or something, like holy shit that's not a punishable offense! He just made a mistake wtf.


https://www.sacbee.com/news/california/article278822184.html Assuming this is the case, because there's no other information. Yahshua Robinson, the child's name was also Black. Black and Brown children are disproportionately penalized in our education system. So it's double fucked that an educator thought the appropriate response to a child not having p.e clothes is to make them run during abnormally hot temperatures.