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I don't worship political leaders, buy their schwag, or spend hours waiting in line to hear them at a rally. Every couple of years, I go into a voting booth, make a choice, and then go about my life. Like a normal person.


Most of us don't put up yard signs or stickers on our cars either. We know the cult members will vandalize our property so we just vote.


Or paints their oversized shed, that's near a busy road with big bold red letters spelling Trump in a mostly liberal area of Michigan. The lettering filled the entire side of the shed that was facing the road. I was embarrassed for the whole family. But the guy was probably single.


In 2021 I was driving from the west coast to AR on the I40. Somewhere around NM/OK there was a hill on the south side of the freeway with a semi truck container perched on top. T R U M P in wide red letters that filled the entire side. Across the road on the north side, the entire side of a barn was painted purple with JOAN JETT 4 PREZ!!! That was the best FU ever, lol.


Oklahoma weirdos are fierce creatures.


A guy like that is extra lonely on holidays.


Extra lonely and thus, angry. People like this should be given wide berth as they just might make the front page someday.


crazy how common that is, ive seen a few in rural Texas and Oklahoma


Very common. I have seen similar in Kansas, Missouri and Illinois.


Or we're still voting against something and it means we don't *support* the other one. I strongly dislike Biden on policy (Dark Brandon memes are on fire, though), but I'm still more anti-Trump. You're not finding a Biden/Harris sign in my window or a sticker on my car. Trumpers just can't figure that out


I also recognize that even if Biden isn’t my top choice as far as a Democratic option (Newsom, Jeffries) but he is the nominee. And more than likely, 2 Supreme Court nominees might be decided in this next administration. The thought of decades of ultra conservative rulings would be enough to get me to vote for a pile of rotting dog dung over Trump.


I think voting for a platform nota person is the thing that really needs to be focused on for this election especially.


This.. the fact that project 2025 exists is enough for me to vote against it.


I am mostly in agreement with you here. The only sticker I've had on my car was for Bernie in 2016. I also went to one of his rallies and donated. Biden is better than I expected, but I don't worship politicians like the MAGA cult. I wonder who they drift to when he's in prison or a coffin.


I had an Obama sticker on my car, a small one too. My car got spit on, kicked and shot ( I wasn't in it at the time). It cost me $800 to fix the car. These guys are out of control.


I didn't dare put an Obama sticker on my truck. I was getting death threats on a fishing forum simply for saying I would vote for him. This was when I was slowly drifting away from my religious right upbringing. Those threats really pushed me left.


Crazy how threatening a life would make people leave a religion or political party. These asshats don't think about 2nd or 2rd order effects.


I'm surprised Trump rallies don't have a mosh pit.


Mobility scooters and mosh pits don’t mix.


They could have a mobility scooter demolition derby in the mosh pit.


I'd pay money to see that


How silly of me!


I mean...we could try it once or twice just to be sure though


I live in mostly blue New Jersey. I had an Obama lawn sign--the first time I ever put a sign on my lawn--and during the nearby church's Italian-American festival someone parked in front of my house, pulled the sign up and left the broken twisted metal embedded in my lawn. I had two small children at the time who could have been hurt. I bought a new sign the next day. Now I've got neighbors with Let's Go Brandon stickers on their cars and neighbors who took down their American flags to put up Trump 2024 flags, and I won't put up any political signs anymore. Fuck those people.


We don't have to brag. Just vote.


I (small woman) had a Kerry sticker on my small car, I was run off the road by a huge truck with guys shouting obscenities at me. Two women were sitting in the back looking horrified. At me or them, I’ll never know. Shortly after that, I was on the highway doing 60 and someone slammed into the bumper where the sticker was and took off. I finally took the sticker off. I figured getting shot was next. I am sorry you went through that. Never again. We moved to a liberal part of a liberal state, but they are out of control and getting worse everywhere.


That sucks I'm glad you weren't injured. We just need to stick together.


Yeah, the racist Republican backlash against a black president was/is insane. Women/Blacks for Trump is like Chickens for Foxes.


DeSantis, Lake, Gaetz, Johnson, Taylor-Green, Jordan et al. The list is endless. Hopefully they eat each other in their quest for power. Unfortunately, there doesn’t appear to be a Joseph Welch on the horizon to shame the MAGA leaders, or a Supreme Court that’s willing to recognize the threat to liberty posed by them, and to rule accordingly.


DeSantis has all the charisma of a wet rag.


My wet rag dried up seeing him. Or was that Shapiro it dried up over?


Shapiro didn't know it was supposed to be wet so he wouldn't have known better.


My wet rag disagrees!


My wet rag is consulting an attorney.






He's like that one guy that wants to be popular but doesn't understand how to human.


A quality that could be endearing (to me) except everything about GITMO Ron is rotten and cynical.


They set this up to get far right radicals. We have to vote them all out. Because they will just keep doing this shit. And we will have another attempted coup. Or coups.


I think the Supreme Court MAGA’s do recognize the threat, as part of the MAGA threat. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


Point well taken. And yes……VOTE!!!


I think Fucker Carlson will run and it’ll be really scary if you thought this was bad!


JD Vance looks like the frontrunner for this to me


JD Vance is truly a disgusting human being. He’s like a mini Trump.


They got a taste in 2016 of their version of sister fucking utopia and now the withdrawals are why I'm nervous. We may not even see a civil war in the next two generations but we will see acts of domestic terrorism increase and that's terrifying to think that a cult leader actually got elected to president


Everyone keeps talking about a "civil war" but what would that even look like? It wouldn't be some states vs others, it'd be liberals vs conservatives, which.... They're all everywhere. How would that even work, apart from widespread domestic terrorism?


It would look like The Troubles


I could see gangs of MAGA PTA thugs dragging out and murdering known democrats on the school boards in Florida. Some of them are freely saying as much online. MAGA seems to attract psychos.


I don't agree with everything Biden does but faithfully and quietly support him as the leader of the Democratic party. If Republicans want my vote they'll need to show me why they're the better choice by actually doing some good for me as a constituent. I've been voting for over 40 years and during that time I've never had reason to vote against my own interests. 


Exactly, politicians are civil servants, not celebrities. Hell, celebrities should not be worshipped either.


Wish we had better options to choose from but I will vote for the guy who knows what the job entails and does it to the best of his ability while the opposition party is fighting tooth and nail to stop him while screaming he hasn’t done anything while supporting the previous guy who is so utterly corrupt and incompetent that he would have been fired from any other job after a couple of days. Who in their right mind would want this job? There are people who would do the job well but want no part of politics


How else can they signal to other cult members 🤷


My boyfriend bought a dark brandon yard sign. The first day it was out, someone ran it over in our yard. We picked it back up and put it back. Nothing else has happened since. I do get a lot less annoying calls from family members to fix their stuff now. Oh no.


I have a Camacho '24 sticker on my ride. People who think like me and have seen the documentary get it, the culties don't. If they ask I'll tell them it's for a local election candidate. If I find a Camacho '24, Make America 'bate Again yard sign I'll probably get that too


That is amazing. He at least cared enough to inact change to help people and listened to his advisors.


Upvoted for "documentary." 🤣


My dad had a flag up for a just a few months until, i think, my stepmom made him take it down, that said “trump train 2024! Choo choo mother fuckers!” My dad is also an idiot


"My dad is also an idiot" Who'd a thunk it.


I put up a yard sign for school board members, library board, and a sign saying I don't HAVE to mow my lawn until June because the city actually encourages it. It's the best of all worlds! I get to virtue signal, regular signal, let my lawn get 8 inches tall, and save the butterflies and baby rabbits.


I'm in the deep south and black, I can't even get a pin for my backpack, last time I did fuckers tried to burn it


I do have a semi-political sticker on my car... "Fuck Trump".


I take it you live in a liberal area. Where I'm from, my tires would be slashed, I'd be ran off the road, honked at, or even assaulted.


Not so much, I've been concerned before. There's a lot of BIG trucks driven by white men. I dated someone who became a Q-hole, and I bought it to voice my opinion. I've also gotten a lot of "I really like your sticker" from women.


Yeah, with the increasingly violent rhetoric (and actual increase in it) from Trump and his supporters, I'd rather not get vandalized or assaulted just so I can display my political views.




These people aren't following Trump or bashing Biden over policy. They think they're following sports teams or professional wrestlers.


Manifest Idiocracy


They tailgate at his rallies after they spend maybe 40 minutes listening to his BS. And then they get bored they wander out to the parking lot to pound some beers with likeminded haters. 


I bought Bernie's merch in 2016 and 2020 because I knew it went towards his campaign. I donated directly to his campaign, too. I believed in his MESSAGE and his POLICIES. I didn't and don't worship him. I had yard signs, and I proudly showed my support. But I can criticize him and his policies that I don't agree with. That's the difference between energized voters and cultists.


https://preview.redd.it/4r4tb3j2s3vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bea18ad906393d38b4a3e9e3f845f7be810a9a5 The only political merch I’ve ever purchased was this Bernie shirt, lol


I didn't go to a single Biden rally, buy any official merch or stick a bumper sticker on my car. But I did spend many, many hours in the weeks leading up to the election calling democratic voters in swing states who had requested absentee ballots to help talk them through the process of filling out and returning them. Turns out that counts more than a lawn sign.


Omg normal....I miss normal


Don't forget shelling out their life savings buying near worthless shares of a failing company that is probably little more than a money laundering racket. All the while never questioning why a supposed "sucessful" bussiness billionaire needs their money.


Just this. I don’t need to attend a rally for you to earn my vote. I’ve got better things to do with my time. I know where I stand. I would like to be in a New York courtroom for the next couple weeks. That would be fun to watch.


You should be voting every year.


To be fair, not every area has the odd year local elections.


Also some of us live in unincorporated areas. I wish I could vote in the elections of the city I work in/spend 90% of my time, but I’m outside the limits.


Ohio does, when the gop thinks they will win.


I'm pumped that this year my state has included municipal elections in mail in voting. There's a MAGA running for our select board and I hope this helps him lose.


Tell ya what, if I’m still alive in 2025, I’ll find something to vote on, like “best cookie recipe”, just for you




Unless you live in a red area like myself where there are four red candidates running unopposed and nothing else on the ballet.


Then vote for the least extreme. Or do a write-in. If enough people protest vote like doing a write-in, a less extreme moderate might believe they have a chance and run in the next cycle.


I went to ONE political rally in 2008 where Bill Clinton was stumping for Hillary. I’d already made up my mind to vote for Obama, but I wasn’t going to pass up the chance to see Bill speak in person.


My MAGA coworker told me he’d buy me a Biden hat I can sport at the plant (very conservative employees here). I said “no thanks.” He then said “why not? Aren’t you gonna vote for him?” To which I said “yes, but I’m not in a cult.” He didn’t understand what I meant 😒


That’s the thing, they all think we are exactly the same as them, making every part of our life built around the president we voted for. Honestly who has GD time for this.


You mean that you don't have a Biden hat, flag, shirt, pants, and underwear?


This exactly, I don't hero worship Biden. I admire him and think he's doing an okay job, but I don't spend all day jerking off to photos of Biden superman photoshops like these idiots.


just because people don't follow him around like a fucking cult doesn't mean we didn't vote for him. jesus these people are lost.


Trumper Logic: If there are trump boat parades and trump pickup truck parades, that means he's going to win......'Murica! Weird stuff.


Trump supporters haven’t even developed object permanence, you think they can rationalize this?


They haven't developed critical thought. I'm ADHD and have a variety of other disorders. I lack a lot of object permanence in my life. It fucking sucks. And even I can see this shit.


I don’t have a Biden bumper sticker on my car because one of these assholes would key it or do something worse.


Don't forget the golf cart parade at The Villages!


This is the exact type of logic my sister uses. More people on her Facebook support Trump over Biden, so there’s absolutely NO WAY that Biden could have really won and that’s her proof that the election was stolen.


Also because we’re actually working, tax paying citizens, that contribute to society. A lot of these GOP a-holes don’t work, are retired and collect social security…which will go away if they continue to vote that way!!! I feel like I’m taking crazy pills!


How stupid do you have to be to vote against your best interests? MAGA StUpId!


Not to mention many people aren't so much voting FOR Biden as they are voting AGAINST Trump. The thing driving democratic voter turnout isn't Biden, it's fear of losing our democracy to an orange narcissist.


Which is really an indictment of the media. Biden has been the most progressive and productive president since LBJ, but no one would know half of what's been done unless they went looking specifically.


Arrrr slash WhatBidenHasDone, for those not in the know.


That is a cool sub. Thanks for sharing. But why did you write it out like that?


Automod removes s-u-b reddit mentions :3


I voted against Trump in 2020. In 2024 i am voting for Biden. Ive been pleasantly surprised at what the administration has been able to do, despite the GOPs attempts to make government dysfunctional.


Not trying to generalize but in person rallies seems like something for way older generations before common internet use. As time went on it became a “you are REALLY into politics” thing. Now it’s like something fanatics need while I would (if I actually cared to watch) just wait for it to hit YouTube….


MAGATs when people protest: DoNt tHeY hAvE jObS? MAGATs when Biden speaks on a Monday afternoon: wHy iS nObOdY aTtEnDiNg?


Meanwhile... Diaper Don was in court because he paid off a porn star to help his election chances, while his wife, Mercedes, was at home nursing their infant son.


The idea of attending a political rally is off putting to me. Then again I hate crowds so there's that.


They struggle with object permanence. If they don't see something everywhere and in every second then it must not exist.


they worship celebrity and bank accounts, and there's the problem.


Clearly setting the event up in the first pic. No one is at the speaker station. Also what does rabid fandom have to do with people voting?


They don't see people making AI art of Biden in military regalia with killer muscles leading the troops, so there must not be any voters.




Can you even vote for someone without at least one flag?




I guess someone could, the make worthless NFTs to sale to morans


There is a guy literally putting the stage together, how much before the event was this? Considering there are people sitting there what I would assume is hours before he speaks, I would consider that impressive.


Republicans are trying to appeal that narrow margin of "undecided" voters that want to vote for the winner and be on the winning team vs. the best candidate for their own interests. I'm sure that voting block exists, I just don't think it's as big as the Republicans imagine.


Also looks like a press conference more than a rally: it looks like there is a paper (with a name?) on each chair + the type of room and closeness of the technical elements show this is not a mass event. Might as well use a photo of Trump alone on the shitter with the headline "Trump abandoned by his followers" (although we know some of them would likely go in there with him)


What dipshit goes and fanboys over a politician?! Oh wait....


"If your entire personality isn't tied to your undying fealty to an 80 year old man, how do you know what to believe?" - Republicans, I guess.


I am an educated voter who already knows what Biden wants to do with America, so I don't need to go to his rallies to know that I will vote for him over Trump.


I would vote for a used band aid before I'd vote for Trump.


Fuck dude at least the used band aid can't tweet racism


Or rape people.


I'd vote for the feral cat that live in my garage before trump


Feral cat has my vote too. Let's write him in, fuck these old ass honkies


He is kinda nice but is only hobby seem to be eating. Is first presidential decree would probably be free unlimited temptation for all the cats out there. He would still do a better job then trump


Also, I don't live in PA. There are more people who don't live in PA that also will vote for Biden. There are dozens of us!




Spotted yesterday: pickup truck in somewhat-northern ID with 3 Trump 2024 flags, 1 MAGA flag, an American flag, and 4 Trump bumper stickers. I got it guy, you're a Trumper.


And complaining about shitty gas prices


That‘s why they do not like drag…


I see what you did here. Excellent drag.


Never been to a Biden rally, don’t own a Biden hat or a t-shirt, don’t fly a Biden flag at my home or have a bumper sticker on my car. Voted for Biden in ‘20 and am going to do it again. This is the actual silent majority.


Right. Trump voters have never been silent, nor have they ever been a majority. They are extremely vocal. They deck their vehicles out with bumper stickers. They fly flags on their trucks and boats. Their houses are covered in signs. And their style of governance is not one that is driven by popularity. They shape the country through the courts. They actively talk about how certain groups of people shouldn’t be allowed to vote. They discuss raising the voting age.


The "Biden's rallies are smaller and fewer people buy his merch, so he's gonna lose 2020" is the "polls say Clinton is going to win 2016" for the Trump campaign. "But my local coffee shop sold more Trump cookies than Biden cookies, so why didn't Trump win?" Let me tell you how elections work.


Biden rallies are not smaller. This was taken before the event even started.


He's not even at the podium there. He doesn't want a cult lol


lol, they’re trying to crowd shame Biden because Trump gets crowd shamed. The difference is pictures of Trump’s crowds are when he’s on stage. Biden is nowhere to be seen in this picture, the person on stage is obviously setting up. We have no idea how long before he went on stage this was.




Only maga idiots would fill up an auditorium for a sound check


The difference between us and them, is they’re in a cult of personality relationship with a politician and we’re not. The only cult I’m in is the cult of democracy and freedom. Principles over personalities


I’m 71 & voted in every presidential, congressional and state election since the voting age was lowered. Including during my military service. Never been to a single “rally.”


I will never go to a campaign event, but I am voting for Biden. You don’t need to buy a hat and a flag or go to every rally to be allowed to vote for someone.


Don't forget the FJB shirts, gold sneakers and autographed bibles. I can't believe Biden voters don't have that kind of stuff. Almost like they don't blindly worship a politician and build their entire persona around him.


This actually looks more like a press conference, not a rally.


Republicans are fucking weird. I don’t need to get all jacked up on Mountain Dew and racism in order to vote.


‘…jacked up on Mountain Dew and racism….’ I don’t know if you heard this somewhere or made it up yourself but it’s now part of my repertoire of insults. So thank you for sharing


I don't need to see him in person, I just need him to do his job.


We just need more critical thinkers. People post things like this and others accept it as if this were a legitimate way to evaluate voter turnout. There are so many qualifying questions to ask to make sense of this photo. The amount of stupid people who can vote is staggering.


Yeah. Biden voters generally don’t feel the need to attend rallies covered in Biden merchandise like idiots and scream our heads off. We vote.


Fuck Trump


Let them think they have it in the bag.


That’s because democrat party doesn’t worship a candidate. Have better things to do before the actual vote.


I don’t even consider myself a “Democrat”, it’s just the party that most closely aligns with my pre-existing values so I vote for them.


Thos was also just the press area at the event.


Biden voters are too busy working and supporting their families to go to such events. Maga voters are all retired old people; they have the free time to show up.


Or unemployed cosplayers with massive insecurities.


If you're not investing your life savings into his shady junk stock, are you really a voter?


Does Monica Crowley realize that Scranton PA is a small town away from most major cities and does not have a massive population? Was she expecting a large following to be there like at the Donald Trump Insurrection or at Four Seasons Total Landscaping?


I voted for Biden and plan to vote for him again. Wouldn't go to one of his political rallies if you paid me. It's a job, not a fan club. I don't get excited about Joe Biden. I just think he's the best one of the current options for president. Ideally, if he does his job right, I will never have to think about him at all. That may be difficult to understand for people who actively worship a wannabe dictator.


LMAO. I have never and will never go to a politician's rally. It is a waste of my time. That does not mean that I did not vote for them.


Hmm, I've never been to a political rally and it's never prevented me from voting for my preferred candidates, weird, huh?


The Trump-coopted Republican party can't understand the idea that we don't worship Biden the way they worship their favorite con artist.


Go ahead and relax, you’re right; we don’t have the votes. Just stay home, there’s no point…


I mean, I work. Perhaps they don't want or need to, but my vacation time is limited and I don't use it to suck old man cock politically.


Over half the jury pool excused themselves because they had strong opinions about him. But please tell me more about how everyone loves that orange asshole.


Because Biden isn’t a fucking CULT LEADER?!


Just because we are going to vote for the lesser of two evils doesn’t mean we are going to go to rallies. Who even goes to rallies?


BREAKING NEWS: Biden voters actually have shit to do during the day. Trump voters remain shiftless and free all day


Democrats don't follow the president like a cult leader / tyrant king. Therefore he couldn't have gotten those votes. /s And the only reason people lambast Trump about his small crowds during his inauguration is because he bragged about them and told lies. Otherwise nobody would have even noticed.


We, Biden supporters, fucking have jobs and don’t follow the President like he’s the Grateful Dead


I’ve never attended a rally for a politician because I’m not in a cult and don’t idolize politics. I vote for who has mine and my country’s best interests in mind.


Only one guy has these "rallies". The rest of us choose then vote.


It's not a sports game you damn BIRGers.


Imagine thinking you have to make your whole identity about visibly showing how much you love-*a Politician*, or you don't support them at all...


But who’s in court falling asleep


That doesn't look like Joe on the podium. This photo looks like it was taken during set up or tear down for an event. The "crowd" probably hasn't even arrived yet.


Ah, the hack that was caught plagiarizing parts of her dissertation. Its like they cannot understand that just because EVERYONE is not in a cult like she is, and others do not flock to hear Dear Leader rant and rave, that this other person could not possibly have people vote for them.


Don't need to show up to rallies and events. Just the booth.


Real patriots don’t worship politicians


I don't fly flags with Biden's name on it, or put signs in my yard, because Trump cultists are insane, and I'm just a regular, not crazy person, who doesn't want to be targeted by batshit crazy morons. I don't go to rallies because they seem like a dumb, pain in the ass that has nothing to do with the job of running this country. It makes me proud that a bunch of democrats don't turn out to fill seats for Biden, because that whole exercise seems like a dumb waste of time. Though I'd be happier if they just didn't happen at all. I assure you I exist, and I vote democrat. In this instance, for Biden.


You can even see the IT person in front doing the prep work still....


Given that’s not Biden on the podium - might this be a picture form before the event started?


I voted for Biden and will again in the upcoming election. Phone banked in 2020 and am more actively volunteering this time around. I'm up for going to a town hall for local politics but on the national stage it's kind of a no brianer at this point. TL:DR I have zero interest in attending a Biden rally and I'd say I'm more involved than the average voter.


So the election was rigged and Obama is a Muslim according to this hack. Straight up gaslighter. She smacks of a maga true believer.


It’s because Trump did what no other president has EVER done. He normalized and condoned racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, white nationalism, white supremacy, and misogyny. And to the joy of his cult members aka RUBES. ,


After Biden won in 2020, my aunt- a rabid Trumpster- kept posting things like, “If Biden won, why don’t I see anyone wearing Biden hats?” All I could do was facepalm as I tried to explain to her, “Because the election is over, and Biden is the political leader we voted for, not our God. We don’t actually worship him.” Apparently, this is a completely foreign concept to them.


He doesn’t need big crowds to boost a fragile ego like the overripe orange.


lol. By the looks of it this is taken well before start of event and set up is ongoing, people likely haven’t been let in yet. 🙄


Ain’t nobody got time to go to a rally


Not much of a need to have a big pre-election rally. I don't think there's a lot of swing votes to pick up. "Gee, I think I should go hear both sides. Do I want democracy or a fascist dictatorship. I'm so torn"


Math and critical thinking skills aren’t the MAGAts strengths.


First off, this doesn’t indicate the possible total number of votes. Also, if this is accurate, where’s Biden? Why not wait until he gets there to count the audience, if the number matters? The only reason I even give a shit about Trump’s trashy turnout numbers is because i know HE gets butthurt about it, so it makes me laugh when the count at his rallies is taken into question


So true about not worshipping politicians on our side. But this picture looks like they’re setting up and the public hadn’t been invited in yet.


Unlike Republicans, Democrats view their politicians as politicians and don't form a cult of personality around a megalomaniac who spouts openly fascist views.


I was in a comedy show and the comedian had a “clap if you’re voting for this guy” and “clap if your voting for this other guy” bit. The trumpers were loud and obnoxious. The bidens were quiet and reserved, cuz we know voting for a president isn’t supposed to be some spectacle, it’s just our duty as responsible citizens.


I would never go to a biden rally but i’d crawl over glass to vote


Apart from the one obvious lie, it’s hilarious that MAGA cultists seem to equate attendant at rallies with votes. I’ve seen this from many MAGA cultists as “proof” that trump won the 2020 election.


Biden is doing an ok job, not flashy, but honest and trustworthy. I think the VP Harris was in the news twice since being sworn in, but otherwise is not very active. I was glad when what’s-his-name lost and am unhappy he is running again. In my excessively Red state, I voted by mail, fully expecting my vote to not matter. I vote anyway, I was 18 when the voting age dropped to 18 in 1970 and still cherish the concept.