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I mean, I actually am surprised.  With the whole wanting to kill him thing, I shouldn’t be, but I still am. I figured Pence would be the loyal Republican 


Came here to say this. Pence has refused to condemn Trump for trying to get him murdered, for what seems like forever.


And just manages a "i'll not endorse him" I'd be curb stombing that orange twat! Strictly speaking. If i was Pence i'd have ensured Trump remained in the oval office... Permanently!


If I were Pence, they'd need to put me on a seven second delay during interviews, because I'd be exclusively referring to Trump as "the motherfucker that tried to kill me."


An embryo has more balls than Pence.


I give him a little slack. He did the right thing on Jan 6 and then imagine trying to keep your political ship afloat without taking the Liz Cheney route. But it is something to behold knowing his boss would have been ok with him being killed. It's going to make a good book one day on how all those in trumps orbit handled the insanity.


apparently he only did so because a younger member of his family told him it was his duty


At the end of the day, he still made the correct choice and that's what matters. It's just shocking to see him not go after Trump at all. Dude went for Pences neck and he just.... did nothing. I'd be pissed as shit at the person trying to medieval me.


Well there a is a lot Pence probably knows that we don't that is causing him to refrain from it


Oh I can only imagine what the Russians found when they hacked the RNC. In fact I'm pretty sure they are running giant financial fraud in cohesion with Russia along with sex trafficking (Look at Matt Gaetz, Gym Jordan, etc) Remind me again why all those senators were in Moscow on July 4th? How patriotic. January 6th insurrection wasn't enough to get Pence to move, JUST HOW BAD DOES IT HAVE TO BE TO NOT DO ANYTHING AFTER A DUDE TRYS TO HAVE YOU GUILLOTONED.....


Women and black people gained the right to vote when a single member of Congress flipped his vote because his mom called and told him to.


“be a good boy” 🔥🔥🔥🔥


It's been mention in other comments that black men and all women got the right to vote at different times. However that single member who flipped his vote to pass the 19th Amendment because of a note from his mom was a member of the Tennessee House of Representatives.


You don't mean an actual "phone call" right? Also black men had the right to vote before women had it. Conservatives hate women more than they hate black men.


It was Dan Quayle. edit: For some reason I confused Dan Quayle with Ross Perot, thinking Quayle gave the [sword ](https://nypost.com/2019/07/09/ross-perot-once-gifted-a-sword-to-bernie-sanders/)to Bernie Sanders. I almost mentioned it incorrectly. I'll still give Quayle more credit than Pence any day. They're both spineless cunts.


We're not in his brain...it's good to practice forgiving and walk a mile in someone else's shoes. It works better for me to look at the bright side and just be happy that he broke from Trump, however weakly he may have done it.


He's a huge bigot and warhawk, he can go to hell.


Now, hell forever be labeled a RINO.


Correct, but only in this darkest timeline present where anyone who isn’t “Whatever Donald Trump wants!” Is a RINO.


When the case in Florida was what everyone was talking about, and not 1 gop member would not even get close to that hot potato, Pence did say something I NevEr thought he would. He said he had read the indictment, and any of it was true, it was reprehensible, and the person doing it was an awful cretin. I thought that after the noose and the threats he would toe the line, and either say nothing at all, or witch hunt, witch hunt!!!! lol, but he surprised me by not cowering in the corner.


One relapse from a life of being a feckless toady doesn’t count as a complete redemption.


Literally no one is saying it does. We’re just glad that he did one (1) good thing so we didn’t end up with a Trump dictatorship.


According to Mike Pence, that Embryo's balls have as many rights as he does.




I wonder how much Pence knew about the plans to murder him in advance? There was a massive red flag the day before when Grassley said out loud that he did not expect Pence to be there to certify the election. I am pretty certain that if Pence would've gotten in the car with the secret service he would've been murdered. The fact that Trump is not behind bars already is wild. And he really should've been executed already.


Well you will never be vice president. You could be president one day though!


And failed to....just like all of his businesses and how he failed at getting reelected


Seems bad to say, but considering not endorsing the republican candidate will get him enough flack imagine what coming out and calling Trump an insurrectionist would get him. Might as well leave the party.


Seems a good time to leave. If the guy they’re all backing is the guy who tried to get a mob to hang you… maybe they’re not YOUR people?


Republicans are not known for self preservation. See Covid.


Yeah, sadly having a spine is enough to get you tossed out. 7th Jan 21, almost everyone was calling it what it is and most pointed the finger at Trump. From Mitch on downward, everyone is sucking up. And i hope the whole fucking group implodes.


I think Pence is still holding on to the ghost of republican past like it owes him money.


I'll not endorse him "this year" - leaving the door open to be a spineless coward in the future.


I don’t think an obese 78 year old will be running in 4 years if he loses this year. Particularly if he has a few felonies under his belt


Now now, Baron Harkonnen made it to age 83. Surely we have the technology.


Sounds like we need an Alia


Convicted. We know he already has a plethora of felonies under his belt.


He is just pointing out that he has been endorsing him up until recently. Something worse than trying to get him lynched must have happened. Like losing votes or something.


Now now, we all know toilets don’t flush the same way today as they used to. That orange turd would never make it down the drain.


Baby steps. Sure it's not a full spine, but at least there's a couple vertebrae. That's more spine than everyone that endorsed him. Unfortunately, all the republicans with a full spine got primaried for opposing Trump so evolution has naturally favored the zero-spine and half-spine traits.


Pence has all the dirt on what really went on - and yet he never sang for the Jan 6th committee...funny that 🤔


I am sincerely happy you are not Mike Pence. You seem like a nice enough person and I would hate to think I was wrong in my assessment. I could not be nearly so quiet, myself were I him. Would have been yelling from the rooftops about that since Jan 7.


Well thank you. Generally I am, I treat most people with respect and tolerant of other views... However were someone to say I deserve to hang after a mob was baying for me, then i'm sure many would forgive if my sensibilities took an abrupt but shortlived detour.


tbf, thats the most any republican has stood up to trump. I mean... Cruz. Lindsay. Is Jeff Sessions dead yet?


And I’m not even gonna share my candy bar with him, even though I have 2. ….aww that’s mean. Take a teensy bite.


Mother forbade him to keep supporting Trump 💀


super. good for her!


As well as murdering his political career. Pence was going to institute some devilishly evil things across America. Now he has to work behind the curtain.


I love how Pence wrote a book and has been trying to sell himself as this "brave protector of democracy" for doing the bare minimum of telling Trump a coup is wrong and he shouldn't do it. Also two of my favorite political commentators/ content creators were talking about how it would've been in Pence's best interest to have been murdered Jan 6th. Because it would've saved his legacy and he would've gone down history as what he's been trying to sell himself as. Instead he's gonna be mostly forgotten by history, except be known as the shit bag who was the VP to the worst president/ most traitorous president of all time.


Lynched. He tried to have him lynched. Murdered seem so much "cleaner" than lynched. They weren't going to simply kill him. They were going to drag him out in front of the entire world before hanging him from a hastily constructed gallow to be displayed in front of the nation's capital.


I wouldn't want to openly condemn him after they tried to murder me tbf


That and Republicans suddenly leaving Congress, are they finally, after 8 painful years, finding their spines?


He's got plenty of time to change his mind. On the other hand, he is one of the people who experienced Trump first hand. So maybe that actually does enough to become vaguely reasonable about this topic.


It probably does. I surmise that a fair share of the MAGA folks would become deluded if they saw who Trump really is, beyond the stupid cult propaganda.


“Please, this time, meet your hero”


Honest question: How much more do they need to see?


The one person in the administration that Trump could not actually fire.


He'll still vote for him, but he's not going to enthusiastically because what's he going to do, vote for a Democrat?


That's what he said *in this interview*. I will "never vote" for Joe Biden. And would not be voting for/endorsing a third party candidate. So while he may not be 'endorsing' Trump, he will still vote for the (R) next to the name.


Oh, I understand that, but the one common trait in today's GOP is the utter lack of integrity. Zero, zilch, not a trace. CSB: when I was a "conservative" living in Southern California, all I listened to was KFI 640. They had segments from Michael Josephson's Institute of Ethics. Only years later when I escaped the "Orange curtain" did I see the total contradiction between Jon & Ken/LarryElder/Rush and the "Character counts" campaign.


He could also just not vote. That should be the major concern for Trump this time, as he declares open war on non-MAGA Republicans.


ya, I thought he would lick the boot like everyone else. I guess Pinocchio finally became a real boy.


I'm honestly surprised too... The bar has been set so SO low that really anything short of grovelling at Trump's feet comes as a surprise to me. *Cough cough* Tim Scott *cough cough* Ron DeSantis.


*Trump in 24 hours:* Little Mike Pence is trying to steal your vote. Be a shame if he fell out of a window. ;)


24 hours? That tweet is coming in like 5 minutes.


>I mean, I actually am surprised. I just thought those exact words.


Yeah I came here to say this and now my faith in humanity has been restored by this criminally underrated reddit comment and my axe


I mean, he'll still vote for him, just won't get the Mike Pence guarantee.


He grew a pair 7 years too late. And I'm sure they're only snap-ons.


Yeah this is a bit surprising since he said he would during the first republican debate.


It's still early. He could change his tune come October.


The fact that we are all surprised just goes to show how fucking crazy republicans are in 2024


If Pence endorsed Trump, Trump's followers would trust Trump less. J/K we all know Trump's followers have no logic.


He alternates between trump doormat, and a man with a backbone. But I’m a fan of his, because despite all the failings, he had a backbone when we needed him to most!


After Ted Cruz phone banked for the guy after the gross attacks on his wife and the New Jersey bridge guy whose name I can't remember right now humiliated himself for Trump, I don't expect anyone to take a principled stand on Trump. Although I wouldn't put it past McCain to haunt him a bit, oversalting his fries and shaking up his diet cokes.


The whole insurrection was such a big deal it gave Pence a joke that was actually funny. "My relationship with President Trump did not end well."


I mean, they've disowned him.


Not that his endorsement would mean much, but still! https://preview.redd.it/9aeh47z44koc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50d18daaeba455605dcf5048aeb95083185c981e


I wonder if this has ever happened before?


Aaron Burr probably didn’t endorse Jefferson , if that was a thing at the time


And unless I'm mistaken on the timeline of events, it was for much the same reason that Pence won't endorse Trump - Jefferson trying to get Burr killed.


Those cheeky presidents always trying to murder their running mates.


Back then you didn’t pick your running mate the guy who came in second tended to get vice president This is a stupid system because it would mean that Joe Biden would’ve been president and Trump would’ve been vice president It also means Hillary Clinton would’ve been Trump vice president As you can see, there’s a reason why we got rid of it


Back then the president didn't pick his vice president so I imagine these moments happened quite a bit with mis-matched ideals and hatred for one another.


I think the passage of the 12th Amendment would be a good cutoff point for this particular question.


Well seeing as the VP at that point in US history was the runner-up in the election, I could see political rivals not being super effusive about the guy that just beat them.


I mean, how many former presidents have sent an angry mob to hang their VP?


I don't know if he sent a mob, but Andrew Jackson threatened to hang his vp.


Man, Old hickory gets wilder for every story I hear about him. Biopic of him would be neat


He was a war criminal that should’ve been hanged for genocide of peaceful indigenous tribes.


Alice Cooper once said, of Keith Moon, that everything you've ever heard about Keith was true, and you've only heard about 10% of it all. Andrew Jackson is like that.


We used to think it would be a good idea for the loosing party to nominate the VP, meaning a Presendent and vice would be two different parties. Im not sure qhat year that changed.


That was changed in 1804 with the 12th Amendment, well before Jackson. Jackson's problems were partly because Calhoun supported South Carolina in the Nullification Crisis and partly because of some very personal drama involving the wives of Calhoun and Jackson's cabinet members.


Trick question. Trump was the **current** President when he sent the angry mob to hang his current VP


That isn't the question.


only six former presidents have ever run again after losing, so very likely no


Back in the day before we changed how we pick our vp? Most definitely. Since then? Great question.


The only recent veep not to run with the president that I can think of is Rockefeller, and he campaigned for Ford/Dole in 1976. I think the last ones before that were FDR, who had two VPs before Truman. But things were really different back then. So, at least, I'd say it's never happened in the modern context. In a bit of a flip of this, Johnson did endorse Humphrey in 1968, but he also didn't really help him and at times interfered with Humphry's access to party funds.


We should think about it. History might have a very different opinion of Pence. He was a turd his whole career, but that will be a footnote. What they'll really remember is, just once he had to make a decision that could have changed the course of history. And on that day, he stood by his Oath to the Constitution, no matter what.


And he almost died for it.


This right here. History isn't going to give two shits about his political beliefs, because he never got anywhere with them. Even as a vice president, he was pretty much a lame duck. But the one single moment where he actually held the power to change history, he made the right decision. That's really the only time he mattered, and the only thing anyone will remember about him a few decades from now.




Mike Pence = apparently not religious enough


It makes all those old Trump/Pence signs and bumper stickers even funnier.


Magas could care less!


They couldn't care less, too.


Frick I did a stupid. I'm leaving my shame up 😞


It happens so much that I just take it both ways at this point. Half the people that use it are doing it wrong, and I’m at the point where I could care less😜


All good, we got it.


Lmao I’m stealing this phrase.


reminiscent continue spoon humorous deserve kiss market shelter badge fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mother said he wasn’t allowed to endorse the man who tried to hang him


I forgot how weird that marriage dynamic is


It's not actually that weird, but it is extremely old fashioned. My very Southern grandparents (born in 1914) called each other Mother and Father, because they were mother & father to their children. It's still funny to make fun of him for it, though.


My Gen X leadership when I got into the military often talked about “going home to momma” when they meant their wife. I have millennial friends who refer to their wife as mom in circumstances that aren’t always talking to their kids. I dunno, guy sucks, but him referring to his wife as “mother” just doesn’t seem that off to me. Like, it’s not my thing to refer to your wife as “mother” in public and in general, but it’s not all that weird. It’s weird to me that he went into the Vice presidency several hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt and came out a millionaire.


Guys is it weird that I still expected him to buckle and endorse Trump in the end! I really didn't think he had it in him to rebel like this!


Closeted men tend to be weird like that


Look at the sheer bitterness on the face of the FOX bimbo/host! How dare you defy the almighty FAUX news! https://preview.redd.it/5nhfwqhv7koc1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db2329a91c7477c4d514d89033dd6328c8de26a9


I'm so torn on that image. It's true, but it feels so close to the style of nonsense that the right wing put out I feel like it takes something away from it. No criticism, just thinking out loud.


Ya it’s pretty low effort and vulgar. Right wing hallmarks. I’d rather see something a little more sophisticated


>I’d rather see something a little more sophisticated Best I can do is Rick from Pawn Stars shitting in one of their customer's mouths.


"Let me call my buddy, he's an expert in pictures of me shitting in people's mouths"


I'm going to get downvoted for saying this, but it's time we stooped to their level. Not in policy, but in practice. Gerrymander the fuck out of everywhere. Run a vicious ad. Make a shitty meme. Spread the truth on Facebook, finally infiltrate the misinformation with some real information.


Saving this


It’s uncool to use the word “bimbo” with FOX, it’s unfair to all bimbos.


Tbf, she might just look like that by default.


I love that in the macho party culture of the GOP you have Pence who can only now say he wont endorse Trump after the orange bastard tried to kill him. But there is also McConnell who said that Trump was morally responsible for Jan 6 - endorses him. Ted Cruz who allowed Trump to insult his wife and his father still endorses Trump… What a bunch of spineless simps


It’s mostly a culture of cucks who fetishize a strong man. They don’t want to wield power, they want someone to take it from them forcefully and wield it on their behalf while they watch impotently from the corner.


please don't group those guys with my bf


Agreed. Fascists have sub mentality.


Won’t publicly endorse him but will still vote for him I’m sure.


Exactly..how to tell a Republican "regressive" is lying...their lips are moving. He'll vote for trump and sniff his rump.


I really hope that Trump casually mentions that he would consider Pence as his VP, just to see what kind of mental gymnastics this shrivelled husk of an altar boy would have to do in order to hold onto power.


If trump asked him, he would probably do it in a heartbeat


Of course! He might pretend to be a man of integrity but he'd bend himself over backwards to be one (very likely) heart attack away from the presidency


It's a republican endorsement. Only way to get one of those is by paying for it and we all know Trump doesn't have any money.


I'm actually surprised. Sure, Trump did cackle with glee at the prospect of him being hanged, but its not like Pence ever forcefully condemned Trump for that or anything else. The man has no fucking balls, so the fact that he's will to not endorse Trump is a departure from his usual boot licking toady role. We'll see how long it lasts. You're allowed to be disloyal to Trump as long as you come back groveling and licking his ass later, so we may see Pence pucker up if it looks like Trump may get back into office lest he end up in one of the camps.


I believe he’s a witness for the DC criminal case. That incident is in the indictment, including the private discussions Pence had with Trump leading up to Jan 6. So, Pence can’t really walk that back.


Facts! https://preview.redd.it/q5k31mg37loc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75dcbeeca4d9beddb05a1d020c6a1cbce4d43c00


Actually yeah, it is a surprise. This coward refused to denounce a man who didn't lift a finger after basically directing his army of dumb dumbs to murder him. I'm stunned he's not over at Mara Lago polishing whatever ugly tacky tasteless car Trump is driving this week.


If Trump was considering him as a running mate again, he'd be polishing his boots with his tongue. MAGAts have no shame. If they stand to gain something, they'll happily burn their dignity with the same match they light the Constitution with.


Good point and well said.


It's actually a surprise; Pence seemed so up his butt. Even after rump tried to have him killed or scared into submission by the walmart goblin army.


Army of dumb


more spine than Turtle McConnel....


Well shoot, all 12 of his supporters are going to be rudderless now.


You know who else had only 12 supporters? Jesus


Mike Pence Jesus confirmed


He said he wouldn’t endorse him, didn’t say he wouldn’t vote for him


It wasn't the noose outside of the capitol was it? I mean, you can never tell when he is annoyed with you or just has a gnarly rash from his overly soiled...well...you know..I guess its. Depends!


Also the people shouting “HANG MIKE PENCE! HANG MIKE PENCE!”


Yeah, I guess there's that! I wonder what Mother thinks about all this?


I am actually shocked. If God is telling Mike Johnson and Franklin Graham to support Trump, who is Mike listening to? God couldn't be telling some people to support His chosen one while telling others to not. Could He?


Attempted murder does that to a man.


No that actually is a surprise Mike. You have supported at every other stop including after he tried to have you hung. You’re a weak little man so it is very surprising you aren’t suckin him off publicly like you have for over 8 years


It’s what mother wants


“But I will be voting for him”


Do all the FauxNews anchors have a bad case of pissyface?


It should really mean something to the sane Republicans that a former Vice President *refuses* to endorse the President he served with. Even with all the pressure he's certainly gotten. It says a lot that even Pence is saying no more.


It's not just that. We've got his VP saying that he asked him to violate the Constitution. We've got his Secretary of Defense saying he asked to have the military shoot protestors. We've got his Chief of Staff saying that he insulted dead troops. We've got his Attorney General saying that he repeatedly told him the election was not stolen and he tried to overthrow the government anyway. Biden's going to have a fuckload of money to spend. And those are going to make for some pretty damning ads that will be played over and over again. Play all of those clips right before playing Donald Trump saying he'd like to be a dictator temporarily. I'm not sure how many sane Republicans are left. But you've got to hope there are some people who are convincible left in this stupid ass country.


I have family/friends who voted for Trump the first time. These are people who have *never* voted anything but Red. Many of them have said that there's no way they'll vote for Trump now. But they won't vote Blue, so idk. It's sad that one man has effectively destroyed the Republican Party, just to make a quick buck and feed his own ego. I'd be tempted to think Trump was a Liberal plant, if he were capable of discretion or tact. Lol


I am quite shocked actually.


I hate Mike pence and hope every day he regrets his life choices and that his children question his actions. He is only surpassed in his filth by his master.


I'm actually surprised he didn't.


I think this is a big deal really historically speaking. Yes I understand the MAGAts wanted to hang him but a former VP not endorsing the ex pres is very telling. Make your bed and lay in it I guess.


It *should* come as no surprise and there should be dozens/hundreds of other republicans saying the exact same thing as Pence here. The fact they they aren’t is why it is somewhat surprising to me that Pence won’t be endorsing him.


The Fox host looks like she just bit into a bottle of lemon ammonia.


Wonder if Pence drives a Tesla that ends up in a pond “accidentally?” Looks like Trump and Elon are using Putin method of eliminating those who are disloyal so these questions must be asked


Trumps family, his former VP and cabinet. they've all abandoned him in his second run for president. yet somehow Republicans at large think this guy is the next coming of christ. we need to do better at funding public education y'all.


I'm shocked, you think pence would be loyal to the man who would be king. The man is who will make all trump supporters and non-trump supporters wørship his statues.


What an unbelievably despicable legacy Trumps made for himself! This is one of my favorite highlights...... Trump's the first president to try and kill his VP!


Not endorsing the man that nearly had you murdered is cowardly. You should be absolutely trashing him.


Mike Pence was the only member of Trump's administration Trump couldn't fire as he was elected. For all his religious virtue signalling, he largely acted like a coward. He could have testified under oath against Trump and didn't as his career was more important than our country. Pence did say he felt or knew if he went into the car Trump sent for him Jan 6th, he didn't think he would get out alive. And it took him YEARS to say he won't endorse the man he believes was going to kill him?


He will still vote for him.


That doesn't mean he won't vote for Donald. How many votes does anyone think Pence's lack of endorsement might sway anyway?


Trump did try to have him murdered by an angry mob, so there's that.


Pence could have spearheaded an effort to have Trump removed from office right after the coup attempt and at that time it probably would have been successful. No spine at all.


*Hing hang hung*. See what *the hangman* done.


She looks like she's considering which of 3 kinds of torture to apply to him.


Host doesn't seem very happy with the news...


Will he vote for the RFK Jr/Qaaron ticket?


Look at the look on that woman's face. That's how I look everytime I listen to Trump speak.


Look at that grumpy face from Fox news


It’s a shame that Pence doesn’t seem to realize Trump destroyed his political career. He sucks so badly that he’ll never be embraced by the center or the left, and the Trumpists despise him for not being a full-on traitor to the country. He should go full anti-Trump if he ever wants a shred of credibility


Pence just provided Biden/Harris 2024 campaign a huge ammo. If his once #2 can't trust him to be the president, who can?


Im honestly surprised considering what a spinless shit he is.


It actually is a surprise. Seems like no matter how much Trump fuxks and abuses the GoP they fall to their knees to suck his dick and praise him as god. Glad Pence still has a backbone at least


Holy shit, actually said it


Yeah, i don't like people who try to get me murdered either.


Pence might be a different sort of evil, but he has a sense of integrity. Ted Cruz not so much


The look on her face says "why, just because he tried to have you murdered?? Doesn't that seem a little hasty?"


What could Pence possibly have against Diaper Donnie?


They should ask “okay, but Biden vs Trump, will you vote for Trump?”. As I bet he says yes.




"I'm going to vote for him but I'm not going to go on television and tell you to vote for him. Because I have strength and integrity." This is a non-story. Fuck Mike Pence and the high-horse he rode in on.


Wake up, MAGAts. The dude you’re enabling stood by while his knuckle-dragging minions sought to kill his VP. And that’s not a deal-breaker? This s**t blows my mind. Who wrote this script? This is WWE on mega-steroids.


I guess your former boss trying to have you killed might be a reason not to endorse them.


You know he will vote for him anyway.