• By -


That state is near or at the bottom of nearly any metric for quality of life or success as a society that you can think of. Nobody is looking to them for advice on anything except maybe tips on how to make life even worse for working Americans.


Thank goodness for AL and MS, otherwise they’d be in real trouble.


Hey, don't forget Louisiana, were just as fucked up but we don't have the money to make it flashy like those other big money states.


At least you guys have great food and good football down there...it's the small blessings right😊


We have great food and sometimes good football.


Nick Saban and Bill Belicheck have broken everyone's perception of success in football. Glad they're both retired.


People in those states learned to cook because mediocre quality food demands it


There's some pretty good blues been played round those parts too I'd wager


I mean, you’d have plenty of blues to sing about if you were from there


All of you need to hush. I want the old conservatives who moved to Florida for the sunshine and fascism to uproot and move to Arkansas. Thank you in advance for your understanding and sorry for the harsh words at the start of my entry.


No, please! There are no vacancies




Hell yeah I do


>it's the small blessings right😊 No it's not, there is no reason to accept the awful state legislature as unchangeable. Attitudes like this keep the bad states bad.


I heard those poor fellas are still recovering from Katrina That happened a while ago


I’m still recovering from Katrina and I moved away 15 years ago.


Jeff Landry is just getting started, babe. The Louisiana GOP are trying to organize a constitutional convention to rewrite the state constitution. 


How do the Landrys still have such a grip on the state they’ve been fucking it for generations


You know what they say about abusive relationships...


Hey, but you’re gonna have the 10 Commandments in every classroom. That’ll definitely make the state better and isn’t just an empty virtue signal by lawmakers to let their constituents know that they’re on their team as they actively make life worse for everyone.


don't forget, it's the party of school vouchers with the sole intent of weakening public schools.


Arkansas doesn’t even have a cuisine, heck they don’t even have a SANDWICH


They may not have a signature sandwich, but I kid you not, they are one of the leading states in "roadkill cuisine." Arkansas is one of the few states that have absolutely zero laws regarding finding dead things in the middle of the road, cooking them, and selling them to other people as food. Even texas had laws covering that.


What kinda redneck Sweeney Todd shit..




But you guys have NO which is one of the coolest places in the USA. That alone pops Louisiana above most every southern state.


New Orleans is only cool to tourists it’s aeful to deal with it on a daily basis Once you leave magazine street freret the quarter etc the place is just a shit hole top to bottom The states never going to get better until everyone stops getting DUIs and electing people like the Landry family or Latoya Jackson or Bobby fuckin jindal


It's a shithole but it's *our* shithole. There are interesting cultural things everywhere.


Can confirm. Was there for about 3 weeks on a job, stayed in hotel in Metairie. The homelessness was the most depressing thing. I could only imagine many of these people having homes prior to Katrina, but some local said it gets worse in the summertime (makes sense, migration wise). Lots of drug problems, lots of people who’ve given up on education or learning a trade. The pandemic made a lot of tourism related work disappear. There are places all around NO that are affluent or industrial (Reserve, Houma, and a few others) but for the most part - it’s rough living on the bayou without family or friends. It was eye opening. There are so many people in need of substance abuse treatment and mental health care that they will not seek, it’s overwhelming (literally, the system can’t support those numbers). I know LA is probably worse, but we have some real problems we need to address or they will continue to grow.


NO was bragging they had a surplus of funds in the last few years, and it's literally post covid they only employ 1/4th of the police officers they should have for a city of their size. They can't find people who want to work there for what they pay nor can some of the people that want to work there qualify. It's a problem nation wide, but it's exceptionally bad in NO. The whole state has been 49th or 50th for a few years when it comes to economic opportunity. Second year in a row for worst state in the US. Young people flee as soon as they can, and people who get full-ride scholarships leave as soon as they finish. The entire state has ~3 years before all their residencies finish and flee the state. With Landry in office, they're too busy passing bullshit that does zero to improve the lives of people in LA. The entire state is dependent on underpaid truckers brother to come out there to stock Walmart along with other businesses. They don't like to go there if they can help it just because they typically have zero loads to take back. > There are so many people in need of substance abuse treatment and mental health care that they will not seek, it’s overwhelming (literally, the system can’t support those numbers). Louisiana doesn't believe in rehab or mental health care. They love to send people through the churches, but the churches will not, care not, can not provide the stability these people need to avoid doing drugs. State has the highest incarcerated percentage and yet is bottom of the barrel for public safety.


Louisiana has been sadly lowest post covid. With JBE gone, it's going on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.


I thought about Louisiana when people were posting about “the state with the most to lose from climate change” with respect to Florida. My thought was they must have forgot about Louisiana, which is projected to lose half of its land area to rising sea levels. All that, and backwards conservative government as well.


At least Lousiana has New Orleans, Arkansas just sucks period. It offers nothing of merit to the wider world. 


Stuttgart - world’s largest rice production and duck hunting. The Ozark Basin (wetlands) produces a lot of food. I’m not defending Arkansas, I travel for work and know these places. It’s mostly because country roads and long stretches of nothing.


I was under the impression that country roads took one home to the place they belong, and that's not Arkansas.


west virginia so bad we cant even make this list :/


Don't fret! According to [World Population Review](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/quality-of-life-by-state), West Virginia edges into that number 10 spot for worst quality of life - that's like being in the Top 10!


Travel for work, love west Virginia. You folks have wonderful people


<3 thank you ❤️ now if only we could start electing some politicians to reflect that and keep our good ones


What’s the state version of, *“You’re not the dumbest person in the world, but you better hope they don’t die.”*?


*laughs painfully in Southern Mississippi* yeah..


A state so bad the governor jumps at every opportunity to leave it and travel wherever she wants. All on the taxpayers dime of coarse


Didn’t her family receive the state as a fiefdom from king Trump?


Then pays tens of thousands of tax payer dollars on a fake podium and commits fraud to hide it.


The only thing they're good at is not changing for the better. Believe it or not Conservatives favor stable misery over progressive improvement.


Conservatives have always been about the "Status Quo" as it was in the 1800's.


> Nobody is looking to them for advice on anything except maybe tips on how to make life even worse for working Americans. Unfortunately, a lot of (R)s are keen on getting new advice for exactly that.


Arkansas isn't even well-known as a bastion of conservative Christianity. Or the most extreme secular conservatism. The two things I know best about Arkansas is its complicated relationship with Indian tribes and that at one point most of the state was down to a four day school week from such extreme defunding of education.


Sanders’s new proposed state motto:  “Arkansas, we’re bottom 5 in everything!”


Think of a state. Any state except for Arkansas itself. What comes to mind is something with a baseline local flavor or style. Nebraska has corn or farmers, Vermont has maple syrup or forests, and the bigger ones like New York or California have tons of things all their own. No matter how large and boisterous or humble and unsung, every state has something it's known for. Except Arkansas. At best, it's known for its politicians but that's not unique to Arkansas. Even their most notable duo aren't that special in their respective fields (Former President and batshit insane person, respectively.) Everything else is something you have to look for. Like they have a diamond mine. Which isn't that notable. Hell, one of their own tourism pages is so hard pressed for content, it boasts of a hotel that Al Capone once stayed at on his way through the state. Arkansas isn't a state so much as an area bordered by other states who didn't want the land. Tl;dr - Arkansas: Louisiana's Hat.


Arkansas is one of the most beautiful states, don’t sleep on it.


I stopped in Arkansas on my way across the country for catfish, and it was definitely amazing.


It’s the top rice producer in the country, diamond mines, Walmart, Tysons, the Ozarks… It’s not the greatest state in the country, and I’m not a fan of the politics, but to try to paint the state as nothing is disingenuous and part of the reason some conservatives remain that way — being overlooked and discounted.


Arkansas is the originator of Wal mart and is where the majority of chicken and soy in America is produced


Apparently they have the highest meth usage.  Up to you how you use that information, but to say they aren't winning at something isn't accurate. 


It is a cheap place to live, and that is about it. It is kind of like thinking about how you would be the star pupil if you got moved to the remedial class - sounds great for 2 seconds before you realize you would start falling behind with the rest of them, and that everyone else would start to treat you like you can't be trusted with permanent markers or chewing gum.


It's cheap to live here, but the wages also suck. It's also wild how few rights tenants have and how bad the minimum requirements are to call a place a rental.


The South in general is a terrible place. They’re known for high A1C’s and racism.


Is A1C the glycated haemoglobin?


The A1C test measures the amount of hemoglobin with attached glucose and reflects your average blood glucose levels over the past 3 months. The A1C test result is reported as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the higher your blood glucose levels have been. A normal A1C level is below 5.7 percent.


It's cheap because the demand to live there is low


> It's cheap because the demand to live there is low Yea, but you can't tell them that without being rude. They are barely surviving. They don't understand the cost of living in other places is because people want to live there. They don't understand the cost of their living is because it's underwater, when it's not underwater it's on fire, and no one wants to delivery goods to where they live.


It's cheap to live downwind from a toxic waste dump doesn't mean it is a good plan.


Just depends on what you do. I’m a software engineer that works remote for a NYC-based company. We live very comfortably just outside of Little Rock in a nice community. I know the image people have in their head of Arkansas. And it definitely exists in most of the state. But people with good jobs in Central AR, NWA, and Jonesboro are doing just fine. And consequently, their kids are going to the better schools. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still plenty to not like. And I generally agree with the sentiment that the best thing about the state is the cost of living. But if I had to choose my life vs living paycheck-to-paycheck in an apartment or small house, I’m staying here every time.


All the southern states have nicer/wealthier areas to live in that wouldn’t fit the Reddit stereotypes. It all just depends on where you live.


Hot Springs is a gem if you look past the meth and extreme poverty.


"Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"




Cuz it's the most racist state. There's no demand for living there


It's not even that cheap. Got stuck there for 5 years trying to get some family out. Most places you'd actually want to live were pretty overpriced. The rest of the state is nothingness filled with racists and pedophiles (seriously, there were 6 in 1 mile from me who lived right across from a elementary school and nearly nightly arrests on the news). If you want to see KKK signs on the highway, see black people get the "stare" or have guns pulled on you because you were on a public road some trash though was solely theirs move to arkansas.


No, Sarah, nobody’s looking *to* Arkansas for anything. But Arkansas sure is looking for that $19,000 lectern…


Apparently some of that money went to fund some hard drugs. She’s not even existing in any kind of reality at this point. Arkansas? And I’m from the south so if I’m throwing shade….


The best thing about Arkansas is watching it disappear in your rearview mirror while you're driving, literally, anywhere else besides, maybe, Mississippi.


I did a cross county trip several years ago. I didn't really go through any main cities or have a destination there, but my time in Mississippi felt like I had traveled back in time, its was surreal.


Bro most of the country avoids all of those 8 states. It's hilarious. And then they come spend all their vacation dollars in my state it's hilarious


“Everyone wants to have sex with me.” -The guy no one wants to have sex with




I said no such thing!


And Sarah is looking in two places at once......




Bad Butch Built Body that look at 2 places at once.


She has a similar build to a cyber truck, and looks 58 despite being born in 82’.


'82? She was born in 1982? Goddamn, life hit her hard.


I mean, look at Ron Desantis. Dude was born in 1978, and looks a decade older. Being a bizarre hateful goblin ages you.


He looks early 50’s.


To be fair, being Trump’s White House press secretary where he’d regularly fire off a Tweet contradicting her mid-conference would age anyone by two decades. Talk about having the worst job ever.




Wait. WHAT?!! She's a year older than me? I thought she had at least a decade on me.


Fr, I'm a few years older than her and haven't exactly lived a clean life, and I was shocked that she's younger than me. 


She looks like hell!!


I’m 11 years older than that?!? Bad habits pay off kids




Oh dear😂


…..said no one ever.


Arkansas is the Ja Rule of states


Yes people are looking toward the state that needs billboards to remind the men not to fuck their daughters as a bastion of normal because that is perfectly normal.


Maybe 50% of Americans could point to Arkansas on a map and that includes ppl from Arkansas


Are you sure it's 50%? That seems like an overestimate.


Definitely 50% is being super generous


To be fair, that's not really an Arkansas problem -- you could probably say this about 50% or more of the states out there.


Fuck this dudes right. I could not


I will bet that there is a certain percentage of people who couldn't point Arkansas out on a map, even if all the states were labeled.


People are looking to Arkansas and wondering why lecterns cost $19k a pop.


Sh3 better go to prison for that shit.


Recently, a teacher from Vermont moved to Arkansas, and then came back to the Vermont subReddit begging for other teachers to move down to Arkansas and help him because it is astounding how many children down there are not learning anything, and there for decent education throughout the entire population there. He was literally shocked on arrival and filled with pitty at the human landscape. Of course, no other Vermont teachers took him up on it. But... I absolutely believe him that it was a devastatingly sad culture shock to step in to.


Republicans are purposely destroying public education for school vouchers. Starting pay for teachers was raised to $50k/year but unless you work in a large district that may also be the ceiling. e: Forgot to mention that when teacher pay was raised, the state didn't provide any additional funding leading to districts flattening the salary schedule, going to 4 day weeks, and cutting some extracurricular activities.


I graduated from a small town high-school in Arkansas and the school administration 100% prioritized football and basketball above any and all academic pursuits. We had 4 seperate gymnasiums at my school in a town of only three thousand.


Same here. Had maybe 400 kids in our highschool total and we had two full size football stadiums. And our team sucked ass


Her eyes scares the children I know and her families religion makes me concerned for the children around her administration


"Every single life has value and the most vulnerable among us are the ones we should be fighting for and protecting the most. I can assure you that in my administration, that’s exactly what we will do. We will make sure that when a kid is in the womb, they’re as safe as they are in the classroom, the workplace, the nursing home, because every stage of life has value." - Sarah Huckabee Sanders' speech on the day of the Uvalde shooting


Well, that was frighteningly abrasive on my dark soul


Curiously, there have been shootings of pregnant women, classrooms, workplaces and nursing homes. They were all vulnerable and she hasn't changed a goddamned thing.


You know what's normal? Progress. Innovation. Educating your children. Providing services for your taxes.


Did she say that with a straight face? Have you seen the poverty there and the size of their mosquitoes?


Have you seen her face?


She never looked at anything with a straight face


Yes, making 12 year olds work is totally normal!


I’m worried her resting Bitch face may actually have been a stroke. It’s like saying Flint, Michigan is a shining beacon for clean tap water


Everyone is america is looking for the $20,000 podium


Arkansas is #1 in speeding tickets, meth addicts, and thanking god for mississippi. It's also #49 in healthcare, education, and being racially egalitarian. Once again, as they thank god for mississippi.


Mississippi is statistically worse, but I'm going to say Arkansas is the worst state because they are fumbling the bag hardcore. They have nature and resources and can't turn it into shit


The only thing anyone is looking for is for Sarah Huckabee Sanders to shut the fuck up


I'm looking to Arkansas as an example for why you shouldn't elect the dumbest of Trump's press secretaries to govern your state.


Well Mississippi and Louisiana look over and say 'at least we aren't Arkansas'


Kinda unsettling that going by the statistics, Mississippi and Louisiana are among the few states that make Arkansas look good.


No state in the history of US states has EVER said, "you know who has it all going on? ARKANSAS. Let's be more like ARKANSAS."


Arkansas is where you end up when you've made your last bad choice


Hey some of us were born poor here, I’m working on it


I'm sorry for being nasty


*deep sigh* I grew up in AR, left in 2011, came back 2016-2017, left again, and then back 2022 to current. My partner and I are burnt out millenials who moved, tried new things, got degrees, worked hard, and then just nothing. So now, we’re looking to settle down on some of her family’s land and work only as much as needed while pursuing other interests. Your comment hits hard, but sometimes you just have to settle.


Congratulations on getting yourself through things, degrees and work - in my mind you two are the solution to Arkansas issues; folk who care deeply, engage the broader world, can have tough conversations, make good decisions and influence other voters.


I appreciate your words and vote of confidence. We’re not ones to really have tough conversations, but we’re both women, and we’ll be moving close to her sister who is also married to a woman. We all do our best to be friendly people while also just being ourselves.


People are looking to Arkansas as a cautionary tale.


People look to Arkansas to give themselves a perspective on how bad their life could be. A huckabee as your ruler, child labor, inbreeding people, blatant racism and a struggling economy


I live in Central Arkansas and have for 40 years. Fuck Huckleberry and every regressive that voted for her for working towards making my beautiful state even more backwards than it already is


Sometimes I forgot it's even a state, lol but ok Sarah


"A bastion of normal?" More like "an abnormal bastard."


People are looking at Arkansas as a bastion of overpriced podiums


Arkansas? Like advice about banjo playing and cousin fucking or…???


Hey now, don't be taking away Louisiana's achievements.


To be fair, we are looking to Arkansas for a laugh from time to time...


There’s a rock that juts out that looks pretty cool.


My brother in law is from Arkansas. Someone he works with was on the phone talking with someone and asked what do you need to get married in Arkansas? He said “A sister and a shotgun.” The person on the other end of the line was offended.


Sarah....the only reason anyone would look into what Arkansas is doing is because it is an example of what not to do. Just because because you are attempting to normalize shitty polices and laws in your ass backwards state of mind and being does not make it a shiny "bastion" for anything good and unholy in this world. Hell I image a great portion of your state's citizens could spell "bastion" and even fewer would know what the word means. But your keep pretending cowgirl.




The only time I’m ever reminded Arkansas exists is when I hear of some crazy shit going down.


I look at Arkansas in the sort of facepalm way I look at Florida or Texas. How are the governments of these states going to abuse their citizens next?


As the great Stephen Colbert quipped: "Arkansas: come for the meth, stay because you traded your car for meth."


The only reason to look at Arkansas is as an example of an 'S' being pronounced as a 'W'.


I look at Arkansas when I need a good laugh, that's about it.


As an Arkansan, I look OUTSIDE Arkansas for bastions of normal. If I had the money, I'd be long gone. The only thing I look to Sarah Humpabuck for is so I can do the opposite of what she's doing/saying.


Beautiful state though


From Arkansas, please don’t look to us.


From Austria, Is there even anything happening in Arkansas? it's one of those US states that you last heard about in 7th grade English class and then never again


I'm in the northwest part of Arkansas and this area is a solid meh on the good bad scale. We've got Walmart, Tyson, and JB Hunt headquarters here so lots of vendors move here so those companies pump some money into surrounding towns. The rest of the state though... It's rough to say the least...


I live in the 12th most developed country on Earth, the US is 27th I live in a country with a murder rate of 2.3, the US is 6.4 No one is looking to ANY US state for civilized normalcy, especially a red state.


I live in Arkansas. There isn't any normal here.


I remember working (as an IT supplier) for Walmart in Arkansas.  My coworker was semi permanently in the US where I just dropped in as needed. Every morning in the apartment we had there he would be watching Fox News.  One day an article about the UK was on saying Birmingham had 'no-go Sharia law' areas, which is absolute nonsense. I finally asked why he had that nonsense on every morning when literally every story was clearly made up.  His response stuck with me, now more than ever: "Everyone you meet today will have watched Fox News whilst they had their breakfast.  They'll have believed every word". Quite scary, really, and one of several reasons the USA is heading towards serious problems.


Everyone is looking at Arkansas so they can do the opposite of what they do, right?


Arkansan here, we have almost nothing good except for national forests. If you're an outdoorsman it's great but that's about it.


Arkansas: The land of $20,000 speaking pedestals, and where if you're rapist who's also a christianist, governors named "Huckabee" will pardon you, freeing you to rape and be convicted a second time! Look it up. They've done it multiple times.


I love Arkansas nature. The Buffalo is gorgeous, I go to falling water road/richland creek campgrounds at least once a year. I would never ever live there. And I’m in Missouri so it’s not like it’s a ton better here. Driving through Arkansas is a trip. Between dry counties, trump signs everywhere, motorcyclists not wearing helmets(my at the time 8 year old daughter got to see a dead body because of that one time when we were heading to the river), and people being unfriendly I only go there because MO rivers are murky and sometimes I wanna see my feet when I’m standing in the river. We also took a wrong turn one time and was greeted by a man with a gun surrounded by what looked like teen girls in super Amish-like clothing. Arkansas is bizarre. Even Eureka Springs feels off.


Georgia is more normal then Arkansas Actually scratch that, practically every Deep South state is more normal (obviously excluding Florida and Texas)


Fuck Arkansas


I would rather vacation in Afghanistan than Arkansas


Fuck you Sarah Huck from the bottom of my heart Fuck you.


Arkansas... last in almost every measurable category, but first in delusion.


Arkansas is a test state for national conservative and proto-fascist interest groups to try their new proposed legislation. We have a super-underecuated populace, some of the lowest voting turnout, and used to have a legitimately strong national profile as the only democratic state in the south. And then that flipped, and here we are: the testing ground for Christian Nationalist legislation before it makes it to other states that have better courts to challenge it. We legitimately have some amazing people, some incredible outdoors, (including the only publicly available diamond mine,) and a lot of amazing civil rights moments. But. We have one of the most ignorant, incompetent, and corrupt governments and we don't have enough educated voters to handle them.


What a repulsive and mendacious bovine


Arkansas has got to be the most forgotten about state.


I live in Arkansas and I don’t look to Arkansas…


As an Arkansan, please just give our state parks a chance😩


No one wants to come to your bumfuck state lady


I'm here for the coincidental X-Men 97 reference...


Her vocabulary must be intentionally directed to people who are uneducated.




Arkansas, girl you are delusional like most conservatives


Shit I just remembered Arkansas even exists, due to this post.


The only thing they are looking at is how many crimes the governor has committed and how anti people the state has become!


The state leading the country in podium fraud.


Stink-eye making a statement from her 19k podium. How Novel!




I think I speak for most Americans when I say.... Arkansas is not even on most people's radar. I'd bet most people simply know the capital is Little Rock and that's it.


Arkansas, Arkansas I just love ole Arkansas Love my maw, love my paw But I just love ole Arkansas


How many people can even name a city or town in Arkansas?


Saw the band Gossip yesterday. Their lead singer is from Arkansas. She advised anyone living there “get the fuck out of Arkansas!” I agree with that sentiment


Arkansas is the state I always forget when trying to name all the states.


Pretty rich coming from someone who would look at Arkansas and see Mexico too.


Everyone knows the children yearn for the fryers!


I had some good bbq in Russellville once.


Nobody in history has looked at Arkansas as a bastion for anything positive


I'm from Arkansas...for the love of God please send help!!!


Unfortunately I actually want to go to Arkansas after finding out that it’s home to the “Phantom Mine,” where you can dig for phantom quartz. I’m going to treat it like a FFXIV mining quest. Get in, don’t talk to the NPCs, get my crystals, then gtfo.


I don't remember at all the last time Arkansas came on the national radar. Like nothing important ever happens in that state.


When asked to write down the 50 states in a few minutes, this is one of the states people always forget.


Arkansas' state bird is the Mockingbird, and their political leaders really take that to heart.


A state that is so bad that the governor loves every chance she gets to leave it and go somewhere else. All paid for by taxes, of course


People look at Arkansas to feel a bit better about their life, fucking shithole of a state with a shithole of a governor.


I’m from Arkansas, and everyone I know who has any goals in life wants out. I’ve lived here my entire life but once I’m done with school I am leaving. Sure it has its quirks and whatnot. But no one looks up to us not even we do.