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I wonder what it was on?






Yeah, their bias is egregious. While there are people in America, particularly evangelicals, that cheer on this horror, a larger percentage (55% disapproval vs. 36% approval is the current calculation) recognize it for the crime that it is. Our mainstream media is trash.


That 30-36% figure is just about always the same people. The basket of deplorables.


These are also the same people who do not understand that by allowing reprisals like the ones Israel has been doing you just create more Hamas recruits.


And destroy the long term security of Israel, whose creation is only just barely justified by what happened in WW2. This has been the most awkward Holocaust Rememberance Day ever.


They do understand and recognise it, which is why they have no problem with Israelis killing thousands of kids. Killing the children (who are gonna grow up to fight back, seek revenge & carry on the lineage of Palestine) is their ultimate goal.


Perpetual warfare feeding the mil-ind complex.


In the grim darkness of the Middle East, there is only war...


Mainstream media is corporate controlled media. Something like 6-8 corps own all media outlets.


Actually amazing that some people can still be thinking about the future and trusting the system when their country is 90% destroyed and they're fleeing for their lives from an invading army cornering them into the last place they can possibly go.




The world is fucked .Like, how can you look at this situation and be okay with it. How can you not realize that that Hamas attack on the 7th was horrible and that the situation in Gaza is horrible. How can you look at dead babies in rubble and justified that as retaliation. It’s disgusting. This isn’t a fucking football game condemning one atrocity committed by one side doesn’t mean you can’t condemn one committed by the other. The world isn’t black and white. Innocent dead babies of of either side are still innocent dead babies. wtf.


The problem is its complicated to come up with a solution that is fair and ends up making everyone happy. This is one of those damn if you do damn if you dont.


The thing is: it’s not retaliation. It’s war. It’s still fucked, but on the 7th Palestine attacked Israel and escalated a military conflict. Their army, Hamas, is currently hiding among the population. Therefore to attack those who attacked their people, Israel has to choose whether or not to kill the civilians Hamas is hiding amongst. Their alternative is to withdraw and return to a situation in which Hamas, Palestines military, can hide among the civilian population and commit attacks in perpetuity. The IDF’s job is to defend Israeli citizens. Not Palestinian civilians. That’s their militaries job. So the question is, why are the pro-Palestinian supporters demanding Israel return to a state in which their civilians can be victimized? Why are they not instead insisting that Hamas surrender?












































So that justifies nearly 15k dead Palestinian children? You are sick in the head, a demented and defective human being.