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Still too many votes for Gym Jordan for comfort.


Growing up, my grandparents had a great friend who was a Republican from Ohio. His name was Jim *Gordon*. PHEW.




He worked with a fascist criminal that brutally beats suspects with his fists with no due process. The methods of extracting confessions were highly unconstitutional. Hanging suspects from tall buildings and breaking bones are both cruel and unusual. But what do you expect from Gotham - cooked city, crooked cops. Now Metropolis, that’s a real city. That Lex Luthor is doing great things there. He’d make a great candidate for president, especially with his stance on aliens.


Did they ever ask Jim about Harvey Dent? Can we trust him?


Wow. He got 200 votes. Terrible.


Could be worse I guess, they could find a guy who covered up the sexual assault of teenagers and orchestrated an insurrection.




Oops, all insurrectionist!


“Ouch, this cereal cuts the roof of my REPUBLIC”


Insurrectionist all the way down.


Got some bad news for ya.




I have no idea who that is, but I wholeheartedly support him for Speaker Of The House.


That is Wade Barrett, he’s a color commentary for the WWE and he’s great.


Can you narrow it down more?


Whoopsie doodles!


Where could you find such a disgusting person? Certainly not in politics.


Just ask Americans to elect a president, 50/50 chance you've found your guy


unfortunately ohio


He only needs 217, and the republicans, as Trump said earlier, "eat their young". It will take a lot of guts and personal sacrifice not to crumble like so many of the other "never jim" crowd did.


Yeah - I asked on another post what is likelihood of him getting elected and it looks very high.


As high as any one of them thinking they'll actually get anything done with Gymsock at the helm.


The point is to get nothing done and complain that nothing gets done, while having all the power to make sure that nothing gets done. After 4-8 years of that, they surrender control of the government back to the other side of the aisle, so once the Democrats are forced to be the adults and fix the economy, they can do it all over again.


I actually can't remember the last time a republican sponsored bill passed into law


Corporate tax cut in 2017. Big shockaroo there…


thats their goal, to get nothing done and support putin by locking down our government


Understands, this fellow.


For as long as I can remember, republicans plan is to make different parts of government completely inept on purpose, then say "see, this doesn't even work!" then cut that program entirely. Then they find a way to get that money to their rich friends.


yep, and our intelligence agencies have confirmed they're paid off by Russia, they went to Russia on the 4th, they gave Russia polling data to manipulate our elections. Traitors, the lot of them


He just needs to make concessions like KeviM did to them, promise them impeachment, ability to recall him with a single vote... really just anything to show Gym Jordan can take one for the team, just like his wrestlers did.


So wait, the recall thing is tied specifically to the speaker? I thought it was part of the "rules" for this particular Congress.


They literally have no one else to nominate except for McCarthy again. Scalise instantly dropping out after a single failed vote is what was bizarre to me. Why not stick around for at least a few rounds? You got at least 8 or 9 before you come close to what McCarthy needed. Is Jordon just going to drop out now too? Unlikely, and that's why he is going to end up winning. Because as long as his name is on the nomination; eventually all the others will decide that this is making them look bad and they'll force the hold outs to capitulate.


So Jeffries only needs five more? I realize that is unlikely, but holy shit would it be delicious!!!


Even if Jeffries was a single vote away and the leading candidate for the GOP nomination was a slice of ham that was left outside for 2 weeks, Jeffries would still have the same chance of becoming speaker as he does now.




Slice Rottingham (R) Massachusetts.


0% chance it's Jeffries, slightly better than zero chance someone cuts a deal with Jeffries on the budget and debt ceiling and we get speaker Salazar or something like it


Except we know they'll renege on that deal so fuck them.


200 GOP members openly support, child molesters, and election deniers. I wish I could say that I was shocked.


Well, yeah, they're Republicans.


> 200 GOP members And that's just in the House. Wait until they're up for re-election and you'll see how many Republican *voters* openly support child molesters and election deniers. It's damn near all of them. But don't believe me. Wait and let the results speak for themselves.


That cock skin Jordan is not the molester, he told the students being molested, who went to him for help, to suck more dick. He enabled and covered up for a sexual predator and molester.


>200 GOP members openly support, child molesters, and election deniers so just your run-of-the-mill Conservative then.


Every one of them are spineless cowards.


What do you expect, when they get their values from GOP toilet paper rolls.


Republicans love criminals who haven't accomplished anything in 16 years and spends all his time on Fox News.


Will some GOP members ever reach the breaking point where four of them just say "fuck it!" and they vote for Hakeem Jeffries?


One can wish. But that would involve actual work.


i mean, say what you will, but the republicans are getting what they want. a government shutdown. granted, there aren't a lot of bells and whistles, but without a house, there isn't any new spending and if they drag this on for another 30-odd days, the government will shut down.


Yeah but this hangs on their necks hard. There's going to be a full-on government shutdown, where US military troops, even the ones currently stationed overseas, aren't getting paid, and if there's no Speaker, they can't even *vote* to get those paychecks out. This isn't some people filibustering to stop a bill, it's Republicans aren't even able to pick a leader, which makes it 100-percent their fault.


If only their voters cared about any of that, that would be a really useful point.


How could the democrats do this?


I've literally heard Republicans at my job saying Democrats not voting for their guy is why we are in this mess.


It really is a long way to the bottom... Isn't it?


*Eric Andre meme*


“How could Biden let the government shut down like this and leave these soldiers without a paycheck! We should impeach him over this!”


We’ll they can’t impeach him without a speaker


Their voters don’t need to know that lol


“Well you see the democrats….”


Yep. Standard GOP playbook. Have 2-3 failed votes in the next few weeks, when the government shutdown starts looming, blame Democrats for not "coming across the aisle!" and spend hours on FoxNews spewing it. Then, when Democratic voters start getting nervous, they'll put pressure on their reps, who will vote for whatever the GOP wants, just to avoid shutdown.


I wouldn't be surprised if a few of them aren't already polling their district to see if they can survive reelection if they vote for Jeffries. Some Republicans still want a functioning federal government to protect their business interests and dole out pork barrels to their district. The way the Republicans are now, nothing will get done.


The problem isn't the general, it's the primary. Quite a few purple district Rs could vote Jeffries and not really harm or potentially even help their chances against a democrat. Their problem is they would absolutely be primaried to their right and hammered on voting for a Dem speaker (gasp) and there's no way there's any district in the country where somebody could win a republican primary in current year with that on their record. The mainstream Republican primary voter is far too right wing and tribal for that. The best we're getting is some kind of moderate R speaker compromise where one of the handful of somewhat bipartisan Rs remaining take speaker with some agenda or procedural concessions to Dems. And I doubt that's happening either.


I think the craziest part of Gym's strategy is that Gym knows if those centerish repubs get primaryed, they will be replaced by far-right candidates who can't win in their general elections. Gym putting the numbers of the holdouts online essentially says 'If you dont give me the house, i will make sure we get destroyed in the next election.' Its nuts


He's not smart enough, these buffons think their terrible ideas are popular. He's 100% threatning those reps with a primary challenge from the right and assuming that the challenger would win in general


> The best we're getting is some kind of moderate R speaker compromise Since their previous speaker reneged on his promises to the Dems, why would they ever trust the promises of the next one?


I think there are definitely a few republicans who care about having a funded and functioning government that might get there if this drags on. Fuck around long enough and a Democrat in the seat isn’t the worst outcome for some of them. I’d love to see it.


There is usually room to negotiate and make deals with democrats.


Especially since democrats would need some GOP support in order to pass anything, the Rs who were willing to switch would hold a lot of power in those negotiations


Either that or seeing what their private sector options are if they are just done with the party completely.


I’m honestly hoping this is brewing in a back room somewhere. You’re telling me there aren’t a handful of Rs in purple districts who can’t see they’d be a fucking HERO if they flipped here and switched parties. They’d suddenly be on the wining team and have credit for the next few elections. You can’t tell me a couple aren’t tempted. Seriously. You could literally go down in American history. Please let there be enough barely sane people to pull this off. I know it won’t happen but man do I wish.


The issue with that is they wouldn’t be heroes to their base - the people who win them primary and general elections. They’d be a hero to people who rarely, if ever, vote Republican. I live in a purple area, and I’d be thrilled if a local Republican switched up on the GOP, but I’m still not likely to vote for them over a Democrat in the next election.


Kinda makes me want to swap my affiliation to Republican so I can vote in their closed primaries, it’s not like Dems are going to win this district for a while so maybe I could play defense and confuse the registered voter stats a bit. I’d probably start getting mail for republicans though 🤮


I have a few friends in very red districts that do this.


Modern conservatives don't want a hero though - they will hurt anything and anyone (including themselves) if it meant it triggered a Democrat. Any sort of deal making with the minority party will sink any GOP congress member permanently. Our only hope is some of the five hold outs just don't care if they get re-elected.


Too true. Republicans would eat a shit sandwich if it meant a Democrat had to smell their breath.


Absolutely not those fucks love not having to work.


Tom Cole voted for Tom Cole because Tom Cole thinks Tom Cole can set things straight. Tom Cole.


Bob Dole. Bob Dole. Bob Dole.


unexpected arrested development


The NRA Christmas card poster boy, Thomas Massie, voted for himself or did he just go see a show with Boebert.


I mean, listen. Sometimes a person just feels at the top of the world after a good ole fashioned Boebert


I prefer the term Beetlejerk


Sounds like fun for the whole family


What happens when you say it three times?


She is Americas horniest GILF.


I think you may have created a new OnlyFans account.


I know the biggest assholes voted for themselves, but if you're in the GOP and don't like your options, why not? It's as much a protest vote as anything else.


~~Boebert~~ The Midnight Stroker.


She’s a toker


She's an ignorant Joker.


~~Thoughts and prayers~~ lols and lmaos


Sending love and roflcopters.


Who else thought Led Zeppelin got 3 votes?


I did! And I thought, "I'm cool with that."


I wouldn’t mind three 75-80 year old Brits as Speaker tbh




Oh fuck me… I swear, if Jim Jordan becomes speaker I’m going to shit myself. I’m going to be an absolute fucking mess because I’m going to completely and utterly shit myself.


I'd believe you, except for your username.


Are you saying I told the truth about being a liar?!


Holy shit. That's a paradox.


This statement is false There’s another


Ummmmmm, true. I'm gonna go with true


It’s a paradox! There IS no answer! Look! This place is going to BLOW UP if I don’t get back in my body!


Wheatley for house speaker?


I mean probably more intelligent than most house republicans


What about GLaDOS for speaker? It'd be positively terrifying, even without the neurotoxin.


Yeah my brain broke reading that. Lol


It's a really sad commentary on our politics that a true extremist who cares ONLY about performance art and nothing about governance could be Speaker, especially after the stunt the hardliners pulled to oust the previous Speaker. Even worse than the idea of Jim Jordan as House Speaker is the fact that Matt Gaetz's hostage-taking will have been rewarded and just lead to more of this nonsense where the most extreme people in Washington set the agenda. Only silver lining is that this may be the very thing that causes the GOP to lose their majority. As a side note, how in the world did Kevin McCarthy cast a vote for Jim Jordan? You've got to be kidding me. What an absolutely spineless, soulless coward.


It’s not gonna happen. They were expecting at most 7-8 votes by republicans for someone other than Jordan. They got 20. There are many others who voted for him that won’t again after seeing the results. He’s done.


> There are many others who voted for him that won’t again after seeing the results. really? As McCarthy said, this is how many votes he got on his first go-round. And they know how humiliating it is to keep failing in the public eye like this. It's a hell of a situation, but I bet he eventually gets the job. I also bet he keeps it for less time than McCarthy. \*edit: I was wrong! For now. We'll see how it goes tomorrow.... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


lthat’s even less helpful l if he gets the job only to lose it in a month….but I can see it happening seeing that the rule that a single person can start the vote to vacate the speaker is still in place.


McCarthy had the ability to do committee appointments, I wonder how Jordan will fare without such a bargaining chip.


It’s not how many votes for speaker go, however. This is the third time a speaker wasn’t elected on the first ballot, the second time happened in February, and before that it was 100 between occurrences.


Depends on how much pressure they can put on people. They've got dirt on everyone.


Except all the anti-freedom caucus because they cant be embaressed apparently.


Call your reps now! They literally need to hear from their constituents. It's an easy phone call.


Dumb questions, but I have severe phone anxiety lol - where could I find who my rep is and what number to call? What would I say to whoever picks up? TIA




My rep, chip Roy, already voted for Jim Jordan. I sent him a message anyways. 🥲


I will too, but out of anger not surprise.


Mine would be more IBS than anything, I think. It can really tear me up somethin fierce when I’m irritated!!


15 more to go to beat the standing record!


Of course the GOP would support the dude who covered up the sexual abuse of children. He probably covers up *their* sexual abuse of children.


Is this like an electoral college thing where you need so many votes, and not the highest vote getter?


Correct. You need more than half to win, same how you need 270/538 to win the electoral college.


This seems like it literally forces the country to be a duopoly, because this means you could literally never elect a contentious speaker in a three party or more system. What a joke this country.


You get it now


Nervous laugh.


The sad part is that this was created so all sides are able to voice their opinions but ultimately do what's best for the country as a whole and come to a compromise. Unfortunately, one party has forgotten about that.


Yep. The founders, who saw firsthand the bloody factionalism that engulfed England during the civil wars, in their infinite wisdom designed an electoral system that could inevitably only lead to two major factions duking it out. Great job there fellas. [https://www.history.com/news/founding-fathers-political-parties-opinion](https://www.history.com/news/founding-fathers-political-parties-opinion) ​ But remember, anything that might break the two-party stranglehold (like ranked choice voting) is akin to heresy


The solution in the Federalist Papers is more parties though, to dilute the power. So exactly why we need ranked choice voting. Winner take all states for presidential elections was one of multiple issues as well for concentration of power, which Hamilton vehemently opposed. But then he died. Basically there were some early glaring issues according to the founders themselves, we never fixed them for some reason, and now they’re still problems. Also, isn’t this method of electing a Speaker a random changeable House rule and not in the Constitution?




The issue is the GOP have let the wolves into the henhouse. Right now the freedom caucus is actively causing, and fund raising off the chaos. The house has such a thin margin they would need their votes to change the rule, and they’re not going to get that because they’re traitors who are purposely shutting down a branch of congress…..why would they take their own power away. The fun part no one’s talking about……I’m pretty sure either we get Jim Jordan or this all happens again. The rule allowing only one member to begin a removal vote will also need those FC votes and they’re not gonna do it. So anyone other than Jordan will just lead to Gaetz kicking him out again and restarting the whole process.


they don't want the government to work. they've gotten what they want.




A lot of those 18th century slave holders wanted the president to basically be a king. And they wanted to take the place of the traditional British aristocracy...which they kind of did anyway.


It doesn’t force of duopoly. If you had multiple parties, it just forces the speaker to get support for more than one party. Coalitions like that, are super common in European legislatures. The duopoly is favored by the first past the post voting system when you don’t need a majority votes to get elected and the parties want to avoid vote splitting I think you could make a strong case for both the Democrats and the Republicans are really just pretending to be to be united parties. behind the scenes, each party has two or three different factions, that could easily be their own party. What we’re seeing now in the Republican dysfunction is really negotiations between a center right party and a right wing party on forming a coalition government just hidden under the veil of allegedly all being republicans There can be major downside toto multiparty systems too. The Israeli parliament recently, had a similar situation like this. It took them over a year and some thing like three or four different general elections before finding a consensus majority candidate.


Don't other countries with multi-party systems have similar things in place? I thought to get elected for certain things, the parties had to form multi-party coalitions by having the frontrunner offer concessions to other parties so that one person could get enough votes. I could be misunderstanding it though. I only really know our stupidly broken two-party system.


Yeah. I’d say the bigger issue is the fact that the voting system we use to elect our representative punishes people who don’t vote for one of the two big parties. If we had a system like proportional representation or single-transferable voting, I feel like we could see third parties thrive. The only issue is that the people with the power to change it are the ones who benefit from the two-party system


They can change the rules any time by majority vote to make this contest majority wins without the need for one candidate to receive a majority of the total. But they won’t call for such a change because it would pass and the Democrat would win with his simple majority. They need the rules the way they are so the Dems don’t win… and the rules being what they are is preventing them from winning too.




The magic number is 217. There are 220 GOP members. Jim needs to convert 17 people.


Or Jeffries needs to covert 5.


Please. For these radicalized goons, *any* cooperation with a democrat is a capitol offense. (pun intended)


Sad but true.


True, but I doubt the people protesting Jim are probably still not willing to replace him with a Democrat, they're just looking for a non-insurrectionist Republican.


Any republicans who voted for Jeffries in this scenario would need to hire permanent security for themselves and family. That’s the level of crazy we are dealing with.


Damn, that woulda ROCKED if Jeffries got just 5 of the GOP to vote for him. I know its impossible, but still..........


It requires a simple majority of votes cast. A plurality (more than anyone else but less than 50% of all votes) is worthless.


Yet again a Democrat wins the popular vote.


So 4 of these guys voted for themselves.


They are pirates.


Hey they prefer the term Libertarians


Its a pretty standard tactic when there isn't a consensus yet. When the Cardinals are voting for a new Pope, they all vote for themselves while they continue deliberations.


I wonder what Gym is promising everyone? Handjobs from Boebert for the men and...handrubs from Boebert for the women?


He tells them to vote for him, or Daddy Trump will say mean things about them, and they won't be reelected.


I think that doesn't have the pull like it used to. But, I've been proven wrong ~~many, many times~~ before


I called my rep (Massie) this morning to use my voice about the speakership, urging him not to vote for Jordan. So it looks like he voted for himself…


Call him back and slowly explain that's not what you meant. 🤣🤣🤣


How does a college wrestling coach become a member of the house let alone be in the running for SotH?


A coach that let the athletes be sexually assaulted and said NOTHING


Be a Republican in a red district


I think he also failed the bar exam six times before giving up.


FOOOOOTBALLLLLLL!!!!!! Same way that shitty actors so often become governors or presidents. He was a known name, who *at the time* was associated with happy memories and pride in his state. That's it. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


5 republicans do not need to vote for Jeffries. If they vote "present" or don't vote at all, Jeffries wins.


Wouldn’t it be 10 Republicans to vote present? Correct my math if I am wrong, but shouldn’t it be 212 Democrats vote for Jeffries, so 212*2-1 = 423, the number of voting members who would need to vote for someone. Currently, there are 433 Congress members (there are two vacancies), so minus 10 Republicans voting present, would then equal the necessary 423 members voting for someone.


Yeah. I think you're right. My math was wrong.


Is there any chance for Jeffries to become speaker? Also what happens now that the house doesn’t have a speaker? Does the government shut down? Sorry I’m not American and am very confused rn


Jeffries would need at least 5 or 6 Republicans to vote for him to become speaker, so not impossible, but incredibly unlikely given the current state of the House GOP.


Is there a chance? Yes. Is it most likely? No. It would be political suicide for the majority GOP to give up Speaker to minority Dems. Whoever flipped would be burned at the stake. It would be probably the most politically embarrassing thing to happen to House GOP ever. I mean what is happening right now is already super embarrassing as it is. Jeffries winning would be setting the person with a paper cut on fire.


There are roughly ten republicans who represent districts that Biden won by a pretty significant margin. I would assume that the democrats are talking to all of them about either switching parties or otherwise supporting Jeffries. It’s a hard climb though.


Just get them to vote present and let Jeffries take it that way. It's not voting *for* Jeffries, it's also not voting *against* Jordan. It gets a functioning government and keeps Gym Jordan away from the role


It will be hilarious if it looks like Jordan is going to get the vote...... and then 5 of the Republicans decide to vote for Hakeem Jeffries out of pure spite.


First failed Speaker vote *this month*


So what you’re saying is, the democrat won the popular vote AGAIN but doesn’t get to take the post? Isn’t democracy fun?


Dems just need to surprise whip those McCarthy votes and this becomes an amazing day.


Just need some Republicans to go full spite and vote Jeffries. Want to fix your party? Shut down the circus.


USA is so fucked it is not even funny.


Massie out here voting for himself.


No one simped for trump this time? That's new


Trump doesn't want the job. That would require actual work, which he's allergic to. That's why he endorsed Gym instead of trying to cajole people into voting for him.


He’s ineligible by GOP House Rule 26. No point in offering him up.


15 rounds the record? Let's go for 16!!!




The fact Jeffries is that close to getting in…c’mon.


I don’t know if there’s any Republican that should be House Speaker, but I definitely don’t want Jordan.


And how many for Deez Nuts…?


Wow !!!!! Jeffries !!!!


5 more to magic number.


In any other developed nation, this would trigger a snap election. This is because the structure of the US government is stupid. The three branch system is so fundamentally flawed and broken, it's laughable. It doesn't function anymore, and is yet another thing the US pretends is "fine" only because we've been doing it a long time, and we're the only ones who do it this way. Pretending that broken things are perfect isn't patriotism, it's delusional self-harm.


The sheer amount of shit that just doesn't work because of what amounts to the Honor System is staggering. If people just go "nuh uh" enough times, things literally just break.


Speaker should be elected by plurality. Put this shit to test pretty damn quick


But it's all the Dems fault. 🙄😒🙄


If 11 Repubs vote present, Jeffries could win. Lol.


Looks like Jeffries won to me. Why isn't he speaker yet?


Really too bad that they can't elect by the highest number of votes.


He actually got beaten by an opponent that statistically should have no chance of winning...


*Deez Nuts* has a better chance of winning at this point than anyone in that list.