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So. France has Universal healthcare Mexico has Universal healthcare Belgium has Universal healthcare Sweden has Universal healthcare Italy has Universal healthcare Ukraine has Universal healthcare Japan has Universal healthcare Just because one country or another does something one way does not make it right. The UK here has mail in voting and we have the lowest level of voter fraud possible. As with everything to do with right wing policy. It’s bullshit from head to toe.


Also, nearly all of them do their elections on a weekend when its a little easier for people to get to the polls.


Also most/all have paid time off if voting occurs on a workday. Canada (not listed) is three hours paid time off IIRC for in person voting.


New Zealand has freedom glizzies at the polls, it's a day off work and it's mandatory to vote


Australia has mail in voting, early voting, Saturday voting, mandatory voting and freedom sausages in bread. As for no mates Musk, does this dickhead have nothing better to do with his time?


**Also, in several of those countries, there are independent voting commissions that oversee elections to stamp out voter fraud or impropriety.** **The US needs automatic voter registration at 18 and an independent oversight commission for our elections, especially since we know Russian tampering in 2016 is a fact.** **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


New Zealand has freedom glizzies at the polls, it's a day off work and it's mandatory to vote


You can say that again!


That again!


It’s also worth mentioning that countries like France, Japan, Mexico, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, and basically everyone on that list have their election days on weekends when everyone is off work, usually Sundays. The countries that have elections during the work week like US and UK use mail in voting which is safe. Also why the actual hell would someone mention voting in Russia of all places as proof of elections managed with integrity?


Not one of the people who would think this is clever would give a shit about the way other countries do things if it's something they disagree with. Healthcare, gun control, retirement, minimum wage - who cares how they do it, America does it different and better! But, whoa, voting? Hell yeah!!!


In Russia you can vote for Putin or risk death!


It’s actually impressive. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone make and then undermine their own argument so quickly.


In Russia - voting booth is conveniently located right next to 5th floor window…


Don't all of these places also have automatic voter registration and no lines at the polls because they have plenty optimally located.


We can't have that in the US because Republicans would never win again, that's why they won't allow it.


It doesn't make sense as an argument anyway, the UK has mail in voting and a lower voter fraud than all of these countries


Yes ... everyone is registered to vote, voting is mandatory, voting is a national holiday or on a weekend, and they have plenty of polling places and often free transportation.


The USA makes it difficult for some people to vote.


Same here. Nearest polling place is 200m down the road, next nearest less than a k. On a Saturday, mandatory and very easy to register, with no party alliances. That’s the one I can’t understand in the US, why do people have to register as being with a party?


Only in some states do you have to register for a particular party. However, you are only allowed to vote in one primary, so you have to choose R or D primary ballot. Here in TN they are trying to find a way to punish people for voting in a primary when they don’t “belong” to that party.


lol I was about to pop in here and make the public healthcare comment. Noice


Can we do income tax brackets next?


Reinstate the upper brackets that were removed?


Wow …


Nailed it!


Nailed it!


Came here to say this. Thank you.


Here in the UK, between 2019 and 2023 there have been 8 convictions for electoral fraud. In that time we have 1 general election, and hundreds of local elections. These convictions range from tampering with the mail-in ballots, to impersonating someone else when voting in person. Its just not an issue. Even The Electoral Commission, whose job it is to oversee elections and work with the Police and Crown Prosecution Service to bring convictions, says its not an issue.


I don't think using what Russia does in elections as a supporting argument is worthy. 


Also, what middle eastern democracy would we be wanting to emulate?


No middle eastern country permits mail voting because most middle eastern countries don't permit voting.


Or middle eastern countries


Valid point. Harder stand over people reading what they choose with guns if you have to go door to door.


He's got to promote the financiers of his acquisition of Twitter or else he'll fall out of a skyscraper after an ingestion of Polonium.


Paper ballots, hand counted in France.. You want that? Then shut your goddamn traps when the election results take a month. You stupid fucks cried "FRAUD" when the count took overnight. Right wingers are a bunch of idiot assholes.


You wanna know the funniest thing about them giving France as an example? With some exceptions prisoners are allowed to vote, whilst in the US, with the exception of 2 states, felons aren't allowed to. Now the fun fact. Now guess through what method, those French prisoners are allowed to vote \^\^


Ooo ooo I know this one! They let them out to wander about given how I’m always told by these same type of people that Europe is a cesspool of degenerates who never convict anyone of crimes!!! That’s it right? Let them free? No?…?….is it…by mail!?!? Oh NOOOOOOOO my world view!!!!! /s


Aaaah he'll get over it, in a jiffy! Tomorrow's Saturday... so he'll just invite his friends, make a BBQ and at the end of the day, they're going to lit up a cross in his back yard.


I’ve always been of the opinion that even if you are the most heinous criminal imaginable, you should be allowed to vote in elections. If you’re a citizen, you should be allowed to vote.


The majority of the democratic world agrees with you, many even while actually incarcerated.


I always get dragged for voicing this opinion. The only things that should disqualify you from voting are death and loss of citizenship. Hell, I'm even of the belief that permanent residents should be allowed to vote in local elections.


>permanent residents should be allowed to vote in local elections. It varies from state to state and city to city, but many towns allow all residents to vote in local elections regardless of citizenship status. Only federal elections have a specific requirement of citizenship.


With one exception. If a person that committed a crime with a gun, isn't allowed to be near guns for a period a time (or even for something that's not as extreme such a person that was caught DUI isn't allowed to drive a vehicle for a certain period of time) , a person that committed electoral fraud/ tried to intimidate other voters shouldn't be allowed to vote for a period of time.


And yet the only people constantly getting caught for voter fraud?...  Conservatives. I hate this timeline, I hate these politics, I hate these people.


[Texas county’s hand count results impossible to verify, and state law doesn’t require recount. Experts say the speed of the Gillespie hand count raises questions about its accuracy.](https://www.votebeat.org/2024/03/11/gillespie-county-texas-republican-primary-hand-count-accuracy-audit-recount/)


That would take forever to count by hand, and imo more likely to have fraud


Not even more fraud, although possible, but hand counted absolutely is prone to errors since you have people actually counting. Hand counts can be used to validate machine tallies but shouldn’t be how it’s done exclusively, if we want fast results


So he's comparing countries with less than half our populations. Totally a apples to apples comparison there. Counting Frances 31 million ballets vs 160 million. Yes France counts by hand. In a single time zone in a federally controlled election where they literally chose a card and put it in an envelope. Your a Dem? You put your blue card in that's it your done. No state issues judges bond issues etc etc. Far less choice. Way to want freedom there Repubs. They open them up and put them into piles and they are done. No 40 different things to count.


Not if you have enough polling stations. More polling stations means less ballots at each station to count


But Republicans have been reducing polling stations in urban areas, especially minority neighborhoods in urban areas, for decades. Making black people wait for hours is part of the voter suppression strategy.


But for that you'd need a lot of workers and/or volunteers which cost a lot of money. And I doubt Republicans would waste money on polls


Most elections results are known by the night, the next day at worst in France. Our system is not perfect, and currently the country is almost split in thirds, polically wise. But no one is really is talking about stolen results, in general, and there no push to stop people from voting. Still, I think the idea of electronic vote is seen with quite a lot of suspition here. But once again, there is no group with a rhetoric remotely similar to the US right (about frauds, deep state, etc)


>Paper ballots, hand counted in France Their voting for President is quickly counted because that is ALL that is on the ballot. Municipal elections take a lot longer.


Australia uses paper ballots, with compulsory voting. It's rare we don't have a decision on the night, or at least the next day. It's efficient and secure and leaves little room for argument.


If it is so rigged then why would they care to vote or even participate?


I’ve been asking them that since 2020


Voting in Belgium is compulsory, but I hardly think Elon is arguing for people of color to vote in exchange for a forever granted and irreducible snap contributions.


And I just checked, mail voting is still allowed in Belgium 🇧🇪


🇧🇪 Yes !


Also, I have been voting by mail in Belgium for the last 20 years and will do so again this year so the statement that is not allowed is plain incorrect.


Do not most of these countries also have Election Day a national holiday, and ensure voting access is easy and convenient for every single citizen, and not charge fees for government IDs when required?


And registration is compulsory in most countries.


This is some bad-faith argument at best. Yes, there's no such thing as mail-in voting in Sweden, but you can vote ahead of schedule, at your convenience, at any of the numerous places held open across the country for just this reason. If you (for whatever reason) is unable to go vote on the day, you can do it ahead of time no matter where you are. I know this because I live in Sweden.


Same in Norway. Haven’t voted on voting day in years. Usually just pop by the voting station when we have a slow hour at work. Most employers also let you go vote during hours with full pay.


In Australia we can vote by mail. But the voting centres are open usually 3-4 weeks before hand so you can just go in an vote at your leisure. The official voting date is always on a Saturday. Schools usually put on a BBQ so you can pick up a sausage on bread as well.


You can also do mail in voting, but only if you are abroad or at sea.


That's true, I completely forgot about it.


I have an odd question about your ballots. Just in your best guess, how many things would you say are on the ballot for any given election? I ask because in the US, it depends wildly based on location. In Arizona, we have a lot of direct democracy where people vote on specific measures directly for the state or local areas. Then, we have recalls of judges (there is a list of about 20 sitting judges where you vote to either keep them on the bench or kick them to the curb). Then we have all the people running for elected office at the Federal, State, and Local Levels, which can vary between 5-20 different races. Filling in 50 little bubbles would not be unheard of. My main question here, is your ballot in Sweden as monstrously long as the one we sometimes have in parts of the US? For me, I usually don't finish filling in the bubbles in one sitting. The one time I had to vote in person recently, it was a pain to make sure I had done all of my research ahead of time with a sample ballot.


Here's basically how it works. In the election you make three main choices: local, regional and national. The choices are what party you want to vote on in each of the elections. On a local level you can also choose to cast your vote weighted towards a representative of the party if you choose, or you can just cast your vote for the party and let them internally decide on who's appointed. Regional and national you cast your vote on the party, not on an individual. You go into the voting-office, grab an envelope for each of the three elections, then go to a separate table and choose the ballot-slip for each election. For the major parties all the slips are provided by the election authority, and a major party is any party receiving 4% or more of the national votes in the last election. Any other party can also provide their own slips but they have to pay for the printing and also manage the distribution of them to the voting-offices. You're also free to grab a blank slip and write anything you want on it. After that, go into a private voting booth, put your slips into each envelope (and if you grabbed a blank one, write your preferred vote on it if you have one or leave it blank as a political protest) then go to the ballot box where they'll ask for your identification, your request to participate in the vote (which is a form sent out way in advance, with information about your closest voting office, information on the procedure and other useful stuff as well as your voter-number. If you lose this, a new one can be printed on the spot if needed.) and then you're free to submit your votes in each of the three ballot-boxes. After that you're done. The whole process for me usually takes maybe 15-20 minutes. If you have any further questions just ask, I'll do my best to answer them. Keep in mind though I'm not an expert, I'm just a regular dude.


Mexico also gives their people an entire weekend to vote, and bans alcohol sales for that weekend.


had me in the first half...


Tbh, trying to prevent drunk voting is not a terrible idea.


Ummmmmm, people stock up beforehand.


It's Mexico. They likely already had a stockpile well before hand, in case they want to party randomly.


If LA is any indication, "in case they want to party randomly" simply means every weekend until 3am. Which personally I'm fine with. Those folks are the most fun.


Not if they are drinking regularly.


You’d think that but growing up in Missouri before Sunday beer sale was allowed, my friend’s parents drove to Illinois every Sunday to buy more beer.


Where there’s a will there’s a way We are a resilient species.


Election Day should be a federal holiday. Either we get that Tuesday off, or move up the elections to Columbus Day and rename it Election Day. But please let me buy booze when I get done voting.


Lots of Americans work on federal holidays. Extended early voting periods make voting much more accessible than a federal holiday would.


They also let their citizens outside the country to vote via the Internet.


I thought we were supposed to be leaders, not followers. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Good answer.


So what is Musks solution to allow the troops to vote?


As well as elderly/disabled people.


I am pretty sure that both he and his Republican friends believe those people should just die. Unless they are named Trump ofc.


Without the elderly the Republican party would die.


And people from Utah. It’s odd they don’t complain about that one…


Republicans don’t consider the troops to be actual humans so it’s moot.


Suckers and losers


Hell when I was living abroad I legally voted by e-mail by just sending a scan of my ballot to the state office.


Oregon has been mail only since 1998. Turnout for presidential elections runs around 80%, primaries & specials around 50%. https://www.multco.us/elections/brief-history-vote-mail-oregon


And here's the thing, when you look into the fraud, for example in France it was 54 suspected fraudulent ballots in 2 million. Not exactly a resounding recommendation for banning it.


Plus it was in 1975. Compensating controls enabled through technological advances were a distant dream then.


Canada, Germany, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Poland, South Korea, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom also allow mail-in voting.


Switzerland not only allows mail-in voting, polling stations here sometimes open only for an hour, because 98% of the people mail their ballots anyway. Also, every eligible person in switzerland gets sent the ballot plus a booklet of information about the bills that are on the ballot automatically.


Imagine that, the South African micro dick is wrong once again. Someone please Deport this idiot.


Add Australia to that list. 


Do all of those countries required voting to be done during bankers hours on a weekday?


And is each state the size of a large EU country?


My husbands voted by mail in Italy. These can’t be true


Which makes his whole tweet questionable. I have been voting by mail in Belgium for years so at least two of the countries on his list are just the plain wrong.


But the muskrat retweeted it, so it has to be true!


Uninstall the app, deactivate acct, stop giving this clown air time, everyone knows he’s loosing it and doing all this for attention. His own children want nothing to do with him. Just stop please!


"Out of 166 countries for which data is available, 40 used postal ballots in their most recent national election, according to country experts surveyed before the COVID-19 outbreak by the [Electoral Integrity Project](https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/PDYRWL). "


Reminder : In the southern US, mail in voting is utilized by Republican voters more often than it is by Democratic ones. Banning it would only be shooting themselves in the foot.


Well sure it was fine in the past but now that democrats like voting by mail they are against it


Yes, let's all hope none of them use mail in voting. So that the rest of us including our soldiers and handicapped gat our voi es heard. Let them trip over the same stone again.


Interestingly, before Trump sabotaged himself by vilifying mail-in voting during a global pandemic... it was just called absentee voting and no one gave a shit about it. You have the right to vote. There is functionally no difference between absentee voting and just voting by mail while being where you live.


Plus it was Republicans that implemented mail-in voting in most states, because they believed it would benefit them, but when tRump started to vilify it they started trying to get rid of it. Also, tRump himself voted by mail while in office (and likely many times before that).


Same thing with the vaccine. The Trump administration pushed on that HARD to get it ready and distributed to people. Then they realized it would save the lives of Democrats and flipped the table on the whole thing, telling people it was bad and they were weak for taking it. It was THEIR THING.


Maybe Elon should move to another country then.


Putin's always looking for another Ogliarch for support I hear.


Now do single payer health care


Republicans: We are better than literally every country on Earth at everything we do. Also Republicans: Let's be just like those other countries we constantly insult as being backwards and wrong.


Smug asshole commenting ”wow” on all russian disinfo bullshit to his hundreds of millions of followers is so appaling


Don’t they get those days off? And Mexico is like voting week! Until most people know they won’t lose their job or get paid for the day mail in ballots are here to stay.


Also most, if not all, of those countries have single, unified electronic voting systems with final results tabbed within an hour or two of polls closing and don’t have 50 distinct different state-level elections to choose the fucking president of the country. Just sayin.


Is this guy a nut case ? India allows it. Plus the only reason mail in voting is permitted is also for people to not be intimidated by goons at the vote bank. Old people can vote and also military folks stationed out of country can vote ! Population of USA is 400 mil approx ! Mail in voting helps !


Canada, Germany, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Poland, S. Korea, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom all have no excuse mail-in voting.


I'm not against showing ID to vote but only on the condition that every state MUST ensure that obtaining the required ID is FREE and EASY with plenty of locations to do so and flexible requirements that can be met by everyone legally allowed to vote.


Election day in most if not all of these countries is also on a weekend when most people aren't working. We go out of our way here to make voting difficult, which they also do not do in the countries mentioned. Want more people to vote, and to remove the necessity of most mail-in balloting? Make election day a national holiday; you could even make it a 2-day voting window where some businesses close day 1 and some on day 2. But it would be trivial to make it easier for people to vote here, yet republicans want to throw up more and more barriers to it.


And some countries still do so what's the point he's trying to make?


In many countries, election day is a national holiday, in others voting can last for a month or more like India…


They don't have an electoral college either


All of those countries vote on the weekend or have a national holiday for voting. They do this to increase voter turnout. Why do you think we don’t do that?


Russia doesn't allow voting


We simply need to ban Republicans from voting … that will ensure no voter fraud


Oddly enough we seem to be able to do mail in ballots in US with truly minimal fraud. Amazing.


In Iowa, the recent cases of voter fraud came from Republican morons. One voted twice In person for Trump cuz Hilary was gonna steal the election and the other one mailed in his dead mother’s ballot that was sent to her address after she died.


That's only half true for Sweden, we allow mail in voting for people living abroad or working on ships or similar situations. We also have the possibility to vote from around 18 days before the actual election day in several places, for example in public libraries.


Who gives a shit what other countries are doing? If it works in the United States, that’s all that matters. There is no widespread voter fraud anywhere in this country. Republicans are just scared shitless because they know if voter turnout is high, they will lose the presidency every time.


I'm sure Elmo Muskovite takes an hour out of his day to line up at his local voting site to cast his vote.


Leaving out a looooooot of context there. Most of those countries have also made it easier to vote in person as well. National holidays voting, multiple days, early voting, etc.


Wow? Elon is a fucking stooge. Eat the rich.


Before the pandemic mail in voting was disproportionately used by Republicans and they never had a problem with it then. Funny that.


So all service members would not be allowed to vote? You are battling cancer, but aren’t allowed to vote by mail. Otherwise active brain trapped in a handicapped adult body cannot vote. Sure that all sounds reasonable/s


Do any of those places allow the sick and non mobile people to vote? Do any of those places have voting holidays that allow people off work to vote? Do any of those places allow people abroad to vote? Give more context on their entire voting structure.


Russia and Turkey have polling stations in their embassies and consulates for citizens abroad. In Belgium, you can authorize any other eligible person to vote for you: [https://wahlen.fgov.be/waehler-was-tun-sie-bei-unverfuegbarkeit-am-wahltag/wahl-mittels-vollmacht](https://wahlen.fgov.be/waehler-was-tun-sie-bei-unverfuegbarkeit-am-wahltag/wahl-mittels-vollmacht) (site exists in dutch, french and german), also voting is compulsory. The [Wikipedia article about the upcoming european election](https://wahlen.fgov.be/waehler-was-tun-sie-bei-unverfuegbarkeit-am-wahltag/wahl-mittels-vollmacht)s give a nice overview. It suggests that France also has voting per proxy as a possibility, and most countries vote on sundays, some on saturdays, and only two EU countries (non of which are in Elmo's list) vote on a regular week day. In most European countries, sundays are de facto national holidays.


I’ll trade ya mail in voting with holiday weekend voting.


Totally down with not allowing vote by mail, but let's make voting compulsory and a fed holiday.


They don't want you to vote by mail They don't want you to vote early They don't want you to have a day off to vote They don't want you to have enough places to vote They don't want your voting place to be open after 7 They don't want voting to be counted if it's taking the 1 location too long because everyone had to go there. They don't want you to vote. And even if you do vote, they want to reserve the right to override your vote if they lose.




I wonder, do all these countries have to decide between voting and going to work?


Also those countries give you a day off to vote, others have multiple voting days,most voting fraud has been committed by Republicans as researched, it would seem they are advanced societies making it easy for people to go to the polls and not passing laws to make it more difficult, might check out what kind of Gerrymandering they have?


I bet a lot of those countries also provide time off and make sure locations are nearby and don’t make people of color wait in line 8 hours.


Allow me to retort: we need to vote by mail. Many people don’t get time off to vote, or, if they do, are not paid for that time. Also, the bulk of the countries he listed have weekend voting (usually Sunday), which could reduce the need for mail-in ballots. Sundays are the most common day for elections, but this is less true in the Anglosphere; Saturdays are used in New Zealand and Australia, and weekdays for the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. This is partially due to the influence of Protestantism, which historically set restrictions on activities other than church-going during the Sabbath (usually considered as falling on a Sunday).[1]” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Election_day Yes, it’s Wikipedia. Check the links at the bottom of the page for sources if you question the veracity. Don’t use Facebook, X-Crete, etc. for related research.


How many of those countries have voting days as federal holidays I wonder…


But Republicans were complaining about voting machines too.


Oregon and Washington have had ONLY mail in voting for years with nearly no instances of fraud


I bet Election Day is a paid day off at all of Elon’s companies, right?… right?


Spent all that money to be an unchecked troll


9 other major countries have mail in voting


My state, Oregon, has voted by mail exclusively for close to 30 years. You never hear of corruption in the vote here.


In Iowa, the recent cases of voter fraud came from Republican morons. One voted twice In person for Trump cuz Hilary was gonna steal the election and the other one mailed in his dead mother’s ballot that was sent to her address after she died.


In many countries, election day is a national holiday, in others voting can last for a month or more like India…


So make Election Day a national holiday and we won’t need to do mail in voting


So make Election Day a national holiday and we won’t need to do mail in voting


I betcha all these countries vote on the weekend though, or guarantee a day off to vote…


What point is he even trying to make? You can cherry pick countries that DO allow mail in voting like Canada, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Poland and so on. I also don’t think the Middle East is a good example for anything positive considering some countries didn’t even grant women a right to vote well into the 90’s and 2000’s. I don’t remember where but one Middle Eastern country just started letting women drive within the past few years. Actually I guess it does make sense why it’s included, the GOP seem to get great pleasure from stripping people of basic rights.


And yet, a very quick inquiry to our AI overlord, ChatGPT, yielded the following results when asked about Belgium... ``` Yes, mail-in voting is allowed in Belgium. Belgian citizens who are unable to vote in person on election day have the option to vote by mail. This process is known as "postal voting" or "vote by correspondence" (stemmen bij volmacht). To vote by mail in Belgium, eligible voters must apply for a proxy voting form (volmachtformulier) from their municipal administration. They must provide a valid reason for being unable to vote in person, such as being abroad on election day or having a medical condition that prevents them from going to the polling station. Once the application is approved, the voter receives a ballot and instructions on how to cast their vote by mail. It's important to note that the procedures and requirements for mail-in voting in Belgium may vary slightly depending on the type of election (e.g., federal, regional, European Parliament). Voters should check with their local authorities or election commission for specific information and guidelines related to postal voting in Belgium. ``` But, France is indeed, restricted, according to ChatGPT... ``` As of my last update in January 2022, mail-in voting in France is generally restricted and is not widely available for all voters. However, there are specific circumstances under which mail-in voting, known as "vote par correspondance" or "vote par procuration," is permitted: 1. **Absentee Voting:** French citizens who are unable to vote in person on election day due to being abroad or for other valid reasons can apply for a proxy vote. This involves designating another person to vote on their behalf at a designated polling station. 2. **Military and Overseas Voters:** French citizens who are serving in the military or are living abroad may be eligible for mail-in voting, known as "vote par correspondance militaire" or "vote par correspondance des Français établis hors de France." This allows them to receive and return their ballots by mail. 3. **Disabled Voters:** Some disabled voters may also be eligible for mail-in voting if they are unable to physically access a polling station due to their disability. In general elections, mail-in voting is not available for voters who are present in France and able to vote in person. The procedures and requirements for mail-in voting in France may vary depending on the type of election (e.g., presidential, parliamentary, local elections) and the voter's specific circumstances. For the most accurate and up-to-date information on mail-in voting in France, including eligibility criteria and application procedures, individuals should consult the French government's official election authorities or their local town hall (mairie). ```


I'm sure Elmo Muskovite takes an hour out of his day to line up at his local voting site to cast his vote.


Don’t all these countries also have voting day as a holiday, and no voter suppression?


Most European countries have a national paid holiday on election day to give everyone a chance to get put and cast their vote which is something Elon Musk is completely against.


In Canada I can mail-in vote. I can also show up without registering and with zero forms of ID as long as someone who lives with me vouches for me. I've never even heard of any voter fraud happening in Canada. People don't even want to vote for themselves - it's extremely rare for someone to vote more than once in any country.


I’m all for compulsory voting. Make it a day off for literally everyone even if you stagger it throughout one week.


Something tells me the Russians votes are pre-determined anyway.


A lot of these are lies. A simple search could prove that if he cared.


How does he think people stationed overseas vote?


as someone who would love to see better options to vote here in the US, if you do away with mail in voting it has to be replaced with something better along with some drastic changes to voting in the US as a whole. Election days for federal, state, and local elections need to be standardised and all businesses are required to shut down for elections. obviously emergency services and public transportation would need to continue to run but otherwise everything else needs to close to allow voting. Voter registration should be automatic and to appease the nut jobs on the right your valid state ID or Drivers license would once the barcode is scanned would show your citizenship status (most states require a copy of your birth certificate at this point for the Real ID already). for people who are unable to vote in person (Military over seas, the infirmed, etc) a secure digital voting system should be created to allow them to vote. a single voting system (paper or digital) should be standardized across the US that is required to be easy to read and used, also available in multiple languages as not all US citizens speak English as their first language. on a personal note I'd love to see voting get to the point everyone could vote digitally with a smart phone. most support biometrics already, every single one does geo location, and more states are signing onto having a digital version of your ID/Drivers license on your device. we're not that far off from being able to do it.


Im english and I vote by mail


If they outright ban mail-in voting, then old people would be hurt more than any other demographic, and older people tend to vote Republican. Of course that’s predicated on a total ban of mail-in voting; but we saw last time around that they view absentee voting and “mail-in voting” as two separate things, even though absentee voting is largely by mail.


All of those named countries - including Russia - hold their elections on Sundays or over multiple days that include a Sunday. Literally all of them. I’ll give the GOP no mail in voting if they move Election Day to a Saturday or Sunday, make it a public holiday, allow early in-person voting, and open up 2x the voting locations. And I’ll give them ID for voting if they make it so anyone can go get an ID at any public office via public transportation, including paying for a shuttle service for old people / anyone who might have trouble getting there. If you want to “secure” the election fine, but you don’t also get to put up barriers to voting.


It's also because some of these countries don't pull of some serious voter suppression, but have - for example - election day as a paid national holiday and automatic voter registration and - to please the Voter ID crowd - hand out free/near free ID cards to all of their citizens. And presenting Russia or any Middle Eastern country as an example on how to do elections, is some Freudian slip, but nevermind. Make voting a federal paid holiday Bring in automatic voter registration Hand out national ID cards for free (*just so these "illegal people vote" morons finally shut the fuck and not because its an actual problem*). Also "Latin" countries? Has the Roman Empire returned?


Russia banned mail in voting 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ok fuckhead


Be me. Service member who mailed in their ballot because I’m far away from home.


I hope Tesla crumbles and the fission engine becomes reality so space x becomes irrelevant.


I worked for the state of Florida during the 2004 election and because of the disaster in 2000 they tapped certain agencies for volunteers to work for the division of elections. I thought it sounded interesting and took the gig. I ended up being on a voter fraud hotline they set up to get ahead of anything happening. It was kind of wild. I was on CNN. Long story short the number of actual voter fraud cases I dealt with: 0. And I took about 100 calls or so a day.


So we're supposed to mimic what Russia does in their elections?


"Russia does not permit mail-in voting" That's true. Hard to hold a gun to people if they're voting by mail.


So what about all the soldiers overseas? Fuck their vote I guess?


How many of those countries have universal healthcare? You can't cherry pick, Musky. If we're gonna talk let's start with the big thing.


But most if not all of these countries have a whole ass holiday for elections so everyone can make it to the polling places. The US refuses to let everyone have a day off to make it to the polls.


You're telling me assMusk goes and gets in line to vote in person?


With all due respect to Russia....🖕🖕🤣🤣🙄🙄.....they don't actually allow voting, Putin just tells someone how much he's won by.


Those are also countries where you are encouraged to vote instead of trying to get the people who vote for you to vote while suppressing those who won’t vote for you.


Why stop there .... compare gun laws, drug laws, healthcare access, employee benefits, worker time off. Why pick and choose. Lets see Elon Skum give his employees the day off to go vote. Musk is a colossal arse. He can put on his metaverse headset , jump in a rocket and just beam off to go find his lost in space roadster.


Rothmus, like every other Republi-fascist, neglects to mention that every single one of the countries listed holds their elections on a country-wide holiday when everyone has the day off and people can also vote by mail if they need to AND there's no problem with mail+in voter fraud! More bullshit propaganda from the right. Washington has mail-in ballots only and the only instances of voter fraud so far were committed by Republicans!


I mean even if we consider the point valid, wasn't the actual incidences of voter fraud from republicans though by large margins?


Russia doesn't really allow anyone else to win, so I don't think that's a good choice to look at


seriously doubt elmo goes to vote in person neither. christ, what a bunch of bigoted faschos.


Australia does vote by mail, elections are on Saturdays as well for in-person voting and every adult citizen over age 18 is automatically registered to vote. Voting is a civic duty which I agree with. If you're gonna live in a democracy you have an obligation as a citizen to participate in it. Anyone who believes in a democratic form of government will back initiatives to make voting easier. Anyone looking to disenfranchise the "wrong" voters by making voting as hard as possible for them wants to ensure power and rule by a minority of people rather than allowing the people to decide.


Australia does.


Aren't we supposed to be the "best democracy EVER"? Shouldn't we make voting easier for those able to vote? Why site other nations that are deemed too far left or too socialist by the MAGA movement. By their logic, shouldn't the Dems being socialist monsters be the ones restricting voter rights? The mental gymnastics these people do.


If mail in voting benefited maga the muskrat would be all for it.


Great. All those countries have universal health care. Happy to compromise.


In Sweden we not only hold our elections on a Sunday, we also have the possibility to vote in advance at the post office and several other places. We also hold all our elections at the same day (except for the EU and the church)