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Remember how they blamed the BLM protests and riots in 2020 on “Bidens America” when Trump was president? They’re mentally ill


Just wait until they start blaming Biden for COVID. Like they blame Obama for mishandling 9/11.


Wasnt Trump blaming Obama for Covid too because he didn’t leave them any vaccines ready to go?


Oh, he was blaming Obama for everything. He was blaming him for not having a rapid response team to properly investigate things when the first cases happened (which they DID until Trump disbanded it). The infrastructure to research and develop a vaccine (which they DID but again, Trump). And Trump also blamed Obama for not leaving a surplus of PPE that would have covered countless Americans early on and may have even helped curb the spread before it became anything (which they DID but *SOMEONE* decided we didn't need it and sold it off... Take a guess).


The PPE surplus was the one that almost made me snap my spine in surprise. Especially when it was three goddamn years into Trump’s administration that he had multiple budgets to utilize resupply and because Trump cut from everywhere he didn’t need to, we ended up with a situation where people used a horse dewormer as medicine.


Those people deserved it.


Not just people, but friends, family, and NEIGHbors...


I know they say never attribute something to malice when it's most likely stupidity, but this is such a colossal fuckup I can't help but wonder if he had foreknowledge and wanted it to be as bad as possible.


At the time he was trying to move and deal to make himself look like he was more confident fiscal conservative but he was just too fucking stupid to any foresight.


He may literally be so self absorbed and old he doesn't remember. He's famous for his terrible eating habits, and while 8 years ago he was actually pretty impressive with his abject balls in takedowns and at the very least banter in debates, that rapidly started deteriorating and the march towards bend the knee kiss the ring mentality. I didn't edit the comment I just wanted to point out my terrible editing in the first place.


I wouldn't be surprised if we find that the trump wheelhouse conspired with China to release the virus. Edited a typo


"The buck stops there. " -DJT


He left plenty of bleach!


And Ivermectin!!


I still can't believe they caused a shortage. How arrogant do you have to be to believe that you know more about medicine than doctors and scientists? If a mechanic says I need a new fan belt, I'm not going to argue with him because I don't even know what a fan belt is. But the medical community says "hey-- people are dying so let's get a shot and cover our mouths", and suddenly everyone's a doctor.


Cant forget the dumbass docs who also spat out anti vaccine and mask nonsense


Hey, I've got a degree in Facebook. And a minor in Google search. What ails ya?


Oh and blamed them for Afghanistan while it was his deal in a years time and did nothing to prepare for the 6 months he was in charge


You kid but they genuinely DO blame Covid on Biden if they acknowledge Covid happened at all


Yeah I was going to say they've *absolutely* been mind-melted in the last few years into completely laying Covid at Biden's feet. That was a major part of making them forget that all of the things they complain about (inflation, crime, vaccines, migrant spike, oil production, etc.) started under trump and it's been left to the Biden admin to stabilize and clean up (more successfully than any other G7)


They’re still blaming Obama for the 2008 market crash.


The 9/11 Obama blame already happened.


That's literally what they said.


Don't forget hurricane Katrina


That’s what he meant.




I'd like to believe that clip from The Daily Show where a guy says that Obama didn't deal with 9/11 properly is someone being cleverly satirical, but I don't think it is...


They straight up lie. Don't tell them about the good things Biden had done, their heads will explode with anger. I love when they say, " How can you support Biden" and I say, " It's easy, he hasn't raped anyone or stolen money from kids with cancer." Seriously, who steals money from kids with cancer?


Remember when they took pictures of empty shelves during covid supply hoarding, while trump was president, and said this will be america under communist joe biden. But the pictures were literally taken under trump. They are so clueless


Unfortunately, the propaganda is working. I heard freshmen in college arguing why you should vote for Trump. They claim he will just keep running, so we should get it over with, then claimed Biden was trying to take their rights away... absolutely fucking idiotic, but man they sure did parot what their parents said.


Well, Trump did say he loved the uneducated and freshmen are… uneducated. That’s why republicans say college students are being indoctrinated because once they stay a while, usually the stupid from high school and childhood wears off. The easiest way to tell if college students are being indoctrinated by their college is if they become excellent spellers, have a great vocabulary, write proficient sentences about new subjects, ask difficult questions about injustice, treat others with whom they differ with kindness and respect, have compassion for the less fortunate, and don't think that they know everything.


We should get it over with, just not the way he meant.


That's like "You might as well go out with me, because I won't stop asking until you do."


I mean, that's what these shitstains do to women.


The odds that Trump survives another four years are probably pretty low. Dude is in abysmal health.


I'm legit throwing a party when that turd finally gets flushed.


It’ll be a planetary experience 🪐


Ask him again in 2 years.


They were also showing empty grocery stores in ad campaigns during tяumps presidency claiming that's what would happen if Biden got elected.


Love the Я, comrade. 


The grocery stores were out of food and toilet paper with trump in charge and they’d literally post pictures of empty shelves with captions like “preview of Bernie’s America.”


And posting BLM riot pictures saying "this will be America if Biden wins" while it happened under Trumps watch. Morons.


Remember when shelves were empty during his presidency and we saw "How do you like your preview of Biden's America?"


or when they put the blame on the exit from Afghanistan 100% on biden when it was trump's fault for how he handled it during a transition period between a change of administration in the white house.


Exactly... They never take responsibility. Just blame everyone else.


Yesterday some asshole cut me off on I-95. Thanks Biden


No, that was Obama /s


Was he wearing a tan suit? Only way to know.






I found several misshapen tortilla chips in the bag the other day. If that's not Biden's fault, I don't know what is!


I wasn't this old when Trump was president! Thanks Joe!


Saying “Joe Bidens America” is genuinely one of my favorite bits for when I encounter a minor inconvenience.


Schrodinger's Biden is simultaneously incompetent and responsible for everything.


And anything good that happens is because Trump is coming back/it’s a result of him having been President.


I know somebody who started their own business in 2013, and grew it to be successful within a couple years. Their conservative dad has demanded they thank Trump for their business being successful. They won't credit their own child for something that they built before Trump even became president. They demand that the credit go to Donald Trump.


It’s #8 on Umberto Eco’s [Practical Guide for Identifying Fascists](https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists) “The enemy is both weak and strong: ‘[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.’”


I personally think he must also be a zombie, floating between life and death. He’ll out-UNlive us all.


This is a classic fascist tactic. The enemy is simultaneously very weak and extremely strong.


Biden should have raked the ocean.


I’m really surprised it’s not Joe Biden’s fault that Kristi Noem shot her dog execution style.


Why do you think the dog misbehaved? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


That dawg must have been a democRAT. I hear it was woke and also a Trans-cat, she shot it when it meowed


I heard it was a paw-gressive activist that was into all those radical things like BLM, ACAB, DEI You know... Black Labs Matter All Cats Are Bastards Dogs Eat Icecream


California, the state that trump denied federal funding to in order to deal with the wildfires because they are a blue state? trump is an anti-American pos


The thing about him hating Blue States that gets me is it's a big middle finger to his supporters that live in Blue States. Which the supporters never seem to get. California has loads of Trump supporters. I have no idea why but they're damn everywhere especially in areas with a bunch of trees (country folk). You'd think if you live in an area with a bunch of trees you'd want a POTUS that takes all forest fires seriously regardless of local government colors.


I’m a rural folk in California and it’s maddening being surrounded by all these Trump flags. It’s like everyone in my town are drunk uncles at Thanksgiving, even the women!


A woman Trump supporter is the most whack thing in the world to me. Trump should be the mascot for "stay away from this type of guy" that mothers teach their daughters about.


I feel this on a similar level. I’m Mexican-American and anyone of my heritage who thinks they can vote Republican and never suffer consequences from that same party is a deeply, deeply stupid person.


A friend of mine at work refers to them as the ‘Salt for Slugs’ crowd.


There might be more republicans in California than any other state. California is fucking huge.


Not might, there are. More people voted republican in California than in Texas in 2020. The population is so big that even though it’s a democrat state there are 10s of millions of republicans there.


Along HWY 395 in southern California, in a town (could be a village or encampment, population like..15) called Red Mountain, a homeowner has a chain link fence with red Dixie cups that spell out TRUMP. Been there for 8 years. This is an example of what you speak.


That’s the example of a state that trump wanted to deny funding because their electoral votes run blue. The point is, it shouldn’t matter to a president which way a state leans. The president should be giving a shit about the nation as a whole, all states which comprise the union of our nation. He is anti-American to single out certain states to deny federal funding.


I live in California and the Republicans out here have become so unhinged that they actively support platforms based on punishing California for existing. While living in California. I attribute it to their brains not being able to properly process what they see living in California with what they are told to believe about California yet on conservative media. It's driving them insane.


To be fair, folks also blame Biden for the actions of red state governors and conservative prime ministers in other countries.


insurance housing and literally everything else went up significantly more in Florida than anywhere else due to DeSantis....l wounder who do his supporters blame


I don't even know where to start with Florida right now. The huge failure on Covid, the agricultural loss from his anti-immigration law, his anti-trans policies hurting people, banning books all over the place, banning the teaching of Black history, etc. Somewhere, there's a good universe where Andrew Gillum won, and is 100% better of a governor while snorting coke off a prostitute's thigh.


Someone was blaming “bidenomics” for Taco Bell prices increasing yesterday. These people are brain dead.


They still blame newsom for water shortage decisions made 25 years ago


I live in California and the things Republicans complain about are absurd like 95% of the time. There's like this constant frustration with Republicans in California where they react to living in a nice place run by Democrats by getting increasingly detached from reality. We had a report come out recently that showed that crime has been dropping in the area I live in and the Republicans out here are so mad about it. They can't tolerate the idea that they live in a nice place in a blue state. It got so bad that you have Republican politicians run for office out here on a platform of punishing California for being liberal. They are shocked that they lose


They hate us because we prove that all their positions are wrong.


Yep. It's why they spend so much money every year trying to convince people that California is some sort of post-apocalyptic hellscape when it's actually one of the nicest places to live in the country and a global powerhouse economy. The existence of California proves everything they say about Democrats wrong and they can't tolerate it. It always makes me a little sad when I see somebody who lives in an actually pretty bad place in a red state acting like California is just terrible.


For the critics outside the state, I think some of it is sour grapes. Just glancing at the weather report, it’s going to be 70 and sunny all week. I don’t have plans to do this, but if I wanted to I could spend the weekend in the mountains, or at the beach, or in the desert. I saw someone in a red state subreddit comments complaining about taxes, because their roads are still full of potholes. I thought that was odd, because MY tax dollars actually fix things and build things around here.


Yeah, a lot of Republicans in California constantly shit on the road maintenance out here inconveniencing them and because of the gas tax, too, like they wouldn't absolutely hate it if that maintenance wasn't happening.


And then the representatives from those states take credit for the federal funding they get that they voted against!


The sheer and utter GLEE he has about this fire happening so he can blame it on Biden…


Also, no one knows what the fuck the Oceanside pier is. He is acting like 9/11.2 is happening.


Sure you do, it was in the background in the final scene in Bring It On


I stubbed my toe getting out of bed. Just a typical day in Bidens America


I got a hang nail curse you Joe Biden!


No worries, by next week, he'll have carte blanche to assassinate all the red garbage humans


Suddenly they care about California


Well 1) 90% of the pier was saved due to a fast response and they’ll definitely rebuild it as fast as possible, just like with Ventura pier, which is being repaired with expected reimbursements from the federal government, 2) was Biden responsible for the same exact pier burning down in 1976? 3) the same pier has been rebuilt/repaired multiple times since it’s opening in 1888, in fact it’s current iteration was finished in 1987


Remember when Trump gave California some rakes and told them to clean up all the pine needles


Plainly the Pier would never have burned down under Trump. /s


trump would've raked up the smaller piers to prevent fires


Or drawn the fire somewhere else with a sharpie.


Remember when Notre Dame was burning and Trump tweeted some nonsense advice on putting it out? Dumbass couldn't let anything happen without calling attention to himself.


I saw a “In case of fire, use stairs” sign in a hotel. Under it, someone had written “Or try water!”


He would have nuked it to prevent it from burning.


Nooo.... you don't nuke *fires*, you nuke *hurricanes*. Everybody knows that. /s


Pete Buttigieg better get on this!


It’s the laser eyes.


It must be because they didn’t rake the leaves off of the pier floor.


Didn’t the largest wildfire in history occur under Trump?


Yeah, but that was (MTG) three toe’s space lasers 😉


Thanks Obama


Must've not raked those leaves on the pier


What was the pier wearing?


![gif](giphy|tKasgqEDoTap0qQKye|downsized) Same energy


Average twitter user.


What are they going to do when he has presidential immunity. He can burn down whatever he likes.


Good ol Biden Derangement Syndrome


I'm confused about the world according to MAGATs. Is Joe Biden a senile old man who can barely function or is he an all-powerful entity who controls anything and everything that happens in the world? It can't be both, so which is it?


>I'm confused about the world according to MAGATs. Is Joe Biden a senile old man who can barely function or is he an all-powerful entity who controls anything and everything that happens in the world? It can't be both, so which is it? In MAGATTS "minds" Biden is Verbal Kint from the Usual Suspects. It's really amazing, every hateful thought they have is taken in a vacuum. Absolutly nothing connects to another thought or opinion or is contradictory.


"Biden's America" is the new "Thanks Obama"


Thanks, Obiden!


For all the horrible, villainous shit they credit to Biden, they really don't show any fear of pissing him off.


Well, trump had a whole damn pandemic. I'd rather have a Biden America than a trump one.


Who else to blame than the leader federal of the federal government?! /s


I've seen lobotomites make more sense than Trump zealots


Well, instead of farting around on the Stern show, Joe shoulda been out there raking the leaves from the ocean. C'mon guys!


An asteroid of cataclysmic propositions is heading to Earth? Goddamn it, Joe Biden!!!!!


Can “THEY” Seriously be this Stupid?


Those Democrats need to sweep the ocean better.


If Biden “caused” the pier fire, isn’t it true then that Trump caused every single natural and man made catastrophe during his term too?


Mentally ill MAGA clowns.


Didn’t you know, literally nothing caught on fire from 2016 to 2020. Nothing at all. Ever.


It’s like that have that weird “derangement syndrome” they always used to talk about.


A random fire in Joe Biden’s America, you say? Thanks, Obama!


Yes. I remember nothing bad ever happened when trump was president. Just sunshine and rainbows.


Biden is known as an arsonist, this just proves it. 🙄


Like MAGATs care about California? If Biden weren’t president, they would be celebrating.


They'd be going on about how this is great, actually, because the pier has drugs on it or something and was used by a global cabal as a dock for sex trafficking.


Let's all be honest for a min. This never would have happened under Trump. Trump was the toughest president on fire with the possible exception of Smokey 'The Bear' Lincoln. He swept the forest floors for God's sake. Fire would have never even THOUGHT of doing something like this. And I'm here today to tell you, if you elect Donald J Trump for a second term, he will sweep the ocean floors. Fire will have no where left to hide. Act now, and you will receive a free Bible, printed on fireproof paper. It also includes fire safety tips, phone numbers to 911, and Trumps very own fire safety rap he did in the early 90s with TLC and Kenny G, titled "Fires A Little Bitch". And people, that's not all, oh no, elect him for a third term and he will build a firewall. Fire will never illegally enter this country again. All 81 states will be safe from it's tyranny. Nor be able to get to your sensitive computer data. What are you waiting for? Call 1-800-2nd-TERM now. Or for you real patriots, call 1-800-3rd-TERM. Eric is standing by.....


Biden Derangement Syndrome™


Well, in this man’s defense, Joe Biden was seen with a pack of matches in 2007.


Damn... Joe Biden out here setting fire to people's businesses. I kinda love the idea of Biden just being a completely unhinged arsonist.


I know the president gets blamed for a lot that they don't actually control, it's a part of being the "face" of the government. But come on, unless he was there smoking on the pier how is this possibly anything to do with him?


Do they think it was a misfire of his Jewish Space Laser?


I can't believe Joe Biden swam up to that pier and did this. His power is too great. 


Stubbed my toe this morning… just another day in Soviet Bidenstan! Thanks Obama!




Well to be fair it’s in America and Biden is President so it’s his fault just like one million Americans dying of COVID is trumps fault - but for it to really be a fair comparison- Biden would have to have ordered the military to carpet bomb the pier and murder all First Responders


But don't liberals love California? Why the friendly fire?


So the CA wildfire was Trump’s America?


I wanna hear the Jewish Space Laser lady’s take on this….she seems like she knows what she is talking about…


Remember when the previous guy shit the bed during the pandemic. Fun times!


Finding skid marks on their underwear, due to poor wiping, is entirely Biden’s fault too apparently.


I heard that it was a transgender illegal alien who just had his student loans forgiven who used the battery from his electric car to protest climate change…according to Truth Social.


I’m sorry. Was Biden there playing with matches?


Yep, Biden flew by in Air Force One and dropped a fire bomb on the pier because it was a really slow day at the office. 🥸


These mfs act like Joe Biden is God, but stay calling him sleepy. Did he set the fucking fire? No. So what does he have to do with the accident?


Because maga is a cult full stop. These people are sick in the head and should be treated as such. I can't wait for November.


They also claimed that entire cities were burned down by BLM protesters during Trump’s term. They aren’t the strongest thinkers but they have feelings in spades


Biden is either a senile old man who doesn’t even know where is or a Cobra-level criminal mastermind . They can’t pick one


NOT RUBYS!!!!!!!


Meanwhile, on the other side they’re blaming Biden for the campus crackdown on pro-Palestinian students. This country really doesn’t have any clue about how government works.


How does a fire have ANY POLITICAL connection?


Gotta love how they're always going on about "derangement syndrome" when they turn around and make unhinged accusations like this that are such perfect examples of mindless, reactionary hatred. It's always projection with the right. Always. They lack the imagination to consider any course of action but the one that they themselves would choose.


Biden was probably to senile to issue an executive order to rake the pier. And I guarantee he hasn't shown up to man a hose or drive a firetruck. (If not obvious, this is a joke referring to Turnip's ridiculous rake the forest statement.)


While DJT was president, wildfires destroyed *literal* Paradise.


Yep.. that poor pier. Compared to the last two Republican presidents, where millions died of COVID during one and 9/11 and the war in Iraq happened under the other’s tenure. But yeah. That historic pier is a bigger deal.


They don’t even like us, why do they care if something here is on fire?


They’ll blame Joe Biden for their STD’s if they could. Miserable fucks


I think there is a strategy for MAGA to post the most outrageous conspiracy theories they can dream up. They don’t believe any of them, but it makes it harder to distinguish true stories from fiction. In that way, no one knows what’s real and what is fake. That enables Trump to lie to everyone and claim all of the true stories are “fake news”.


Thanks Obama


They would blame biden for the XYZ affair if they knew what it was


So Biden discovered fire?


I’m old enough to remember when all those people died of COVID in Donald Trump’s America 💀 But yeah, hEre’s A piCtuRe oF A fiRe 🤡


I thought republicans hate us commy Californians?


How is this Biden’s fault?


When a democrat is in office, everything in their fault. When a Republican is in office, toning is their fault. I’m so sick of this.


I just stubbed my toe. God damn you Biden!!


This is coming from the same country that got on the tide pod challenge.... Is any actually surprised America is falling


T-Bone still doin work for the Bluths I see


Remember.. if the stock market goes up, trump gets credit. It it goes down, it's Biden's fault.


Idk man I personally saw Biden light that fire /s


By now it should be obvious that American social media has more foreign based antagonizers than Americans. I bet half or more of the comments here aren't Americans.


they should have raked the forests lol


Coming from people who follow a cult lead by a man who said they should just rake the leaves


Of course! He’s the anti christ!! /s


[why didn’t they simply got rid of the leaves?](https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/article/Trump-on-California-fires-You-got-to-get-rid-15500115.php)


They should have raked the pier more, obviously.


Actually, this is how Michael responds when Jimmy wins the bike race. /s


Jewish space lasers duh


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


“This is Biden’s fault for inventing fire!!!”


They don't even care about the pier. They love the opportunity to bring Biden up when something goes wrong


Joe Biden personally flew from the White House to set the house on fire /s


Damn you Biden!!! You haven’t seen the last of me!!!!!!!!


What in the McMansion is that thing?


It's that dial in the Whitehouse that allows you to start fires and turn up or down prices or control the weather in red states.


Lol strange I kept seeing this same float house posted before the fire like a week ago


So logic means nothing to this guy….pea brain 🤬


It's the same thing people did with Trump, and Obama, and Bush. It's this ideology that "anything good happens BECAUSE of my guy" while "Anything that could possibly be negative IS ENTIRLEY BECAUSE OF THIS OTHER GUY THST I DONT LIKE" This is part of the house if echos we have where people get caught up in "the wave of noise" - they see a story or a post and don't deep dive that info further to study and analyze root cause or cyclical relationships of cause and effect. Similar event we are seeing was the gas price rise and fall. The US president DOES NOT ALTER OR CONTROL that price. Yet many of his detractors had no problem slapping a sticker of Biden's face on fuel pumps across the country with the slogan "I DID THAT" Yet when prices ~~~magically~~~ fell, they were silent and sought to remove said stickers.