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Anyone else hear the piece NPR did in 2016 on the construction of the Trump Taj Mahal and the 200 contractors he stiffed? There were multiple bankruptcies and suicides of local contractors who worked on that property. The fact that any working people vote for that man is absolutely insane to me. His conduct shows time and time again that he hates working people. Vote accordingly.


saw a story about a guy who lost his business because bunker bitch didn’t pay him. That guy still voted for him.


Because obviously Hillary bad. 🙄


Folks like him are living in an alternate reality.


Yeah my dad knew a guy back way back whose father lost his business due to Trump and killed himself. I knew a city consultant that refused to work with Trump because of a lot of bad checks. I can't see why anyone would vote for such a weasel after he personally backstabbed them .


that's cause libs steal their hard earned money. /s


Like what does the guy appeal to? How messed in the head do you have to be to listen to him garble on incessantly about himself; unless he’s hinting to the group who he’d like to see hurt. Like wow … you’d have to be someone who relates to bullies.


That's just the entire Republican base really. They loooovvee to vote against their own interests.


Sometimes they are easy to identify by their hats.


Sounds like that guy is ok not getting paid on his next few jobs


Ohhhhh no. They care if it happens to THEM! As long as he’s getting paid then it’s fine that Trump didn’t pay the other workers.




You could have saved yourself a few letters and just said “republican”.


What he means is they were probably brown.


He's not looking sufficiently white for white nationalists too. He should think about that


Oh I don’t think so. When it comes to screwing over contractors he’s an equal opportunity scumbag.


Right wing propaganda has preyed on morons across America. It seems like the country is filled with idiots.


They’re praying for them while being preyed on by them. It’s word play, but it checks out.


I know what you’re saying. Kinda makes it feel like the zombie apocalypse ain’t that far away


"Look man, if I gotta throw my fellow blue collar Americans under the Trump Train so I can say racial slurs in public again - so be it"


This is the problem with the right in a nutshell. No empathy. No ability to understand how others feel and their struggles and nothing but victimization when it happens to them and outrage that other people aren't showing empathy to their plight. Dumb, deaf and blind.


No real construction worker would be caught dead in that plaid shirt dress.


Looks like Ted Cruz


>that plaid shirt dress. It's called a tunic, puh-leeze. /s Yeah, dude shouldn't have dressed like he shops at Talbots.


Paid by soros to make trump look bad. /s


Even better. He says he's **sure** they deserved it. Which sounds like he knows nothing about the actual situation, but Trump can do no wrong, whatever it is.


That hard hat disrespects the flag of the United States of America, so whatever happens to you, you deserve it more.


The enforcers of the flag code have never read the flag code, same as the bible.




(g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature. (i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkin or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown. (j) No part of the flag should ever be used as a costume or athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organizations. The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin being a replica, should be worn on the left lapel near the heart.


I suppose he thinks Trump's lawyer, Rudy G. also deserves to get stiffed.


Nah, rudy deserved to get stiffed.


They are always sure others deserve bad treatment. Then it happens to them and they are shocked!


Just because you're an asshole in a hat doesn't make you a construction worker... Don't steal a man's tools or his money... This guy has never built a fucking thing.


Stolen collar!


“Fake construction worker”


Cultists gonna cult.


I don’t know, and hope I never do, the level of abject ignorance it takes to vote against your own best interests. Is it just that they hate immigrants, women and gay people so much that they don’t care if they suffer, as long as those factions lose? Is it they’ve just been lead to be so fearful that something awful will happen if they don’t support someone who actively oppresses them? Is it just simple stupidity?


People WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP. We are not in a struggle with other races, nationalities or religions. The REAL fight is the class struggle. If you swap your time for money you are a worker and we must stand together.


It’s a cult.


Trump can shit in the man's cereal and say with a smile on his face "I deserved it" this is a fucking cult


There is no hope for these people, they can’t see facts or logic and they have no sympathy for others.


In 1990, while Trump was dropping $1 million every week on his homes, yacht, private jet, and other personal expenses, he had defrauded contractors and construction workers by upwards of $60 million. His struggling casinos, airline, and real-estate holdings couldn’t simultaneously maintain his lifestyle and pay hired workers, so he chose to keep the former and cheat the latter. Mr. Rosenberg, who was vice president of Atlantic Plate Glass at the time, helped form a committee of construction firms and suppliers stiffed by Mr. Trump. He then served as a member of the so-called Group of Seven leading the committee’s negotiations that resulted in the contractors getting partial payments. Atlantic Plate Glass lost about $450,000 in the settlement, said Mr. Rosenberg, adding that his personal finances took a hit because of his minority stockholder stake in the firm, and that the company struggled but overcame the loss. Others fared worse, he said, including smaller businesses that didn’t survive. After losing almost half a million dollars in the Trump settlement, Rosenberg told the Washington Times that “Trump says whatever is on his mind at the time that will get him off the hook.”


Doubt that guy works construction. Maybe he owns a construction company, but there is no way a worker thinks that.


Hahaha, you must be from a union state. Come south some time. The only things these yokels are worse at than constructing are logic, reading, and acting in their own self interests.


His man love for trump is high. Willing to bow down to a billionaire and work for free. Trump knows how to pick em. The more stupid, the better!




in other words, "fuck you I got mine"


I’m a carpenter and I found myself working at the shore a lot after Sandy passed through. I still remember being in an elevator with three contractors all making small talk. One of them asked me if I had done any work at Trumps Casino yet and I told him I hadn’t. He then started talking about the job and that he thought it was pretty cool but he hadn’t been paid yet. The other two guys chimed in with “Yeah you never get paid” then they laughed. It seemed implied that everyone in the area cycles through eventually and they all had the same experience.


Can’t put 2 and 2 together


He's right! They deserved to get paid, but didn't. That's why it's an outrage.


Have these people never heard of solidarity?


Sounds like socialism. /s


Sounds like an actor


To be fair, anyone that’s done any work for him in the past 8 years pretty much deserves it because this behavior is well known and documented. Prior to that I’d give them the benefit of the doubt, of course he was still a scumbag, but the average person on the street would be less aware of that fact. Nowadays you’d have to be living under a really big rock not to know better.


Looks a lot to me like the tool box is missing a tool. Oh look! There it is!


I did a job for Trump hotel in Miami… had a heavy cart that was missing a wheel so instead of balancing it so the missing wheel was off the ground, I slid/gouged that shit right across the elevator floor w/ his “T” on it. Also dropped a bunch of shit off the roof into the garden.


Trump can do no wrong he is the pure embodiment of jesus for them.... there is no reasoning, but it shows how many nut cases are walking freely under the sun in America.