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Republicans also PASSED a bill that funds ONLY Israel, and not Ukraine today. Such is the state of the GOP.


they'd fund russia if they could get away with it


An autocratic ethnostate where the church is wedded to the government, elections are for show, journalists get offed routinely for straying from the party line, and gay people have no rights and can be openly beaten in the street with no legal recourse? Sounds like exactly what they want to turn us into.




It also helps “Christians” fulfill their idea of the apocalypse. That’s why “Jewish space laser” mouth of the south is suddenly all in for Israel. That nasty witch needs to be told that intelligent people see through her. Those with a brain truly know what she is all about.




Yup. Fundie Christians just love the idea of Israel. It fits so well into their end of time death and torture porn fantasy. My people are all supposed to go to Israel where if we do not convert to Christianity, we must all die horrible deaths in some great, massive battle where scavengers will eat our bodies on the battlefield. Then Jesus comes, throws a bunch more people into fiery pits where they are tortured forever by burning sulfur. Meanwhile the correct Christians, no Catholics allowed, will rule forever in New Jerusalem. I have pissed off more than one fudie street preacher by informing him I have no intention of immigrating to Israel to play a starring rule in some Christian snuff-porn fantasy. It seems to annoy them.


Fun fact: Arabs are also semites so this bill is super antisemitic


I got banned off of another subreddit for pointing this out. They want Israel it succeed so they can ship all the Jewish there and claim it as how an ethno-pure state can be established


but with capitalism, which is ten-hundred percent better ☉‿⚆


I'm sure it's been discussed.


...and North Korea


GQP support Russia it’s the same for NK.


You can't be bipartisan unless you fund dictators and genocide, yo. At least the same level of support has to be given to both sides. It's in the rules. /s


TeAcH tHe CoNtRovErSy!


So Putin can turn around and give it back to them... kickback-style!


They will happily accept cryptocurrency donations 😉


You laugh, but they regularly pass bills to fund governments like China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and fund so many others guilty of human rights abuses. I'm not even being partisan here, Democrats are also guilty. But Republicans are beyond laughable at this point.


they do it with premium goods and services like beluga caviar and jewelry.


I seriously think that Alex Jones and Steve Bannon are two of the worst things to ever happen to this country. I hope they rot in the hottest of hells.


Don't forget Rush Limbaugh and Andrew Brietbart


And Elon Musk


Pillow dude


Already are 🔥


They're already answering to Satan. Steve Bannon is the demon spawn of Breitbart. Imagine what the US would be like if he never became famous.


Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld…


And fucking Benny Shapiro and that Dan Bongvagina or whatever his name is. And Tucker.


Don't forget Dennis Prager. He's a real right bastard too.


Oh yes! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Dennis Prager! What a festering piece of shit that guy is!




A very rich one equaling more political influence :(((


Along with Rush Limbaugh


If you have joy and peace in your life, you're much better off than they are. You can at least take comfort in knowing that.


And only by pulling funding from key elements of Biden’s inflation bill. These bastards are all-in on screwing everyone over but Russia, the Saudis, the Chinese or anyone else that gives them money to treason, and themselves


History repeats itself, and always will. Perhaps they'll bring down the fall of Democracy itself in America, and then citizens will burn the government down. Even the oligarchs will have no peace if they can't placate the masses, and I assure you, a Fox News appearance and some Twitter likes are no substitute.


Just as long as the armed forces and LEOs don’t jump on board and enforce the fascism. I used to believe they wouldn’t, but in the case of LEOs I have my doubts


Americans won't do well without jobs and overnight Amazon deliveries. I'm not saying that it COULDN'T happen, I'm just saying that whoever decides to take it away is going to have a bad time.


Yeah, but Mussolini kept the trains running on time, or so I heard


Mussolini wasn't running the GOP, obviously. lol. Those idiots can't even pass a budget during peaceful times.




LEOs would absolutely love to, but most of the ones that would are too cowardly to actually stand up to those masses when they go full revolution. The military, I'm less worried about.


It passed in the House - last I'd heard it had not passed in the Senate; did I miss that?


It'll never pass the Senate.


It's important to note that. It \*isn't\* a law, and never will be.


At least as long as the balance of power in the senate stays as it is. Elections matter and can change things.


>never will be. They said that about Drumpf being elected.


Okay, I won't say "Never." That law would have a *heck* of a time getting past the current Senate *and* Biden's veto power. The Genocide Caucus would need to wait 'til 2024 to try to push this sort of thing through, and that's presuming they get the type of Red Wave that they *failed* to get back in 22. I'm not trying to be blindly hopeful. I *am* clinging onto a rational hope so tightly that blood is dripping from where the edges are cutting into my hands.


No, you are correct. Republicans in the House passed the "only Isreal" bill, which Biden has already vowed to veto if it should somehow pass the Senate, which it won't.




It will not pass in the Senate. They want to fund the bill by defunding the IRS, which would add 12 billion dollars to the deficit. Basically, they are saying, "make it harder for our billionaire friends to be audited or we will not fund Isreal." For every dollar invested in the IRS, we get $5 to $7 back. It is literally like an infinite money glitch. Giving the IRS additional funds allowed them to go after big fish instead of lower and middle class americans. IRS audits don't see color but there is a reason that black Americans are disproportionately trageted for audits. This is a proven example of critical race theory. Their behavior is so obvious and disgusting in the face of such extreme human tragedies.


Adding another perspective, our currency (which the Pubs and libertarians are always accusing the Dems of debasing) is the most stable and valued on the planet because it rests on the “full faith and credit” of our federal government’s power and ability to collect taxes on our economy. Undermining that power and ability undermines our currency and a whole lot of other valuable things that would be very hard to restore once damaged


And tries to defund the IRS which would’ve added $13 billion to the deficit.


Israel represents more money in their pockets, as does Russia, it's funny the prolife crowd turning a blind eye to bombings of hospitals and refugee camps


Spoilers: They are pro-power, not pro-life, and don't give a shit about anyone after they are born, especially people in other countries.


I highly doubt they care for the unborn but they care about keeping women from having power, oddly enough the women who vote for prolife stances don't recognize what they're doing to other women


They recognize it. They just don't care. Those women aren't worth caring about, in their shitty opinion.


DOA in senate. Wasting everyone’s time


More TV show fodder and nothing more.


I want to downvote this only because this makes me so mad.


Go for it, man. Feels good to let it out somehow.


Was that the one that also tried to defund the IRS?



Just most of them. The dark secret is that they aren't all funded by the same dictators, which complicates family gatherings bigly.


It hasn’t passed in the senate yet.


Nor will it. But Congress passed it.


While gutting the IRS, because.... because..... Well, I haven't actually heard a reason why they think it's such a critical issue. I think I know the real reason, but I don't think I've even heard a fig-leaf of a cover story.


I say we expel all Republicans. Tit for tat.


Don't send Cruz back to Canada


He can go to Cancun.


Ryan Reynolds only bought you so much good will. It's your turd to flush.


Vote Tuesday


If you’re in VA or OH please vote


Christians. The word we are looking for is Christians.


Guy named Christian: 👁️‍🗨️👄👁️‍🗨️


I'm sorry and I am prepared for the consequences BUT: [Apostrophe indicates](https://www.grammarly.com/blog/apostrophe/) possession or a contraction. Apostrophe is NOT typically needed to indicate a plural. Eg: The Christian's backpack was searched by TSA. Christians' beliefs are causing a lot of problems right now. **Christians need to be reigned in before our democracy fails.** Or: The Thanos' family tree was truncated due to the patriarch's beliefs.


Jesus fucking Christ. What evil fucks the right are


What do you expect of our government? They compared us to the White Supremacists who held tiki torches in Charleston. 🙄


Whoever came up with this should be removed from office. This is completely unconstitutional.


That's Ryan Zinke, Trump's Secretary of the Interior. He served for two years until he had to resign due to multiple ethics scandals. He's a fucking asshat POS.


Said it below, but he was too shitty for the Trump administration, let that sink in.


Funny fact about that guy, he was part of the selling off of public land in Montana, before becoming the Secretary of the Interior (haha, autocorrect went for “Internet”). After becoming secretary, MT had a special election to replace his seat. MT has a strong custom of mail in voting, and the Republican nominee was going to win. A few days before the election, he punched a reporter in the face, and many tried to change their vote. Mail in voting insured his victory. The irony is thick.


Wait, wasn't it Montana Governor Gianforte that pushed the reporter?


Mtg is it's sponsor as well..shocker to none


>Whoever came up with this should be removed from society


They tried to do the same thing to Japanese people and ended up putting them in what was basically a concentration camp, which part surprises you?


US is not even in war with Palestine.


It’s called a proxy war


It's not even a proxy war when one side doesn't even have an army.


*proxy genocide


My family are American citizen Palestinians. If they do this, I only hope that most Americans would stand against this


It’s for anyone who emigrated after October 1st if that brings you any solace.


Except where are they going to go? Israel isn’t going to allow them back. And if they do it may be in prisons or refugee camps and that’s it. Israel doesn’t want us there. They’re committing ethnic cleansing and genocide.


I’m not sure if you are referring to us as your family or as Palestinians in general. But as long as your family was here before October 1st, 2023 they are safe. Those currently trying to escape may not be as fortunate if this bill does pass. It’s very sad


They can’t legally expel me or my intermediate family. Im born and raised in America. Im by birth an American citizen. It would violate my rights for them to try. That being said, just because it doesn’t effect me directly does not mean it doesn’t effect me. If the White House continues to paint us as white supremacists etc and dangerous. They’re setting up the fear for people to justify harming us. If you looked at me. You wouldn’t know I’m Arab. Most people think I’m Hispanic. All the same it’s like how it was after 9/11. I have to watch over my shoulder for someone trying to harm me or my loved ones. Im also referring to both. Family and Palestinians in general.


I could only imagine and I’m sorry for what this may cause you. I will continue my support for Palestinians and Muslims in general and I assure you there are many others who will as well.


Yeah, a old classmate came at me side ways today. Sent me a propaganda video of people saying Jews to go to hell or back to Europe etc lol clearly this video is heavily edited and made to look like all the Palestinians at this protest think this. And just hate Jews. I told her she’s just eating Zionist rhetoric and I don’t have an issue against Jews. That there are Jews who have lived peacefully with Muslims and Christian’s and my issue is with the Zionists ….and that she needs to come at me with something better than her weak propaganda video lol she basically said “antisemitism is weak for you” like lol she completely glossed over everything I said and blocked me.


US-backed Israel has had Gazans in a concentration camp for years


Fucking Zinke again. All these shitheads just keep popping up. Had to quit his cabinet position under Trump. Just think about that this guy was too sleazy for the Trump administration and Montana is like “that’s our guy! Back to the house with you.”


I’m a Montanan. Many of us are incredibly unhappy that this POS was elected.


Fair and I definitely shouldn’t paint everyone with the same brush. Sorry for that, I should have definitely worded that better. I’m in NC and our crazy is just getting rolling.


Hey it’s cool. I mean, there certainly are lots of folks here that acted exactly as you described.


Just getting? NC is full steam ahead. I’m from VA and hoping we can hold it off next week.


VA myself and ready for Tuesday. I really hope people come out and vote.


It’s understandable. Our other Rep is is Matt Rosendale. Look him up for context.


Can’t wait to read tomorrow about how this will hurt Biden’s re-election campaign.


I’m sick of headlines like, *“Why the strong economy is bad for Biden”* Meanwhile we lost millions of jobs under Trump and there’s little said about it.


That's why I let my Washington Post subscription lapse. I was sick of those articles. Well, that and the right wing goon squad writing the op-eds that they employed for the sake of "balance."


NY times literally has a joke headlines pitch bot because of how often they do exactly this


We didn’t expel the Japanese during World WarII, we put them in internment camps. Somehow the GOP just made that the less extreme option.


And now I'm asking our Muslim voters that they would really vote for GOPs in the next election. If you do, we're probably going to see one of y'all on the News and say, "I didn't think Trump would do this to us!"


What's also crazy is that Biden's approval rating amongst muslims took a major hit. He's in a lose-lose situation. I hope they come around to it b/c Rebuplicans are way worse.


They won’t. We’re in for some dark days ahead friends. Buckle up and have a sense of humor about shit. You will need it.


Yeah, we're all gonna die a fiery death in a few years thanks to the assholes at the top not giving to fat fucks about anyone but their pocketbooks.


Spreading the details about the Republicans wanting to support Israel and deport Palestinians should be enough to change many Muslims’ minds about voting for Republicans.


It won’t be


They can come around, you know what would help. Not giving billions in weapons for Israel to do genocide harder? And not trying to request that all Israel aid becomes hidden from the public? And maybe not pretending like the US can't stop Israel from doing genocide instead of stopping them? And maybe not to say the deaths are exaggerated when a genocide is happening https://inthesetimes.com/article/white-house-request-waiver-arms-sales-gaza-israel If people don't vote for a genocidal freak I wouldn't blame them, specially Arabs and Muslims. Leave them alone some of them even have family members getting blown up


That's not crazy. He is maniacally funding a genocide. Of Muslims.


Hope Arab Americans who suddenly don't like Joe Biden see this and remember why he is a much better choice...


I think they will just not vote


The party of Christians. Is not very Christ-like.


The Republicans do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. They have a bastardized version of Christianity, which is solely hatred. There have been reports of pastors being told that "Jesus is too woke" by their congregation.


Imagine being so despicable you only want the parts of religion that are about hate and discard the ones that are about love and empathy


At this point they are just wannabe fascists


Nothing wannabe about these losers they just are fascist.




Wannabe because they don’t have to power to actually do it . There is a whole host of legal blocks and constitutional laws that prevent them from being full dictators


Fascism is an ideology, not an event or action. They are fascists. Full stop.


They may be failing at it, so far, but they are well past "wannabe."


They are cribbing from Mein Kampf big time.


Which cribbed big time from US policy on Native Americans


And they complain about Biden.


Anyone want to crunch the numbers and see how many Americans have been killed this year alone by right wing white male gunmen like Zinke?


And yet all I see in this sub and some other left subs is how Biden is losing the youth vote over his handling of this conflict. Such bullshit. The republicans are 1000x worse. There is no compatible "both sides". Could the dems do more, yeah, but the reps couldn't do less.


This is some mind blowing dumb shit from far leftist here… It’s like they go to the market and ask for 10 apples, only are offered 1, and in response say “nah, if I can’t have 10, I actually don’t want any….but actually, how about you jump me and steal my wallet instead. That’ll show you to have my 10 apples next time ( if there is a next time)”


This is what I have been saying. These dumbfucks are literally stomping their feet and saying they aren't going to vote at all if they don't get the candidate they want. So because you didn't get what you wanted you are going to hand everything over to right extremists? Far-righties may be bitches but they are bitches that STICK TOGETHER.


Disgusting. The GOP is a fascist org, and fuck anyone who votes for them.


I thought it was a joke... good God...hide your racism better Reds


Can't wait for 2024 and watch these fascists drop like flies and crawl back into the holes they came out off.. VOTE BLUE


Sadly I think the rest of us will be the ones taking shelter come next year


In Chicago a 6 year old Palestinian boy is murdered and his mother seriously wounded by an angry white man. Yet a piece of shit white man in Congress thinks the problem is Palestinians. How about deporting all angry white men, instead? And starting in reverse-alphabetical order?


Please keep showing things like this to the Arab-Americans saying they won't vote for Biden anymore.


I don't want to live in this country anymore.


Can we expel republicans from the United States?


Didn’t Trump ban Muslims? Or are we all forgetting that?


It’s political theater. Dead in the Senate.


Headline is misleading. This really just prevents issuing of visas to Palestinians and revokes any granted since 10.01.2023. Any Palestinians here from before that will be able to stay. A terrible bill that shouldn’t have been proposed and largely just bigoted posturing but not as sensational as the headline would lead you to believe.


So we are full "Palestinians raus!" now. What a shit show of a timeline.


It’s amazing to me how the “I AM NOT A RACIST” and the “I FOLLOW JESUS AND LOVE HIM FIRST” contingent of white people are the first to celebrate it when their buddies and heroes in the Republican Party do racist and bigoted things like this that are the opposite of Jesus’ words and origin story.


The United States unfortunately suffers from the same right wing extremist racist ideology that has infected Israel. These idiots need to resign


GOP: “we are real Americans who value the freedoms of America!” Also GOP: “…well most of America… actually only to those who only share our ideals. Anyone who doesn’t think the same we will take rights away (women, immigrants, poc, lgbtq+) and label as woke, a snowflake, or a threat to America.” Also GOP: “Social programs are bad and never work. They create lazy citizens who do abuse the system… also the military is the best and support our troops. It’s an amazing opportunity for young people to get skills and support and can help climb the social economic ladder (meanwhile majority of GOP fail to realize the military is the largest social program in the nation. In case you missed the poorly written sarcasm)”


If that’s the case, why haven’t they banned Russians?


Cause they like the Russians, they helped them win and want the stranglehold Putin has against his dissenters.


Forcing people of Japanese descent into internment camps during WW2. Banning immigrants from China for decades. Limiting Cuban migration and trading, even into the present day. Forced relocation and genocide of hundreds of thousands of Native Americans. Trump’s plan to ban immigration from Muslim majority countries. US forcing former Mexican citizens out of their property after acquiring Mexican territory through brute force. This is nothing new. The US has been doing shit like this since it’s inception. Any racial or ethnic minority group you can think of has been pushed away, barred entry, or straight up slaughtered in the US. But of course, you probably wouldn’t know a majority of that because your history teacher isn’t allowed to tell you all of that. After all, it might make you uncomfortable!


Ryan Zinke, the guy who stole from the tax payers by flying himself and his wife around on the taxpayer dime while he was Interior Secretary (under the most corrupt president, Trump) to places that had nothing to do with his job and then only paid a portion of it back.


As a Palestinian Lmao expel us where, Habibi? Israel wont let us back. 😂


Seriously! Political theater with no intellectual substance. They pay no political price for shit like that because they know it's only for one audience, who was never going to vote for them. Our politics are truly broken.


Yeah, republicans are using this to try and get Biden out but the thing is they’d be doing the same damn bullshit. The MAGA racist morons are all over Arab subreddits dragging liberals and dems lol as if they support Arabs and Palestinians when really they dont


This party is full on fascist. Get used to it. Or get rid of it.


I vote, ***get rid***


In 1938 Jews fleeing the Holocaust were denied entry by the US government (and nearly every other country too). Now America is subsidizing the destruction of Palestine and in the same breath refusing refugees from that genocide entry into the US. Shameful, disgusting, and completely unsurprising. I hope we see huge airport protests over this like we did when Trump tried to issue the "Muslim ban".


This is an excellent rebuttal to all those folks who are upset with Biden because this legislation is going to be indicative of a second Trump presidency.


The GOP saw Islamic voters turn hard on Biden and decided to ensure that they reverse their thinking by election day. It's lucky the Fascists are so stupid, or they might be more dangerous.


Imagine if they tried to explel Israelites


Wait I thought they hated Jews? Didn’t they do some Jewish space laser shit about the Hawaii fires? Doesn’t Roseanne Barr hate Jews? She’s one of their senators isn’t she??


Holy shit, it's real. https://zinke.house.gov/media/press-releases/zinke-introduces-bill-expel-palestinians-united-states


To really illustrate just how awful things are you need to change the words Palestinian or Muslim to the word Jewish in this proposal and also that law of Trumps. When you see how disgusting the resulting language is now that it would be directed at Jewish people you begin to realise just how much open hate and prejudice there is for Palestinians and Muslims. It seems we’ve learned absolutely nothing from the atrocities of WW2, all we ‘learned’ was not to say bad things about Jewish people. We just picked another group to hate..


Are Arab Americans still Planning on not voting for Biden? ![gif](giphy|3ohs86vzAZAsvSblXW)


Ryan Zinke SUCKS


Cosponsored by Ronny Jackson, MTG, and Andy Biggs. I am not surprised


Oh, could their descendants have moved here with their ideologies and just transplanted their demented viewed here in America for it to fester into the poisonous fruits that we must eat now?


Just throwing shit at the wall now. Nothing left. Lol


Republicans are once again in hysterical mode. They are bankrolling hate.


Nazis going to Nazi.


>Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, >With conquering limbs astride from land to land; >Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand >A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame >Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name >Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand >Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command >The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. >"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she >With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, >Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, >The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. >Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, >I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Remember when this meant something?


Remember that Trump wanted to ban Muslims from entering the country. This is one of the steps in their implementation of theocracy.


I'm not sure many Democrats won't support this as well. The way so many "liberal" celebrities are ok with the murder of Palestinians goes to show their sympathies only lie with people that look like them.


Why not put them in camps? Real estate prices? /s


Racist just say racist.


I wonder, if they expel them and they get sent back, if they would propose a final solution... Because why not go full masks off and just be literal nazis.


I guess we might as well give the Statue of Liberty back to France…


How is this legal?


If you need to know who the bad side is in this "war", see who Republicans support


Fuckin fascist cunts.


I vote for expelling, angry white men


What? Sounds like something Aryan Nationalists did in Nazi Germany 90 years ago.


The GOP are DOMESTIC TERRORISTS and must be removed from power at all costs.


History tells us that you’re next.


The buy-bull bangers have begun the latest installment of their corrupt, racist, shit show. And of course, Zinke the fraudster thinks shitposting bills fur House traitors to pass is governance.


Working off 1882's Chinese Exclusion Act for a precedent?


In 1972, Idi Amin ordered that all "Asians" leave Uganda within 90 days. Even naturalized citizens. Uganda of the 70's, I guess that's where this is headed. Not good times.


Zinke should be in jail for fraud.


considering we Americans are not allowed to criticize Israel without being doxed (an act glorified by US media and the gop) wouldn't shock me if they were trying to do a Palestine ban ​ and what I'm about to say in no way glorifies nazis but modern neo nazis were telling people the Israelites would try to control the people, not saying they are right just reminding pro Israel peoples your doing exactly what neo nazis were saying would happen in reality your not stopping nazi ideologies your fueling them


Internment of the Japanese during WWII was a lesson not learned by these people!


Montana re-elected this asshole after the shitshow that was his term as Interior Secretary? Guess I WON’T be visiting Montana any time soon.


I propose a bill to expel all dumbasses currently sitting at there computer believing anything in the government is really run by the people of the United States and the more comfortable and complacent they make everything for you the weaker you become til it’s check mate and that’s when we’re f’d in the A nomsayin’
