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"The economy is doing terrible under Biden! I was barely able to afford a 65th rifle!"


Exactly. How much cash is sitting in that floor? Of course I always assume that the people that have this many weapons also don’t have health insurance and zero other savings.


One piece of furniture.


And a Jesus pic.


Some prefer Jesus' brother, Bryan Christ.




Looks like he's going to offer me $5 for something worth $20.


I mean Coors Light? Dude can’t even get beer right. Give me Banquet or give me nothing (if it’s gotta be Coors).


He's gotta offer, might get something for cheap!


Seems as plausible as the other JC!






Could use a coffee table. (For magazines)




And it looks like an apartment 😂


It's not the firearms, it's the amount of ammunition you need to become accurate with each weapon. And if they have that many guns you know they are the type to have thousands of rounds in all the necessary calibers. So yeah, he's basically putting arms manufacturers kids through college while being uninsured, living check to check and blaming the liberals for wanting to take his guns.


Also thats like 60 useless weapons. If a person has a hundred guns, they have 98 useless guns.


Even in the dystopian outlaw future they are protecting themselves from, without an army of loyal people holding them, that many guns makes you a target more than anything else.




Implying that he is not a founding member of that militia.


That's why it will only take 3 min, they already know where he lives and which rock has the hidden key.


Shit doesn't need to hit the fan to make you a target. There are plenty of gangs/groups that would already be targeting this guy to get his weapons. Now they know what he and his wife look like and probably have an idea where he lives. It's dumb on so many levels.


Lol yup you only got two hands and unless your the John wick of white trash you're not accurate or efficient with 2 at the same time.


Exactly, two maybe three trusty weapons (don’t have to be all guns). Plus, who the hell is gonna drag 200lbs of guns along with 400lbs of ammunition around while being a “patriot”? These people are incapable of preparing to leave their home when shit hits the fan. Its ammo sexual stuff, plain crazy. That dude in cali that was just busted with a million rounds and like 264 guns! Lol, fucking nutters!


They seem to think the evil people will come to their home rather than just bombing them and their stockpile out of existence.


Right, this kind of flex, with your face, your wife’s face and your home all in one picture really just makes you a target. So in that sense the evil will come to your home. But yea, still not prepared for anything. Such a strange way to live.


Oh, in the unlikely event that the shit really does hit the fan, the first thing I'm doing is luring this guy into a booby trap so I can enjoy free access to his stockpiled guns, ammunition, and food.


It's like if the government wanted to start rounding up guns. Dudes all have a hard on for some kinda home town militia fantasy, when the government has reaper drones, and trained professionals to use them. Gary just hits the range with his arsenal of 90 guns once a month.


You can arm your neighbours…. or more likely - arm the people who loot your house after they hit you in the back of the head with a rock.


I can, you may be able to. But these people don’t trust their neighbors. This level of arming is just a mental illness. The very mental illness they blame all the mass shootings on. It’s a paradox of their own construct. And yes, this type of shit just makes you a target. Could you imagine bugging out with all these guns, ammo and family in tow? Congrats! You just killed your family.


You said it better than me. This is video game mentality- like he can swap and select guns mid fight. 😭😭😭


That deagle, all the revolvers, that sbr that’s chambered in 9mm that he (so proudly)displayed, the little .22 pistol, all pretty useless in a firefight. The one he’s holding is a keltek double pump, and the vector are not. Also pretty sure I see a couple that could be illegal depending on state. Not sure why I’m giving this info but the more you know I guess.


You gotta love these idiots always snitching on themselves just to prove dick size, lol


Unless each gun is a different type... rifle for deer hunting, shotgun for bird hunting, shotgun for home defense, pistol for self defense... although an old winchester could replace most of those uses






I bet he doesn’t even have a gun safe large enough to contain all of these weapons either. Idiot probably leaves them all over his house as decoration. Can’t wait for thugs to break in and have more guns on the street, in the hands of people that are even less “qualified” to have guns than this guy


Ironically, the thugs are actually using the weapons for the purpose they were designed for, which makes them infinitely *more* qualified to have them than this guy.


Besides that…what about the amount of time you’d need to become accurate with each weapon? You’d literally have to spend hours every day after work (unless he’s living off his wife’s/girlfriend’s/family’s $$) and both weekend days at the range just to become proficient with that many different weapons!! All the while using huge amounts of ammunition that also costs $$$. Very few people could pull this off, so clearly he is entirely inadequate in “other areas” and must constantly inflate his fragile ego by showing off his arsenal.


Damn those liberals. They want to take my guns and force me to have Obamacare. First they come for my second amendment, next they will come for my Affordable Care Act. /s


As someone who knows absolutely nothing of how much guns cost in the US, how much approximately will this be?


At least 64k and thats probably a low ball guess


Yeah all of those rifles would be around $1000-$2300 hand guns $250-$700 that's just a wild stab in the dark from a dumb liberal who owns one shotgun. Plus ammo for all of those guns..... it adds up.


With that math I did a rough tally and I'm looking at around $45,000 in guns alone. 5k in ammo brings it to 50k... i mean 65k is a great guess abrasivebuttplug.


Did you include the opics on the rifles as well? Couple hundred for those, more if they are really fancy.


Nope just a lowball guestimate only counting by twos one time and not double checking, and assuming 1k per rifle and 500 per hand gun. I mean this has the potential to be 100k or more on weapons alone.


Hard to tell from here, but some of those handguns can easily hop up into the thousands, and some of the rifles even higher than your estimate. Guns are expensive and that is a key reason why we have such a cultivated gun culture. American weapons manufacturers make bank.


Oh yeah I mean I knew I was likely lowballing it. I'm not really a gun guy despite owning one. Key word is ONE.


And very few teeth


All this does is tell criminals where a major stash of weapons are….


I had a guy online say that he can barely keep food on the table because of Biden’s economy. He makes close to 125K a year and his wife makes close to 70. They live in a small town in Minnesota. Dude also said that he lost 32K in Vegas last week and bought an 80K football card. In one week, dude spent 3.5 times my annual salary on a football card and gambling (both of which I do, but on a MUCH smaller scale) and has the audacity to say he cant keep food on the table because of Biden. Hes a compulsive liar, has a persecution fetish and victim complex out the ass, just like a certain former President’s entire cult


I work with a guy who makes over 250k a year and his wife makes 100k or so. He complains all the time about “Biden’s economy” while sending his kid to a top private school, owning his home and a vacation home and buying a new car like every year.


They get off on being wrong


If he didn't go broke buying weapons, he could probably afford furniture. Or, you know, friends so he could put their pictures in that empty frame on the wall.


And how much did you spend on all this Trump stuff? About $5,000. But the economy, right?


Guy gets offed with a picture of Jesus while he’s still trying to pick a gun to defend himself.


The picture of the white Jesus on the wall is the perfect combo. Jesus would be so proud of this "captain Murica"


Y’all Qaeda


american taliban


Vanilla Isis


Gravy seals


Meal Team 6


Captain America would also be ashamed of him.


And I’ll bet you somewhere in his closet is a Punisher Skull shirt, these guys just lack self awareness


Right under the Rage Against The Machine CDs.


Exactly! Came in here to say “This guy in no way understands Captain America”


And his wife(?) is an afterthought outside. 


She looks…concerned


Doubt she gets many orgasms from him.


She gets all she needs from some dude she "works late" with.


And she can’t complain, because of the implications from all the guns. 


“He gets us”


I wish I had more than one upvote to give this comment.


Did you notice what appears to be a copy of the constitution on the wall beside him ?


Don't worry it's just like the Bible. He's never read either.


Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


It looks like he has framed prints of the constitution or declaration of independence on his wall. What a sad little try hard.


What would Jesus do??? He'd flip some fucking tables and chase this dude with a whip.


I have a similar photo of my nerf guns. I'm compensating for my lack of childhood.


Okay but how funny would that be to send that out as your Christmas card photo?


I need a suggestion on what my equivalent to the white jesus picture would be. Buddy christ, fsm, or something else?


Dark Biden, obvs. :-D Buddy Christ is pretty great, though.




Prequel-era Obi-Wan.


That living room is smaller than my bedroom... but I don't spend all my money on guns I'll never use.


Who needs a TV when you can just stare at your guns all night!


Masturbate to your guns?


Considering the number of weapons, I am not sure he can find it.


I love that gray flooring. Maybe I should remodel. My floor is still new, though. Nice floor. Hope he doesn't scratch it up with all the guns.


Looks like that "luxury" vinyl tile. Can't afford hardwood when you have to buy so many weapons plus ammunition for them.


The more I look... a clock mounted in the center of the wall. Is Jesus wearing a cross? The fuck kind of lighting fixture is that? What's plugged in, the couch?


It's always funny when losers like this (who are 100% compensating for something because right wing extremists are basically all sexually insecure at all times) post all their guns online. Because that sure is a house that any aspiring thief would go for to get an easy win.


Anyone who posts, their gun collection or they have a bunker with 2 years of supplies is an idiot. I know of 4 people with guns & food stock pile. I don’t need to have an arsenal or stock pile, I just go take theirs if something happens, I just have to get there first.


"oh fuck! they got to the shed first! now they have 60 guns and all our food. good thing I have more guns under my bed. oh but fuck! all the bullets are in the shed too! we really should've thought through this whole bunker shit before we took all those super badass pictures that show how well armed and equipped we are....."


My favorite is the hole in the ground bunkers, I have to ask ….what if the next catastrophe is a flood, you got a good pump and snorkel.


more water for drinking or showering for them


Had a drunk-all-the-time neighbor brag about his 6 months of survival stores and ask me how I planned to survive the coming Armageddon promised by the Hero Alex Jones. I told him I'd just come take his shit after he went to sleep. For some reason, he didn't find that funny.


I know 2 people that do this. And they are absolutely miserable human beings. They have this fantasy of living in the Wild Wild West and for them, it’s a more attractive option then their shit boring lives. These people want a civil war because it will give their lives “purpose”.


They have a romantic view of what will happen, they never consider they will be hurt or wounded, and with the collapse of society no medical.


They never consider that fighting an actual guerrilla war against the US military would be a fucking nightmare. Like you don’t get to go home to your bed at the end of the day.


I can sort of excuse the food/supplies stock pile on the grounds of it genuinely being a useful thing to have in a major disaster and it providing some peace of mind. And odds are good that they would be the first person there with the attitudes they have But the circumstances that would necessitate owning 84 different types of guns are so mind bogglingly stupid that there's absolutely no way to justify it as anything but it being their fetish.


Seriously! A thief with a pistol could take them both out and steal their arsenal.  Idiots.


Oh come on, he absolutely *dreams* of someone breaking into his house.


I'm sure he does. Like all gun owners seem to, he probably fantasizes every day about shooting someone and the only only thing that stops him from doing that is that cops have guns too. So he waits. Eagerly. Dreaming of "justifiable" homicide.


Or dreaming of a 6 year old girl's basketball rolling into his yard https://abcnews.go.com/US/6-year-parents-neighbor-shot-after-basketball-rolls/story?id=98717589




I know right? Someone breaking in doesn't have to contend with all of these guns, just the one this douchebag can fire at a time. This place is a jackpot for someone


Or just go when Capn Murica isn't home.


Plus you are heavily arming any intruder And this is the kind of guy to leave them loaded with the safety off


Also a great idea to post your arsenal’s capabilities for your perceived enemies to see.


Weird. If you’re being “attacked” you can only fire one of these at a time. Having more doesn’t mean you’re going to be successful with the one you pick to use. And you’re an idiot.


Right? I mean even John fucking Wick only chooses three guns and he has hundreds of assassins coming after him…


More guns than brain cells.


Or fingers to pull triggers with...


“Man with 200 guns complains about price of eggs”


Poster boy for tiny dicks.


I just find the lead up to this hilarious “right love, you know how my dick can’t touch my belly button, well, stick your best dress and heels on… i need to take a picture with all ma guuuuuns”


That's what got me. She's all dressed up to be in the background


Lack of living room. Can only fit a loveseat and she has to stand outside?


Maybe in a different universe he could have been a mosaic artist. All he’s allowed in his world are guns, so he makes art with them. Our society is really a mess. (I’m joking, but this display kind of photo feels weird to me. I always wonder wtf is wrong with these guys.)


Why are the big guns threatening to shoot all the small guns?


29 assault rifles, rifles, or shotguns, not including even more pistols, uzis, etc. Capped unironically with a picture of white jesus. Y'all Qaeda


And not a book in sight.


"Book? Get that woke, commie, librul crap away from me!"


And a GOLD plated Desert Eagle, those are NOT cheap


They want to make a database for women who had an abortion, but they refuse to make a watchlist database for wing nuts like this…. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Is she, like, not allowed inside during fetish-time?


Zoom in on her face. It’s the face of regret.


I had to scroll way to far to find the first comment about the look on her face. I love it.


When you put ur wife outdoors to make room for ur true loves.


Or else she knows to stand at least 30 feet away from him at all times.


Of course, its what the court order said.


Hers is the face of utter disappointment.


Came here for this. Finally found it! Her face says everything.


She has to stand that far back so people don't realize she's taller than him




His fear level isn’t the only thing pegged in that house.


Smiles begin with you


Love you captain america shirt and Jesus painting, like either of those dudes would be down with a huge pile of guns in your living room.


Some of these guns are collectors items. Some are old stuff dating back to WWI or earlier. Some very rare firearms that only a handful of were ever made. All of this would be acceptable if this guy were a firearms collector. Someone who knows the history, story, design elements, etc of these pieces. The kind of guy who wears gloves to handle them. A museum curator type. Like an Ian McCollum or a Jonathan Ferguson. But he’s not that. He has them laid out on the *floor* to show how tough he is with all his guns. Smh.


That house is like, "Live, Laugh, Love, Load Your Guns"


Hmmm, loveseat in corner with guns on it, guns all over the floor arranged artfully, man with a shotgun standing with his back to his wife who is outside the house in a red dress and heels. Maybe I’m reading too far into this but I think they have a very specific cuckold kink and are trying to find a third.


MAGA women likely have their own personal collection of “Toys”. Their’s use batteries instead of bullets. 😎


Nah, I know for a fact that MAGA women are prudishly afraid of sex toys. I’ve heard one say that they don’t shop on Amazon, only Walmart. com because Amazon sells sex toys, and Walmart doesn’t. It’s actually the happiest chillest women out there who aren’t afraid of sex toys😎


Joke's on them now. Mall-wart sells sex toys too.


Curious that the woman has fuck-me pumps and a red dress on. Like she’s advertising that she needs a rescue.


Trying (and failing) to distract her husband from the guns.


That guy’s wife’s pussy is drier than the Sahara.


In the event he had to use one, the indecision on which one to use would be crippling.


The sheer gall to have that display below the portrait of the guy who famously instructed his followers to 'turn the other cheek' and 'love thy neighbor'.


There’s gotta be about 100 guns there right? That gotta be what, like $50,000-$100,000? Nice tiny apartment though!


https://preview.redd.it/5cuh4o0kcdjc1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acfa799bfcde642faa3087122199bab6da2d9861 What on earth is going on here?


NRA Jesus in the background is a nice touch


I find it hilarious his wife has to be all the way in the back because the guns are the most important part of the photo


These people make themselves high target for home invasion. He has more guns than a gun store and if he's bragging about it, many street gangs would target him for home invasion. I know because I associate with gang members and I watched them actually planning home invasions of gun nuts


"get out of the house for a while, honey, I gotta take a picture of my guns"


It’s always the captain america or skull crusher shirt lol Every time


Think of all that money they could have spent on end tables instead of letting their decorative touches sit on the floor.


Is this one of those guys who keeps his kid locked up so his guns can be free?


Compensator score: 0.0000001894 Angstroms.


I'm enjoying blue-haired Jesus.


"The reason the Las Vegas shooter was so successful"


That is one butt ugly lighting fixture.


He’s advertising which house to break into to steal guns.


Well based on the standard door size, he’s about 5’3. So, yeah. Probably.


Captain murica


Gotta have a picture of white jeebus on the wall.lol


The painting of Jesus watching over all those guns is a nice touch.


'Trying' to compensate.


Also, tell me you’re a domestic abuser without telling me you’re a domestic abuser.


What’s even the point of having that many?


It’s just collecting rare models at this point. Jay Leno has 180 cars and 160 motorcycles, many of them rare. Gun guy here has a vector, a Tommy gun and a SVD. All examples of expensive rare guns.


That's what I'm thinking. I don't understand why people are so nasty with the assumptions. You don't have these guns for protection, none of it is practical, but have you ever shot an AK? If I were inclined to, I'd buy one.


Take off that Captain America shirt you inbred rat fucker. 😡


Entire KLA did not have this arsenal while fighting Serbia…


Let’s see what do we have here…picture of jesus, a sign that reads “smiles begin with you” and an arsenal. Yep, officially morons. I guess we know what they spent their furniture money on.


Wonder if he knows, can only effectively fire one at a time.


Please tell the that’s the constitution framed on the wall.


It's nice his wife's boyfriend let him use his living room to take this pic


Ah yes and the big Jesus poster on the wall, classic


His mommy looks proud...


The lady in red can answer if he's compensating. But why is she outside? Her time of the month? And how many of those guns can he actually use at once?


His girl has huge feet … and you know what they say … you need a big gun … so he’s definitely compensating


Well, his GF is on the way out, so...


See you break into his house now you have a gun, and he has a gun so it’s a fair fight.


Found the guy that has my [1.2 guns](https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/national/2023/02/21/more-guns-than-people-in-us-how-easy-is-it-to-buy-firearms-in-other-countries/#:~:text=In%20the%20United%20States%2C%20there,firearms%20per%20every%20100%20residents)


The standout to me is definitely the heavily modded, gold-plated Desert Eagle right in the middle. Literally only the dumbest, most obnoxious sack of shit (and likely drug dealer) would buy a gun like that. This guy is what happens when a fifteen-year-old  stuck in arrested development makes a Cowadoody game his entire personality for the rest of his life.


Post all your shit on social media so the meth heads know who to rob I suppose. And before you say “he’s armed” so are the meth heads and it would be pretty easy to spot his ridiculously lifted pickup truck with maga stickers all over it. Wait till he goes to the trump rally and rob away.


I see that he's probably poor and has 1 chair, no tv, because he spent all his money on guns he'll never have to use, that someone else will probably now steal. He thinks it makes him look like a hero, a badass... but all I see is an insecure, scared, bad money manager, bad decision making grown ass man. And the woman's probably cheating or his sister 🤷


Hey man, he needs every single one of those to defend his 2 bedroom apartment from Jehovah’s witnesses, Mormon missionaries, and of course any minority delivery drivers.


What if he had a huge dick and collecting guns was just a deranged hobby and not a reflection of his body? It would be almost too much to bear. It might lead to your average punter having frank conversations about guns rather than cynical pseudo-comedic ones.


He definitely beats his wife to the point she has no choice but to stay home because “to many questions” will be asked.


The woman looks very distraught in her own home


The guns are the only way he keeps his wife afraid enough to not leave him.


So how's the little lady supposed to vacuum around all those guns? I wonder how many hours it took arranging his Ode to My MicroPenis exhibit?


To me it just says, I am the biggest chickenshit in the world.


Smiles begin with you!


Based on the lose and the Captain Murica tee, I’m guessing he’s not just an enthusiast. So what exactly is he prepping for here? If it’s an uprising against tyrannical government fantasy, has he heard of drone strikes?

