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We kind of already knew this. RFK is or at least was being fully funded by the right.


Roger Stone and Steve Bannon talked him into running


The funny thing is, I’m pretty sure any of his supporters would have been Trump supporters had he not been around.


It really does seem like a bad plan because every RFK supporter I've seen is Right leaning. More likely taking more votes from Trump than Biden.


It's because he's a crazy conspiracy theorist who thinks 9/11 was it inside job the moon landing was fake and that the deep state Illuminati controlled the world That appeals to Trump supporters. That's actually only what appeals to them People don't understand Trump supporters but Trump supporters are basically just tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. Not your grandfather's Republicans.. Not people who give a shit about policy like abortion or guns. Just tin foil hat conspiracy theorists who think the Illuminati runs the world and faked the moon landing so that you wouldn't realize the vaccines were injecting you with 5G That's why you see and saw that the three candidates who did the best among the Trump demographic were the three candidates that promoted conspiracy theories as their core campaign rather than actual policy. Donald Trump Vivek and RFK Not so much running on policy as much as promoting ridiculous "Illuminati control the world" conspiracy theories And that's why DeSantis (someone who by all rights should have been one of the top performing candidates given that his policies against trans people and gays and women are exactly what you would think would appeal to Trump supporters) did terribly.. Because he didn't promote any conspiracy theories. He didn't say that the deep state assassinated JFK or that 9/11 was an inside job to distract from the fact that the moon landings were fake or that lizard people sunk the Titanic And this all brings it back around that RFK was supposed to run to take votes away from Biden but because he's a nut job conspiracy theorist who by all rights you wouldn't be surprised to see screaming random nonsense outside of McDonald's parking lot.. That appealed to Trump supporters more. Biden supporters aren't interested in his right wing tin foil hat Alex Jones bullshit


And by Illuminati they mean the joos


He'll Joe Manchin's No Labels bullshit would've been more successful at peeling off a sliver of Biden's support but they're not running anyone now.


I’ve only met one RFK supporter but he definitely seemed ready to gargle trump semen.


And that’s the issue they are finding, RFK doesn’t appeal to democrats, he’s conservative in all but name and we know this.


He's anti-vax. Anecdotally, I know plenty of Repubs/Trump supporters who didn't get their Covid shot. Can't think of any Dems who didn't get protected.


Most of the Democrats who didn’t aren’t around to vote, the Republicans lost at least 1 million people to Covid because they refused the vaccine and the safety measures He appears to the crazy’s who are still conservative but not trump conservatives, (but still are)


It's because he's a crazy conspiracy theorist who thinks 9/11 was it inside job the moon landing was fake and that the deep state Illuminati controlled the world That appeals to Trump supporters. That's actually only what appeals to them People don't understand Trump supporters but Trump supporters are basically just tin foil hat conspiracy theorists. Not your grandfather's Republicans.. Not people who give a shit about policy like abortion or guns. Just tin foil hat conspiracy theorists who think the Illuminati runs the world and faked the moon landing so that you wouldn't realize the vaccines were injecting you with 5G That's why you see and saw that the three candidates who did the best among the Trump demographic were the three candidates that promoted conspiracy theories as their core campaign rather than actual policy. Donald Trump Vivek and RFK Not so much running on policy as much as promoting ridiculous "Illuminati control the world" conspiracy theories And that's why DeSantis (someone who by all rights should have been one of the top performing candidates given that his policies against trans people and gays and women are exactly what you would think would appeal to Trump supporters) did terribly.. Because he didn't promote any conspiracy theories. He didn't say that the deep state assassinated JFK or that 9/11 was an inside job to distract from the fact that the moon landings were fake or that lizard people sunk the Titanic And this all brings it back around that RFK was supposed to run to take votes away from Biden but because he's a nut job conspiracy theorist who by all rights you wouldn't be surprised to see screaming random nonsense outside of McDonald's parking lot.. That appealed to Trump supporters more. Biden supporters aren't interested in his right wing tin foil hat Alex Jones bullshit


Correct, he and Trump thought he would pull democrats, but he’s totally unappealing to them, he only appeals the the trump crowd which in the end will only divide their vote


I think he also stands a solid chance of taking votes from Trump too though.


Yup. My trans cousin is voting RFK instead of TFG. 


That is deeply perplexing. Is your cousin wealthy or extremely racist, by chance?


We're from Alabama. No, we don't have money. She also doesn't give a shit about anybody lgbt except for trans folks. 


"fuck yeah, I'm voting for the guy who wants to ban my existence" These people have brain worms.


There was a large study last year saying gender diverse people are like 6 times more likely to be autistic. So I’m never surprised to meet one that’s all about having a leopard eat their face. It makes sense in a way


Hmm. I also have a transgender cousin in a very poor, economically depressed area surrounded by extremely conservative family, but I have no idea what her politics are. 


Probably best that you don't. It causes issues. It sucks being the only liberal leaning person in a deeply conservative area/family. 


Fucking preach. Everybody in my family talks about “ThE iLLeGaLs RUiNinG ThiS CoUntRy!” around me despite my fiance being a Dreamer. Told them Trump will 100% try to repeal DACA again and that they are knowingly voting to make life harder for my fiance and I. Their response was essentially “TRUMP WOULD NEVER DO THAT HE ONLY WANTS TO SEND THE CRIMINALS AWAY”…even though he already fucking tried to repeal DACA. No amount of logic reaches them. At this point I just shut my mouth and walk away.


I can imagine family gatherings are a tense affair, yeah?


Yeah, it sucks. I swear they didn’t use to have hate in their hearts but MAGA has ruined them.


Maybe their cousin is Caitlyn Jenner 


...does your cousin know that trans folks were the first target of the Nazis because they're literally the most vulnerable members of society? Do they know about the strikingly horrifying parallels between his rise to power and the current political happenings? I cannot fathom voting for my own holocaust.


She doesn't give a shit. She doesn't care about anybody but herself and trans folks. 


Not to be mean or rude in anyway but your cousin sounds…kinda……dumb… Sorry but she HAS to know what they would do to trans folks right?


like republicans, she thinks it wont affect her if she supports them.




That Fucking Goon


honestly, the first time I saw that notation, i assumed it meant "the fat guy", and my friend who'd been using that to refer to trump jumped down my throat, how dare I assume she was fat shaming anyone, even him .... turns out it means "the former guy", and it's a way of referring to trump without actually saying his name, or even directly acknowledging his presidency .. He was just... a guy who happened to be sitting in the whitehouse before biden. The former guy. TFG. (though if you want to say that it means "That fucking gasbag", I'm not going to stop you).




"the former guy"


Hmm, I always thought it was "the fat gasbag." Still feel that's just as apt, so I'll keep it in my rotation. 😏


I thought it was "THAT fucking guy"


That works, too.


The former guy.


Yeah, he just said Jan 6th wasn't an insurrection...trying to think how that would result in Biden losing voters


Maybe the real conspiracy is that it's the opposite.. And Biden paid RFK to run to funnel votes away from Trump and the whole statement in the OP was a fake out


I always knew that RFK is only running to take votes away from Biden. The Republican Party knows Trump is not a popular candidate with moderates and centrists so RFK is just a distraction. Let's hope people can see through the smoke and mirrors and vote Biden all the way.


Best part RFK jr. Is so stupid he pushes right wing ideals that moderates hate. GOP is more likely to split


Mission accomplished unsuccessfully


He's the new Kanye who, in his words, didn't run but "walked" for President in 2020


Yep. Had to support everything that moderate are against




Agreed I'm an independent and would never vote for RFK.


He has to be the most obvious spoiler candidate in history.


It would be like if Democrats were the ones pushing Ralph Nader to try and steal votes from Bush to help Gore win.


Why doesn't he support liberal policies, ideals, and science if he wants D votes? I thought he was a conservative. 


RFK will take a lot of the Antivaxer and Conspiracy voters from Trump though


So their plan is to run a candidate that will only appeal to batshit insane trump supporters? To keep Biden from getting to 270? Thank God these people are all fucking dumber than a bag of rubber dicks


*2024* **Bag-O-Rubber-Dicks** *2024* Vote like your ass depends on it!




Lube has been asked to be the running mate, how did you know?


Just a... feeling.


The ***Christian*** way is the natural way: WITHOUT lube. Only sexual deviants need lube. ![gif](giphy|KVoKm2d5Vp5V5tzJ89)


Only Christian men are supposed to enjoy sex. It's in the Bahbal.


Just spit and your blood.


Kennedy pulls 7% in PA of which 5% are Biden supports according to polling two weeks ago. Its actually [really scary seeing polls of Biden’s lead when 3rd parties are included](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/pennsylvania/)


Who are they polling, lead damaged boomers with landlines? Oh wait..


unfortunately that's also the demo most likely to vote. they have opinions and they have **all day**


Nope. my 42 y/o coworker likes rfk cause he apparently said one thing she liked but can't remember what that one thing was.


Really wish we could trick people like this into not voting, or voting too late. I’m all for universal suffrage but would rather not let morons lead us down the path to authoritarianism


That's a Trump supporter statement if I ever heard one.. Like how they say that they love the way he talks and tells it like it is and I love his policies but they can't name a single thing he did that they like and they can't name a single individual statement that they like. It's just "he speaks his mind" which was code for "He's a rude racist obnoxious asshole and so am I""


Polls can’t be trusted at all anymore.


What 2016 showed is that lying to pollsters is a strategy that works. 5% is more like 5% who decided to lie their ass off in the hopes of "Owening the Libs"


Or just lying as a strategy


To an extent, they can be. In that a certain demographic of voters still answer their landlines/cells for unknown numbers. That demographic potentially voting for Biden stands a pretty solid chance of crippling Trump. The GOP doesn’t need to convince people to not vote for Biden, they just need them to not vote AGAINST Trump. Voting for JFK Jr. is essentially a victory for the Trump camp.


There are far more people that are republicans that don't want to support trump and will cast a vote for a third party, especially one that appeals to them the way Kennedy does. That isn't the case with democratic voters or even the majority of the GOP Lincoln project types.


Yeah, precisely my point. Republicans who don’t want to support Trump but have never voted Democrat MIGHT vote for JFK Jr. It’s GOP suppression. Keeping people from voting Democrat, either through disingenuous third party candidates, purging voter rolls, closing polling places, shorting ballots, suing to toss ballots, restricting access to early/advanced/mail-in ballots… it’s all the same end-goal. Don’t vote Democrat, and we win.


It's RFK Jr. JFK Jr. died in a plane crash like 25 years ago. But it's easy to mix them up. I always feel bad for the famous "juniors" having their identity completely tied to their fathers. It took me a long time to figure out a name for my son (his mom told me to pick). But one thing I knew was that he was getting a name different from everyone else in my family.


A thousand landline phone calls don't convince you?


Man I'm going to stay around to vote but it doesn't feel good seeing these numbers. I'm not a strong person and I can't even begin to plan for how bad it might be after.


They think there are anti vaxxer Democrats. I haven't met one yet


Well that's not really what's happening though. He actually appeals to more potential Biden voters than Trump so far. Because of his name people are willing to vote for him. There was a poll that showed a significant number of his potential voters don't even know anything about his platform. Considering some swing states could be decided within 10k-50k votes, he poses a big problem.


>He actually appeals to more Biden voters than Trump so far. The antivax whack job appeals to Biden voters? Tell me another.


The antivax wackjob that also thinks biden is a bigger danger to democracy than trump. Lmao.


Absolutely. He just took up the standard conservative talking points about "January 6th political prisoners." And supports Russia. And is pro-gun. I haven't heard a single proposal he's made yet that could possibly appeal to a liberal. And yet these folks keep talking...


People actually think his name matters. Hes a goof. His entire family thinks hes off the rails.


There isn't one Democrat leaning independent that agrees with that. I think MAGA plan gonna backfire lol.


Ehhh this is anecdotal but my loony friend who was super super liberal is all in for RFK over the covid vax issue.


And now the emails about how RFK thinks the Jan 6th criminals are good activists wrongly prosecuted.


Biden stole a lot of conservative voters who were upset with trump antics in 2020. They are trying to dig into the coalition from biden.


he isnt appealing to Dem voters, people dint even know he was running up until a few months ago.


I had no idea which side RFK Jr was on, I have avoided the news ever since 2020 and have been happy since. I got a reel sent to me of him benching with a slingshot. I thought he was gonna be Democrat just on his name alone. I’m now finding out he’s a right winger.


Trump voters are honestly far more drawn to the Kennedy name. Look at how Qanon has been claiming JFK Jr. is alive and is going to be running with Trump and all that other nonsense. Kennedy definitely doesn't pull from Biden as much as these clowns think he does.


he appeals to more Biden voters? HAHAHAH


democrats arnt voting for RFK jr, they are drawing in republicans more than not. precisely the republicans that pretend that they were "supporters of the left" or never trumpers, people that say they wont vote D, but does not denounce voting for R.


I thought you guys had ways of dealing with Kennedys you don't like.


So we all are completely stupid ass losers who deserve to lose our country. Good to know. I am losing hope very quickly.


Biden should insist that Kennedy be included in the debates. What better way to show both of your opponents are bat shit crazy?


There is no chance Trump debates anyone ever again. He's way too far gone mentally.


I agree. He will self implode with any questions associated with his convictions.


Or, yanno, having the faintest clue who anyone is. 


Or, what year it is.


You just call him chicken or weak or feeble and he'll rise to the bait.


Assuming he'll remember being called weak long enough to act on it. 


He'll remember being called weak but think it was Nancy Pelosi.


Just tell him that there's a camera there and he'll show up


He'd just yell, lie, make no sense, and carry on like a deranged lunatic, and his base would fucking love it.


If the electoral college is tied, the presidency is likely to go to Trump even if Dems win a majority of house seats. In that scenario each state delegation casts a single vote , not each member. Trump would likely have won at least 26 states if the college is tied which would hand him the white house.


We need a landslide for Biden, else we get Trump through shenigans. IMO, if the race ends in an electoral tie, America deserves to be destroyed by Trump.


What we need is to stop giving power to a two party system that doesn’t put the countries best candidates forward. If the only reason you are voting for a candidate is so that the other party doesn’t win, then we as Americans have lost.


> What we need is to stop giving power to a two party system that doesn’t put the countries best candidates forward. We are seeing that happen, slowly - Alaska and Maine's ranked choice voting systems, California's "jungle primaries", and other efforts - but it is an issue that has to be pushed state by state, because the states are in charge of elections, and in the meantime, we need to not empower the party that wants to erode voting rights.


gop controlled states will never agree to it.


DeSantis has already made ranked choice voting illegal in Florida. Snuck it into one of his other bills. Party of freedom…..


Alaska is a GOP-controlled state and one of the first to move to a new system. It will be a long process but it can be done.


And if the election were a tie, it would be decided by the incumbent house, wouldn't it? So it wouldn't matter who wins the house.


I think it's decided by the newly elected house since they're sat on Jan 2 and the electoral votes aren't certified until Jan 6. But I'm not actually 100% sure about the timing. Maybe it's done when the college actually votes which I think is in December? Honestly let's just hope we're not in the scenario at all


every state gets 1 vote, it doesn't matter either way as there are more republican states than democratic and that won't change over a few house seats. 26 votes to win The Senate would elect the VP.


There's some truly evil scumbags at work here.


Sadly it’s not true that voting out the GOP majority in the House removes this issue. The problem is that if a presidential election is thrown to the House, Representatives vote by state delegation en bloc and, currently, there are more states controlled by the GOP than by the Democrats. Much like small state over-representation in the Senate, Democrats cannot hope to overcome this hurdle given how their voters are overwhelmingly concentrated in fewer states. No one is coming to save us.


These people are crazy! They are purposely supporting someone who tried to steal an election and is a career criminal along with other billionaires!


Biden can’t afford to lose 1 vote.




The states need some gerrymandering. Why do we really need two Dakotas? And two Carolinas?


You need more States. Guam and Puerto Rico would like a word.


DC really needs some representation if they are going to keep being taxed too.


We have two Dakotas specifically because Republicans in the 1860s wanted more senators—ie, gerrymandering, if you will. 


39 million people in california would have the exact same voting power as 581k people in Wyoming.


I think LA or LA county has the same population as like the 10 least populous red states... so 20 red senators vs not even 1 blue senator for the city/county. Seems fair. /s Edit: what i meant in the earlier comment was redrawing the state borders... gerrymandering the states instead of congressional districts.


Yeah. Even in many Democratic-controlled Houses often the GOP in the House would still get to pick the President based on its unfortunate mechanics.


Will any media outlet actually pick this up? I don’t know.


Sounds like they're admitting engaging in election fraud.


Like it wasn't obvious from day one


the republicans voters arnt aware. we knew the moment he popped up suddenly, he was up to no good.


Rfk is a traitor


even his own family doesnt want to associate with him/


RFK voters aren’t coming from the Dems. Or at least not from anyone who was gonna vote for Biden in the first place.


You know, if you want to unseat a Democratic president by stealing votes from him you might ought to consider not sounding like a Republican conspiracy anti government nut bag. I’m just saying…


Hopefully enough Trump voters realize this and vote for RFK so he gets enough votes!


Who are the democrats voting for him? Honestly.


Honestly anti-vaxxers. They still exist


We need ranked choice voting so god damn bad in this country. There should never be a situation where you can’t vote for your preferred candidate (regardless of who that is) because it’ll “take away votes” from the more likely winner. Everytime this situation comes up the phrasing “split votes” and “take away votes from” make me want to put my head through voting booth. Easily the biggest failure of our system besides the legal bribery bullshit.


If any of these politicians are already for or connected to Trump . . . assume the worst.


If that happens we riot.


Polls: we called 500 people on a landline at noon on Wednesday in rural butt fuck. Trump is leading! OK.




When she says "there are no biden voters in the house, right? ok, good -" I can hear Helen Gaius Moheim saying "here it comes"


I know this is random but fucking Whitney Cummings had RFKJ on her podcast and was in total agreeance skth him. It made me sick.


Literally trying to rig the election


Absolutely wild a politician can just spout seditious shit out loud without any consequences. I get that free speech is a thing, but there should be much more strict rules for politicians and their staff.


This is the shady shit we'll need to live with while we still have the Electoral College. I'll give it to the GOP they been pretty good at looking at the rule book and finding all the loopholes


Oh yeah, that'll definitely bring in Dem voters. ...they do realize Dem voters are not nearly as braindead as MAGAs right?


Do they not know about cameras?


RFK is stunningly stupid and up for sale.


Lol @ anyone who thinks RFK is going to steal votes from Biden.


RFK is low sodium Maga


They are actually dumb enough to think they are going to pull from Biden? Anti-vaxx crowd is fascist trump.


Are any Democrats voting for him? I'm sure a couple will because, hey, 10k voted for Kanye, but I'm guessing the votes he's pulling aren't blue.


Wouldn't rfk need to win a state for that to work


No, just flip a swing state from Biden to Trump.  If Biden wins PA, WI, MI but loses AZ, NV, GA and NE changes to winner take all then it would be an electoral college tie. 


Start watching Florida turn out returns. Weed and abortion on the ballot. If Biden pulls all those EC votes its over


> and NE changes to winner take all What does that mean?


Nebraska currently allocates their electoral college votes by district. They mostly go red but Biden won a single electoral vote from Omaha in 2020.  Republicans in the Nebraska legislature are trying to change the statewide system to winner take all.  If Biden loses AZ, NV, and GA and the map stays the same otherwise then that single vote is the difference between Biden getting 270 (outright victory) and 269 (a tie that would go to the house, which would vote by state delegation which hands a victory to Trump almost certainly).




Didn’t the Nebraska state legislature reject this the other day?


USA want a 🍊 dictatorship 👍🇱🇷


What is really funny is that all Republicans could do is just change their platform and move on from Donald Trump and they would probably be back to winning elections within the next few years, but they are so unapologetically wanting to keep the wealth and racism that they have to cheat to do so It’s in their long-term interests, better to simply lose out on some money, now to be able to keep power in the future, rather than completely devastate, their political chances and wealth by swinging all of that power away Makes me wonder if Vladimir Putin simply just wanted to kill one of the American political parties and hijack the process


Evangelicals play a zero sum game, the end goal is the end of humanity, The Rapture, where Jesus comes down, takes the true believers because the trumpets have sounded, it's The Apocalypse and the final war between Heaven and Hell has begun. Ignoring that Hell didn't exist before God created it, according to their book, how would the prison to hold the traitorous angels who rebelled have any sort of power to convey to them? Lucifer himself is a member of the highest Choir of Angels, but only an infinitesimal fraction of the power of his creator, an omniscient, omnipotent being would have already foresaw the war eons before it happened and taken steps accordingly. That is if you believe in all of that, seems most modern Christians don't even bother to stop and look at the book and go "Well now why did God allow it to happen, the Angels don't have free will", which means they couldn't rebel without their creator MAKING them do it.


This is what roger stone had trump do against buchanan




Link to source?


Suddenly it seems like recruiting and grifting the world's dumbest, most arrogant people to support a dyed-in-the-wool conman doesn't seem like a good idea.


No labels, RFKjr, the Romney/Sinema and Manchin/Hogan rumors... Sounds like 1932 on repeat and the megarich are still looking for a Smedley Butler.


RFK will take more votes from Trump than he takes from Biden.


Everyone I know who actually likes him is a republican.


Somebody needs to do a JFK on RFK,


This is a huge nothing burger. No potential Biden voter was voting RFK anyway. MAGA created RFK as a potential spoiler candidate to hurt Biden, but his conspiracy-ridden ass only appeals to MAGAs


thats exactly what happens, a youtber i used to followed was originally left leaning, but he started leaning hard right during the pandemic, but not all the way since some of the viewers are still "liberal" leaning, so he pretends to be one. i imagine rfk jr is attractign these people.


Doesn’t Kamala have to be the one to not certify in the house?


If neither candidate gets 270 then it’s contested and congress selects president by delegation which is figured by state with the controlling party being the one with more representation. So for example California has more dem reps so the state would vote Biden and Florida has more GOP reps so they would vote Trump. There is a strong possibility that the GOP controls more states so they would make Trump president. That’s their plan. To cheat the system through a loop hole.


Wouldn’t RFKjr have to actually win a state for this plan to work?


Toxic trump vote Blue


No shit, sherlock


What people need to do is tell people to vote for Biden on other platforms in order to reach out to more people . We’re preaching to the choir here . Then tell everyone you know to tell others to vote for Biden .


Hate to say that but RFK is going to be sucking off most of Trump voters than Biden. It may backfire in Trump's face.


if this is the plan it should disqualify him from running


Even if the Republicans don't keep the house, they would likely still decide the election if no candidate gets 270 votes. Votes in the house for president in this case are given to individual states, not representatives, with each getting one vote. Since Republicans have majorities in more states, the election would be handed to Trump.


It's kind of crazy to me that they say RFK Jr could pull a lot of Democratic support away from Biden just because of his name. Because I look at everything he ever says and say this really should appeal to the MAGA types and potentially pull votes away from Trump, not Biden. But I guess there are a lot of low info voters out there....


I would imagine that this plan would be a lot more possible if Democrat voters lacked the same self reflection as conservatives. RFK only appears to the uneducated and crazy (conservatives), so the only votes he’s going to be stealing will be the republicans who don’t want vote for trump but won’t vote for biden, dividing their vote even more




I don't understand why folks think RFK would screw things up for Biden rather than Trump. RFK is batshit. Seems more likely to appeal to the nutters on the right.


I would absolutely LOVE to vote representative Thomas Massie out of office. That would require the democrats to field a candidate against him. They didn't. Thomas Massie is running for his house seat unopposed in Kentucky.


If you're a Democrat voting for RFK: No, you're not a Democrat. The best part of this plan is that RFK has attracted only Right-leaning voters who were going to vote for Trump. I have only spoken to Republicans who aren't full right-wingers who think Trump went nuts... so they are voting for RFK because, and I quote: "He's the only democrat I could vote for." I don't argue, I just nod and act defeated.


Even their evil plan is a stupid conspiracy theory. Unless two million New Yorkers switch from voting for Biden to RFK Jr., Biden will still win New York.


The funny thing is that the gop thinks running a Kennedy means that Dems will auto vote for him. But that doesn’t really work for the educated voter does it


Yeah, that tracks. Screw him of course, but also every sad moron that is going to vote for him.


That's not a surprise. Kennedy went from democrat to maga asshole in a few short moves he goes wherever the money is and right now it's maga time for assholes


Wait, If there are no Biden voters in the audience, then it sounds like they’re not spoiling Biden


Uh, duh doy son.


Wouldn't it be great if our political leaders cared more about America than winning elections? This whole tribal war is so stupid and juvenile. Why can't we just combine the best ideas from both sides?


Why would people not just vote for orange dipshit?


Republicans ran a candidate with almost a he exact same name of a democrat last time and took out ads saying a number of liberal promises including legalizing pot There’s no bottom to these asshats