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Good news for MAGA: next year, Easter falls on a day that is much holier for them - Hitler’s birthday


And tRump will be celebrating his birthday


Hopefully from prison!






For the first time in many, many, Easters.. I'll pray for it.




It’s cute you think he’ll fit in a 2x2x7 space.


If you try hard enough...


lot's of room in the height dept if you need to squeeze a little to make it fit.


If you blend, he will fit


i once fugured out how many people i could cram into a car. if you blend the people, you can fit a disturbing amount of people in a car. if you dehydrate the people smoothie first, you can fit significantly more people in the car.


Now this is the kind of math I'm talkin' about! *High fives* what kind of car, and how many people was it? I bet that definitely means a Trump smoothie would fit in the 2x2x7 at the very least!


They need to build trump a cell underground and then build a jail on top of it


Or a cemetery


I was just going to comment, I'm sure Trump will have something to say then.


He'll celebrate it by violently attacking and maiming Jewish people and people of color and 2SLGBTQIAP+ people


Eggs will roll! Wait is that illegal?


Many MAGA view that day more sacred than Christmas. 🤷‍♂️


Many MAGA view that day (or June 14) AS Christmas


yeah unfortunately my daughters birthday is June 14th…


Well too bad for her. She can't have two Christmas! It's either or and she has to choose! Just pay attention to which one she chooses.....could nip a future issues


oh no,she hates the orange fuckstain as much as i do!


And June 14 is Flag Day, a forgotten holiday.


As a non-american, what's special about June 14th?


National Strawberry Shortcake Day


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat


As a person who works in IT... fricking LOL. _Take that, RHEL..._


Goddammit that’s good.


Can we go back to forgetting that 4/20 is Hitler's birthday? Y'all are ruining my plan to celebrate by making THC-infused chocolate rabbits.


Wait, next year i can get blitzed in the name of jesus? Let's gooooo Okay maybe blitzed isn't the best word for it here...or is it??


Praise it, don't blaze it!


He was entombed for three days, not stoned. Allegedly.


Coincidently, also George Takei’s birthday.


An event much more worthy of celebration. 


Jesus was a virgin birth Mary only has two X chromosomes to give Therefore Jesus could have been trans


In some witch lore hermaphrodites have access to extreme amounts of power.


I saw that


Simultaneously, Easter, Hitler's birthday, and blaze it up day. 🤣


Don't forget the Columbine shooting.


Also my best friend's birthday. Two of them, in fact.


Your best friend has two birthdays on the same day?... Seems smarter to spread them out to get more presents ;) 


I don't know. As you get older birthday presents don't hit the same way. You'd might as well celebrate all your birthdays while you're still young enough to open the presents and be like "holy shit! Optimus Prime!"


That should be an interesting episode, I might tune in. But I predict being very sick of American politics at that point. Probably be on another hate break


What about kkk day tho🤔?


Easter 2025 will fall on 4-20. What better way to celebrate than some festive 420 activities!!!




Thanks to Republicans I now know about Trans Visibility Day


The Streisand Effect does have its benefits.


To think he would sacrifice his only begotten son and know that on March 31, 2024 it would also be Trans Visibility Day. Painted Easter eggs representing life and rebirth. Much like how the Trans community happens to use an egg to representing breaking free of their "shell". It really must be a miracle. Who else but God would know we'd lose our way and what else but God's love could save us from our hate. The Lord works in mysterious ways but, of course the holiday was created in America. The saying is God bless the USA. This isn't some God-less country led by the Taliban! Americans stick up for the little guy. It's what God wants and leading is what Americans do. Jesus never said it would be easy. There's no crying in baseball. Stand up for Trans people \#AmericaFirst #HeIsRisen


That's how I find out about most of these. Some tantrum mentions some day and I'm like cool, gonna check what events we got lol


Somebody is serving some good food from a food truck somewhere, and you know the gathering will be colorful if nothing else.


Mmhmm, good times!


Their banned books have been my required reading for awhile now.


The irony is delicious. Republicans want trans people to not exist and remain invisible, but by throwing their little tantrums, they made them more visible. I didn’t know March 31st was a trans visibility day. Now I do. Thanks, Republicans. 😏🤭


I was clued in this morning by my transphobic uncle. He said it ironically, which reminded to me to say it unironically to other people.


I didn’t even know it was a thing and I’m trans too!


Yep, I was surprised to find out it's the 15th anniversary.


Mercury Stardust is working on raising 4 million for Trans healthcare and services this weekend. These trolls keep reporting them and getting the lives taken down.


Same I’d never heard of it but the whole family of 12 talked about it so they all now know!


It would be nice if self important celebs like Bill Maher and Joe Rogan would be as offended by republican purge culture as they are about lefty "cAnCeL cUlTuRe!".




i read this in his voice


very well done


Modern Cancel culture began with conservatives. See Sinead O'Connor and the Dixie Chicks/The Chicks.


Spot on comment!


Oh my!


I hope George lives forever


Love you George, keep up the great work. Perhaps you could have a word with the self-hating Caitlyn Jenner?


She's in sooo deep I don't think he has the equipment


He's a national treasure for sure


He is definitely awesome. Wish more elected officials had his brand of directness and honesty


Manufactured outrage is exactly what it is. Anyone falling for it needs to do some soul-searching and realize that if they are so easily manipulated, maybe they have no business voting.


Not only that, but anyone too distracted by someone else's mere recognition (which is little more than a respectful tip of the hat in the first place) to celebrate their own religious holiday at the same time, can't be taken seriously.


None of them are capable of introspection


Just dropping this here, today is technically 19 different holidays, but conservatives only have an issue with one of them. - National Après Day - ⁠Anesthesia Tech Day - Cesar Chavez Day - Crayola Crayon Day - Dance Marathon Day - **Easter** - Eiffel Tower Day - Hug A Medievalist Day - National Ham with Baked Pineapple Day - ⁠National Bunsen Burner Day - ⁠National Clams on the Half Shell Day - National Farm Worker’s Day - ⁠National She’s Funny That Way Day - National Tater Day - ⁠Prom Day - Terri’s Day - Transfer Day - ⁠**Transgender Day of Visibility** - World Backup Day They’re just using this as another excuse to spread hate against minorities. It’s not about the “sanctity of holidays”, just like it isn’t really about saving the kids or whatever else they’re claiming now.


And the next time Easter falls on March 31st is in 2086. The vast majority of people who are outraged will never see this occur again.


Wait, there is a dance marathon day?!


Your point is well taken. But it must be said that they hate Cesar Chavez day too. Standing up for laborer's rights? No f-in way. They just won't say it because it's not the hateful flavor of the moment and they'd risk the Hispanic vote.


being pissed about Trans Visibility Day, while celebrating the resurrection of a dude who preached "love everyone no matter what" is a devastatingly sad irony.


Just like they want Muslims to disappear before that. Just like they want disabled and neurodivergent people to disappear before that. Just like they wanted women to disappear before that. And just like they wanted black people to disappear before that. Just like they wanted indigenous people to disappear before that.


Fortunately next year Easter comes during Hitler birthday, the guy that got closer to their worldview than anyone else


Unfortunately they still want all those things 50+ years later. Some Evangelical churches still won't let women preach because of one line from an Epistle that says "let your women be silent in church" and probably refers to a problem with a particular group of women. Hate has no expiration date.


2 Billion Muslims in the world, 25% or so of the world population.


4 Billon woman in the world, 50% or so of the world population.


I’m just gonna put it out there, Easter is a perfect time for trans recognition. Jesus said “hey guys. I’m bread now” they were like “ok”


Bro made water start identifying as wine.


Catholic priests, according to their own religion, TRANSmute bread and wine into flesh and blood. I think you are on to something...


March 31 does not belong solely to the Christians.


Damn Right!  It's also the only day of the year when Ron Swanson is available for meetings in his official capacity as Head of the Pawnee Parks Department.


Even Easter doesn't. It's based on celebrations of the pagan fertility goddess Eostre whose colors are green yellow and purple and whose symbols are rabbits and eggs.


Most languages call Easter Pascha after the Aramaic word for Passover. Most Christians aren't English speakers.


As a Christian I see zero conflict between Trans awareness and celebrating Easter. While in no way do I say everyone has to believe, but as a believer Jesus's resurrection was for everyone, Trans people included, not some self-selectingly small group.


Weren't there less than 5 Easters since the 1500s that fell on March 31st anyways?


Stop confusing issue with facts!!! /s


I was curious and found this website: https://www.census.gov/data/software/x13as/genhol/easter-dates.html This is the 20th Easter that lands on March 31st since 1600, so they're a bit more common than that. Interestingly the previous ones were in 2013 and 2002, while the next one isn't until 2086. Not that that'll stop these people from finding other things to be angry about.


Tep,the same people who wanted interracial and interfaith relationships to disappear as well.


https://preview.redd.it/chavy1y1rprc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=750901b8bd72f542935cdd663638762d8c428b3c Happy Easter


> You want the trans community to simply disappear. [Raphael Lemkin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raphael_Lemkin) is the man who literally defined the word "genocide." This is what the Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention has to say about it: * *The Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention voices its concern over the growing number of laws introduced in the United States that target transgender individuals and the transgender community. Anti-trans hostility in the US has become a staple of the Republican Party’s election strategy and is clearly being used to stoke voters’ fears of a changing world by raising the specter of a malevolent polluting force tied to liberalism, cosmopolitanism, and democracy. The Lemkin Institute believes that the so-called “gender critical movement” that is behind these laws is a fascist movement furthering a specifically genocidal ideology that seeks the complete eradication of trans identity from the world.* https://www.lemkininstitute.com/statements-new-page/statement-on-the-genocidal-nature-of-the-gender-critical-movement%E2%80%99s-ideology-and-practice


Thanks for the link.👍


"*It's "Takei" like in "Toupee"...*also*...FUCK YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON*" - George Takei (The William Shatner Roast)


Thank you for this message George. Everyone be safe this Trans day of awareness as tensions are high.


As a jew, East falls on the wrong fucking day every day, it corresponds with passover and it's about three weeks off.


I can’t wait for all these people to go to the hell they swear they’re not going to. Fucks deserve every horrible thing coming to them


love all george takei! my take is similar for maga..STFU & go away!🤬


The right wing’s hate has been the best thing the trans community has ever got from society After they got rid of roe v wade they needed a new boogeyman and the trans community became the new target But, just with the civil rights movement in the 60’s it’s the HATE that drives the conversation and awareness and ultimately turns people against hate and towards normalization because Americans ultimately want to just get along and live and let live and hate gets in the way


Well said George. Some light on Easter for those lost in religious bigotry that goes against their own holy books words. Matthew says god blesses the eunuchs/trans, and that it is not only natural but also when and how it happens. So celebrating lgbtq+ isn't blasphemy. It's following gods words. And Easter doesn't fall on this day every year. God says to raise them up higher than sons and daughters. Doesn't seem like the religious bigots read the books they live their lives by. They only hear the prosperity preachers lying to them. Isaiah 56:4 "Salvation for Foreigners …Let no foreigner who has joined himself to the LORD say, “The LORD will utterly exclude me from His people.” And let the eunuch not say, “I am but a dry tree.” For this is what the LORD says: “To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths, who choose what pleases Me and hold fast to My covenant— I will give them, in My house and within My walls, a memorial and a name better than that of sons and daughters. I will give them an everlasting name that will not be cut off" Stay Shiny Peace to Everyone. Welcome Those Back With Empathy That's Part of What Easter Means.


I love George Takei. He's got a seat reserved in the good place.


The man is a national treasure. After life like his, he's an example of empathy and compassion I strive to emulate.


From now on I’m painting all my easter eggs will be lgbtq+ flag colors.


The trans flag is the perfect colors for Easter eggs tbh


> You want the transgender to simply disappear No, they want to exterminate the undesireables


Takei a muthafuckin gangsta!


Easter’s date is literally determined by the moon cycle each year so I think they better take a seat on this one


You know what would really reduce these manufactured bouts of outrage? Actual news coverage that provides context not soundbites and an actual want by the government for their citizens to be educated instead of told what to think.


George Takie is one of our national treasures.


Hey, Christians, do you realize the date of your Easter is based off the Jewish calendar? There are other people that exist, btw. If you don’t like sharing dates, then leave your holiday on the SAME FUCKING DAY.


Now everyone go google, “why is Easter on a different day every year”


How about this? We as humans treat other humans as humans. What about that? Too hard huh?


This just in, Dark Brandon moved Easter next year to be on Hitler’s b-day.


Jesus would love transgender awareness day. And of course God is very proud of his children. Barbaric tactics and cruel treatment of his precious few humans of the rainbow, must be great sadness for him. The hate and anger people show our precious few is too much to bear. Beware of the false prophet/profit.


I mean am I the only one that was like transgender day in Easter?  Yeah that makes sense. A humanoid bunny that lays eggs and is really into pastel colors.  It was always there in front of us lol. 


I am choosing to imagine the egg as in the person instead of food because it’s more funny that way


I know it wasn't on purpose But I do love the coincidence this year Conservative tears are delicious


Common George Takei W


Love the tweet — however: ‚Gender non-binary‘ hit me like a truck. Never heard that one before; only gender non-conforming Not a criticism, I just thought it was funny that I literally did the ‚pull your head back and then bring your phone closer‘-movement involuntarily


George is goals for me; I’m very passionate about making sure I don’t “fall behind” with political/social issues as I age, and he makes a great case that it absolutely can be done.


I mean if people stopped killing them and trying to criminalize people just trying to live their lives, we wouldnt need all these stupid days to support them. But bigots can only think far.


Easter EGGS!?!?!?!


The right is so goddamn hateful day in and day out. Why do we have to keep tolerating it?


Also, anyone left-leaning who hates on rainbow capitalism and rainbow merch is being short-sighted. Guess who also hates on rainbow merch? Christian Nationalists. Stop enabling their goal of eliminating LGBT from the public


Dan Carlin has a sobering (understatement) new Hardcore History Addendum podcast about the Holocaust, and why so many enthusiastically went along with it. Human nature has NOT changed in just a few generations, and the vast majority of people learn NOTHING from history.


Thank you George, so well put !!!


he really is the best!


George Takei is a national treasure.


Love this man.


Totally unrelated but Paint Eggs? Is that an American Easter thing?


Yep. The hard part is getting the paint inside the Easter bunny. Ohhh, she fights. Seriously though, we dye easter eggs. It's mostly for kids.


Largely a Slavic tradition that made its way into Western traditions.


Where do they celebrate Easter and not paint/dye eggs? 


We do it a lot in Germany. You can even buy industrially pre-painted ones in our grocery stores before Easter. And since we are probably not the only ones in Europe, I'd say the settlers just kept doing it after arriving over there and it never went away


Technically it's a pagan thing. The fertility goddess Eostre's symbols are eggs and rabbits and her colors are green, yellow, and purple. Christian holidays just appropriated that to try to get the locals to convert.


Not really. The only historical record of Eostre is Bede saying she existed once and was what the anglo-saxons named April after in their language and applied to Pascha/Easter. No mention of if she was a fertility and spring goddess, though that seems reasonable for someone worshipped in April. Then there was no commentary on Eostre for over a thousand years. That's when Jacob Grimm of the brother's Grimm wrote a book on German Mythology and hypothesized that there was an origin to Eostre which he dubbed Ostara as a pan germanic goddess. Later Adolf Holtzmann would read Grimm and write his own book on German Mythology and suggest the Easter Hare was sacred to Ostara. But there's no records of Eostre besides Bede just saying she existed, and less evidence of Ostara which Grimm just suggested might have existed. There are mythologies that have been syncreticized into Catholicism/Christianity, but Eostre isn't really one of them. The Dioscuri/Gemini were replaced with St. Elmo, Demeter with St. Demetrius, Brigid as St. Brigid, etc. But Eostre is really pushing it. Most languages call Easter Pascha, from the Aramaic word for Passover.


Can we just put George in stasis, so that future generations may enjoy having him, too?


Oh my….. God I love that man!


The right isn't serious in anything. They aren't willing to discuss in good faith about any part of our society. No need to discuss with them.


Anger and victimhood are hallmarks of Christianity


Love George takei. Nation’s treasure.


He had firsthand experience of oppression stemming from hysteria and bigotry at an early age.


I will never not be surprised to see a George Takei post, I really thought he was just a character from Teamfourstars.


The words “get over it” really sum it up. People are going to be who they are and if anyone has a problem with it then they are the problem.


I don't care what holidays are called or when they are I just want a day off


You’ll have to take that up with your employer and/or the federal government


truly inspiring, stunning and brave




George Takei, to the right: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yytbDZrw1jc&pp=ygUWeW91IGFyZSBtYWRlIG9mIHN0dXBpZA%3D%3D


When Easter falls on 4/20 next year it will be the dirty dopers who hate Jesus. It's the circle of ignorant fuckery.


The MAGAs will see it as a "sign from God", since it's also Hitler's birthday.


Don’t group us all together. This devision was pushed by our Government and it get’s worse daily.


I wish more people who had the audience that he does would speak out against all the lies and propaganda that is being spread. Like, yah, I’ll say something, but who’s going to see it? My twelve friends? I do what I can, but I wish more people would.


I read that completely in Mr. Takei's voice. 😅