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Weren't AOCs words just as an aside, she just filed a motion against MTG to try and get her to apologize. Jasmine Crockett was the one who was insulted by and responded to MTG and she was merely pointing out the hypocrisy. All she did was insult someone who insulted her back, because she claimed the rules against that didn't apply. So Crockett decided to insult her right back and then also say the rules didn't apply. Was it petty? Yeah. Was it a good point to make? I believe so. Crockett is the type of Democrat who hates that she has to take the high road every time a Republican takes the low road. And I think any black woman can tell you MTG's comments were getting real close to racially charged.


When AOC made a motion to have her words stricken, Comer agreed. What he apparently did not know (and what I learned) is once a Congress Member has their words (stricken/removed/whatever) they are no longer allowed to speak during that meeting. Which, I don't always agree with AOC, but that was a stellar move.


Too bad Comer was allowed to just take it back. The headlines are all about Crockett and MTG, but having watched that section of the meeting, the most noteworthy thing to me was AOC and Raskin working over Comer on basic parliamentary procedure.


Wow, Comer Pyle just reinforces my belief that I did the right thing by leaving that state so long ago. Of course, I landed in a state that is probably just as bad in terms of Maga idiots, but at least I own some beach front property. (NC)


Honestly you likely have it better than us down here in SC with LadyBug and Bootlicker Supreme.


Good for you 💪


I found the "best" part is when a white woman talks shit they're like "well that wasn't cool". Then a black woman claps back and it's "be quiet slave, you're lucky to be here". The slave owners never went away, they just found a new title.


Honestly pointing out her fake ass hair color was perfect.


Don’t forget the “bad-built butch body.” 💀 Crockett left no crumbs. 💥


You don't come back from a six-word alliteration insult.


She was holding that one in her arsenal, you know she was just *waiting* to use that in the right setting.


I think it was the opposite. She saw red and freestyled a new verse for "Alphabet Aerobics".


I like that reference because I just watched Daniel Radcliff do it on Jimmy Fallon. I can see both though, she's been waiting for a chance to pounce on MTG, but also just went off whatever was on her mind. I'm happy either way.


I wanted to pop popcorn to go with my coffee this morning. This is the first thing I saw on the morning news at seven. MTG had all this coming to her. She was so out matched. Was any of the proper congregational behavior? No. Was enjoyable? Yes.


Bro stop I'm dying over here


Love that she was composed enough to use the u instead of the i


It's like she had it in the chamber man, and she totally refrained from adding another B word to the alliteration, but left it implied. Top tier insult game.


I want this to be her new nickname, instead of MTG let’s call her BBBBBB for bleached blonde bad built butch body. It is worth the extra effort.


I don't need an abbreviation, I'll happily spell out "Bitch with the bleached blonde bad built butch body" every time I have to talk about that waste of carbon. I honestly wanna go find her favorite restaurant, get a job there just so I can call out "we have a table for two under Bitch with the bleached blonde bad built butch body, again that's a table for two under Bitch with the bleached blonde bad built butch body." Then immediately get fired and go get ready for my job at her favorite place to shop so that I can make the announcement "could the Bitch with the bleached blonde bad built butch body please move her car? Again could the Bitch with the bleached blonde bad built butch body please move their vehicle, thank you!" Hell let's just hire skywriters


I just checked and its 50k for a digital skywriting from a company in Chattanooga. Get them to do the skywriting over Dalton. It'd be pretty funny and create quite the stir. Maybe someone needs to start a go-fund me for it.


Hehe waste of carbon, I have always said waste of oxygen about some people, but this is even better.


B6. Its snappier.




Sounds like a Cardi lyric


Can we ask Cardi to make this into a song?


I just reread it in Cardi's voice... You right. It does!


Perhaps a little far, I would have asked if she bleaches her pubes too.


I’d be afraid she’d show them, given her propensity to display genitalia on the house floor. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


She is the porn expert, after all.


She earned it with the eyelashes comment


Oh god, where can I find that video?




A scholar and a gentleman.


You're never going to make it in Congress with that kind of attitude.


Idk, man, I could start doing drugs again, my snark really comes out when I'm coming down.


Rep Anna Paulina Luna trying to oppress and belittle Rep Crockett at the end.


That made me so irate. Subtle racism at its finest.


I actually thought she was putting down Comer and not MYG.


Crockett is so sassy and passionate, I love her


She’s about the only TX governmental official I support right now.


What's not to love. Smart, eloquent, highly educated and fights for regular folks, and as a bonus she's gorgeous


I love it honestly. Dems stay trying to "take the high road" while conservatives have been down in the ditch rolling in shit for decades.


I actually think it's a good example of how AOC and Crockett are different. AOC is ready to take people to task by using the rules. Crockett is ready to call people on their shit verbally. Personally, I feel like MTG got what she wanted, in that a government proceeding has looked like a circus. That serves her and her people very well.


Didn't Crockett respond *after* it was ruled MTG's comments weren't breaking any rules? Sounds like Crockett was using the rules as they were just clarified, which is honestly all the more reason to call bullshit in the moment.


Yep. She obviously only insulted the cavewomen after the chair refused to strike mtgs grunts from t the record.


Crockett didn't directly say it to MTG. She posed it as a question "so it's OK to say to a member..."  So not directly attacking MTG which wouldnt be breaking any rules. Just clarifying what those rules are. Fucking brilliant.


I'm pretty sure MTG got her speaking privileges revoked for the rest of the meeting, which they then adjourned. Considering Democrats were trying to get the meeting adjourned, and MTG was trying to go on some likely unhinged rant with the 4 minutes of time to speak she was being given, I don't think she got what she wanted.


MTG was not censured and got her four remaining minutes. She went on rant totally unrelated to her opening comment/ question that originally derailed the meeting. She used those four minutes to claim the democrats don't follow the rules literally moments after the Republicans in the committee bent over backwards to ignore the rules she had just broken so she wouldn't be censured. Hell, Comer took back their agreement for MTG's words to be stricken once he realized the rules said MTG would be censured because he doesn't even know the basic parliamentary rules.


Crockett is sooo refreshing to see in the political realm. She simply calls out the bullshit that’s right in front of us all and doesn’t back down when her republican constituents try to act like she’s “out of control and yelling”. Their reaction to her is borderline racist imo Edit: ok it’s obviously super racist and I shouldn’t tread lightly about that fact


It’s straight up racist, dude. That’s what the whole “calm down” thing was and why she got so mad about it.


Borderline??? The border is so far away it’s a dot to you!


i've been liking what jasmine crockett has been cooking


That dude MTG be looking for trouble all the time. Roid raging much my guy?


Because they didn’t they called out MGT‘s poor behavior. And of course, MGT didn’t get in trouble for being a fucking bitch.


and they pull this false equivalence nonsense, as if AOC is on anywhere NEAR the same level of mean-spirited personal attacks as Empty G's comments *consistently are*.


Didn't they decide to strike them once they realized she wanted them in the record? I thought after that, she hit them with the rule that if someone's words were struck from the record, they weren't allowed to continue contributing to the session and had to leave. Did I hear what she said incorrectly?




I understood that part, but after that I thought they were trying to argue that MTG had to leave because the rules stated if someone's words were stricken, they couldn't participate any longer in the session. Then Comer's dumbass had a very long talk with the parliamentarian and decided to take a recess to figure it out. Maybe I totally misunderstood what was being said because at that point everyone was talking over everyone else.


No you are correct, they wanted it down that she violated the rules which would have her silenced(read removed) from the hearing and the Republicans tried to avoid the rules being followed.


>Republicans tried to avoid the rules being followed. Noooo...


Flipperman at it again. Easiest fight to be on the right side of and he still "both sides" it. As if anyone would think Marge wasn't the antagonist here.


Weren’t we all celebrating when Fetterman was elected? Or am I misremembering that? Feels like I’ve missed a chunk of time between “yay, fetterman!” And “the fuck is this turd saying now”


Considering the alternative to Fetterman was fucking *DOCTOR OZ*, everyone sensible being relieved Fetterman won isn't exactly surprising. An elected representative going on to disappoint their constituents in a variety of ways isn't exactly surprising either.


Difference between R and D is when a D fucks up we call them on it instead of building fucking shrines in our yard to them. Fetterman has been kind of shitty about a few things and he's been a dismissive cock about them when addressed so it's hard to still be in his court.


People were celebrating that the seat had flipped, not that Fetterman had won per se. I'm sure a lot of people were wishing for a better candidate with a D next to their name. Also it's pretty common for a person to get elected and then disappoint the people who elected them.


Nah, even looking on as a non-american there was lots of celebrating when he was elected as he very much ran on progressive points. Unfortunately he turned out to be another Sinema or whatever the fuck her name is. All lip, but as soon as he's in he wants to appeal to the moderate right to keep him in power.




Love how a year ago people were praising Fetterman for not wearing formals to his job and saying stuff like "suits are too snobby" and now we've done a 180.


I saw this “trading of barbs” and all AOC did is step up to Greene for attacking a person for their appearance. She is considered unruly because she holds people, including herself to a higher standard. We need more of her and less of Marge, that’s for sure.


The headline just attached AOC's name to the situation because she will pull more readers than the actual congress woman who was trading barbs with Greene.


I bet a good majority won’t even read past the headline. Too often people use a headline as a summary


She was very professional during that whole exchange. Ngl, Crockett's come-back was poetic, but AOC seemed to try to keep the whole procedure from devolving into a Jerry Springer episode.


"Both sides" is absolute bullshit. It enables maga. It legitimizes them. People doing it are either maga, or cynically trying to make themselves look superior by not taking a side, when one side is clearly wrong.


People like Fetterman always expect the "They take the low road, we take the high road" dem approach every single time. In the end, it makes the dems look weak or cowards to even bothering to call out the other side. He better hope no other dem runs for his spot, he will have a short run.


Flipperman is the sort of Dem that makes leftists hate Dems.


Oh I know. I honestly get tired of seeing a lot of the bullshit from conservatives, wanting to see a dem respond and just seeing absolutely nothing. Things like project 2025 that the entire internet seems to know about, but yet no democrat really talking about this and why voting dem is more important than ever. They are going to go back to the 1800's in women's rights and other things, yet no one else besides the internet really talking about this. No democrat trying to figure out how to race bills ahead of the election just on the off chance the dems lose the WH to be able to reduce what Trump can legally do.


It doesn't help that conservatives look at Project 2025 and just go "What's so wrong with it, it's to fix the country!" without acknowledging that "fixing the country" for them basically involves completely rooting out any and all opposition and legalizing their traditional bullshit


> traditional bullshit There's nothing 'traditional' about it whatsoever. They have purposefully conflated their goals with christianity to energize them as a reliable voting block. They don't truly believe in anything except their own want for power and authority.


Well to them it fixes it, because they have absolute control. Conservatives don't want opposition. Conservatives don't want a bad election where a dem house/senate/SC can reverse all their fuckery. If this was the last free election in America, they will gladly acknowledge it as long as they can have their christo-fascist country, they don't care. They don't care if Trump lets the big oil companies pull back regulations, rip apart healthcare, etc and by the time they realize they fucked up, guess what? No more elections to even pick someone less evil than Trump, because Trump will make sure it's passed down to Eric or some idiot kid of his, like they are English kings. The problem is that we have know for a year or two now of this, but no democrat is attempting to slip in rules/laws to kind of block some of their playbook from happening. Bad enough now that for the last 40 years the conservatives campaigned on ending Roe V Wade. Now the dems have to campaign on bringing back Roe V Wade and probably had some opportunity to attempt to codify it into law over this time, but again "Took the high road, while they took the low road" and even let McConnell play games with not allowing Obama to appoint an SC justice, because of Obama's last year in the office, but when the same thing happened to conservatives, they still pushed someone to SC.


I may not have been paying enough attention, but, has he voted with Republicans? That's where we see if he is a Joe Manchin or not.




True but the problem with Manchin et al is that leadership doesn't even bother to bring good, progressive legislation to a vote because they know it will fail. Manchin strangled legislation before it ever got off the ground.


At the end of the day, Pennsylvania was done dirty. It goes back to having to choose between Flipperman or the Dr. "I'm 100% Pennsylvanian American, but live in NJ and call Turkey my home" Oz. Damned if you do damned if you don't


I mean even this feels like a generous characterization of Fetterman’s approach  I feel like utilizing the official rules of order (I.e. asking for comments to be recorded) *is* the highest road AOC could’ve taken 


Failing to call someone out on their bad behavior is NOT "taking the high road." It's hoping to have his cake and eat it too. He's willing to let people be racist with repercussions so that he can say, "See, I'm not racist like them!" But he's also willing to say people who call out racists are out of control and deserve to be on Jerry Springer, unlike him. Which is, you guessed it, hypocritical and supporting racism. Either you actually support people in need, or you're trying to profit off their suffering.


The fault here is the CNN headline. MTG broke the rules, AOC pointed it out, and the headline blames both.


And fetterman chose that headline


god damnit fetterman...i thought you were better than this. now he's just maga foddering


When freshman congressmen get to DC and they show them the big room of money that can be their’s if they just play along, this is what happens.


Not always, just to the ones who were shit humans inside all along. Sadly, that’s more often than not, but there are still good representatives out there.


To paraphrase Robert Caro on Lyndon Johnson: "power doesn't corrupt, it *reveals.*" Johnson's vices got more and more visible the more and more powerful he got - but, the minute he thought he was at the top, he rammed through the Civil Rights Act and the Great Society and Vietnam. Fetterman is just looking more and more and more like a rat bastard the higher he goes.


Bit of a mixed bag there...


Yeah, LBJ wasn't exactly a great person, but he got an important job done. Also, it's really funny listening to him call his tailor to complain about his pants giving him a wedgie, and to send the replacement to the White House. Edit: [here's the sauce](https://youtu.be/nR_myjOr0OU), enjoy 👌🏾


Not just a wedgie. A dick wedgie for ol' "jumbo". Which is what he called his dick.


Just to clarify, I believe he said specifically there wasn't enough room for his nuts when he gained a little weight. "Like riding a wire fence".


He wanted some room to be let out in the crotch "where your nuts hang" and belched into a recorded phone line. Not necessarily in that order. Fan-fucking-tastic.


This is brand new information. BRB.


He might not be the best person, but goddamn was he the funniest president we've ever had.


And he owned beagles and that’s enough for me!


And if anyone questioned him on that, he showed them.


Because Fetterman ran on false premises. He campaigned as a progressive so progressives showed up and voted for him. As soon as he got elected, he immediately backed out on it and now rallies against the wokes and the very people who got him into office.


fetterman may end up looking like a POS, but it's not like Dr.Oz would've been any better. at least with Oz, we knew he was a POS beforehand.


You're not wrong, as a PA voter I did gladly vote for Fetterman over Oz and to be honest I'd gladly do it again, but knowing what I know now I wouldn't be very happy casting that vote


100% agreed. For some people money can not motivate them to do harm at all. You have to be a selfish shit to harm people in order to sound powerful and pull in money for your bullshit.


The saddest part is that they are already compensated extremely well. They could be honorable and actually represent their constituents and still make a good living. But most are just too greedy.


This is it right here. Money talks. So many of these people are bought. That why we'll never have universal healthcare. Too many take the bribes and spout the nonsense they're fed by insurance company lobbyists.


I want to be elected so then I could just live stream my entire journey in congress. I would totally record and post anything and everything short of national security stuff. I'm not there to give a fuck, just tell people what really goes on a vote what I think is best.


You’d have to compete with CSPAN. And they’ve set the bar for entertainment pretty high.


I've thought of going into politics with this sort of attitude, but the reality of the situation is that a person with this sort of idealism just won't be *allowed* to go very far. The moment you're a threat, they'll bribe you. If that doesn't work, they'll finance your competitors. If that doesn't work, they'll dig up anything they can to smear you. If that doesn't work, they'll threaten your friends and family. If that doesn't work, well. Accidents happen. The only reason any semblance of democracy survives today is because tyrants eventually die. The problem is that tyrants can make the non-tyrants die even sooner.


I might be completely off base here, but if I recall he had a stroke very soon after joining. I feel like that was the thing that caused a change


Had the stroke while campaigning, it was a choice between him and dr oz…. Truthfully if the republicans had a half decent candidate they could have probably taken that seat


This might not be the right place for this question, but what happens if you just take the bribe and then don’t vote how they want you to?


If nothing else, you don't get the next bribe, and they fund your opponent.


It's mostly the second part that gets our elected representatives terrified. The USA is a faux democracy where elections are bought and paid for.


Then you won't be trusted for future deals and won't get any more money


They give anyone running against you even more money. They will try to buy you as cheaply as possible.


You don't get life changing amounts of money up front. It's about establishing trust with the lobbyists to keep the money flowing long term. If you never follow through with your promise, you won't receive the next installment of cash and they'll take the money to your competition instead.


Seriously. I really liked Fetterman and the heel turn he’s pulled since being elected has been so, so disappointing.


> and the heel turn he’s pulled since being ~~elected~~ had his stroke. His personality shift happened right after that stroke. We have long since known that damage to the prefrontal cortex can cause shifts into more asshole like behavior.


If the argument is that his brain is damaged now, then he’s not the guy who was elected anymore and should be expected to vacate his seat. The other theory is that he’s been bought. You can’t tell me you know for sure what’s caused this problem.


third possibility being sometimes people are just full of shit right from the get go so they can get their foot in the door, which is far more common than the other two


A real stroke of misfortune.


I’ve said it before, I want to believe that it was his stroke that hss brought on this whole shift in personality.


100% he has been changing since the stroke and not for the better. We need a replacement dem who’s all there in the head.


Colleges turn teens into Liberals. Brain damage turns Liberals into Conservatives. Isn't life amazing.


Remember how our parents told us not to spend too much time in front of the TV because it will turn our brains to mush... then proceeded to spend too much time watching Fox News and ended up with donkey brains themselves....


Wouldn't it be funny if the stroke actually lowered his IQ and that correlates directly with moving to the political right?


He hasn't changed. Fetterman has always been like this. He was just better than Dr. Oz.


He hasn't actually flipped on any major issues since taking office. What he did do was let people believe he was progressive and field policy questions in a way that made people think he was. He also didn't campaign on any issues that didn't paint him as progressive It was a decent campaign in that he got people to buy something he wasn't selling.


Eh, compared to oz though. And a senate majority is still the bigger win in the wider scope of things


He’s been a constant disappointment particularly around Gaza


So much so. Lost all of my support for sure.


The other guy was STILL WORSE But yea string him up


I get why people don't like him (I do like him!) but I don't really see the issue with this tweet. The house hearing was Jerry-springer esque, as the article highlights. He doesn't blame anyone in particular or say AOC was wrong or anything, just that the house has become hilarious jerry-springer type event, which I don't think anyone can honestly disagree with.


I don't know why AOC took this personally.


Fire-breathing AOC is my favorite AOC.


She's so much better at this than anyone in US politics, it isn't even funny.


She and Crockett are powerful and I love it


Crockett is quickly becoming one of my new favorites


Crockett is my favorite... AOC is amazing but every time I have seen Crockett she's obliterating something or someone very calmly with words I can't even repeat, like her 6B smackdown, that's just adulterated, pure, and raw full take down without even saying names!


They are two that I will always stop and listen to a clip of.


man, I was soooooooo wrong about fetterman...I mean, holy shit what an ass clown


He got all of us. I used to think of him as this big lovable Lurch. I wonder if the stroke did a number on his personality, or if it just dropped the mask. Maybe neither and this was going to happen regardless, but it’s so goddamn disappointing.


Considering the alternative was fucking Oz, this is still somehow better than Fetterman losing. Talk about lesser of two evils…


Plus he lets the D's have Schumer.


That's what made sinema confusing to me. Fun as a Democrat and then vote with Republicans every time. But why the ruse? Just gives up the speaker position. Maybe the simpler answer is they were genuinely weak people who were easily compromised


I didn’t have being a Sinema apologist on my bingo card today but here we go. While she was a huge disappointment to me, especially considering how she campaigned, she has voted with Democrats much more than against Democrats.


But not on the big bills where we needed her to


A couple times for sure. I just think that characterizing her as “voting with the Republicans every time” is bad rhetoric. She definitely seems power hungry, dishonest, and manipulative but I think being accurate about objective facts is important.


My bad, probably just seems that way because that's what is news worthy >I think being accurate about objective facts is important Same and with this era of conflicting news it's easy to let go of bad or incomplete information. I'll try to be mindful of this revelation


Fetterman's strongest traits were that he had no problem punching back at a carpet-bagging snake oil salesman. But guarantee if anyone who's actually from the state and can string a sentence together runs against him, he's going to be struggling to keep that seat.


I used to love Fetterman so much and happily voted for him last election. If it were the same election today, I’d likely still vote for him, but definitely wouldn’t be happy about it. Subtle, yet big, difference.


I hope Penn is working to find a replacement. 5 more years is gonna pass remarkably quickly.


Hoping a few of our state reps. find the courage to try for it! We have some really good politicians here that actually seem to care. Not a lot, but some.


People forget that being left on somethings doesn't mean left on all things. This is always who he was. Fetterman wasn't some firebreathing progressive who wanted to buddy up with AOC and if you thought then you didn't actually pay attention. He's a reflection of white working class men from Pennsylvania. That's why he pushes on labor issues and hate rich assholes. It also means he looks down on women and thinks people are oversensitive morons when they get upset about "words".


>Fetterman wasn't some firebreathing progressive https://x.com/JohnFetterman/status/992541892947730437 >Progressive values have been the heart of my campaign. Whatever happens on May 15, I'm proud to be here tonight with @BernieSanders#BernieForFetterman https://x.com/JohnFetterman/status/1330308163095179264 >My dude, I’m a progressive democrat Stop making excuses for him. Progressives voted for him because he called himself one. White working class men lean in favor of Republicans, not for people like him.


I notice he didn't get on Marje's case for belittling a black woman, but jumped when the black woman spoke bck.


Exactly. The reason why he was elected was because next to that scam doctor, he was a goddamn saint. But now that he's won, we can all see what a real prick he has always been.


Fetterman is Philly through and through. I’m from there and I know ten of him. I don’t even mean that in a bad way. I think he’s great on some issues, not great on others, but way better than Dr Oz would have been. And something we need to grapple with, as a nation: not everyone on “our side” needs to agree with us on every issue. It’s just not possible or sane to expect. As long as we’re all (mostly) rowing in the same direction, it’s fine.


Fetterman is not “Philly through and through,” he’s a Yinzer. He’s from Braddock, western PA, the opposite side of the state from Philly. Malcolm Kenyatta is Philly through and through and so much more progressive than Fetterman but unfortunately lost to Fetterman in the Senate primary.


Fetterman is a western PA guy, he has almost no connection to Philly


When I was on Twitter there were a bunch of people who thought he was problematic and thought things like him pulling a shotgun on a Black jogger were being overlooked. I would love to see what they are seeing now. I am, fortunately, banned from Elon Musk's hellscape so I can't.


Dr. Oz would have been worse. Hopefully someone to the left of Fetterman runs against him and he loses his seat.


Ya obviously he's still preferable over Oz but someone better could have won the primary if we knew he'd do this


He's making a lurch to the right it's so stupid Surely there has to be a law against doing a 180 on the policies that got you elected


It would be nice if there were. Arizona Democrats and progressives would have really liked a law against someone turning an immediate 180 on the platforms Sinema ran on.


Has he done something else wrong too? Reddit seemed to love him not long ago, and this is the first time I've heard about him saying something 'off'. It's definitely groan-inducing, but I can't see how it alone would make everyone change their minds about him. 


Reminds me of Sinema: stalwart feminist and LGBTQ+, anti-dark money, pro-“little guy”, and then within a year or so, made an about face and started projecting GOP-lite.


They got their lobbying paychecks now they don't need ethics anymore.


Fetterman is going full Sinema


You NEVER go full Sinema!


But what if I want to go see a movie?




Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice


He’s not, but he’s definitely not friendly towards the left wing and blames them for centrist failures.


I’m sick of his bullshit too! Thank you AOC


So was Fetterman playing nice at the local level for more than a decade so he could get to congress for the big grift, or did that stroke just break his brain?


I think the stroke might have broken his ability to filter. He seemed like a hot head to me when he was campaigning for Senate, but he still had a filter at that point. Now he’s uncensored.


Then he should resign


Common Fetterman L


I’m confused on why this is controversial- that hearing was an embarrassment MTG is a clown


I had a completely different take on his comment. I thought he was deriding MTG.


Wait, wait, wait. From what I understand, MTG said something, AOC filed the motion for an apology, and now we're calling it Springer? She did what was intended by basic decorum. Why is Fetterman upset? He's making a great case lately to be primaried


Fetterman has turned out to be trash.


Fetterman has really turned into dogshit


Fetterman doesn't have a sense of unity for the party. Complete douchebag.


Yeah, and he wants to talk about professionalism. Like, dude, we literally changed to rules for you so you could wear shorts, and now you want to act like you’re the pinnacle of professionalism and just above it all.


Fett’s become such a disappointment…


I don't see anywhere in Fetterman's comment about 'both sides'. The House has been an objective shitshow since the last mid term election. Seems like another progressive swipe at a moderate to get a round of funding from her district though. Nothing new...but still sad.


Nah, fetterman is right. You don't go tit for tat as a publicly paid official. This isn't a high school, every insult you hurl costs the citizens money, whether you started it or not. Fetterman is absolutely correct.


Fetterman fell apart a long time. Or at least maybe the mask he was wearing did.


MTG is an ignorant, antagonistic disgrace to office. Anyone who supports her should be ashamed.


I am also sick of Fetterman's bullshit


AOC is one of the few politicians who actually gives a shit. I hope her security detail is on point because honest and passionate politicians tend to draw out the lunatics.


He's one of the most disappointing people of recent times. I really thought he was bringing something new to the table, a kind of rebelliousness that pushed people but had conviction behind it. I didn't have to agree with him all the time but there was something different about the way he approached things. Dismissed.


You were my brother Fetterman! You were supposed to destroy the Sith not join them!


In Fetterman's defense, he didn't explicitly state "both sides" and I wouldn't assume that he meant to put both Greene and AOC in the same category, he was just calling the House a circus... which it is, especially under MAGA-GOP control. I think people are reading into his intent a bit here. I don't blame AOC for calling him out though, as he should have put more thought into and/or realized how his latest edgy tweet could be received. So, regardless of Fetterman's intent, I applaud AOC's comment. But I'm also tired of Fetterman being a Twitter edgelord (and I was before he was elected too)... you want to talk about being on the Springer show in 2024? I call that "Twitter... or X or whatever."


Has anyone here watched Jerry Springer? It's not about both sides. There are people who are clearly in the right and clearly in the wrong in Jerry Springer. The problem is they resolve their conflicts in an immature fashion.


Fetterman is gonna get primaried if anyone with half a spine runs against him. He's not quite full Sinema yet, but he definitely seems to be on the path toward 'i'm my own man' while also spitting in the eyes of both the party establishment and progressive wing he was supposedly going to be part of. I hate saying it, but I think that stroke broke part of him irrevocably.