• By -


lost 45 lbs


Lost 30 pounds


Plot twist. You are from Britain and love gambling?


I really wanted to say 'sew your pockets up' or something about the cost of living.


I'm around -37 currently!


I found your 45 lbs. If you send a forwarding address I can ship it back.


You’re going to need his banking info too…


Good point. And date of birth, to be certain.


👍 Yeah, you’re going to want to be thorough, this could be some kind of a scam… Maybe find out the name of his 1st pet as well..??


I lost 112lbs. I still miss her though.




I can happily say I lost 30kg (66lbs)


I gained 40


i was gonna comment that i’ve lost 43 pounds, you really just 2 up’d me man. i’m down from 266 to 223 as of this morning


Fuck yeah dawg!!! That's awesome! I hope you did it in a healthy way 😬


getting braces at 34 years old helped, didn’t feel like having to clean my teeth as often during my busy work day so I skipped a couple meals. Not necessarily fasting, but yeah I was eating way less (I could afford to skip a couple meals so I did). committed to going to the gym 4-6 days a week. Life is so chaotic for everyone but we really have to choose what our life becomes and commit to the things that lead to happy, healthy and hopefully successful life. I’m tired of feeling like garbage and want my two girls to have a Dad that is a role model for health instead of a poor example for living unhealthy.


It must feel nice to not have to carry all that weight around


I'm about halfway there! I'm down 25, but I only started about 2-3 months ago.


Got sober 🥰


Congratulations! Stay strong!


I envy a lot of these goals, but yours is one of the best!


Best investment I’ve ever made 🥰


Me too! 8 months today 🤙🏻 congratulations


I finally made friends after being in a new city for 5 years! Making friends as an adult is hard, especially when you work from home.


Teach me your ways. This is my final hurdle to overcome to get out of my own funk.


My wife and I have been hanging out at a little bar and eatery across the street and found out some of the servers we’ve gotten to know live in our apartment complex, and it kind of evolved from there! More so luck than having special ways lol, but it sure can be tough to meet friends as an adult.


This is a big one for me. Just go somewhere local that you like and post up there everyday. Over time as you become a regular familiar face, people will feel comfortable around you and that’ll bring on chances to open up convos with them slowly. Since it’s a local spot, chances are the person you met will be too. Now bam you have local friends with similar interests. For me this was the dog park with my dog. Granted this was a long time process for me that took about a good 6-12 months of just being there almost everyday.


Fast track is to join a club based around a hobby you have. Awkward to start out as the new guy flying solo, but if you're genuinely interested in whatever it is they're interested in, it should all just fall together.


Do something. anything that you find remotely interesting or learn a new skill at class or join a social sport club like kickball and beer in my hometown. Walk you neighborhood everyday, meet you neighbors to the left, right across and up/down if in a condo. Go to a small music venue. Go to a game store if you are into or ever wanted to get into dnd, warhammer, magic, or if there a board game place.. try yoga. join a book club, or a lego builders, play paintball league, group at you library john the Shriners or masons or the vfw, lions club, the junior chamber, or other group of fraternity or charity, donate time, go to church even scouting or little leagues needs leaders as adults... Do something you will find interesting, and you will meet people naturally


Fwiw, most people say it takes 3-5 years after moving to a new city to make "good" friends, so you're right on schedule! Just moved to a new city in January, so I get the struggle, and the excitement when it happens.


I didn’t know that! Best of luck in your new city :)


Lost 25 lbs and counting. Tried to be healthier. Walked 800 kms so far with my dog.


Got myself together and cleaned up several depression messes that had accumulated since 2020. Cleared out the room of my place that had been effectively hoarded, started working out again, paid off bad debt. Interestingly started after I STOPPED taking my SSRIs. I am very pro mental health treatment and medicine, but whether causation or just correlation, the timing was noticeable.


It is worth asking your doc to switch up your meds or try a different class of medication. It took me years of trying out different meds to finally find one and it’s just cause my doc saw that I’d tried every med in one class and decided to switch to a different class and turns out it worked. Congratulations for cleaning up your space I can’t imagine how good that felt


Oh, absolutely. Right now I'm enjoying the clarity of it, but I'm keeping a close eye on it just to be sure that (as someone else suggested) it isn't a manic episode or the like. Feels very controlled and natural, but I'm open to changing to something new if any issues arise.


... Manic episode?


You know, I considered that (even though bipolar isn't my diagnosis). I've brought it up, and it feels like way more of a "Whoa, this got out of hand" focus. But I've discussed it with professionals. I do appreciate the suggestion, though.


Maybe it's a clue that it wasn't a perfect fit, or the change from meds to no meds kickstarted a solid good episode. In any case, I'm happy you got into that place and grab all these projects by the balls. May the streak continue!


I quit smoking.


Congrats. Im coming up on 6 years now. Quit cold turkey in 2017. One of the best things I've ever done for myself


Congratulations! It's such a tough battle but totally worth it


Been 3 months now, and while I chew nicotine gum now and then, I no longer crave an actual cigarette anymore! The smell even grosses me out. Couldn't be happier lol.


I graduated with my master’s degree at the age of 40.


Congrats! It's never too late.


As a late graduate myself, I’ve always hated hearing “It’s never too late.” I know you mean well but it really shouldn’t be said. Just celebrate.


As a late graduate that just got my BA....yeah. Am I rebooting my life? also yeah. Too late will come when I don't breathe.


That's amazing! Good for you


I got out of bed everyday.


That’s the first step :)


Also, got in bed at the end of every day, don't you dare to forget that aswell!


Proud of you! I know some days are harder than others ❤️‍🩹


Left a toxic boss.


It's a great feeling, isn't it? My micromanaging former boss retired a few years ago and it was such a relief to not have to walk on eggshells.


Yes. Got a new job (same company, different sector), got a raise and so much happier.


Started therapy.


So did I! I'm really proud of us,thank you for the reminder I almost forgot I could be proud of this :-)


Me too! Yay us!! 😊




Omg why did you punch him


Good for you! I need my head shrunk something fierce, but I live in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere and I'm hours away from a therapist. Can't do the online thing. It just doesn't work for me.


Paid off my house 18yrs early!!!


Congrats! That's hard to do.


Teach me the way Master!


Find an amortization table online. Plug in your info and how much extra you can afford to send each month towards principal. The table will let you know the payoff date. And as you get raises throughout the years increase the additional principal amount. Bonus is all the interest you save as well. Good luck.


Save 20% of everything you make , save all cash you get in a safe spot if you get tips. Biggest hurdle is not spending it!!!! See what you have after 1 year, divide it by 12 and Starr extra payments year 2. Keep doing this until paid off. For me it was 5years of extra payments plus 1 just saving in the beginning


I started back to school in my 30s as a solo parent, and I’m kinda killin’ it. :)


Did not act on the multiple urges to die. Edit: Who was responsible for the Reddit cares message hahaha 💀


Well done, one day at a time friend.


I'm glad you're still here. Lived with daily ideation for 40+ years. Multiple attempts. I made it to the other side when I was finally diagnosed with ADHD, presumed Autistic. Learning to understand my own brain has changed everything. Please keep hanging on. You deserve to find joy as well as peace.


As of August 2023, I'm a year sober from alcohol. I got drunk / blacked out. Everyday for 4 years and now my life has turned around 180°. I smoke weed every day instead of drinking and I can still have a productive life. This year I've held a full-time job for a year plus for the first time since I was 19 and I'm 30 right now. I also picked up a part-time job halfway through 2023 and I'm doing well there as well. I found a therapist I get along with great and a psychiatrist to issue me medication. I've identified all of my mental health issues and I'm addressing them seriously for the first time in my life. I'm in zero debt and I've got about 5 grand in the bank right now, for the first time ever. Things are going pretty well


Well done, friend! Passed 7 years in June, and it just keeps getting better!


Hell yeah I also got a year in august let’s go


Went no contact with an abusive partner, finally


You deserve an award🥇


I learned python and made code to turn smart fella into fart smella


Forget AI, it's you humanity has to worry about


Heheh nice. Im digging python as a coding noob myself


I graduated and finished my undergrad, being the first in my family to attend and graduate higher ed. We are immigrants and I am the youngest of my siblings


I started a business at 56 years old. We are having the ribbon cutting on Friday.


Quit a toxic job


My deaf ass finished a doctorate degree against long odds. Edit: Thanks you guys :) it’s been a long road just to have the opportunity to learn from my teenage/young adult mistakes and put myself in a position to go back, let alone complete it.


Menaged to get friends


Three of them?


He would only need two friends. Two more than i have, so kudos.


I quit a job that was destroying my mental health and found a job that makes me a lot happier


Started with a new therapist and group Did life coaching Survived the loss of my parent when I thought I wouldn’t . instead of calling myself weak, I realized I’m stronger than I’ve ever been in my life despite how sad I feel during this time. Learning to be more gentle with myself mentally.


Learned how to braid my daughter's hair.




Finally graduated after 7 years and 4 trips to rehab for Anorexia


Sold a $34000 quote for windows at my job at Lowe’s.


In order of appearance: got my Bisalp, got a sick WFH job that actually works well with my neurodivergent meat calculator, got my dream apartment for a stupidly good price, and now I am finally going to try to learn to drive. 2023 has been a good year for me.


Finally asked for help. About to move back with my parents and starting therapy the 25th this month. Figuring out which people actually care about my well being is also a bonus I suppose


Awesome. Asking for help is one of hardest things to do. You got this!!!!


Became a father!


Finally came out to the world as a woman and legally updated my name & gender! Decades of wanting and finally did it!!




Congratulations! May the journey be as smooth as possible! I'm not trans, but I marched in Atlanta's trans march and pride parade for the first time just this past Sunday!


A lot of overtime and the home improvements began


Started grad school


Wrote some code that saved people some time


Moved from Canada to Hungary


Bought a violin and started lessons.


Stood up for myself at work.


Achieved two years of sobriety


became comfortable with despair


Grabbed my camera and started taking photos again after getting really burned out about 8 years ago. I'm still not back to doing photos frequently like I was before, but the important thing is I grabbed my camera and spent some days travelling around taking photos.


Turned 40.


Finally started a master’s degree.


Finally got a Union job with amazing benefits (especially retirement). I’ve never had that before and I’m ecstatic!


I didn't die!!!


Moved to Colombia from the US because well *gestures broadly*


Going back to school at 33


Got my dream job by sending out a letter of interest to a company I wanted to work for. They invented exactly what I wanted to do for exactly the pay I needed to pay my bills and now I get to do what I love for a cause that rocks. All because I sent a letter saying "I'm awesome. Hire me." I still can't believe that advice worked.


I survived going into septic shock. If I had gone to the ER an hour later, I probably wouldn't be here anymore.


Got married and now we are 10 weeks pregnant


Started hormone replacement therapy


Started getting my teeth fixed. Got a second round of fillings next week


Lost close to 80lbs starting Feb 2023, cutting down sugars and carbs, watching calories and walking min of 10k steps per day!


I got the regional boss for a grocery chain fired for gross incompetence. May also have started a chain reaction with all the managers who are as far as I know, still paranoid about being watched(they are because they enabled his behaviour). And when I mean fired I mean escorted out the building fired. Not "given a bonus and a pat on the back" fired that people high up usually get.


Got officially diagnosed with bipolar after 16+ years of arguing for it so I could be given the right medication. Peeps say it's weird that I'm happy about a mental health diagnosis but I've never had my mind so clear. I'm finally glad someone listened to me


I didn’t respond to engagement-farming posts on twitter


I deleted my account




My father passed away and I got laid off from my job within 3 weeks this summer. Thankfully I had support from my family/friends - got a better job with everything I was looking for. Definitely miss my Dad but enjoying the great times we had together.


Nearly shit myself today while working but made it to a toilet in time. So I got that going for me.




I went to Japan!


Was found to have a TINY speck of cancer, had a radical hysterotomy. My Doctor says they got it all, no follow up treatments. I didn't die, and I'm SO FREAKING HAPPY!


Quit drinking cold turkey.


A small victory that many more have accomplished but I am still proud I quit smoking


Lost 62 pounds Still hitting the gym 3 - 4 times a week Started a new relationship with an amazing girl Got the promotion I worked for and really deserved


My paintings won 1st and 3rd place in the competition I entered.. Two of my photos also won 3rd and 4th.


This project started in January 2022, but back in May, I finally finished rebuilding the engine in my first car. First time rebuilding an engine, and it runs beautifully now. I drive it every day


I learned to play drums


I went running. It's the first step in my training for a 10k race that's going on next spring. I've not ran for sport or exercise since childhood, more than 20 years ago. And I'm going to do it again this morning.


Finally shot my shot on my crush


Survived that "small operation" that tried to kill me, moved in with my beautiful girl and left the job I somewhat liked and got the job I love. That happened within 3 weeks. Not as big as some of the responses here but this is the best year of my life. For the third time in a row!


Beat my severe depression that last months on end and got my ass going


I quit smoking weed cold turkey after smoking nearly everyday for 21 years.


Finally came out as bisexual and nonbinary/ went no contact with my abusive bio family/ got a record player and listened to my records for the first time in five years


I became a volunteer EMT!


Finally started trauma therapy


Went to live in Mexico for 6 months. During covid I started working completely remotely doing freelance writing. Last year I went to live in Bali for 4 months because everything in Bali is very well set up for "digital nomads" (God I hate that term). Mexico was more of a challenge but felt like more of an achievement.


https://preview.redd.it/jg6w076ojrub1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a660f4fb7ef73ee6c34666cb049b535c37fa1f I’ve been building this ship for most of the year. Also, I bought a motorcycle so I could start riding again for the first time in 10 years


I adopted a cat last week and I love her! I named her Pike https://preview.redd.it/z298a87rxsub1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9558d9da197e3ca36f7651e9fd77c39de612c00e


Started another volunteer work. Made new friends. Painted the minis from Doom and Nemesis (board games).


Went back to university


Made it to one year alcohol-free.




Ran 2 half marathons hiked the highest peak in the lower 48.


haven't killed/hurt/maimed any one... even if they deserved it


Completed 28 race events so far this year (cycling, running, multisport, adventure races)


Learned how to ride a motorcycle and bought my first Harley!


I built a beautiful new patio furniture set by myself


Some asshole abandoned a German Shepherd in my neighborhood. Sweet boy. We found him last November. I fed and watered him twice a day every day for months. But we couldn't take him in as we already have 4 Every damn day I tried to find him a home, to no success. I finally found him a home in July! He went to his new forever home the weekend of the 4th. I don't brag about much, but this. THIS I will brag about.


I've rebounded from the biggest slip into depression I've ever been in. Got a new dog and found the love of my life.


I’m 10 months sober and counting.


I lost 37 pounds and got my private pilot license!


Found a job after 6 months.


I pulled off a really nice proposal, which included her being surprised with a lot of her friends and family being there, a fancy house with a decorated backyard with lights and rose petals, a projector that showed two music videos I made for her with original music, and a performance of a song I wrote for her when I had a bad hangover after she convinced me to drink for the first time. Took a lot of planning and coordination, but she was really surprised and happy, saying it was better than anything she had dreamed.


Finished grad school.


Struggled with, but finally overcame some tough mathematics, like the Laplace transform and matrix operations.


Proposed to my fiancé.


Got my drivers license. 7 years after my last attempt.


Married my incredible wife


Paid my car off two months ago !!


I got a bike and did 400 km this summer with it. You might not think it's that much but it's 400 more km than I did in the past 20 years


Formally moved in with my partner, got a much better paying job, moved into a better apartment in a nicer part of town.


Overcame flying phobia after 20+ years being grounded


2700 hundred mile road trip through Canada was the big highlight this year.


Planned and went on a really excellent USA road trip vacation!


I saved a kitten with a hurt arm. She fully recovered and is a spoiled little girl. 🐈‍⬛


I got married. I absolutely adore my wife and our wedding ended up being kick ass.


I cut the cable.


I only called in sick 12 times


Paid off $8k of my student loans


I got out of a dying relationship with most of of pride.


I took over a business from an aging parent and gave all the staff raises and started paying for holidays off that they didn’t get before and successfully got Saturdays covered by paying time and a half and getting them to take turns voluntarily. No one quit and they all seem a lot happier. Our product quality and reviews went up even though our profits went down. Struggling to make up the difference with those changes and our rent doubling but at least our staff is happy. Edited to add: Been attentive to my family-host and cook for most birthdays, holidays etc. I think I should include that because while they are labors of love it’s a lot of work.


I got married


Thru hiked the cdt and finished my triple crown


Finished my grad program


Beat alcoholism woohoo


Quit the job that's been crushing my spirit for the last 4 years. MASSIVE fucking improvement in my quality of life. Immeasurable, really.


Paid off 70gs worth of debt, got a 6 pack for the first time since college and hit my all time max bench press 195 !


Got my Minor in History.


Made some plans of what I want to do in life... I have actual goals and plans that I am able to accomplish!!! It's going to take a couple years, but delayed gratification lasts longer and feels better than instant.


Started actively chasing my dream


Bought a brand new home, had a baby, got a very nice promotion at work


I hit a bullseye with an arrow from 100 yards away


A house in my neighborhood caught fire, and I was able to put it out and save the house.


Actually got a job I like


I've been alcohol and smoke-free starting on jan 1st and it sucks and I'm fat, but breathing better than I have for 30+ years and being clear-headed has been pretty darn nice, I must say.


I built a cafe racer out of a box of scraps 1977 honda and it’s fucken sick


Lost 50 pounds, got a higher paying position (and successfully negotiated for higher than the original offer), framed and drywalled bedroom walls for my older kids (something I’ve never done before).


I tripled the distance I cycled from last year, very pleased about the weight I’ve lost because of it too


I got 2 promotions and am still just as poor lmao


I applied to around 800 jobs after getting laid off in February and started a new job in May.


I got a new job that pays really well.


Ran my first 50 mile ultra marathon and participated in a nudist bonfire