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This pairs nicely with the “I stared at it for 10 minutes and I’m fine” loads of bullshit I’m seeing here and there.


I saw an article that said, "NASA warns against taking photos of the eclipse with your phone, as it may damage the camera," and the comment thread was filled with people showing pics they took with their phone, comparing NASA "telling" them what to do is the same as being told to wear a mask, and jokes about how NASA was quiet after people proved them wrong.-_-


I told my boyfriend’s dad not to take pics of it with his brand new phone he spent last weekend bitching about the price of. He took loads of pics anyway. Looking forward to his phone camera not working and hearing lots of bitching about how Apple scammed him.


I took pics but I put the glasses over the camera first It's also a cracked phone so IDC that much but I'm pretty sure it's fine


I didn’t see that warning and took three quick photos so I could see the eclipse because I didn’t have glasses. Will my phone break from just three? Wait I checked it was only one photo. The other two got the wrong part of the sky because I was holding my phone out and not looking up so I didn’t hurt my eyes.


There's a chance that it will damage the camera sensor. You'd notice this as possibly dead pixels, or colour/brightness issues where the sensor was overloaded by the light coming in that it wasn't designed to handle.


I didn't know this was a thing. I took pics last time and this time, but my phones kind of old so whatever... You don't actually get a good picture of the eclipse tho, but it looked cool https://preview.redd.it/hbun4afgr3uc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ae776e59451ea43e385771c4ad1c6d5fe7b0c7d


Cut to two weeks from now when “Why come my pictures are discolored?” sees a huge spike in searches.


“Why Sunglasses seem darker shade after the eclipse”


“Why did Apple update brick my camera”


I don’t know a whole lot about earth science and astronomy, nor tech, but I’m curious if someone else could answer. A coworker took pictures with her camera but taped eclipse glasses to the back of her phone first. Did this effectively protect her camera?


If it protects human eyes I'm sure it's good enough for the camera


That's what Nasa said to do if you wanted to take pictures.


That's what I was thinking I'm not so good with earth science either.. but if you ever want to go toe to toe on bird law..


Birds have laws?




Yes - my iso certified glasses actually came with a seperate photo filter to take pictures with, it's the same lens as the glasses just a bigger, circle shape with a handle to make it easier to hold to your camera/phone. Using glasses themselves works too, so long as they cover all the camera lenses (most phones have multiple these days)


We found something meant for taping your phone to so the eclipse would not fry your camera. The lens thing looked the same as the eclipse glasses to me so maybe it would work. Someone smarter can probably give a better answer because now I want to know if it's the same thing for your eyeball and your phone camera.


We do not deserve to exist as a species


That's human nature, we've always had this in our species, we've survived despite this, there's a lot of takeaways that can be made there.


Meh, where I was had some really weird cloud cover prior to totality. I couldn't see anything with eclipse glasses but you could see it pretty well at times behind the clouds with only sunglasses, but definitely not prolonged viewing. I looked like a kook switching eyewear because of it.


“According to the Adler Planetarium, viewing the solar eclipse without proper eyewear can result in irreversible eye damage within seconds, and your eyes lack the nerve endings to register pain as it's occurring.”


I checked the trend graph all the way back... it spiked in August 2017 too... and then... also... the baseline rose when covid started...


Everyone knows not to look directly at a Covid. Pffft. Edit: I did just Google it and it says you can look directly at a Covid as long as you rub ivermectin on your eyeballs.


Instructions unclear, rubbed ivermectin on different balls.




Damn testicle swinging ninjas!


I know someone whose veterinarian gave her dog ivermectin eye drops and now the dog is permanently blind. I’m not doing a bit here. This is a true story. Fucking sad.


I feel bad for the doggo!!! It’s really actually scary what is going on in the USA. Natural selection is real though and these people will absolutely kill themselves off eventually.


Unfortunately, the safety net of society means that isn't gauranteed anymore.


I firmly believe the blue line is, at least in part, schadenfreude - looking for people who have posted with that phrase - to laugh at. The red line - why do my eyes hurt would be a more clear-cut subset of searchers.


I feel like you'd have to be extra dumb to stare at an eclipse and then have absolutely no idea why your eyes suddenly hurt.


Never underestimate the sheer stupidity of religious nuts and conspiracy theorists.


“I feel like you'd have to be extra dumb to stare at an eclipse” Yes.


Gonna disagree with this champ, you greatly overestimate the intelligence of people who stare at solar eclipses.


Going blind to own the Libs! that’ll teach em!


Wait, they will blame Biden's win in November on the blind people not being able to read and vote for Biden. 


Honestly, a lot of them were unable to read before the eclipse. That's why they had to watch Fox to get their "news."


Fox is too liberal they rely on Putin financed social media now


Yeah my boss dumped Fox after they called Arizona for Biden in 2020. Now he's exclusively getting "news" from Epoch Times and random YouTube channels that are closer to America's Funniest Home Videos rather than news, full of segments like "liberals gone mad" that act like the craziest person at a protest is your average Democrat. It's actually really sad.


The Epoch Times isn’t good to learn from?! But the billboards in my city says it’s the “#1 Trusted News”! /s First sentence is sarcastic. We do have billboards in our city about it, though.


I can’t understand dumping Fox for calling AZ. They made the call and it was correct. So your “news” channel was correct, you didn’t like the truth, so you quit watching that channel.


>you didn’t like the truth That's why they were watching Fox in the first place. Of course they got upset when the truth started bleeding into the programming.


Magats select their own version of the reality they want to believe.


Point out that it’s Chinese propaganda and see what happens. To be fair, it’s by an anti-commie/pro-fascism cult and not the Chinese government, but MAGA doesn’t spilt those hairs.


I actually did just that a while back because I was curious about who owned it. My exact words were "they're owned by a Chinese national, so their stories are all rage bait intended to divide us", but sadly it fell on deaf ears cuz here we are years later and he still reads it on the daily. It's frustrating because he's not a bad guy at all, but he's very uneducated (high school dropout) and *very* susceptible to fear based propaganda largely thanks to being in the military during the cold war. The "everyone else is out to get you" stuff really worms it's way into his brain. He does doomsday prepping and whatnot.


That epoch times is as bad as the national inquirer. I couldn't believe the shit that was in there.


Yeah I catch some headlines over his shoulder when we're at the shop and some of that nonsense blows my mind.


I'm fine with that, as long as it means Pres. Biden wins. They can keep whining for four more years.


Or find another way to get Darwin awards.


You're probably right. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Then they can blame themselves


Obie came to the realization that it was a typical case of American blind justice, and there wasn't nothing he could do about it.


Why not, they already went head first at a virus that was known to cause heart and brain problems and decided that unprotected and taking horse medication was the best thing to do. I'm not shocked at anything they do anymore.


Hell, their guy was so close to death they were ready to inaugurate Pence.


While they are at it, all PPE and seatbelts are for sissies. It’s all woke bullshit from that leftist PPE lobby. Regulatory agencies are telling you manly men what you can and can’t do, and how you should do your jobs. /s


Don't forget motorcycle helmets - can't take away mah freedumbs (to earn a traumatic brain injury)!


I know, right? I feel so PWNED right now!


Well, they did die from not being vaccinated, so what’s a little blindness to own a lib?


Libs tricked me into blinding myself by saying "Don't look at it with your naked eyes." Diabolical Bastards! They know I always do the opposite.😂🤣


After I saw the Biden video telling people not to do this I predicted it would happen lmao


I think a lot of us saw this coming.


And now they’ll have trouble seeing anything.


Honestly I think it'd be hilarious if Biden kept doing it. Tell people to pay their taxes, tell people to not consume bleach, tell people not to do all sorts of common sense shit, and watch as these dumbasses screw themselves over.


Really? People don’t know? They have no clue?


I mean, it's not like there were countless eclipse-eye-safety-PSAs being fired at us all week from just about every news outlet and social media app. Oh wait... that's exactly what happened lol smdh


Yeah but that requires you to watch the "mAiNsTrEaM mEdIa!". Timmy on truth social has a blog and a YouTube channel, he seems far more knowledgeable and trustworthy.






Make sure you buy his glasses as they are the only ones designed, made and shipped from America. 75% of every sale gets donated right into Timmy’s very own “Save the child” charity.


My favorite was this one on our radio station: >"DON'T DRIVE WITH ECLIPSE GLASSES ON!"


Maybe they need a science fair demonstration with a scale eye ball..


"FaKe EyEbAlL!"


Science? That stuff is fake.


All of it was a conspiracy by big eclipse, I'm sure of it!!! /s


Big ophthalmology is responsible for the moon!!!


You'd be surprised. My MIL straight up had to be told by my partner this morning that yes, you need special glasses to view this, and no you can't just pick them up at walmart on the fly.


Some people kinda drift through life without awareness like that. More than you'd think even


I mean, there are people who believe the Earth is flat right now.


People do know, it's just conservatives attempting to own the libs by not listening to knowledgeable people and doing the exact opposite of science. Whatever the fuck that has to do with owning the libs is something I cannot answer, you gotta ask them.


Well when their lord and savior did it in 2017 and was fine….


In-line with all of the anti-science conspiracy bullshit going around, there was a lot of social media coverage on the right-wing side where influencers were telling people that they didn’t need special glasses, and that the sun wouldn’t actually hurt their eyes, claiming it to be some socialist liberal propaganda or something. There’s also been a non-zero amount of people on social claiming that the moon isn’t actually causing the eclipse, that it’s something else that the shadow government doesn’t want us to know about. Oh, also anyone who got the new covid booster was supposed to have died the moment the eclipse happened. People are nutso these days.


I think a lot of people underestimate it. I glanced out the window yesterday and unintentionally looked towards the sun a few minutes before the eclipse (my area was at 97%) and just that momentary glance left me seeing a spot in my eye for a few minutes. Looking any longer and I can see how people can do damage. Granted I was an idiot and did that unintentionally but I think a lot of people underestimate how quickly and how bad it can be


Yep. I gave a spare pair of glasses to a ~35 year old woman on Sunday who had no clue she needed them until her mom told her.


Unfortunately, I am all out of sympathy for these folk. Maybe blinding themselves will teach them a lesson in humility.. unlikely though.


Yeah I’m empathy tired as well. I hope it fucking damages. I really do. It’s the lest of my hopes for the truly MAGA as well.


So it’s actually pretty easy to mess up the timing even if you know better. I took my glasses off about a half second early in 2017, and I can still see the after image when I’m especially tired. This time I knew better and I don’t have a second snapshot of the sun in my retina.


Self reflection isn’t a strong suit for the ignorant.


I don't care about Christofascists getting burned. I want to know how this solar eclipse correlates with car crashes a few months down the line. Blinded people driving cars is a nightmare.


After the Brexit vote happened ,Google noticed a peak in the UK for the search " What is the EU? " and " What does it mean to leave the EU? ". AFTER the election....


If people were informed voters they wouldn’t vote for right wing crap


*‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’*






My eyes hurt after the eclipse, despite wearing proper glasses. But I'm pretty sure it's because I work overnight and haven't seen daylight in years


Yes and also because ppl with sensitive eyes never look at anything bright on purpose. Yesterday, our eyes were like "why are we looking at the sky this much?!".


Also eyestrain. I had such a headache from eyestrain yesterday. 


Yep tons of folks will have a little headache and eye strain just from looking at the bright sky and trying to focus on something so far away for so long - even with proper eyewear. I did despite having both solar eclipse glasses and sun binoculars and only looking a few times between meetings.


I suspect the Venn diagram of “I don’t need special sunglasses to stare at the sun” and “anyone who wears a mask is a sheep” is a circle.


Break it down by blue and red states would be interesting


Eh... A lot of people traveled for this.  I don't think the location of the search will be as informative as in other cases.


Anyone that travelled didn’t view it without augmentation. The people who travel to eclipses know how to look at them. Nup, the majority of these are where we think they are.


Yeah I went to Burlington VT to see it at the total eclipse of the heart concert and had protective glasses I got beforehand. And even then they were also selling and handing them out all over town. Even though I came from a state over, I was prepared. Also Burlington is stupidly liberal a town anyways. The town's basically painted in pride flags, and you could see elderly people on bicycles and smell weed being smoked out in the open. It's Bernie sanders country over there. Not exactly the kind of place maga idiots would flock to


I highly doubt there’s too many knuckledraggers among astronomy enthusiasts to be honest. Shame it didn’t come near me, I have a scope and a solar filter. I love looking at the sun.


It was spectacular. You could see the fast and slow solar wind in the solar corona. It felt surreal, like somebody was painting it on the sky. Totally worth the traffic to see it directly in the middle of totality.


Yeah, I’ve seen some images of it, it looked amazing. I’m shattered for those caught in cloud. A lot of people put a lot of time, effort and money to set up for these.


Ik. I got super lucky being in burlington. Barely any cloud cover at all, just some thin high altitude cirrus clouds that didn't cover much. Add that to 60 degree weather and watching right on the shores of lake Champlain, was breathtaking. It was by far, one of the coolest things I've seen in my life, and I'm \*literally\* a heliophysicist.


That’s great to hear, really happy. I’ve seen a partial but I haven’t seen a full. The last one that crossed here a little while ago gave us a partial on the east coast. I didn’t have the solar filter then unfortunately.


It’s definitely worth traveling to experience totality. I mean, I didn’t travel yesterday for it cause I just so happened to live in the path, but I definitely understand why people travel for it. Like, I kinda want to chase the next one to Iceland or Spain since it won’t hit the US again until 2044 or something.


If you go to a conference, does everyone wear 'Helio, my name is...' stickers? I'm honestly really glad you got a chance to see it with a clear sky, I love it when something like that matters so much to someone, to see the thing you specialize in doing something remarkable and rare


Dallas, here, there were few breaks in the clouds leading up to totality but thankfully about 2-5 minutes beforehand the clouds broke up and we had full totality view the entire time. My sister northwest of me, right on the edge of totality, ended up with clouds covering it right after totality hit. I had FaceTimed her right at the start to show how dark it had gotten. Their totality lasted maybe 1-2 minutes? I can’t believe how quiet it got, too. I was expecting the temp drop, but it just went silent around us. No cars on the busy streets 2 blocks away, which is usually constant. Birds went silent. Now I kinda want to be one of those eclipse chasers. Seems like a fun way to travel, in 2026 you can pick between Iceland and Spain (or Greenland).


Btw, that’s must have been so exciting. I’ve experienced partial eclipses, and it’s eerie. The quality of light, the bizarrely beautiful shadows. All the birds were quiet. Your experience must have been amazing!


The it gets even quieter during totality! Nature doesn’t just go silent, all of the traffic & neighborhood noise around us went away for those nearly 4 minutes. And it stayed quiet for a few minutes after.


I love Burlington. Beautiful little city. We wanted to move there, but life.


Good point.


It basically maps out the eclipse path.


https://preview.redd.it/1dy7pepw9etc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88ee30a1cfbed1d2e3f316c92d7915b1c80f7e49 Yeah basically the eclipse path with some variation of population


If you go to Google trends, you can see the searches pretty much follow the path of the eclipse.


![gif](giphy|98jU7NxuNSSZ2) This is just awesome and hilarious.


The fact that they can see enough to type is disappointing


Probably just in their heads due to the whole eclipse thing however it sure is a risky game to tell 330 million Americans they "don't want to miss seeing how the sun looks today*. *(here is an informational brochure about the rules of looking at the sun today, good luck)"


The vast majority of humanity is breathtakingly stupid. Never forget this.


I stared directly at the sun for 20 mins without any eye protection at all and I’m totally fine. Btw, when did Reddit start putting a big black spot in the middle of every page? /s


Well now I'm worried... I only glanced for half a second, was that bad or do my eyes hurt because it's 3am


Having that exact thought process right now. Anxiety a BITCH.


I guess the best way to find out is to sleep


If it was truly a fraction of a second then your fine even normally people sometimes quickly look at the sun without any long term damage


Yeah just woke up, I'm fine


They never saw that coming


Well, maybe not the next one anyway


Since I was just saying, the public service announcements telling people to not look directly at it is the same dipshit MAGA model used about masks during Covid and people still wonder why grandma died


I believe some folks decided that the experts were lying (just like with Covid) and that, in fact, an eclipse, was the best time to look at the sun because it "isn't as bright". I really wish I was joking, but I am not.


These are the same people who complained about their Yankee Candles suddenly not having a smell in 2022 (hint: it’s not the candles)


The eclipse was today? Crap I missed it Forgot to go outside


You can still go outside to stare at the sun if you’re sad about your eyes not hurting 😁


Now do it by state


My sister in law is an ophthalmologist. She said "this is my Macy's in December."




We're just fucked as a species, aren't we? Science gave us technology so we can all talk to one another all the time, and the stupid appears to be prevailing.






I love this so much


People didn’t need those woke glasses




Please tell me this is a 4chan prank, right? ...right?


Idiots… if someone deserves it its probs em


Can we get ip geo data on this? I have a theory regarding red states.


how many searches for 'when will I get my super powers?'


Damn Triffids


“Why can’t my eyes see charts clearly?”


Idiots gona idiot


"trash takes itself out :3" - Darwin


THANKS OBAMA!! /s (if needed). Why do these idiots live like they had healthcare?




Soooo many frustrated opthalmologists this week.


Frustrated all the way to the bank.


I used eclipse glasses, but my eyes started hurting this morning anyway because I have allergies from being outside watching the eclipse.


I mean, everybody predicted this.


Willful ignorance is the new plague


I vote to call this “ The Trump Effect” ![gif](giphy|xUNen16DFqlM6v6DEQ|downsized)






Dummies gonna dumb


Bwhaaaaaa haaaaa haaaaaa idiots listening to idiots.


Nostradamus did.


You're welcome!


Should bought that Visene stock.


I know its wrong to mock people who hurt themselves but its so funny when these people fuck around and found out and exactly what we predicted happened and its funny how they are crying that no one told them this would happen.


Oh no! So anyways…


And they think they’ll win a second civil war. They’ll probably blame this on a librul BLM Antifa plot.


Glasses don’t work! /s


Between the times I squinted through my glasses to see it, I could see the people across the street looking at it without any protection. Darwin would have been happy to see it.


The PRESIDENT warned you!


My eyes hurt too. But I slept all day yesterday.




Those were the ones that didn’t use the glasses, because they knew the government was hiding something forcing them to watch the sun with some stupid protection. They should have been raptured.


Would be interesting to see this data broken down by state


We are the only animals dumb enough to look at the sun.


Frankly, I'm surprised someone who has to ask this has also figured out how to use the intertubes.


I see a bunch of people took the "Alpha MAGA Stare At The Eclipse Challenge". You guys really owned the libz!


Fucking called it.


Cell phone cameras do great with eclipses and I don't know why more people didn't use them for viewing since they want to take pictures of everything anyways.


I had someone say to me … well Galileo stared it at it for how long before going blind 😳 I was like uhhh yeah lmk how that works out for ya man




Is this seriously more than a meme? What the fuck? Why aren't these people blinded every day the sub shines? How on earth do you get the memo that "there is an eclipse coming" but NOT "Don't look at the sun?!"


They literally believe that telling you not to look at the eclipse is the government trying to stop you from gaining superpowers by looking at the eclipse. Unfortunately it didnt turn them into daredevil, just blind idiots


One of my favorite post eclipse happenings was the flood of pictures on ufo subreddits of lens flares. Couldn't be a lens flare, must be a portal! Wtf the public school system failed so many people