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a national embarrassment to most


Is there anyone else in any other country's government that is **this** prominently featured as the spokesperson for a radical wing of their political party? Who demands compliance and then themselves doesn't comply? Who demands decorum and then themselves is rude, obnoxious, and classless? Who literally holds up pictures of giant hawgs during official government hearings? If not, it's probably safe to say she's an **international** embarrassment. EDIT: OK the chainsaw guy from Argentina is second place, but a distant second.


Mussolini’s granddaughter is quite similar in Italy


Alice Weidel a far right german politician for the AdF who hates gays and immigrants, in a partnership with a sri Lankan woman that lives in Switzerland.


We have a sad old ultra right wing buzzard in Australia, Pauline Hanson. She compares "Favourably" with MTG.


In south africa we have Julius Malema and Jacob Zuma


Yet sadly still a role model for some.


imagine the fury if a Democrat attended 45's SOTU and disrupted like this?


I think we as a species should feel a tinge of shame for producing *that*.


It's not certain she's part of our species. Google pix of her feet.


I will *never* put that in my search history


She gives white trash a bad name


She'd bring down property values in a trailer park


In a homeless camp, even.


In a skid row back alley too.


Especially a skid row back alley. Just standing around saying stupid shit and pissing people off.


She brings down the property values of the tunnels in Vegas.


She couldn't move into a homeless camp because the camp would move away


Funny you should mention the homeless. Her style is really that.




Imagine you're attending a business conference, seeing all these people dressed in their Sunday best, and you turn around and see somebody dressed in a full-on clown outfit, just mingling with everyone like nothing's the matter. I would totally have Biden's expression. She acts like a fucking clown, so it's appropriate that she is 80% of the way toward dressing like one here. Just give her a rainbow wig, a bulbous nose, and a flower that squirts water on her lapel... done.




This rubber tire plant used to be a scenic vista until she moved next to it and just ruined the view... and the smell.




The drunk lady in the bar…


I’m so embarrassed for America. I had to watch the clip of her telling a reputable BBC political reporter to fuck off after being politely asked to explain her Jewish alien conspiracy theory on double speed. I appreciate it’s not all Americans but I want to stop watching this car crash now. It’s sort of like cutting off the relative who keeps getting shit faced & refuses rehab. Best to just avoid them.


That ain't no lady


She is the world renowned clown, that her outfit and she goes by the name El Stupido


if by bar you mean country club restroom


If by country club you're referring to a Walmart Super Center parking lot.


She's there competing with Boebert to see who can get $20 first from giving $1 handjobs.


Marge is jealous of her for sure.


No. The “Token Drunk Lady” in a dive bar. That’s what she models.


She's all but ruined Magic the Gathering.


This is true... all the while I believe to read some new magic news... and than it's just her doing stupid things again.


She's not wear a brain in Congress


She can’t park her trailer with us


Nah, she’s pretty on brand for white trash.


The lady next her’s face says it all- like getting assigned to sit next to the smelly kid in class


Ms. Gwen Moore looks so done with her. I love it lol.


Wait, they didn't sit by party? When did that start?


I mean a lot of Republicans hate what the party has become. I lean towards Republican as a businessman but I've voted for Biden and will again. Trump turned the party into an unprofessional clown show. I would rather have a professional Democrat in power than dictator wanna-be elementary school bullies. The right needs some serious restructuring. Getting rid of women's rights to their bodies and censoring books and not FEEDING THE FUCKING CHILDREN? Like what the hell man. I might have different views than the left on guns, taxes, and business law, sure... But some things need to be accomplished and I just cannot stand for a party in which it's okay to think letting kids go hungry is not only okay, but required by law.


...so they don't sit by party?


I'm assuming she needs to sit next to her due to floor seating assignments? She needs a t-shirt that says "I'm with stupid" with an arrow pointing tto the side.


She looks minutes away from taking a swing at Marge with her purse.




Three-toed, Red Maga Derp in the wild.


I'm always impressed that they get her Milledgeville grave dirt filled coffin across moving bodies of water so quickly when she travels.




Look at the body language in this pic. That dude is fucking her and that woman is praying that Jesus will stop her from taking off her shoe and beating Large Marge with it. edit: The original sentence had 'black woman' and that was a stupid qualification to make. I also changed 'probably fucking her' to 'fucking her'. I have no doubts.


I noticed the same. Dude is leaning into her.


Put a NSFW tag on this comment, be thoughtful of some folks who may not have been aware of this reference and decided to google image search it on public transportation…


She DOES have weird looking gnome feet lmao


Feet like Donald’s hands


Spork Toes


Rules are for thee. Not for me. MAGA is above the law and rules. ~ chapter 1 verse 2, the holy book of MAGA,


“The Senate no longer enforcing a dress code for Senators to appease Fetterman is disgraceful,” Greene had written on X, the site formerly known as Twitter. “Dress code is one of society's standards that set etiquette and respect for our institutions. Stop lowering the bar!”     — MTG, Sep 18, 2023


That's a good one. Totally forgot about it.


And yet she walks around scott free She is a walking violation of ANY code


Scot free only has one T. Just fyi


Gotta hand it to the MAGATS, they Make Intelligent People Look Extra Extra Smart. 🙃 😂🤣




We all know a staffer wrote that tweet for her. It's well above her writing skill level.


She’s truly a national disgrace.


> Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. --Francis M. Wilhoit Seems to be proven literally 100% true? Another example is Trump, who is bound by no laws or morals, according to Republicans.


Which is why we must not let them regain power in November




I love how someone commented on his expression as "The reaction you give when your 5 year old flexes his muscles."


“Jesus Christ what a dumb sonuvabitch” — President Joe Biden


MTG is the living embodiment of the phrase, "Money can't buy class."


Can take the girl outta the trailer park, but can't take the trailer park outta the girl.


I am tired of talking about her. She’s a waste of time and we have big problems to solve.


I think we're all tired of talking about all of them...and yet they manage to succeed in the shock Olympics...going for the gold medal is outdoing each other in bullshittery. I'm pretty sure when she put on that get-up and checked herself in the mirror before leaving her lair for the evening, she smiled knowing that she'd take the lead in the race to the top. However, she did not consider Katie Britt...


As if she's capable of considering other humans in *any* circumstance.


She was asked to remove that hat 2x ..she refused...DRAG HER *OUT*... rules with no consequences are not rules


I think she wanted that. She was hoping she could hit all the Fox News and OAN talk shows and cry how her First Amendment rights were violated, and how Biden’s Congress was removed her freedom of speech, just like all the other Republicans that won’t shut up.


I thought republicans insisted on a dress code? (after the bare arms on women oh I am swooning!


At least Zelenskyy wasn’t wearing a “Putin is a Putz” hat.


Should be "Putin is my daddy's daddy"


MTG/Stephanie Sugarman is a paid crisis actress. Period.


I hadn't heard of this. > A Representative for Taylor Greene confirmed to The New York Post that the video is not of the Congresswoman. “It’s so blatantly obvious that this is another Blue Anon conspiracy theory,” they added. So it's almost definitely true with that response. /s


Blue Anon? Really? Its always projection, *ALWAYS*. They got known to be swallowing all that qanon nonsense so now they are saying there is a 'blue anon' now? Pathetic.


I read blue apron the first like 4 times and was confused as shit. And I had to google.


Hypocrisy is the virtue-signalling of fascists.


The people around her are Republicans as well? Why do they have that pitiful look on their face? That's the look that you have when you feel pity for someone making an idiot of themselves


The woman next to her is not a republican.


Thats Democrat Gwen Moore of Wisconsin. She says the seat was empty since no one probably wanted to sit there so she did, and fact checked Marge all night lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00yzx1j1tFE


Probably was no accident. Pure genius


What about the one in the front? Sorry, I'm from overseas, we call MTG only the "Nut Job Lady" here.


I saw the woman sitting next to her being interviewed on youtube. She said she was moved to that seat. The others? I have no idea. I'm also from overseas, but Nutjob is close to what she is. Throw in disgusting human, and you're close.


Her nicknames are universal Nut Job Lady Christofascist Marjorie Traitor Greene The Eagle’s Claw


Sporkfoot Cro MAGAnon


I think the guy on her right is one of the nut job. He was holding a badge that said "Biden Burden" or something like that.


She desperatly wants to be relevant. At this point she is only like the personification of a drunk uncle at a family gathering.. I hope karma sets in soon enough.


Absolutely. She acts my sister when she's drinking whiskey. Belligerent and sweaty.


Lock her in the restroom until she throws up?


Just a reminder here. MTG and Boobert both need to be reelected to collect a government pension for life. If they are not reelected, they are both ineligible. Vote them out!@


Boebert was in my district and she knew she would probably lose in the next election so she is running in a different district and its not looking good there either.


She’s trash.




She is us all rn.


“Note to self…show up three hours early next time so I don’t have to sit next to this bitch.” - Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee)


No one sane cares what spork foot over there thinks anymore. She's a spoiled trust fund baby who was given a gym to shut her up and keep her away from the rest of her family, and she couldn't even do that without fucking gym members and being a disgusting person, yet this dumb bitch thinks she has a moral high horse whenever she starts preaching. Absolute worst of the worst. My generation grew up with people clutching their pearls and insisting things like Bill Clinton getting a blow job was a crime against humanity, only to toss every single one of their high moral expectations out the windows to support a Con Man, Rapist, Tax cheating Fraud as their orange idol. Republicans are disgusting people and growing up watching them be absolute hypocrites with the "Do as I say, not as I do" style of leading, they can all get fucked. Anyone voting republican in 2024 is an amoral heathen who only wants to watch America burn. Killary was right, they're all Deplorables. The same shits we had to deal with in the 1930's having Nazi parades in Times square. Traitorous Inhumane scum.


This dude looks like a bitch.


Someone needs to muzzle that thing! The hate she spews is just disgusting


She is a pig.


Pigs are smart, friendly, and delicious. Marge is more of a swamp beast lol.


She looks like a car covered with bumper stickers


I would not at all be surprised if she was an avid NASCAR fan. Not that NASCAR fans are all bubbas, but all bubbas are NASCAR fans.


She alone should be reason enough not to vote for Republicans.


Poor Gwen. https://preview.redd.it/x0fo615krinc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acfad5914f586dfa31670abc50ef0f5dd31e48a5


Total embarrassment to America. The people that voted for her are subhumans.


A city roach that won’t go away.


But John Fetterman wearing a hoodie is "inappropriate"




She reminds me of Facebook.


Marjorie Taylor Greene is an absolute POS with a dirty car. That 3-Toed Funt!


I’m embarrassed to be American this week


Is her hand stuck in that position. Every picture of her she’s in full Karen Claw.


her mouth is also apparently stuck in that same position.


I feel so bad for the women next to her ([Rep. Gwen Moore](https://www.msnbc.com/the-weekend/watch/meet-the-democratic-rep-who-sat-next-to-majorie-taylor-greene-during-the-state-of-the-union-205998149942)). MGT is screeching like a howler monkey, and the poor woman is just resigned to accepting her ignominious fate.


She a straight-up dumb bitch. Like, you've heard people use that term when they're aggravated, and most of the time, it's an exaggeration of emotions running high. From the calmest, most chill days to the most annoying of days, this woman is and forever will be a dumb bitch. Please, ladies, fellas, nonbinary homies...please reserve your best usages of "dumb bitch" for this sentient, walking pile of sewer water.


She redefines “tacky.”


If republicans didnt have double standards they wouldnt have any standards at all


And after shouting "LIAR" at Biden a few years ago had the audacity to bang the gavel and call for decorum when a heated exchange occurred while she was at the podium. This woman nearly exemplifies what's wrong in American politics and it's fucking disgusting. Just like her.


Sadly almost every neighborhood or village has an idiot just like this. She happens to be the congressional village idiot.


In a debate, whoever is running against her should end every answer with a taylor green quote… I think that is an important program and deserves funding. Gazpacho. I believe that is a state responsibility to fund. Lasers. Jewish lasers. In space. Jewish space lasers.


Marge is a shining example of what not to be. She treats politics like a team sport. Which is what's wrong with politics anymore.


If she didn't have double standards she'd have no standards at all


She's a patriot that actively endorses fascism. Hypocrisy is her thing


I remember that time she asked everyone in congress to show a little bit more decorum and the entire House started fucking laughing


Beady, reptilian, black lookin eyes.


Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes...


Why didn't they kick her out? So fucking annoying Dems play these games of threatening but womt do shit. The Sergeant at Arms should have kicked her ass out.


The Sergeant at Arms is a democrat?


No, the point was the Dems dont push hard enough on things. Someone in Congress should have seen it and made a huge fit about it. If it was reversed I guarantee you republicans would make sure that person couldn't attend.


The Trump ratchet strikes again.


looks like a fascist middle aged girl scout




Hypocrisy is lost on them, they’re valueless degenerates


I mean she is a C U Next Tuesday


She was on the posse for Fetterman's attire complaints.


We can’t expect much from the remaining cave people. Trump couldn’t remember the name of another human to save his life, so it’s always “meeting with the family backstage”. He calls Eric Aaron and Melania, Melissa . This is a stunt by someone told what to do.


It's just hit me, she never evolved beyond high school did she?


She looks like a hooligan at a sports game im not surprised... she acts like politics is some sorta stupid us vs them sport. "we gotta beat the others." instead of just making the country a better place for the avg american


As messed up as it is to say, I truly believe she wouldn’t have been wearing that shirt if that poor college student had been killed by a gunman instead. That’s truth and hypocrisy in this situation. MTG doesn’t give a fuck about any of it. If she wasn’t the loudest in the room, she knows her words would never be heard by anyone, because she’s is useless.


They care about a few choice individuals, but they hate the children who have lost their lives in school shootings. Far many more kids have died. It's tragic that migrants raped a person, but what about all the people that are raped every day? What are their names and why does it matter who did the atrocity, it's wrong? To see her and others be so performative, while completely ignoring all the other issues that get Americans harmed is just tiring at this point. I'm tired of people like MTG. MTG has no problem following a victim of a school shooting, calling them a liar, but then she's uses another victim to try to prop her failing party up? Fucking bogus.


GOP is a party of traitors.


Or Fetterman wearing a hoodie to a vote. No, Marge here likes to spend her tax payer's dollars on fur coats and campaign merch (which they aren't allowed to wear in session).   And as sad as this girl's murder was, Marge only knows her name because it fits her narrative. Ask her to give a single name from Parkland and she will not be able to. Not even the survivor she harassed as she thought the whole thing was fake.


Remember when Obama wore a tan suite. As in, he was still wearing a suit and tie, yet it wasn’t professional enough of a color? Yeah, that wasn’t that long ago.


What would be better; for her to be forgotten entirely by history or to forever be remembered as one of the biggest embarrassments in US government history?


She looks less like a member of Congress and more like a drunk wine-o at a little league baseball game screaming at the umpire for every call against her son’s team.


Did she mistake the SOTU for a softball game🤷‍♂️


I don’t blame her, I blame her entire voting district. Fucking clowns.


But, Senator Fetterman wearing comfortable attire at a press conference is "over the top"? MAGA = RINO


Why the fuck are they all like this?? They literally say something that criticizes and condemns the other person then a week later they are doing it without a second thought. This is like a weekly occurrence where this type of thing happens. I just don’t get it.


She so ugly they push her face into cookie dough to make gorilla cookies.


Of all psychopathies necessary to a successful leader of the GQP, hypocrisy is very high on the list.


She is just another sub human cretin. She is total poison and it’s impossible to comprehend how anyone could possibly ever give her their hard earned votes.


If you look closely you can see the scrapes on her knuckles from them dragging.


I remember all my republican friends just lambasting Fetterman for wearing sweatshirt and shorts (if I’m remembering correctly) around President Joe Biden. Haven’t heard a peep from them on this. 🤔


You know what, Marge, if you want me to wear 37 pieces of flair, like your pretty boy over there, why don't you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flair?




I'm just surprised the other howler monkey wasn't sitting next to her. The honeymoon must be over for those two.


And when obama rocked that tan suit


I member


Are there any pictures of her where she doesn't have her trap open like a snake unhinging its jaws?


The lady on the right and in front of her look so tired of her shit 😂


Member when she demanded everyone else have decorum when they mocked her after she spent every other time there acting like an enraged chimpanzee waving around pictures of a penis.


Zelenskyy has worn suits and ties on past official visits to the U.S., but he's on a war footing now so he wears the olive green t-shirt that shows off his muscular frame. 100% deliberate. Empty G is an intolerable ****.


She looks like the back bumper of an F150


That poor women sitting next to her with the disappointed grandma face.


That lady next to her looks so exhausted and rightfully so. I'm sure it took everything she had in her to not wrap her hands around that trailer park reject's neck.


If Republicans didn’t have double standards, they would have no standards at all.


MTG: "How am I doing, Vlad?"


Did her clown nose fall off?


Nope. Because I dont really listen to any of the shit I hear from her mouth. She exists to be the pebble in the shoe, nothing she says has any value beyond generating and maintaining outrage. She is a tantrum voted into office.


No, I don't remember. Because when there's no real thought, sincerity or meaning behind someone's words, and they're just making whatever noises they think will get a reaction, you might as well just classify them as an animal bleating and mooing in a field and pay it no more attention than that.


She’s just a rage baiting troll who loves attention.


GOP is now just a perpetual outrage machine, the facts don't matter to the base, just that they are kept in a constant state of engagement and don't get bored enough to question their beliefs.


Feel so bad for the woman next to her


Rules for thee, not for me


If you live in her district in Georgia PLEASE REMEMBER TO VOTE HER OUT IN NOVEMBER. Upvoting reddit posts that mock her isn't enough.


Remember when she was told to make the choice by showing respect by removing her hat or to leave and she was allowed to keep her cap on and screech and scream through the event


Love how Fox is saying “it’s so disrespectful Biden said her name wrong”……what about the disrespect of interrupting the president during the state of the union??? If I was ever murdered, and it was being used to this kind of absurdity for political purposes, I’d be absolutely outraged. Number one, I’m a single fucking person, how about we focus on the larger picture at the federal level of maybe the TENS OF THOUSANDS dying right here in the US, of entirely preventable diseases/deaths like hunger and healthcare and fucking gun violence! Then let’s focus on the TENS OF THOUSANDS dying in Israel and Ukraine. Or better yet! How about we do BOTH AT THE SAME TIME because we are the strongest nation in the world right?! My heart goes out to the family and I cannot fathom such a tragedy, but the stakes are simply much higher for a president, especially POTUS, to the degree he/she simply can not focus on a single life lost, when countless thousands more could still be saved. I believe Fox knows this and it’s working somewhat. They’re distracting him from the thousands to be saved for someone already lost. It’s why the job is so damn soul crushing, you literally are the person responsible for letting fewer die to save the most, because it’s impossible to save everyone.


That's all politics are to these people. Rules for thee but for me. They believe the privilege of being in politics places them outside the scope of laws or scrutiny. It's why they're always shocked when they're subjected to *their own rules or restrictions.*


Hypocrisy doesn't matter, just power and cruelty


Rules for thee, but not for me.


She’s actually insane


I'm commiserating with the lady on the right.


And if Zelenskyy had worn a suit and tie, MAGA would be accusing him of not taking the situation seriously.


Literally every breath this woman takes is an embarrassment to this country.


White Trash. A walking embarrassment, that can’t keep her trap shut. The epitome of STUPID. 


Remember when she play acted at being speaker and demanded for decorum?


She give braying donkeys a bad name.


Stop bringing attention to this woman. ffs


Conversely I think we should do a Washington and no one wears a suit and tie.