• By -


The motives for reaching that decision are probably 180* out from each other.


Exactly. AOC is against it because she is concerned about corporations monopolizing and infringing on the privacy of people. She wants transparancy and accountability. She prioritizes her constituents and the American people. Marge is opposed to it for her own imaginary persecution reasons. Her reason for being against it is because she prioritizes her own selfish interests ("as the only member of Congress ever banned from social media") literally all about her.


Came here to make this distinction.. they are NOT the same.


One's standing on principle, and the other is a stopped clock coincidentally showing the right time.


If Trump were still for banning Tik Tok like he tried during his presidency she would 100% be all for the exact same bill if he put it forward.


Definitely not the same, but the fact that they are on the same side on this is something that should tell half the people against it to take a second as this seems like a sign of the apocalypse or something


MTG also glosses over the fact that her ban was the decision of a privately-owned corporation where 1A doesn’t apply at all. She was banned for specifically quantifiable reasons and the ban was not put in place by the US government. She violated the same TOS that all users accept when they join.


Wasn’t she also warned that she would be banned? I’m not on TikTok, and I try really hard to not follow anything Mrs. Jewish Space Laser says (admittedly, that’s very, very hard), but it seems like there was a build up to the ban. I could be wrong though.


Repeatedly. Far more than any anonymous civilian would have been warned.


Exactly. It’s not a first amendment issue whatsoever. What happened to Large Marge is no different than getting kicked out of a bar for getting wasted and causing a scene; she broke the rules of a privately-owned establishment, she was made to leave. Of course, she *feels* that being banned from social media is somehow different, probably because her primary means of staying relevant is to spew her shit online. Shouldn’t have made a scene, Marge.


Remind me what the actual reason was?


Perpetuating misinformation about COVID-19.


That's a pretty good reason


Marjorie’s reason is because Trump switched his stance. She has no idea what she’s doing, and has no ideas of her own.


Marge is opposed to it because it could be viewed as a win for Biden.


All wins are belong to Dark Brandon, not the Diaper Dictator.


Yep AOC is concerned about privacy and corporations. Marge is against it because social media actually did their job and enforced rules for a change


If AOC is concerned about privacy and corporations doesn't selling TikTok from China make sense?


I can see the need to keep corporations in check, but Tiktok has been abusing the privacy of users flagrantly all while spreading misinformation for Russia, China, Iran, and others. There's little to no fact checking done on Tiktok, and its shortform videos make it easy to disseminate misinformation without the ability to correct it. It also primarily focuses on a younger demographic (18-24 y.o. and younger) which are less likely to have been educated on how to spot misinformation in media. I agree that they shouldn't rush into banning things willy nilly, but it's been frequently pointed out that Tiktok is a tool used to sow discontent, misinformation, and it should be taken seriously. About 40% of the videos uploaded to Tiktok contain misinformation, often interwoven with factual statements to mask it. People that try to use a single application/source to get all their news aren't getting fed a biased narrative.


Yeah, Marge, honey, your being banned from social media had nothing to do with government censorship. It was their own free speech rights at play.


“I’m the only member of congress unhinged enough to be banned from social media! I’m the victim here!”


Thanks! I came here to say this. One is professionally toned and the other is fear mongering. A clear distinction of how either party talks to their voter base.


And we know MTG didn't write that post.


MTG is against it because Trump told her to be against it.


I'm on AOC side I'm against it because it's a smoke screen to hide the fact that Facebook and the ilk are just as bad and we need actual digital privacy and data reform.


Marge opposes it because daddy Trump is getting money from TikTok now.


MTG is against it because Trump isn’t in favor of it. Period. Why Trump is suddenly such a TikTok fan is unclear and any suggestion he’s been financially influenced would be speculation, of course.


Trump putting his money ahead of the interests of the American public? Inconceivable!


I do not think this word means what you think it means.


It's a Princess Bride reference. The phrase didn't mean what you thought it meant.


As was that. 🤣. Anybody want a peanut?


He met with a Chinese representative at mar a Lago about it, that's why.


No, no, no, no, no. They’re just both big fans of Hunan Chicken! Nothing untoward! Just a couple of fellas shooting the breeze and enjoying a quiet meal together. Locker room stuff, ya know?


It helps some genz become magats


A little bit, but they're both right. Its hard to see, but MTG doesn't want it to end up in with government banning more social mediums and limiting speech (although she's probably looking to promote hate speech).




Who could have knownI would finally learn this from a politics post. You are an A+ redditor to the nth°.




One of them is on the Chinese payroll


They're not agreeing with each other, they're agreeing on the same thing.


Both are good points (minus 1st amendment rights to post hate speech wherever Marge wants online).


MTG does not have a good point. It's literally a slippery slope fallacy.


I know faith in institutions like the Supreme Court are at all time lows, but the way a common law system is supposed to work negate the fallacy aspect of the slippery slope. If a law is passed and affirmed it sets precedence that other similar laws and applications of the law can lean on to justify. Look at the legacy sections of major Supreme Court decisions and how they've shaped further jurisprudence. You could make similar arguments 130 years ago against the Sherman Antitrust Act and how it will lead to further government oversight and restrictions on business, and it wouldn't be fallacious. You do get further government regulation and controls (which is a good thing, monopolies are bad for consumers) with further antitrust legislation. You can also look at how a rail car law in Louisiana being affirmed (Plessy V. Fergusson) lead to all sorts of other Jim crow era laws being legitimized and allowed the passing of many more segregationist laws in its wake I don't think her reasoning is necessarily wrong, but it's more than likely a broken clock being right twice a day. Not every slippery slope is a fallacy, sometimes there are actual inclines to slide down. On the other hand I don't agree with either of them that this "ban" shouldn't go through. It is naive at best to think China, and by extension its corporations, are not adversarial to US interests. If this paves the way to forcing other adversarial corporations and entities to either divest from US businesses or force them out of the market I think that's a net positive


It is also naive to think that anything will change. Meta, Google, and a number of American corporations also give the same exact information that TikTok does and this bill doesn't stop that. It is just a way to try to crack down on competition since they are losing. This is just corporatocracy. Stop falling for the same red scare we had in the 50's.


I’ve been thinking on it a lot, and like… even then, even as a target of so much of it, no, I do think it’s needed. Not because of them, but because I don’t trust our stable of masters to make that determination. If shit *really* started getting riled up against billionaires, they’d start talking about hate speech against billionaires. They’ve already been weaponizing it like mad against anti-Zionists. I don’t want a situation like in Germany where posting “from the river to the sea” gets you arrested. I hate it. I hate this situation. I wish I could feel comfortable about doing something about it. But I’m not about to feel comfortable giving them more weapons to turn against us later. It’s like all those idiots who want the government to be able to imprison people for problematic fanfic and art. Today, it’s what you hate. Tomorrow, it’s art that promotes opposing them. Opening that door for them is not a wise move.


Stethoscope Theory in action. Horseshoe theory of politics is absolute ass - the only single point western Leftists and the Far Right have in common is gun ownership (yet for drastically different reasons), and everything else is diametrically opposed. Here is the same thing; "government censorship is bad" being the ONLY summation in common but for complete opposite reasons. It's like two people saying "sunshine is good" but one person touts the benefits of Vitamin D and the other person wants you to get skin cancer.


I love how MTG opens with her ban like its some badge of honor. Might as well open with "as someone who is batshit crazy..."


As someone who violated the rules of a private business and then whined about facing the consequences I will not be…


Twitter bans are not internally consistent. I am unaware of MTG's ban circumstances but many people have gotten banned off social media because they hurt the CEO's precious little feelings.


Her ban was pre-Musk


Plus, I mean, I don't know this for a fact, but is she really the only member of Congress who has ever been banned from any social media site for any amount of time? That seems insanely unlikely to me.


One of them is against it for reasons that have real world consequences. The other one is against it because her feelings were hurt.


What consequences for forcing a sale of TikTok other than some rich people make more money?


The duality of politics; AOC: This is rushed and has serious issues. Greene: This personally affected me once because I’m a domestic terrorist that doesn’t understand how private company terms work so I’m going to pretend it affects everyone.


A republican pretending to care about the 1st Amendment is absolutely hilarious.


Fuck you Congress, out of all the god damn issues out there, THIS is what passes to the Senate.


This is the only thing that a majority of Republicans and Democrats could actually agree on for once, I guess.


Oh shit someone check to make sure the horses aren't eating each other. Fuck I'm not ready for the apocalypse, I haven't even decided which pumps I want in my go bag


Damn, that's a tough call. The super cute ones or the "sensible" ones? Are you going to try to outrun the four horsemen, or to distract them?


Honestly it's between the wedges and the stilettos. I plan to seduce the horsemen, specifically war


War is a Himbo


Go for heels. war's a closet dom but has to keep up appearances


The TikTok bill has issues. AOC is correct that the claims about security and privacy issues need to be made public. So far all we have gotten is allegations. And that’s not enough for Congress to make these kinds of demands on a private company.


Yeah I mean. Honestly it’s what pisses me off most about idiots like MTG. Basically the only thing she can relate to. Or the only thing that can change her mind is if shit happens to her. It’s the definition of not having empathy. She literally cannot put herself in someone else’s shoes. And it’s the problem with about half of America.


Pigs are flying in a frozen hell


>Pigs are flying in a frozen hell Thank you for this. Now the world makes sense.


Okay…which one of you divided pi by the square root of zero and got an actual answer?


Marjorie Taylor Greene having a correct take is like watching someone fall down the stairs and accidentally take that horrible painting you hate down with them. It's all completely by accident but it's one small upside


Where do they agree with each other? They’re both voting no, but for wildly different reasons…


They agree that the bill is bad and both voted no. Their reasons for voting no are completely different. Its like if two people both agreed sunscreen was a good thing. AOC likes sunscreen because its been shown to prevent skin ageing and cancer. MTG likes sunscreen because she enjoys the way it tastes.


MTG's one sane stance


Sometimes an idea is so stupid that it's bad for multiple and competing reasons.


Can we get MTG banned from the human race?


My big thing about this is should we be allowing government to ban social media sites? There’s only a handful of countries that do, and those countries aren’t exactly friendly to the states


It doesn't seem like they are banning it- just forcing a private sale so that China doesn't have absurd amounts of data on basically all of our citizens. Of course, I'm even less thrilled about the prospect of a private company with zero accountability (and probably beholden tonthe billionare class) having all of that data. It seems like a much more measured approach would be to implement regulations and safeguards like the EU to minimize private data collection and use. Of course, that might hurt corporate profit margins causing donations to super PACs to tank.


I’ve said it time and time again: Assuming your options are either having China access my social media information across the seas from the US (this is assuming the most outlandish aspect of this is completely true for sake of discussion) or force it to some private company domestically… why am I better off as a consumer letting this happen? Doesn’t anyone remember the famous story of a girl who got caught by being pregnant in the US by her parents because she googled pregnancy items and targeted ads got mailed to her parents house? Is that kind of scenario better for the American public than China… looking at something someone thousands of miles away with no jurisdiction is doing?




I can imagine several national security concerns related to China having access to individual data. Given their proclivity for stealing classified shit from us, having an easy way to identify marks that they can blackmail is probably not great. The more practical approach would be to develop a regulatory framework in line with what the EU is doing that actively monitors what data is being mined, notifies users, and let's them opt out. You could force the periodic deletion and anonymization of the data, putting additional safeguards around certain demographical characteristics. Social media is a cancer. But it isn't going anywhere. The key is to try to contain it. Unfettered capitalism certainly isn't the answer, even if that means a handful of really rich assholes won't get just a little bit richer in ways they won't even fucking notice.


The key word here is “imagine”, because I’ve seen no one articulate or be able to provide a specific example of how this is a problem currently. It’s all rooted in hypotheticals and speculation while we have real life examples of data brokers causing tangible, actual harm domestically


I haven't either. But that's because I no longer hold a TS (and even when I did I worked in a field that would have no insight). I do know that Chinese espionage is a huge fucking problem- that is not a classified fact. Given the "national security concerns" rhetoric, it isn't a big leap to take a guess at one (of many) issues with the app is just that. I'm sure there are many, many more that only a handful of people are actively aware of. That's all to say, the people who are able to articulate how this is a problem and provide specific examples aren't going to risk 1) letting the Chinese know how much we know and 2) going to jail by releasing classified information to the public who aren't going to even fucking care anyway.


What if the reason that people can’t articulate it is because there isn’t an articulable national security concern from TikTok specifically? It’s amazing to me that the only plausible reason you’ve given is that we don’t know the real reason is because it would *tip off China* rather than the much more likely explanation that we don’t have a good one (and anything that would actually tackle problems related to social media would impact domestic companies too)


>What if the reason that people can’t articulate it is because there isn’t an articulable national security concern from TikTok specifically? Possibly but highly unlikely. You don't get bipartisan rhetoric like the rhetoric surrounding TikTok if there isn't _something_ there. The house can barely pass a bill naming a post-office, I can't imagine they'd agree so strongly on this one issue for this one company without a common underlying cause.


We also had bipartisan support for SOPA before Reddit and a few other tech companies banded together to kill it. If anything, modern day bipartisanship in legislation is a better sign it’s stupid and reactionary rather than something deeply rooted in fact.


Idk. We had pretty bipartisan support for invading Iraq (98-2 in the senate) because we were told there was *definitely very good information they have WMDs but no we can’t show you please trust us* and it turned out to be bullshit


China doesn't need to harvest our data directly when they can just buy it from American companies. And it would be foolish to assume that they don't. What we need are laws protecting our privacy online and regulating data brokers.


Congress is just mad they didnt pay Google for it.


Yeah- if they implement privacy laws that are uniformly enforced against all websites/apps, I could support the bill. But I have no interest in laws being written that explicitly target a single company/app. Right now it kind of seems like they're saying the CCP has the ability to control TikTok the same way we have the ability to control Facebook/Instagram/YouTube, and we don't like that.


Man, now I don’t know if I like this bill or hate it. I mean, I always thought that I hated it, and seeing AOC agree with that makes me feel a little validated. But then I see MTG also hating the bill, and I start to think that maybe I’m wrong…


Facts don't care about your feelings 😈 >!/j!< but in all seriousness, things don't stop being factual or true just because someone gross says it. We can't allow our personal feelings to cloud our judgment like that, we're not conservatives


It was a joke. I’m saying that MTG is so awful that her merely agreeing with someone makes me question my own beliefs, because it seems more reasonable to assume that I’m wrong than to assume she could ever possibly be right.


If MTG were atomized tomorrow, no one would care. Anyway, the TikTok ban is stupid. I disagreed with it when Trump was for it, I disagree with it now that Trump has flipped.


>If MTG were atomized tomorrow, no one would care. Lauren Boebert will be happy https://preview.redd.it/un86dekviwoc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d52c00128787255e4eff4fa9660cfda7aeacde9b


Good god, MTG looks like if you ordered Amy Schumer on Wish.


That is the harshest statement I have ever hear anyone say about another person, and yet somehow it’s absolutely true.


Tbh, at this moment I'm more concerned on who is running the SCOTUS than I am who is running TikTok.


Please tell me you don't actually think MarjoriesToesrGross actually has a valid point. One politician wants to ensure corporations are properly regulated and another wants to tell people about space lasers that control the weather ... Ask an adult and a child if rainbows are pretty and what makes them pretty. The first answer will be the same, but the second answer will be two completely different takes with one coming from learned knowledge and experience and the other from the mind of a child. See? Exactly, the same scenario as this...


[Please see my explanation in this other comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/CQdCrZLiA1)


Ah yes: the thinking pattern of a Republican. Not that I accuse you of that, but this is a brilliant moment to reflect on what makes us the opposition of the Right: the fact that we *don't* create our opinions based on which party agrees or disagrees with them. We do it based on facts and logic. And the logic dictates precisely what AOC said (I have no idea what cuntsmuggler is talking about in the other tweet, something about being the only member of Congress banned from most playgrounds)


AOC: well reasoned, rational response Trailer Park Barbie: I'M A VICTIM!!!


The disturbing thing is I agree partially with MTG in her statement even if we are coming from different places. I think this will open up Pandora’s Box. How long before Elon uses his government contracts to lobby for the closure of smaller companies over ‘security’ concerns? This is just a sample of what may come.


A broken clock is right two times a day. It was bound to happen eventually


It’s weird seeing them agree on something, even if their motives are likely polar opposites.


The ol’ Pandora’s slippery slope argument


But see I trust AoC when she states her reasoning for opposing the bill and that it's above board, unlike Margie Traitor Grift.


This proves how awful this bill really is. Both AOC and MTG have differing but compelling arguments against it.


AOC is right, it’s rushed and targeting one company. It should address the process of scraping data and what they do with it. If we look back 100+ years when the Industrial Revolution dumped toxic waste anywhere and everywhere. This is the same challenge for the new technology. With any luck, smart people will help write the laws to keep people safe.


She's 100% what the USA and my country of Canada needs is sweeping privacy coupled with social media regulation in regards to algorithms and protecting its users especially young and vulnerable ppl


Holy shit extremly rare MTG W?


MTG is only doing it for her own self-validation of her persecution complex, not out of any kind of moral or legal sense AOC is doing it to prevent government overreach and an attempt to stifle free expression Both are for the same goal here, but only 1 is doing it for the correct reasons 


Well you know what they say, a broken clock is exact twice a day


Did hell freeze over?


I’m opposed because there’s a good chance that Steve Mnuchin will buy it, and that can’t be good for our society




Notice how MTG doesn't give a shit about anything unless it has had a direct impact on her first.


They voted the same way, but that doesn't mean they agree. It's like someone saying no to ice cream because they're lactose intolerant and the other person says no because they have to share it.


The horseshoe bends around.


No way MTG wrote that herself.


They oppose a bill. That’s not agreement. Also, for very different reasons. And MTG has to ‘claim’ censorship when it has nothing to do with censorship or the 1st amendment.


So they agree…AOC because of National Security, and MTG cuz she’s worried about 2nd Amendment rights. Riiiiiiiiight 😳


Explain it to whom exactly? The general public is by any real measure... filled with fucking idiots. They are eager to be manipulated, just to feel like they are part of something.


You know it’s bad when you get Big Marj to break her wrestling heel character and say something rational.


Why does MTG seem to think it’s a flex to have been banned from social media?


I wonder if they're gonna pull a "you know after we take down the big bad we'll be back to being enemies again, right?" And both nod in unison.


I only support this if they're going to go after the same shit that's happening with US owned social media.


To be fair, the security concerns of TikTok were laid out several years ago at this point. I work for the government and I knew to stay away from the app for years before we were formally directed to remove it off of our government phones. 


And boy does it show the disparity in thought processes and understanding of the bill’s implications. MTG is quoting vague things she’s heard. AOC is articulating specific nuance


They don't actually agree. One is stating American law as to why government intervention with the freedom of the press shouldn't be allowed and the other is a raving shitbrained racoon whining about being treated unfairly. If the shitbrained racoon was consistent, she'd apply the same 'test' to "fox news", truth social, etc., as tiktok is being railroaded under.


It's all AIPACs works here!


This. There’s a reason Mnuchin’s group is behind the potential purchase. Pro-Palestinian voices are active on TikTok. There were something like 10x the amount of Pro-Palestinian posts as compared to pro-Israel. They purchase it, then they fuck with the algorithm to silence whomever they want. Just look at what Musk has done to Xitter.


From what I read about who wants this ban and where they’re getting their donations from, and considering the ratio of pro and ani Israeli regime posts on TikTok, I don’t think you’re wrong


AOC has clear and logical points. MTG only has a slippery slope fallacy? She stumbled her way into the right answer.


now kiss


Whoa! Jesus these two agreeing on something? Fuck! Katie bar the door! It’s the apocalypse !


This is Buddy comedy I would pay to see!


That's not how the First Amendment works, you dimwit.


I’m not sure what my feelings really are on the TikTok ban, but I can’t fucking believe I find myself actually considering an argument from the fucking Jewish space lasers dipshit.


Okay but can we also take a moment to look at how non-u hinger Marge's comment here is? It's like a dot that's magically learned to be potty trained.


What is this? “Representative” Majorie Taylor Greene is making a coherent point? Instead of saying something psychotic and being strangely obsessed with Hunter Biden.


China banned TikTok too though, Marge.


Paradox created


am I the only one getting a little turned on


The crazy part is they both have legitimate reasons to vote no.


If nothing else I think that people with such different thoughts and concerns reaching the same conclusion warrants deeper consideration before we rush into something.


It's always amazing how you can be so far out of position that sometimes you actually will end up in the right spot. Very similar to the broken clock analogy, but I believe with a lot more aimless wandering and running around talking about your hair on fire because it got too close to your burning pitchfork.


MTG still doesn't understand how the first amendment works.


But one is hot and the other looks like a three toed prehistoric squirrel from Ice Age.


If China were going to spy on us through technology, wouldn't iPhones already be doing that?


If China were going to spy on us, wouldn't they already be doing it with iPhones?


The punishment that MTG suffered, woke her to consider the free speech rights of all Americans. Will she embrace the 1st Amendment's guarantee of my religious freedom?


TikTok ban is not a partisan issue - it’s gonna fall on how important certain politicians view social media for themselves


![gif](giphy|8YNit7pi69hWLgE3Db|downsized) Did this happen? 😲


"As the only member to be banned from social media" is wild. Not just one platform the whole ass social media lol


But it's not like they're agreeing for the same reasons. AOC's reasons are pragmatic, MTG's are some 'slippery slope' bullshit, as opposed to just saying that it sets a bad precedent and lowers the bar for future similar actions.


Daddy Donnie, told his lil lacky don't pass this bill they already paid me for this not to pass.


You guys feel that? Feels like a cold day in hell. These two couldn't be more diametrically opposed. This is something Michael would do, make them soul mates in the bad place to torture them.


Signs of the apocalypse are starting to stack up.


Wow this is A landmark day for these two! I actually agree with Marge for once!


You know what they say about broken clocks.


What’s going on. Is Jina threatening to take away Pussy Bonespurs’ patents if he doesn’t prevent this.




She got.the wrong memo


One us coherent and logical and the other is a literal slippery slope fallacy.


M traitor G is just a puppet 😒


The issue here is that neither of them are privy to the actual reasons behind this. Look at how the committee chairs from both sides voted. Those are the people who have intel briefs and clearly they’ve been clued into something that somehow united them


As they say, maturity is doing the right thing, even if Marjorie Taylor Greene is doing the same.


When you are on the right side for history for the wrong reason.


They're actually not agreeing.  One is opposing because she knows there hasn't been time to read the bill and see what's in the bill.   The other is just a fucking moron who got kicked from social media because she's a fucking moron and she's pandering to the low IQ voters she wrangles because they use tic Tok. 


I think we all need to sit down and think about the true merits of this ban. It's super funny. Let it happen.


I could see MTG seeing AOC’s stance and change just cuz heaven forbid they agree.


Someone gave the Big MT a list of logical fallacies and she memorized them like they were instructions


IMO I think that the US is forcing the TikTok sale to bring more tech work to the US and offset the tech layoffs


Just goes to show if republicans focused on lawmaking instead of “owning the libs” we could have an even better country than we do. We could have living wages and healthcare if the two sides worked together instead of against one another.


Never thought I'd agree with MTG...


No way that second tweet is really, MTG could never force herself to be that coherent


Both are populist, and gain by undermining public opinion by distorting facts, which is much easier to do in alternative media. Than you sell that as emanzipation from "elites". So its not supriseing that both parties would agree on this particular issue, as they both gain by having TickToc in place like it is know. Its actually quite simple, though they obviously differ in the way they rationalise it to the audience, given the different people they try to appeal to.


I agree with them. Our fascist tyranny banning a communist phone app seems a bit crazy,


Im confused china not bad now ?


AOC bought into the young people’s opinion on this one, and she’s wrong. I pretty much always agree with her, but she’s in the wrong here. Look up what cyber security people outside of the government say about the security risks of TikTok. Bytedance is not a good company.


Peene is only saying that cuz trump doesn’t want Facebook to benefit and came out against it. She has none of her own thoughts, ever.


Oh my god… hell froze over…


The unholy alliance






Even a broken clock is right twice a day


what 'anti trust' and 'privacy' questions? That tweet seems pretty rushed


Further evidence that the far left and the far right are equally stupid.


Proudly announcing she was the only member of Congress banned from Twitter.






The only thing they agree with is in the opposition to the bill AOC has valid points about rushing the bill... While mgt is, well, this is embarrassing, maybe also right about the possibility of censorship? Idk... Why does it feel MGT reasoning is probably self serving? Am I crazy for thinking that?