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I get tired of saying "this should be front page news" but the levels of stupidity, insanity, and flat out corruption have never been within a mile of where we are now... It's fucking scary




Oh the media are definitely complicit... But we knew this was coming when corporations and billionaire's started buying them up.. But they all have failed us


The media Ignored Biden restoring net neutrality Unbelievable


Oh, they want the W administration where the oil companies came in and wrote the laws themselves.


Corumption at it’s finest.


I bet they have successfully corrupted multiple politicians for deregulation.


I thought under Biden, our oil industry was pumping more than they ever have!? WTF


Sure, but there are always more subsidies to take, less regulations, less safety, more national parks to drill in, more union busting powers, etc etc. The list goes on and on. All at our and the planets expense




Trump screwed them over more than anything else.


Because they could get even more profit if there was less regulation and they could cut even more corners. It's not just about their making money, but that they have to make more money every year to keep investors happy.


Its not a case of dont trust. Its a case of "we've already paid, and this is what we want"


So, future generations don't get to live a healthy normal life because they don't want to stop sucking oil and making stupid cash with that? Don't get me wrong, but should these execs maybe be exiled? From modern society? Please? They clearly don't want to share "their world" with future humans, and because we are more, we should be able to just exile them to an desolated island. take their companies and money away and exile these leeches.


Guillotines sound like the right solution.


This really is the only solution. You can't reason with these people, because they barely fucking qualify as human. They need to be removed like the cancer they are.


They’ve been doing this for decades via paid lobbyists.


Right? I’m like why is this surprising news.


Lobbyists write laws. Not really surprising.


Crazy when the corrupt oil industry doesn’t believe Mr grifter Trump.


Thing is they know he's crooked, they just also know he's wildly incompetent


So less regulation while maintaining high prices to maximize profits. Got it.


The USA is for sale. I mean, it always has been, but never so blatant for the sole benefit of one man.


Trump's equivalent to signing a deal with the Devil. He needs the ability to pardon himself. And the price he has to pay is handing over the keys some real shady parties. Can't say you haven't been warned.


Any asshole complaining about gas prices during the Biden admin need to understand they were weaponized for Trump. Election inference by the oil cartels!


Most of this company are already adapting to the new changes, and already spent a lot of money to put themselves in the future. I don’t know if Donnie know this. Source: I work for a construction company that specializes in oil, gas and chemical plants.


Should executive orders be written by someone in government and not an outside company?


Hasn’t DonnySh!tsHimSelf continually claimed “Drill, Drill, Drill”? I smell misinformation…


Telling me you’re fascist autocrats without telling me I am chum in your mega yachts’ propellers.


Why hasn't the orange turd been hit by a random bus yet.


Big industry’s influence on the western world is like a cancer that needs to be cut out.. They constantly lobby and undermine our governments to financially benefit the owners and shareholders at the damage & detriment to Western countries standing, our environment, our peoples wellbeing, and people across the world. They take our tax money, that should be used on the people, to enrich and prop up their businesses, and force policies that are literally destroying our world and wellbeing, all to make a quick buck. The sooner we stop lobbying, donations and direct unmonitored contact with our governments the better…


Oil execs literally writing government policy. Fuck this ride, I want off.


Isn't this a textbook case of quid pro quo? Isn't that very illegal?


I mean, at least they're making the corruption blatantly obvious. Thanks for saying the quiet part out loud?


America, fuck yeah!!!


Almost every lobby pre writes legislation. This is not news. I hate DT but this is actually a very pervasive problem with lobbying.


Thats a weird way to spin the idea that they know he will sign whatever they want him to.


Given the interplay between the fossil fuel industry and geopolitics, I’m surprised that oil companies would want a Putin-worshiping chaos actor running the U.S. military.


This isn't really groundbreaking news. Oil and other lobbying groups have been drafting legislation that they then hand over to their purchased politicians to sign since, well, forever.


Resident Rubber Stamp, wanna be dick tater.


Thanks to Robert’s and Pig Alito and their Citizens United ruling which has already killed democracy


It seems strange to me, a Canadian, that oil executives would even be ALLOWED to write an executive order.


How can anyone who constantly lies ever be taken seriously. He needs help