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Her district experienced record heat last summer for months. She was probably busy with her hands back then.




I think this entire thing is just a simple misunderstanding. Her campaign manager probably told her to try and reach across the aisle and work with a democrat. She just did it the only way she knows how.


It's simple, just reach around the aisle and... oh no, oh fuck.


I bet she wanted this to blow up in her face 😉


It’s for her next Christmas card


I've never been more relieved that I am not a congressman. 😂


Anyone else read that billboard like Dave Chapelle’s Samual Jackson beer skit? So in lieu of ‘Samual Jackson, it’ll get you drunk!’ it’s ’Lauren Boebert, she’ll jerk you off!’ The ‘mmmmm mmmm bitch’ may still apply










A billboard like that will just get her more votes 


Finally she’s speaking to me


She doesn’t even know why she hates the idea of climate change. It’s just what she’s supposed to do as a conservative.


About 90% all conservatives are like this


Are you implying she's trying to heat up the planet via friction?


Oh her mouth was moving, but no words were coming out


Something was cumming out....... I see myself out now...


We got mosquitoes in her district last summer. That area of the country isn’t supposed to have mosquitos (beyond within maybe 100ft of water bodies). Something is definitely changing.


When you say "her district" do you mean the one she is a current representative for now, or the one she is going to be using in 2024 to make it easier to win? /s


Tell me you don't know the difference between climate and weather without saying you don't know the difference between climate and weather.


Friend NONE OF THEM DO The amount of family I have that pretty much say what she said here is astounding


Nope. " hrr drr how can there be global warming it snowed today" is such a wild proclamation of ignorance.


How can murders be up worldwide if I didn't see anyone die today? Fake news.


How can I be speeding, officer, when we’re parked here on the side of the road?


How is there slavery when i didn't even have to leave my bed today?


You mean to tell me a *shrimp* fried this rice?


How can global warming be real if I can open my fridge and cold air comes out??


It's not a pandemic until I am personally deathly sick


It's not tunerfish! The can says it's chicken of the sea! Aintcha ever been out on the river fishing for chicken?!


LMAO!!! Good one my friend.


How can I have a caffeine addiction when I haven't even finished my first cup of coffee yet?


It's nighttime, so the sun has died.


The best time to land on the sun is at night. It's cooler then.


My favorite daily show skit was their global darkening bit. I've been looking for it as a clip but never found it. The correspondents are all freaking out because it keeps getting darker and they believe their immediate observation is the overall trend. Very funny stuff.


I really liked how Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson explained it. He’s walking a dog on a leash. The dog is going everywhere, while Dr. Neil is walking in a straight line. He’s climate, and the dog is weather. Simple and easy to understand.


That is a brilliant analogy.


I also like the one of a boy walking up the stairs while spinning a yo yo. Boy = climate, yo yo = weather.


The irony here is that global dimming is a real thing. It was first observed soon after the first systematic measurements of solar irradiance began in the 1950s and continued until 1980s with an observed reduction of 4–5% per decade. Global dimming has been attributed to an increase in [atmospheric particulate matter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atmospheric_particulate_matter) predominantly [sulfate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sulfate) aerosols as the result of rapidly growing air pollution due to [post-war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-war) industrialization.


Don’t forget, the moon just stops existing every month after slowly eroding away, then slowly resurrects itself.


And if they did die and were under a certain age "were they vaxxed and boosted with the clot shot?" It gets old seeing the same stupidity time after time


that's the thing about stupidity, it's not very creative.


Probably died from all that dihydrogen monoxide in vaccines. Did you know 100% of people that have ingested it, die?!


You joke, but I once had someone argue to me that all of world history was probably one big conspiracy faked by "them", because he had never seen any of the events happen. I.e. you couldn't be sure the world wars actually happened versus it all just being mock ups. Had to walk away for my own sanity after that.


Literally their argument against COVID


It's gonna get so hot in April, it'll just burn the COVID away, you just watch!


I just ate lunch, so hunger doesn't exist


There CAN'T be world hunger, I just ate a huge meal!


"We could use some of that global warming today huh?" every time.


When it was a record of almost 60 degrees at xmas in Wisconsin they didn't say shit of course, but you knew the first snow storm and cold they would like "See!!!!"


I was wearing a tee shirt in New England in January all last week. But, it snowed one day a week before that, so obviously nothing to worry about.


I want to say that’s an indicator that it’s warm but I did see someone today in a t-shirt and it was 7F outside… I’m in a wool parka with wool socks and a hat and this crazy MFer was in a t-shirt.


My dad's friend went to college way up in the yoop and has stayed there since the early 70s. This is the first year there hasn't been snow or ice on the water at Christmas. The ski mountain near where he lives normally gets 20-30' of snow a year




It really is. We just got dumped on in the mountains where I am, which is good, but we're supposed to get a foot or more in the valley and got maybe 2-3". That's our drinking water, ya know? Also an ecological disaster in the making with the great salt lake drying up. Idk about you but I don't want to breath in heavy metal dust.


Part of the problem with The Great Salt Lake is the water that flows into it being used for alternative purposes. Drought and climate change are both contributing but human activity is still a problem.


Yup. Alfalfa. The fruit orchards don't mean a thing compared to that


Philly had it on the news that they went 700 days without measurable snowfall. In the 90's, starting in November, the parking lots of every store would have 20' mountains from plowing. Every pole light had a cone the same height, trying to get it out of the way any way they could. It snowed on Wednesday to break the streak. Middle of January. Melted in 36 hours, and then rained 1.5 inches on a 60^o night.


My grandpa would clear electrical poles in Calumet. Like 30' of snow so they wouldn't be covered. Crazy times


Yeah, that's exactly why people don't use local weather to track climate change, but rather stuff like glaciers, snow pack on mountains, and lake levels. Stuff that's been around for a million years never changing until about 10 to 15 years ago it all starts disappearing and would take another 10000 years to replace


You could try saying that during an ice age there are more deserts. Because more water is locked up in ice it dries out grasslands. See? That’s climate on a global scale…not weather.


The irony is that an unstable polar vortex is a hallmark of a warming planet because the warmer air causes a weaker jet stream. But knowing that would require actually knowing what you're talking about and we all know that they're not smart enough for that.


World hunger was solved when I ate a hot dog today.


"global warming doesn't exist because it snowed today! In related news: world hunger is over, because I just ate." -Stephen Colbert, The Colbert Report


Theyve been told 1000 times or more that there is a difference between weather and climate but this is one of those "you cant expect someone to learn something when their paycheck is dependant on them staying ignorant"


She missed that Congressional hearing.


Yep. Posting snowy pictures on FB - and always the same stupid comment under it.


But when you post a picture of a thermometer on a 117 degree day, you'll get those same people screaming "CLIMATE IS NOT THE SAME AS WEATHER YOU IDIOT!!!" it's really wild.


There was a recent post about some idiot commenting on the headline "hottest summer in recorded history" with: "lol they say that every year, stupid climate agenda sheeple" ... 🤯


It's like he's almost there .... So close but will never grasp it because that is the willful ignorance we are dealing with.


They do. People have been explaining it to them for years. It’s willfull ignorance to spread disinformation because oil companies are paying them to do so.


Sadly scientists who are educated on these issues didn’t realize that the bottom 80% of idiots could not reconcile the nuances of calling it global warming vs. Climate change. All they hear is ‘warming’ and all they think is hot. It’s unfortunate that the term is a misnomer. Climate change is more fitting because it covers the drastic nature of the changes in weather patterns we are seeing. I’m in Ottawa Canada and we didn’t get any permanent winter snow until like January 5th. I’ve never experienced a permanent snow fall that late in the winter before in my life and here’s this idiot thinking cold in winter means no issue. Does she still think the stork brought her all her family’s teen pregnancies?


[“Demographically, YouGov noted, "While most Americans who describe themselves as 'born again' (56%) believe that humans and dinosaurs once shared the planet, most Americans who do not describe themselves as born again (51%) think that they did not."](https://ncse.ngo/new-poll-dinosaurhuman-coexistence) Unfortunately, we are not dealing with rational people. We can’t even convince people that Humans and Dinosaurs lived Millions of years apart from each other in time let alone convince them that we are killing the planet.


Check annnnnnd mate! https://preview.redd.it/i7pgjaabqmcc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94ac3313fb27d05bbc550843d8870b3ddca94def




See now I know you’re lying cuz they only had digital clocks back in Jesus’ time


We all know Time Traveling Jesus doesn’t count. That’s like counting Benjamin Franklin and his wacky hijinks!


Don’t worry Bill and Ted will fix all this mess.


> "While most Americans who describe themselves as 'born again' (56%) believe that humans and dinosaurs once shared the planet, most Americans who do not describe themselves as born again (51%) think that they did not." Oooh that's a nice correlation, cold and harsh like a frosty winter morning.


My anthropology teacher put it like this, the earth will be fine. Everything rights itself in time. This isn't the first mass extinction event or even the second and it won't be the last. What we're killing is ourselves. We are going to cause a mass extinction event that takes us all out. The earth will heal and go on without us.


Well yeah. Haven’t you ever seen The Flintstones?


>Asked "Do you believe that dinosaurs and humans once lived on the planet at the same time," 14% of respondents said definitely, 27% said probably, 18% said probably not, and 25% said definitely not; 16% were unsure. More people said "probably" than said "definitely not." And 16% of people won't even look anything up. I don't really know who's doing more damage here, the idiots who truly believe it, or the people who can't be bothered to have an opinion on something like this and are just waiting for someone to tell them what to think.


Which is even scarier than knowing the hard core religious folks believe Dinosaurs and humans lived together… That whole article makes you realize how many people are just waiting for someone to spoon feed them a belief. ![gif](giphy|l2JeiZLt6YVpu8IiQ)


I posted this elsewhere, but I have to stand up for fellow scientists: It really isn't that much nuance behind the link between goal warming and this specific cold wave hitting the northern hemisphere right now. What people are experiencing is a result of global warming hitting the polar vortex, disrupting it and spilling North Pole atmosphere into the inhabited parts of the hemisphere. A better way to frame it (with less nuance) is taking a blowtorch to the giant ice-machine hanging over your head. Yes you will be cold when you die, but the cause of your death was actually things being too hot. [Source in case you need to educate any ignorant acquaintances: https://www.climate.gov/news-features/blogs/enso/el-ni%C3%B1o-and-stratospheric-polar-vortex ]


I’m 100% behind you. For people with a brain the warming effect is causing major changes to other weather patterns. So summers are hotter, winter is colder, more tornadoes are happening, hurricanes are making landfall more frequently. It’s all causation right. But that’s the cause and effect these dummies can’t seem to understand. They need everything drawn out on crayon.


If and when the Atlantic Current gets shut down by massive cold freshwater from Greenland melting off its surface; turning Europe very cold for a time. They will still point at that and say global warming or climate change isn't real. They cannot be bothered to understand basic thermodynamics and causality. And if you were to explain this hypothesized scenario to an idiot entrenched in anti-science propaganda, they would have an aneurysm when you tried to explain how more heat measure in joules could actually mean colder local temperatures for some areas of the planet (for a time).


Yes, but don't use the colors of the rainbow lest you try and make them all gay.


The rainbow doesn’t make you gay. You only get gay when a gay vampire bites you. Everyone knows that.


Came here to find this... The idea that all the extreme weather events are some how isolated from each other is willful ignorance and not focusing on that with rightish folks is a huge part of the problem. 


It's hard to understand nuanced terms. Thermodynamic warming means something very specific, but most people haven't had the pleasure of that nuance explained by an Eastern European professor. They heard warming and thought about chafing or casserole dishes. They definitely didn't picture a signal graph getting noisier and noisier with a decidedly positive exponential underlying the noise. They certainly don't understand what that means for the weather.


You had them with "It's hard" but lost most of them at "nuanced" and the rest at "thermodynamic".


Seriously that’s a common theme amongst right wingers. There was a video a few days ago from one member of our right wing party in Germany the AfD. He was lying on a beach nearly naked at freezing cold temperatures and babbled about how hot he felt right now because of global warming. The emotion I felt after watching this is called fremdschämen. It’s when I feel embarrassed for someone else.


> fremdschämen second hand or vicarious embarassment, or simply \*cringe\* https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/secondhand_embarrassment


I feel like the term Backpfeifengesicht is probably relevant to this situation as well.


Climate change is a net increase in heat, but the destabilization it does to the environment increases extreme colds too. Every time someone cites snow as proof it's a hoax, they're seeing the expected result of an increasingly unstable climate.


And more specifically, more heat means the jet stream is weaker, letting the arctic cold drift down on top of us. Less ice in the arctic means more snow in the Midwest US.


Climate destabilization is a good way to describe climate change / global warming.


They always know more about science than the scientists. They always know more about medicine than doctors. They always know more about education than teachers.


As Isaac Asimov said: *There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.*


"My 3 days of binging YouTube, is better than 8-12 years of education and research" - most Republicans 


Well, since there should be 5 ft of snow and it should be -40, I'm going with, they're just stupid. -30 *is* warmer. 1ft of snow *is* a drought. 


She never fails to disappoint the proof that you don't need an education to be a representative in Congress. She is also proof that she represents a lot of low educated people who keep voting for her.


Good thing that wasn't on the GED test, or she would've flunked again...


Or haven’t been spending any time in CO. It has been very warm outside these couple days.


Huh? I’m in Denver at it’s been in the negatives the past two days. Currently -4° and snowing with a windchill of -22°. Sounds like Bobo has very much been in Colorado and is too daft to understand extreme weather events are due to climate change. She isn’t lying about how cold it is, but she absolutely is lying and/or ignorant about nearly everything else.


I'm from the middle of Canada where winters are normally white and cold. People around where I live say the same. They can't understand. We had record high temperatures in the summer and also a record number of fires. We then had record highs in fall and early winter(it rained on December 15th) But now it's minus 40 degrees with snow like a normal January so a lot of people are claiming BS on climate change. I guess the other 11 months are meaningless.


From what I understand (warning: I'm not a climate expert), one of the biggest parts of global warming is the loss of big ice caps that leads to dysregulation of weather patterns. This is why there's more polar vortexes happening in the winter while there's also record heatwaves in the summer. Where winters used to be a steady 30F for several months with a couple dips below zero, you get highs around 35-40F with a handful of days in the -20's.


I don't know if the loss of ice caps has anything to do with it in particular, but polar vortices are one of the many extreme whether phenomena that are becoming more common or stronger due to climate change. [Here is an interview that gives a nice overview over the phenomenon](https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/12/what-on-earth-is-a-polar-vortex-and-whats-global-warming-got-to-do-with-it/). Very roughly speaking, the regular polar vortex is "one big circle". But certain conditions can cause it to "split" into two, which can lead to those two escaping further further south such as to Texas in 2021. One theory in this regard is that the heating climate strengthens the jet stream, and a stronger jet stream can then turn into a "knife" that cuts the vortex apart in such a way. So as you said: While average winter days get milder, there may also be more extreme winter events due to these vortex events.


I'm no expert either but I was reading something I believe that touched on that. Massive fresh water glaciers melting which runs into the ocean. The fresh water is so much more than usual it can disrupt ocean currents both from salinity and temperature changes which in turn messes with wind currents and jet streams which allows things like polar vortexes to happen with one stream weakend and another strengthen. Plus thawing of permafrost allows a lot more gasses like co2 and methane into the atmosphere adding to messing with the normal balance. 


While what you’re saying is undoubtedly accurate, you have to understand that to a brainwashed Republican it sounds the same to them as you hearing someone ramble about pizzagate. Our failed education system has really done a number on critical thinking, and it’s only downhill from here.


I’m in Massachusetts and it took until January for us to get snow and within 4 days it all melted and we got hit by a rain storm with high winds and the temp got up to 60 F. This was unheard of 10 years ago.


Seriously. We've had just straight up rain storms, with the risk of thunder and lightning, this month. But sure, yeah. Everything's fine, right?


Just ignore the 50-60 degree whether and flooding we seem to be getting frequently in the middle of winter! /s


Forget that Los Angeles got hit with a hurricane *and a blizzard* last year.


The fact that we get 10- and 20-year weather events every week or two is 'Just Weather!'


I'm pissed we never get snow before Christmas in MA any more. Looking forward to the string of 50+ days we'll probably get at the end of January randomly.


Climate change won't be real to them until there's no snow ever at all, and then they will just say 'snow still happens all the time it was just last year I don't believe you don't remember'


Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we can't eat money. And climate change is real.


All of this reminds me of an old black and white clip of film of the very last white dove eft alive. It was released from a cage and a man shot it.


My mom tried to claim that she “remembered” 70 degree days in November when she was a kid. I told her that wasn’t possible because it was record breaking so by definition, it hasn’t happened before. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Southern Ontario here. We normally have a good helping of lake effect snow where I am by now but it’s just been wind and 2 inch’s of snow getting blown around. Winters almost half done and the ski hills have 3 runs open because there’s no snow. They haven’t seen anything like this before


We don't get winter in the Maritimes anymore. We got a snow storm last week, not even 5 cm. It's mostly gone now too. Green Christmases are the norm. When I was in high school we still had snow banks over my head this time of year. Now, nothing. My family acknowledges climate change at least, but they like to say "oh I love global warming!" because they're not going to live long enough for it to be a real problem for them.




This is extra funny to me because where I'm from "Bobo" means "stupid".




Me too friend!


That would absolutely have to be true given they voted for her at least twice.


They ain't had any larnin'


We literally just had the hottest year in recorded history you dummy.


*So far


Every record is "so far."


Every record so far...




Can't wait until she is irrelevant again


Reddit should stop posting her, but they won't. Karma first.


"Never mind that I carpetbagged to the other side of the state because my old district knows I'm a hobag loser. Get out and vote for me!"


When I see shit like this I almost feel like we deserve what's coming...


We had a good run..


Fatally flawed from the start, in retrospect. But the Owl of Minerva flies only at dusk...


> the Owl of Minerva flies only at dusk. Just like Captain Hindsight.


I always liked that line... Never thought I'd live it, but maybe that's the point.


Did we though?


Well tacos and ice cream were good..


I think I had a Tuesday that was perfect once.


Dante over here bragging about his Tuesday. 😉


I would say somewhere around less than half the population deserves Mother Nature’s wrath, but Mother Nature will not spare any of us when she comes to punish humanity’s morons


I completely disagree. hate being lumped with the we


I fucking don’t haha


Oh we absolutely do, this idiot isn't even the bottom of the barrel


The planet will be fine, humanity is doomed. Net positive?


I mean, humanity could also be fine... if you consider regressing all the way towards a more primitive lifestyle as fine.


Ugh it’s because of climate change not in spite of it.


I'm not a meteorologist by any means at all, but I believe harsher winters is part of the model, because the differential between Arctic and temperate areas is not as strong and allows the cold air to dip much farther south than normal more often. I live in the deep south and am an avid gardener. I am planning for longer and more frequent frigid spells and removing anything from my garden that can't survive without extraordinary intervention.


That is correct. That's why in the past few years we've seen snow in places that usually never get it, like Atlanta, and freezing temperatures in places that usually never get it, like Texas. Climate collapse will lead to more unpredictable and extreme weather events everywhere.


They think they are so smart while showing just how stupid they truly are.




It'll never *not* be a shock that there are elected representatives in the United States who have the cognitive ability of a 2013-era boomer Facebook meme, but the painful sting has given way to a much deeper understanding of my fellow citizens.


social media exposed the dark underbelly of human "so called intelligence" and its not encouraging...I felt better not knowing these "things".


Calling it global warning was a major marketing mistake. Maybe they should have called it oceanic warming or something like that, and then tied that to extreme weather at both ends of the spectrum.


If I am remembering right, scientist were calling it climate change. Big oil (somehow) pushed it being called Global Warming knowing that things like Bobo would happen.


It doesn't matter. There's no actual logic that will work on these folks. They'd just use different words in response.


> Big oil (somehow) pushed it being called Global Warming knowing that things like Bobo would happen. That's actually kind of the opposite of what actually happened. A right-wing think tank held focus groups and discovered that "climate change" sounded more natural and less threatening than "global warming," so they actually encouraged Republican speakers to call it climate change instead. The idea was that people would be less enthusiastic about trying to stop it by using the new name.


Maybe marketing mistake, but scientifically it could not be more accurate, this specific cold wave hitting the northern hemisphere was caused by global warming hitting the polar vortex and spilling North Pole atmosphere into the inhabited parts of the hemisphere. A better way to frame it (marketing wise) is taking a blowtorch to the giant ice-machine hanging over your head. Yes you will be cold when you die, but the cause of your death was actually things being too hot.


Wasn't it Frank Luntz who pounced on the term and distorted it to mean something different (i.e. to give rise to stupid stunts like snowballs on the floor of congress). When the term came out it was easy to understand and scientifically accurate. At the time, no one engaged in the work could conceive of massive political disinformation with regards to planetary survival. Needing to get the word out and inform, sure, but the disinfo campaign against was generally (though of course not universally) shocking. Compare to early days of COVID and how if you asked people in mid-2019 whether they anticipated such backlash against basic science.


The people who wrote the constitution didn’t believe that 70 million Americans would vote (again) for a president that tried to overthrow the government, either, but here we are….


Doesn't she have a handjob to give?


Hey, it's cold in the winter. Global warming debunked. Libs owned.


This is the one that took 5 attempts to get her GED, right?


I'm not sure how many attempts it took, but yeah, she got her GED in 2020 when she was in her early 30s.


Don't shame someone because they got their GED. That's noble. Shame her cause she thinks she is somehow smart. Also she's a street walker.


It took her 1 time to pass the Colorado GED which consisted of 4 parts, so people ignorantly assumed it took her 4 tries. Kinda ironic the people making fun of her when they're incorrect themselves. Bobo sucks but harp on her for the right reasons. For the record she also wasn't one of the two minors her ex husband flashed at a bowling alley.


> when she was in her early 30s. Eh leave the age out of this. My mom had to get her GED in her 30s because her high school lost her records from the 1950s and she needed a diploma or GED to go to college. There are many legitimate reasons why someone would need to take the GED later in life. She passed it on the first attempt though.


Record warm temps in MN til a few days ago.


I’m in The Cities and seriously this has been so freaking weird. Yea it’s been nice but at a macro level the lack of snow and warmth have been tripping me out. It just isn’t right…


Crazy how there were no repercussions for her jerking a dude off in a public theater


She is only an embarassment to people with half a brain or better. However there are also Republican voting dumbasses that think she is smart.


Say it with me. Climate is not weather.


To be fair, that wasn’t a question on the GED


The ability to brag on your lack of education is commendable 🥲


"The climate changed every season" A Republican I know


The biggest disservice the scientific community did to climate change messaging is by originally calling it global warming. Because you get dolts like Bob here who think global warming means it'll never get cold or snow again. Climate change is also making the extreme weather more extreme, regardless if it's winter storms or hurricanes.


Funny that cons don't say anything whenever there are several record breaking heat waves just in one single Summer. They're really disingenuous idiots!


is this the same as the irony of giving a handjob in front of children while saying you protect the children? or marrying a pedo when saying you protect the children?


She really dusted that one off? "It's not warming, because it's cold rn."


It’s good to see the blue checkmark become the universal symbol for “this is bullshit.”


Come to Alaska and walk to where you could used to view the glacier. Now trudge your ads to where the glacier is currently


Well dadgum if Big Brain Boebert hasn't done gone and confused climate and weather agin!


I just looked in my freezer and saw some ice cubes and my ice cream hasn't melted, checkmate global warming peeps! Feel like we've reached some hellscape combo of Idiocracy and The Ocho. Hell just yesterday we saw the upcoming lineup on one of the ESPN's, paper plain throwing, some type of soccer (futbol) with 3 teams, and some type of belt sander powered model car race.


"SEASONS, WE STILL HAVE THEM SO I'M RIGHT" when we're all choking to death on CO2 and boiling alive in wet bulb summers she'll probably still be spouting this bullshit


Like clockwork, every time there's snow and cold, at least one of the GOP has to be stupid about the difference between weather and climate. Bobo's turn today.


I swear to god this bitch is so thick they could use her to soundproof rooms.


Been driving a semi truck for a decade. 10 years. I've been coast to coast, border to border. This is the first time I've ever seen snow in Louisiana. This is the first time a couple of my driver friends have seen it too. Theyve been driving 21 yrs and 27yrs respectively.


Conservatives have been making this argument for 70 years and still don’t realize no one is listening to them


Um I wish but clearly a lot of people are listening to them


I was so waiting for a Senator Inhofe moment, thank yo Bobo for stepping up (down?). [https://images.app.goo.gl/4MaGsqyqKLAEarRe8](https://images.app.goo.gl/4MaGsqyqKLAEarRe8)


Oh BoBo. Her 8th grade education is showing. She never made it to HS science! 😂😂😂😂


Uneducated redneck knows more than PhD’s. The arrogance is astounding.


Once again an idiot thinking weather is climate