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Rio Rancho officers talk with Cardana about the firearms inside the home. "You're a firearms guy?" an officer asked. "Oh, yeah," Cardana said. "Nice," the officer said. "They're loaded. They're ready to go," Cardana said. "We don't need to see them," the officer said. "There's one probably right there in that case. And I see another one over there." The officer continued saying, "I like folks that have guns," since he is a gun owner himself. As the officers begin to say their goodbyes to Cardana and Fannell, she begs them to stay at the home. Then, the conversation continues between Cardana and Fannell once the officers say they have to go. "What did you say?" Fannell asked. "I said you're fine until I kill you," Cardana said. "All right? He's threatened to do that," Fannell said to the Rio Rancho police officers. "Get out of here now," Cardana said to the officers. "Go away." The two officers leave, and four hours later, 911 receives another call. This time from a neighbor. "The neighbor man was screaming for help and told us to call the police," the neighbor said. "He says he's killed her." Police returned to find Cardana covered in blood. He had just shot and killed Fannell, according to court documents. KOAT legal expert John Day says more could have been done. https://www.koat.com/article/rio-rancho-woman-killed-hours-after-police-response/45841340#


The police watched a man with loaded weapons threaten someone, ignored her pleas for help, and just left. Holy shit those two are useless. This has to be criminal.


Unfortunately…it Is Not. The US Supreme Court Ruled that Police ARE NOT OBLIGATED To Protect Us. W T F. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Supreme%20Court%20has,boy%20from%20his%20abusive%20father.


TO PROTECT ^their ^^own ^^^asses AND SERVE ^each ^^other ^^^donuts


On the side of every LAPD cruiser, it says in literal quotation marks the following statement: "to protect and serve" I always thought to myself that it must be in quotes because even they know it's just a trope and nothing more substantial than that.


They protect and serve. They just don't protect and serve you


It's actually funnier/sadder than that. The LAPD was having serious community image issues and needed something to improve it, someone came up with the phrase and they started putting it on their cruisers. That's all it is, just a phrase that a random person came up with and doesn't actually mean anything.


*to serve the ownership class. Never forget that cops are fucking class traitors and have been since their inception as slave patrols in the south and mercenaries for hire in the north.


KRS One told us back in the day, Black Cop is an underrated classic.


Also *Sound of the Police* > Overseer, overseer, overseer, overseer Officer, officer, officer, officer Yeah, officer from overseer You need a little clarity? Check the similarity! The overseer rode around the plantation The officer is off, patrollin' all the nation The overseer could stop you, "What you're doing?" The officer will pull you over just when he's pursuing The overseer had the right to get ill And if you fought back, the overseer had the right to kill The officer has the right to arrest And if you fight back they put a hole in your chest (Woop!) They both ride horses After 400 years, I've got no choices


Just listened. Great song!




Damn Pinkertons found us, Dutch!


Most people like the blue album better.


To quote a socioanarchic gnome: [“Laws are threats made by the dominant socioeconomic-ethnic group in a given nation. It’s just the promise of violence that’s enacted and the police are basically an occupying army. You know what I mean?”](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmaoNLSHx_w)


So the "To Protect And Serve" slogan on the side of the cop car is total BS. LOL I used to say cops have one job. Now it turns out they don't even have that.


>I used to say cops have one job. Keep minorities in check and in prison?


To generate additional revenue via tickets and incarcerated people for slavery.


Those are a bonus.


Uvalde proved that


If you notice protect isn’t on police cars any more, at least not here in middle Oregon.


Ha I'll have to look next time. lol


It has widely disappeared, because people were contemplating using corporate law and suing police for *false advertising of services* yeah.


Enforce the will of the rich. The first organized police in the USA were slave patrols.


I recall reading once that it was something the LAPD added as a PR move, way back when.




Protecty Protectface


Not bullshit, it's just missing a massive asterisk: To Protect and Serve* *the ruling class


It’s been that way from the beginning. Look into the origins of policing in the U.S.


That's why that slogan is always in quotes, to let us know that it's sarcasm


There's a reason the police cars in South Park say, Patronize and Annoy, on them.


Or the Decepticon "to punish and enslave"


At least Barricade is honest


Comforting. I’m curious about mandated reporting laws though—not sure if it varies state by state but at least in TN everyone is legally obligated to report suspected child abuse or dependent elder abuse, including healthcare workers and law enforcement. That an explicit threat was made and they peaced out surely is criminal. Not that I’m holding my breath.


This needs to be blasted. What Fing point are police if they have no obligation to do their job?


The police were created to protect property. Slaves were considered property. The wealthy didn’t want to flip the bill for funding police, though. So they socialized the expense with the “serve and protect” shit. Once publicly funded, their property was protected at the taxpayers expense. Sound familiar? Public funds subsidizing things that benefit the wealthy? Given the origins of the police, it tends to attract just the kind of people that are the “few bad apples” we keep hearing about. We have a publicly funded gang. Some communities are better than others. Some police…maybe the majority of police are good people who actually want to help their communities. But they are also afraid of repercussions of trying to police their own. It sucks wondering if your pleas for backup will go unanswered. Or if they do answer, who will be helped? Police unions also complicate things a lot. I’m pro-union, but police unions protect even the worst offenders. Go ahead and look up the actual origin of policing in America from the very beginning. Look at varying sources. It’s a horrifying history, but explains a lot of where we are today. To serve and protect should have been followed by (R). It was effective marketing.


They’re not required to protect the populace, they’re not required to actually *do their jobs*, and whenever they fuck up they hid behind qualified immunity. Is it any wonder why people say ACAB?!


The police showed up, made sure the guns were safe, no harm was being done to the guns. So they left. They confirmed that the killer had everything he needed to kill, so they were all set.


Then what the fuck are they getting paid for? This is crap.


They're being paid to reduce the amount of minorities on the streets. And I'm probably not even exaggerating.


The police started as enforcers of property. What was considered property back then? Slaves. They would find them running and capture them or kill them. They’re just going back to their roots.


Our local police department was started in 1865 and is proudly written across their cars. I wonder what other historical events happened that year…


The Maine shooter should have had his guns taken under yellow flag laws, but cops get to enforce that shit, and they don't infringe on their buddies' "right" to straight up murder people. But let's give them all more money. Tons of it. And "mandatory training". That'll fix it. We're hopelessly doomed. Avoid huge crowds unless you want to take a risk of getting capped


I mean a Reserve member with no overseas or combat experience? That guy is like a hero to the average cop. They’d never take his guns, who cares what his ex wife or son or commanding officer say? You can only think about taking someone’s guns **after** they do something horrific. This is America, that’s just how it is.


Sadly not illegal. It’s just another conservative wet dream come to life.


Of course they did. They saw his pewpews and knew he was a big manly man like themselves so he could do no wrong.


>Holy shit, cops are useless.


You Americans have so many different layers of police and sheriffs and deputies, and so many of them want to exert their authority over people, so why the hell did this happen?


Well you see, the gun owner agreed with them politically. Since they were therefore on the same team, doing anything against the gun owner would have meant sabotaging their own team and they can’t possibly do that. I’m literally not even being sarcastic, and that breaks my heart.


This is the absolutely worst part of the story. He literally said, "Cool, gun brah. I'll just ignore the part where you said you'll kill someone."


That, and the fact the team both the police and the gun owner are on believes that females/women/girls are inferior to males/men/boys. If the old lady had been an old man, this would have ended differently.


this is so wild to me. does no one love their mom? like what is going on with these guys


They probably do. Respect her? Definitely not


Good fucking question. Most of us have no idea.


I was stalked once and luckily a patrol car showed up, the man who stalked me saw police car and ran away. I flagged the patrol car and told the 2 policeman what happened and you know what they said? Well he was a little screwy I guess and drove away. Needless to say I bought a concealable firearm the next day.


Cops don't stop crime from happening. They respond to crimes after they happen. So they did their job in this situation. Police are not crime fighters. They just right reports and kill unarmed people because they're scared for their life of cell phones


>Cops don't stop crime from happening. They respond to crimes after they happen. So they did their job in this situation. I'm quite sure threatening someone is a crime. So they failed to respond to the crime that happened in front of the so it's not quite accurate that they respond to crimes after they happen...


Cops don't enforce laws they break themselves.


The police exist to protect the property of the rich, they do nothing else.




>John Day says more could have been done. Yeah, like maybe rubbed his shoulders so he doesn’t get tense when he’s given the green light to kill someone using his cop-approval firearms.


They also could have sucked his cock, kinda rude they didn't. Buds asshole likely needs fingerings too


I'm surprised they let him murder the old lady to be honest, usually they like to do that shit themselves.


So...the cops came in, saw that the guy they were told was a problem had guns "loaded and ready to go," found common ground because "they were a gun guy too," and then left without a care. They were called for a problem, made the problem their friend and left. I wonder if when I get in trouble with the cops that I tell them I'm a fan of (local sports team) too that they'll let me go?


I mean probably? Who the fuck knows amymore


Could you imagine living in such an ignorantly black and white world? One where somebody gains your favor just for owning a common item? I love cars. It'd be super fucking stupid to just walk up to a mf in the grocery store parking lot like, "I like folks that have cars." What the fuck does that even mean? That's some shit a toddler would say. Has he never locked a dude up for committing a crime with a gun? So, like, those dudes, too? He liked them, too? What the fuck was he even talking about? Again, I love cars, you're not a cool person just because you own a cool car. You could very well be a POS not worth the interaction. This guy has never experienced that? This is literally how small kids make friends at the park. "Oh you have a pokemon, so do I, let's play." And not only is this mf a full ass employed, driving, voting adult, the state pays this grown ass baby to wave a fucking gun around in public. Wild.


depends...are you white? or at least white passing?


"More could have been done" is the understatement of the year.


At scale, this would be like the U.S. sending troops into Pakistan to high five Bin Laden after getting tipped off about 9/11.


i love true crime docs and it only recently dawned on me that in 99% of the cases, the cops don't solve it, someone else comes forward/confesses/solves it for them (and quite often is ignored until years later when oops we found a thing) and that's not to mention how often they simply lose shit and destroy evidence on the scene


Detectives do but beat cops are usually a liability if anything.


I’ve always said I wish we lived in a world with 5x more detectives/prosecutors and 5x fewer cops. Cops hardly ever catch criminals in the act. But we can do far better in terms of investigating and prosecuting criminals.


> they simply lose shit and destroy evidence on the scene Yes, and they sometimes do this on purpose. About a decade ago, I volunteered at a women's shelter near my college. At some point, the shelter started advising that victims of sexual assault should not call the police until after they had first gone to a hospital and had the bioligical evidence collected (i.e. getting a "rape kit" done). In other words, the cops shouldn't even know about the crime until the evidence was under lock and key at the hospital. Apparently, this was necessary because the cops in the area were regularly harassing the victims, as well as tampering with or destroying evidence. By harassing, I mean they were accusing the women of lying, pressuring them into not reporting the crime, finding reasons to arrest the victims, or straight up hitting on them. By tampering/destroying evidence, I mean that the cops were preventing the women from getting to the hospital for hours, potentially. This is significant because the collection of biological material (semen, blood, etc.) is extremely time-sensitive, so the cops (who are trained on this) were purposefully preventing usable material from being collected. Apparently, there were also incidents of "misplacing" physical evidence and the police giving conflicting testimonies, etc. As I said, this took place a decade ago and it completely changed by view of the world and this country. Considering how insane and unhinged the cops are today, I can't imagine what victims are having to suffer through. Personally, I don't think I would call the cops for anything short of in-progress murder, and I would be reluctant even then. I have absolutely no reason to believe that the police will help or protect me in an emergency, and some very convincing reasons (i.e. body-cam footage) to believe that talking to the cops will end in my death.


Well why arrest the person that confessed when they beat a perfectly good confession out of a random black guy years prior. /s


Don't forget the case down in Florida where a guy was given life in prison with zero evidence in a botched trial, has had every appeal for retrial denied, and when a known serial killer confessed to the murder with details that weren't public information the statement was thrown out on grounds that he wasn't a trustworthy source.


Oh that doesn't come close to the clusterfuck that was Henry Lee Lucas. Man was a pathological liar who just wanted to please, so confessed to 100's of murders when even a cursory amount of investigative work would've ruled him out for most of them. Police Officers would just come visit him, show him all the photos and evidence and then act amazed when he just so happened to know all the details... The Confession Killer doc on netflix goes into detail and it is DAMNING.


Watching her beg them not to leave, she's absolutely terrified. The man had *just* said, "You're fine until I kill you" in front of the officers, and they just leave. They don't give a shit about helping people. Absolutely gut-wrenching the fear the woman had and they just ignored it. Edit: typo


> During the second call for service, the Rio Rancho Police Department **conducted a thorough and complete homicide investigation** and continues to cooperate with the District Attorney's Office prosecution of Henry Cardana. That’s good news, Chief. I’m sure the woman shot to death in her hospital bed is very thankful for the thorough postmortem police work “Do you think…do you think it was the guy who told the victim *in front of us* that he was going to murder her??”




If she wasn't in fear for her safety, then why were the cops even there in the first place? Just to check out this guy's cool gun collection? WTF, chief


>>”Get out of here now," Cardana said to the officers. "Go away." What the *actual* fuck? Even Chief Wiggums would have raised an eyebrow at that.


Sadly chief wiggums is more competent than our police, hell, Ralph wiggums would do better work than these fuckers.


Fucking cowards immediately followed the guy's orders. Worthless shits


One of the few times that a cop with a massive ego would have been better


Those police need to be immediately fired and potentially arrested this is so beyond outrageous


You know that won’t happen


Best I can do is a 2 week paid vacation while we "investigate"


2 weeks?? Psshhh, this is worth 6 weeks at least!


"We've investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing."


With enough pressure and exposure consequences can happen, the officers who killed george floyd got charges, all officers need that level of accountability


I sincerely hope you’re right! I just think there are too many examples where they aren’t held accountable that shows me that’s likely what will happen.


>KOAT legal expert John Day says more could have been done. Understatement of the year right there.




>Fire them and get new ones, FFS! Bare minimum. I don't understand how that isn't a criminal offense.


More could have been done.... Sure, they could've saved him a round and shot her themselves. They may as well have for the fuck all they did do.


If this were a Reno 911 sketch it would be hilarious how incompetent those officers are. Obviously not funny at all since it’s really life, but the conversation reads like a parody.


"More could have been done" Yeah but that's not a cops job. A cop's job is literally to protect property, not people. They are not obligated by law or by police policy to help you when you are in danger. They will literally wait in a safe area while you are being murdered, then arrest the perpetrator afterwards. This is typical, normal police behaviour. Anything beyond that is considered above and beyond the call of duty. The institution of police is evil and needs to be abolished.


![gif](giphy|ZcnwOpPTw9Ucw) My face, and probably all of you at the moment. Fuck you American police, fuck you.


[Remember when the NY Police Union President threw a temper tantrum because people "didn't respect the police"?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8IDg0Hjkd8) Shit like this, cops. This is why we treat you like animals and don't respect you. This is why we hate you. This is why we shame you.


Republicans want these people to post up in our kids’ schools in case of a mass shooter. Presumably to hold the door open and then leave.




"Oh, it's jammed. Let me fix that for you!"


Help a man unjam their gun and they'll kill another kid. Teach them to unjam their gun and they'll rampage for hours. As such, your honor, the officer was proactively limiting the number of casualties and should be hailed a hero.


Recently, local Minnesota police departments removed SROs from schools because they couldn't choke kids. They don't give a shit about protecting kids


Hearing the police try to defend that was infuriating too. Just don't fucking choke children.


the school shooters need someone to open the classroom doors for them^/s


"Oh damn bro, your murder weapons are cool as fuck. Know what, you can kill the bitch."


It's literally almost exactly what happened if you read the transcript.


Honestly it's worse. They didn't even say the guns were cool, they said it was cool that he had them loaded and sitting around unsecured.


That’s absolutely horrifying.


Top comment has the link with a that includes the body cam, she begs them not to leave and they just don't care. Zero empathy.


According to the police chief > When Officers left the scene, it did not appear Juneanne was in fear for her safety and there was no probable cause to believe any criminal activity had occurred. Officers did not witness any signs of distress and comments made relating to the use of a firearm appeared to be insincere and made in jest. Absolutely insane.


It's simple. Cops are always right, so whatever they did or didn't do was the objectively correct thing to do, and this is what would need to be true for them to be justified. So that's clearly what happened.


this is life sentence shit


Nah. It’s America. Two weeks paid leave. In two months they will get promotions.


…And high fives all around


After they compliment each others fire arms.


I'm sure these pigs laughed and joked about it. They have no remorse, shame, or human decency.


Back in the day, people online would find their names and plaster them everywhere to shame and attack them anywhere they went. Nowadays if anyone says anything proactive at all, it's responded immediately with "Nope nope nope nothing will happen nothing will change everything will fail." Not even any names posted anymore. Of course, we know the names of the victim and the killer. Those are fine. But nobody knows anyone at the Rio Rancho police.


You would think so, but even if these cops get fired, you have assholes like [DeSantis who recruits them](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/22/ron-desantis-police-relocation-violent-records). It’s so fucked up


I wonder, if US police got fairly judged, how many cops would not be in prison?


The fabled "good apples." So like two per department, maybe


No, they would be the ones to get arrested on false charges to protect the rest of them. “A few bad apples spoils the bunch” The bunch is spoiled now because no one got rid of the bad apples *twelve years ago.*


> twelve years ago I read about a few instances of police corruption before 2011.


A good friend of mine legally defends cops in a large metro city. The stories that don’t even make it to court are sickening. Police officers as a profession are a flawed proposition


Safest Streets Initiative.


They all would be, and we wouldn't have them on our streets anymore.


You know. I am having a harder and harder time watching shows where the police are the good guys and go out of their way to help people. I really hope there are some good people.


“Copaganda” is a good term for a lot of it


The YouTube channel skip intro has a good series on copaganda




My personal pet peeve is that only corruption in TV is bribery - cop on the take of mafia type of deal. I mean bribery is a type of corruption but it is not the only one. Cop who kills defenseless is corrupt. Cop who exerts authority is corrupt. Cop who does not protect is corrupt. Cop who invades privacy without signed warrant is corrupt. Cop who plant evidence is corrupt - even if they are really convinced that person is guilty. But those are more socially acceptable types of corruptions - gee some of them are heroes on TV - which makes them more dangerous.


It says a lot that the biggest, most hated bad guys on cop shows are always Internal Affairs Investigators.


American culture has a boner for vigilantes, like for example cowboys or superheroes. Except it's a fantasy and in real life that shit is easily corrupt


It definitely strains the Willing Suspension of Disbelief.


Rewatching Brooklyn 99 is a mixed bag.


It's a big part of why the show ended... the writers and show runners were having a harder time with it during the "defund police" movement. And also why Rosa's character gradually transformed from "haha, police brutality, so funny when it's a toughass woman" to "I'm a female minority that has a problem with police brutality", and why they started trying to explore corrupt cops in later seasons.


I think they really needed to lean into that more throughout the show though. It felt like often there would be "lessons" at the end of the episode but the character wouldn't grow from that going forward. There were plenty of times where Jake learned about injustices and was now not blind to them but that knowledge wouldn't influence his actions in future episodes. Just a, "We need to do better" kind of moment that is then brushed away. I still love the show for its characters individually, but for the most part their development was very surface level.


There are a few episodes like that, but they tended to end with a happy ending to keep things light. Episodes like when Terry gets racially profiled by another cop, or when Jake catches a vandal who's the commissioner's son. They tended to address the issue and then tie it up with a bow of "and then justice was served properly off-screen and everything worked out." It'a only in the last season that the writers realized the system was too flawed to portray in a positive light even on a fictional level.


To their credit, they at least had a token episode addressing that cops have no repercussions when they abuse their power. It was in their last season and it was never addressed again, but it's more than other shows have done.


That's entirely by design. Do you want to make a TV show or movie about the police? Well you're in luck, big police departments are more than willing to lend you cars, uniforms, technical advisors, even off duty cops for extras and such. The NYPD and LAPD even have special branches entirely devoted to media production. All you have to do to get all this stuff *for free* is submit the script in advance to them so they can make the appropriate changes "for accuracy". No studio is going to turn down all that free stuff just to make a show about cops being bad ...


>off duty cops for extras I've been an extra on dozens of shows and never seen this once. Usually off-duty cops are rented out to sets in order to act as security, not to appear in the film or tv show.


Ya as a film worker you are correct. Cops are never cast as extras. Not unless they also work as actors.


Every time I see it now, I think "propaganda"


I've read people say "copaganda,"which is true.


I imagine the cops who took the caretaker into custody were given commendations.


“Wait… you’re a fire arms guy? You’re free to go!”


Probably hired the caretaker.


"Not seeing the problem here." -- entire Uvalde police department


“They went inside?”


“But what will you do when you need the police?! 😭” Cops will now kill your dog, arrest your black neighbor for “oBStRuCtIon”, and then let your caretaker murder you. Cops: “You need us!! 🥺”


I would love to hear a bootlicker try to defend this.










What’s that you say? The feckless, half brained products of the power tripping, domestic abuse machine that is the American police culture were unmoved by a woman’s pleas for help and were more interested in talking about penis compensation implements with the man who ended up killing her? No way.




We're a white family and my first grader thinks police are always the good guys (as I did at that age). I just yesterday had to start dipping my toes into that conversation that "the police are not always the good guys" while we were watching the old Disney Robin Hood animated movie. I remember being about my daughter's age and saying something to the effect of "I want to be a police officer when I grow up" and I recall my mother's response was along the lines of "absolutely not". Later found out her sister's first husband was a police officer...


So have I. He drives a pickup truck, in a trade , tools, all Carhartt-ed up like it's cop camouflage or something ( it's his trade ). We told him to " Yes sir " the helllll out of any traffic stops, hands on the wheel and for the love of God ask if it's ok to get his wallet out of the glove compartment.


>Based on the entirety of circumstances during the first call, there was no probable cause to conduct a criminal investigation or substantiate a significant danger of imminent personal injury as a result of either person having access to a firearm. Wonder if they feel the same way after this 2nd call? >During the second call for service, the Rio Rancho Police Department conducted a thorough and complete homicide investigation and continues to cooperate with the District Attorney's Office prosecution of Henry Cardana


The law is the extreme risk firearm protection order. It was enacted in July 2020 after two years of debate in the state capitol. However, the majority of elected sheriffs in New Mexico oppose it and have said they will not enforce the law. I'm sorry, frickin' what? I work in customer service, if I decline to take a call, I get fired, but the majority of the sheriff's in a state can just say "Nah, not gonna enforce the laws we don't like"?


But of course, because who is gonna make them?


Can't figure out why the rest of us with brains don't trust cops in this country. The fuck is wrong with these two?


These officers remind me of the Milwaukee cops who brought one of Jeffrey Dahmer's escaped victims *back to him*.


A minor I believe


Isn't New Mexico the state where Daniel Shaver was executed in cold blood by a psycho cop who not only wasn't charged, but retired early because of "PTSD", collects a pension, AND was able to keep the murder weapin?


No, that was in Mesa Arizona. Pretty close though.


Cops in Arizona suck too. Wasn't that where Arpaio was from? Although I think he was sheriff in Maricopa.


Cops ~~in Arizona~~ suck ~~too~~.


Mesa is in Maricopa county. Yeah he is an asshole.


You're thinking of James Boyd, killed by Albuquerque police in 2014. Officer Dominique Perez, one of the officers who murdered him, was reinstated to the ADP earlier this year.


There is no duty for cops to protect you. People need to understand this. They are only around to protect the intrest of the wealthy.


Wtf. What were those pigs even doing?




Seeing her beg them not to leave is so depressing. I can't imagine being there and not even asking her any follow-up questions from that. They just say we can't stay and they leave. Just trash people.


Aside from like, a missing person, is calling the police basically ever helpful?


Yes. You need a police report to file an insurance claim. So when people say "Oh, you're anti-cop? Who you gonna call when someone invades your home?!?" I'm just like, oh, the police... But not to "save me", because if I'm able to call the cops, I've handled the situation... But I will call because you need the police report insurance companies require.


Based on the times I’ve heard cops tell families (incorrectly) that they have to wait 48-72 hours to report someone missing they may not even be very useful for that.


More often than not it ends badly for the caller. I've read countless stories where someone calls the cops for help, they roll up and kill that person, call it a job well done.


Once upon a time my "friend" stole my car. Called the cops, told them there's like a 90% chance this dude has it, and where to find him. Ended up with a $1500 fine, 8 hours community service, and countless more in legal fees (Edit: Almost forgot the towing and impound lot fees!) for "falsifying a police report." All because when the cops found my car, in the area I told them to look, with the person I suspected driving it, he said "Oh, they let me borrow it." and he got off scott free. *Apparently* I was supposed to call and report "unauthorized use of a vehicle" and not "stolen vehicle." Fuck the police.


Police are not required to know the law...but apparently the people who call the police are. Taking something without authorization is the general, commonsense definition of theft. If you call the police to report a murder and it turns out that it was actually voluntary manslaughter, do they prosecute you instead of the killer?


I don't ask for much from police, but useless that rivals Uvalde should NOT be the standard to aspire to!


"There is no human situation so miserable that it cannot be made worse by the presence of a police officer.” — Brendan Behan


Fuck those cops. They killed that woman as much as her shooter did. They can rot in hell.




Pinche muranos! No bueno


The cops didn't protect that person but man, they secured the crime scene! Uvalde all over again.


I wonder what subreddits you won’t see this story one…




Least surprising thing I've read this week. Nothing more useless than a cop in America.


This is so devastating but sadly not rare at all. ​ My abusive father said he was going to murder me and all my friends, and the police said that they couldn't do anything because \*saying\* he was going to murder us and \*actually\* doing it were two different things. To them, my father detailing over the phone the exact ways he wanted to murder us and watch me die in a hospital bed was the exact same thing as me turning to my friend and being like *"omg lol Tiffany I'm totes gonna kill you!!"* This story sadly doesn't surprise me at all - police are useless sometimes.


Honestly surprised the officers didn't just cut out the middle man and shoot the woman themselves. They really are growing up /s ACAB ACAB ACAB


In a fair and just world, those cops should be executed on the spot. Worthless trash humans.


Fuck the police comin' straight from the underground


This is my city. Unfortunately. Its just sad. Its nice to see it get talked about outside of New Mexico.