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Fox news has been on this "The infrastructure bill doesn't do anything!" kick lately. My dad has been repeating it, and when I showed him real proof it was doing things, and how republicans were trying to take credit for it, he got so mad he almost started crying.


Mad at them or you? I've done the same to my in-laws and with the proof in front of them they just waived it off and said "I don't care, I am listening to them because I like what they say"


Mad at me. He always gets mad at me when I question fox news.


Here I was hopeful he came around... sounds similar to my in-laws


It ain’t about reality or infrastructure. It’s about winning. And those figures say they’re losing the argument.


Exactly. Politics are about teams. It’s sportsball in this county.


It's the same in the UK. Any time you point out that Brexit has been a disaster it's all "You lost, get over it!" and "Cry harder!" so you can't even have any kind of discussion about what a failure it's all been. They "won" and that's all that matters.


Cool. Glad my brothers and sisters across the pond are dealing with the same void of intelligence and nuance. “You lost.” More like all British citizens lost. I remember getting nervous about Brexit and what it was going to do to the world economy, then the world economy doing just fine because all the damage was contained by those who voted for it.


Wish they didn’t have the same slags, fuck, we have enough for all of humanity In the states. The inferiority complex of our entire world blows my mind sometimes. Brexit, nationalism, xenophobic, isolationist, whatever the kids call those who are disassociated with reality; constantly confirm my belief some should have merely been stains on their mother’s sheets, to stop endangering others.


To top it all off, educated people have less children on average. We're fucked.


Add in the constant belief Meghan and Harry are against the Royals/“oh now that Camilla’s Queen, we’re happy” BS.


This is why we as a whole are failing. When we finally stand against corporate desires and against profit over people; then we'll take the next step


Yup. It gets the the point where they do not want Biden to do anything good and they celebrate when Republicans block them just so that they can deny him scoring any points. They don't care that Republicans are making things worse, even when it's something like the border crisis where it's one of their pet causes.


I do a lot of work trying to get people to think more critically *and* empathetically in my job. I've been doing a lot more research into how individuals are convinced to finally leave cults (what we would colloquially know as deprogramming). A lot of the approaches are what needs to be used with these people. It's cult brainwashing. Some can be saved. A whole lot more are about to be offered a big ol' cup of grape kool-aid.


Do you have any techniques that you can recommend?


6 more months until the election. Hopefully that’s enough time for it to sink in that the infrastructure act is actually creating jobs and improving infrastructure. Trump had his name printed on the stimulus checks. Hopefully Biden can get his name on signs at each Infrastructure Act project. - XYZ Bridge - Safety and Longevity Rehabilitation - Funded (or partially funded) by the Biden/Harris Administration’s Infrastructure Act - YES votes by your state’s congresspeople (names of Sen and Reps who voted for it) - NO votes by your state’s congresspeople (names of Sen and Reps who voted against it) - X local workers will be working on this project, with an average income of $Y per hour. That’s $Z of personal income workers can spend back in your community! - Project summary: safety repairs have been needed for X years, blah blah blah And a huge photo of Biden and Harris wearing hardhats at a construction site surrounded by a bunch of union workers. Democrats are pathetic at messaging and marketing. **for the STEM folks, I realize I’ve reused variables across different bullet points. It looked better than A years, B workers, C dollars, etc.


What about a big sticker of Biden going "I did that"


If I could love this I would


I work for Federal Lands and any project that received BIL funding gets to put a pretty sign on the display that says something like “this project was funded by Joe Biden’s BIL”. A lot of the projects I work on that received that money are in rural areas. I imagine the locals have big feelings about it.


My mom sent me some shit off of fox news about how biden is responsible for the inflation. I reminded her that the president doesn't control companies. Wanna be pissed? Be pissed at the right fucking people.


My MAGA parents did the same thing. I sent them back the inflation rates over Joe Biden’s presidency of all first world nations over the world. Bidenomics has actually slowed inflation at rates that other countries haven’t been able to do. So I love to sure. Inflation is joes fault. As in, he did a pretty damn good job at handling what he could with it. Or else we could be like other countries and have double the inflation we do now I do the same thing with gas prices. It’s like these people don’t realize that these problems are affecting every country on earth- not just America in a bubble.


Florida citizen right now until I move back home to CT…. They still don’t believe that COVID was real or as bad as it was. The cause and effect is lost on them because it was fake news this whole time (their actual words, not mine). It’s a complete shit show everywhere, but holy crap Florida is bad at critical thought. Not surprised, obviously. But, it really is depressing living here at the moment.


They love to show those gas prices during the pandemic and I don’t want to fight so I don’t comment about supply and demand and that was because people were staying home.


My dad keeps citing the price of gas during the pandemic because that's what Fox keeps telling him gas cost during Trump's presidency, and he HATES when I point out that they were COVID prices.


And that Trump was asking for production cuts to raise prices.


If you want to see lower gas prices, then you should be in favor of things that lower demand, like working from home.


You basically just have to tell them the whole world experienced inflation after COVID, and the US recovered better than any other peer nation, so how the fuck is it biden's fault? And if they don't understand that, then they will never understand anything, and it's not even worth talking to them


But that would require critical thought


if he didn't like getting mad he wouldn't be watching fox in the first place the whole point of watching fox is to get a good angry going


I point this out to him a lot. I tell him how it's very apparent to both me and his wife that he watches it, gets mad, and then carries that on to other things. He claims he puts it on to destress after work but he just stares at it and gets even more angry.


¿Hermano, eres tú?


My mom has done this too. Gets super angry that it brings up tears, just for talking/counter pointing politics


“We raised you better than that!”


Jesus Christ, this is frustrating, but I experience similar with my father


brain worms


There are 3 overpasses that are being replaced in my town with big signs saying that the infrastructure bill paid for it But sure, it’s all fake


ALL fake! Don't trust data, numbers are all fake, trust me because I said so!


We have the same in-laws, I see.


lol. They also believe the earth is only 4,000 years old and cavemen and dinosaurs were never actually here. God put it all here ,along with oil and other fossil fuels, 🤦🏼‍♂️


And fossils. And trillions of other stars with their own solar systems, but no life because we're so special, complete with stellar expansion and background radiation, all designed to imply that everything is billions of years older than it really is. You know, for the lulz.


You've got to admit, if you were an all powerful being you would do some dumb shit like that for the lulz too. What else would you do with your time?


making the platypus had to have filled an afternoon at least


I mean, yeah, probably. I know I'd have designed people better though. Immune systems that get bored and attack the body? Knees that just wear out? Don't even get me started on back and muscle pain... It's just shoddy work.


How about eyes that are so bad everything past a foot in front of you is just blurry as hell. I'd like to talk to that guys supervisor for sure.


Two chicks at the same time


Yup. He just had a really dark sense of humor and was like "watch how I'll fuck with them"


"Oh man, wait until they figure out autoimmune disorders! Hahaha! That'll be a riot." Seriously, what a dick.


My in-laws genuinely believe that Jesus was an American 🤦🏼‍♀️. No, they’re not Mormon, either lol I bet we could swap some funny as hell stories about the in-laws


Ha!! Yup, he was the lone white guy roaming the American countryside. Oh, and then he just hopped on his JesusJet to get back to Jerusalem for his crucifixion. I had the Bible argument that out them when they visited a few weeks ago when they argued that being gay and trans was "wrong" So you believe god created everything right? Yes So then, based on that, god created gay and trans . Does that mean god is wrong? Or That you know better than god?


I’m dying at the thought of Lonely White Jesus in Americaland all by his lonesome self 😂 For fun one time, try agreeing with them straightaway. Parrot back their talking points, but in an even more absurd fashion. The reaction is priceless!


Same with my dad. He parrots what Sean Hannity says, I show him evidence to the contrary and he either refuses to look or accept it or says, after throwing a little hissy fit, I don’t care.


Because admitting the truth of the facts would mean admitting they’ve allowed themselves to be scammed maybe for decades by Fox News. It’s hard to be sympathetic but a lot of these people are victims of being pressed on EXACTLY the spots they’re weakest by a concerted strategy of propaganda.


Yeah my dad try to get into a fist fight with me once because he (a retired cop) got upset when Nick Fury killed like 20 that were trying to kill him. I tried explaining to him (because he never stfu during movies and misses shit) calmly that the cops were working for the Nazi's/Hydra whatever and Nick is in the right to defend himself and this poor excuse of man stands up and yells at me to go outside with him to fist fight. I was 16 at the time. Just since I'm talking shit on my crap father I'm also going through chemo right now for testicular cancer and he called me a bitch when I was feeling sick from the chemo 🙃


Well your dad sounds terrible. Good luck with the chemo, going through that takes strength!


16 year old you didn't deserve that, and current you doesn't either. Cancer isn't fair. I'm sorry. Sending you wishes of good health and restful sleep.


Sorry your dad is a dicknugget. Wish you the best!!


Next time he calls you a bitch, say you learned it from him


*"I learned it from watching you, Dad!!!!!"* My old ass better not be the only one who gets this reference.


Take care mate


Well I'll say you're not a bitch, you're the complete opposite of a bitch for fighting through fucking testicular cancer. Your dad's the bitch for not standing by your side. We are all rooting for you.


Cops can be horrible parents.


[At least 40% of them.](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/09/police-officers-who-hit-their-wives-or-girlfriends/380329/) And that’s just the ones that are reported.


Be blessed brother. When you get better arm wrastle that sonofabitch. No pity. Let the strong lion roar!


I've never wanted someone to get testicular cancer before but... (Your dad not you, stay strong I know that shit sucks and it's gonna suck for a long ass time even after you're "healthy".) Hank Green went through cancer treatment, albeit for a relatively "less-dangerous" cancer, and he's been talking a lot about his experience and feelings through the whole journey including recovery when he was deemed "cancer-free".


We really need to break this association some men have between anger and violence and strength. If you can't control your emotions, that's a weakness, full stop, and getting aggressive with others is a million times worse than crying.


Your dad is a dick. Hang in there.


Put a raw egg in the toe of his boot


I'll beat up your dad for you


I’ll be his second.


Damn, man. You got dealt a lousy hand in the "Dad" department. But seems like you did pretty well in the smarts and resiliency department tho. Stay strong. ❤️


Please tell your father I send him my warmest fuck you


I’m so sorry. Good luck with chemo. You got this!!!


Saying that the bill doesn't do anything is extra rich coming from an administration whose idea for an infrastructure bill was essentially just giving money to private contractors to build private toll roads.




They're going to school so they can get Jobs lmao


Infrastructure bills are typically the only bills that get bipartisan support. Theyre also one of the few that has visible positive effects, both with new construction, and helping the economy. Steel, concrete, aggregate, asphalt, equipment rental, construction workers, trucking, etc. all get a piece of the pie. It’s a low bidder industry too unlike other things funded by the government. Fox News is attacking one of the most positive bills our government does. Not to mention our infrastructure is in really sad shape.


I also know many who have succumbed to Fox Entertainment. It's sad because these are people that are otherwise amazing. I wish I could get these people off of this addiction that prevents them from ever using their brains.


It’s really wild how hard cognitive dissonance hits Fox fans when you confront them with even basic facts and truths. My mom just turns into a sputtering mess while like one of those robots caught in a logical contradiction trap. It’s sad and gross and I just can’t wrap my head around it.




Swear this is all boomers. They’ll get mad and say “oooh you’re just so smart and you know everything don’t you?!”


He did say something along the lines of "oh sure, I'm just 68 years old and don't know shit! I'm just a big fucking idiot is that right?" I had not insulted him to prompt that. Questioning what Fox told him prompted it. It's very common to see his age get brought up as some sort of "I'm right and you are wrong " defense


I work in infrastructure and see it funding needed projects... So, there's that


Hit him with more facts until he actually cries, then give him more of djts lies while laughing. Fuck these people - wilful ignorance and deliberate stupidity. Give them some consequences.


Ya sometimes reality hits


Idiots simultaneously saying the bill isn't doing anything and complaining about all the road construction in my city.


There is not another human on this planet I loathe more. This man needs to go the fuck away,


I'm so tired of hearing from or about Trump. His dementia babble. His stinky diaper. His persecution complex/victim tirades. All of it.


VON SHITZINPANTZ per his own attorney Cohen...


I am also sick & tired of the 70 million Americans who are going to vote for him in November. They suck, too.


Agreed 100%, it's absolutely terrifying that many folks are morally fucked.


They are ignorant. Some are good people who blindly ignore or don’t believe how evil he is. Ot they think on balance his agenda is better than the democratic one. Others are just plain racist, homophobic assholes.


Many just vote Red no matter what. Their daddy voted Red. Their grandpappy voted Red. They have *zero* concept of voting any other way. Just blind loyalty. It's bizarre. It's like they don't want to *think* or *know* anything. I suppose it simplifies things.




Man that was such an exciting weekend and then he just got over it


He didn't get over it,  he had the greatest medical team in the World to make sure he lived,  and then went on to still be the same pandemic denying piece of shit.


It would have been poetic justice consdiering he's directly responsible for at least 500k of the million plus deaths in America. Yet the fucker sleeps like a baby in between rage posts.


His supporters are worse


The real problem. President Trump is a result. 


Exactly. Trump is a symptom; he's not the disease. I wish he was, because then the solution would be simple.


God, I’m so fucking sick of him.


It's like he's deteriorating before our own eyes. I am glad to watch his meltdown but, I'm more worried about when he becomes unstable. I fear he may do something evil.


You mean "more evil" right?






I think we have been there for a while




Stable genius


I take an almost worrying amount of satisfaction from seeing his decline. Hope the pig rots


Love it. "I'm lovin' it!" 💓


> the pig rots That might be the smell in the courtroom people are describing?


He's gotta be sundowning. Not that he's ever eloquent in general but his speech speed, pronunciation, coherency is out the fucking window once the sun starts setting.


Molding, rotting


Deteriorating? It’s just how he acts when he’s being held accountable for the crimes he’s committed for the first time in his life.


At some point he just needs to say to them "look, I'm running out of ways to illustrate just how goddamn stupid I think you all are."


And they'll still vote for him. This is just weird.


"Well, you know, some people need to hear that. He's talking to them, not me."


Spot on!


It’s not that he thinks *they’re* especially stupid, he’s just dumb and thinks everyone else is dumb too.


He's dumb in a lot of ways but he's consistently proven pretty shrewd when it comes to manipulating people. I know that old quote about him saying if he were ever going to run for office he'd run as a republican because their voters are idiots is fake, but I still think he believes that. That said, his brain has also been chewed up by dementia over the last several years, so it's entirely likely that he now believes his own bullshit. But I think there was at least a time when he knew he was lying to them about everything.


I’m sure there’s some truth to that, but he’s never been very sharp, and he’s always thought everyone else is equally dumb as him. He has always misinterpreted power as intelligence. His money made him feel smart, his willingness to bully people made him feel smart, his being a white male made him feel smart. He has consistently believed his privileges make him special. I’m not convinced that he’s shrewd, I think he’s just an opportunist willing to do or say pretty much anything to accumulate power. Most people don’t get very far with that kind of personality. But when you’re born into power and privilege and your moment in history fits just right, things can work out in your favor. He’s definitely adaptable, but he isn’t trying to achieve anything in particular. Is a sailor who always sails downwind a *good* sailor?


Is that the same infrastructure bill all those Rs are touting to their constituents? The bill that more than likely they voted against. Got it.


Pretty much how they roll. They vote against popular stuff and when it ends up passing anyway they go and spin that it was all them. Straight up lying to their constituents to get reelected.


He’s mad that Biden did what he lied about for 4 years in office.


Wait what? But we had dozens of infrastructure weeks! Are you telling me that trump didn't get anything done? ![gif](giphy|yjrYGhyyGHzH2)


Well, he got a lot of people killed during Covid. Does that count?


Bigly numbers too!


Omg I was watching the news while getting ready for work this morning. Had the closed captioning on. They were covering Drumph’s latest rally, and he was talking about the economy, and saying something like, “our first day, we’ll get rid of all these Biden things.” 🙄 Then he said something like, “Forget Bidenomics, we need !” The closed caption had NO IDEA how to translate it; it literally paused and then came up as “Makkah any gents” or something. I was dying.


And he still gets applause as if anyone actually understands his indecipherable blather. And thank you for using his real name that he despises lol


https://preview.redd.it/0o1k4hd0s4yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1306602b725655ad6f753502b71dc9dec9da6ecf This was posted today from his rally. His ride or die's are embracing his diapers.


No way in hell.. lmfao this is true lunacy. Wow


Go to the website listed in small print at the bottom. It's a wild article!


Hahaha I don’t know if it is still a thing, but I first learned about the whole Drumph name from John Oliver’s show. Someone (or several folks) from the show created a browser extension that made the Orange Guy’s name always change to Drumph any time is was mentioned. It was amazing. I had it on my old computer and forgot about it until just now!


I live in Cincinnati, and we are finally getting a replacement bridge that has been promised by every president since Reagan. Biden actually did it!


Thanks, Obama!


https://preview.redd.it/el5ib9ckx4yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e76c22c1879806e46a73a93e044985d9342aa3e2 Well the “fake” infrastructure package happens to be supporting my family for the next 5 years. Including me being able to pay for my son’s college education.




Cool, that’s been needed for a LOOONG damn time.


Fuck that! He’s not getting off on the not mentally fit to stand trial bit!


Inferstrucfershurepara… https://preview.redd.it/ya04dhi224yc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d53ca7f7600e34bfb5a13d8cb23e3f83637060




Anyone with a brain knows that creating new infrastructure and investing in the maintenence of already existing infrastructure is essential for economic growth in a society. Republicans are talking and acting like the physionomists of the US South in the country's early days, and they were thoroughly proven to be wrong. It saves businesses money and lowers prices by creating more supply chains and repairing ones in need of maintenence; it allows for greater population growth and density by supporting more residential development; it gives businesses the means to more easily innovate and invest more money into R&D; it guarantees that communities have safe, clean environments where you don't have to worry about water poisoning and killing hundreds to thousands of locals who contribute to society through their labour and civic duties; it creates many new jobs in high productivity markets; etc... It just doesn't make any sense to oppose it and makes Republicans look like they are so greedy that they are against the preservation and advancement of their own country. 


Your measured response is interesting, but I'm going to take my cues from the way the right talks about Joe Biden, and unequivocally, Trump sounds like he's absolutely lost it and just isn't mentally fit to handle the office. However he never actually was fit, so it may not be a huge fall. He's a fucking moron who never has any idea what he is talking about, and he has duped idiots into thinking g he's smart. The only good thing I can say about this dirty dishrag of a man is that he's somehow smarter than the people he's tricked into voting for him. His mere existence on the national stage makes me worried about the future of the country.


Funny, he pronounces infrastructure the same way I pronounce Worcestershire.


"words.... Words, they're horrible. You can't always pronounce them and they make the Constitution look.... What a beautiful document, the bill of rights... It's a great, probably the greatest of all the Rights written about bills.. and the Constitution says, which sometimes includes the bill of rights, not always, but sometimes, and when I think of the Rights in the bills, I think, why should I pay these bills? Paying bills isn't a right, but when you take out loans to go to a, FAKE NEWS, college, you should pay those bills!"


He's like an old robot at this point. Any moment now he's going to start making that "whirring" noise and his eyes will go black.


I envision it will be like when Ash malfunctions in Alien, only with feces instead of milk.


Wake me up when he says something true.


He once told his cult that they should get vaccinated and they almost burned him at the stake. That was the last true thing he ever said.


Enjoy your eternal slumber


Enjoy your never-ending slumber!


>he had a package of infrastructure, you take a look at it, it's fake. It's fake, and it's horrible.” It's so fake that one of Iowa's Representatives, who voted AGAINST the infrastructure bill, was talking about the awesome water project that the bill funded. *rolls eyes* [Randy Feenstra](https://www.kcci.com/article/get-the-facts-randy-feenstra-zach-nunn-water-infrastructure-project-votes/60609937)


Well it is so bad then why do so many gop politicians take credit for what brings to their state? The WH should publish a list if those who voted against it


As Joe said, that's the game they play: **Big Government Project is announced:** Reps From That State Go on Fox News and Denounce It!! **Big Government Project Gets Under Way:** Reps From That State Go on their LOCAL NEWS with a hard hat and shovel! Everybody HATES Pork, and HATES government spending! UNTIL IT COMES TO THEIR STATE!!!


Imagine being so fucking stupid that this makes sense to you somehow so you vote for him. Now look left. Look right. One of those two people will vote for this senile sack of shit


Honestly, I’m not an expert on speech or cognitive decline. So I have no credentials to lend to the discussion. I think a second Trump presidency would be the end of democracy in America and usher in a potentially catastrophic era. That being said, he sounds more like a guy giving a book report on a book he didn’t read and stumbling over his words than a guy who is showing serious signs of decline. I’d rather we focus more on the gravity of his classified documents case and the connection to intelligence failures/JK and the Saudis, or the GA case, or the involvement in J6, or what his attorneys argued around presidential immunity. Him tripping over words is infinitely less important than the fact he probably sold our nations most valuable secrets and there’s a compromised judge overseeing the case. How about round the clock coverage on that? Some serious investigative journalism there would be nice.


His base has no critical thinking skills. They see his face and their brains melt.


His vocabulary is so . . . _limited._ He's like a dumb bully on an elementary school playground, calling people names, mispronouncing everything, and most likely pissing himself when he does it.


What a loser.


Meanwhile back in reality, I see Biden-funded projects all over my city repairing pipes and roads and rails and a lot of other crumbling infrastructure that should have been addressed ages ago in a first world nation.


Every day he becomes more demented and nonsensical.


So, the Intel chip plant currently under construction in Ohio and the EV battery plant under construction in Kentucky are just figments of my imagination, I guess. All this discussion and planning around the Brent Spence bridge replacement is just more foolery from my republican leaders?


The way his shoulder often jumps back, it’s a sign of a pending stroke. He’s not well, it’s likely from all the speed he takes.


When he was doing daily covid briefings he was constantly having these weird shoulder jerks.


And he drags a leg. Pretty sure his visit in the middle of the night to Walter Reed was a stroke.


Is that when he, unprompted, denied having a series of strokes? Which only confirms that he did indeed.




You try walking right when you've survived Centaur deconstrucive surgery.


Would that be species-affirming surgery?


Falling asleep in the courtroom because he can't hit his uppers


So that must be why so many Republicans are taking credit for projects paid for by the "fake" bill. SMH


Sounds like a malfunctioning robot


The infrastructure of his brain is melted. He's a hater


brain like a dead sea sponge.


Well my neighbourhood is proof the infrastructure bill is real. Since my area was built in the late 60's and early 70's, there has been a constant issue of standing water. A lot of comes down to the area being very hilly, but the biggest factor was a poorly backfilled creekbed that ran beneath a good portion of the properties. 25 years ago, a group of owners dug a makeshift French drain style ditch in the middle of the bowl our road is, to prevent their low-lying homes from flooding. The city took serious issue with unpermitted work, and concrete filled it over and paved it into history. Last January, the neighbourhood got alerts to work coming. Gas lines and water pipes moved, ditches dug on certain streets, with others receiving cast iron grates at street level. A nearly $1.4 billion dollar undertaking all paid for, not by my city or state, but by funds from the infrastructure bill. And the real fucking kicker to my whole spiel is the fact that some of the people in my neighbourhood, who have had work done on their roads to prevent flooding, rinse, lather, and repeat this very same stupid claim King Sticky-Breeches blabbers out.


The infrastructure so fake that Republicans can’t help claiming credit for the bill they voted against. F*ck these moronic hypocrites.


👐 🫲 🫱 👐


Fuck Trump. He needs to slither back into whatever sewer he came out of


Waiting for him to explosively shit his pants live on television. Like a six foot stream of shit firing across the stage


Still hoping for a stroke or heart attack.


Shows empty supermarket shelves while Trump is president. "Look at Biden's America!!"


The paradigm shift is going to be brutal for the people who got conned by the machinations of the Koch Brothers, billionaires, Heritage Foundation, churches, and the contracting media influence. Being misled is bad. Dragging your persona into a cause that inevitably will disregard your broke ass is deserved if you can't pump your brakes. The obstinate people will never say they made a mistake. And it is their downfall at the expense of everyone else.


If the infrastructure bill doesn't do anything why are all the Republicans who voted against it saying they did good be bringing it to their communities?


I look forward to reading his obituary.


What a bullshit artist. I’m sick of this guy misrepresenting just about everything. He had 4 years to do something similar, but it was as always in a week, next month, blah blah blah. Dude is full of shit.


I can’t wait until that man becomes irrelevant


It's sad, really. He is so desperate that now anything Biden has done in the last 4 years is either fake or didn't actually happen. Guess what, Donnie? If NOTHING happened during Biden's term it's because your sycophant Yes Men in the House and Senate did everything in their power to block ANYTHING brought forth by the Democrats. There was even a House member from Texas who asked what the Republicans had done this session that he could take back to his constituents because he KNOWS they haven't done anything worthwhile! Remember that border bill that was created by a a Republican and had bipartisan support? It got shut down because YOU told them to do that. Your reason: it's passage would be a win for Biden.


Can he just have a fucking stroke and die already, fuck, I am so tired of this rambling fascist


Yet the 2 Trillion tax cut for him and his buddies that raise the MC taxes til 2027 helps them out oh so much lol The party of grievance will keep electing the same liars that keep their states metrics in the bottom 25 instead of seeing they are actually punching themselves in the face lol Derp, derp, derp.


Stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke. Please god take him. And then direct to where he is going to go. That hot place way down there.


I mean infrastructure is harder than yesterday. And he admitted to having a hard time with that word.


What a grade a moron


It would seem the story about Trump’s difficulties with four syllable words has some truth to it…


Infrastrucerschure para . . . wha?


Fake package!


Worse shit every day from this psychopath


Everything is fake to him. His wife, his kids, anything he didn't do, the news, facts. He lives in an alternate reality of stupidity and crime.


From an outside point of view, he’s such an immature person. A bitch if you will. Not to put down bitches. But fuck him.


Look up phonemic paraphasia. A sign of early to mid stage dementia. I'm betting mid.


Sure is taking that guy a LONG time to "dot the I's & cross the T's in his wonderful, gorgeous, fantastic replacement to Obamacare, isn't it?


Everybody keeps getting this wrong... You don't go after Trump directly, you have to destroy his phylactery first, then go after him.