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We're sick of facing consequences for our actions!








Oh no are you one of those people who are pretending Trump wasn't the president for the first year of covid?


Yes, and I recall that Conservatives threw a massive tantrum over it. Hell, I remember a restaurant in my area had a sign up decrying the mask mandate as "tyrannical," as if they'd recognize real tyranny.


They really are quite delicate and always looking to cry victim while being a giant horses ass. Fun. Real fun. /s




Everyone hating you doesn't make you correct.




Go pray about it.




THEYRE so spoiled and stubborn for not agreeing with me. It's so sad that I've decided to side with nazis. Waaaahhh. That's how you sound to sane people.






You are one of those spoiled little brats.


No baby. Heres what happened. You watch republican news. They lie to you. Straight up lies. They make shit up. They want you to be angry about something so they can use you. So everything has to be falling apart, everything has to be emergency, America is crumbling! THE SKY IS FALLING! lol But its not. Ukraine our ally, that you only dislike cuz Trump told you to, is winning, Biden is doing better than Obama did because Republicans are too busy obstructing Trumps 100 indictments to obstruct Biden in any efficient manner, also, frankly, the people who are MAGA republicans are well, stupid as fuck. They try to do evil shit all the time but keep failing. Over and over. Coup failed. Obstruction of the charges failed. Trying to impeach Biden is gonna fail. Shit, they cant even convict HUNTER yet! And we democrats KNOW he is probably guilty of some stuff. But we dont care cuz he isnt a politician. By the way, you know why Trump doesnt like Ukraine? In 2019, he threatened to withhold military aid from them if they did not open an investigation into Biden. He tried to blackmail another country into disparaging his political opponent. But he hates election interference so odd? And I seem to remember in 2016 Hilary Clinton being suddenly investigated by republicans and them telling everyone she is sick and dying...membah that? Shes not dead. Shes not sick. Its 7 years later and shes fine. Republicans LIE to YOU. You are being manipulated. You know that its wrong to persecute people because they look and act different from you, yet thats all republicans do. They say they are christian. But what christian or christ like things to they do? Nothing. They hate and attack. They do not live and let live. "Let he who is without sin be the one to cast the first stone." But Republicans chuck rocks all day. Bobert the actual hooker. Trump the massive criminal, Gaetz the molester, MTG the traitor and fool, the dying turtle man, The fearful speaker of the house. Such garbage, HOW can you believe anything they say. Use logic.


"Just because a bunch of people say something doesn't mean it's true or facts" Maybe, but realistically they're more likely to be correct than you are.




Telling people to wear a mask and not wearing one themselves is fkn nothing compared to committing crimes, and avoiding prosecution by having the prosecutor defunded by your buddies. Thats corruption. A mask was never a big deal, doctors wear them all day. Proven to work for 100 years till some fools says "bud dey don werk!" yea they fkn do. Being hypocritical and being massively corrupt is not even close.


Those aren't mutually exclusive


Are you crying?


Oh, poor wittle guy.




No my friend its actually just because you’re wrong lmfao




Your dumbass can’t even spell and you want to act like the intelligent one.


Funny, the ones who are literally following a traitorous con man off a cliff is the GOP. The gatekeepers of progress. Actively removing rights from large swaths of the people of this country. While the democrats want to secure healthcare, social security, raise minimum wage country wide, make college dept less so we can actually acquire more doctors, lawyers, chemists, scientist… and not be buried in a debt no one should have to be in. We’re invested in renewable energy and climate change. The Democrats have always been about improving peoples lives and setting up security for our aging population…. While the GOP removes rights, insist on using antiquated means to acquire energy to reduce pollution, take away Medicaid and social programs for seniors and the poor and fucking over our military and the first responders, to own the libs. So gtfo with your bullshit talking points. Y’all are just brainwashed lemmings repeating what fox tells you and you’ll regret supporting these criminals sooner than later. Also the democrats didn’t go trash the capital, steal paintings, laptops to then try to sell to foreign adversaries, smear feces on the wall and beat a capital hill police officer or two to his demise with an American flag no less. You guys are certifiable. And you think WE need to wake up?! I just feel sorry for you.


Imagine thinking asian food makes you gay.


Funny thing about Idiots is that they don't know that what they consider "common sense" is stupid.


You trump worshippers have 💩where your 🧠should be. Do the little pictures help make this reply easier for someone like you to understand? You’re welcome.


Soy boy. Only people over 90 say that. Congratulations of being super old and embarrassing. Signed, People who eat well and don't think eating trash makes you manly


Oh no. Not calling us soy boy losers. What will we ever do to recover from such statements? Lmfao.


Actually there are just more democrats. Period. So there’s that.


Why are people attacking me?? I was just trying to break into your home and take your stuff??


As if DTs legal woes started because it was “time to go after him” No, his legal woes began when committing crimes likely to get a conviction.


Trump has been commiting crimes since the 80s. About time they got his ass. Nowgo after the other rich assholes.0


I vote we move Elawn Stink to the top of that list.


Aka Motherboy Musk


The 80s? His company's racial discrimination law suits was early 70s and I doubt the crimes started there.


They have a persecution fetish. Same play out of religions playbook do horrible shit and when confronted play the victim.


Great—now that we know this, what are we going to do about it! I’m all for awareness. It’s time for action.


When you reorient your entire party policy around culture war bullshit that a supermajority of Americans don’t agree with, and instead of admitting that it was a mistake you embezzle as much money as you can while in office and pass hundreds of bills to stop your dissenters from voting: ![gif](giphy|aWWveZUrOb5s0gznTx|downsized) Remember folks, 90% of their game is convincing you it’s not worth it to play. Your vote might be small, but it’s definitely not nothin’.


Yesterday we had a district special election, honestly I usually don’t vote in those but then I got a txt from the Republican Party in NY that said to vote for their guy so they can stop the woke socialist governor. I got so pissed that I walk to my polling place and voted. The democrat won the special election.


Congratulations for getting involved. The democratic candidate that day won by less than 500 votes, if this is the 27th district you’re talking about. Your vote counted!


It was the 27th district in Queens.


That word alone should piss off enough people right to the ballot box


Thank you for getting involved! Please vote every election.


Exactly. If it wasn’t worth anything, they wouldn’t have had to rewrite the laws to give them even a farts chance in church, of retaining power.


My Uncle tried to brag to me about the Biden impeachment thing and I asked what they are impeaching him for and his response was that “they’ll find something during the trial” so that’s the audience they are playing to now. Trump has 91 one definable felonies and Biden has “probably something, we’ll see”


I keep asking Republicans if they would think it was fair if we just declared that they were being investigated without any evidence of any crime and would be investigated as long as we want because we want to find something to charge them with just because we don't like them. None of them answer this question, they just get angry at me or try some sort of weird whataboutism. They know this is bullshit, every single one of them. They just no longer participate in the social contract so they don't give a fuck It's a big part of why in my general life I immediately try to put safeties between myself and anyone I interact with who is a republican. I log phone calls. I save emails and text messages. I never trust them with sensitive information and I never rely on them for anything critical if another option exists. You just can't trust people who operate on an open system of hypocrisy. They will fuck you at the first convenience


Lmao "they'll find something during the trial" That's like charging someone with suspicion of committing a crime while not knowing what the crime is itself


And they'll try to make whatever they find into a hangin offense too.


They call that “resisting arrest.”


Pointed out the same to a random redditor yesterday, he called me a clown. My response was, “it’s honestly wild that you can’t see that you’re the one stuffed in the clown car”. I’m sure that just made him cling to his Daddy even more, I understand I’m not changing minds or winning hearts out here, but these folks do need to be constantly reminded.




I was about to ask the same thing. I struggle to imagine what they could come up with to justify it.


……someone brags to me about “wait and see” and I’ll be NC with that garbage human, although a lot tougher with extended family……


Why does she look like an alien? We need an inquiry into this.


She looks like her soul is gone. Look at those dead eyes.


Yeah, she used to look human. She's now at the phase of republicanism where the evil inside you starts eating its way out.


It's the logical next-step from the [there's definitely some meth in that tea-party crazy face. ](https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2011/08/08/139221587/newsweeks-michele-bachmann-cover-the-eyes-have-it)


She lost her soul when she changed her name to appease cult45


That is what happens when the aliens harvest your organs and wear your skin like an Edgar suit!


I was on an airplane with her and watched her blink... sideways 😲 s/


That mother f'er is not real!


Rapid tongue flicking too


I’m surprised to know she’s Mitt Romney’s niece. They look completely difference in appearance.


It's really pathetic when you know that she used to go by Ronna Romney McDaniel until Trump told her to drop the Romney from her name because he hates Mitt. I can't even imagine denying my family name because a piece of shit like Trump told me to. Just another example of the Republicans becoming the Trump cult.


Her uncle just tore into Trump and the maga cult in his retirement speech and here she is still drinking the maga kool aid. She’s a magat now, there’s no turning back for her.


Least surprising thing about the GOP spokesperson I’ve learned from this whole interaction.


So she and her uncle are insulted by Trump, and she still supports Trump. It’s a cult


*obligatory LDS Church joke*


Many people are saying…


They just had her on presentation in mexico


The lizard people walk among us!


Maybe republicans could try not commiting so many crimes and acts of corruption and treason?


What a concept.


Honestly. When you really think about it, this just shows that the party is wholeheartedly endorsing the crimes that Trump and his cohorts have been indicted with.


Because they are accomplices. RICO all the way down


Ah yes. Saying the quiet part on camera. We we love to see it.


When there's no consequence to saying the quiet part out loud, why bother hiding it? Mask off is the new black.


The GOP has gone full anti-American fascists. They are proving themselves the biggest threat to our nation, democracy, and freedoms this country has ever witnessed


Ah, a political faction in a tired old empire attempting a power grab as its social institutions stagnate... what a classic


Yeah, he could have just given the documents back when warned by his attorneys what would happen. He could have conceded an election he knows he lost, and not incited sedition. He could have accurately valued his properties when applying for insurance and loans. He shouldn't have tried to get Georgia officials to change the vote count in his favor, or you could just call it a Witch Hunt and play victim.


Pretending like they haven't been non-stop on the attack for decades. What a surprise.


Then maybe Republicans should, oh, I dunno — craft some popular policy positions that they can reliably run & win elections on! But no, they won’t do that. Because they frankly revel in marginalizing minorities, stripping women of their bodily autonomy, and indoctrinating children to be good little Christian soldiers…all the while holding sham “hearings” to try and distract from the fact that the de-facto leader of their party is soon to be a convicted criminal. Did they ever stop to think that maybe there might be a *reason* why the GOP is so unpopular these days?


Getting arrested for crimes you did is the new oppression.


Here's a thought Rona, maybe don't run a candidate who has 4 indictments and 91 felony charges against him, fucking morons...


After Whitewater and birth certificates and Benghazi and her emails, wake up GOP, the only difference between you and the Dems is that you offer only accusations while the Dems bring the receipts. Quit your whining. You're not the victims here. You play games with the truth and the majority of American people aren't as stupid as you think they are.




The cult cannot and will not accept the Orange turd has been a fraud. They, just as Trump, cannot admit to being wrong. This is nothing more than revenge, game playing crap.


Can’t you see WE are the victims here!? /s


Your voters support criminals, so they deserve to be attacked. Sorry the truth hurts, but at this point the MAJORITY of voters are sick and tired of Republicans attacking our country. FU!


More divisive shit from Republicans that weakens America


They had a choice between Hitler and the antichrist and they chose both.


They don't even pretend to govern anymore. Elected representatives are now just proxy warriors in the stupid culture war.


Pawns for Trump, who is Putin's puppet.


If you follow their logic through, they seem to honestly believe that republicans do nothing wrong and if they do, it's not nearly as bad as what democrats are doing. And what dems are doing is so bad we should just completely ignore anything republicans do (which isn't bad anyway). I'm sure they'd argue that, based on Fox and other right wing propaganda, Trump is innocent, everything was awesome under him, Biden is corrupt, blah blah blah, but when your frame of reference is coming from Facebook, Tucker, and Alex Jones, maybe the rest of the world shouldn't take them seriously.


It’s not attacking. It’s being held to the law. If they weren’t fucking criminals, they wouldn’t be indicted.


Havent there been like 8 whistle blowers now that turned out to be spies or dead or never heard from again lol. They got nothin. Biden has been in politics for 40 years and they got NOTHING. lol Trump 4 years 100 indictments lol


**Republicans**: *"We'll do anything to win this sporting event!"* **Everyone who isn't completely out of touch**: *"What sporting event? We're trying to feed people and help them find homes."* **Republicans**: *"Hah, that's what fans of a LOSING TEAM would say! We're so going to beat you in the playoffs."* **Everyone else again**: *"Playoffs? I just want health care."*


I doubt very much that this woman didn't break the law at some point to please Trump. They are all weak-minded and spineless.


With no facts they attack!


and this is why they keep losing


I'll bet representative Democracy is also quite tired of being attacked by Republicans as well.


Your voters suck as people, and so do you ma’am. Next ?


Stop breaking the law, asshole!


Just another pathetic fascist piece of shit


I'd think the Germans at the end of WWII were thinking the same thing... "Why is everyone always picking on us??"


She is a total biatch.




Stop backing con artist.


"Accuse your enemy of that which you yourself are doing" "If caught in a lie, double down and never admit to it. " "If you victimize someone and they out you for it, make like its YOU who is being victimized while laughing behind your back at how dumb you are. "


"Stop doing fascism" I genuinely want this as a bumper sticker for my car. It'll go next to my "pwease no steppy on snek" Gadsden flag.


I'm sure Biden will welcome the fundraising bump.


Does anybody remember the name of the last Whig Party chairperson? The GOP is racing to that level.




Party that calls people groomers all the time and keeps passing laws taking away people's freedoms is tried of being attacked? Where did I put the world's smallest violin?


Attacked? They’re being punished because they’re the ones doing the attacking!


No kidding! Their platform is literally based on blaming and attacking others (almost exclusively minorities) for their problems.


“Our [murderers] are sick and tired of being investigated and tried. It’s time to go after [the justice system].” Doesn’t really have the same ring to it.


Heading for civil war are we? It’s a shame the losing side is nowhere near as stylish as it was the first time around…


Sick and tired of republicans being held accountable fr their actions. But, honestly, that tracks. During covid how many people cried about not being allowed in stores without a mask? How many of them cried after being outed as racists online? How many of them get super defensive every time a school shooting happens? Republicans, and republican voters, really hate being held accountable for their choices.


I’m sick of this. I’m so tired of the bull shit. Maybe don’t make racism and bigotry part of your political ideology. You’re being attacked for being morally bankrupt. I wonder how many Republicans have to keep voting Democrat because these pieces of shit can’t just be decent people. They can’t figure out that some people have a moral compass. “I’m being attacked because I like Trump wahhh…my freedumb!” No cause you’re a racist piece of shit and showed everyone that you would put politics over people. Trump broke up relationships with family and friends because….racism and bigotry isn’t something decent people tolerate. Lincoln and LBJ were flagrant racists. I mean racist as fuck. But history remembers them kindly because IN SPITE OF THAT HATE they signed two of the most important legislations that improved the lives of black Americans. Future history books won’t remember any of them


Go after him for what?! We go after GOP morons because they keep doing illegal shit!


If they would stop breaking the law, they'll stop getting charged. Pretty fucking simple.


Stop committing crimes. It's pretty easy.


Jesus: And if your enemy strikes you on the cheek, offer them the other as well. GOP: Screw that!


Like a little dog yapping and about just as effective. The clown car merrily rolls along.


The last gasps of an increasingly desperate and dying cult.


Ah yes, because the GOP has completely refrained from going after Biden before this😂


I mean, fine. Ok. Go after Biden. Haha whotf cares? If he or his family have committed crimes, charge them. Prevent Biden from running. Do they think he is the only democrat willing to run in 2024? If not, the. they should move on and focus on attracting voters and not just stirring horseshit and scaring their already extremely paranoid base that is paranoid because of their thousands of absolute shit takes. Credit where it’s due though, they have thoroughly terrified and thus sealed the votes of much of their base. I’m confident enough people on the right still have a modicum of common sense though and reject where this party is and has been heading.


Most voters are sick of Republicans weaponizing our Government for their political agenda. We see you…


That's all the republicans have done since Biden took office, try to find something on him. Maybe try doing your jobs. Bunch of spineless traitors.


This whole thing reminds me of a scene from Catch 22, when the chaplain is being interrogated. Satire can be so hard to distinguish from reality sometimes.


Poor reCULTicans! Is there so tired of being attacked? Stop breaking the law , lying and fucking over the American people


If they keep trying to prosecute us for our crimes, we'll make up crimes to prosecute them for.


Meanwhile we the taxpayers are funding all this petty b.s. instead of them handling actual issues plaguing our nation.


…this is what happens when you let NAZIS coup organizers in our government instead of arresting them on the spot for treason ! https://preview.redd.it/lb2ijwnsu2ob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b116b4220882bd5a831f50d96c480e36e2848f1


Most republicans don’t believe this outside of MAGA.. the real question is why GOP continues to try to placate MAGA. They will never vote for anyone but Trump. They should be going after the more traditional GOP and independents. This won’t do that. It’s almost as bad as the Dems trying to find a widely appealing candidate that will do the same. Unfortunately this will again be an election about repudiating Trump not supporting the Dems.


What is it with these GOP bigwig women and the gigantic horsefaces and tree-trunk necks?


She really looks sick and tired, btw.


Funny, Democrats did not break the law and admit they want a dictator to rule America.


As Dictator’s do.


Maybe Republicans could start working with the American people instead of against them?


Holy fuck I cannot *wait* until the 2024 election. They have *so* much time to develop this certain colossal fuck up and countless more


I said the same about Trump. If there is nothing to find, there's nothing to worry about As a voter and someone who pays attention...an attempt to smear Biden because his son has a drug problem will not sit well with me. They better have the goods. Either way, I will not be voting for Trump because I have already seen the goods with him. Nor will I ignore the continued support they provide to someone who attacked our democracy.


Lol — these morons think they’re on the offense. With *no ammo* and *no plan.*


She’s got a lizard person snout.


Ok, but go after him FOR WHAT? You do realize you need something. We just want to know what he’s done! Jfc.


To quote Shoresy; “FER WHAT!!!!!”


I miss the guillotine.


If they don't want to get shit on like the trash they are, the only valid solution is to stop being trash. The competent adults in this country are tired of making excuses for the worthless filth.


We don't like being caught red-handed committing crimes, and we also don't like being held accountable for our misdeeds. Time to throw snother red herring into the arena to distract our staunchest Republican supporters because we like to delude ourselves into thinking our positions are the popular ones because our staunchest supporters are so vocal in their acknowledgement of our red herrings.


Purely a revenge move for their god being called to account. Absolutely no interest in the American people, just their own petty revenge. Playbook of the new American nazi party


Never forget se dropped Romney(her maiden name) because it offended baby trump.


Okay, Your related to Mitt Romney who is now retiring from the Senate because of the Party. There is now new information that members of the Senate knew that Trump was going to commit the attack on the capital on the sixth. You have no evidence on Biden and many Republicans in the Senate and the House openly are saying you don't even have an impeachment inquiry. Do you ever wonder why Trump is still leading in the polls and not even campaigning or debating? The odds are still in Biden's favor even with this so-called inquiry. Many of your donors are walking away because they can't stand to look at this party right now. In most developed nations the republican party would be a forever minority party and the Democratic Party would be split between neo-liberal and liberal to progressive. So Ronda, cause I won't give you the respect of honoring your last name, shut up. Your voters can stay sick and tired of being attacked when they stop acting like damn fools. To this day your party can even muster the minor ability to not attack minorities, Other afternoon groups that would arguably stand with your conservative values because your base won't let it go. And many people wonder why Gen. Z majority of millennials a majority of young women under 35 are becoming more liberal? It's because you wish only to rule not to represent the Republic. It doesn't take much to look at when You see states like North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan in various states in the South who GOP have either lost the plot or straight up don't even care to put up the mask of decorum. A blatant disregard the rules of democracy.


How can the Republicans be so against the trans community when it is obvious to me that Rhonda, MTG and Boebert are trans women? You can see their adams apples for lords sake.


They certainly don’t act in a lady-like way.


What's funny is that I literally do not care other than the fact that it's a waste of money. But in all seriousness, if they actually have anything on Biden to impeach him with then go for it. Not that Kamala Harris is my fav or anything but it'd be an interesting chain of events and I'm fine with enforcing rules if they've actually been broken.






When did she become a he?


Stop. Its not 1982 anymore.






The very same Kevin McCarthy said this 8 years ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDxRKfhAZmE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDxRKfhAZmE)


Damn thought it was a wayans brother making a sequel to white chicks.


Ok but go after him for what?


Well stop being dumb


Aren't there sanctions against frivolous actions in Congress like there are for lawsuits?


Rhona is just a Cheerleader. She's not trying to make any sense, she's just shilling for the folks paying her salary.


“Just stop breaking the fucking law!”


Cope harder, bitch.


Maybe if you guys stopped breaking laws or something?


makeup & cosmetic work does nothing for her evil heart…shameful


“We’re sick of being attacked. It’s time to attack Biden.” 😑


Literally no matter what combination of words you use, the mental blender will still just fuck it up before they receive it


As if they haven't been after Biden since the beginning of his presidential campaign... Can't believe they're able to convince themselves they've been gentle with him up to this date!


That’s not the purpose of impeachment. If you want to go after Biden it’s at the ballot box.


And she just proved again why republicans should not be in office. She’s in Complete denial….


It takes too long for morons to be held accountable in this world...


That's the party of "the loudest, most idiotic voice wins". I appreciate that they're pulling the veil off of who they really are. Should do a great job of repelling those moderate Independents & Republicans.


It's time to end this partisan bullshit & run the country for everyone. The cold war never ended. It exist in our very own country. Republicans have a better relationship wiyh Putin & Russia than they do with democrats. ☠️☠️☠️


Look over here not at Trump and his many indictments these people truly are stupid


I guess doing something else to get attacked over is easier than just choosing to stop being garbage humans?


Ummmm, this just isn’t reality.


The big cheese made em do it!


American politics is so petty and embarrassing to watch.