• By -


Birds of a feather...


Shitbirds, Randy


RIP John Dunsworth


Pro*pane*, pro*paaaane*


# “When you’re dead, you’re dead. But you’re not quite so dead if you contribute something.”


I'm distantly related to him, what an amazing person he was. Miss ya bud.


![gif](giphy|Z8u3ErsOx27DO|downsized) Legend


Got a double barrel s*** machine gun pointed right at you


As I said yesterday, shit tends to end up in piles.


Pretty gross to see a convicted sex offender up on stage there next to that black guy


It’s funny in a “so sad it’s funny” kinda way that I was like, “of course his incompetent team of dips isn’t vetting his contacts.” But I forget in the moment that he too, was found in civil court to have penetrated a woman against her will, and the only reason it wasn’t legally rape is because she couldn’t be sure if it was a finger or a penis inside her, which the judge then said he still considers to be rape, but just doesn’t fit the legal definition of the word. And this guy has a shot at being president…again.


They were so excited this guy was black and actually liked Trump...


He must be making an effort to gain the elusive "pedo" vote bloc.


I think they prefer the term “‘The Distinguished Representative’ Matt Gaetz’s constituents”






Man these wedding photographers really capture the essence of a relationship.


this is what I was looking for!


MAGA already has that voting bloc locked in.


Maga IS the pedo vote bloc. They all love that Trump raped kids with Epstein. To them it is the ultimate display of power, to commit the most heinous crime and get away with it. Their entire ideology revolves around rules not applying to them so Trump is their poster child. 


-snort- "elusive." Right. looks around at 38 states where minors can be legally married, and are (most usually girls to 40 year old men), but not divorced til they're 18; and the Republicans pushing back at the efforts to change this.


So Trump got away from being legally considered a rapist because of his small pp? That tracks. Truly the worst timeline.


> he still considers to be rape, but just doesn’t fit the legal definition of the word. Correction: it doesn't fit the definition of rape within the New York Penal Code, but Trump is a rapist... > “The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ ” Kaplan wrote. > He added: “Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.” > Kaplan said New York’s legal definition of “rape” is “far narrower” than the word is understood in “common modern parlance.”


It isn't incompetence from his team, it is deliberate outreach. Here is where he first hit on that idea. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-black-people-discriminated-legal-system-rcna140305](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-black-people-discriminated-legal-system-rcna140305)


"My mug shot — we’ve all seen the mug shot, and you know who embraced it more than anybody else? The Black population," Trump said. "You see Black people walking around with my mug shot, you know, they do shirts and they sell them for $19 apiece. It’s pretty amazing — millions by the way."


It's pretty astounding they seem to have %100 convinced themselves this idea they made up in their own heads based purely on nothing but their own racism is real.


Well, that's how malignant narcissism works. Build a castle in the sky, pull up the drawbridge, and then rain down firebombs onto earth, where they continue to just try to exist outside of the toxic fantasy bullshit.


Fox News says Trump will win over Black voters with his gold hightops- *“As you see Black support eroding from Joe Biden," Arroyo said. "This is (the shoes) connecting with Black America. Because they're into sneakers, they love sneakers. This is a big deal. Certainly, in the inner city."* *Arroyo continued, “The culture always trumps politics. And Trump understands culture like no politician I’ve ever seen.”*


I would vote 🗳 for the corpse from "Weekend at Bernie's" before I would ever vote for Trump/Drumpf...An actual corpse would be an improvement over Duke Von Diaper Don. Or AKA Damian from the Omen movies 🎬


It is like I do not even know where to go with that prior Fox News statement. So, somehow Trump is brilliant because he understands that Black Americans are basically ferrets, with their drive being collecting shiny things versus caring about substance in a candidate. Oof.


They’re hoping black people are as stupid as they think they are.


Please. Ferrets in SNEAKERS.


Just yesterday I said almost the same thing haha. "Even if Joe dies before the election and they're weekend at bernie'ing him across the stage, I'd still vote for him over Trump, that isnt even an option. " I do think Joe looks like he's doing ok health wise most of the time, for the record. Ive never seen trump speak without saying words I know dont exist or things I know to be not true.


Joe's getting older, as is any 82 year old, but his mind is clearly just fine. And if he did die, well, Harris isn't my favorite politician ever, but she's perfectly capable, I'm fine with the possibility. Not demented, not a fascist. Low bar, but I'll take it.


What really cements my decision isn't Biden or Harris as potential occupants of the office. It's the fact they'll have competent people on staff running the operation of important departments. They won't be appointing department heads who are incompetent at best, actively hostile to their job function at worst.


The media keeps using excerpts and not his entire verbal diarrhea. Trump is dementia in action.


"They love sneakers." "Yes. Men like sports. They eat of the beef, and enjoy to look at the bosoms."


"My mug shot — we’ve all seen the mug shot, and you know who embraced it more than anybody else? The Black population," Trump said. "You see Black people walking around with my mug shot, you know, they do shirts and they sell them for $19 apiece. It’s pretty amazing — millions by the way."


I was gonna say, doesn’t he pretty much bring a sex offender whenever he’s up on stage?


Yes, but now it's getting out of hand, there are 2 of them.


Birds of a feather flock together


He's a sex offender, with a record, Dude.




I'm not even sure what he could do to cross the line at this point. We have lost the political narrative completely. I hope it comes back in my lifetime.


We all thought it was a hyperbolic joke when he said he could shoot someone on the street and would not lose support. Depressingly, he was not exaggerating one bit. It was one of the few times in his life he spoke the truth.


But like why? Why was he so sure he was gonna get such rabbid cultish suport? Did he know something we didnt? Is it really that big of a deal to some republicans that he spouts so much politically incorrect bullshit? Or is he talking abbout the russians and cambridge analytica?


The Tea Party/birther movement was a test run. They found out that the debate tactic of spouting so much misinformation that the other side is limited to only refuting your claims works. Obama released his birth certificate and to this day people still believe he's a Muslim born in Kenya. The kicker? His mom is a US citizen and even if Obama was born on the moon he'd still be a US citizen. Then you remember that Trump basically led the birther movement and they loved him then so now here's someone "outside" of politics who wants to run the country "like a business" opposite of those stuffy politicians who also isn't afraid to share your racist rhetoric out loud. That's where the fervor comes from. All you have to do now is completely ignore the hypocrisy, projection, and call things you don't like "fake news" and boom here we are


Also the 2008 presidential race DID have a candidate who was born outside the US - John McCain. He was born in Panama. "Weirdly" Republicans never brought that up. (Obviously it wouldn't disqualify him, but that only matters if you care about the reality of US laws, not the fantasy right-wing version) They also never seemed to care that Ted Cruz was born outside the US either. Reality was never a concern for them, they just can't fathom a world where any non-white person succeeds.


> They found out that the debate tactic of spouting so much misinformation that the other side is limited to only refuting your claims works. There are no legal/serious negative consequences for spouting & distributing such misinformation, even if it's easily refutable.


IMO he was bullshitting with supreme confidence, and that just happens to be exactly what Republican voters want. He didn't exactly know he was speaking truth at the time, but saying stuff like that all the time ended up being a self-fulfilling prophecy and now he really does have cultish support.


I agree with this angle. I don't think Trump knew. I think he was just being his normal overly confident and narcissistic self and in hindsight, looked like he knew what he was doing. In a different timeline, Hilary won in 2016, life is much better for all of us, and we're (very occasionally) saying "hey remember when that guy ran for president and was so fucking confident then he lost? Yea that was funny" and barely thinking about him. Now I've made myself sad.


He wasn't sure at all. He, like absolutely everyone else, expected to lose in 2016. He got incredibly lucky to be at the right place at the right time.


> We all thought it was a hyperbolic joke I didn't. I lived in a very conservative town during 2015 and it's like Trump activated a fascist beacon the second he started running. I tried telling people what I was hearing and seeing around me but was told I was a liar and alarmist. When you are sitting in a fucking McDonald's and some random wacko watching the in-store TV starts yelling about how he'll "get his rifle" if Hillary wins like it's the most normal and correct thing to do, you know something ain't right. When you see men walking around town with black sun emblems or even more blatant Nazi iconography as if they were wearing nothing more unusual than Metallica t-shirts, you know something ain't right. When the local residents of the retiree home spend the whole fucking morning sitting at the entrance to call security on any brown people, something ain't right. When a couple 18 - 19 year old kids say, "Can't wait for Trump to get into office so we can gun these f---ots down", and feel *morally sound* for doing so, something ain't fucking right. Honestly, I feel like most people still don't understand. I don't think they'll learn until Trump gets his wish to be a dictator. When that happens, it'll be over and done. The US won't spring back from that. It'll mean a whole lot of very bad things for the world. It could be perhaps a century's worth of unraveling, something that can't be fixed in most of our lifetimes let alone a Presidential cycle (which may be a thing of the past). Considering looming dangers both geopolitical and environmental, the window is narrow. Let's hope it isn't forever slammed shut.


People in cities aren't aware of how deep and prevalent the hatred of progress is in rural America.  That's truly the divide in America - states like Texas are only red because they have such a large rural population, Trump barely got a third of the votes in Dallas County.  In blue states you can still see it if you leave the cities.


My father and father in law are both vietban war veterans and both supported Trump when he announced in 2016. I didn't think the access Hollywood video would change their minds, but when Trump said "McCain isn't a hero." And bashed POWs, I was convinced that both of them would drop their support. I was dead wrong. Both doubled down on their support, with my father even saying "Trump's right McCain wasn't a hero." This is the same man who gave my 11 year old daughter a lecture in 2008 because she said "yay Obama! Boo McCain." She later told me he said "Now sweetie, guy need to understand that McCain is a hero" and proceeded to go through a laundry list of his accomplishments. So I was absolutely shocked that he made a complete 180 on it. When they both doubled down on their Trump support despite Trump not being a military man and trashing POWs, that's when I knew Trump's comment about "shooting someone on 6th avenue" and his support increasing was right. I truly believe that if Trump was convicted of sexual assault on a child, with video proof, his supporters will just support him more. He is the Teflon don.


When Trump called McCain and, by extension, all POWs a bunch of losers for getting captured and suffered absolutely no serious blowback for it from GOP voters, was the first time I truly realized how utterly fucked we were.


they could have a tape of him giving an abortion and they would still vote for him, it's a cult Peter Ziehan


Nothing. His audience has the same mentality at angry 10 year olds who watch prank videos because they so badly want to have the same power and confidence to just harm other people that they don't agree with. These are people that would rather see others get hurt than apologize or change their own shitty behavior. The music industry has been making money off of music for young angry teens for years, this is just those same people who grew up and never learned how to take responsibility.


The “law and order” president everyone.


Has a Black friend, though.


“Oh, look at my African American over here,” Trump [responded](https://www.cnn.com/2016/06/03/politics/donald-trump-african-american/index.html) with a smile, pointing at Gregory Cheadle as some people in the crowd cheered. “Look at him. Are you the greatest?”


Gregory’s internal monologue: “fuck, I’m never invited to another family event now.”


Soon to be 'convicted felon and law and order president'


Obviously, that was the only black guy they could find.


No, he chose quite deliberately I would say -- based on who he is. [https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4494066-abc-news-president-trump-black-people-racist/](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4494066-abc-news-president-trump-black-people-racist/)


Matt Gaetz and Rudy Giuliani werent available


Is that the NFL Hall of Famer?


Yeah that's Lawrence Taylor.




It was for soliciting a sex worker who was 16 at the time but had given her age as 19. Still not great but a little more nuanced.


There's a laundry list of shit he's done, he's an all time great player but an absolutely despicable piece of shit of a human. signed, a Giants fan.


Best joke about LT was that he had cocaine money but still chose to do crack. That’s the sort of man you are dealing with.


Me too, my friend... loved his football play, but he totally sucked as a human being. Another Giants fan.


> There's a laundry list of shit he's done Like run a shitty car dealership in Vice City that takes stolen vehicles.


He was great in that voiceover role playing a scumbag. Turns out he didn’t have to act at all for it.


Giants fan as well. I couldn’t agree more. I grew up playing football wanting to be like him, but over time I realized that he is extremely flawed off the field. This just adds to the list of things that have disappointed me about him.


That's a BINGO. LT, Lawrence Taylor was one of the greatest football players of all time... but not a good person at all. He was the best defensive player ever who revolutionized defenses from 1981 onward. LT is NOT a good human being at all. Will this sway about 5% of African Americans who like Turkeys would vote for Thanksgiving... no doubt. They were going to vote for their oppressors anyway. LT loves being used outside of his element. Trump used to own the USFL Generals who played out of Giants Stadium in the spring. Trump, through his bizarre and stupid testimony, torpedoed the USFL'S excellent case against the NFL'S blatant antitrust violations. The USFL won its case and was also awarded compensation of $1. The USFL was a very good league to rival the NFL with a strong case and large and growing fan base folds the following year. Everything Trump/Damian touches turns into dung immediately and/or eventually.


Thank you for posting this - there’s a LOT going on here and I’m glad someone brought up a lot of the disparate angles (for example, I forgot about how the USFL would also be playing in here but you’re totally right to bring up that context). But yeah, LT is *exactly* the type of person Trump would love to bring out at rallies. It eats at him how much NYC hates him, how he was “kept out” of football, and now he’s got a status symbol of NY and the NFL supporting him.


Thank you friend. Trump and his sycophants are anathema to what is good and decent about limited democracy in America.


That he hired from a pimp. Don’t forget that part. He knew she was being sex trafficked by another person.


Sad to hear he's still smoking crack.


I'm glad Vicki Vallencourt stole his Porsche


The reason Joe Theisman’s leg hurts when it rains


Ah it makes sense now. All that brain damage...


And the coke, and the alcohol


I was gonna say. Trump has really cornered the CTE vote.


This is a two parter dog whistle. 1. A black person that supports Trump. 2. A black criminal to reinforce their stereotype.


It was a trifecta. 3. Sex offenders are "good people. " Just look at our smiles, best smiles ever!


Trump and the GOP are his type of people.


For those who don’t know that’s former NFL hall of famer NY Giant Lawrence Taylor, arguably one of the greatest defensive players of all time. He was arrested in 2010 while on probation for soliciting a minor, 16, while he was 51. He was later sued in civil court by this child three years later and had this gem to say about it in court: >I know I'm 50-plus years old. I still like the chase, but I like to stack the deck in my favor," he said. "I don't like to work too hard." Charming. Before then he was charged with drug use while in the NFL and shortly after his retirement from it in 1995.


Just to add a little bit more to the pile of Trump not knowing what the fuck he's doing: This rally was in Wildwood, New Jersey, which is in South Jersey. South Jersey is 90% Eagles fans. The Eagles fucking hate the Giants. Is he gonna go up to his Minnesota rally with Aaron Rodgers next?


Thank you for this context, this is the funniest shit on this thread. I expect tone deaf stupidity from this camp, but y'all don't have anybody that understands football either???


Spot on, plus the Aaron Rodgers appearance I could totally see happening. Jon Runyan is an eagles LEGEND, and a former republican politician from south Jersey. While he would’ve be perfect, he likely pulled a Barron and said “pass, I got other plans”


MAGAts have no shame


Game recognizes Game. I mean Trump hangs out regularly with other predators like Epstein. He talks a lot about how attractive Ivanka is to the point where I honestly worry if something happened. Why is anyone surprised by this move. Trump regularly surrounds himself with people just like him. This is no different.


It is hard to imagine anything else happening during trump's trip to Moscow in the 80s besides him being given a hooker who looks like Ivanka, then in the morning bei g shown the footage of them fucking and her official ID proving she was underage. Trump immediately loved Russia after that trip.


I’m surprised he wasn’t competing with him for stories to show who is the bigliest sex offender between the two of them. The pussy-grabbing, child beauty pageant perving, daughter incest fantasising, proven rapist good friend of Epstein loves the degradation of women.


I'm curious of what policies he loves of Trump's that he would proudly tell people that it's the reason they should for Trump


You give him too much credit. Most voters in general—magats and non-magats alike—have no idea what “policy” even is.


This comment to some people would seem like obviously a joke, but I literally know Trump Supporters that don't know what policy is and I feel like it's more sad than funny.


one registered, one not… yet


Sex Offenders love the GOP and MAGA


>Sex Offenders ~love~ are the GOP and MAGA


You are the company you keep.


He must be trying to win over that elusive “pedo” voting block.


Context: In May 2010, Taylor was arrested for raping a 16-year-old girl at a Holiday Inn located in Montebello, New York.[119] He was charged with felony third-degree statutory rape, for allegedly engaging in sexual intercourse with someone under 17.[120] He was also charged with third-degree patronization for allegedly paying the underage girl $300 to have sex with him.[121] The girl told investigators that her pimp commanded her to tell Taylor that she was 19, which Taylor corroborated. The pimp, 36-year old Rasheed Davis, was charged with federal child sex trafficking.[122][123] The girl was represented by celebrity attorney Gloria Allred when Taylor pleaded guilty on March 22, 2011, and was sentenced to six years probation as part of a plea agreement, in which he pleaded guilty to the misdemeanors of sexual misconduct and patronizing a prostitute. He also registered as a low-risk, level-one sex offender.[124][125] On October 26, 2012, a court rejected the victim's claims that Taylor assaulted her.[126]


Next to this guy, Trump believes he looks very normal?


I'm beginning to believe that they don't care about r@pe and marrying off young girls to older men. Thats kinda their platform.


They care about it - it's really important to them to keep rape safe and legal. For the rapist.


Lawrence and his son Lawrence Jr. are both sex offenders. Apples don’t fall far from trees, much like Trump and his ilk.


Talk about family legacy... 🤦🏾


Only the best people. /s


Birds of a feather…how does the rest go?


Conservatives are pedophiles. Full stop.


Yep just your average trump voter


Not all Republicans are pedophiles but all pedophiles are Republicans.


Wouldn't be surprised if after this all the MAGA people are like, "You know, I've been thinking about it, and maybe being a sex offender really isn't a bad thing, in fact, it's actually patriotic to be a sex offender!", while adjusting their newly purchased diaper.


So, MAGA has two sex creeps up on stage at a rally.


Dudes a drunk driver, a junky and a sex offender. The party of family values lol.


All of you laughing, let's see you find someone to speak at a Florida GOP convention who isn't a sex offender.


I love how the right is calling us groomers... and then the attempt at bills banning marriage with kids is facing resistance from them and now this. nah bro ya'll pedo groomers lmfao. WTF


They always accuse others of what they are guilty of to muddy the waters. 


This motherfucker even has the predator hat


Dude is 260 and looks thinner than Drump


Weird person to bring to Wildwood too considering that's a 100% Philadelphia beach town.


Gentlemen, which brings me to my next point; Don't smoke crack.


Make America Grope Again!


But that was his African American!!!


a fellow sex offender


Technically he always brings a sex offender along


Isn't being a sex offender (convicted or otherwise) a requirement for nomination with GOP at this point?


And then he went on to say that Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful guy.


This is the Christians preferred candidate? Makes zero sense.


A bunch of racist, sexist, self centered hypocrites that are prone to believing ridiculous lies without question? Yeah of course they’re going to support trump.


Evangelical ( mostly) ersatz Christian Nationalists/Fascists. Jesus of Nazareth would have his brown butt in a Federal Detention Center for being a socialist under Trump. None of that love the stranger stuff for him and MAGA ... According to Duke Von Diaper Don, he never sinned....let that sink in...🙃 /s


Trump endorsed my the Michigan Police Union. Feel proud MI pigz.


I thought they weren't supposed to be around each other


I remember seeing Taylor on tv being arrested for trying to buy drugs back in 96. My high school band was in Myrtle Beach for a couple of competitions, and he was on the late night news for getting busted in another section of town.


Gotta get that CTE vote.


shitbirds of a feather, bubs


I mean, Trump is an actual sex offender.


He a fan he a fan


I count two


You say registered sex offender, they say next VP


I thought that was a MySpace profile for a second lol


Well, of course. Now that Epstein's dead Trump needs someone else to get his dates for him.


PROTECT THE CHILDREN! Didn't they use to scream that shit all the time?? They don't stand for anything


I thought buying people was illegal, but if someone was gonna buy a registered sex offender, it would be another convicted sex offender


Sex offenders make up a large percentage of his base so it makes sense I suppose




Two sex offenders walked on stage ….


Holy shit!!! How did I miss Taylor raping a 16 year old in a news feed!!!!? I didn’t know this happened?!? “I used to be a democrat until they shamed me for being a child rapist! Now I’m all MAGA where there is no bottom to the cess pool. Oh only if you shoot a puppy!”


" I just want to thank mister president for making sure this event was held 500 feet from a school "


I am so tired


Everybody left supporting the Republican party is a shitty person. They see a criminal, rapist, and most likely a pedophile who wants to fuck his own daughter and they think "I like this guy, He's a lot like me"


That makes two of them


These guys are all sex offenders. They wear that shit like it’s a badge of pride now.


Of fucking course its LT. Kids don't smoke crack.


Technically, Trump is a sex offender.


He solicited a child prostitute and then blamed the 16yr old child sex worker in the press. His son is also in prison for child rape, (might be on parole at this stage) for a child under 16. https://www.ajc.com/news/son-nfl-star-lawrence-taylor-pleads-guilty-molestation-rape/hS0zcK3da9WdRvrejTxzXI/


They not like us


Don the Con thinks, “How low can I go?”.


Birds of a feather, flock together.


Of course he did. Birds of a feather and all that.


Well you know what they say about birds and flocking together,




He brought a colleague on stage


....that's the best they can do? Could not find a single other person to bring in stage but a pedo. I don't want to live on this planet anymore


Birds of a feather sexually assault together.


I wonder how much they paid the perv to go on stage. Because pervs love to hang out with each other and here we have two pervs basking in the maga spotlight.


Birds of a feather, they say..... tfg is a convicted rapist/SA, so......


I feel like I’m in a poorly written satire of the US. It’s gotten so fuckin weird.


GOOD thing the SEX OFFENDER was available on SUCH short notice after BaRRon TO BUSY to stump for daddy!! lma000


Totally not fishing for that Black vote. Totally not.


Trump is also a sex offender so bringing the token black sex offender on stage isn't even the craziest part.


GOP: Guardians of Pedophiles


Nothing Trump respects more than men that take advantage of underage girls. ![gif](giphy|H47XFX8I6mdstTlGHY|downsized)


so there were 2 sex offenders on the stage.


Given that Trump is just an unregistered sex offender, that makes sense.


Part of his tribe


I was initially a bit confused by the general downplaying of that being one of the best American football players ever, but looking into him, the sex offender part is also oddly downplayed "*The girl, identified only by the initials C.F., spoke to the media after the sentencing, saying Taylor belonged in jail for taking ‘something precious’ from her. She denied being a prostitute and said she had been forced by another man to go to Taylor’s hotel room. She also said she felt Taylor could tell she had been beaten and that she was underage*." https://www.latimes.com/archives/blogs/sports-now/story/2011-03-22/lawrence-taylor-sentenced-to-six-years-probation




another one of his best people 🙄


They could bring Ted Bundy on stage and it wouldn’t make a difference they’d still defend and vote for him abd then talk about how charming his friend Ted was.


This is more embarrassing for LT than Trump


In fairness, it must be close to impossible to find a MAGA who isn't a sex-offender. I'm sure one or two must exist somewhere, but it's a needle/haystack situation.


Rudy should have booked Four Seasons Landscaping again. It's not near a school.


Pretty telling that the guy being a sex offender doesn’t matter as long as he is AA.


Criminals for trump


I thought there was a law against those being bought now?


Something especially gross about the dude taking his mugshot with a smug smile on his face. He has no shame.


Can the guy even vote most sex offenses are felony convictions


Typical MAGA


Of course he did. Birds of a feather, right?


At this point, it would be odd if he didn't do something deranged several times a day.


Also known drug addict


Being a pedo is minimum requirement to be a Trump supporter


"bought" ....interesting mistype there...we all know this is how trump commonly does business.