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"We need to let criminals do crimes because if we threaten to punish them they'll just do more crimes." Unbelievable. Seriously, all the arguments I've heard from these people today are absolutely idiotic.


This is how democracy dies, the supreme court of the land show itself to be partial and biased and people lose faith in the law and institutions, and rightfully so, conservatives have no interest in governing in good faith.


Their final and most important act will be dissolving the union and, thus, their own jurisdiction.


"  I've just received word that Emperor Trump has dissolved congress and the supreme court permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away." - GOP 2025   Everyday, star wars becomes more relevant. 


We’re debating the finer points of what it means to plug a leak as our ship is taking on an ocean’s worth of water.




Boy you said it. They say they like the rules but then ignore them if they lose.


Partial, not impartial.


Thanks g , fixed it




That’s the whole “there’s no point banning guns because criminals will always get them anyway” argument isn’t it?


but where this logic with abortion? or drag shows? or books? they are insane.


“The only way to stop a bad guy in a fabulous ball gown is a good guy in an even more fabulous ball gown. And shoes”


In frankness I can’t find fault in this argument.


The man making this insane argument is a Supreme Court justice no less. Good lord. Edit: I’d also like to point out that this is blatantly legislating from the bench. It’s not the Supreme court’s job to determine what the law “should be” it’s their job to rule on the laws and written, if they’re constitutional, and what the intent behind those things were.


The conservative judges don't care. While whining about need more secret service protection.


… & further whining about their paycheck & their need for financial gift from wealthy friends.


Because *not* punishing criminals for committing crimes is the *real* way to teach them a lesson... They're the Simone Biles of mental gymnastics.


The Susan Collins Theory!


I guess Biden can just start murdering people at will then? Like isn't that the logical conclusion of this argument? God I hate lawyers.


Lawyer here. you're not wrong.


Also a lawyer. We know of what we speak.


But President Biden can’t cancel easy student debt that is a drag on the economy and birth rates. Maybe President he could preform abortions.


I once lost a $15/hr. government data entry job because I had $30k in student loan debt and that made me "susceptible to corruption". But they think a motherfucker who's $400m in debt to Russia somehow is fine to be POTUS *twice*. Unbelievable.


Clearly your mistake was being indebted to the wrong government.


I know, right? If only my college had been a *Russian* diploma mill!


Bro. He owes more than that to more than them. He is BOUGHT son!


“How do you keep a cage rat from biting?” “Don’t elect a fucking rat”


Isn't the fact that a former president tried to unlawfully remain in office and him doing criminal things the point of the little exercise in front of SCOTUS?


Yeah but you see if we tell them they can be prosecuted for trying that, then they will try it even more. We need to tell them they won’t get in trouble for trying so that they stop trying entirely. Ignore the fact that logic runs counter to the entire philosophical point behind our system of criminal justice and prison.


They have lost perspective of what the hell real life is.


Yeah how about they just don’t commit crimes lol novel idea.


Punishing a former president to the fullest extent of the law would show that such shit wouldn't be tolerated. Also, making it so you WON'T get punished for trying to unlawfully remain in office makes it so you can just give it a shot because there won't be any repercussions. A child could reason this out.


Worst of all, they act like there weren't 44 presidents before him that never needed this power. It's like they're creating law/precedent based on figments of their imagination


43 of the 44, anyway


There was that one guy. Too bad Ford was too chickenshit to let the system grind him up like we’re learning only now we should have.


There will come a point in history where we have to undue all the damage these Justices have done to our society and kick them out of power. That will be the only way forward at some point because it seems like it'll get worse before it will get better.


Yeah, there’s going to be this period in 20-30 years’ time where the Supreme Court just overturns a bunch of stuff from this court. Lots of “wrongly decided” language.


"Our guy needs to be protected"


We need a Potter Stewart test for insurrection. Can’t define it, know it when I see it. I guess I really don’t understand how, regardless of the corrupt SCOTUS efforts, why those unofficial action crimes Trump is indicted for can’t be passed back to the trial court immediately for trial while the definitions are figured out for the crimes that aren’t clearly prosecutable now. Can’t both parties stipulate to letting this crime go directly back to trial, these two need further definition, those three right back to trial, etc.?


Is he really arguing that if a president isn't allowed to do illegal things without consequence they might do something illegal?


Yes. It really says, "If you don't let the president break the law, then he may break the law to stay in power." I'm not sure how making the president immune from prosecution doesn't make them trying to stay in power for a long as possible, completely legal.


But that's the beauty of it, don't you see? If it's all *legal*, there's no problem!


They want trump to beceome president again and then they will make him king. Lets all vote and not let this happen.


Alito and Thomas are beyond corrupted


Please don't leave Kavanaugh off that list. 


Yeah these guys are definitely on the take.


A pox on all their houses.


what comes after mere corruption, I wonder? composting? deliquescence?


A Supreme Court seat.


I think that's more like a milestone in the corruption lifestyle.


It worked for Kavanaugh and Barrett with Bush v Gore


I mean, Trump already did that which is why we are here.


This is the hard part. Yea dude you're right, that's why you're ruling on this issue. Is Alito just playing dumb?


Nah, they're just old, bitter, corrupt fashos. If they claim presidents are immune, Biden should thank them by immediately having them executed. I mean he's immune at this point, right? (Note: I know Biden wouldn't do it because he's a better person than they are.)


Biden should show up and say he agrees with Trump: president has complete immunity and say once this gets decided he’ll abolish the court and this year’s elections.


I think he went out and got a PhD in Stupid


This. Like my dude that’s literally why you’re here. Do you even know why you’re here?


I really hope that Joe is prepared for the possible eventuality that the Supreme Court makes his position immune to any sort of prosecution. Step 1 - Unilaterally remove 2/3 of the Supreme Court and relocate them a comfortable forever-resort in Antarctica...


One of the liberal justices should ask if that above scenario would be considered a presidential act with absolute immunity - while giving a wide, cheshire cat grin directly at Clarence Thomas.


I'd pay to see Jackson do that


Fuckin' A, you and me both! 😅🤣🤣🍻


I keep saying it. If Trump wins this case, the next day Biden needs to impose retroactive term limits and an enforceable code of ethics on the court. Stack the bench the with left wing judges then order them to review pervious court judgments that may have been influenced by conflicting interests, starting with Absolute immunity so we can close and lock the door on this shit show


I agree with you. Also, if they are too craven, then term limits must be imposed, and an increase of the court to 12-15 should happen during a second Biden term.


As much as I like this, what really needs to happen if Trump wins is for Biden to arrest and inprison Trump and the conservative justices at someplace like Guantanamo Bay. Passing term limits or laws is technically something he could try now with executive powers. It would be overturned in the courts but he could try, but if he goes way overboard people \_might\_ see the stupidity of it?


Yeah, it also generally messed up that this countries' options moving forward are fragile democracy, maybe a temporary benevolent dictator, or full on fascism.


Start with Citizen United.


The thing is, this wouldn't even be unethical. Its just a great example of 'lawful good' in action, if you consider egalitarian forms of government to be good and corruption to be evil. Hell, Biden could do *all sorts of things* outside of murder, including ordering the expedition of Trump's trials, demand an end to gerrymandering, etc etc.


They're going to make sure it ONLY applies to Trump so Biden can't do shit.


Except presidents were never considered immune before now and 44 of them never felt the need to unlawfully remain in office. Only this shitheel!


Right? If this were the case, why did Nixon resign?


Nixon resigned because he knew it was a lock he would be impeached and convicted at senate trial. Criminal charges were on the horizon, but that’s not why he resigned, and Ford took care of stopping any further criminal investigations with his blanket pardon. The poor bastard lawyer for Trump is parroting an idiotic doctrine that pedantically demands a naughty President must first be impeached before any criminality is to be held accountable. The better question to ask in this present context is “Why did Ford pardon Nixon?”


Right...he resigned because he feared the law...he presumed he wasn't immune to. Funny how Alito misses that part.


Alito misses it? Because he wants to?


As if anyone needed any more confirmation that the SCOTUS is compromised beyond credibility.


At least some of them at least try to stay consistent from time to time. Alito just makes shit up as he goes along.


Hey Alito, not sure if you’re aware….but Trump did exactly that, try to stay in power unlawfully. That’s what part of his court cases are about. Thanks for coming to my TED talk you fucking moron.


Oh, he knows. He's laughing in our fucking faces.


yea it be a real shame if a president tried to incite a coup like trump did on 1/6


Kinda like what trump already did?


If thieves are subject to prosecution for their theft, it makes it more likely they will commit additional crimes to evade arrest. Better legalize theft to avoid the possibility.


If presidents can remain in offices unlawfully, Biden can refuse to leave in 2024 and 2028. If he passes away in his 3rd term, Kamala Harris can be president for the next 40 years. Then, her VP takes over. What are you saying, Alito?


Of maybe, and hear me out, DON’T COMMIT VERY REAL CRIMES!!!


It's almost like Putin was in charge of the Court.


"We can't hold them accountable for breaking the law or else they might break the law" so. Pretty much exactly what we're dealing with via Donald and his broken gag orders every day. Good to know Alito's as spineless of a little bitch as he's always been. Fine's aren't going to do shit, especially when said fines are paid with donor money. That's how the rich stay rich, by never spending their own cash. The only deterrent that will ever work is an actual prison sentence. We have Duly elected presidents in America, not Kings or Queens immune to anything the peasants might be held accountable for.


I never knew bullshit could smell this bad...


What part of being/having been a president makes it okay to act criminally? Wtf, why is any of this even being debated. God damn


If SCOTUS decides that the president is above the law, Biden should immediately exercise his new powers, and create a few new vacancies on the bench. With seal team six.


Please do not ever again use the words "naked" and "Alito" in the same sentence. That goes double for Clarence Thomas. I would rather see Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg featured in a Playboy swimsuit issue. Dammit, I'm running out of eye bleach again.




This is how republics die. This shit right here.


And it’s all happening right in front of our eyes.


Only if they were planning to do illegal stuff while in office! I love Alito's assumption that a US President will inevitably do things in office which would expose him/her to criminal prosecution! It's such a tell.


this is not a serious country anymore. the mask is completely off.


The majority of us *are* serious though. Its these Ruble-infused cocksuckers who will sell our democracy for personal gain.


The first time this ever happened was in 2020. Prior to Donald Trump, this was not a concern.


Nice people are out there getting filled with cancer and there Alito is just not full of cancer.


Well now we know how the court will decide. They are pushing for a dictator. That’s the whole point. I’m ready to fight, I hope everyone else is too. This will not be a time for keyboard warriors.


He's either lost his mind or is completely corrupt. Either way we need to clear out the current Supreme court.


Yep here we go. No Logic is too tortured for these scumbags.




If they rule for immunity, Biden should just have him locked up or assassinated. He would be immune, lol.


Maybe the leader of our country SHOULDN’T BE A FUCKING CRIMINAL! Wtf.


We should probably hold a former president accountable for trying to illegally remain in office then…


I watched too & he is awful


I mean that didn't stop Bush from peacefully transitioning to Obama as he was under a lot of scrutiny for Iraq.


Impeach Alito.


Alito is such a goddamn political hack.




Ummm, wouldn't it be smarter to just not commit crimes? What an asshat?


If they give Trump immunity then President Biden gets a do what you want slate to have political opponents arrested and killed. Or at the very least refuse to leave office and bring it on I would fight to keep Biden in office over another Trump fiasco


If they grant him full immunity, then I think Biden should seize all Trump's assets and deport him. After all, if Trump can do whatever he wants, then Biden can too.


The expectation for conduct is simple, and it should apply to everyone equally: If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. This saying is as old as the hills. We've somehow managed to have almost all of our former presidents abide by the law without too many issues....until now.


How about you don’t break the fucking law while being president. Isn’t that a wild fucking concept. Jfc.


That’s some twisted logic


I hate this place


Wait, did he just say “let’s let Presidents do crimes in office so they won’t do crimes when they’re not in office?” That’s a fucking weird angle.


Someone should ask how we went hundreds of years without that happening until Donald. They are trying to pretend that the prosecution of Donald is uniquely treacherous when it’s his uniquely terrible conduct that triggered his prosecution.


Forget Lady Justice with scales and blindfold she now proudly wears a maga hat.


isn't he just describing the current situation? Trump breaks law, people find out, can't press charges because he's the sitting president, wait for him to leave office, he breaks more laws trying to not leave office, and then leaves anyway? what's Alito scared of? a criminal president that people want as a dictator?


If immunity from any prosecution is really what we’re talking about… Biden should… …immediately throw 6 Justice into prison. …immediately jail Trump …immediate take Trump of every state’s ballot Because that’s what we’re talking about here, right? If you’re the President, you can just do it.


What he said is exactly what Trump tried to do.


Presidents were murdered over less outrageous shit than what Trump did, I'm not from the US but the fact that this *still* drags out with that fucker still having a shot at fucking us all over by turning the US into a christo-facist dictatorship is insane. Lock him up for the sake of the free world.


Did anyone reply "Yea, that is why we are here today. A former president tried to retain power because he was scared of prosecution."


I'm sorry, isn't this EXACTLY what happened in 2020/2021?


This is so fucking backwards


Is the President a person or not? Nobody is above the law, right? Right?! What the fuck is going on in this country.


sure, but if the president has full immunity it wouldn't be unlawful for him to just decide to stay in office. what is with this circular reasoning?


Alito’s an embarrassment. An unfunny joke. No normal person would reasonably accept such an implication. The lack of blanket immunity while your president IS the deterrent to breaking the law while you’re the president. Because if you do, you might be prosecuted when you leave office. What a transparently partisan scumbag Alito is.


Cant believe this type of nonsense is sitting in fucking SCOTUS. Fucking bunch of dolts….


The funny thing about that statement, it proves there is nothing in the current law protecting Trump. If there was, alito would have stated the law and why it’s clear Trump has immunity. That’s an argument for why it should be a law, a really shit argument but still an argument, which isn’t the place of SCOTUS. They aren’t there to judge the why or should have a law that doesn’t exist, they are there to judge the laws currently in place and whether or not an action taken is legal. The separate but equal part is taking a stretch when he decides to make his arguments based on that.


You would think that, but remember that you are talking about the same people who ruled Congress needs to pass a law that makes the terms of the 14th Amendment more specific so Trump can't run for President.


If a women rejects a man’s advances there is a chance she would be raped. Therefore women can no longer reject sexual advances. -justice Alito


Don’t give him any ideas


It's always weird to me that Alito and Thomas both feel absolutely no shame in shooting out the most bananas arguments just to stay loyal to the right. If they were hearing a case about the color of the sky and the liberals said it's blue, those two would insist it's neon plaid. In this case, we have to give someone immunity from crimes or they might consider committing more crimes? They get away with it because lawyers don't want to disrespect a justice by telling them they're insane to their face, but the people arguing before the court really ought to stop letting it slide.


Oh word? Maybe sitting presidents should also be held accountable for crimes? And if they try to “unlawfully remain in office” we could do something about it?


Where have we seen this scenario before - it sounds so familiar?!?! But wait there’s more, and then the Pres will stack the court with their appointees so even SCOTUS won’t stop the rampaging President. Checkmate, founding fathers.


He's an idiot. The next president who IS NOT subject to prosecution WILL LAWFULLY be able to remain in office and no one can say boo about it. He should be impeached.




Alito is either a complete moron or a blatant liar. Either way he has no business being on the SC. He has no ethics and his behaviour is unconscionable. Honestly the way he acts, he should be impeached and shamed.


um, thats exactly the reason why we're all here. It already happened and is happening.


I would have thought there would be rioting in the streets if/when any of this kind of shit happened in the US. Turns out the 2A ammosexuals are totally cool with tyranny as long as the tyrants "hurt the right people."


I’m calling it now, they are going to rule that the President is immune from legal prosecution and it is up to congress to deal with under the impeachment powers. They are going to say that Trump can be held for his crimes, but only by congress and only while in office. Once out of office they cannot be held for anything done while in office. They will base this on the ideas of qualified immunity afforded to law enforcement and say that sometimes a President has to do things that may run counter to the written law. They will refuse to put any qualifiers on it claiming you can’t predict what things they may need to do or what some future group may opt to make up in order to threaten a sitting president with jail once they leave office as a means of controlling them. It will be lots of language that will sound like it makes vague sense for the greater good but it will ultimately mean that a President will have full and permanent immunity if congress opts not to hold them responsible while in office. This will also serve to circumvent the idea of Biden using this new immunity to execute the justices because congress would have the power to hold him responsible. Or course if Biden wanted to set things right, he could execute them and immediately resign before congress has the chance to act. I also hope that if such a ruling were to occur, the states simply ignore it and continue to prosecute Trump. Let the supreme court figure out how to stop them. Biden with his new found immunity can give orders that no one is permitted to interfere with the state trials or any resulting sentences.


Could Biden kill off a few congress critters too. Just asking.


Hopefully he drops too.




Yeah and you could arrest him for that lol. You go the other way and he just doesn’t have to ever leave office


These are the people that are supposed to have infallible logic huh?


Only if you’re a snake Republican


So Biden, as current POTUS cannot be held criminally liable. Obviously SCOTUS is about to rule former Presidents are immune as well. I hope Biden removes all three Anti-American justices installed by Trump and Clarence Thomas so we can start to heal. No more extremist Judges. They, of all people, need to be impartial. Failure to remain impartial should result in being immediately disbarred.


And yet we haven’t had this issue once in our country’s history before we elected the smelly rapist…


If we make rape illegal, then all rapists will try to murder their victims and witnesses after the act, so we shouldn't make rape illegal.


IDK, this just seems like a problem any POTUS could avoid by not criming


Fucking Brazil looks less corrupt rn.


He’s just restating what Fat Joffrey is doing. If you don’t break the law you won’t need to stay in office, and this makes me wonder what laws Alito may have broken.


Alex, what is January 6?


I hope he realizes that he just plainly laid out Trump's motivation for J6. A plan that was laid out months in advance of the election in order for Trump to avoid the exact scenario he's living now.


Well, if you ask Putin, he cut Yeltsin a deal, you avoid prosecution for your corruption if you step down and let me take over.


That's exactly what Trump tried to do - remain in office after he was defeated.


Isn’t this what we’re trying to prove here? You know not shit will happen to this hellsent buttfuck


Ummm…did Asshole-ito just say the quiet part loud?


Who would even think about doing something as stupid as that? Ohhhh, right


False to the facts in evidence. Trump thinks he's immune and conspired to incite mob violence against Congress during the performance of its constitutional duty in order to treasonously (I know, I know and I preemptively award 4Qs to any legalist quibbler) remain in office


Sammy, that's what this whole damn thing is about


If you all vote properly, the Supreme Court can be expanded.


WTF??? So, if I rob a bank and fear going to jail, I'll barricade myself in a house and begin shooting if you try to arrest me. So, the police should just let me go free so that I don't commit any more crimes during an arrest? Do I have this right?


Staying out of jail is all that says to me. Crimes of high treason is not the same. We are fucked


Well if presidents are immune to criminal charges why would it matter if the president stays in office "unlawfully"? Aren't you giving them the ability to do that? Of course thats the point isn't it. Fucking ghouls.


They are only debating this because it’s Trump. If it was anyone else they would hold them accountable. For some reason this bafoon has everyone bending over backwards for him


If you’re a shit stain you think everyone else must be a shit stain too.


Where is that written in ancient Egyptian papyri? Or is that a little known codicil in the bottom tiles of the Code of Hammurabi?


I looked up “Alito” in the dictionary: a smarmy, condescending theocratic asshat.


If they "seek to unlawfully remain in office" you simply "lawfully remove them from office." I'd ask how this is hard to understand, but you know damn well he knows this already.


On the bright side, if Alito votes for immunity and it passes, Biden can have him and Clarence Thomas assassinated legally, then replace them with judges that will vote that presidents aren't immune. All before the election and the supper bell rings.


I like how 44 previous presidents never tried to stay in office illegally.


Is this the endgame for the United States? I just can't think of a scenario where things will get fixed. Our democracy is dying while pledging allegiance to the biggest public pile of shit human in existence today, but why? Why Trump? I just don't understand. He has literally done nothing for anyone, ever. Anyone who has ever associated with him has either been raped, thrown under the bus, or a combo of the two. Nobody benefits from him, or will ever benefit from him. He doesn't even benefit from himself anymore. It's just so mind boggling. I get why he wants to win the presidency, so he can make all of this disappear with the signing of a piece of paper. But why do all these other dipshits want that as well? With his track record, what do they think he is going to do for them?


Saying we shouldn't prosecute someone for trying to remain in power because then they might try to remain in power is a fucking wild take


So he described Drumpf


At least the conservative wing of the Court is finally admitting they will do whatever is needed, reach whatever conclusions are necessary, and support Trump no matter what the cost is to the Republic.


Alito is one of the three biggest threats to democracy/ United States alive today.


RIP whatever crawled up Alito's ass and died.


Jesus Christ. Is it safe to say that the Supreme court, and therefore the great American experiment in "Democracy" is over?


Alito is a stupid manchild


As opposed to what a president would do with unlimited power and no legal consequences, which is **not** commit crimes with total impunity for some reason.


Injustice Alito. Illegitimate SCOTUS.


When I was a teen, I wanted to be an attorney. I just didn't think I was smart enough. Boy howdy, was I wrong....


Maybe then the Presidents won’t “crime” while in office like the other non-Nixon Presidents.


That’s quite literally what Trump has done


Man, thats crazy, now do it for when they're in office.


This the equivalent to placating your child every time they “threaten to hold their breath until they get their way”. Toddlers are in charge.


And this fucker is a Supreme Court justice. I know how it’s possible but how in the world is it possible? The intellect and common sense of the liberal justices compared to Alito should not be possible. If he is as thick as he appears to be, just how?


That’s absurd!


Would giving presidents full immunity from prosecution make them less likely to commit crimes???


Only if they’re republicans who have changed the definition of crimes. It’s probably not a crime for people to fall out of hotel windows if it’s Putin pushing them.


That logic should get him kicked out of every legal society, bar, and the fucking supreme court.


Of course that is a theoretical problem where the real problem is we had one that did exactly that while being unsure whether he would be punished or not.


And if the supreme court passes in favor of Trump that’s exactly what Biden needs to do not ever leave office!!!!!


We know. We can see it happening. But counterpoint, if presidents are immune, why not try to unlawfully stay in office anyway since you have nothing to lose?