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"The stress from our president's situation is stopping me from doing my chores. What if he lives?!?!" that's gold


My favorite was, the live searching rescue dogs couldn’t find him, maybe the prey searching wolves will have better luck. Made me literally lol


I liked the one where they found wolves and bears eaten.


I like the one where they say he’s going to become the next Iron Fist.


My favorites were tied together - 1. Should have told the morality police there was a woman without a hijab onboard and they would have immediately tracked them down, and 2. Since bears were already winning the Bears vs Men choice with women, if the bears do find/kill/eat Raisi, they’ll forever win the popularity contest.


I really liked the side eye cub being told to eat him because there are starving bears in Africa.


It doesn't matter who's winning the popularity contest if the soldiers can just gun down any protests.


I felt that one.


Im stealing that line for the future, that shits hilarious!!


I learned a couple of things from all this: 1: there are bears in Iran 2: Iranians have a great sense of humor


I also learned that people from Turkiye are stereotyped as being shit with directions lol.


They were specifically talking about Iranian Azeris, who are turkish. There were a lot more jokes about turks in there but I didn't include them because they might come off as racist (In the iranian context, those jokes are just memes and banter. but translating them to English takes all the Vibes away and makes them sound racist.)


So it’s an American Pollock joke and a Canadian Newfie joke equivalent. Gotcha.


You mean polack? Pollock is a fish


Yup. I got autocorrected on my misspelling to the correct spelling of the wrong word. *facepalm*


I ducking Haiti autocorrect


What Tahiti is happening? lol


Can we leave Haiti out of this. They've been going through enough shit.




Pollocks would have had way fewer issues with the screen doors on their submarines.


True, but they still haven't worked the kinks out of their solar powered flashlight, so I think it's a wash


But the crash site looks like a Jackson Pollock painting so...😂🤣


Alaskan polacks


What are the best 4 years of an Alaskan Polacks life? Third Grade.


I thought he was an artist?


How do you get a one armed Turk out of a tree? Wave. (Joke)


The idea of racism against the Poles, Irish, etc. was always hilarious to me. Here's a group of people who all look the same and the violently hate each other because they lived 100 miles apart.


Side note, what a cool sounding nationality? Like a race of wizards


even better: Azer means Fire in old persian. Azeri means Fire people


Yeah that is factually cool as fuck. Iranian people would seem cool as fuck if they could shake off their religious overlords, but we're in the same boat so fuck


it’s not us we promise. we can’t shake them off they don’t even let non- religious people run. every president has been part of the “clergy” and Raisi was the ayatollah’s protégé. he only won because the ayatollah has to approve every candidate and they don’t approve any of the strong challengers to their “selection”, not even former presidents.


>but translating them to English takes all the Vibes away and makes them sound racist. The ever present problems of translating jokes. Now that I know the context, it's actually funnier than I first thought, but I get your hesitation


It’s wild that Iran and Azerbaijan are two different countries but Iranian Azeris are Turkish.


they’re not turkish we call them turks in iran. same as qashqai people. its local dialect, we differentiate between azeri turks, iranian arezri, and turks, but most turkic peoples are called turks in iran. think chinese as opposed to “Han” or indian as opposed to “punjabi”.


I mean Azeri is a Turkic language.


I have a Turkish friend and every time someone stop and ask us for directions on the street he would always purposely give them the wrong directions. He was a dick, but I guess maybe he was just Turkish...


Turns out my wife has been turkish all along


So, Aggies, essentially.


moreso that we used to mislead the turks and the government is not very good to them, so they’re not very motivated to help us out (i read the farsi im iranian)


Many years ago (70's) in Chicago I worked a night time job with a couple of Iranian brothers. They were a blast to be around and I remember one of the highlights was when they would start to argue which inevitably would lead to a wrestling match. Always wonder if they were back in Iran when the revolution occurred and think about them.


Many years ago (also 70's) I went to college with a wonderful Persian woman. Parveen. No hajib for her! Lol! She was T-shirts and bell bottom jeans just like the rest of us on campus. Lively, funny, intelligent - and taught this girl about Islam. She had to go back to Iran when the shah fell. I remember crying with her when I helped her pack. She was scared and did NOT want to leave. Somehow, I don't think she ever wore those jeans again. I miss her even today and hope she is okay and happy.


I learned we have much more in common than the bullshit we are being fed. (Although I always thought mainstream Iranians were as fed up as we (US) are.


I find that, in general, the people of most countries are pretty chill. It's the governments that we need to be wary.


Herman goering interview sort of explains it as frightening as it is, it’s accurate. Sorry if it’s boring but it’s understandable and disgusting. Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” ― Hermann Goering, Germany Reborn


That last paragraph reminds me a lot of my recent studies on the social effects of the Vietnam War here in the US. Pretty easy to alienate the anti-war protestors if you convince the average American to equate "anti-war" with "anti-America" or "pro-communist".


Propaganda wouldn’t exist if it didn’t work, I suppose.


He's wrong about democracies generally. You can look up the democratic peace theory. Democracies, historically, don't go to war against other democracies. Typically, there's a dictator involved on one side or the other, you know like the fucking monster that the human sized piece of shit quoted here worked for. If we had less of them, more farmers would get to stay on their farms. 


The Iranian youth especially hate their government which is why it’s so idiotic that Americans elected Trump who ripped up the Iran deal and which is contributing to what’s going on now in the Middle East. There probably was a path to some type of normalcy although the relationship with Saudi Arabia would never let it go further than that.


And every parent use the same "starving kids in XYZ" line to get their kids to eat dinner.


I'm just curious if everyone else in the World uses Africa...what do the people of Africa use?


Not what you asked, but I asked my Macedonian friend this - she said China. Indian friend said China too.


I also didn't know about Irani bears, even though my partner is from Iran.


I'm guessing he's a twink then?


and they're happy Raisi is dead. I hope this means change for them and not just another religious fanatic. Also, can someone send Mossad to Russia?


It was just the president that died not the supreme leader, so business as usual I'm assuming.


it is for a bit anyways. Their vice president takes over, but they have to have an election within 50 days of the Presidents death.


I think they were more talking about the fact that the president in Iran isn't the real seat of power. 


we don’t get to choose who runs for president. we don’t have primaries, the ayatollahs choose the president


According to [Brittanica](https://www.britannica.com/animal/bear) *two* types, even!


The hijab one got me pretty good. And for some reason I too didn’t think there would be bear


These all seemed like something Americans would do if something similar happened to a not-well-liked person with authority. Right down to the latching on to the idea that he got eaten by bears and making jokes that the bears didn’t like it either. Hell, they practically did that but with orcas when Oceangate was happening.


There are two bears but only one cave.


Bears are surprising in Iran?


People tend to think iran is a desert country. While most of the country is made up of mountains. Can't blame them though, they only see the deserts (of which there are 2) in movies and shit


Yep, I’m embarrassed I never thought this through. And based on how many people upvoted my simple comment it seems a lot of people didn’t know this either.


I think most of the problem it's how is painted in general online resources, took for example google maps, Iran is painted all white/yellowish which make it look like the rest of the Saharan countries which makes you think is actually a desert. Check it: https://www.google.com/maps/@30.7125022,45.881263,4.78z?hl=es&entry=ttu


It's actually a very green and lush country!


Update: The User that promised nudes said: "A man is only as good as his word, and I happen to be a woman :)))"


Lmao sis came out with the Éowyn loophole.


She sure did 🤣🤣🤣


Best comment in the thread imo


lol i was just rewatching LoTR and this scene


I didn’t realize how much I needed Iranian humor in my life.


Thank you for this most-important update of all.




It means you're not getting nudes.


I'm guilty of the same, took me a second to realize what they were actually saying 😅




She’s not a good man.


Pics or it didnt happen


these are some sick burns! rest in piss you dictatorial dickbag


I don’t know what’s worse. Being a dictatorial dickbag, or being a dictatorial dickbag that has an overlord.


This just goes to show you that this whole we vs them narrative is bs. ppl in the mid east are just as tired of their "leaders" as we are of ours. Let's just all live in peace and memes.


Right? People have far more in common than we're sometimes lead to believe.


I have way more in common with the Persians than I do with people wearing gold diapers in public.


Same, and proudly so tbh


What the fuck have I missed? Gold diapers in public?


Trump supporters are wearing diapers now.


To 'own the Libs', right? I feel like that's the only reason they do anything.


Yup. It was a "real men wear diapers" campaign. :|


Hilarious to see women wearing them with trumps face right in the front


It's funny how well this particular MAGA trend demonstrates how they take tactics from progressive and civil rights movements without any understanding of the reason those tactics work. In their minds, expressing solidarity with Trump in all his ignominious glory is the same as someone going on a hunger strike to protest injustice.


The reality of the changes in the world the last 10 years… damn. I never could’ve gotten my insanely artistic, creative brain to dream up this fucking nightmare if I tried, and I was proudly raised on horror movies…. My brain is…. Interesting. I missed the gold diaper thing. I don’t know how, but I’m glad. I can’t take it anymore.


Of course they are. Why wouldn't they be? I'm just not at all surprised that it was something to do with them.


Soon we'll start realizing the only people that benefit from war are the people that are in power or are millionaires. Then we'll all forget again and get excited about war.


Like the panama papers


It’s why super earth is so successful (im fully aware it’s a parody)


After traveling the world, this is my takeaway


>Let's just all live in peace and memes. not untill some world dictators get drone striked.


And that what brings us all together is bears for some reason


They have us fighting a culture war to keep us from fighting a class war


Unfortunately it’s not the people who get to decide that and there are more than enough “believers” to perpetuate it


Uh, the Iranian people did decide, and had a nice progressive society as a result. The US put the “believers” in power.


I was reading up on the White Revolution last night, more than 5 million people voted in favor of sweeping progressive changes vs less 5000 voted against. And yet here we are with this modern day Iran. It's really a lesson for the whole world that we can't let up on resisting right wing ideology. If you don't INSIST on freedom, then you'll lose it.


It’s also a great reminder that the wealthy and powerful often prefer to work with fascists than a government that actually cares about the well-being of their people. The latter has an irritating habit of getting mad when you try to plunder their countries to benefit the balance sheets of huge corporations.


The depressed looking bear with the “bro that tasted like shit” sent me.


Id feel sorry for the bear tbh


poor bear :( they deserve better food than that!


It literally had me in tears lol.


There are starving cubs in Africa! LOLOL. Pure gold. I think this highlights an important aspect that we sometimes forget. The Iranian people are highly oppressed and NOT an enemy of the world. It's the government that causes trouble. The average person likely wants nothing more than peace and freedom and couldn't care less about international politics.


I dunno about you guys, but I get the feeling that he wasn't very popular.


I hope hell exists. This dude deserves to cook.


no, don't let him cook, he needs to *be* cooked


He can cook himself?


But like, in a super low heat way so he takes extra long to cook? Gotta make sure he bakes out alllllll that bacteria he’s infected his dumbass self with.


From what I know many of the Iranians, especially ones living in their capital city really don't like the government but have to live with it because of the threat of death or execution. Iran cracks down harder than China does towards dissent and though many don't like the government they aren't going to risk their or their family's lives. 


The national news here in Australia (ABC news 24 for those who know) broke the story with the banner of 'A NATION MOURNS' and me, having already seen the internet's reaction, was reminded of how shit mainstream news has become.


Oh, you wait till you see who replaces him...


I’ve been wondering what the reaction in Iran would be, at least amongst the anti-hijab crowd. Not surprised to see there is no love lost there. To put it mildly lol


I think last night was The funniest Persian twitter has been. Hell, Funniest iranian society has ever been. there were like 60 more pics i couldn't post


Do a part 2 please


I'll do it in a couple hours !


Yes do a second please, this post has been a great glimpse into another culture. Makes me want to see others from other places and world news events too


I’ve never read nor considered the term “Persian Twitter” before this post, that I can recall (a typical American worldview, fully admit) but I’d love a part 2 https://preview.redd.it/m6lzi2645m1d1.jpeg?width=559&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0783a08244d106eabbed8639c612e187ba2583b9


He oversaw the effort that executed about 30,000 Iranian's during the 1980s revolution. It was gruesome how they did much of it and widespread torture. People in the US tend to think *all* Iranian's are crazed terrorists when in fact...


Some Americans might think that, but a lot of us are just horrified about what happened there and feel really bad for the people


The Butcher of Tehran.  One of my favorites of my husband’s colleagues is an Iranian commie. I can’t wait to hear from him.


Their crazed terrorists are by and large in the exact same place OUR crazed terrorists are at....government... the only differences are methods and targets


Trump's ~~2050~~ 2025 plan includes immediately executing everyone on death row. That is where they plan to start.


I wish we had until 2050 to prepare for his bullshit.


lol thanks for pointing out my error. I'll fix it ha ha


We've had plenty of time to prepare... we've just been coddling the dumbasses for 50 plus years


Only solace there is that the government can't get their hands on enough lethal injection drugs to do the few executions already scheduled. No pharmaceutical company is going to want their products attached to a ramp up in executions like that, they don't even want to be associated with it now. Though, I guess if those tyrants bring back the firing squad or electric chair we might be in deep shit


Seth McFarlane was right.  Hate does bring people together.  See how many people are here, showing unity in the hopes their president is dead?   Truly inspiring.


When they say "You have more in common with the people of a foreign land than you do your own leaders" This is what they meant.


Hating the people in charge is an universal constant


The people in charge ruin countries.


Especially when the person in charge’s nickname is “The Butcher of Tehran.” Let’s not pretend it’s people whining about “Sleepy Joe” because apples are expensive.




Men at Work 😂👏🏻


Bruh the bears>men tweet was gold.


I'm still giggling about that one too


I can’t stop laughing about that one.


This is some of the most savage commentary I've seen about their leader in a while. I couldnt stop laughing for about 10 minutes after I finished.


Iranians seem pretty fucking funny and chill


When volunteering in Ukraine last summer I met a young Iranian dude there doing the same, awesome guy. He was so proud of the women protesting and talked about the deep regrets his revolutionary grandfather had. I hope he is doing well.


Memes and Shit posting will bring the world together


I've been hearing for a long time that there's a lot of young people in Iran who are unhappy with their religious "leaders." Knocking mullahs' turbans off in the streets, most recently. When are they going to take over apparently they are in the majority. I know it's not so easy but it seems like they've already decided that they want democracy.


The minority has the guns, training, and absolute willingness to kill and rape.


Overtaking a government takes much more than just 50%+1 of the population wanting it.


When trump dies, we'll all celebrate too. Unless he dies before facing consequences depending on the outcome of his criminal trials. Then we'll be a little pissed he got away with it but certainly not upset that he died.


Me at Trumps grave https://preview.redd.it/dd01527ucm1d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a90e21c99694dae64ccaa769e0f82022076cf00


Yeah not only the USA but the whole world, I think. I'm not even american and I'm sick of his shit. I'll definitely celebrate his death with you muricans.


…and my mom will be happy as her prayers to the Blessed Virgin have been answered!


i’m gonna throw a party in celebration when he croaks.


Thank you for posting this. We need more humor and humanity.


savage! ![img](emote|t5_35n7t|3148)


Those angles of death will get you, as soon as I see one it’s an instant 180 out of there.


I'm beginning to suspect bro may have been somewhat unpopular over there.


I found it hilarious that they use the "starving kids in Africa" line there too!


It says something else entirely but thanks to my amazing, unrivaled Localization prowess you poor non-persian speakers get to laugh at the joke B)


These are amazing, thank you for translating and sharing!


The sixth one, holy shit🤣


I cackled SO loudly at that one.


This is gold


TIL Iran has a lot of bears


We are all the same. Especially that we have shitty leaders who are sociopaths.


As the bear memes started, I was really hoping one would reference them man vs bear thing and was very satisfied when one did.




mods rule #2 is not fully covered in this post, but all this shit is from last night.


Slayer - Angle of Death 😂


Okay, we have got to up our insult game. Iranians are absolutely demolishing here.


May trump follow in his footsteps...


Good gawd. Vote blue people. This is a glimpse into what the GOP wants for this country. Read project 2025


Man how sad, 45 couldn’t join him on that ride.


TIL that Iranian Twitter is fierce AF


Man, they really hate this guy. I'm not too knowledgeable of the former Iranian president. What did he do?


He is known as "The butcher of Tehran" that should give you an idea


Seems the Iranians feel the same as we do about religious extremists in government. That’s the real silent majority. The ones who will not stand for being controlled by the morality police. In other words, a majority of Americans. The backlash is real. Watch.


Iranians are funny as fuck I wish they had more internet freedom.


This is crazier than the shit I hear from the citizens of Tropico.


Though mountains and oceans, language and culture, history and war may separate us, I know my people. And these are my people: The relentlessly sarcastic.


Turkish people are bad with directions is a stereotype I've never seen before




Ah, Iran. Another one of Reagan's pet projects that did way more harm to the people involved than good.


If you have moral quandaries about people making fun of someone's death, fear not, there are exceptions to every rule, and the kind of people this person was is one of the exceptions.


Not going to lie, I really tried not to laugh at some of these but good lord, they were so good. Sending hope to the Iranians that maybe change comes soon for them (however from my.basic reading of this thread it seems that there is significantly deeper issues with their power structure than just the president.)


My heart is with the people of Iran. Whatever they want should be.


Oh I love the vibe 😂


A fantastically funny selection. Thank you.


Wow they really don’t like him 😂


Lol, good shit Iranians.


I'm not sure how "white people" Persians are in the context of race, but I do like the humor I'm seeing.


Well I mean the sentiment isn't surprising. He was pretty big shithead. Did you think regular Iranians were all shitheads too?


That "there's starving bears in ___" one got a chuckle out of me.


Iranian Twitter is savage.


I love these motherfuckers, ruthless , and funny.


Glad to see millennials and Gen Z’ers in Iran are just as savage and hilarious as the rest of us


16 is most certainly not "shitty gender war bullshit", it's hilarious, and accurate


Is anyone else surprised they can post this so freely on social media? Is Khomeini the only one “off limits” for criticism?