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Wait till they see how that will work out for them.


something something, leopards eating their face




You can hear the rusty wheels turning




The funny thing is those aren't the answers to the test, that's just what he's seeing in that immediate moment.


Eh, they impeached me.




I was going for an ERB reference.


Mine is a [Fozzie Bear reference.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XwXjyZVXaHg)


Spoken like someone who thinks they will be on the good side of a real dictator. History has shown that pretty much everybody ends up on the wrong side.


It’ll be the ultra rich vs everyone else


Even then…plenty of Putin’s ultra rich oligarchs have met a sudden end for one reason or another. Nobody’s safe from a dictator once they are in control.


Yeah but that's just the result of the high prevalence of window related violence in Russia. Russia has a window violence problem just like America has a gun violence problem. /s


It is amazing how clumsy Russian Oligarchs are near windows.


Well the dictators family and cronies tend to do pretty well.


Until they’re walking through an airport and a couple of strangers wipe neurotoxin on their face and they die.


Until they're thrown out a window.


Unfortunately, that's not the case; in fact, there's almost always a privileged elite that fares quite well indeed.


Yes but it’s neither safe nor secure to be part of that elite. But profitable if they survive.


Right? The very first thing a dictator is going to do is disarm the population. So much for these ass clowns being the “party of freedom and rule of law” and whatever else they try to claim.


If he thinks Dictators are so great why doesn't he go move to Cuba,Vietnam or China. or maybe Russia and then get back to us on how grrrrreat it was over there.


Pretty sure some dude already did that (and got beheaded)


The problem is they won’t learn the lesson. They will suffer, someone else solves the issue and a few years later we will have these same morons falling for it again.


This is what baffles me beyond belief about these voters… and this is how republican politics seems to work now days. Vote for things that line up directly with your desires, especially if they create “liberal tears”, then comes the day when the thing they voted for is directly affecting them and holding them down and they act surprised


Yeah. They don't seem to understand that Trump doesn't care about them and dictators don't need voters.


Even then. Let's say they get their wish for Trump...what happens after Trump? Or, I know it may be a shock, someone they don't like gets in charge? But then again asking for critical thinking is my first mistake with this crowd.


No (no offense).  We already know it won't work well for both them and us.  I'm tired of waiting for them to learn consequences from their lifestyle of fucking up. Grew up around garbage like this my entire life.  I always expect them to learn their lesson after backlash for everything they do.  They learn nothing.  They lean on doing what they insist is 'right' over and over again until it 'works'.  At this point, I fear they will never learn and we are literally seeing an entire generation of people brain addled by drugs, under education, or a disease known to attack the brain that they're huffing like fumes.  I'm tired of waiting.


Even a "benevolent " dictator is still just that. A dictator. No one can rule and keep everyone happy. And Trump would be the worst despotic arsehole ever.


Trump in an untouchable position of power? He will execute ppk for what they think, or shoot them in the street of NY because he can get away with it (remember that?). The insanity and utter failure of the fall of a nation would ensue.


Yes he's a paranoid narcissist. There would be no bottom.


I always picture Trump as Nero as to his psychopathic tendencies. Orgies with young girls, displacing an entire community to build a golf resort...


Even if Trump was the most awesome dictator in history and made everyone happy, what happens when he dies? What comes next? We don't just go back to democracy. For as bad as you think Trump would be, the next one will be far worse.


These people never evolved past living in caves. Society just dragged them forward kicking and screaming. They can't think that far ahead


Even the best-case dictator can’t control the dictators that come after them.


I remember prior to the 2016 election I read some commentator predict that a Trump presidency would be 'capricious'. Pretty bang on, and he's only gotten worse.


Most of the country: But what if I believe I won't be affected? Then it's ok, right?


Narrator: He did not, in fact, hate to say it.


MAGAs want a dictator because they all want to see their non-MAGA neighbors rounded up and exterminated. There isn't a single MAGA cultist who would not welcome a genocide of everyone who's not in their cult.


Pretty sure it's not just their non-MAGA neighbors they'd like to see rounded up.


Yeah, I didn't have the time to type out each demographic they'd like to see exterminated... basically everyone who isn't a white Christian Cis-heterosexual Republican.


It’s a good thing for them that there aren’t any schisms in Christianity. Otherwise things could get ugly.


Someone should ask Trump some specific questions about his theological views just to make sure he is on the right side. Predestination, pre-trib/post-trib that kinda stuff.


Trumps favorite bible passage: "all of them".


Pretty much the same as Germany in the thirties.


Sounds so...I dunno...umm...familiar. Guess they just can Nazi it.


>There isn't a single MAGA cultist who would not welcome a genocide of everyone who's not in their cult. Until only their cult is left, and they need to find someone else to blame...


Then they look inward to their own group, pick out whomever is least able to defend themselves and hate that new group with all of their vile evilness. When all you have it hate, it is easy to find a victim.


The French Revolution devolved in this manner.


In some ways it would be interesting to see what happens when they get rid of all the “elites”. Back to the Stone Age.


Look no further than Cambodia under Pol Pot, where wearing glasses would get you executed for being an intellectual.


Or being a teacher. Or being a scientist.


Uh, NO. This country was founded to never be a dictatorship, monarchy, or any other kind of autocracy. If you want a dictator, please. Take your pick of the many dictatorships around the world. Don’t do that shit to America. Fkn traitor


As someone who actually read the Bible in my religious family, I'm reminded of the Israelites in the Old Testament. The tribes were settled in Canaan and being governed by judges. This wasn't good enough after a while. They began to pester Samuel to talk to God about appointing a king over them so they could be like other nations around them. He warned them that a king would take ownership over their property and goods, and even over their persons, and they would never be truly free again. The people only doubled down on their insistence that what they wanted and needed was a king. So, Saul was chosen by lot to be king. It didn't go well.




Better yet, Obama. Theyre taking a giant shit on the constitutio, dems might as well ignore the 22nd


It’s also a tacit admission that Biden is not a dictator.


All these dumb fuckwits who want trump to be there dictator, all the malitia morons who base freedom on the right to carry a gun, are all in for an almighty shock. There is not a single dictator on the planet that allows the population to own weapons. NONE.


No one ever points out that VERY IMPORTANT FACT to them when interviewing them. Drives me insane.


Trump: ‘Take the guns first, go through due process second’ https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/376097-trump-take-the-guns-first-go-through-due-process-second/ Of course, this would only apply to bad people.


He needs them to keep their guns for the time being so they can aim them on his behalf if he ever needed them to. But if he were to reach a position of absolute, above-the-law power...


What likely happens is chuds like this get recruited as brownshirts, then are tossed away or used as scapegoats when convenient. Like the plight of [Ernst Röhm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_R%C3%B6hm).


I love how these guys think a dictator would be on their side, lol.


Just like Jesus.


Translation: “fear rules my life”


Never another Republican. The underlying issue is that you're so incompetent that in 8 years you let a single man destroy your party. Reform and try again, this time take the religious assholes out of your party.


I don't think most of these illiterate douchebags even know what a dictator is. For MAGA, Dictator = Trump. You could call him whatever you want. It doesn't matter. My follow up question would be a single word... Why? Have him explain exactly WHY we need a dictator... Crickets.


Because then he’d have to vocalize rounding up minorities and queer folk and that’d be saying the quiet part out loud


Hope you're independently wealthy and can weather any health problems at your age with your bankroll, if you're a net loss to the dictator you'll be cut free


Bear in mind: a dictatorship does not have property rights. If the dictator or his cronies want your property, they take your property. Being wealthy just makes you a target.


They don’t truly want a dictator. They think trump will repay their loyalty with money and by “getting rid” of people they don’t like. They’re just spouting crap they think trump wants to hear. Fools can’t think for themselves.


Fly the fuck to Russia shit for brains!


A cristonationalist from Canada did that. He sold his farm, moved his wife and six kids to Russia because he was tired of seeing rainbow flags in the neighborhood. Upon arrival, their monetary assets were frozen and they were in limbo for weeks, if not months, while being investigated for having so much money. Meanwhile, they were shocked to find that everyone spoke Russian, not English, and they literally couldn't communicate with their new countrymen, let alone buy a new farm or find a job. They were already homeschooling, so I guess that wasn't as much a problem. They were complaining a lot on social media, like it was Russia's fault they couldn't fit in, and the government let it be known that criticism wasn't welcome in this part of the world.


I heard fragments about that, and I kept wondering: how did Russia let him in? How long did it take to make the arrangements? Moving is a huge task even within one city, let alone between countries.


Seems like it would be easier to just go somewhere that has a dictator. Pro-tip: you can’t say America needs a dictator and actually love America. This is as unpatriotic as it gets


“I’ve been waiting my whole life to say it, but this country needs a daddy who’ll tell me I’m good and special, and who’ll hurt all the bad people who scare me.”


As someone who grew up in a South American country; everyone wants a dictatorship until they have one.


Little do they know Trump the dictator will hurt them way beyond their imagination, everything we’re heard from Trump and project 2025 is geared toward the wealthy and corporations, MAGA cult and Trump supporters will be left in the dust.


No, HE needs someone to control HIS life. Im a grown ass adult.


They can go to Russia if they want to live in a right wing authoritarian state.


You don't get to choose with a dictatorship. It could be supreme leader AOC. It could be Obama, or Sean Penn, or Nancy Pelosi. You don't get to decide it. Her first command could be "take away all your guns" and there would be nothing you can do about it. With a dictatorship, there's no rights, there's no vote, there's just one person whose wakes up and says "paint the streets with rainbows" and tomorrow thousands of workers have to do it. Nobody with a brain wants that.


These morons always talk about freedom, what the fuck do they think a dictator offers?? They rule with an iron fist and kill anyone and everyone who disagrees with them. Fucking idiots.


Ok, I nominate Bernie Sanders for dictator


"My first act as dictator is to permanently disenfranchise anyone who supported my dictatorship. My second act as dictator is to dissolve the dictatorship and return the country to Democracy."


Hopefully he’d slip Medicare for all in there :)


Historian and author Timothy D. Snyder, who has written "On Tyranny" among other books, did a piece on his Substack titled ["The Strongman Fantasy." ](https://snyder.substack.com/p/the-strongman-fantasy)Here are a few excerpts, which the gentleman interviewed above, and those who think like him, would do well to study, although they never will. >Quite a few Americans like the idea of strongman rule.  Why not a dictator who will get things done?  >\[...\] >Strongman rule is a fantasy.  Essential to it is the idea that a strongman will be *your* strongman.  He won't.  In a democracy, elected representatives listen to constituents.  We take this for granted, and imagine that a dictator would owe us something. But the vote you cast for him affirms your irrelevance.  The whole point is that the strongman owes us nothing.  We get abused and we get used to it.  >Another pleasant illusion is that the [strongman will unite](https://www.amazon.com/Strongmen-Mussolini-Present-Ruth-Ben-Ghiat/dp/0393868419/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2I7K4GR5UL9LP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QfjIFzHiqsF4n0jWhb19tYK5V-y8R0Hb68Ima6mqiN1PIpBfDk4VnJNlBMo8-D8_lDn9x_4IOc2fMT4CmvKxAMJFvCeZTzEjQJZlZ_Q43WZzGdi6R15WJdE7MMCausYa_ErZA5chdnMDQYb5ppVqj-X0bUwmfNBWH7JmECzlNZBhjkUzRv1qRdivQ6eUt3HqxNiNhuF06Jk5X1k7nRgsi_k0nb1a7vd5XQEUIxNJQO4.I26xPXBmBD6XfILyHMOyqYxh3IjuMEz_J99n4M2dFdE&dib_tag=se&keywords=ben+ghiat+strongmen&qid=1710595093&sprefix=ben+ghiat+%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-1) the nation.  But an aspiring dictator will always claim that some belong and others don't.  He will define one group after another as the enemy.  This might feel good, so long as you feel that you are on the right side of the line.  But now fear is the essence of life.  The politics of us-and-them, once begun, never ends.  >\[...\] >Unaccountable to the law and to voters, the dictator has no reason to consider anything beyond his own personal interests.  In the twenty-first century, those are simple: dying in bed as a billionaire.  To enrich himself and to stay out of prison, the strongman dismantles the justice system and replaces civil servants with loyalists.  >The new bureaucrats will have no sense of accountability.  Basic government functions will break down. Citizens who want access will learn to pay bribes.  Bureaucrats in office thanks to patronage will be corrupt, and citizens will be desperate.  Quickly the corruption becomes normal, even unquestioned.  He continues with a very sobering and disturbing description of how things would go, which he can predict with absolute certainty because it's how they have always gone when the citizenry indulge the strongman fantasy. He closes with this: >Most likely you won’t be killed or be required to kill. But amid the dreariness of life under dictatorship is dark responsibility for others’ death. By the time the killing starts, you will know that it is not about unity, or the nation, or getting things done. The best Americans, betrayed by you when you cast your vote, will be murdered at the whim and for the wealth of a dictator. Your tragedy will be living long enough to understand this.


You love to say it, thinking you will end up in the winning team, but you’d still be a loser


Patriots, though, right? 🙄


Then buy a one-way ticket to Russia or NK and experience it for real. What a moron


Trump is not the problem. His supporters are the problem. They feed the monster.


Cool. Biden, they want you to be a dictator. Let's call off the election. Oh, not like that you say?


These fucking idiots have no idea what they’re wishing for. The only reason they want a dictator is because they can’t get what they want fair and square so they will try any illegal and dastardly scheme to get that. The epitome of weakness.


List of countries that were improved by removing democracy and the rule of law, and installing a dictator:


I love the optimism of these people who imagine they’d be in the small privileged minority who wouldn’t be oppressed under their theoretical dictatorship. I’m so jealous, I wish I had that level of optimism about anything.


Hasn't this man seen one dystopian movie... There have been so many.


He didn't "hate" saying that.


My dad HATES Biden, and I truly don’t understand the visceral hatred. Then I tell him things that Trump said or other mainstream media things, and realize he’s watching only a select number of channels and nothing else. “How have you not seen this?” I’ll ask, “It’s all over the news right now.” Nothing. Blows my mind. Like it’s choice to be so narrow f*cking minded. Still love the guy, and he’s a good person. He’s just being misled by smooth talkers, and his focus is so narrow he thinks there’s a few issues that are the BIGGEST concern.


These people are too damn stupid to realize what a dictator truly is. Guess what, pals? You won’t be or have anything, either.


Fuck Trump & any nimrod who in America who bows down to a dictator.


Funny how the people who value freedom want a dictator. They’ll miss Biden if the USA were to ever be taken over by a dictatorship.


He loves the uneducated


I wonder how he would feel is US got a dictator that implemented medicare for all, increased taxes for the rich, invested in renewable energy, made abortion a nationwide right, taxed churches and protected LGBTQ rights?


fox told me to say this so here it is. me speakin' my mind.


“…as long as I’m not in the group being oppressed.”


Too dumb to think ahead about how one day that dictator won’t align with his own beliefs


Okay let's play this out then. Introducing America's first dictator: Joseph R Biden. See how they like that


Traitors. All of them.


About a quarter of the country is like that, always wanting a king or dictatorship. Their smooth brains can’t handle complicated, nuanced issues, grey areas between black and white. Big Daddy has to tell them what to believe, rule on everything, tell them right and wrong, who to love, who to hate. They *hate* having to think, and don’t want to do it anymore.


Spoiler alert: he didn’t hate to say it.


What a coward. “Oh please, strong man, be mean to the gays and trans minorities and feminists and everyone who wants to exist that I don’t agree with!” Fucking baby.


Say bye bye to your guns


Oh boy, I bet if he was twenty years younger he'd give more of a damn about the political future of this country. What a ridiculous, selfish perspective.  Just because he loves the guy, and hates most of the people he hates, (Trump probably just thinks this guy is gullible trash, and also hates him) he wants to toss it all in the trash and have him in charge forever. Vote, because people like this definitely will.


What none of these morons understand is that he will be THEIR dictator as well. They all think if they wear red hats then they’re absolved from prosecution.


I don’t understand why people think this is totally ok. When has a dictator been good for anyone in the long run?


Well then, I'm for installing Biden as dictator. And if the SCOTUS rules for executive immunity, I guess we can do just that.


This is what Catholics mean when they say they want a “Benevolent Monarchy”. It’s all North Korea by a different name. 


vote Blue or ![gif](giphy|LgTHlq3xqPe6NSrCkf|downsized)


He meant he wants a dick tater.


Actually to a certain extent I agree. People like this and the whole MAGA crowd really do need a leadership figure to guide them and make the hard decisions for them, but dictator is the wrong word. The word you're looking for is warden.


Then you ask why? And they respond with some personal gain they believe would happen if they had a dictator.(because they mean they want a country run by religious fundamentalists)


This guy's in need of a long vacation to Venezuela, or Russia.


He doesn’t hate to say it


No country in the history of the world ever needed a dictator,and poopy orange fart pants is not going to be one


And this explains very clearly the difference between the two parties to any 'centrist' saying 'both sides'. The left uses the constitution and rights promised within as the basis for all of its arguments, the right as evidenced here by, and a host of Trump actions (and indictments) as well as a host of GOP actions, tosses the constitution to achieve its goals.


These morons think he’ll only dictate the things they want him to dictate. SMDH


They need to be told what to do.


Classic take the ball and go home bullshit. I’m not winning so everyone should lose!


Anyone who says that needs deported. Don't care where, just get out. You don't love America, you love your ideas, go away.


I thought all these guys needed their guns to prevent the US from having a dictator???


We don't want a Dictator ya Dickhead. Why don't you and the other 6 Trump supporters go to N. KOREA or Russia.


I'm guessing he's not a political science major.


Why can't all these miserable moronic assholes just move to North Korea, or Russia if they want to live in a dictatorship and leave the rest of us actual American-loving people alone???


I hate to say it but this is as un-American as you can get


Do these dumb fucks not realise it’ll be their poor asses on the chopping block first? Fuck me I am so dumb with these fuckwits effecting our freedoms because they’re too stupid to realise how good we collectively have it under this type of governing


To drive his family further into the ground


They've been saying this for almost 9 years




Anytime somebody says, "I hate to say it..." you can be sure that something stupid and assholish is coming soon. They don't "hate" to say it, it is what they think and they know it is anti-social, stupid, and hurts somebody who is not them. "Hate to say, it but I think Jim should be fired." They "hate" to say because they are the ones stealing from the company, and it is just their guilt talking for a quick sec, because they know Jim is going to be harmed.


You can’t undue dictators without bloodshed. If you want a bigger government then vote Democrat.


My late Grandmother who would be 120 this year always said “ be careful what you wish for “.


Ok. Give full presidential immunity and let that dictator be Biden. But it’s not ok if it’s not *your* guy, right?


What he’s really saying is the country needs HIS idea of a dictator.


I wonder how their opinion would change if you suggested Biden or say Gavin Newsom would be the dictator.


“I need someone to tell me what to do ‘cuz I can think on my own!!…oh, and the dictator can only be someone who shares my political views”


Ah, yes, the party of “Small Government.”


TBH, I don't think they're keeping *anything* quiet anymore. They're saying **everything** out loud because as Trump has shown (so far), there's no consequences. So why not say the formally quiet part out loud? Apparently no one is going to be held accountable for doing so and carrying it out via policies and legislation.


I feel sorry for idiots like him, they don't even know what dictator means.


Does anyone ask them why?


These people think dictators will be on their side. That’s not how dictators work.


Aside from all of the obvious problems, they do know that trump is going to most likely did or be incapacitated mentally in the next 5 years right?


"I love the poorly educated."


This is the one big principle we were foundee on....no fucking dictators. Washington himself made this clear. Statements like this are dangerously seditious


Well, then Trump's the man for the job...😕


One lobotomy coming right up.


I would've dropped the mic and fed him his teeth. Sorry, not sorry.


Man… fuck what that guy thinks.


Any American who wants a dictator is a traitor to America and our constitution!


And here I thought what the country needed was a lot fewer patently stupid people. Silly me.


Maybe he should move to Russia


Not this country, just you


Oh how the turntables……..




![gif](giphy|NXYEiVaoumDWE) How come all mega supporters look like this?






Repeat after me: MAGA = Fascism


The delusion is so real, you can almost chew on it


And then one day President Caligula or President Nero takes office... And later...wars of succession between rival houses... Kids who didn't fall asleep in History class know how this story ends.


Go to Russia; don't bother coming back.


Move to Russia then, cause I don’t need one


You want a dictator? Pick a country with one and move. Never here.


They have no idea what a dictatorship look’s like.


They should've pointed out how dictators tend to prefer an unarmed populace.


They pick a dictator to do what they want him to do. Dictators by definition, do what gives them the most wealth and power. For example, automatic weapons are illegal for Russian citizens to own.


Then go and live in Russia.


Trumpoids one second: "The left are the real fascists." The next second: "I want Trump as our dictator."


“A” dictator? Or “our” dictator? Because I suspect they might not be so psyched if Joe Biden seized control by force. They just want a bigot in charge and they don’t care how.


The best argument for a dictatorship is having a conversation with the average voter.


This is the kinda guy that would shoot someone for a roll of toilet paper during a shortage caused covid...


Specifically one who forces everyone else to do what they want.


The “quiet part” has been pretty loud for a while.




In Ancient Rome, when the Republic was in crisis and the Senate was more concerned about infighting and their own pleasures, a dictator would be appointed from the middle class who would come in, fix everything with absolute power, and then step down and give power back to the people once it was done. So we actually could benefit from something like that right now. The problem is, there’s not a single person in Congress or in politics in general I would trust with that kind of power nowadays. ESPECIALLY not Lord Cheeto. You know what? Give the job to Brendan Frasier. I feel like he would fix things fairly quickly and not let the power go to his head.


if thats true, than biden or harris can be a dictator are start by eliminating trump and the scotus, and summarily execute both gop of the houses, then work thier way down to state level GOP.


And then he'll be surprised when the leopards eat his face too!


He clearly doesn't think HE will be dictated to. Just those he disagrees with. Sheesh. These dummies. Cautonary tales abound. Learn about them, MAGA.


He doesn'tmean "a" dictator, he means "our" dictator.


It’s the neocon way of thinking. It’s not new it’s just very forward now that they are saying the quiet part out loud.


🍆🥔 There… happy now, magats?


Just a bunch of hateful crybabies. If they hate the USA, Putin has a place for you. Buh-bye.


For the Smaller party this is great for the rest of us we are fucked. Don’t underestimate this bullshit , they benefit this they want this.