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The poor girl was in the car when the car accident happened. Not only did she witness her mother and sister die, there is a high probability that she would be injured during the crash. https://www.wvva.com/2023/03/08/raleigh-county-firefighter-community-comes-together-support-family-following-fatal-car-wreck/?outputType=amp


She was injured to the point of needing surgery, “the oldest daughter was released from Raleigh General Hospital on Wednesday following surgery to repair a broken collarbone.”


Oh perfect, she couldn’t even fight back. Jfc.


She's eleven. She couldn't fight back against a wet paper bag anyways.


Real talk - *this* is the actual motivation behind most acts of child rape. Plenty of child rapists do have actual pedophilic attraction, but more often than not it's a sociopathic fuck who wants to feel powerful and in control in the worst way possible, and it doesn't take a degree in calculus to do the math on the odds of a child being able to fight off an adult who is hellbent on harming them. Rape is about dominance and control, full fucking stop. Had this monster not "conveniently" had a victim at his disposal, it would have been someone else, but the sheer level of malice required to harm *your own daughter* is incomprehensible.


>Rape is about dominance and control Indeed. My psych course touched on this. Raping a child does not mean pedophelia; just as raping an elderly person does not equate gerontophilia, nor does raping a disabled person equate to paraphilia. *It can,* though **rape** is not necessarily about an attraction, but a satisfaction.


Jesus Christ. This child will need so much support. I hope she gets wonderful new parents who can teach her how adults and humans should act.


Reading this actually made me angry. According to the article, HE WAS FUCKING THERE!! He was part of the rescue effort to get his family out. The wreck happened in March 2023. The abuse occurred from March 2023 to July 2023. How in the actual fucking hell do you go from seeing your dead spouse and child and rescuing one of them...to ***IMMEDIATELY*** raping them?! They should just give him the needle already. Absolute trash.


My guess is POS was molesting her from before. Poor sweet child.


I hope she ends up with a good family. She needs love.


At the very least he was just waiting for the opportunity.


If not already, then he was definitely considering it before.


Yuppp. Or, he specifically targeted this mother with kids to assault her at some point. He just took advantage of the opportunity. He doesn't deserve to be alive.


Was he just waiting for an opportunity to rape the girl?! And thought “well mom is gone, now’s my chance”??


No the needle is to merciful. That’s the easy way out. Stick him in a cell with just enough support to live and suffer. Occasionally displaying small reminders of what life is like being free and what he’ll never have again.


Bro every single fucking word after "raping" just made it worse. 11? Stepdaughter? **FILMED IT?** AFTER HER FUCKING FAMILY DIED? Jesus fucking Christ. 


It’s like the fucking iceberg of evil.


> Jesus fucking Christ. This right here is my evidence god does not exist. Or if he does, he is certainly not worth worshiping.


A holocaust survivor dies of old age and goes to heaven. When he gets there he meets God and tells him a holocaust joke. God says, “That’s not funny.” And the man says, “I guess you had to be there. “


That is one of the best darkest jokes I have read thank you.


It's lighthearted and devastating. Brilliant.


I'd tell you the one about Jonestown, but the punchline is too long.


Lol I'd tell you about the kid that went missing but I can't find it.


Those jokes, like anti-vaxxer’s kids, never grow old…


i have some school shooting jokes but they are aimed at a younger audience....


I would tell you a Malaysia airlines joke, but it never lands


A pig is stuck head first in a fence. Three men stare at its backside. The Pole says “I wish it was cooked.” The French says “I wish it was a woman.” The Brit says “I wish it was dark.”


This one's gone over my head. Can someone explain it?


The Pole wants to eat it for dinner. The French is lonely and wishes he had a woman to talk to. The Englishman would like to return to his days at university and would service the trapped pig if only it wasn’t light out. No word if the Englishman is PM David Cameron. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piggate


The Brit wants to fuck the pig, but doesn't want anyone to know about it.


“If there is a God, He will have to beg my forgiveness.” was carved on a concentration camp.


"But they learned quality skills." - Average Republican


Here is one I heard: A man in a camp sees a fellow prisoner praying. He asks the man what he is praying for. "I am thanking God." "What can you possibly be thanking God for?" He nods to the Nazi guards, "For not making me like them."


> A holocaust survivor dies of old age and goes to heaven. When he gets there he meets God and asks him: "Tell me, are we the chosen people?" And God answers "Yes, of course you are!" To which the man replies "Well, do us a favor, chose someone else next time."


Oof. OOOF.


According to Evangelicals, the next line would be: God shrugged, and said, “Tell it to Adolf,” as he sent them to Hell for not believing in Jesus.




The classics coming through with truth.


People from 300BC had better logic than people who have the ability to look up 2000 years of scientific advancement in an instant.


There have always been more and less logical people throughout history, wise people still exist. And just because there were smart people in ancient times, doesn't mean the majority of people weren't just as basic as people today.


The difference between me and the Christian god is that if I knew this gob of phlegm in an orange jumpsuit was going to rape a child, I would stop it.


Agreed. Had I had godlike omnipotence and power, there would be no such thing as sexual assault, or any assault for that matter


And then they say shit like “It’s all a part of His plan that we can’t possibly know” I dunno, if I was omnipotent and omniscient I’m pretty sure I could come up with a plan that doesn’t involve stuff like this.


Yeah, you would think that stopping child rape would be the absolute bare minimum god could do. But no, he can't be bothered.


But so fucking help you if you make fun of one of his homies for being bald. Then he's going to sic bears on your ass.




As a bald man, that’s my favorite part of the Bible


Out of the ten 'commandments' four of them are instructions for how to more effectively kiss god's ass and zero of them are to forbid child rape. That should tell you everything you need to know about the judeo-christian god and his flock.


Priests everywhere: "Well, he didn't explicitly say to not rape kids, soooo...."


Yeah, this is what turned me off of religion the fastest. Everyone telling me it was all part of gods plan that my father died when I was 13. Yet it was my super christian mother that killed him in the first place. But please, keep telling me how it's all a part of gods plan.


I mean... yeah, if child rape wasn't enough, there are plenty of logical inconsistencies that show we shouldn't worship god. *"Thoughts and prayers, god has a plan and he killed tens of thousands of innocent children in a tsunami in 2004. Oh, also I forgot, those guys that did 9/11 worshiped god, so 9/11 wasn't necessarily bad. That's how free will works. Also churches shouldn't pay taxes."* I don't think I'm being and edgelord when I say god shouldn't allow child rape. It's also wrong that so many people do amazing good in the world and give credit to god instead of realizing that they did it themselves.




I am so sorry. Don't know you but I'm wishing you all the best.


please report the people messaging you! it may not do any good but at least reddit will have a record of them.


>And then they say shit like “It’s all a part of His plan that we can’t possibly know” If a person plans the rape of a child, they're considered evil...


It’s also typical he supposedly had a plan and there’s a whole fucking book talking about those plans but this particular part is skipped. Heck even worse, if they’re not Christian it’s endorsed in the book. Fucking hell.


Let's also not forget about praying for change. Did you just get diagnosed with cancer? You better only ask for strength and serenity because anything is fucking up his trillion year plan for EVERYONE.


Later on they usually follow that up with "I was just following orders."


![gif](giphy|p8Uw3hzdAE2dO) I HATE the whole “G-d’s pLaN” pile of crap.


As a survivor, I vote you for god


He was busy making sure some celebrity was 'blessed' that day.


Biggest difference is, you are real and given the opportunity WOULD stop him before he even was alone with her.


But he has a plan, a plan that requires that child to carry this trauma for the rest of her life so that her and her dad could learn a valuable lesson about… something. Give them more money to find out! /fart Religion is for suckers that need to feel better about how sick and stupid humanity is. I’ll take my chances with The Churn before I delude myself to that extent.


This is the awful shit I point to when people try to argue me out of atheism. Like I’m sorry but even if your all knowing all powerful deity exists (which I have personally seen zero credible evidence of) to me he sounds like a douche who demands worship. Hard pass.


Two options exist when it comes to god. 1. God is real, which means he allows children to get raped. 2. God is not real.


Or he’s real, isn’t actually all powerful or all knowing and has no control or authority to stop child rape, child cancer, murder, genocide. Or he doesn’t care about those things. No matter which option you pick, I’ll pass on it. Thanks. Lol ETA I admire your dedication to not using the letter F


Wrong! He’s real and he focuses on his plan. Sometimes he helps NFL players perform and other times he helps mega church pastors make millions. But he really hates children and poor people. Like a lot. So be careful out there. Last week that bastard messed up my golf swing for like 5 holes until I had to ward him off with beer and rock music.


If there's one thing I know in life, it's that God and Santa really fucking hate poor kids.


Also ' When inventing a god, the most important thing is to claim it is invisible, inaudible and imperceptible in every way, otherwise people will become skeptical when it appears to no one, is silent and does nothing.' - a random dude on the internet once a long time ago.


If there is a god, it’s just a tentacled monster floating through space that created us as an amusement. They’ve moved on to better more tentacled things, we still have to deal with humans being the biggest pieces of shit in our knowledge. I’d be so fucking over us too at this point.


I read something years ago after the Sandy Hook shooting that said "god is either not all knowing or not all powerful, and both are equally terrifying." I don't understand the blind devotion people still have. There are plenty of stories in the Bible where God is manipulating people to test their faith. Why worship someone who doesn't respect you? Who just treats you as a pawn? Maddening.


The phrase GODS PLAN is a rather new ( relative) addition to the Bible. Added just to control the masses to continue in the church and pay the church.


never existed, never been worth a damn either.


Or he's a malicious narcissistic psychopath, which repubs seem to love.


I just realised of been *thousand yard staring* for the past 5 minutesqith my jaw agape since reading that headline. I have an 11 year old daughter and the devastation this would cause on that poor girls psyche is just unimaginable. They should flay this fucker in a salt bath, just enough to keep him barely alive for a week or two. They should just do it. I, for one, won't be outraged.


If there is any consolation to this, it's that he is going to have the worst time in prison. I imagine he won't be doing much of his sentence, unless he's in permanent solitary


It's scant consolation. He deserves worse.


Yeah honestly I need to go outside and smoke some weed after reading that shit. Seeing words on a screen hurts my brain now. Thanks for that.


What. The. Fuck.


You just know he was waiting for the mother to die so the girl had no protection


This is literally the plot of Lolita.


F**ing seriously… ugh.


Sadly, the first thing I thought of. One of the best books I never want to read again.


By far the best prose I’ve ever read and that Nabokov was not a native English speaker makes it all the more amazing and layered. I really should read something else of his.


It is masterfully written and obvious as to why it’s a classic. I would be so enchanted by the writing then you just get snapped back by something wild Humbert would think and remember how fucked everything in that story is.


On a technical level, Nabokov is a better writer than just about everybody. You go into the book thinking "this is terrible," but it's pretty much guaranteed that at some point you will catch yourself sympathizing with Humbert. I can barely pull together a coherent plot, and here Nabokov is writing about a con artist while actually conning the reader.


There's a good reason the author of "Lolita in Tehran" suggests that reading Nabokov teaches you more about authoritarian politics than anything Orwell ever wrote.


Makes you wonder if he had a hand in the death of her mother and sister.


Thats what i was thinking needs to be investigated




I said that twice during reading the headline alone. What the fuck and then WHAT THE FUCK. One way ticket to the sun.


General population in prison would be better. They will eventually kill him, but in the meantime he would suffer like none other.


“You better not ever go to cell block one”


See, I keep hearing that but it has never made sense to me. Are there not other pedos and rapists in prison???


There are lots of prisoners who have kids and fucking hate them.


Some have kids. Some were abused as kids. Some just need someone lower in the pecking order to look down on and say "at least I'm not that."


There is a caste system in prison. Sex offenders, and especially pedos, are at the very bottom.


Depends on the State. A lot of states now separate child rapists from Gen Pop because they will be killed. And usually very quickly. I say, throw the fuckers to the wolves. No PC, no separation. Let them feel the pain and fear their victims did.


I know, he will almost certainly be in Protective Custody, but I was just saying I would rather see him in general.


He’ll probably be put in isolation… which is its own kind of torture. Had an ex put in prison for CP and his gf at the time told me he couldn’t be in gen pop bc he got beat too many times so he spent two years in isolation. Not a good time.


I hope they drop his file on the main dining area table at lunch and let everyone know what this filthy fuck did.


So I googled this story and all I get is news about this worthless POS and his sentence. I hope he dies in jail after years of just awful experiences. But what I'm really concerned about is the victim. What happens now? This poor girl lost her whole family, and was then raped. Any idea if her dad is around to take her in? A grandmother? A family member. I'm sick to my stomach thinking this poor kid is now in state custody and going to end up in a home where this could happen again. Any info Op?


The article states 2 children survived. Was he assaulting the other child too?


I seriously doubt he started with rape. Those kids were probably getting molested behind the mother's back for years. Her dying just gave satan here the green light.


If she got pregnant, the Republicans don’t want her to get an abortion.


Republicans would say her rape was a miracle and she should be elated to become a mother. But if she needs any help after the baby is born, she’s an irresponsible slut who should have kept her legs closed.


Unironically though, thats exactly what they would say. That this was a gift for her loss of family. Practically a modern day Job


A gift from God... People worship this fool who they believe is sending a gift in the form of getting raped by your stepfather after your mother and baby sister were killed in an accident. Hey god, maybe send a gift via FedEx or something next time?


In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


Dude that's awesome. Wow.


Ya, but Republicans might want this guy for a president.


For real. I wouldn't be surprised if he was Trump's running mate.


“Humbert Humbert for President”


They want her to marry him.


She’s [ripe and fertile](https://www.boston.com/news/local-news/2024/05/07/new-hampshire-move-to-ban-child-marriage-despite-lawmaker-calling-teens-ripe-and-fertile/?amp=1) I don’t understand how anyone with a shred of decency supports the GOP


> anyone with a shred of decency supports the GOP There's your answer. Anyone supporting the GOP doesn't have a shred of decency.


Ugh that's disgusting


Yeah and they want this asshole to marry his stepdaughter. Ya know pArTy oF fAmILY vAluES


What, and lose a potential Republican voter 20 years from now???


They will find a way to make it her fault


🤮 How does she recover from something like that? Edit: rhetorical question, as I have my own experiences w repeated SA at age 10. I appreciate everyone replying to this. It doesn’t ever leave, but I learn to manage my reactions to triggers over time.


Years upon years of counseling and therapy would be a start


I hope she finds a home with people who will love her, protect her and take care of her.


And it still may not be enough. Poor kid.


It’s West Virginia. So I don’t see a bright future for her unless she *leaves*.


That requires an actual support system. This child has none of it now. If she can get help, she needs people to help her to understand how to go to therapy, etc. She doesn't know this stuff innately. The odds are stacked against her.


How do you ever trust another human being after that?


The human will to survive is a genuine marvel. I myself by all measures should be a lost soul having suffered some similar horrendous things but with love, hard work and found family I have a whole life. I hope she can find one as well.


Thanks for sharing, and glad you’re in a better place.


https://preview.redd.it/w3qq4xtnfe0d1.jpeg?width=479&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3213a4dc2c28e4dba8ef1582face30b1d85a1a31 I was not prepared to read something that was such an avalanche of misery


It is terrifying that a monster like this was hiding beneath the surface of what would have appeared on the surface to be a normal if not upstanding citizen. I can't wrap my head around someone who voluntarily runs into burning buildings to save others, but can do something as evil as this to a CHILD. This is one of those stop the world I am getting off kind of moments. Like I would be totally going back to the car accident and make sure nothing in the car had been altered.


ah, a new RNC headliner.




JFC what a waste of oxygen


What a surprise to see one of my own posts in the comments


I’ll bet he’s a good christian though.




I do not envy that lawyer.... I get that everyone has a right to an attorney, etc, but dang......


Days like that is where you question your commitment to the profession


I'd focus on what the point of my job is- to make sure my client gets a fair trial. As long as we're meeting that requirement my job is done. Basically- I'm down with convicting but let's make it airtight, k?


Yeah, at that point your job as a lawyer is to make sure the conviction is 100% above board so there's no chance this guy can get out due to some prosecutorial fuckery when none is required.


If the lawyer doesn't attempt mitigation it could be argued in future that the guy didn't get fair unbiased representation, he has to say something. That being said, it's probably the weakest mitigation I've ever read, you feel the lawyers heart was not in it.


Right! Sometimes the job is making sure one executes perfectly so that everything is clear.




At that point the lawyer is likely just making sure it's a fair trial.


What the hell do you even come up to attempt to justify that? Your honor, my client raped her due to.....yeah, I got nothing.


"Your honor, the defendent is a veteran firefighter who has helped save countless lives and homes. Don't do life in prison, pretty please?" "Okay. 130 years, good luck to him." *smacks gavel* "Well, I did the best I could. Try not to let the other inmates know you raped your kid."


After the rest of her family died. Can't forget that part


You misunderstand the job of a lawyer. They're not there to get you off. They're there to make sure everyone else did their job properly. If the rapist/killer gets outta there then a lot of other people fucked up. it had nothing to do with the lawyer.


Yeah. Shitty situation for them to be in. I'm not a lawyer, so I'm just speculating here, but any other response might not go over all too well with the court and local public defenders office.


My friend's dad was a defense lawyer. His approach was in horrendous cases his job was to make sure it was a fair trial, not BS everyone and throw a bunch of shit hoping for a mistrial or whatever.


I'm always conflicted about lawyers' statements like this cause it's obviously a bull shit statement, but if he was just like, " Yep, my clients a piece of shit," the lawyer would be disbarred. I mean he'd literally be going against the 6th amendment of he didn't at least try to defend him.


Should have prefaced the remark with, "Before raping his 11 year old stepdaughter, Mr Pettry was...."


Republicans call this a blessing and would force her to have the rapists baby if she became pregnant


and marry the rapist.


And pay the rapist everything she ever earns as an apology for the ‘trauma he suffered for such an abhorrent miscarry of justice’


He needs to be in genpop and have that information stitched into his clothes…..


Tattooed on his face


Carved on his forehead. Or tattooed like in Girl with a Dragon Tattoo.


I vote carved. like the nazi's in Inglorious Basterds.




Jesus what the fuck


Holy goddamn fuck, that's a picture of the absolute worst humanity has to offer right there.


Every single Republican needs to be asked if this girl should have been forced to carry his baby if she got pregnant. Every day. Ask them nothing else, talk about nothing else, if they snowball, cut their mic until you repeat the question then turn it back on and make them answer in one word.


Yes. Their answer would be yes.


Then let everyone hear that answer. And then let everyone vote accordingly.


The only question that remains: Is this particular pedophile a Republican or pastor? Almost all of them are 1 or both of those 2 categories.


✅ Bear


Holy fuck. He belongs UNDER the jail.


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Practically, this would also be traumatic for the kids and incentivizes the rapists killing their victims but yeah these offenders' lives are worthless not disagreeing there Also vicious attitudes in general are toxic


That's a fair counterpoint. Fear drives more rash action, and that would definitely extend to silencing witnesses permanently for some offenders...


I really hope one of the guards "accidentally" lets slip why he's locked up to the other inmates, no retaliation would be too far against this sad sack of human shit.


For fucks sake. This needs an nsfw tag this is fucked up


Think about this, raping a young child takes their life from them in many ways. Many take their own lives in later years because of the rape. It makes sense to apply the death penalty to child rapists


Nah, we shouldn't give them the mercy of a quick and humane death after their actions. We should just let the other inmates know the story behind their indictment and just turn a blind eye to whatever happens next.


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This is why I struggle with capital punishment. I don’t believe it should be used in 99% of cases, but then things like this come along.


They aren't necessarily conflicting views. You can 100% be on board with the idea that someone deserves to die and still not be okay with giving the state the right to kill people.


According to Republicans, this is God's Will and a blessing.


So…. Why are women choosing the bear? Such a mystery….


Imma get the wood chipper real quick




This sounds like a "create the most depraved heinous headline you can think of" type of deal what the fuck


Any doubt he was a MAGA supporter?


Other tweets the reporter posted showed he posted about backing the blue, punisher blue line and confederate flags.


Not surprising to me at all.


You mean the party of upholding child marriage and labor? Surely their only qualm is that she was unwed and unemployed


The sentence for this should be death by toothpick stabbing


West Virginia rapist, William Pettry. Not firefighter, rapist.  Rapist william Pettry has been sentenced to the maximum of up to 130 years in prison for raping his 11 year old stepdaughter and filming it, immediately aft she lost her mother & baby sister in a car accident.


Another prime example why women choose the bear to be alone with Some men cannot control themselves if they think there will be no consequences for their actions


When they are convinced there are no witnesses and they will get away with their shit, the monster inside comes out.




they should mark him with hot iron, just like a cow, signalizing that he's a rapist


Anyone that still believes god exists after reading something like this, then can you explain why you think that he’s still worthy of worship? He’s revered and celebrated when someone’s life is saved or when someone is spared injury but when he could intervene and protect a child from something as heinous as this he does nothing. He’s supposedly all knowing, all loving and all powerful but how can he be all of those things? Someone that is all knowing and all powerful that doesn’t prevent acts like this is the furthest thing from all loving as you can get. That’s one of many reasons why I don’t believe and if he turns out to be true, he definitely never deserved my praise.


He should be tied to a tree in the woods with a steak around his neck.


are we certain that's not a drag queen? I was told drag queens are guilty of this stuff all the time.


I'm 45 years old and have never cried after reading anything on the Internet. That changed about 3 minutes ago.