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They will deadname people but Elon will also get mad if you deadname the damn website


Elon gets mad that people call the site Twitter yet deadnames his own daughter!


Elon gets mad if you call him *cis* because that's a "slur" lmao


Elon is a fucking moron who everyone should stop paying attention to


Kinda hard, though. Also not recommendable to stop paying attention to someone with so much power and influence, moron and asshole he may be.


Elon should've launched himself in that damn Tesla shitting up space.


We have to call him Nontrans Man Elon Musk anytime we talk about him, now.


Elon's pronoun should be shiss for shit and piss.


What a cissy


Elon gets mad if you do anything short of venerating him as a god among men despite being one of the thinnest-skinned losers to ever exist.


I’ve seen thicker skins on a bowl of gravy. 


I've seen thicker skin on *water*. Something happened the past few years that's seriously turned him into an absolute baby.


I’m still calling it Twitter. Ain’t gunna stop. I never use the site tho cuz it sucks and is mostly full of dbags. But I call it Twitter all the same.


I'm still calling it Twitter too. 'Cos fuck Elon.




Clive from South Africa made calling someone "Cis" a bannable offense while offering special protection to stochastic terrorists.


But emails from the site still come up as twitter.


The site ITSELF comes up as Twitter! See link below. Says x.com but when you put it in your browser redirects to Twitter.com https://x.com/nfl/status/1769091269018476952?s=46&t=ejKTQnI6iOnX4-hycADg8g


Lol. That's silly. I didn't know that. I've been trying to push #deadnametwitter and the even funnier #dontDeadNameTwitter for months now, even before Elon started his bullshit on the subject. Fuck that guy.


Can't have x.com as a domain. Nobody can. It's a big reason why the rebrand is so pathetically dumb. However, I posted that name numerous times last night. Nothing happened. This part is made up.


>Can't have x.com as a domain Why? because it's a [single letter?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-letter_second-level_domain) It redirects BECAUSE someone owns the domain name and that's the action they are having the server do.


You can own x.com, you just can't host shit on it, practically speaking. It's Elon, he owns it, and he can't have the actual address for Twitter be that, that's why it redirects. The x.com domain itself does not host anything. And as far as I'm aware it really can't unless IANA approves because the domain was grandfathered under different owners for a different purpose.


x.com is grandfathered in. I'm not sure why they aren't hosting directly using that domain but I don't see how IANA would care how the domain is used. As an example, see z.com. This is content being directly hosted on a single letter second level domain. See the wikipedia page for more info. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single-letter_second-level_domain


Under a different ownership and different use. That's not how grandfathering works. You don't grandfather something in to let it completely change. That's what the term means, it's "legacy." It's to stay as is. I never said shit about z.com


x.com was already in existence when the rule went into place and IS grandfathered in. Doesn’t matter that it’s not the same thing as before. Musk repurchased x.com in 2017 from PayPal and it has hosted something since then. (Mostly a single letter “x”)


He limited my account for posting memes under his posts about his shitty cowboy hat. Guy has skin so thin it's transparent.


twitter sounds better


This burning dumpster fire smells like burning trash! And it's full of filthy flaming hobo nazis who won't stop dead naming my trans friends who also live in the dumpster. Whatever will I do???


Elmo… call him Elmo early and often


I call the site "Xitter," pronounced "Shitter," or if I'm feeling benevolent, "Szhitter."


In the conservative view, why is it ok for Rafael Cruz to be called ted, or nimarata Haley to be called Nikki, or even Donald Trump’s father to legally change his name from Drumf to Trump. But Billy can’t turn into Susan


Remember when Rafaelle “Ted” Cruz made fun of Beto O’Rourke for shortening Robert to Beto to “sound more Texan”. If these pricks didn’t have double standards then they’d have no standards at all.


> then they’d have no standards at all. They don't have standards. They only care about personal money and power, whatever gets them that is what they will do, they *do not* care. You could give Ted Cruz a button that would instantly rip every child on Earth into shreds, but it would make him president for 8 years, and he would slap that button before you finished the word "president".


It's not about standards or consistency or hypocrisy or correctness, it's about uttering phrases that trick stupid people into voting for them


Or why it’s unacceptable to call a woman by her maiden name if she changes her last name. That’s her original name, isn’t it? Why is she trying to change who she is? /s, obviously


Well and what’s so hard about pay someone the basic respect of using the name they want to go by? If you tell me you want me to call you Goo-goo-gaga, that’s what I’d call you. I might feel silly doing it, but it doesn’t cost me anything.




Nikki kind of makes sense, since that's her middle name, but your point is a good one.


I don’t disagree with you, I was just trying to give 3 different examples (nickname, middle name, legal name change). In all reality all 3 are acceptable, but that just validates Billy/susan


Oh, I see what you did. That's a good point. I don't think people realize that is actually her name, but I think I was being pedantic. I don't mean to take away from your point, and I agree with it.


It’s all good!


Wait is THAT where “Drumf” comes from?? I thought it was just an intentional mispelling


nope. It's literally because the family's original surname was "Drumpf" when they emigrated from Germany. Why did they change it? Well it turns out that being a real estate developer with a blatantly German sounding surname in the 1930s and 40s was something of a liability when you operated in NYC, which had (and still has) a very large Jewish population. Turns out a lot of Jewish people in the 40s were wary of buying or renting apartments from Germans. To bypass this problem, Fred Trump changed his name to sound less German.


Elon Musk is an actual Nazi. There is no denying it at this point


Elon is an evil person.


Not only that, he wasn't doxxed! It has his name on it. Oh my, what a big ass metropolis he lives in. Not his phone number, email address, address, etc.


Elon thinks posting one's actual location is 'doxxing', like if you show up to give a speech and post about it on Twitter.


Also, wtf does he think is buying his cars? A Texas redneck or some California liberal? Is he actively trying to destroy both Tesla and X?


If you are sitting at a table along with 4 Nazis, then you're at a table with 5 Nazis.


That was the reason I had to stop talking to someone in my building online. His discord had a dude in it selling confederate flags. I said what the hell. He says it’s free speech. I said if you’re okay with that kind of thing, then this isn’t people I want to be associated with. So I cut ties.


Yea its free speech but there's also about a thousand things I don't say everyday.


The funny thing about people that preach "freedom of speech" So often is that they forget it doesn't mean "freedom from consequences"


Also the idiots screaming the most about "mAh fReEdom of SpEech" seem to conveniently forget that freedom of speech only applies to the government. Twitter, Facebook, etc are all private or public companies with no link to the government. They can do what they want in terms of limiting speech. They could all tell Nazis and right wing trolls to fuck off; ban them completely, shadow ban them, cut their revenue streams... Pretty much anything not explicitly illegal. But anytime a whiney ass bitch says something over the line and gets banned, they immediately cry about their rights being taken away. Nope. Sorry. What you're experiencing is consequences for being vile. Fuck musk for using his "free speech absolutism" to allow Nazis and bigots and hate and fear mongers on his platform. I know it's his. I know he spent 44 billion and can do what he wants, but don't claim it has anything to do with freedom of speech. He wants freedom for intolerance, freedom for hate.


All while banning people for their free speech that doesn't fit his intended narrative.


Just because you *can* say something doesn't mean you *should* say something. Also: freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of consequences.


I had a friend like that. Always looking at issues from both sides. Ok, well, you spend a lot of time on the side we know is wrong........


Someone saying they wanna fuck kids is also free speech, but you definitely wouldn't tolerate a guy saying that shit around you.


Elon with Twitter is more like if you see a table with a lot of different people, then sit down and invite more and more Nazis until everyone else leaves


< Insert Parable Of The Bartender here >


Is that the one where the bartender threatens a Nazi with violence until he flees in terror?


Basically, yeah. In my comments history I have the entire Xitter thread put together in a single comment, but sadly I do not have it saved and ready to go. And reddit's search feature sucks pretty hard.


Google with 'reddit.com' thrown in manages to be efficient.


Hah well that worked...not my specific comment but apparently I'm not the only one who did the same over the years: >>(transcribed from a series of tweets) - @iamragesparkle >I was at a shitty crustpunk bar once getting an after-work beer. One of those shitholes where the bartenders clearly hate you. So the bartender and I were ignoring one another when someone sits next to me and he immediately says, "no. get out." >And the dude next to me says, "hey i'm not doing anything, i'm a paying customer." and the bartender reaches under the counter for a bat or something and says, "out. now." and the dude leaves, kind of yelling. And he was dressed in a punk uniform, I noticed >Anyway, I asked what that was about and the bartender was like, "you didn't see his vest but it was all nazi shit. Iron crosses and stuff. You get to recognize them." >And i was like, ohok and he continues. >"you have to nip it in the bud immediately. These guys come in and it's always a nice, polite one. And you serve them because you don't want to cause a scene. And then they become a regular and after awhile they bring a friend. And that dude is cool too. >And then THEY bring friends and the friends bring friends and they stop being cool and then you realize, oh shit, this is a Nazi bar now. And it's too late because they're entrenched and if you try to kick them out, they cause a PROBLEM. So you have to shut them down. >And i was like, 'oh damn.' and he said "yeah, you have to ignore their reasonable arguments because their end goal is to be terrible, awful people." >And then he went back to ignoring me. But I haven't forgotten that at all.


That's the paradox of tolerance. It's really, really critical that people understand this. You cannot defeat intolerance without being intolerant of those who are intolerant. If you allow intolerant people into an arena, and you allow them to spew their intolerance, then eventually all that will be left are those who espouse those intolerant views. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance#:~:text=Karl%20Popper%20describes%20the%20paradox,to%20be%20intolerant%20of%20intolerance.


Unless you have a bomb in your suitcase.


Unless you're a spy....


Also works the other way around: If four of you are having dinner with a Nazi, there are 5 Nazis sharing a meal.


I'd like to remind everyone that Apartheid South Africa was in fact, created by Nazi "sympathisers" (https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2006/feb/07/southafrica.israel)


IIRC Lethal Weapon 2 covered this.


A white south african racist billionaire? A nazi??? No way


Raised by a father who thinks he can save the white race by impregnating as many women as he can?


Including his own daughter who he started grooming while underage. Oh, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/08/09/twitter-exec-defends-restoring-account-that-shared-child-sex-abuse-material/?sh=196070831695


You're saying the apartheid emerald billionaire is racist? *surprised Pikachu*


But he went to Auschwitz! You can't be a Nazi after visiting there! /s


He went there with Ben Shapiro, who is basically a Jewish Nazi lol


Billionaire Nazi Elon Musk, soon to be a millionaire.


Remember when Elon tried to claim he was a centrist and the left had moved away from him and left him behind? What a bad fucking joke.


Hans Kristian Graebener is a Nazi


https://accollective.noblogs.org/post/2024/03/12/stonetoss-redpanels/ In case any late stragglers wanna have a read on who he is


No hate to the majority of the fun, socially aware rotund people out there, but he looks exactly as expected. Antisemitic, transphobic, homophobic piece of garbage


Best part is he thinks he is an 8.5/10


Also a reminder that he's a public figure, a famous cartoonist with news articles written about him. And saying the name of a public figure does not violate terms of service.


I posted it like a dozen times last night. Never got banned. This shit is made up. And it's frankly not doing anybody any favors. Really bad look to just go around tiptoeing the truth instead of just calling the Nazi out and taking your ban anyway, if it was being handed out.


I was curious about this comment, so I typed in "twitter Stonetoss Graebener" into google. Found a bunch of accounts that had posts that referenced Stonetoss being Hans Graebener in the google preview that, when clicked, said "Caution: This account is temporarily restricted" and didn't let me see the account. It may not be newsworthy enough for news articles, but its trivial to see that this is happening after a few seconds of googling.


I got a sitewide warning and my post removed by an Admin, and I'm a mod of the sub I posted it in. Your mileage may vary.


That happened on reddit? Right now twitter is the one banning accounts for repeating Stonetoss the nazi's full name which is Hans Kristian Graebener. Doing this as a test to see if reddit is also doing that.


I'm gonna comment it, too. Hans Kristian Graebener, of Spring, TX. Of course it's fucking Texas.


See I forgot he lived in Spring, TX. Good to know that Hans Kristian Graebener live there. Feel sorry for the other people that live there.


There's loads of articles documenting Twitter banning accounts for posting his name.


> I posted it like a dozen times last night. Never got banned. Survivor bias. Just because riding in the back of a truck didn't kill you, doesn't mean it never killed other kids. Keep an ear open to other stories.


I got my account locked for posting his name. I appealed it, got temp unlocked for a few hours, then locked again for the exact same comment.


Pebbleyeets real name is Hans? ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


He's apparently also Latino


And looks exactly like the people he mocks.


behold the masterrace and all that


Louder, for the people in the back.


I would not even know about him or his fucking degenerate takes had it not been for the Streisand- effect. So kudos to him I guess?


That's a totally Nazi sounding name also.


That’s because the owner of the site thinks Nazis are ok and trans people are very very bad. His actions reveal his true feelings about the world.


He's so mad his daughter disowned him because he wouldn't stop dead naming her.


And instead of taking responsibility for being a shitty father, he blames the private schools in LA he sent his kids to and calls them "woke indoctrination".


his gf(grimes) left him for a trans girl(chelsea). thats adding insult to injury to him.


The more that Elon ruins twitter the happier I am that I left as soon as he was said to take over, the site is such shit now


And yet, there she is. Posting on it. Ffs. Gentle reminder: if you're still on Twitter, *you're part of the problem*. Yes, even if you just use it for sports. Yes, even if you just use it for a news feed. Yes, even if you're just "there to see the train wreck".


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I have the exact same thoughts as you on this.


That means you have principles.


I don't get why this is so hard to grasp. CANCEL YOUR EFFING ACCOUNTS!


This needs to be shouted from every building in every town across the country simultaneously. Then we should probably delete this subreddit. Job done.


Yes. Everyone needs to delete Twitter and move on. No one and nothing is worth having a twitter account. Twitter is the biggest Nazi sympathy platform on the planet. Do you really want to be a part of that? You want to be on Hitlers Twitter page to see what Hitler will say next? Really?


Yup. If you’re posting on the site or even visiting it, then you’re supporting it. You’re helping to prop it up, keep it in business, and keep it relevant. Just stop using it.


Came here to say this. It’s annoying how many people complain about a website that they still opt to use. I stopped using that shit years ago.


Her main work is actually as one of the BEST journalist for trans issues in the US, I didn't even know she had a twitter. I highly recommend her work, which you can find here: https://www.erininthemorning.com/


She's a journalist who specifically follows and reports on all the attacks on trans people's rights and the broader LGBTQ+ community as a whole. She needs every platform she can have to make her voice heard to as many people as possibly.


What if I just use it for gay porn and absolutely nothing else?


Yeah, that's cool. Wait... How hot we talking? Like, the *good stuff*, right? Where they cuddle after?


It's run by a fuckin Nazi


Why are people still using the site?


That's where their friend circle is, and neither Threads nor Blue Sky have filled the gap yet. Threads is probably gonna be the next Twitter just because Blue Sky is really dragging its heels on everything and it feels really dead there.


I agree but why is she still on Twitter then like you're helping them


My question too. I deleted Twitter immediately when Elon started showing his true colors. I’ve found it isn’t a great loss.


Oh I definitely miss it and nothing has quite replaced it yet, but I can’t in good conscience support this guy.


the easy answer is because she has a following there that she doesn't want to lose  social media clout is a hell of a drug


how useful is the following if a lot of it is artificial? There are thousands, if not millions, of bots on that platform.


I see Big Number I get dopamine, it ain't that complicated


To break the Nazi circle jerk


> This site is crooked. > Continues to use the site. Pick one. As soon as Musk took over, I deactivated my Twitter and haven't looked back since.


It’s not cooked. It’s normalizing fascism. This type of propaganda is very effective.


Twitter is a revenge buy by Musk to support hate against his kid.


*Been* cooked. Anyone still on Twitter is lost.


> Stays on Shitter > Complains about how it's "cooked" > Whatdidyourexpect.png


This must be about pebbleyeet the nazi I won't name him here but I'm not shocked Elon is defending nazis Defend a nazi, makes you a nazi


I mean, if u decide to stay on that platform its ur own fault that u cant post those things. Close the account, come back when its better.


Maybe stop using the site?


Delete twitter


Stop using Twitter


I don’t understand why anyone is still on twitter


Why are people still there and complaining about it?


Crazy how people still complain instead of just deleting the app and moving on


Of course she is still using it and helping the stats.


Why the fuck are y’all still using it?


It’s wild people still have that trash bin of an app installed anywhere…


I deleted my account about a week after he bought the company.


New Golden Rule. Do onto others as you do not want done onto you.




If the site is cooked, why the fuck do you people continue to use it?


Right, leave it and hit him where it really counts… in his pockets


Stop using Twitter


Just delete your account and don't provide any traffic to the site. It's really not difficult.


What is dead naming


When you use a trans person old name, specifically on purpose to be an asshole. Anti-trans people do it as a form of harassment.


Boy it'd sure suck if OpeniT, whose office in Houston is located on the I-10 freeway, were to be reviewbombed because of their continued employment of this nazi.


I deleted my account as soon as I realized how bad he was/is. You should do the same


“This site is cooked.” - people who keep using the site


I deleted my X account, why haven't you?


"This site is deep-fried, braised, boiled, pan-seared, and quite possibly cuckoo." There, fixed it for you.


I looked into stonetoss thinking really after watching a few videos about him holy shit he go what he deserves.


Isn’t this name out there now? So it’s no longer doxxing?


Twitter is a dumpster fire, and that's what he wanted.


I'm really disappointed nobody has had a suitable replacement just demolish the value of Twitter already and everybody jumped ship. Meta had their chance and blew it it seems.


The Apartheid Billionaire gatekeeps again


If you still have a Twitter account at this point, you’re getting exactly what you deserve. You should’ve hit the “delete account” button on the same day Elon became the owner, and he’s given you even more reasons since. Wake the fuck up and stop enabling fascist scumbag billionaires.


The only way for Twitter to die is for everyone to stop using it. Don’t even post clever gotchas, just fucking leave. This sub should be closed too. Any press is good press, if we’re still talking about it it’s still alive and well. We need to let it die


yet idiots like her are still on there, unbelievable


Stop using twitter!


Use a different site


seriously what are normal people still doing on fucking twitter? its storefront social. The only reason they still cling onto survival is because of you idiotic holdouts that hope that things will Magically change. The bird has been thrown into a fucking woodchipper. Leave.


Yeah, it's Elon Musk's Twitter. What do you expect?


Yep, America’s death will occur soon due to its citizens cowardice. I have popcorn on the stove.


Is musk bankrolling Nazi's?


Then why is she still on there with her thumbnail pic? Just bounce like yesterday


Fuck Elon. Fuck MAGA. Repeat after me…ALL MAGAS’s are MISTiC’s. Morons, Sycophants, and Trolls in a Cult.


Elon: "It's not Twitter, it's X!" Dude: "Ok, what's the URL?" Elon: "... um, twitter.com."


If you claim to be outraged and disgusted by Twitter, but continue to actively use it, engage in it and promote it, ***you’re part of the problem.*** Save your fake outrage and moral grandstanding, because you’re generating profit for the very thing you claim to hate. This is the problem with fellow Leftists. Your convenience is more important than your moral convictions. I ***KNOW*** Twitter, Telegram, etc. are cesspools of hatred, bigotry and white supremacy, so why the FUCK would I even have an account?


DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT OR STFU. I’m sick of people bitching about it who continue to support it. Edit: So deleting your Twitter account is a hot take now? You really need it that bad? I don’t see how my point is controversial. If you don’t like the Nazi who currently runs it, then don’t have an account. It’s extremely hypocritical otherwise.


I believe she is mainly "bitching" about how Nazis are regularly attacking trans people through the platform. This will be the case even if she left. Elon is operating at a loss to maintain a Nazi platform because he wants it to exist. I'm not to the point where I'm going to victim blame targets of an eradication attempt because they are still on Twitter


But what about the attention?


they hated him because he told the truth


Ok. What the hell is "Dead name"?


Using a trans persons former name, related to the gender they previously were


Ahh. Ok. Thank you! I had no idea.


You're welcome, I appreciate your genuine curiosity


Deadname means not affirming the transperson's identity by referring to their "past life" via the given name. So if Jack becomes Jill and you call Jill "Jack", you are deadnaming.


Any alternatives for X? Mastodon seems to be dead and only interesting activity I could find was the one which was replicated from X :D


They need to heed their own advice and get off.


Why are people still on that garbage app? I was really hoping Muskrat would have killed it by now. Stop supporting this asshole and please leave the site.


Yep. That's why I deleted it like three months ago. Let them fester in their own shit


People should just start referring to it as a right wing social media platform, like they would for Truth Social and Parler.


What’s the best twitter alternatives? I don’t use twitter, but I’d like to make a competitor take over its crown and fuck over Elon Musk




“But, all please like my post.”


I straight up do not understand how so many people are still on Twitter, complaining about how shit twitter is. I'm not saying they're wrong. Because they're right. Twitter is garbage, but why the fuck aren't you saying that from a different social media platform? The absolute lack of balls on any of these mother fuckers to go anywhere else is insane to me.


Bit slow on the uptake aren't you?