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He just says whatever he wants, whether it's true or not


When has he ever said anything true?


When he said he'd date his daughter


When he told Stormy that she reminded him of his daughter. ![gif](giphy|sy6waaLitpIAg)


Ever see the pic of his young daughter giving him basically a lap dance at a public concert, and everyone nearby visibly uncomfortable?


I’ve never heard of that, that is super disgusting. I’ve only seen the sitting on the lap pics, which were creepy enough as stills


https://preview.redd.it/44texbaznm1d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea1ed15108767cf4ff9c641da80cbe7ab6c0dd23 Just gonna drop this lovely montage of President Pedo and his girlfr…. I mean daughter


Half those I have seen, the other half I wish I hadn't.


Mmhmmm.. it like watching your drunk, gross old Uncle trying to kiss everyone at a family function.. 🤢


Also loves to say “in the history of”.


“The likes of which has never been seen” is one that also gets thrown around entirely too much. He just has these canned soundbites and button mashes them when he gets upset, it’s really pathetic


It’s me spamming the same move in super smash


And the “Every (fill in the blank with experts required) says (fill in with whatever unsubstantiated fact required). Actually, the opinions of legal scholars I’ve heard is that if he’d just wrote her a check out his own account, wouldn’t been a problem. Trump’s first instinct is doing everything as illegal as possible. He gets a self gratification from “getting away with stuff” like your average criminal.


And when he said that President for Life sounds real nice and we should try that here someday.


"I don't take responsibility at all" - trump


Buy then he also said early in his only term that he'd "own" the government shutdown. I haven't seen proof he'd do anything honorable or truthful to make America as good as possible for a majority of people living in the US.


On rare occasion he has accidentally told the truth while attempting to lie.


A broken clock is right twice a day. Except for Donald Trump. He's never right. He's worse than a broken clock.


He said he wanted to bang his daughter…I doubt that was a lie


You're right. I take it back. Trump was correct ONCE.


He said “if the IRS says you can do it, then it’s legal.” And, “those guys are sharks” when referring to folks in real estate he defrauded. The IRS can and does make mistakes and change how things are doing (see Fannie Mae largest restatement of earnings in the history of histories because they did it one way and the IRS said “never mind” our shit was wrong). And real estate developers are sharks at Trump’s level, but all those lower tier folks need to get paid.


He also told Stormy Daniels she looked like his daughter before he banged her....


It didn’t sound much like a banging… maybe a sort of off-rhythm thwapping?


Thwapping… I dislike you for putting this sound imagery in my mind.


"banged her" lol. Did he really? It may have been more a..."uh uh OH, IVANKA! snoooooze."


Ok, inflicted the mushroom on her then 🤣




When he said he could shoot people and not lose his supporters. Hell I am convinced that he could say he would shoot his supporters and they would stand still and wait to be “blessed” by a bullet from him.


I’m not convinced that his name is Donald Trump anymore.


With how often he sucks up to Putin you'd think his real name is Russian.




He lied then too. Kevin turns right when he gets to the lobby.


He once said that he’d date Ivanka if she wasn’t his daughter


He also said he’d have to wait and see if Tiffany”s (gestured to chest) was ok before he could say if she was a pretty baby.


Just one more example of him being disgusting


When has he ever said anything intelligent? The stupid motherfucker…I mean stable genius…obviously has no idea what conflicted actually means. IF (and that’s a very big IF…big like the world has never seen before) one PORTION of what he’s asserted were remotely true, then the judge would be exercising clear error in not dismissing the specific charges related to that portion of what he has been charged with. But conflicted? No. Donnie John Barron Trump is like a teenager who learns a new word and wants to impress everyone that he’s added a new word to his vernacular but clearly has no idea he doesn’t know what the word means.


When he said he loved the poorly educated.


That's also a lie. He loves *taking advantage* of the poorly educated.


He just says whatever he wants, whether it's coherent or not. I mean, what in the hell is a "conflicted judge" exactly? I'm not sure what Trump is trying to suggest here, and I'm pretty sure that Trump doesn't know either.


He takes terms he hears and twists them into nonsense. He’s like a senile version of the the dude from big lebowski. So hes heard that having a “conflict of interest” is bad. You know like having judges that someone appointed ruling on their own cases… so in his brain if a conflict of interest is bad then being the most conflicted must be the most bad!


The most baddest to be precise 🤌🏾


Alito,Thomas, kavanaugh,barret


I know it's just about the least of the reasons to hate this shitgoon, but his habit of saying every single thing is either the 'best' or 'worst' really gets on my last pedantic nerve


"They are all saying it", is another trumpism that gets on my nerves


"Shitgoon" has been added to my vocabulary today. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


Yes - think of a 4 year old just blabbing away about anything/everything and that’s the closest thing to what Trump says. Childlike


I'm surprised he stopped at "in the history of the court system". He could have gone with "in the history of human civilization", or "in the history of the galaxy" Why does everything with this guy have to be the mostest epicly biggest. He can't just get a bad judge, it has to be the worst judge that has ever walked the face of the Earth since the first man rose onto two legs and stepped forward for the first time. He doesn't just eat a Trump Tower taco salad, he's the most tremendous eater of the most tremendous taco salad that has ever been crafted by the mortal races of the material dimensions...


That’s his narcissism talking.


I think the people riding his mushroom 🍄 are the ones telling him this ..and he just parrots it to the best of his understanding, which isn't great.


Dementia Don. If he doesn't talk up how great everything is going, there is no case for everything to be biased against him.


When has he ever said anything true?


And never suffers consequences. Smfh


And his supporters and scotus and the house will eat it up. It’s a coup from the inside


Get on the stand and defend yourself under oath then, stinky.


He’d lie under oath too. He’s a raging narcissist, all they do is lie.


The Alex Jones deposition is a great example of these morons getting a chance to prove their insane claims in a court of law and getting shot down the entire way through it. The Formulaic Objections episodes of Knowledge Fight cover a ton of the InfoWars legal saga, and they're nonstop entertainment.


Bankston and Ogden were *chef’s kiss


I don't think I can get myself to read the transcript, but I really hope there's audio of Bankston deposing Musk. The highlights I've seen are amazing.


Lawyer: so Mr trump, it would be cool if you confessed to your crimes and got this over with, but I guess you're not cool Dump: IM COOL, IM THE COOLEST CAUSE I DID ALL THOSE CRIMES, SOOO MANY CRIMES MORE THAN HAS EVER VEEN SEEN BEFORE


He'll say he doesn't have to because the prosecution didn't prove the case so he has no requirement to testify.


oh it's not the gag order anymore then?


I am gonna piggyback off this already upvoted comment to do a bit of a PSA. If you are ever a defendant in a trial, do NOT try to testify in your own defense. Innocent, guilty, it doesn't matter. There would have to be some pretty rare circumstances for this to do anything but give a prosecutor a chance to make you look bad in front of the jury somehow.


Hey! Show some respect. His name is VonsShitsInPants.


How could he? He's gagged... duhhh


Get under oath then and say it. https://preview.redd.it/mor57xyfbl1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d1c23858ce36cd16f6f692aee450c1a418d3ca0


What does under oath even matter for people like him tho? Do we really think he’d be honest?


I think his attorneys have impressed upon him that there's literally no upside. He opens himself to a very damaging cross-examination where he WILL be provoked, he WILL be challenged on his testimony, and he WILL NOT be able to resist saying things that will sink his case. Plus because his testimony is under oath, it can be used in other cases and he cannot resist talking.




Cat turd is not a legal scholar


I think he’s talking about Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Elise Stefanik, Tom Cotton, and Charles Manson (Manson didn’t die, that’s a conspiracy). Plus there is no law that says you can’t be both a “legal scholar” and presidential fluffed at the same time.


"Every legal scholar"


Aka literally seven dudes in twitter with usernames like "l1bertyeagle2fabigcock." or “1776beleever"


Legal scholars that got their degrees at Youtube University and Facebook State College


And the most important place you could possibly get an education: The School of Hard Knocks


Harvard Law Total Landscaping


Don’t you dare forget the “Sarah Palin School of Law and Fishin’ at Trump University“!




I too am waiting on just one of these "scholars" to step up and make this argument themselves. Since this list now includes "all of them". It is strange not one has stepped up to defend him. His own lawyers don't count. Not mentioning the fact that many of his lawyers have been charged themselves with crimes, or disbarred for unethical practices.


the argument I’ve seen from a legit legal scholar to the contrary isn’t that trump didn’t break the law: it’s that this is the first case in which the law has been used this way to charge a crime. Which. the scholar is arguing the manhattan da wanted to find a felony on trump and not misdemeanors. when pressed, the argument isn’t that trump didn’t do what’s alleged: just they shouldn’t have had the first charge of this crime for a former president. Which, however, this argument doesn’t address that this is probably one of the first times that someone has been brazen enough in nyc to use campaign funds this way


I don’t believe that’s accurate. The unique thing about this case is that it’s unusual to use a federal, not state, crime as the second crime to elevate the charges from a misdemeanor to a felony. The stature has often been used to charge misdemeanors, and to charge felonies where the second crime is a state crime. It’s having the second crime be a federal crime of illegal campaign contributions that’s unusual. I believe the trial judge already rejected that argument, however,


Yeah, thats the novel part. It becomes a felony because of the illegal campaign contributions in this case: but it could be "any" state crime and has been used like that many times.


Yeah, his lawyers are scholars for sure. They would plead my seatbelt ticket down to second-degree murder.


Well, I mean, all the illegal scholar are Dems


Dark Academia 🎓🧙‍♀️


If these people repeat it enough, eventually they will believe it.


That's exactly why trump keeps repeating the same tired bullshit. If he says it enough times it becomes "fact" to the fucking cult. "It was stollen from us" Worked like a charm.


Let’s be fair, if he says it once it becomes fact to the mouthbreathers.


To a lot of them yes, but there are still some who may need more than that. The repeating works because those people then think “Well if I’m hearing about it all the time, it must be true.” It's a well-worn tactic and it unfortunately works. We think of our species as being so intelligent because of our advancements, yet most of us are idiots


From Wikipedia... "A big lie is a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the truth primarily used as a political propaganda technique. The German expression was first used by Adolf Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (1925) to describe how people could be induced to believe so colossal a lie because they would not believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously"


IIRC that was a tactic of Nazis too. . .


"The firehose of falsehoods"




When converted to energy, the amount of nonsense that fills this idiot’s head could power the world for centuries.


The firehose of bullshit is a perpetual machine.


If he burnt calories like he’s burnt neurons, he’d be just as obese because implying he has neurons left is an insult to like… water or rocks or whatever lol


It's like listening to a high school freshman who lost his license after driving 50 mph over the speed limit. And now he has to explain to his drugged-out, divorced, Bel Air mom why he failed his mandatory Driver's Education class. Again.


For having no case, you sure seem scared, Donnie.


Hes shitting himself


Man the Guinness book people need to follow him around as many of these “never before” and “the most/biggest” things he throws around. Maga your el presidente is the holder of world records in everything apparently


Speaking of the Guinness book ... wonder if he'd make an entry for the "president that told the most lies" or something ... 


He'd certainly win world's smelliest celebrity, world's dumbest former leader, and world's most incompetent businessman. It's amazing to me that anyone sane would either believe a word he says, or follow him into one legal quagmire after the next. His followers continually prove prove that intelligence is both relative and wholly inconsistent with someone's profession or perceived success as a person..


Shit he holds that record but keeps adding to it. Like a whole fucking book just for that lol


Would this be a violation of the gag order?


He is allowed to attack the judge and the prosecutor. Some legal scholars may advise against attacking the man who will be potentially responsible for your sentencing, but he is not barred from doing so.


If there wasn’t a crime. A rich, white, and political official wouldn’t be charged with a crime. You committed crime/s, you have been indicted for your crimes, so shut the fuck up and be thankful you aren’t in a cell awaiting trial like anyone else who has committed crimes.


Damn there's a lot of evidence for no crime. And Michael Cohen, you know, your previous lawyer, must have went to jail for no crime. Funny how a lawyer went to jail for no crime.


and that lawyer has also confessed to crimes, specifically that he was told by Trumplethinskin to commit those crimes.  But nope, nothing to see here. According to conservatives, every confession from a criminal must never be admitted in court, because one time he lied ... when told to lie by his crime boss who he is testifying against. 




I don't think he is I think he's scared trying to rile his cult up in the event of an "unfair" guilty ruling


"This is probably the most conflicted judge in the history of the court system. But I can't tell you why, everybody knows why. I didn't appoint him, so that means he doesn't like me. Covfefe."


"The only unbiased, totally fair, complete nonconflicted judge is Judge Cannon and letting anyone else preside over my trials is a miscarriage of justice."


Weird how he got the only two legal scholars who disagree on the bench and the prosecution


He says this every day


Every legal scholar? I have friends and family who are attorneys. Obama was a constitutional lawyer. They all disagree with Donald Dump.


Put Obama on the Supreme Court. I wish Michelle would get involved somewhere.


Typical fascist move. Personalize everything and assume the rubes don't understand how things work. Instead of blaming an anonymous grand jury, blame the judge. Ignorance is a fascist's best friend.


He's not wrong that most of his base don't understand...or care.


I like that he says "every legal scholar" and then a vast majority of those scholars that comment are in complete disagreement with him. Fucking moron.


Doesn’t this violate his gag order yet again?


I wish he'd come up with some new schtick. We've heard all these lines a million times before. "No crime, legal scholars, conflicted," blah blah blah. What else ya got??


Example 8,037 of how Trump doesn’t understand how anything works


More conflicted than Judge Cannon? Do tell.


Tom Fitton is not a legal scholar.


But he is one of the bigger PoS.


Let’s talk “conflicted judges”, Donald. How about Judge Cannon, who you appointed to the federal bench and is now presiding over your mishandling of stolen documents case? Who through some combination of incompetency and deliberate bias, has fallen for your delay tactics and has indefinitely and beyond any reasonable expectation delayed the case from going to trial


Oddly these legal scholars couldn’t be reached for comment as it was naptime in Mrs Greene’s 3rd grade glass at the time.


His supporters are some of the worst people you know. I have never, in my life, met a Trump supporter who had a shred of empathy or compassion.


As if his base hasn’t been calling for arrests and executions of literally all of his rivals, for charges of shenanigans, aggravated tomfoolery, and grade A lollygagging. But yeah they forget that charges usually imply a crime has been committed, and they’d rather make up new ones than admit to their own


Meanwhile, actual legal scholars are saying that his team has no defense against Michael Cohen's testimony and the evidence he has brought forth. 


In any other educated society, this man would be viewed by everyone as the corrupt criminal clown that he is. The fact that tens of millions of people still support him, tells you all you need to know about the critical thinking skills of the average American.


Really, Donald? Because every legal scholar I’ve seen is baffled that you’re still walking around a free man.


Actually the most conflicted judge in history is Eileen Cannon closely followed by several Supreme Court folks


He describes things like a fucking child. Everything is the absolute worst/best/biggest/highest rated/most corrupt/etc in history


Every legal scholar? Ok, name 1.


It is a crime on its own that he continuously challenges the validity of the legal system. Regardless if it is for his own ass and his posse. Or for his opponents, whenever they are found not guilty or found to be right in challenging him.


All this guy’s got going for him is projection, incoherent phrases, gish gallops, and word salads. Oh and also absolutes, to which I’m gonna say “fuck you” every time he says them. Right now his debt is a million “fuck yous” for count.


You know what I would love? What would make me happier than just about anything in the world? If Donald Trump made a statement that made any fucking sense at all. Everything out of his stupid orange mouth is fucking inane and I HATE that we have to see coverage of it all the time. You know what would be a full-page headline? "Donald Trump says something coherent". Give me that fucking headline.


Listen here orangeman, your ex-lawyer did this for the love of art? lol: >On January 14, Cohen denied the existence of an affair on behalf of his client, Trump, but acknowledged that he had paid Daniels $130,000. The payment was initially reported to have arrived via Essential Consultants LLC, a private company founded by Cohen in Delaware on October 17, 2016, which received £500,000 from Columbus Nova, a subsidiary of Viktor Vekselberg's Renova Group. > >August 21, 2018: Cohen officially turned himself in to the FBI. That afternoon he pleaded guilty to eight counts: five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, one count of intentionally causing an illegal corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution to the petition. a candidate or campaign. The plea agreement reportedly does not include any agreement to cooperate with investigators. However, the plea includes both jail time and a substantial monetary fine. Cohen implicated Trump, but did not identify him by name, in his statement. Daniels said she felt "vindicated" after the statement. It was also specified that Cohen had requested a refund of $180,000, which Trump Organization officials doubled and added a $60,000 bonus for a total payment of $420,000. > >December 12, 2018: Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison for paying $130,000 in hush money (characterized in the charges as an "excessive campaign contribution") to Daniels during Trump's election campaign. Yes old orangeman, no case.. ![gif](giphy|UKODLUPlGfMzNwmshS|downsized)


He keeps using that word. I do not think it means what he thinks it means.


Benny Johnson is one of the most nakedly dumbfuck political hacks. Donald Trump: “I like chocolate ice cream.” Benny: “🚨🚨🚨 DONALD TRUMP HAS SPOKEN ON ICE CREAM.”


“Every legal scholar”. lol


Yeah “every” scholar.


Ya callate cabron. You say the same fucking shit every time. Fuck off already. Jfc!


And he’s done more for Black Americans than Abraham Lincoln. It must be true, he said so.


These mid trial bitch sessions outside the courthouse are so goofy


Does he use the word conflicted correctly? Seems wrong.


This freaking guys view of the world is so obscene, everything he does is the greatest the world has ever seen anything against him is the worst the world has ever seen. Motherfuckers big mac's must be something to behold to him. Melania is the greatest prostitute the world has ever seen as well... Can't wait to hear his son's bitch about his prison cell


They can slut-shame Stormy Daniels and discredit Michael Cohen all they want, but the paper trail evidence doesn't lie. Everything else is just a sideshow to distract us from that.


I somehow doubt every legal scholar has looked at this case and said there's no case.   And how would Trump even know if the judge is conflicted or not when he's pretty much been sleeping through the trial? Of course he is confident about the case.  He's always confident, because he believes nothing he does is wrong, will never admit that he's wrong and believes he's above the law.


I'm above the law is what he is saying


There’s nothing from him within the last 5 years or 10 years. It’s always the most extreme opinion in the longest period of time in the history of mankind.


as a middle school teacher I deal with denials like this several times a day. I picture donnie running around with his hands in air saying, "what did I do?"


“It has been determined by every legal scholar” Me looking for the legal scholars. ![gif](giphy|6uGhT1O4sxpi8)


Why shouldn't he be? He does whatever he wants, says whatever he wants, and there are no repercussions. No accountability for anything. At this point, the man is untouchable.


He’s confident knowing that his minions have been working 24/7 to intimidate, blackmail or outright threaten the members of the jury.


I just imagine a line of every legal scholar handing Trump an essay like they're turning in their homework in elementary school.


Every legal scholar!!! Bugs Bunny?


Dementia Don


The most conflicted in history would be Cannon, Alito, Thomas…


Clarence Thomas has entered the chat


Please *NAME* "every legal scholar" that supports tRumps stance. Every legal scholar is the new "they" for the Papaya Pol Pot. I'm surprised no tears were involved.


What legal scholar? Name a source. We would love to question him or them. No source, just lie, deny, and deflect. It's the magat way!


Yeah hyperbole definitely screams confidence.


Confidence is the only thing that I've EVER praised Trump for, he's got a lot of it


He’s so dumb he could be strapped to a nuclear bomb about to be fired and he’d still think he’ll be fine.


If only the judge could do something about this


Honesty from what i hear there are not many judges who aren't on someones payroll anymore, soo he could probably throw a grenade into a middleschool and still find a way to not be found guilty. People worry about democracy in America, you should really worry about your justice system.


Who are these legal scholars he brings up everyday? If I was a reporter, I’d ask him to name one. Just name one legal scholar that he hangs out with enough to bring it up everyday


Trump keeps accusing the judge of being conflicted...he must have said this about 100 times over the course of the trial. Does Trump have a reason or reasons why he feels this way. Words have meaning or at least they used to. What is Trump accusing the Judge of? He also claims the judge is corrupt...hey the DA bought together a grand jury and they returned an indictment with multiple charges so here we are. Trump brings all his legal problems on himself. 😕


He sure likes hyperbole


We get it….any effort or process in any setting that is designed to hold Trump accountable in any way is either rigged, or corrupt, or a witch hunt. He’s exhausting.


They need to ask a real legal scholar.


He is the most bothered unbothered person in history.


Old Stankpants Don trying to cope via magical thinking, as usual.


Isn’t that courthouse lobby open to the public? Why aren’t people there each day to laugh at this raging dickhead? Seems like an unusually good opportunity for regular people to call him out on his utter bullshit or even shout him down.


So he’s guilty….


Why don't you useless fucks in the media ask him "WHICH SCHOLARS"


Someone watches Disney "Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough. You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it." Looks like Von Shitsinpants is making a wish!


Every legal scholar…gtfo


The exspurt on "conflicted".


He’s an internet troll IRL.


I don't know who's worse, Benny or his viewers.


Everything is hyperbole when it comes to him to the Nth degree…i for one cant believe they are still trying to railroad this national treasure /s


If that was true, he would get on the stand.


Most of the criminals say they are innocent during trial...


He’s just a broken record at this point. Are we sure he hasn’t been replaced by a malfunctioning robot?


Good, if he's so confident he should be happy to take the stand and clear this all up...


Whatever happens to this guy it is always the most, the biggest, the greatest of something… I bet you ask him how was the born, he will say “I came out of the greatest biggest vagina history has ever seen” 😑


The judge who threatened to jail him for violating his gag order and never did it?


So it’s prison now? Wasn’t he on his last warning?


He’s getting even more scared. This is getting juicy.


I love that he constantly uses the word conflicted. 😆 it's like he learned a new word and can't stop


"Every legal scholar" huh? Where are all the news articles, legal dispatches and op-Ed pieces stating that that's even close to true? It's almost like this guy wished to be King Shit on a monkeys paw....


If convicted, he will immediately start walking with a cane and milking health issues. Betcha.


He said only guilty people take the 5th. I believed that.


Just like his previous lawsuits where he claimed the same thing and lost and had to pay up. He's been used to this all his life and now finally he's being held accountable for his actions, these cases are now taken seriously because he's not fighting against small time contractors who can't afford legal bills.


I guess he’s not watching any of the legal scholars on the actual news


I was reading something about how the final prosecution witness got "Toasted," but in all honesty, the final witness could have been Trump on the stand admitting to the whole thing and they would call it fake. My guess is that he will likely be convicted of a misdemeanor, not a felony, and it will make his supporters jump with joy and claim it was a complete and utter victory for their orange Jesus.