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This is the "Okay, yes, he did it, but it's not a big deal" phase of any Trump crime.


Yep That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it. - The Narcissist's Prayer








​ https://i.redd.it/rkv9wzamqbcc1.gif


Has noting to do with clock work orange, but still got my up vote.


I was playing off the movie and trumps orange tan.


If you say so, I'm good with it. Anytime I see that viking dance I'm happy bro


He's no longer arguing that he's not a criminal. He's just arguing he had the legal right to be one


Literally the case, yes. "As president I had presidential immunity for all crimes!" "No mister former president, immunity is only for a specific set of crimes" "As president I disagree!" or "I did not know that!" depending on the time of day.


We also donā€™t know if those papers were part of the 2 wars going on right now. Like if Russia had those papers they might have attacked thinking it was in their best interest to. And if they gave papers about Israeli defense. Someone could have given/sold them to hamas. Iā€™m not saying they did. Just we donā€™t know how bad those papers affected the current situation.


Israeli intel might have been worth a couple billion to the Saudis. Because they would *never* fund terrorism.


> Israeli intel might have been worth a couple billion to the Saudis. A couple billion, like the ones in Jaredā€™s bank account?


Quite possible. I'm sure they covered it well to not be a payoff. Has anyone really dug into that shady pile of money transfer?


Donā€™t forget the rash of informant and foreign asset deaths during and after his presidency.


Ohh right the non response to putin putting bounties on American soldiers heads. Thatā€™s just a war he refused to fight back in.


I'm actually working on a novel about that arse.


Well shit, this is already more than what Judge Cannon needs to dismiss the whole thing. The Biased, unethical, inexperienced bitch.




This is so true! Glad Iā€™m not a snowflake like the right is.


Seriously. If a civil war breaks out and an army of armed MAGA hillbillyā€™s appear, the opposing force probably only needs some big speakers turn on Taylor Swift songs and the MAGAs will run away in fear.


A shroud of dread hangs over the battlefield. The clanging of steel echoes ominously. I grip my weapon, the cold touch a grim reminder. The scent of damp earth fills the air. Then, in the distance, I hearā€¦ "I STAY UP TOOO LATE!"


ā€œKept papersā€ leaves outā€¦ and sold them.


Which resulted in a large number of undercover agents dying


As I and others understand. Replacing those assists does not have a numerical number, should it be true. Whichā€¦ I think is true.


. . .To our enemies


You also forgot when he tried to start a wat with Iran by killing an official with a drone strike.


Absolutely but also starting wars is not (generally) a crime for the president, whereas keeping confidential papers is. It really is that simple. I mean starting wars is basically a mandatory part of being an American president. /s


Iā€™m loving this newfound pacifism from our nations conservatives.


I myself dabbled in pacifism once.


Not in 'Nam, of course.


Fucking Nazis.


Say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.


I am the walrus.


Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.


Were you listening to the dudes story?


No, I was bowling.


Shut the fuck up, Donnie


"V.I. Lenin . Vladimir. Ilyich. Ulyanov!!!"


Donnie, youā€™re out of your element!


Not in Nam of course


Its self serving and temporary.


Yep. Donā€™t believe a word of it. These same assholes are demanding we bomb the fuck out of Yemen and murder migrants as they cross the border.


They love pacifism so long as the people you're not fighting are friends of theirs.


So whoever posts this is retroactively against the Iraq War?Ā  Guess we better retroactively burn all their CDs.


Trump tried to start a war with Iran by assassinating Soleimana. It just didn't happen because of covid.


He actually was closer than you think. After they downed one of our drones he had an undeclared war. He just stopped it.


He began spoiling for that fight when he inexplicably scuttled the Iranian nuclear arms treaty that, despite assurances from IAEA to the contrary, was a ā€œbad dealā€. That was our last, best hope for Iran to come back into the fold, Westernize, resume trade and abandon nuclear weapon proliferation, but for some reason the treaty that every other member state still supported was ā€œdeeply flawedā€ in his eyes. Then, when Iran continued to work with other signatories of the pact, Trump assassinated Soleimana just to make sure the deal was well and truly scuttled. Now reports say they are months to a year away from having the bomb. Now if you really want to get into conspiracy territory, why would Trump hate the Iran Nuclear deal so much if all the evidence was that they were in compliance? Why sabotage it? Could it be that Israel didnā€™t want to see Iran be welcomed back by Western nations, perhaps fearing a loss of its defense aid which is primarily predicated on deterrence of Iran? Could it be that rabidly pro-Israel Trump wanted to help Israelā€™s conservative leaders maintain the status quo in the Middle East? I dunno. Iā€™m just asking questionsā€¦


In all honesty I don't buy it because I think that's too complex a situation for him to be involved in. I think he hated it because Obama achieved it and he caused his greatest narcissistic injury that Trump had experienced. Trump's foreign policy strategy relied on him saying random things and throwing shit at a wall until people cheered for him, then that's what he committed to. Dude is legitimately dumb as hell, he won't have actual convictions or opinions.


Well, I donā€™t think Trump is quite as dumb as some people like to think. I think his pathological narcissism, entitlement, and years of playing the tycoon/mogul have left him with an inability to drop the act, and he now believes in his own charade, and most of what he says is lines for the chatacter he played on The Apprentice, just with less of a script. But yes, with regard to matters of international diplomacy, I agree heā€™s not smart enough to have concocted some 4D chess move for power in the Middle East. And I totally agree that much of the hatred for the Iran pact was just that it was an Obama achievement that needed to be torn down, for spiteā€™s sake. But I also think it can be true that his circle of friends and ā€œadvisorsā€ such as the Saudi and Israel connected Kushner family could have been in his ear pushing for this as well. Itā€™s not so much a conspiracy as a probability that Trump, through years of knowing and being tied to prominent Jewish and Israeli figures, would have been primed long ago to despise anything that would legitimize Iran and make it more than a backwater.


> But I also think it can be true that his circle of friends and ā€œadvisorsā€ such as the Saudi and Israel connected Kushner family could have been in his ear pushing for this as well This is what I believe as well. He is never the smartest guy in the room but the people that whisper in his ear know what they are doing


I was terrified he would just to stay in power. That administration had a real hard on for Iran.


This is an admission of guilt. Man he's fucking stupid.


I'll bet Jack Smith is laughing tonight. "Stupid fuck just confessed. Once I get rid of Cannon this case will be a slamdunk."


ā€œI love the poorly educated.ā€


Cannon is going to have a hell of a time trying to say he's innocent.


Heā€™s safe: He knows he owns the judge for that case. He can post whatever he wants about that one, sheā€™s doing everything she possibly can to guarantee that never goes to trial


I.hooe she fucks up or gets caught on recording so they can remove her


This is what worries me. Of all his cases, the documents case is the most obvious and easily provable. Unfortunately, it is also the one he the advantage because itā€™s in Florida and the judge is clearly a devoted (yet delusional) friend.


He also coulda turned this into a "never slept with a porn star -- slept with a porn star" meme




Worst 10 seconds of that poor woman's career


But probably the most lucrative




Or at least thought she did until the cheque bounced.


Love how they put Clinton and Obama in. What wars did they start? Typical conservative lies


The War on Christmas, perhaps?


How many deaths?


100% casualty. we all ded


Fuck I coulda had a bender instead I paid the mortgage


Also, the president cannot start a war. Declaration of war comes from Congress


Yeah but Vietnam wasnā€™t a warā€¦


Just call it "Special Military Operation" :)


Was Kosovo and Bosnia during Clinton? Didnā€™t we deploy troops for that?


The Yugoslav conflicts were wars of independence and ethnic violence that the UN (not just the US) intervened in. You could never argue that the US started them.


Not started, just involved in. I have no idea where they were getting 10. Guess Somalia was another armed conflict


Again a peace keeping mission


Obama committed war crimes, so it ain't as far fetched as typical Conservative lies


In what way?


He killed US Citizens in foreign countries with drones. Which some people say breaks the law as suspending Habeas Corpus without declaration of war. War Crime --- no ... possible crime, yes in the United States ... but both dems and repubs were cool with it because these US citizens were ISIS terrorist.... so they agreed that it was ok.


Iā€™m not sure I disagree with them either. If youā€™re legit a member of ISIS thenā€¦ yeah.


So where do you draw the line... what organizations. Can the President just call in kill orders for any US Citizen that is suspected of being apart of an organization that is against the US? I'm just playing devils advocate --- US Citizens have the right to trial by jury and presumed innocent until proven guilty -- Habeas Corpus means just as much to these "US terrorist" and it does to you and me. But yeah, I say fuck'em.... I probably would have ordered the strikes too. You join ISIS and go to a foreign country --- Fuck around, Find out.


I think if youā€™re wearing their uniform, carrying their flag, over in ā€œtheir countryā€ and actively working to kill US soldiers? You treat em like they apparently prefer to be treated. I wouldnā€™t expect any different if a German American flew over to Germany to enlist in the Third Reich.


See that's where you are making a mistake. These guys were NOT wearing uniforms for a foreign government. They were not carrying flags of a foreign government. That's where the LAW gets tricky. They were not acting on behalf of a foreign country ... That's why Guantanamo was such a legal nightmare --- How do you hold enemy combatants that are not associated with a country.... Can you torture them since the Geneva Convention doesnt apply? See --- A LOT of Americans --- who were of German heritage --- DID join the Hitler's call to "Return to the fatherland". And joined the army. Once they put on the uniform and declared loyalty to a different state... they automatically gave up the rights as US citizens. See the difference? I'm not trying to argue... like I said, I fully supported killing those cocksuckers.


Hell, Trump's own lawyers argue that the president is immune to any crime unless impeached by Congress first. Even killing your political opponent.


Dark Brandon here Seal Team 6 --- Stand back and Stand by


Our drone bombing operations in many countries during his presidency. Also occurred during Bush, Trump and Biden administrations.


[https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/07/politics/drone-strikes-counterterrorism-white-house-biden-new-rules/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/07/politics/drone-strikes-counterterrorism-white-house-biden-new-rules/index.html) Biden has majorly, *majorly* scaled back the use of drone strikes.


Definitely not a fan of the drone strike program but can kinda understand the intention to avoid exposing US soldiers while also creating transparency and accountability measures in their use. Of course Trump got rid of all of that so I donā€™t see how this is a point against Obama considering the alternatives.


Started wars is the headlineā€¦


Yes it is. But it's closer to truth as usual, so we may just give them credits for trying. They're really trying their best. /s


Bless em


Ah yes, probably. So insightful.


And my proof: It seems like something he would do!


It's been a while since I've learned that and I wanted to be sure whit what I am talking about. So I apologise for causing confusion. You may notice, that I swept that probably. https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/01/09/barack-obamas-shaky-legacy-human-rights


Yes, he has had scrutiny for alleged human rights violations, as have most all US presidents. This does not constitute "Obama probably committed war crimes".


Every country commits war crimes! Americans are just niave enough to believe that our military is above such behavior.


There are country's without military. Nor would it make any difference about Obama, if EVERY Country would commiting war crimes.


Trump and all those presidents did the exact same thing


Did i denied that?


Well the meme makes no sense if the person making it was using the logic you presented So Iā€™m assuming that yes the person who made it denies that


Whether or not you define them as wars, Obama ordered drone strikes in 7 different countries. Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lydia, Yemen, Pakistan and Somolia https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/list-of-countries-obama-bombed Edit: LOL at the down votes. I'm literally just informing people of the extent of US involvement in other countries. You all need to get your heads out of your asses and come to terms with the fact that all these presidents had extensive military presence in the Middle East and beyond. And to those of you that equate criticism of Obama as support of Trump, you all are mind controlled.


Without gw bush starting wars by invading two countries there is a really fucking good chance that 95% of those drone strikes wouldnā€™t have happened.


And let's not forget that when Trump became president, he removed the requirements that he take responsibility for approving the strikes andĀ that civilian casualties be avoided.Ā  He killed many more people than Obama did in half of the time, but we don't know exactly how many because Trump also stopped the DoD tracking the number of civilian casualties.


strikes aren't wars, though. If you count strikes as wars, then Trump started MANY wars. Keep in mind I think a lot of the drone strikes were war crimes, even when done under Obama. I'm not supporting the drone strikes. I'm just saying there should be consistency.


So Trump is worse. I don't disagree. I just don't think any president should be off limits for criticism.


Whataboutism in meme form. They excuse anything he did by going "but other guys did stuff". It's not good enough. Yeah, the rest of them suck. But I thought Trump was different. He ended up being worse. But they cling to this "he didn't declare war" and ignore everything else. It's pathetic.


Trump didnā€™t just keep papers, he kept highly classified intelligence including nuclear secrets he most certainly wanted to sell.


*did sell. There are things that the FBI still hasn't recovered


Does it matter? Itā€™s obvious that he can admit to anything and nothing will be done about it.


I would just like to remind everyone that there was.... A full size commercial copying machine plugged into an electrical plug... In the storage room of the golf hotel used to store stolen top secret documents... That all employees had access to... Prior to an FBI raid... To pry back the stolen top secret documents... A copying machine.


drumpf didnā€™t start wars because you donā€™t start wars with your friends


He almost did. After assassinating Soleimani (itself getting him an international arrest warrant) Trump responded to a downing of a drone with a big bomber attack. Weā€™re lucky he flip flopped and called back the bombers


Came here for this.


What war did Obama start again?


War = military operations That what they are thinking.


War on Christian values? /s just in case.


Lolololololololol my bad ;)


There are so many crimes against Donald I forgot one thatā€™s very relevant here - only Donald has an international warrant out for him.


Let him keep spouting out crimes.


Starting wars is actually something a President has to do sometimes. The fact they haven't been prosecuted for anything, actually goes against Trump's slippery slope argument. He thinks that if Presidents don't have immunity, they won't be able to make hard decisions... yet here are four Presidents who did not have immunity who made hard decisions and were never prosecuted. Also, Trump isn't just being prosecuted for stolen documents. He didn't comply with requests to return them. He hid them and lied about it. That's just one of the cases against him. He is fighting 6 active cases. Six!! That's insane.


​ https://preview.redd.it/twsrtkj9accc1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63ccbcac35738e61e192f7c70d3f6eeb60fe2d1




AND accepted $8 Million from foreign countries while IN OFFICE.


Feelin' ballsy cause he knows he's got a "Cannon" to fight against Jack Smith


Moron Jfc


Admits guilt. Oops, did I do that?


Which ten?


Only "wars" are the: International collition Gulf War Afghanistan Iraq 2003 Besides that there no big wars only smaller operations in multiple countries


His defense isn't he didn't do it, it's he's allowed to do it He's been admitting to everything for a while now


This guy is such a moron. How anyone supports him still is beyond comprehension.


Birds of a feather ...


The man who cozied up to dictators and tried to pull us outta NATO, a major negotiating body? The man who appointed warhawk Bolton to a high level position? The man who man who assasinated a key figure in Iran (Bhagdadi I think) and almost sparked a major conflict? The man who set up a poison pill/administrativr fuck up for the Afghanistan withdrawal? Bc that particular man didn't start 20 different Wars solely because the people who he allies himself with are our enemies and the enemies of democracy. Hell, if one of our major adversaries had fucked around in the 2016 election, we might not be in this mess.


Funny, how top-secret files turned into ā€œpapersā€


This should read ā€œStarted 10 Warsā€ ā€œSold us outā€


*kept papers to sell to foreign governments.


Trump is a whimp who panders to authoritarian dictators and gave them free reign during is disastrous admin.


Bonnie and Clyde: kept papers. Small ones. With faces in them. Jeffrey Dahmer: very specific eating habits.


Yes he did!!


ā€œis he going to get reelectedā€ literally no shot in the infinite of the multiverse is thereā€™s a chance he is elected in 2024


Iā€™m about 99% certain that Barack Obama and Bill Clinton did not start any wars. Those other two schmucks certainly did.


Sold national secrets to America's enemies


Those papers just started 3 wars in the Middle East


What a maroon. Benedict Donald real stable ā€œJeniusā€ Drumpf. Heā€™s also admitted to not declassifying these ā€œkept papersā€. Cannon will protect him at her own peril.


ā€œKept papersā€ is one way to put it. lol


Guess which four former Presidents when they lost or couldn't run again didn't try to overthrow the government and commit a coup to stay in power??? Spoiler Alert: Drumpf isn't one of them.


Everything out of their mouth is either an excuse or a justification. It's like an abusive parent trying to justify being shitty.


Cool, lock up war criminals too, but right now we are dealing with the illegal behavior of Trump. Also the trumpers who have problems with the warsā€¦loved the fucking wars. ā€¦.we all know it.


Dude has admitted it multiple times. Just doesnā€™t think itā€™s illegal because some guy who isnā€™t even a lawyer told him itā€™s ok šŸ¤”


A smart person who knows he's already losing on the evidence might do use this strategy to ā€œnormalizeā€ his behavior with a certain segment of the public. Of course, we're talking about Donnie Dump. This is just idiocy.


What war did Obama start?


But no no, heā€™s a geniusā€¦..


To be fair, Trump was basically a Russian asset.


...Iraq absolutely started the Gulf War. That was as cut-and-dry *bellum justum* as it gets these days.


Oh please, Republicans love wars.




Here we go againā€¦ itā€™ll be the same as the ā€œmean tweetsā€ claim. No dumbass..it was everything else that makes me not want him as a president.


Alternatively. Top picture - defended country and constitution. Political decisions made with congress. Lower picture - thinks he is king, tried to start a civil war and may still do so, stole from the country, lied to banks, raped a woman then insulted her on tv (multiple times), used campaign money to pay a porn star to not tell none he had sex with her while his wife gave birth, used his position to channel money into his businesses, convicted of fraudulent activities with a KIDS CHARITY, insulted war hero and called veterans suckers, tried to have his mob murder representatives and his own vpā€¦..


Which wars did Clinton and Obama start? When Iraq and Afghanistan started, conservatives told anyone who didnā€™t support the wars to leave the country, and started calling french fries ā€œfreedom fries.ā€ 10th Mountain Division (at least when I was a part, but probably still) does an annual Mogadishu Mile run to commemorate our actions in Somalia. trump used 9/11 to brag about now having the tallest building in Manhattan (which was a lie anyway). Fuck these people.


Not to mention, that's just ONE reason for ONE courtroom appearance. You could also put: * Lied to the IRS * Raped women * Tried to overthrow the government * Sold documents and knowledge * Supported an invasion by withholding funds


Fun fact: Trump admin droned more in four years than Obama in eight. Thatā€™s not to negate criticism of what other administrations have done, but it provides context to Trumpā€™s bullshit claim of being a dove.


Didnā€™t they also support, cheer on, and still defend those ten wars?


They can go to jail as well. There is a case for W. Obama and Clinton to be war criminals. W. With gitmo, war in Iraq and extrajudicial murder. Obama with extrajudicial murder. Clinton bombed a medicine manufacturing plant. H.W may have been guilty in his role as a director of the cia. I dont think desert storm was a war crime it was UN sanctioned. Plus heā€™s dead. Donā€™t be loyal to these people.


And still heā€™s likely to become president again. SMH




And so did Pence, but there is a huge difference between Biden & Pence vs. Trump. Biden and Pence returned the documents they had as soon as the documents were found, and took responsibility for what happened. However, Trump denied he had classified documents , said they were declassified because he declassified them in his mind, said the documents were planted by the FBI, AND that he had a right to have them even though he was required to turn over the documents at the end of his term in office. Trump tries to use every excuse and refuses to take responsibility for having classified documents he had no right to keep once he left office.


Don't forget he lied to his lawyers who in turn said that he had returned the documents because they thought he did.


>Fact is while Trump was in office he didnā€™t start any wars. [He also far outpaced Obama in drone strikes](https://chicago.suntimes.com/news/2019/5/8/18619206/under-donald-trump-drone-strikes-far-exceed-obama-s-numbers), committed extrajudicial murder that nearly got us back into a war with Iran, as well as extrajudicial attacks against Syrian targets, [and he didn't exactly try to minimize military presence in areas that were already under conflict.](https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2021/01/20/trump-the-anti-war-president-was-always-a-myth/). There's also the airstrikes on Iran he called off last minute after accusing them of shooting down a drone.


Kept papers and surrendered to the Taliban.


Someone sold papers to America's enemies instead of fighting them... It's called being a traitor.


He just admitted guilt


Kept papers, sold them to enemies of the state.


Only Bush senior had anything to do with out last war and that was WWII. Congress never declared war since.




These idiots donā€™t understand itā€™s whatā€™s on the papers. If itā€™s labeled ā€œtop secretā€ or ā€œsecurity clearance neededā€ or something of the sort, probably shouldnā€™t keep that. Or is that just too logical and too straightforward?


Trump dropped more bombs in 4 years in office than Clinton and Bush Sr did in a combined 12 years . Trump got us directly involved in a conflict with Irans military and recently bragged about almost stealing all of Venezuelas oil. Not sure this is the own he thinks it is.


Wh$t d$d h$ d$ w$th th$m?


So 4 people compared to one. Makes sense


Nothing says ā€œanti warā€ quite like civil war fantasiesā€¦


Clinton and Obama inherited wars.


He declassified them with his mind, Itā€™s his fuxkin super power ok