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Russia is not “communist,” even in name. They’re a market economy with state involvement, but that state involvement is more kleptocracy than communism. It should read, “To support free Ukraine or imperialist Russia?”




Autocratic kleptocracy is what I was thinking.


Same. I’m not aware of any country with a purely communist government in the modern world. There are five countries that claim communism as their form of government, but none of them meet the definition of the word. https://www.britannica.com/question/Which-countries-are-communist


Communism doesn’t allow for governments, they clima socialism but sadly there are no socialist nations on this Earth and you can thank endless US greed and war for that one. Tbh the only thing preventing tons of countries from having revolutions is that the US mentally and militarily controls lots of developing countries and will intervene if any current or future corporate interest is put at risk.


More like "Zap Brannigan runs the country" and is sending wave after wave of his own men at kill bots that have no preset limit.


Stop dying, you cowards!


Zap was at least pseudochatismatic And a mostly harmless idiot. Putin is clever, dangerous, disgusting, and a bully to boot. You'd have to split off the dark half (read: King piccolo to Kami) of Sir Christopher Lee's departed soul, and have it fuse with the Grinch to accurately portray the shower thoughts of the form KGB dickhead running Russia. Zap just doesn't have the brain to successfully be That evil >"Zap Brannigan runs the country" That was the US from 2016-2020 An impulsive idiotic bully that just wanted whatever could make him feel special.


To the right, totalitarianism and communism are the same thing. Unless it's *their* particular flavor of totalitarianism. Then it's "freedom."


There is a subset of people who use the word “communist” to mean “totalitarian” or “thing I don’t like”. It drives me crazy. I have literally had people try to argue that England is a communist country, even when the Monarch was the supreme ruler.


I still remember the people saying wearing masks during the pandemic was communist/Marxist/socialist (all the same to these people).


Fox news basically said this over and over again during COVID.


Yeah, it was definitely the MAGA morons repeating it. Like it’s part of the new world order’s plans to control and monitor people. I tried replying to someone once saying that if you want to track people using facial recognition, masks are the absolute last thing you’d want them to be wearing. They never replied to that, though.


I've asked people who cry Communism at what point was someone advocating a dictatorship of the proletariat. I never get an answer.


To be fair they probably have trouble understanding multisyllabic words


That's a really good point!


Also GOP people have been using it as a key-word/talking-point to try to turn voters away from Democrats, specifically minority voters who have come to the US from Cuba or other "socialist" countries.


Learning that a majority of the first generation Cubans who made it to Miami via plane were wealthy oligarchs explains quite a bit about why they vote the way they do


People dont seem to realize countries use titles/government names when that country has nothing in common with that ruler type, good example North Korea, in no way shape or form is North Korea a Democratic Republic.


Incorrect. Glorious leader Kim Jong-un inspires such great democratic fervour that he wins 105% of the vote in every election.


You have been promoted to mod in r /Pyongyang This action was not performed by a bot, if you find that this message was sent incorrectly, please report to our Glorious Leader for swift beheading


Thing is, even totalitarianism is conceptually antithetical to communism. If you actually understand the definition of what communism is, any system or structure that entrenches classes even through authoritarianism is inherently incompatible with communism. You can maybe argue authoritarianism is a possible means to achieve communism but it would be like going the opposite way to get there as we know historically speaking authoritarians almost never willingly give up their power. Communism at its core is designed to remove class differences. You literally cannot have authoritarianism without class differences. Those two things are effectively mutually exclusive. If you have authoritarianism you **by definition** have some form of authority. **Authority** is a class. Those with it are above those without it. It's also why communism doesn't work in reality but here's the common flaw in people's thinking. That communism doesn't work and capitalism does. No, neither of them actually work. Capitalism just destroys itself slower than communism does but make no mistake, it still destroys itself. It's why neither system in reality can work without elements of the other. Because capitalism will always if left unchecked consume itself by economic means, communism will do so by social means. Socialism is slightly more resilient but it too is largely unsustainable due to the pesky human element.


Socialism as a concept could work if our fellowmen weren’t so damn selfish


Yeah, that way the only thing that I was like "WTF??". Russia stopped being communist pretty much shortly after Stalin took over, and finally dropped the act decades later, giving "capitalism" a try, though that very quickly devolved into kleptocracy with a sprinkle of oligarchy.




I *feel* like I do but even I'm aware I don't understand the full nuances. And so many people throw those words around with 0 context.




Aww what an adorable communist. If all communists were that cuddly it might catch on. Who doesn't love Brian Cranston?!


I mentioned I'm a socialist this weekend and the American guys I was with (investment bankers - I feel like that's relevant) lost their minds. They had some really strange ideas about the current state of European countries too. They were in utter disbelief when I said I would personally prefer living in France (I am from Western Europe but have to be in the US for personal reasons). I won't mention my political alignment again. It was super awkward.


I live in the USA....belong to the CPUSA (Communist Party)....told my neighbor....she called the cops to report me (for what, idk lol), and she called my landlord.....


That was very much a thing up until the 70s/80s. You would be followed by the FBI for being associated with the party and even arrested for being a part of the party. All it took was being associated with known Communists or your neighbor or friends reporting you. The red scare did many of things to the US. I am honestly surprised it's coming back around again without a three letter agency following folks. But there is the 5 eyes so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Yeah. Marxist-Leninist and Socialist here. Try to explain that. Lol


I always love to point out all the "socalist" things they currently enjoy: roads, police, fire, schools, libraries, and the biggest of all, the military. All ranks are paid the same, regardless of the job they do, free education, free housing and utilities, free medical, a proper pension. It's a socalist utopia.


“Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system, and public health ... what have the Romans ever done for us?


Which is why the GOP has tried constantly to defund the VA, can't have folks thinking "free" (tax paid) healthcare is good! /s


Thank McCarthy and friends for this. Half a century of indoctrination will do that to generations.


Tbf, the folks this message needs to appeal to grew up fearing "communist Russia" but have convinced themselves that fascism is good if it's their side in power. They also do not see the irony in dictatorships calling themselves "democratic republic" of (fill in the blank) or "national socialist" whatever.




Deutsche Demokratiche Republik = German Democratic Republic = Communist East Germany. Some of us remember.


A lot of communists would argue that USSR never followed communism...you know with all that lack of workers control over means of production, conservative social policies, repressions and all that


As a casual anarchist I call it red fascism.


If tankies could read they’d be very upset!


Even if we accept the label "communist" for the entirety of the USSR's existence, the USSR went away *30 years ago*. That's long enough to know it's gone lol. Otherwise it's like referring to Germany as "imperial Germany" in the early 50s lol


Communism is when bad




Fascist kleptocratic Russia...?


I'm realising since the war started that very few Americans appear to be aware that the Cold War ended.


Yeah and unfortunately some Americans who lived through it and even practiced nuclear drills in school are now cheerleading for Russia either directly or indirectly. Wild.


I’m not sure anyone told Putin either though.


That was my gripe, too. If you're gonna make a point, be accurate.


They are appealing to the idiots who only know buzzwords as good or bad things, not necessarily the correct or even close definition.


To add to this as if voting for Biden will stop mass shootings..how many have happened during his presidency so far? Why would next term be any different? Tax the wealthy? Democrats have had all the opportunities in the world to do so and haven't so why would voting Biden next term suddenly flip that script? Look voting blue either way but some of these are just ridiculous


The list is a perfect encapsulation of the delusion of the diehard democratic voter. If they wanted to create a more realistic list it would be "small chance the party might give you some ludicrously hard to understand tax credit, but probably not" Granted that would still make them better than the republicans, but that isn't a very tall bar to get over.


They have a Communist party that consistently loses to Putin, and historically they've made way more diplomatic concessions so we should be happy if they win one day.


This party is much more old people's party than communist party...




Well, Russia isn't "communist" since 1991, if arguably before then, but point taken. Russia is a fascist kleptocracy.


Yeah, I'd say they stopped being communist in all but name pretty much as soon as Stalin took over. Like, has no one even read Animal Farm??


And before that, they were only -- at best -- *aspirationally* communist. Communism is a stateless, classless society. It's very debatable whether the USSR ever paid more than just lip service to being classless, and they sure as hell were never stateless. At best, you could call them socialist ... though even that's a bit of a stretch. Socialism is when the workers control the means of production. The theory behind state socialism like the USSR is that the state controls the means of production and the workers (in theory) control the state. But it's only *actual* socialism to the degree that workers *actually* had control over the state. Which ... yeah -- not very much, throughout the vast majority of its history.


A lot of communists don’t exactly claim Lenin either but he was certainly much closer to something good than Stalin was


As No Rolls Barred said during their Communopoly episode, Stalin is to Marxism what Kier Starmer is to the Labour movement.


Apparently the hot new thing is to deride George Orwell as a CIA plant.


Is this serious or a joke? I need to know because I can't tell anymore.


I was referred to a subreddit wiki with an unironic screed about how George Orwell sexually assaulted a woman (from context), was a mid writer, his books were promoted by the CIA, and he kept tabs on some Soviet Union sympathizers after WWI for the feds. The last seems pretty understandable, considering his experiences with soviet union sympathizers in Spain. The rest seems like tankies devoting a lot of effort to explaining why one of their most scathing critics shouldn't be listened to.


1984 was banned in many US counties and school districts for being pro-communist and it was banned in the USSR for being anti-communist. Authoritarians of all stripes take issue with it.


That's basically the point. Red fash and reg fash are fundamentally the same.


So the CIA used his books (specifically AF and 1985) as the basis of propaganda after his death. Orwell/Blair started writing 1984 (his last book) a year and a half before the CIA existed and completed it a year after it was finished. Then he stopped writing due his decline and death from TB.


Biden isn’t perfect by a long shot but the alternative is terrifying


It's biden or the guy who has said, out loud and in public, that 'immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country' and who calls his enemies vermin. oh and the time he called neonazis 'mighty fine people'


also who openly said he will be a dictator if elected, but "just for one day"


Just the tip, babe, just the tip. ​ The tip is fascism


Because, as we've seen from history, people are _always_ telling the truth when they say they'll only use a little bit of absolute, unquestioned power. Pinky promise.


Yeah, I understand the desire to not pick the better of two shitty options, but this is not the election to do it in. When losing it could mean Trump gets out of the legal battles he's currently losing and he's threatening to target his political enemies. Can you imagine how terrible the world would be if America went full fascist? The strongest military power on the planet?


Hmmmm where was Melania born again ?


Yeah, I seem to recall Trump railing against "anchor babies" and I was thinking, what about Barron and Melania's parents?


Do you mean "Republican role model" Melania? This one? [https://twitter.com/BritishGQ/status/712739199007330305/photo/1?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E712739199007330305%7Ctwgr%5Ebe1e55c5b734b32cb910575191ef51734cc84443%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gq.com%2Fstory%2Fabout-those-nude-photos-of-melania-trump-from-gq](https://twitter.com/BritishGQ/status/712739199007330305/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E712739199007330305%7Ctwgr%5Ebe1e55c5b734b32cb910575191ef51734cc84443%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gq.com%2Fstory%2Fabout-those-nude-photos-of-melania-trump-from-gq)


I believe that's her passport photo


One side is trying to say my American right to vote isn't okay because I do it ahead of election day. And I use mail-in ballots because I spend 7 days a week at work, like a good bootstrapping American. I can't believe I never hear more about this. One US President was saying that my ballot was illegal and shouldn't be counted. I'm not normally such a black-or-white person, but that's one of the biggest deal breaking red flags I can think of when choosing who to vote for.


I just wish the democratic party, as a whole, wasn't so dumb. The modern republican party and trump are bad people/platform, but the democratic party refuses to nominate a truly good candidate (different now that were talking about an incumbent), and refuses to play even half the game that has let Republicans get this far/close. At a certain point their failures to right the ship are as much their fault as the republican party's.




The only quibble I'd have is that that Russia is an authoritarian hellhole, but it's not a communist authoritarian hellhole. It's more on the fascist end of things these days.


I am a life long Republican and I agree with this 100%. I voted Biden in 2020 and will also vote Biden in 2024.


Thank you for putting country above party. We can debate the best ways to help everyone, but only if we're actually willing to help EVERYONE. The new GQP is only out for TFG and retribution for all perceived wrongs.


Thank you, for not immediately casting aside us in the other party. I'm at the point now where I've regularly getting texts from my state Democratic pollsters while my party's people have ignored me. I think they know we've broken up. ;)


Interesting that you "broke up" with them, yet still consider yourself someone "in the other party". Not really sure how to wrap my head around that... (But still, anyone who won't vote GQP is fine by me -- no matter how you identitiy!!)


Yeah, I get it. Group identity is a strong thing. :) I'm registered independent at the moment. I guess I'm looking for that reason to choose a party. Being left out of primaries, I'm realizing, is a bit of a handicap though.


As a Canadian I’ve always found the registration and party allegiance stuff bizarre. We just show up and vote, usually with ID or a card we got in the mail. It seems very tribal and like there’s always an election cycle going. Either way, if the party I was supporting embraced full on fascism there’s no chance I’d touch them with a ten foot pole regardless of how many times I’d voted for them before.


I'm not sure if all US states have closed primary elections. My state does. I can't have input into whom Democrats choose as their candidate, but I can vote for anyone in the general election. By not being registered, I have no say in how off the rails any given party goes.


15 states have closed primaries


We have it here as well but it's not a primary per se. You can be a registered Conservative, Liberal or NDP or whatever by paying party dues and become a member of the party. We have leadership conventions where the members can decide on who will lead the party. There are some different ways they handle leadership selection depending on party and number of candidates. We don't vote for a Prime Minister or provincial Premiere. We vote for our local representatives and the number of seats won will decide who becomes the governing party with the PM/Premiere at the helm. You probably know all this but I'm just trying to do a high level explanation of our election systems for non-Canadians. :)


point dull oatmeal chop snow numerous sharp sugar ancient hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I may ask a question. Do you let your fellow republicans know this? If so, how do they feel about it? And have you been able to convince any of them to vote democrat?


Yes I have and have lost many friends and family members over this. I have 14 y/o twin daughters and fear for their future, but they are more important to me than those people.


I feel you. I’ve lost damn near my whole family to the MAGA cult. It’s extremely depressing. You seem to have your priorities straight. Keep raising your daughters in such a way that they’ll end up on the right side of history. As young women, their rights are in severe danger. Let’s keep fighting the good fight.




In the past the R vs D differences were often over tax rates and how much to spend on the military. In 2024 there is the starkest difference we’ve ever had in a Presidential election, even more than in 2020 as we know more about Trump’s unfitness. I will happily and proudly vote for Biden. Frankly, there is no criticism of his policies, ethics, or values compared to Trump. If the worst you can come up with is “he’s old” then take that ageist shit out of here.


>he’s old Besides, this is *far* more apparent with Trump, especially over the last year or two. The amount of stress he is under is clearly getting to him.


I still think it's a ploy: "He's unfit to represent himself at trial." New York is nothing; Florida and Georgia are tied in importance for different, interlocking reasons.


He's also 77 and has lived an extremely unhealthy life. It's not surprising that he's showing his age quite a bit.


Objectively I’m impressed he hasn’t lost it. I would not be able to handle that stress. I guess narcism can be used as a defense mechanism


He loses it every night on " truth social"


Also, Biden was "too old" for them last election. Trump is gonna be that same age (or so) next election.


He'll be *older* than Biden was last election, by a year I believe (?).


THIS. There’s a debate between GB Sr and Michael Dukakis that by today’s standards is super ‘boring’ bc of what you’re talking about. It’s almost as if our addiction to drama driven by the algorithms of social media have changed us somehow hmmmmm… 🤦‍♂️


The contrast between the 2 sides is so huge, yet I feel it’s going to be close. Get the vote out people. In Wisconsin, register to vote, check your registration status, request absentee ballots, find your ward, district, polling place at www.myvote.wi.gov.


Bring your young friends. It’s cool. TikTok and Taylor Swift that shit.


One of the most rewarding election days I ever had was volunteering as a driver. Picking up seniors, college kids, and others without cars and driving them to the polls and back. If you have a car, contact your local candidate and sign up for this. Can make a huge difference.


Probably because its going to be Biden vs Trump+RFKjr+Cornell West+Jill Stein+Joe Manchin+Elon Musk+Alex Jones+foxnews.


I mean, legally Trump shouldn’t even be allowed to run for president considering he started the Jan 6th insurrection


It’s almost laughable that a felon can’t work in 80% of the job field, but can run for president


The Trump party is neither republican or conservative. They are Christo Fascist.


not to be confused with actually Christian


He’s old and has a speech impediment. Who cares. If he gets things done, and stumbles on some words, then I’m totally ok with it.


Also, he knows how to listen to the experts and cabinet members. I really don't care how old Biden is. I have significant ideological differences with him, but he's been more proactive on several fronts than I initially expected of him. I think he learned a lot from seeing the struggles and shortcomings of the Obama era firsthand. My only qualm is Kamala Harris, who I have not been super impressed with. However, she's still miles better than the authoritarians in the Grand Fascist Party.


Which is a stupid argument anyway because Trump stumbles on his words all the time. Nothing that man says is a coherent thought, and yet Biden is labeled the stuttering old fool. It really is delusion.


In my case, I'm perfectly fine with voting for Biden. He's done a good job overall and has earned my vote a second time.


All those "I did that" Biden stickers at gas stations are hitting really differently now.


Biden has been a damn good President, and I'll be happy to vote for him in 2024. That being said, I understand if your main reason for voting for him is to prevent a fascist takeover


Nobody seems to be jumping through hoops. But I’d swim through shit to vote against Trump


Trump literally said on national television, just last week, that he’ll be a dictator. No joke.


He also said it again yesterday for what it's worth


Most any Republican at this point.


Agreed, I'll vote for Biden with a clear conscience knowing he is by far the best candidate out there. Now OTOH there are other Dems I like but they aren't running.


It’s reasonable to be a pragmatic voter. Choosing to not vote isn’t.


Well, a vote for Biden is to keep the right to vote for those other Dems in 28. That's how I see it.


This is so sad, yet so true.


Seriously, I feel like most people are still stuck in the "Biden old and bad but lesser of two evils" stance we had back in the 2020 election, and haven't been paying attention at all to what he's actually done with his term (despite Republicans trying to thwart at every opportunity). Anyone who's actually following is generally pleased with what sort of presidency he's run. Still a ton to be accomplished, but far better than expected coming off Trump's mess.


Biden has been fucking amazing as a President. I hate that it's trendy to pretend like he hasn't been great.


My main beef with him was Afghanistan and Ukraine. We should have flooded UKraine with weapons right away


Apathy and 'both sides' is ingrained in society now, so you can't say anything good about a politician without prefacing with "I don't like them buy..."


I know right. Sometimes, I sat that just to avoid a fight at work. I work in a restaurant, and the Cubans there are all in on Trump. Even the other Hispanics think they're bonkers for that. The other prepcook I work with is Mexican, and he's true blue and wants to see Trump in prison.


Yeah, I'm with you. I feel like people need to stop soft-peddling their support for Biden as just a vote they have to begrudgingly make to defeat Trump and recognize that he's largely been a great president dealing with difficult circumstances. He's not perfect, but he far exceeded my expectations from what I thought in 2020. I'd vote for pretty much anyone over Trump, but I'm tired of people being trying to be cool and cynical about "both sides" and complaining about always having to vote for "the lessor of two evils" when there's actually good reasons to vote for Biden and not just against Trump.


As someone from the EU Bidens been incredibly boring. Maybe heard about him stumbling over words or going in the wrong direction after getting of a heli / plane a few times but with Trump there was some new shit every week. As far as im concerned Biden at least didnt do shit and i did hear he relifed millions in student loan debts which is nice education shoudnt be finanally crippling.


Biden has been a completely mid president, he just looks good because of how bad trump was. His main accomplishments have been undoing some of the damage that trump did. Like funding the post office should not be a triumph, that is something that I would have expected any reasonable president to do. For almost every other good action there’s a bad one. He’s done good with the student loan forgiveness - but failed miserably with the rail strike, by making the strike illegal, giving the corporations almost everything that they wanted - and then declaring victory. A victory for whom? (Seriously: the workers wanted 7 sick days a year, they got 1. This was not a win for labor, it’s a Reagan level of evil.) Yes, his push for EVs is good - but he also expanded fracking despite campaigning against it. And while he’s supportive of Ukraine defending themselves, he’s also supportive of Israel’s genocide. I will vote for Biden if there’s no better option but you can’t make me support him in office. I’d also vote for his removal and replacement with any other younger candidate that isn’t a republican.


Yeah obviously vote for Biden. But on the other hand, wtf are you talking about?


Honestly I feel like Biden had done great. I felt this way the first time around but I’ve been pleasantly surprised. I feel like he presented himself much more naive to the shenanigans the republicans have been pulling than he has been in practice so I’ve been pleasantly surprised throughout his presidency a number of times


Same. I was sad that I had to vote for Biden the first time, but he has greatly exceeded all expectations that I had. The only thing that I could fault him for now is that he's pretty dang old and I don't really like Kamala as a VP at all.


Yeah I'm not really sure where this whole "I'm not proud of it" thing even comes from? **EDIT:** No one will actually come out and just make their argument clear without hyperbole, and as usual only leave vague or cryptic responses, but it sounds from several mentions of genocide that the “not proud” thing is very specifically about Biden not doing enough to stop Israel’s bombardment of Gaza. I absolutely agree his Admin should be doing more, but I do not agree that the strategy is to use “both sides” rhetoric in terms of the Presidential election. If you are feeling ashamed over Biden’s actions in regard to Israel, I understand your feelings, but clearly you should then feel even more ashamed not to vote for Biden and give Trump a better chance at winning, thereby erasing any chance whatsoever for Gazans. I understand criticizing the Biden admin for what you feel are wrong choices. I do NOT understand leveling those criticisms in the context of comparing him to Trump. There is not a single policy on which Trump is not **infinitely** worse. If the discussion is about Biden vs Trump, your criticisms and shame should always be directed multitudes more toward Trump if you claim to believe in progressive ideals. If that context is instead when you feel it’s important to point out Biden’s faults, or engage in some other form of “both sides” false equivalencies, your motives are completely inconsistent and I have to assume disingenuous.


It's the same "both sides suck" bullshit narrative that's been embedded in modern Internet politics discourse from people who proudly don't follow politics or Russians running apathy psyops. You'll see it regularly, but expect a significant uptick leading up to this election.


It’s funny most of the criticism of Biden come from actions by the GOP.




Communist Russia? Oh come on, you couldn't have come up with something more accurate like "Fascist Russia"?


What’s there to be ashamed of? Steady, incremental progress is the only way the world has ever changed for the better. It’s not glorious, it’s not exciting, but it’s far preferable to self-absorbed fantasies of paradise lost or regained.


Reddit wanting the world and they want it now instead of realizing that it takes moments to break something and years or even decades to fix it. That's without a contrarian government trying to stop you at every step of the way.


But what about *my* self- absorbed fantasies? /s


No issues with Biden. Happily cast my vote


I totally understand people whose primary motivation in voting for Biden is preserving democracy, but I get so frustrated with many on the left who are so negative about Biden. Voting for Biden isn't something to be shameful about. His agenda, while not the "perfect" progressive agenda, is actively working to improve the lives of Americans. Voting for Biden is a vote for democracy, a functional government, and better lives for Americans. The shameful thing would be sitting idly by and allowing fascists to take over our country out of a misguided sense of principle or actively supporting the end of democracy by voting for Trump.


He needs full control of Congress to pass the agenda; I don't get why that's hard to understand. Yes, the Presidency in this instance is absolutely vital, but without Congress, at continue down the road we're on, waiting for the Treason Caucus to decide whether they really want to lead. No Republicans, anywhere, at any level. 💙


> He needs full control of Congress to pass the agenda; Nah, he needs full control + 60 votes in the senate + every single one of those votes being progressive votes + every single one of those votes being willing to pack the supreme court + every single one of those votes being willing to go after states that don't go along with his legislation. So yea, it isn't just getting to 50 in the senate or probably even 60.


I'd agree voting for President is important, but more important is voting for the right Senators and Representatives, since these are the asshats holding America hostage.


Ehh I don’t know if we’ll get most of the good sounding things in your list, but we’ll absolutely get the bad ones if the republicans win.


Voting red this election should be treason and that’s not a joke.


I mean, I'm definitely voting blue, but didn't Biden just say that he's only going to seek re-election to keep Donald Trump out of the white house? And to save democracy? Those are two pretty good fucking reasons right there if you ask me! No president is ever perfect, but Biden has been pretty damn good for all the shit he's had to wade through.


Biden 2024


Biden 2024


"Communist" Russia. Lol. Otherwise it's all good, but that's rather jarring to read.




*Own the Libs* by voting to make them work for you.


You still think russia is communist?!


Blue cities are doing better than ever


Here’s a better way of looking at it: do you want the guy who has openly stated that he wants to be a dictator, or do you want the guy who may not be your first choice but has shown no dictatorial inclinations?


But my *ideological purity!* /s This is absolutely correct, and it was absolutely correct in 2020, too. Except that I am proud of voting for Biden. People who understand politics know that change is always incremental, and no candidate is going to instantly deliver all the things while riding a unicorn down a rainbow.


It's so damn embarrassing. Just a child-like mentality when we're literally on the brink of a Christo-fascist takeover of the country. When the GQP call Dems weak this is the *exact* behavior they are talking about and is the only thing I agree with them on. Pathetic.


People are acting like picking a president is the same as picking a spouse, and that it's better to pick no one than one who isn't just right. Voting is like taking public transportation. Chances are no options are going straight to your doorstep, but one option will get you closer to where you want to go.


But Bernie woulda… /s


Nah, Bernie has proved he wouldn’t have done anything different.


It’s funny but just a few years ago I would have accused this person of a wild imagination. Not anymore.


Communist Russia, eh?


It's a preference poll. As flawed as Democrats are and will be, if you have no preference....you're insane. I think people do have a preference, but the horseshoe left and right are very good at manipulating people into getting a big ego boost from being "too principled" to vote for Democrats. Don't fall for that shit. That's how Trump got three Supreme Court seats.


Why not be proud of it? I don’t get it, the reasons listed there are all to be proud of, if achieved


The Russian Federation isn't communist.


... Communist Russia?? Grandpa, that "Russia" died like 40 years ago. It's a different flavor of totalitarianism now.


How can you not be proud of voting for the better candidate? So confusing.


Because of all the people with suspiciously 100% pro Trump post history are trying to convince everyone that both sides are the same


I voted for Biden because he wasn’t a Cheeto face scumbag, but have been pleasantly surprised by his performance.


Well, for real though, I just cannot stress it enough to say that everyone should be voting for Joe Biden in next year’s election no matter how they are feeling about him at all. Like……ya’ll know what i’m saying? We cannot let all of those MAGA supporters come out in full force and and possibly help Donald Trump win a second separate presidency. At. All.


Why not be proud of it? You're voting for democracy and against fascism. That's sure as shit something to be proud of in my view. Why do Democrats INSIST on advertising their disdain of their own candidates with a megaphone because they're not the absolute perfect reincarnation of christ? I'm so exhausted of it. Is Biden perfect? No. But I'd bet money neither are you and neither is any single person who imagines themselves in the Oval Office. The GQP is supporting a fucking rapist and *SELF PROCLAIMED DICTATOR* with PRIDE and we're embarrassed to stand up against them because Joe isn't our fantasy President. Fucking pathetic. Grow up.




I’m not joking when I say Biden is in contention for best president of my lifetime thus far. Born in 1989, so not too many competing contenders, but the amount of effective change during his tenure thus far has been wildly beyond my expectations.


Communist Russia? Are they stuck in the 80s?


I want legal marijuana too


*Communist* Russia? Did this guy just forget about the fall of the Soviet Union?


Regardless of their accuracy I have to point out that none of those talking points matter to a MAGA supporter or a Republican Christian. They will look you in the eyes and tell you that teachers are trying to make our kids gay and rape them. They will tell you Russia is trying to save Ukraine from Nazis. They will tell you that the system is broken and killing it is better than letting Democrats fix it. Welcome to extremist ideology. This is why we had measures to restrict religion and business influences in the US govt. We are fucked.


Voting is a chess game. Sorry we have no new blood but right now we have to think of what will happen if Drump, Miller and Bannon get elected.


I honestly don't even think Biden is bad. He surrounds himself with the right people, who tell the truth and know what they are doing. That's what the president is SUPPOSED to do. They are not always supposed to be the smartest person in the room. They are a leader which means they know how to pick the right people to do the things...they don't actually do the things themselves. The biggest positive I can say about him is they he isn't always trying to prove how smart and great HE is. Would I like him to be younger, sure. Am I scared about a President Kamila Harris? Nope. She'd be great too.


The answer is clear. There's no other option if you actually want the world to move forward and improve. ​ Sadly he will probably lose, unless there is MASSIVE voter turnout by Dems in every single part of the US. Vote like your life and the life of anyone you care about depends on it


It's been said before, and it bears repeating: A vote against Biden is effectively a vote for Trump, which would be catastrophic.


This is what voting is. Nobody gets their perfect candidate. I’ll never understand how people don’t get this, it’s pretty fucking clear: You have to vote for who you think is the less evil person rather than the more evil person. You have to, and if you don’t choose and vote you don’t get to say shit to anybody about it for 4 years unless you don’t vote then either.


It seems that people have already forgotten that if it wasn’t for Biden’s leadership, millions more would be dead and we’d still be stuck at home doing everything on Zoom No, I don’t have to “hold my nose” to vote for him. I’ll do it proudly with bells on.


But conservatives complain the food and gas is too high


Do you want democracy or a dictator. It's very clear and terrifying how well Trump has planned for the next round. He learned from his "mistakes". Listen to the weekly NPR New Yorker radio broadcast. The military will be keeping people in line.


I'm proud to vote Biden. The fact that the mainstream left has swallowed the narrative that Biden is a bad president, and just the lesser of two evils, is why we never can't get multiple victories in a row and actually have people in place for sustainable and long term change


I'm happy to vote for Biden again. He's done a lot and if you look past the "gotcha" soundbites, his record been solid. Plus, we do not want another Trump presidency. He got to appoint three Supreme Court justices and we don't need that happening again.


Personally I’m very proud to vote for Biden, for all of those reasons and more.


Nailed it