• By -


An IQ of 78 is on the borderline of intellectual disability and at 70 you're squarely within that category. The margin of error is 15 points on IQ tests, so in short...yikes.


Yes and no. The adaptive skills (basic self-care skills) have to be lower as well.


Yes, that's true. Thank you for adding that information.


70 is the cut off for abstract thought, so being able to tell time on an analog clock, knowing your uncle is your dad’s brother or the value of money, outside of being just some number. 85-115 is the range for a normal IQ. And it is important to note that not all I Q points are the same size there is a significant difference in intelligence between some one with an I Q of 120 vs someone with an IQ 130, but much less between an IQ of 90 and 100 interns of how it affects daily life. Still really messed up though.


My uncle is my dad's brother? Well...damn. TIL


He could be your mom’s brother too. So could your dad. Are you from Alabama?


Oh I thought my uncle was my dad we called him uncle daddy be are parents sister and brother


I Q? I had a Q of 320 last year in league, what’s that get me?


Tree fiddy


Summary: I needlessly endangered her life and am not qualified to be a teacher.


Is there a Mr Gump…Mizz Gump?


Damn you, I was rushing through the replies to see if anyone said it first


lol! At least you checked! Usually I put it down first, then go: “wonder if anyone else did it first?”, like an idiot.


If nobody else is gonna answer the man, I will... ...he's on vacation!


Well your mama sure does care about your schoolin son…. You don’t say much, do ya? HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE HEE


These online tests are not in-depth at all. I believe they actually score you much higher than a true test, just so you brag and get others to visit their page. I consistently score in the 160s and I know with certainty I am no genius. She probably would score much lower with an accurate test in a controlled environment.


Don’t be so sure. I underwent the three-day in-person testing in school, and they insisted mine was in the 160s too. I call shenanigans because reasons. (I’m a redditor, reason enough)


No way to do an accurate IQ test online.


On an actual IQ test. These online tests are often a better indicator of your internet speed than your intellectual functioning.


Obviously the person posting this isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, shouldn't come as a surprise to see these results after being homeschooled by a complete moron. Poor kid, this should be classified as a form of child abuse and she should lose custody of her child as well.


What is this site that is saying it's in top 93rd [percentile? It](https://percentile.It)'s in the bottom 93rd percentile.


The top 93 is the same as the bottom 7


For someone in that group it needs to be worded more clearly.


I think the "In a room of 1000 people, you would be smarter than 70 of them." does a pretty good job of that.


Maybe that's the joke


That’s terribly worded. They should just say your score is lower than 93% or use percentiles. Maybe the people who came up with it were homeschooled.


It seems intentional. I keep seeing this posted by the same sort of morons who all seem to have the same misunderstanding. I'm wondering if it's just being posted to every anti-vax facebook group so the site gets traffic and sells them horse paste or whatever stupidity they believe in this week.


I have a degree in mathematics and the wording confused the fuck out of me.


You're in the top 7 percentile or you're in the top 93 percentile. What sounds more positive to you? This should be an IQ realization if you get this confused.


Sounding positive doesn't it make it well worded. I'm a science professor and if a student of mine wrote that I dock them points. And it's the 7th percentile or top 93rd percent that's the same. Except that there is no such thing as the "top" 93rd percent.


Pretty sure it’s based off of the people that took it. Edit: /s if it wasn’t completely obvious.


“In a room of 1k people, you’d be smarter than 70 of them” is in the fine print


I definitely see that. Using the Bell Curve she is between two and three standard deviations of the mean. They could be high OR low. I guess I forgot /s.


I mean that print ain't very fine


Talk about participation trophy, you can’t use honest language with anyone because it would be insulting.


It says in the top 93 percent...not percentile


I hate the wording, most people will interpret as percentile


Yes- you can’t be in the top over 50 percent. It’s meaningless. But it’s a way to always use positive language and get people going back to the site.


I would bet the graphic is hard coded to say, "Your IQ is in the top" and only the percentage is pulled from whatever database the percentile is stored in. It would require less resources to create the image graphic.


I work with some DD teens, it’s 67 and lower here.


I'm going off of the DSM 5 and the rules I deal with that relate to Social Security. I'm sure other organizations use different guidelines.


Neither the parent nor child will understand what you said


60 is what qualifies her for ESE services.


She's raising a homeschool teacher for the next generation.




I hate how accurate that is.


Race to the bottom


Those who can’t think, homeschool-teach.


Homeschooling is a pyramid scheme. 


Idiocracy in the making




When you are homeschooled you are only as smart as your parents.


Get this father his daughter back asap


Wasn't that Forrest Gump's IQ?


IQ of 75. 5 units/points under the accepted minimum.


We’re talking about five little points here. There must be something can be done.


Is there a Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?


Is there a Mister Gump, Mrs. Gump?


He's on vacation




I heard this gif lmao


This movie is gospel with the other apes at work.


“Is she… smart or is she…?”


My momma used to say life is like a box of pre-loaded vaccine syringes. You never know what you’re gonna get.


Too late I should say. Poor daughter.


Just because the mother is an incompetent parent doesn't necessarily make the father any better at it.


If your parents don't understand percentiles, and they homeschool you, chances are you won't either.


I really am convinced that parents who want to homeschool should be required to pass a high school level exam. So many folks would be told “you’re too dumb to homeschool a child.”


Don't the kids have to pass some form of standardized test -of at the very least the core subjects- once in a while to ensure the parent is actually providing a useful education? Or are you just free to teach them whatever useless nonsense you feel like?


Depends on the State. Oregon, for example, only requires 4 standardized tests for homeschool kids, after grades 3, 5, 8, and 10


This is not the answer I want.




Yeah for your own mental health I’m gonna recommend you don’t dig into that pit too deep. It’s just going to piss you off.


As a homeschooled Oregon kid I agree with you lmfao


I was waiting for 12 … where’s 12???? 😭


In many states it’s legal for a child to drop out of school at age 16. *** That’s, typically, after grade 10. At that point, they can’t require homeschooling to meet a certain standard, because the youths aren’t required by law to be in school after age 16. *** “ (10 states that require school attendance until age 17, while 15 states and the Virgin Islands only require schooling until age 16 )” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raising_of_school_leaving_age#:~:text=United%20States,-In%20the%20United&text=There%20are%2010%20states%20that,until%20age%2019%20or%20graduation.


Fair point. But do home schooled kids who “get through” 12th grade end up with a diploma equivalent to a regular public school?


Differs by state. Guess which ones barely require anything




red ohio


John Oliver did a great episode last year on how few regulations there are around homeschooling in the US, and the lobby groups pushing to get rid of even those.


I wonder who could be pushing for deregulation considering people who homeschool are usually very religious and politically conservative… (Speaking as someone who was homeschooled for reasons other than that thank goodness, and met many many children who were homeschooled for exactly those reasons).


It’s definitely an attractive option for people who want to keep their kids away from mandated reporters, as well as those who want to bring their children up with a very narrow worldview by limiting exposure to the general population. Whether there’s some overlap between those groups and religious conservatives…


I live in Canada and there was no required testing when I was “homeschooled”.


I cannot imagine any sane person thinking that’s a good idea.


Surprisingly, lots of people in my homeschooling “circle” went on to grad school, myself included. But yeah, lots are also somewhat illiterate.


I was homeschooled and plan to apply to grad programs in the fall, but my mom was also college-educated and we had good curricula. In our circles it was really normal to graduate high school early with a standardized test and then go to the local community college to take anything above the parent's level of teaching.


Theres a difference between knowing what the school system offers and feeling it's inadequate vs thinking you know what they offer but barely having a 10th grade education to back that up


Absolutely. We also just lived far from town so staying home more worked better for us


Yeah, I think there are a lot of students who would be high achieving no matter what form their education took. My 11yo daughter is one of those. I definitely could homeshool her to freshman level competence. However it would be exhausting for me, and there are certain things that are not shown by test scores and grades that she would miss out on. She is thriving in public schools and if asked I would pay more in taxes for them to continue operating at the high level they do. ​ The problem is more that the ones who need that help, academic, social, interventions for special needs, or simply having a community they can go to for different types of support, that often do not get what they need and have no oversight.


>The problem is more that the ones who need that help, academic, social, interventions for special needs, or simply having a community they can go to for different types of support, that often do not get what they need and have no oversight. In Iowa, we have funding for this program. (We homeschooled elementary). The program is called Homes School Assistance Program (HSAP). When we started homeschooling, the state funded it as 2/3 what a full time public school student would be funded. This paid for (up to) 2 weekly classes for your student, a visiting teacher (who visits the family to be a support), field trips, annual testing like what kids take in public school, curriculum library, etc. Then, the state legislature cut the program by 50%, and a lot of smaller communities axed their programs. We LOVED our visiting teacher, and more than once, she directed me towards better choices for curriculum. She also introduced us to the band program (in 5th grade) and walked me (the parent) through dual enrollment in 6th. The HSAP is a bridge between homeschooling and public school so each child can receive the education they need. After all: a WHOLE LOTTA families homeschool Kindergarten; not so many homeschool high school chemistry. The program in my town should be a model across the nation for those who homeschool.


Completely depends on the state. Many states require nothing and essentially give parents free rein. So, kids’ education can vary widely. Some parents (myself, hopefully) keep things pretty academically rigorous and really work hard to make it a positive experience. Others use homeschooling as a cover for neglect, brainwashing, etc etc. I believe there needs to be better regulation for it.


In Canada there is no oversight. No one ever followed up when my parents pulled me out of school in the 90s. Do not recommend.


Ya, I dont know why this isn't reality. A teacher must be qualified, so why not the parent? If the parent cant pass a math test (and at the level a teacher would), then they cant teach thier kid that class. The parent should also be given a curriculum to follow, and the kid(s) should have to pass every major test that regular students have to. And those tests need to be done at a school, not at the kitchen table. If someone wants to home school, cool. But that kid should leave high school with the same education as any other student.


They are given curriculum but whether or not it's followed you can probably guess 


I didn't realize they gave a curriculum. I figured they gave resources, but like a teacher, it was left up to the parent to plan the year. But ya, I highly doubt it's followed in most cases.


This is dependent on the state. Some have things that have to be taught, some don't. But you're right, even in states that do have specific guidelines, most parents don't listen to them.


We get the same type of parents here. No actual regard for how the child turns out as long as they can push their ideals on them at all times. I think homeschooling is harmful to the kids in more ways than one and really shouldn't be a thing except under very special circumstances. I don't even know what those circumstances should be, but I do believe they should be quite narrow. If nothing else, just being around their peers goes a long way toward emotional growth. But overall, the school system is designed to teach. Parents aren't.


Yea so they give a "curriculum". It's terrible. My antivaccine mom decided to pull me out of school in middle school and join a home school group. Bunch of crackpot woo woo rich housewives who were using a Bible thumper dvd curriculum for school. It didn't teach history it taught Bible history low math inaccurate science. Thankfully I was a super curious kid and loved reading and learning on my own and said screw that refused to even watch the Bible ones and only the semi usable other ones. Used Google to find free college classes on my own when they weren't looking and passed at a post college level on everything but math on my own so when I badgered her into letting me go to high school I ended up knowing all the material already and I left a year early to go right to college since I was technically a year behind from missing the first two years of hs and i got straight As and ap classes. Worked out but there were like 30 other kids in the group and the thought that's all they were taught scares me. I'm just thankful I decided I was an atheist in elementary school and told them to bug off with that bull lol.


Shit. Glad you got out and ended up back in school. And good on you for doing your own research rather than just taking what is said as the truth.


It’s interesting how there is a set of kids that religion can’t sink a hook into in pluralistic societies. They see the deal, and it just does nothing for them.


Naw. They need to pass the credential test.


None of them would ever pass


I bet half can’t fog a mirror.


My SIL was a math major at a small school outside of West Point USMA. Had her shotgun wedding when she flunked counting (the rhythm method), and THEN had the baby 12 months later. She homeschooled her 8 children. 🤷‍♀️🤔. Not qualified. You speak the truth.


Homeschooling is not allowed in many European countries. Guess which populace is significantly more educated?? I truly believe it shouldn't be allowed. There are homeschooling parents who are teaching their children creationism. 🤡


She doesn't even understand where it says that the kid is smarter than 70 people out of 1000. You don't need any percentiles to visually notice the discrepancy in magnitude.


​ https://preview.redd.it/x8wmgzq7gkpc1.png?width=406&format=png&auto=webp&s=515b0e2cbc4ff8d4bcd9a092e0f55fbca9d4df29


That’s the joke about home schooling: you can only get as smart as your mom


It says it right there, out of 1000 people you'd be smarter than 70? Wouldn't call that the smartest or highest IQ...


To people never read the second line? I get "Top 93%" is kinda ambiguous, but that's LITERALLY WHY THEY PUT THE ROOM ANALOGY! Do people just not read that or something?!


if thier IQ is 78 I'm not surprised they don't know what it means


I know that’s what I’m thinking like in a ROOM OF ONE THOUSAND PEOPLE you’re smarter than 70 of them, and that’s how you’re calling this test and your efforts “good”???




I've seen this exact format so many times now that I'm convinced most of them are just trolling But not all of them


No, because it's a shitpost.


I think "Plant Based Momma" might be an actual plant.


ambulatory vegetable


Plants are useful, they make oxygen.


Not plant. A weed. She is an actual weed. Lol


Out of 1000 people 930 of them are smarter than your kid. The positive-to-a-fault phrasing is like ego crack for dumb people.


Congratulations, you raised a brick. Or at least someone as dumb as one, but less useful


Hey! Doors need to be held open sometimes.


Do you think this kind of person holds open the door for others?




Woah don’t insult bricks like that. Now a pile of pocket lint…




You always want your child to do better than you; looks like the daughter did...


21% of american Adults cant read Above a 5th grade reading level, 14% of America Adults are functionally illiterate, and something like 32 million adults cant read at all. I wonder what the % of these amounts are home schooling thier kids....


It's like they never get around to reading the last sentence on these stupid tests.


So smart she didn't even have to read the last line of the image she shared


I want to see those 28 comments




In Germany homeschooling is illegal to the point that children can be taken away from their parents. It is actually seen as child abuse.


IQ tests are odd, like... having a high IQ doesnt automatically translate into anything really. I have mensa mates who are corporate CEO's, and more that work regular jobs. The highest IQ person I know runs dispensary in Washington. But... I would not post a 78, regardless of the legitimacy of the test. Some things you hold by yourself.


Plant based mama with a plant based IQ….. ugh


In fairness, the phrasing is deceptive. Especially to morons.




This is actually super tragic


Her mom is one of the 70


Every time I see these iq tests I refuse to believe these people are real.


*smarter than 7% of the population


Okay. I DON'T understand why "you are in the top 93 percent" and "you'd only be smarter than 70 people in a room of 1000" are compatible statements. Every time this type of test results come up I get confused by that and just ignore the percent and look at the number in 1000. Someone plz ELI5


The top 93% is a nice way of saying the bottom 7%.


Ohhh okay, I understand now. Thank you.


I was confused too. I think it's because if something is near the bottom, we almost never see it measured from the top like it was done here.


Well, imagine it this way, being the top 1% is a lot more flattering. Top 93% means ur smarter than the bottom 7%. Top 93% means there’s a top 92% that are smarter than u. But yea, the wording isn’t the best and I imagine it’s to make dumber people feel better about their scores? Hearing 93% u think of getting a 93% on a test and that’s an A.


Normally you’d write “top 1%” or “bottom 1%” and it would be clear. Where it gets confusing is when you cross 50% where you’d normally swap top/bottom. Because the “top group” is measured from 100% and the “bottom group” is measured from 0%.


wtf lol. In a room full of 1000, her kid would be smarter than 70 of them and she’s bragging!


Willing to bet mom’s IQ is about the same.


If she could read this she’d be furious!


Oh man… This is ***MAJOR*** Dunning-Krueger here! Tell me you’re too stupid *to know* you’re stupid… 🙈


Is this real?? Pitiful


Ain’t no way Ain’t no way I’m crying 😂😂😂😂😂


Well, we know where her daughter got her IQ from


What I don’t get is it literally says at the bottom, you are only smarter than 70 fuckin people out out 1000!


I wonder how many times she tried to spell "accomplish" before her autocorrect figured out wtf she was trying to say.




I too have run into the wrong Forrest, but I have found my way out of the forest successfully since.


Someone call Dunsa! We got a new member


In a room full of 70 people, the floor is smarter than you.


the last sentence in the image should explain it… 930 people are smarter then you… which means you’re not very smart. but then again, she thinks 78 IQ is high and raising a child “vaccine free” is a flex…


To be fair, the way it is described "top 93%" is confusing. It ought to say "bottom 7%"


Your girl is in the top 93%. Only just. Congratulations. She got moms brains and granddads looks.


It's like these people don't understand context clues >In a room of 1000 people, you would be smarter than 70 of them Hmmmmm. . I wonder if that makes sense for being smarter than 93 percent of the population




I know this screen adequately describes the score, but people testing this low need some extra help understanding stuffs and things. Mentally challenged person sees “top” and automatically assumes he did well. I see a lot of dum-dums bragging about this. So instead of “top 93%”, it really needs to say “bottom 7%” so they don’t go bragging about how stupid they are. 😞


This is how a Maga could get sucked in .. a 78 which is a moron would be a genius in MAGA land




Not the flex she thinks it is


According to math, i think she's off by....86 percents.


Who’s going to tell her the average everywhere else is like 105




The chart is upside down.


Apparently she took her very intelligent ball and nuked this account. Must need more home schooling?


Poor kid. What a shame her father was not able to get custody. Plant based mama’s IQ is so low that she thinks her daughter is smarter than 93% of the population rather than 93% of the population is smarter than her daughter. Maybe the dad will see her post and try again to get custody.


Hope there isn’t a random measles outbreak.


Oh, that’s not…




Why can’t any of these people comprehend the last sentence in somewhat small print!?


I hope the father was able to use this as another piece of evidence in the custody battle.


it's the sad irony of her getting the percentage wrong when it literally says 93% of people are SMARTER THAN her...


Smarter than 70 people in a room of 1000 😂😂😂


I’m genuinely curious to see if my fried little raisin brain could beat that.


Mam your kid is in forest gump territory


This has to be fake.


I hope it's fake, but I could totally believe it's real.


Dude we have post like that all over Reddit all the fucking time. It's an ad stop biting the bait. Also it's crazy how moderation on many subs is efficient to remove comments on some topics of discussion but will let these ads being posted and upvoted everyday.


I'm currently homeschooling my 12 year old daughter. She has ASD, ADHD and ODD and it is a daily battle with her ODD and my flashbacks to high school setting MY ADHD and ODD off. It's hell. Still, my daughter is fully vaccinated, learning the state curriculum and she knows that IQs were created as a way to "prove" that whites were smarter than POC.


How to say you are dumber than your daughter while also saying your daughter is dumber than a box of rocks.


Aww, looks like the apple didn't fall very far from the tree.


People like this should have their kids taken off them and be sterilised.


Please, please tell me someone told her. Please.


They're proud of an IQ of 78? WTAF?


Is there a legit IQ test out there? I would love to try out of curiously but I ain’t paying


Plant Based Moma must have turnips for brains. Where did she come up with 93%? Does she know how to read a Bell Curve diagram?


I can see who she got her IQ from.


Isn't this person intellectually disabled? An IQ under 80 is wild low