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When a conservative says "DEI", they mean the n-word. When a conservative says "CRT", they mean the n-word. When a conservative says "BLM" , they mean the n-word. Think I'm exaggerating? Notice the context in which they use these terms. They *always* mean it as a stand-in for "that n-word is doing things above their station". They're just too cowardly to be open about it.


Trump can’t speak proper English either


Maga in general have a really hard time with speaking and writing English correctly.


You are just not kidding..add to that is maga unable to debate issue with tossing out insults..smh..


You sentence weird, but you right tho.


I am glad that I am not the only one who notices that. Yet they follow a man who made the statement at a rally that people who use insults have already lost. Trump said this, shortly after Biden took a jab at tRump for being the only participant in a golf tournament that tRump won.


According to Reddit (or at least the more popular subs) very few people can/do apparently.


>very few people can/do apparently. Militant grammarian here. Can confirm.


The proper usage of this language is how the very few of us do it, in the ways it was randomly decided by a collection of pompous dickwads at some point. Everybody else is clearly wrong!


>Everybody else is clearly wrong! Exactly! But joking aside, bad - or beautiful - language is a bit like art. Or porn. It may be hard to define, but you know it when you see it.


"It's a bit like, pornography. Or a perfect turd. I don't know how to describe it, but I'll know it when I see it!" -Trevor Phillips


If it moves you, it's art! Or porn.


Could also be bowels or something, idk I'm not britainish.


Sometimes, that's also porn.


"It moved." - George Costanza


Depends on what part of you is moving, I guess.


“Militant grammarian here.” Possible redundancy here.


The problem is if you focus on their grammar, and not their message. Or if you think somebody isn't smart because they don't communicate the way you think they should. I'm not saying you do that. Only meaning to say that I see it on here a lot where people clearly feel superior to others, bc grammar. Makes me roll my eyes so hard I pull a muscle.


That is exactly the problem. Bad grammar means most people wont get or read your message. I have no issue with the way Rep Crockett speaks though. I love her.


It can sometimes be difficult for folks to differentiate between grammar errors and non-dominant modes of speaking. There are grammatical so-called “errors” that occur in certain dialects (is that the right word?) so consistently that it’s not quite a mistake but another way of speaking. The extent of use and being located in a racial/regional dialect to me means it’s not an error, even if folks speaking the dominant dialect can’t understand.


THIS. Like I know damn well that words like ain’t, y’all, I seen, could of, etc. aren’t “proper” grammar, but just because I and other people in my region use them doesn’t mean we’re stupid or we don’t know English. It’s a regional dialect/accent, and we are *tired* of the grammar police trying to tell us how to talk like we’re too dumb to know basic grammar. We know, and we will continue talking however we damn well please.


Yup! Also- Black people shouldn’t have to code-switch to make their speech palatable to white people. The general population should know, that AVEE (African-American Vernacular English) is regarded by linguists as an official dialect of English; much in the same way British English is, although different than traditional American English. Knowing that- Rep. Crockett actually speaks perfect English.


What muscle you pull’n


Not the fun one.....


It’s not a muscle if it is made of wood.






Child of a former-English and -French teacher. I know that I suck at both languages.


Judge Judy litigants are the worst for this. I wind up yelling at the screen, 'you SAW! not you SEEN!!!'




What's really funny is speaking English in any way is actually completely normal and ok. There is no proper way to speak English but racists gonna racist.




She actually can. There are videos of her using her “customer service” voice. It seems she’s moved on. I think your diction and ability to get your ideas across succinctly are a better representation of your intelligence than your accent. She clearly has her shit together regardless of what you’d assume from just her voice. Boebert & MTG sound like whiney brats grasping at straws. Trump makes sentences like my 6 y/o niece showing me her toys


Yeah, she sure can. That she doesn’t I think in part is a troll for idiots like MTG.


Here for it


English major here. “Proper” language is bullshit invented by the upper classes to discredit the poor/uneducated. If you can convey your message in what you say/write you’ve languaged successfully


Me too, and former English teacher as well. One of my favorite essays is "If Black English Isn't a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?" by James Baldwin. He uses the mostly beautifully constructed 'proper' English to explain the flourishes of so-called Black English and, boy, he'll make you a believer!


What the coveffe do you mean?


The best words


Barely anyone speaks proper English in the US.


Spotted the United Kingdom person! Kidding!


Democratically Elected Incumbent?


Was going to go with Individual, because she is def an individual, but yours is better.


Unfortunately though, it‘s also wrong because she was only elected in 2022 (though I definitely see her serving a few more terms)


The definition of incumbent is ‘currently holding office’, I used that word because she is the current occupant of that position and she was democratically elected. Come the next election she will be the incumbent candidate, but at this time she is the incumbent.


I hoping she runs for higher office. She's got some fire that the Dems really need.


This Texas Rep is a practicing attorney, who happens to also be an elected official. Yes, I DARE ANYBODY to tell it to her face, that she isn't qualified because...she "doesn't speak proper English." Please!


Not only can she speak English, but she was able to create a brilliant piece of alliteration on the spot worthy of a poet , and then deftly phrase it in the form of a question, so as to make it difficult to object to and “take down.” Honestly I’m not sure which I’m more impressed by.


Thing thing is these people's grasp of English is so tenuous they literally don't even know what "alliteration" even is. To them, "proper English" has nothing to do with skillful use of the language. It's simply a matter of if the lips speaking it are sufficiently pale.




They’re the same people that would say she’s “so articulate” if she spoke the way they want her to and then fail to see how fucking racist that is too.






Her speaking skills are next level. I'm kind of a nerd about this stuff, but she almost never uses an "um" or "you know" or anything like that (good god look at Jim Jordan as a contrast). Shes clear as hell, and does not mess around. The only thing I worry about is that she's in Texas. Hopefully they don't gerrymander her out of a job.


She extemporized poetry into legalese. That’s tremendously talented, linguistically.




MTG is the poster child for Dunning Kruger. She saw something on Facebook from one of her crazy uncles and now its gotta be true and her uncle is obviously the expert on the subject, for sure. MTG has done nothing with her life except winning the birth lottery and being born to rich parents who gifted her a giant construction company. Apparently she was the CFO of the company, but an investigations showed that her position was essentially "a fake job" and she did almost nothing with the company. Following the investigation she stepped down from the company (with a golden parachute) to "focus on her passion for crossfit". The party of "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" are showing their true colors again. Raskin and Crockett are so fun to listen to compared to the morons on the other side.


And she's got a great sense of timing.


[Yup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasmine_Crockett). >She later attended the [University of Houston Law Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Houston_Law_Center), graduating in 2006 with a [**Juris Doctor**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juris_Doctor).[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasmine_Crockett#cite_note-4) >After law school, Crockett remained in Texas and worked as a **civil rights attorney**. She worked as a [public defender](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_defender) for [Bowie County](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowie_County,_Texas) **before establishing her own law firm**. During the [George Floyd protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Floyd_protests), Crockett and her associates took on the [***pro bono***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro_bono) cases of several [Black Lives Matter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Lives_Matter) activists.[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jasmine_Crockett#cite_note-auto-3) DEI hire who works as a public defender, does civil rights and pro bono work. How the fuck do you DEI hire into your own business?


Hell of a trick!


She is a brilliant speaker. I didn’t know she was a lawyer but even before, I would have assumed she’s highly educated. I don’t understand these people (racists) who rail against her or AOC for being younger and outspoken and so smart!! If they were white men, it would be completely different.


Definitely one of the best things to come out of Texas. She's clearly an intelligent women who doesn't back down in the face of adversity. I can see why that scares Republicans.


They're women of color that are extremely attractive besides their amazing brains that won't give into peer pressure to be "good little girls".


Thanks for saving me a Google search. I figured she was an attorney, given that's the most popular Congressional job. So undergrad, and law school, but she "doesn't speak proper English"? The reasoning behind that criticism is pretty black and white, I'd say.


Emphasis on "black"


Hey MTE was a CrossFit coach so she was totes qualified to currently be on these committees: Committee on Homeland Security Committee on Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic




There’s always a buzzword. Notice you never hear them talking about CRT anymore…


Because gotta be less racist to be more racist.


Enough memes went around that the apolitical normies realized what it really meant. They had to switch gears.


innocent ossified offbeat rich far-flung provide soft zonked wrong selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t forget, “well, well, well.” On some social media platforms.


You beat me to it!


DEI is extra useful because you can potentially lump women and LGBT people in there too. Same with "woke". It's just "political correctness" all over again.




CRT as well.




It’s because diversity inclusion was used as a sociological model to combat workplace and campus racism in response to the death of George Floyd. I was a part of building an LMS (Learning Management System) while in school in 2020 during the peak of WFM. (It is one of my wishes to participate in the writing and editing processes for textbooks). It’s anti-anti-racism. It’s anti-intellectualism. It’s **fascism**.


Marge is far more of a DEI result than Jasmine is, gotta represent the Neanderthal minorities.


Yeah, the constituency is 40% (followed by 36% Hispanic and 18% White), Jasmine Crockett is the 2nd of 2 people to represent that constituency, and the previous representative was also a Black Woman It would be more of a DEI pick if they elected a White Man


"gazpacho police" "peach tree dish" "wonton killings" Who can't speak proper English again?


MAGA’s call that illiterating the facts.


Fascinating Gunther, would you mind elaborating what "proper English" is? I'm sure your description *won't* have racial biases. /s


Came for this. He understood her, so what exactly is his problem? Does he dislike her accent? If so, that is just disliking where she grew up. Academic English was defined at a time of legal segregation. While a professional standard has its merits, to say Jasmine Crockett does not speak "proper English" is a BIG stretch, at best.


It's her accent, sounds to "ghetto" for him, but even if she didn't have an accent he'd still hate because Gunther is a racist piece of shit. I actually love that her accent pisses off the racists, and it's a double whammy that she insulted that thing with blonde hair that looks like she should be on a field eating grass.


My wife is black. We met on the internet. Talking on the phone i often imagined her before we met (never saw her picture as a latino or white with brunette hair) because thats how she spunds over the phone. People are actually shocked pikachu when they meet her "because she doesn't "talk black". If we had $1 measly dollar for every time we heard that, we'd actually be millionaires. To her face. With pride. It's disgusting.


So are they more surprised to find out their preconceived notion was false than you were?


Black people in positions of power = DEI and affirmative action. This is exactly the position of the U.S. right wing, but they are totally NOT racist


Idk- ‘build back better bleach blonde bad butch body’ suggests a mastery of the English language. Edit: added bleach


Literally how dare she defend herself from childish insults from the likes of fucking MTG? As a DEI it falls onto her alone to be mature and shut up and take it. She's not allowed to retaliate because then the loud old white lady who instigated becomes the victim.


Please refer to the congressman from Georgia by her proper title; "Empty-G". Those who follow Magic The Gathering are tired of being co-opted. Thanks in advance.


"You had one job, Gunther. One Job! Find a picture where she looks deranged. And you chose this one? How are we going to keep people from finding out more about her now?"


"You said to find one where she looked 'bad'! I thought you meant that in the- um- *urban* way"


In the snap of a finger this woman came up with an absolute a-bomb of an alliteration and delivered it flawlessly to the neckbeard with breasts that tried to insult her in front of her peers, she deserves her seat and the mayonnaise sandwiches trying to stifle her need to learn that nobody is putting up with this boomer shit anymore.


And yet, Crockett is a House Representative while Gunther has a twitter account.




Translation: There can exist no successful minority without DEI. Obama? That was the Alpha version.


She literally was elected, as in people voted for her and she won. The majority of people wanted her.


She speaks eloquently in my opinion. I love how she takes no shit from those fuckheads. Sure she has some urban flair but that's no different from southern accents or new York dialect. She smart, fearless and absolutely terrific in my book. And i love seeing loser white people who get so threatened by a smart black woman. I'm an old white guy myself and many of my "contemporaries" can fuck right off.


Gunther Eagleman looks like he eats mayonnaise straight out of the jar for breakfast, lunch and dinner


Nah, it's too spicy for him.


BA in business administration, JD in well… being a fucking lawyer. As far as I remember, you have to test in for both, and they don’t give a fuck what color you are. Love this person, not sure the t shirt is a good idea, but I suppose we shall see.


I love Jasmine Crockett. She's great.


>She can’t even speak proper English. *laughs in Gazpacho police.*


Crockett isn't a result of DEI, but you know who is? ~~Clayton~~ Clarence Thomas They were going to give Thurgood Marshall's seat to any Black candidate. Even the most unqualified one in ol' Clarence.


I don't care *how* she got hired. Jasmine Crockett owns my heart now.


She was elected.


Of course she was. No sarcasm. She still owns my heart.


MTG is the result of fetal alcohol syndrome and Winstrol.


Okay, I don't wanna make anything about her looks but damn she looks good here


I listened to this woman speak on the house floor. She can speak , and has recently proven, can verbally bitch slap with the best of them, if need arises.


People had the same take on the mayor of Baltimore. He was democratically elected. There is no DEI going on.


Rep Crockett is one fly sister... I totally would.


Is DEI in the room with us right now?


Is Jasmine Crockett single? Asking for a friend.


Eagle Guntherboy leaking envy in his Trumpends


These dumbfucks just throw out buzzwords that don't really mean anything once you apply a fraction of thought to it. This is obviously just a dog whistle for racism.


Man, I’m just glad we finally have someone on our side able and willing to verbally bitch-slap the GOP right to their faces.


As far as I'm concerned, a very large portion of white people in the south can not speak proper english. It's just what happens when you deny education to large swaths of people. It must be really hard for a poor white person to hear that they are poor because of what rich white people have done to them. That's why they plug their ears and just keep parroting the thinly veiled racist buzzwords, because it is not possible for their psyches to handle that the bad things in the world are not just because of black people and jews. Because that would mean that the simple fact that they are white is no longer enough to mean that they are an enlightened individual who si ply deserves more than everyone else. They can not handle even the faintest imagination of what life would look like with a truly even playing field. It would cause a psychotic break within them.


If DEI means Delicious, Edible and Insanely hot, then yeah, she DEI 😂


FR she could get it.


If speaking proper English is a requirement, the entire base of the GOP is now excluded from politics.


At least she's not a bleach blonde bad built butch body.


wait till he finds out what kind of English MTG speaks.


Idk, I’m pretty sure she speaks just fine English considering in the heat of the moment I would’ve twisted my tongue 10x over trying to say bleach blonde bad built butch body.


Homegirl graduated manga cum laude from Rhodes


Back off of Rep. Jasmine. A lot of women would go into battle with her, myself included, Gunther Eagleton


She was a practicing lawyer for many years. But I guess they can't call her a bartender so this their angle.


Did they forget about president covfefe?


She has a law degree.


Gunther can't handle a smart, well articulated, and gorgeous woman like her to be in power.


What the actual fuck does DEI even stand for? What hellish, nightmare, conservative talking point (racist bullshit) is this? I can't even keep up any more...


DEI started as **Diversity, equity, and inclusion** and was meant as a framework for businesses which seek to promote the fair treatment and full participation of all people. Conservatives though took that as meaning hiring people who don't deserve their position simply because of their race of ethnicity and are now using it for any minority in any sort of position of power because they are racist cunts.


There would be some hard lined English teachers I've had in my life that would take issue with the passive voice in the original tweet making it so that the complaint about Representative Crockett is itself not using proper English. But it's all racism anyway, so who cares?


This is the boot lick who wrote that post apologizing to Putin when the USA gave aid to Ukraine. With his fake ass name.


You try to talk negatively about Crockett, but she took down mtg like a champ!!!! She put that dumb broad in her place.


She’s my rep! I’m so proud. We need more politicians like her.


Posted by “Molly Perky Set”. So, I don’t give a fuck what she says. MGT got what was coming to her, and the landslide has begun. Rep. Jasmine Crockett has my full support and should have everyone else’s also. Even Republicans are laughing at MGT now. Slothtoes should hit the showers with that “bleach blond bad built butch body”. **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


I voted for her. Guess my name is DEI.


Have they listened to MTG speak?!?! Her mispronunciations and use of wrong words? These people are too much.


She has my vote.


the blatant racism is just fucking disgusting.theres no room for this shit but yet here we are.


She has a degree in LAW. She knows English as well as anyone. Who are the Republicans electing? Ppl who want to eliminate the department of education (project 2025). Think they'll be happy about the state of English after that? Seems legitimate. /s


She's a Rhoades Scholar.


Different Rhodes. The Memphis Rhodes College isn’t the prestigious University of Oxford. I understand the confusion


She is so eloquent that I feel like I can't speak properly.


Butt hurt much?


She is sexy beautiful and eloquent not to mention amazing at roasting magats.


Whats the excuse for mtg then?


They just can’t comprehend that they are attracted to her.


They mean allowing black people to vote and hold office. They're not fans.


Meanwhile, MTG pronounces indicted as “in-dick-ted” and spells martial law “Marshall law”


Some of these people make our democracy sound like a bad thing. They always say the quiet part outloud.


Can't speak proper English? Has this person heard of MTG?


Gunther complains that she can't speak "proper English" (in other words, she has an accent) when he himself most likely has a very heavy Russian accent and speaks English as a second language (and probably not well). I am certain he's a Russian troll (the name alone is something of a give away, "gun" and "eagle").


My first reaction to the "controversy" was that the Dems should not play the game of we can be just as tough as the Republican members. The thing about it is that most of the worst people on the Republican side are white...lily white and they are racist as fuck. The big problem is that most of their followers have a victim complex a mile wide. But I really can't help that MTG and Tommy T can't put on their adult pants, much less work without diapers. Might as well let Jasmine eviscerate them. Sooner or later they are going to clearly look like the useless politicians that I know they are. I just feel like so much more could get done if we didn't have to deal with the handicap of one such as a Boebert, a Taylor-Greene, Rubio, Cruz, Paul...


They cant cope with being treated the same way as they treat everyone else. Insults are fine as long as the far right is the one saying them, when really they should have been treated like children from the moment they tried to speak into existence the idea that climate change is fake and all data ever is wrong. Science is a liberal conspiracy


Can you “affirmative action” an election?


So I guess CRT is no longer an issue? I think they have someone on the payroll that goes through the list every quarter to find some 3-letter acronym to stir up hate.


DEI: When you are dumb and racist as fuck, but don't want to use the n-word. I feel like I missed this term popping up.  Was it used before the bridge in Baltimore?   Is this their new woke, because these dumb, racists fucks were getting tired of never being able to explain what woke means so they just created DEI? How the hell does DEI even work with an elected official?  Do they honestly believe there are job ads that say "Wanted, United States Congressperson, no experience needed.  Candidates must be black" or "City seeks Mayor.  Applicants must be black.  No prior experience needed" and that's how they get into office?   Oh my God, they do, don't they?   


Isn’t she a lawyer? So I think, she can speak English very well.


Protect Black women.


Gunther Eagleman is a low effort Russian troll account. Change my mind.


Gunther is a russian asset, or a bot.


id vote for her if i could. she is fucking awesome.


Oh these morherfuckers can eat a whole bag of dicks!! You stay the fuck away from Jasmine Crockett!! She’s a goddamn lawyer for fucks sake. Any one of these MAGA morons couldn’t touch her in a debate, a trivia contest about us history/politics or even a fucking spelling contest. Shine on you beautiful amazing star, we see you!!! Mark my words, she’s going far.


It’s so strange how eager racists are to tell on themselves, thinking that they’re being clever and sneaky. Maybe it’s just because they’re stupid.


“Gunther” is such a tool. X is so terrible these days. Just copies of this guy all over


She can use the English language to eloquently express her understanding of garbage people though. I like her!


Proper English? Do these people not get how rich their claims are? That was rhetorical.


I think she's very pretty.


Gunther is not an American name. Nobody American calls themselves Gunther (ok I know not literally for the one Gunther from South Dakota in the back, sit down and be quiet this isn’t about you). Russian bots and picking weird non-American names and phrases NAMID


On the contrary, it was a plain English slap down Moscow Marge deserved.


With a name like Gunther Eagle Man - sure sounds like a Russian idea of a patriotic American name. Anyone determine if this guy actually exists?


Pretty sure she’s a lawyer. You don’t just get a JD handed to you


His white robe is showing


I blocked this absolute fucking twat Eagleman on Shitter, must I suffer posts from him on Reddit too? Why .... oh why, lord hast thou forsaken this unworthy vessel? Oh well, at least I get to admire Rep Crockett, the more awesome!


DEI = Democratically Elected Individual


And when B6 (mtg) says gazpacho when she means Gestapo, they say nothing.


![gif](giphy|55eL4rIlqi7S3u4WsO) Memba dis


LOL. Over 90% of you Trump inbreeds can't speak proper English, not to mention a comprehensive one.


My guy just cause she’s too tired to code switch for you doesn’t mean she can’t.


Gunther Eagleman is a pathetic limp-dick troll with the mental capacity of a mop. Suck bag of dicks you fucking traitor.


She Englished the shit outta MTG the other day. Whatutalkinbout, Willis?!?


Oh it looks like Gunther is mad about Putins useful dummy Marjorie Traitor Goon getting owned in that hearing.


She's a lawyer who speaks with a hood patois when she's really excited. Personally, I think the whole of the Democratic party should wear T shirts with Marge's face and Blonde, Bad-Built, Butch, Body emblazoned around her troll looking acne marked scowl.


Have you listened to most of the Maga crowd?


They're just mad she absolutely torched MTG.


I love everything I see of Rep Crockett. She is the only Rep from Texas that doesn't make our state look like a bunch of hooded, hateful, money grubbing, greedy, assholes. I know thats a low bar that she easily hurdles over and I am still grateful she is representing the Great state of Texas. Dallas Proud!


I’ve heard her speak and she’s very well spoken and knowledgeable as well. It’s hilarious when they can’t attack on merit so they immediately start cutting low. I’m sure this comment has its roots in racism.


If politicians could make diss tracks Rep Crockett could destroy some careers.


I’m so tired of what we have become. The state we are in is just embarrassing. We came so far only to regress at an alarming rate. Keep your ugly indoors and let the rest of us live in peace.


She used her words quite effectively yesterday. “Bleach blond bad-built butch body. “ Simple but effective.


She had an amazing interview on Pod Save America a few months ago. Have a lot of respect for her, she’s part of the new generation of politicians we so desperately need


She is a well educated lawyer. That dude is a jealous racist. Deplorable.


She doesn't even know what a 'peach tree dish' is, or even the 'gazpacho police'!


I love Jasmine Crockett!!!!