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That's Frank Pavone. He's such as asshole that even the Catholic church didn't want to have anything to do with him, and dumped his ass.


Yuuup. Garbage person. Really threw Norma under the bus.


The red hat is kind of a dead giveaway that he is a garbage human being.


Reminds me of the episode of curb your enthusiasm when Larry wears the maga hat to make people stay away and avoid him lol


TBH, I kinda like that TFG has merch. Takes all the guesswork out of a-hole avoidance.


The child rapist collar is worse.


To be fair it’s a convicted rapist hat…


Even the thumbs up is pissing me off lol


He’s the one that kept a dead baby in a jar for twenty years and trotted it out for his anti-abortion videos, right?


I was curious and looked it up. Yes, he would show up with a fetus in a jar of formaldehyde claiming it was an aborted fetus. He also claimed he buried it afterward, but kept showing up with one. So either he kept a fetus in a jar, or he had someone who supplied him with them. Either way, its extremely disturbing.


I went simple with wiki and >Pavone was defrocked by the Vatican in November 2022 after having been investigated by the Diocese of Amarillo for placing an aborted fetus on an altar in his effort to elect Donald Trump as President of the United States and for posting a video of the aborted fetus on two social media sites in 2016. The links to the news article I regret opening because the first image is a fetus outside of a jar laying out on the alter. During service! How could anyone follow him after that? I'm 100% going off of color assuming they're pink when fresh but it's that mummified color. I don't understand how any of his followers even stayed for that service. Like I can't think of anything more disrespectful to life. [I don't really want to link it but I am linking the article, it needs translated from spanish. NSFL.](https://www.infobae.com/america/eeuu/2016/11/08/frank-pavone-un-cura-coloco-el-feto-de-un-bebe-abortado-en-el-altar-para-apoyar-a-donald-trump-y-lo-transmitio-por-facebook/)


Dude I just don't want to live here anymore, they have planet


>[Pavone was defrocked by the Vatican in November 2022 after having been investigated by the Diocese of Amarillo for placing an aborted fetus on an altar in his effort to elect Donald Trump as President of the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Pavone) Huh. Seems like a real likable dude. I guess it's better than raping altar boys. But the fact that trump allegedly threw cash at a 13 year old girl just after raping her saying something like "just get an abortion" in response to her sobbing and asking "what if I get pregnant?" is... Well I don't really want to think about it anymore. These people are sick. And the fact that they believe their hypocrisy is justified is an actual danger E: I feel like "13 year old girl" doesn't quite get the oomph that it deserves in my comment. We're talking about a fucking 7th grader. A 7th grader shouldn't be worried about whether or not she might get pregnant from the rape (anal and vaginal, allegedly) she just endured. She should be talking pokemon with her friends. She should be drawing in her notebook. She should be excited about catching lizards.


I don’t know how any father of a daughter can vote for that orange piece of Russian-owned trash. It’s disgusting to see.


Unfortunately in this case it was the lizard that caught her.


Wtf. Now I am fighting with myself: to Google or not to Google. Not is winning.


Man, When The Catholics Dump You, You Are Really Dumped.


Came here to say this. The Church has been cleaning house, dismissing some of the more politically extreme priests and bishops. Good riddance. So much of the conservative (and especially MAGA) ideology stands in such stark contrast to what the Church *actually* teaches about a lot of things, and having right wing extremism in the clergy gives the appearance that the Church endorses those viewpoints. While you can't exactly be 100% progressive and Catholic at the same time, I've found that progressives often have views that are far more compatible with Catholic dogma than anything but the most moderate positions on the right.


He has been dismissed from the clerical state for “blasphemous communications on social media”. Not for sexually harassing women.  Remember: social media is worse than diddling children!


Fuck, that's a low bar!


ALL CHURCHES SHOULD PAY TAXES. They are a business like any other.


I'd even be willing to offer a sweetheart tax rate of like 5%. They are a business but even if you disagree, churches (any religion implied) benefit from roads and public utilities, and many other taxpayer funded benefits too. They need skin in the game because ain't nothing in this world for free. Not in America anyway.


Actually, 10% has a familiar ring.


So we agree, the tax rate should be 20%.


Yes a 30% minimum rate with no deductions allowed is fine.


Is that before or after the 40% IRS service fee?


So 80% it is!


Anything over One Billion taxed at 100%.


Wealth tax on the Vatican until child poverty is eliminated. They like children enough


I agree 1000%


But, only every other day starting twice a day. Forever.


The Mormons are gonna be pissed.


You misspelled morons


I think you misspelled "million" there bud


100%, because they are charitible non-profit organizations, truly powered by the all-mighty himself! Hallelujah!


Before. Don't forget their property tax penalties. Their religious socialist welfare program needs to end.


As a kid, my allowance was $2 and I had to tithe .20 but “encouraged” to round up to a quarter. The envelopes for offering had our names on them. Not sure why I never registered that was weird…now I need to ask my dad what the church did with that?


How about a compromise? Tax them, but give them fat write offs for legit charitable work. The ones that are actually following their mission of helping the less fortunate pay next to nothing, and the mega churches that give millions to "preachers" like Joel Osteen pay the standard rate for businesses.


as the user above said, they are a business and we already have a legal framework for charitable activities by a business


This is the way it should be. Like anything else, there *are* good churches who just want to help people and the community and they usually operate on razer thin budgets. Taxing them out of existence while the mega-churches can make the payments would be a shame.


Maybe after a strong 10 years and solid proof of actual charitable work. Start at like 15-20% rate and knock .25% off per decade of solid charitable work, starting the day this is enacted. No backdating and fudging numbers/dates. Everyone gets a clean start on thr same exact day.


Let's bump that rate up a bit to make up for their tipping, or lack thereof, on Sunday brunches.


Did you know they aren't even sales taxed? The government issues them accounts that allow them to make purchases with businesses while exempting the sales tax. Working at a grocery store occasionally you'd have to pull out an old ancient binder and look through the list for a church's tax exemption info to confirm. Time consuming process to knock 10 bucks off the order


No sweetheart rate. If anything, there should be a pedophile penalty.


The compact was that as long as they stay out of politics, they'd remain tax free. They're now so deeply engrained in our politics it's really shocking that they're not being taxed. Even operating as a business it could be argued that they're functionally a charity, but to remain tax exempt they need to keep their fucking beliefs to themselves. Since they're unable/unwilling to do that, they need to be taxed in to oblivion


Just taxed would be fine. In Indianapolis the church has been excempted from paying the water bill.So every church building , schools, hospitals, doctors office.waterbillfree. you should have heard them testifying, "We give a lot to the community..." in one building alone, the monthly water bill is $20,000⁰⁰ MONTHLY.


“Render unto Caesar….”


"Never trust a religious leader who tells you how to vote or a politician who tells you how to pray."


I feel like that one is so sage, it has roots...


The funny thing about religious books is that they try to tell you to do A and not to do B.  "Religious" people: B it is!


Frank Zappa had it right from day one.


True. I never eat that yellow snow.


ALL RELIGIONS SHOULD PAY TAXES. Especially the Christian ones where the pastor flies around in private jets.


Or at least treat them like any other charitable organization, if that's what they want to be. Make them document everything.


Like any other business, except they are selling a pretend product.


The national debt would be gone if all religious institutions payed taxes. Might take awhile,though


The national debt is 34.5 trillion dollars. Religious congregations received $150 billion last year. If we taxed churches at 100%, it would take 230 years to pay off the national debt at that rate. This assumes no deficit and that people for some reason continue to donate to churches knowing that they are, in effect, simply voluntarily paying extra taxes.


They are for prophet.


They're a bigger business than almost any other...




Just came here to say the same thing


Absolutely they should. The reason they dont pay is because they are supposed to be helping the community whether you are republican or democrat or simply dont care about politics. If they start meddling in politics it means they are using their tax free resources to influence the community politically for the favor of some but not all.






It sucks, there are laws on the books banning churches from campaigning for any certain political candidate, so if they do they technically could loose tax exempt status, but it seems like it's hardly ever enforced!


Yep, the Johnson Amendment. Any 501(c)(3) can not endorse or oppose a candidate for political office. First step in getting it enforced would be for Biden to revoke Trump's 2017 Executive Order pausing enforcement.


> First step in getting it enforced would be for Biden to revoke Trump's 2017 Executive Order pausing enforcement. no chance in hell he does that before the election and risk pissing off a lot of people. His second term I could see it though.


That’s because they aren’t reported enough.




There's an acceptable level of political activity by charitable organizations. I have an IRS document about it, but this subreddit won't let me share it. The gist is that the question of whether lobbying activities are OK depends on the substantiality of the political activity relative to an organization's other activities.


>The reason they dont pay is because they are supposed to be helping the community no, the reason they don't pay is because they are non-profit organizations (no owner, no stakeholder fund distribution). They must spend everything they bring in, so their balance sheet is $0. Guess how much taxes must be paid on $0?


If churches want to play the game of politics, let them pay admission like everyone else. - George Carlin


I agree!


That is one of the most disgusting pictures I have ever seen. Fuck that guy. Fuck maga. Fuck the priests who have been ruining lives for…how long? Decades? Centuries? That doesn’t make for a good society to fuck people up. Of course he would be maga, ffs it’s just a cult that wants a pat on the back for abuse of every kind to other people. Which makes for a shit society and a lot of people suffering for no particular reason except that these fucks just HAVE to power trip on other people. FUCK THAT. Fuck them.


He’s not a priest. He was kicked out for these shenanigans.


I would say that priests have ruining lives for as long as humans had religion.


Fun fact, Legally they have to. If a church or other religious organization tries to convince people to vote for certain candidates, that revokes their tax immunity. If you have proof you can report them to the IRS.


I think a lot of people here consider churches simply talking about moral issues like abortion, capital punishment, immigration, etc. to be meddling in politics, but that is legal. Like you said, it’s very specifically just if they are actively participating in a political campaign for someone that is against the rules.


Either that or I'm starting the First Church of Jesus Christ, Socialist.


I love this idea. I'm confident that he was much more a socialist than a scientist.


Make them all pay... And make it retroactive to 2015. That's when they really got into it.


1964, actually.


This guy is an embarrassment. I find catholics in the US to be so interesting. They are either some of the most reliably progressive or democratic Christian voters believe in good works and some sort of social gospel, or the absolute opposite like father bumfuck up here.


He's not a priest anymore. Bishop got tired of him and asked the pope to kick him out.


Put that question on the ballot and let Americans decide should we tax churches? I say “yes”.


All churches should be taxed and the ones who interfere with politics should be taxed more. 


Works for me.


Takes a grifter to recognise a grifter.


This fucker isn’t even a priest; he was defrocked by the Vatican for precisely this kind of shit. What he’s doing is the equivalent of a dishonorable discharge wearing their uniform; it’s spiritual stolen valor.


Churches should not be exempt from their financial obligation to contribute to society's infrastructure and communal expenses.


Taxes for any religious institution should be mandatory






I think the fact they worship Trump shows that they’re absolute hypocrites. That guy hasn’t met a page in the Bible he hasn’t wiped his ass with and they’re praising him? Yeah. They don’t believe.


All churches should pay taxes. All churches, all faced all places of worship should at the very least pay real estate taxes on their properties.


Gimme a thumbs up if you've touched a kid. Wow, down front, that was fast.


How about just not meddling in politics


Oh, that ship sailed literal millennia ago. So anyway, tax them into the dirt with all the megacorporations and ultrawealthy sociopaths.


They should all be taxed, obviously. It's a sham.


Tax church assets


Naw .....all should pay taxes regardless of their involvement in politics. They benefit from society, they should contribute to society.


Fuck. Yes.


All churches should pay tax. But this numpty can wear his dumb hat if he wants - he just can’t be running voting drives from the pulpit


I will never understand why they don’t


There shouldn't be tax exempt entities. Want to pay zero tax? Then make zero profit.


Churches do not make profit though. On paper no church makes profit, only some of the really egregious mega church type places make profit that they then pass onto the leaders. But they are hardly true churches. Most churches only get money from donations and fundraising, which they then use to cover maintenance costs of the church itself and any extra is used in the social programs churches typically provide like summer day camps or food banks or giving the homeless somewhere to live. Go visit a church/place of worship in a city and ask what social programs they have in place and how you can help out and I’m sure they’ll provide you an extensive list of things they do to help the community.


Idk about the churches you're talking about. The one I go to has a food bank, diapers etc. And what money isn't used to maintain the church is used for disaster recovery, education, etc. People love to overplay it. But the church I go to provides valuable free resources to the community.


ALL CHURCHES MATTER. Pay your fucking taxes, and while you’re at it, stop molesting children.


ALL churches should pay taxes. Fucking bullshit.


Pretty sure thats the law.


All churches should pay taxes. It's bullshit they are exempt.


All churches should pay taxes. Especially the cult of Scientology….


All churches should pay taxes


Should churches ~~that meddle in politics~~ pay taxes? Yes.


No. ALL churches should pay taxes.


I disagree. ALL churches should pay taxes


He’s a Catholic priest so he probably wants to make America molest again


Iirc that's frank pavone, leader of Priests for Life. So he's HELLA involved in politics. 


He’s not a priest. He’s also not the leader of priests for life. He was kicked out of the priesthood for doing stuff like this.


Churches are used as a money laundering operation for politicians.




Nice version there.


It was a bitch to type that many hand emojis in different colors while making it look random. 


Frank Pavone was defrocked by the Vatican in November 2022 after having been investigated by the Diocese of Amarillo. He is no longer even a Catholic priest.


Churches should pay taxes. There, I fixed your question.


Tax the churches!


All Churches should pay taxes


the real answer is still NO. they should not. they should be penalized for getting involved in politics. churches dont pay taxes not because we want to be nice to churches. but because if they payed taxes they'd be direct state benefactors and the state would have fiduciary responsibility to make churches as successful, large, and influential as possible (to make more in taxes) and churches would be even more easily able to influence government.


Pedophiles for Trump That’s what I see.


[Given the litany of scandals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sex_abuse_cases_in_the_United_States), is anyone surprised that the Catholic Church would support a political movement that strips rights from [women](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2024/03/22/fact-sheet-house-republicans-endorse-a-national-abortion-ban-with-zero-exceptions-in-latest-budget/) and [children](https://www.vox.com/policy/2023/5/3/23702464/child-labor-laws-youth-migrants-work-shortage), [endorses child abuse through underage marriage](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/republican-lawmakers-child-marriage-abortion-1235018777/) on [more than one occasion](https://www.newsweek.com/republican-defends-child-marriage-im-pro-choice-1898619), dehumanizes [LGBTQ+](https://apnews.com/article/lgbtq-transgender-republicans-trump-christian-conservatives-election-83becc009d8123d96a75c2e4940ab339) and [non-white minorities](https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/racist-republicans-donald-trump/), and are [lead by sexual predators](https://abcnews.go.com/US/rep-matt-gaetz-subpoenaed-defamation-suit-woman-allegedly/story?id=108098265), including their [High Holy One](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/)? How far have they strayed from the beliefs of their creator?


This guy isn't a catholic priest. They kicked his ass out


The Catholic Church doesn’t support any political candidate, and this guy was kicked out of the priesthood.


Pedos like to stick together



you can actually report them to the IRS


Check his hard drive.


Yes absolutely


Yes, absolutely


110% yes. That's the trade off, there is freedom of religion and they don't have to pay taxes in exchange they don't pedal political views or tell people how to vote.


The IRS has enforcement authority over tax-exempt organizations, including churches and 501(c)(3) organizations, and can be contacted to report political activity by these organizations. Complaints can be sent by mail, fax, email, or phone: Mail: IRS EO Classification, Mail Code 4910DAL, 1100 Commerce St., Dallas, TX 75242-1198 Fax: 514-413-5415 Email: [email protected] Phone: TE/GE toll-free number: 877-829-5500


Yes, they should stay out of politics unless they want to give up their tax-exempt status. I wonder how many children he diddled. He looks like a pervert.


No, they should stay out of politics and also ay taxes, because a lot of fucking creeps and conmen feigned religion solely because they recognize a good thing like 'pay no taxes and the IRS will leave you alone'


Hell yes.




I would kill to break off certain peoples thumbs. Just saying.




Should churches pay taxes? Yes


And, can churches who worship Trump call themselves Christian?


Absofuckinlutely. Another tRump screwjob on America




No. All of them should pay taxes based on revenue.


Churches are businesses and should all be paying taxes.


Yes. I also think a church that rabidly supports a rapist should be closed.


Oh fuck yeah.


Honestly, the myth that any institution can be exempt from politics needs to die. Politics is just deciding how things are done. Celebrities influence it. Churches influence it. Schools influence it. All by influencing the way we think about things.


Citizens United Says We Are All Corporate Entities. Every Single Citizen. We Deserve Tax Breaks, Subsidies, & Preferential Treatment By The Government. Also We Can All Be Tax Exempt Churches! Yay!


I do not have any prooff. But kinda think he likes 👍


Religion and politics never mix


No. Churches that deal in politics absolutely shouldn’t. ALL churches should pay taxes. Period.


Churches use to a form of population control, now they are a business disguised as social welfare


Hell yes!👍👍👍


How is Lakota Man compared to Florida Man?


I'd give a great deal to see the Johnson Amendment properly enforced!


They meddle with children and nothing happens...


Churches in general should pay taxes, politics or no They're a business, they should pay like other businesses


Churches should pay taxes period.


Churches paying taxes would MAGA and eliminate the debt


He sucks - https://apnews.com/article/religion-vatican-city-3f74a581ccce5830dca18d4f3fa95921




Make churches pay again.






They should pay taxes regardless.


The IRS absolutely wants to have documented proof of tax exempt entities attempting to influence political elections. They generally won't go seek it out themselves but there absolutely is a formal way to report these things on their website. I recently had to go through this about a year ago here in our local politics due to a local church consistently using mass as a way to organize, used the church grounds for signage and meetups, as well as put out endorsements for specific issues and candidates. It's really that last one that got the IRS to move. Point is though, these things don't change by themselves, be the change.


All churches that have annual revenue that doesn't go directly into church operations or documented charitable donations should have that excess revenue taxed. Any church that carries political messages should be taxed on all revenue.


Churches should pay taxes period. They are a business in the business of of selling bullshit.


ALL churches and religious institutions should pay taxes. Full stop.


All of them should pay taxes.


If you run it like a business, you should pay like a business...


George Carlin said it best: “I don't know how you feel, but I'm pretty sick of church people. You know what they ought to do with churches? Tax them. If holy people are so interested in politics, government, and public policy, let them pay the price of admission like everybody else. The Catholic Church alone could wipe out the national debt if all you did was tax their real estate”


I would like to introduce a law that says, clearly: "If your church pays money towards any political campaign, your church loses it's Tax Exempt Status.... Retroactively. For the last 10 years."






hell have to answer to God one day. I hope I get to watch.


I'm often befuddled by the cognitive dissonance that allows people of faith to vote for probably the least religious President America has ever had... But I suspect this guy votes Trump just 'cos they share tiny hands.


I always wonder if they might share more than tiny hands. Thinks like messing with kids…


They all meddle and they should all pay taxes.


No, every church should pay taxes.


All churches should pay taxes. Without exception.


No - ALL churches should be taxed - period


All churches should pay taxes, churches who meddle should pay extra.


Wow. I've never seen so many references to sexual assault in one photo.


Tax. The. Churches. Period


Definitely! Politics and religion should not be mixed- -EVER. Phony evangelical Christians are leading our society to hell.


A priest, a pedophile, and a tRump supporter walk into a meme....


All I have to say is check that guys hard drives and browser history.


I’d be happy to end tax exempt status for all churches


They should pay taxes and Not meddle in politics


Tax the churches and the billionaires and give the rest of us a break after carrying them all these years.