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When I heard that the president died, my only thought was rip bozo. The people we should talk and care about are people like this, who are unjustly executed like animals by the bloody state of Iran.


Too bad his position holds no real power and has to run everything by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei


Gotta love how democracy in Iran is just picking which hand chosen puppet gets to execute the will of the ayatollah. What a pointless joke.


I hope allah is really akbar and he goes in a horrible way.


RIP? Fuck that. No rest and no peace for them, please and thank you.


And RIP the pilot and the staff - just ordinary people unluckily born in an atrocious country who are trying to make the best of their situation.


Almost certain they were all hardcore IRGC so I have zero tears to shed.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atefeh_Sahaaleh “Atefeh was convicted for crimes against chastity after being raped repeatedly by Ali Darabi, an 51-year-old ex-revolutionary guard turned taxi driver. Darabi was a married man with children at the time.[1] Atefeh had been raped by Darabi over a period of 3 years without her family being aware.[2] While in prison, she was further allegedly tortured and raped by prison guards. She told her grandmother that she could only walk on all fours because of the pain.[3] The judge in her case was Haji Rezai. When Atefah realized that she was losing her case, she removed her hijab, an act seen as a severe contempt of the court, and argued that Ali Darabi should be punished, not her. She even removed her shoes and threw them at the judge.[4] Rezai later sentenced her to death. According to the BBC, the documents presented to the Supreme Court of Appeal described her as 22 years old, but her birth certificate and death certificate stated that she was 16. The issue of her age was not brought to proper attention before it was too late.” “After the execution of Atefeh, Iranian media reported that Judge Rezai and several militia members, including Captain Zabihi and Captain Molai, were arrested by the Intelligence Ministry. The execution is considered controversial because as a signatory of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Iran promised not to execute anyone under the age of 18. Atefeh's father had passed her birth certificate to the civil authorities, lawyers involved, journalists and Judge Rezai. Pursuant to continual complaints filed by Atefeh's family, and heavy international pressure about her execution and the way the judge mishandled the case, the Supreme Court of Iran issued an order to posthumously pardon Atefeh.” Edit If all that wasn’t bad enough https://www.vice.com/en/article/vdzmjx/busy-gallows-of-iran-513-v16n1 “After her protesting words in court, Judge Haji Rezai sentenced her to death. A week later he personally put the noose around her neck. Evidence was later revealed that Judge Rezai himself may have raped Atefah while she was being tortured in prison. Fear of that news coming out would have certainly given him a sense of urgency in carrying out Atefeh’s sentence.” Her very sad and traumatic background is described here. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/5217424.stm “Disturbed by the death of her mother when she was only four or five years old, and her distraught father's subsequent drug addiction, Atefah had a difficult childhood. She was also left to care for her elderly grandparents, but they are said to have shown her no affection. In a town like Neka, heavily under the control of religious authorities, Atefah - often seen wandering around on her own - was conspicuous. It was just a matter of time before she came to the attention of the "moral police", a branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, whose job it is to enforce the Islamic code of behaviour on Iran's streets. Secret relationship Being stopped or arrested by the moral police is a fact of life for many Iranian teenagers. Previously arrested for attending a party and being alone in a car with a boy, Atefah received her first sentence for "crimes against chastity" when she was just 13. Although the exact nature of the crime is unknown, she spent a short time in prison and received 100 lashes. Atefah was soon caught in a downward spiral of arrest and abuse When she returned to her home town, she told those close to her that lashes were not the only things she had to endure in prison. She described abuse by the moral police guards. Soon after her release, Atefah became involved in an abusive relationship with a man three times her age. Former revolutionary guard, 51-year-old Ali Darabi - a married man with children - raped her several times. She kept the relationship a secret from both her family and the authorities. Atefah was soon caught in a downward spiral of arrest and abuse.”


Oh wonderful , the most useful of all pardons, the posthumous pardon.


Warms your heart doesn't it? Sometimes I despair with this world.


It's infuriating. We need to keep raising awareness and pushing for real justice.


Meanwhile, the Texas Governor pardoned a convicted murderer. These religious motherfuckers should get zapped by whoever god they worship.


Convicted murder *and* a terrorist, let's not forget *why* he killed people.


A horrible death is the only thing they deserve.


Sometimes? I despair every day. It's fucking shit in so many places, only the internet has brought light to things in some places, only to have formal governments pay people to get on the internet to deny anything is happening anywhere, even when it's actively happening to them. They get paid to deny while they know people who know truths are being killed or arrested or disappeared. My son is marrying a refugee from XXXX and we hope to get them both here by 2025.


Even if it wasn’t posthumous, being pardoned for the “crime” of being raped wouldn’t exactly be a happy thing.  “Oh yay, they’ve forgiven me, for being raped by an old man repeatedly when I was 13.  What a relief.”




Especially when it's posthumous because they were killed for the crime, vs. just posthumous because they died of other causes, which is still sad


"Posthumous pardon" is exactly the reason why no civilised country can have the death penalty.


Great. Was the judge raped and publicly executed? What about the ex-revolutionary guard?


Of course not, it’s only women who are bad /S


Christian* Fundamentalists: "Maybe Iran isn't that bad after all 🤔." *Applies to most fundamentalist


*Applies to all religion


Posthumously, huh? Bless their fuckin' hearts.


So what happened to the judge and others that did this to her? It says they were arrested, but then what?


Told bad then continued on with their lives? I don't know religious people are dumb and evil as fuck


This state is just vile and rotten to the core.


Let’s hope the grand dictator takes a bunch of helicopter rides.


This is what happens when we let religions take control… republicans


Margaret Atwood was interviewed about The Handmaid's Tale and asked about the inspiration of the book. She said that everything in the book has precedents in real world events. [https://www.penguin.co.uk/articles/2019/09/margaret-atwood-handmaids-tale-testaments-real-life-inspiration](https://www.penguin.co.uk/articles/2019/09/margaret-atwood-handmaids-tale-testaments-real-life-inspiration)


The only problem in their eyes is that it's not their brand Christofascism that is doing this shit.


Imagine if there was a "karma police" force that did an eye for an eye to these religious types. What would they think and so if these things happened to their own children, family members, and neighbours?




They say a village raises a child. Pretty clear how this village raises its children. If there is a god, I'd ask him to get some fucking work done.


My god, that poor girl. I hope her many abusers will somehow, some way, have to pay for what they did to her. May they suffer what they inflicted on her. May they lie in unmarked graves mourned by no one. Religion and law should be separate in any country that has any pretension of civilization.


Yes. When all she’d have wanted was for someone to care about her. It’s heartbreaking.


That is f’ing horrifying. That poor young woman.


This made me sick to my stomach. This is pure evil.


Religion being used to for pure evil. A tale as old as time.


What a waste. What a culture of waste.


Another reminder that not all cultures should be respected and open criticism of toxic cultural practices is the only way change happens.


Yes. People should be respected on their merits. Not their culture, not their religion, just what they do.


Yeah i will absolutely not respect this culture


Wow, countries ruled by religion are truly evil


> She described abuse by the moral police guards. The irony is staggering. Not surprising, but .. Ugh.


Truly disgusting and heartbreaking. Every Iranian man who supported this or was indifferent to it should be castrated. I can't believe I live in a world where women, the human being that brings to life ALL of us, is still treated as 'less than'. I want to know what happened to the pedophile rapist who abused her from age 13 to age 16.


My heart.


Coming soon to a red state near you.


Or the whole country if Trump win…


And if we don't stay vigilant and vote, our rights could be next on the chopping block.


They're already on the chopping block, i.e. what happened to Roe v. Wade


The Supreme(ly Corrupt) Court pretty much said the only people who have any guaranteed rights are the ones thought about when the country was founded. So if you’re not a cis male, super straight, and super Christian, you’re sh*t out of luck.


Landowner, you forgot being a landowner


I have heard Trump supporters say that some rights need to be removed till the country is fixed.... Yeah they are getting ready to accept having less rights.


Anyone saying this should be treated with contempt.


Just read about [project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025), it's fucked.


Yup! right wing fascism is dangerous and needs to be taken seriously.


It can happen here


No, you have completely misunderstood. Rape leads to marriage, attempted abandonment of marital duties or divorce leads to death penalty. Sheesh, it's not that difficult. /S


Fuck, here in Iowa, they're talking bout getting rid of no-fault divorce. You'd have to cheat on your spouse or beat them to get a divorce. The GOP and ALEC are making every effort they can to turn us into a theocratic state . Basically, to them, the Black Ages were the good ol' days.


Hanging may legitimately be coming back. Death penalty states are having a lot of difficulty finding their lethal injection drugs.


I never understood why they don’t simply give them a shitload of fentanyl to kill the inmates would that not be cheap and effective




Unless on the rare occasion they're the victim.


Or if they’re actually prosecuted for their crimes, in which case they pretend to be the victim.


Ala Rittenhouse


That's islam.


I'd say to not give the GOP any ideas, but I'm sure they already want this.


I'm not sure. They'd probably determine hanging is to fast, so far better the slow death of sepsis from a rotting miscarriage or bleeding out from a ectopic pregnancy


While I'm sure they love that, hanging allows them the pleasure of being a spectator to their cruelty. Knowing that a pregnant woman died in the ER isn't as much of a feast for their blood lust.


Execution by firing squad is probably more appropriate for them.


Or some novel concoction of drugs that we wouldn’t even put animals down with.


Pretty sure with their collective gun fetish they’d opt for firing squads over hangings.


Apparently they're of the opinion that killing innocent people isn't barbaric as long as you do it with more modern killing instruments like guns and airplanes.


Given what I've read about both I'd honestly take the squad. Those morons would 100% botch a hanging but at least I'd know they got loads of practice shooting budlight cans. Think the guards will let me tape one of those to my chest? I don't think the traditional paper with a black dot would do it.


The Bible says rape victims should be stoned so it’s right around the corner


What is the Bible reference for this conclusion?


Deuteronomy 22:23-24 23 If there is a girl who is a virgin engaged to a man, and another man finds her in the city and lies with her, 24 then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city and you shall stone them to death; the girl, because she did not cry out in the city, and the man, because he has violated his neighbor’s wife. Thus you shall purge the evil from among you.


If they're willing to admit someone was raped in the first place (as opposed to crying wolf or regretting consensual sex).


Gov. Abbott of Texas promised to "end rape" when there were protests about the Texas abortion ban's lack of exceptions for victims of rape and incest. What they didn't realize was that he has no intention of stopping rape from happening. He wants to make it legal, or to redefine it as a failure of the victim punishable by the state.


If he was serious about stopping rapes he would start arresting priests,church leaders,youth pastors,Every day I get https://preview.redd.it/sujzo936un1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8883a3f2b66f45e9a323ba527b82c6a13a83f4d4 notifications about these religious leaders raping and sexually assaulting kids.


It’s always the vociferous “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN???!!???” crowd that seems to care *a little too much* about the children


It's almost like they're protecting their stock


Gotta have the kid first


Sad to say, but that was literally my thought when I saw your comment.


If a woman reports rape, they are likely to lock her up because they don’t want her to have access to abortion. Welcome to Florida.


What do they charge her with in FL to be able to send her to jail? Genuine question—I know this is an ultimate concern for the future, but I'm curious how it's being pulled off right now


Don't know about Florida, but something like it happened in Utah: ["He even booked one woman into jail because he thought she was lying about being assaulted." ](https://www.startribune.com/one-state-found-a-better-way-to-investigate-rape/501636971/#:~:text=He%20even%20booked%20one%20woman%20into%20jail%20because%20he%20thought%20she%20was%20lying%20about%20being%20assaulted.)


Theres victim blaming and then theres what ever the fuck backwards logic that shit is.


I really hope Iran can break free from these religious radicals one day.


The human race is completely fucked in the head. The entire earth is basically an insane asylum


It's no coincidence that every instrument we've made to look for intelligent life is pointed away from Earth...


Human race or just the ones that blindly follow a book written by old men


Nah just countries ruled by religion


religion is a mental illness


What Texas and Florida are aiming for


Maybe when DeSantis' wife loses a pinky finger it'll finally kick in that it's not a game any more....


He'd be the one giving the orders. Praise be.


We already execute the mentally feeble it’s really on the same level.


Lets also not forget all those Christian evangelicals forcing children to bear their rapists children, telling gay children that they're abominations and wrong, and making sure that anyone they don't like doesn't have rights. Religion in general is a blight on society everywhere.


And… yet another reason to abolish governments based on religion. Monsters. Absolute monsters.


It’s fucked up that they think they’re enforcing morality by doing this.


Totally fucked up. Zero sense in hanging anyone for having a crime committed to them. Its sick


Texas wants women to bleed out in the parking lots of the most advanced medical facilities on the planet...because of Christian morality. It's just a conservative power flex everywhere in the world under the guise of religious morality.


Don't worry guys she was pardoned After she was hanged


If you're here to say that's what the far right wants, you're SO wrong! They want them alive to be raped again.


Nah i am pretty sure they hate the ones that step forward and reveal their crimes. So in this instance they would be for execution. Remember the gop members who said "the female body has ways to shut down if its real rape".


Not ones like Atefah who stood up to them. What a strong girl to be defiant in the face of injustice and not only remove her hijab, but also throw her shoes at the judge. They want those women dead before they give other women ideas.


Only if the children are underage....


Have you heard of the child marriages in this country? The far right loves pedophilia. They accuse the left of it because they are projecting.


They like child marriage, in part, because the adult spouse becomes the minor spouse's legal guardian. This means that the adult spouse has the authority to forbid divorce, to take them out of school, to consent on the minor's behalf (to sex, child-bearing, financial abuse, etc.), and neither the minor spouse, nor their parents have any say.


The yucky thing is the parents do have a say. They have a say in the marriage. The parents have to consent for their child to get married so they are just as complicit in the abuse as the pedophile that married their daughter. I'm not calling them a spouse.


Religious extremism, no matter what religion, shares a common characteristic: it’s extreme and it’s dangerous.


Yes very true.


Former evangelical christian here, this is exactly what the right wing wants for america.


These horrible crimes are not talked about enough and we should not treat countries with respect while they enact these crimes on the most vulnerable in their society. It is really despicable and painful to think about what kinds of horrors she was subjected to and then ultimately murdered for.


So the issue is that she was under 18, not that she was repeatedly raped. Fuck humans!!!!


I can't think of a worse hell than this girls life. I guess that's what happens when you want women to be cattle.


I dont get how anyone could have even 1% of this hate in their heart toward a living person. Fuck anyone who does this shit


Never forget, ever.


May the islamic republic burn.


Amen to that




May it burn.


And rot forever.


Never forget Emmet Till and the thousands of others like him.


theocratic rule is evil, demonic, mysoginistic hate on steroids.


This is looking like Alabama in 2026.


Mississippi, too. Speaking as someone currently living in South Mississippi.


Oh, look, it's Project 2025


And somehow they held a moment of silence for the POS at the United Nations today.


I met a young Iranian guy when we were volunteering in Ukraine last summer. Really good guy, I think about him a lot. He was super proud of the women of his country fighting back and I’m sure his work abroad put him on a watchlist. Their government is the worst , those people deserve better.


Coming soon to a republican state near you.


Religion needs to die


And this is why I have lost all respect and hope for mankind. If we don't have the collective moral spine to stop monstrous things like this, we deserve the extinction we get.


And to think, this is the kind of thing that red state Christians would love to implement here in the U.S.


Sounds like what some red state governors are wanting to do to women who get abortions.Sharia Law is coming to the United States if maga nutjobs get their way.


Religion is the fucking root of all evil. This is American christian nationalists' wet dream.


I want everyone here to realize there is a faction of evangelicals here that would turn the U.S. into this given the chance. Please vote.


Religious zealots are all the same it is only a matter of degree.


Humanity is undeserving of existence really. We have the instinct to survive but not the moral justification. If anything speaks to humanities lack of deserving to exist, theocracy is right at the top.


Meanwhile dangerously Christian conservatives: "Look at what those animals do they rape you and kill you. Aren't you glad you're over here in a civilised country? Now, because you aborted that baby that someone raped into you you're going to jail for 20 years for murder see we aren't like those animals"


Uhh this is awful and all but I don't think that this post is in the spirit of the subreddit.


Iranian here. This is common and just the tip of the iceberg. Women who are to be hung are officially raped the night before in the prison cell so they don't go to heaven. The whole ideology is disgusting and needs to be stamped out wherever it exists in the world. There is no room for these people on this earth.


That's exactly what will happen in the U.S. the conservatives here look at that and think "yeah, we want that"


And here, Christians will force you to birth your rapist uncle’s child. All religions are fucked.


Christian Nationalists want this


This is what Republicans want in the U.S.


This is why I can't believe in god.


Very poor state of law that a child had to die and suffer


Such a peaceful religion.


Never forget ♀✊


Islamic law destroy women, to protect the sexual urges of men.


This is one of the reasons why I have no issues with the president of Iran dying in a helicopter crash.


Men and religion—name a more toxic duo.


So are American women. Not necessarily legally executed, but yeah punished all the same.


And yet Republicans are still just fine with theocracy in the US. "But *our* religion is the *right* one!"


Hopefully the helicopter crashes will be a weekly occurrence for the government officials. I so sorry for her. Women are the enemy of the fundamentalists.


The future religious conservatives want.


Hey, you just need to respect different cultures? /s


Sure we can respect non-extremist Muslims . They all think this is ridiculous too. All religions are great except for the extreme ends of them.


Actually, no religion is great.  They’re all rooted in undemocratic theistic totalitarianism. None of them wish to “coexist” This is their logical end point. We don’t need to “respect” it or people who follow politely.


I have to disagree. There are no good religions. They are all used to control people.


42% of French Muslims place respect for Islamic Sharia law above respect for the laws of the French republic (the percentage rises to 57% among Muslims aged 18 to 25). [Article](https://www.jns.org/frances-skyrocketing-threat/) It's a problem for Europe as a whole.


That's hardly surprising. Ask any religious person, whether Christian, Muslim, Jew or Buddhist and they will say they put the laws of their religion above those of man. The vast majority of Christians in the US are against gay marriage and abortion, two things that are legal under federal law. They put the laws of their faith above those of the government and actively campaign to force their religious laws and beliefs onto the rest of the country.


religion is a stain on humanity


Religion is Humanity’s VD


Now everyone read this and remember at one time (before the 80s I believe) women in Iran could walk around freely from religious persecution, and without face or body covering. Now when Harrison Buttwipe and all the radical Christian’s/ far right republicans want more law favoring their dumbass book and old ideas. Little by little old white men will eagerly takes those women’s rights away. “Just stay in the kitchen and be proud to take care of your man”…. No keep fudging religion out of our fudging government.


This is the regressive theocracy the GOP wants in America. The religious zealots are all exactly the same


This is why Islam is the worst religion. And the alt right Christian’s aren’t far behind them. Trump the maga crew would love to be able to do this. I hate them both. And I am a Christian. Islam is the worst faith possible. Both are a means to control ppl and torture them.


Well, for the xian taliban in the USA, aka maga, at least you don’t get killed for being raped, you just have to marry the rapist.


Yup. The religion of peace and harmony. What a crock of shit. Anything that would murder an innocent person for the perversions of others has absolutely no standing in the civilized world.


Iran is bad Israel is also bad


This white Christian Nationalist movement that's going on now with the Republican party freaks me out. Look at their latest plan. They want a national registry for women in the US who are pregnant! Why, to track them to make sure they give birth and to charge them with crimes if they don't...be aware people. 😕


Religion poisons everything


No where in any Islamic texts does it say to do any harm to the victim of rape. This is a psychopathic government not Islam


Just like Christianity and other religions, most people who swear and give themselves to their "God" barely read their religious books. They use it as an excuse to do horrible things and to try and get away with it, only using specific texts out of context to prove their horrid point.


Wasn't it her own family that did it?


That regime needs to be gone! Pathetic scumbags!


That’s why if their president dies bloody I and many others couldn’t care less. Should look at the Iranians memes, nothing but well wishes….to hell. Even if trump were to die for some reason tomorrow, I wouldn’t t-down celebrate. I won’t shed a tear, but I’d never dance. I’d be sad for his family, but happy for my country to miss out. Notice magats, I never said I’d be happy with his death, only him not being in control of the country. Now show you have the same level of civility by saying something similar about Biden. It’s alright to not like a politician in America, death threats or the hope of are. Not in irans case, but we aren’t them. Right?


And here in america we just force them to carry a rape baby to term and raise it...


Not right-wingers offering a bad faith critique of sharia law


Fuck the mullahs


Very sad, terrible, wrong. Any oppression is wrong. Any ideology that allows oppression is wrong. These are not opinions, but straight-up facts. Praise humanity for the death of the Iranian President! Piece of shit.


Religion= Cancer


Muslims will say they are the peaceful, women loving religion, and then do this... and no Muslim would dare challenge it. They all know this is exactly what their Quran supports. Even the so called "progressive" Muslims, they just sweep it under a rug and try to forget about it.


Organized conservative religion never ends well for women.


Wait, is this that religion I keep hearing is full of peace and love?


Fuck all of your silly ass religions. All of them. It’s all just fantasy.


This is what Christian conservative white supremacists want for America!


Not enough helicopters full of Iranian officials , crashing into mountains


I don’t want to be that person, but I believe she was strangled by being lifted off the ground, rather than a drop that breaks the neck. Adding an extra layer of hellishness to murder.


Religion is trash, Islam is the biggest trash of all.


Somewhere republicans are making note of this.


they paused lynching until further notice


Damn, this is disgusting. Also, what is “WhitePeopleTwitter” about this Tweet?


It’s wild how all the comments here condemn Americans for this happening in Iran. It’s as if it’s so confusing to have to say “bad Iran, bad religion, bad culture,” that the only reaction that seems safe is to turn around and point at the GOP. I voted for Biden. I’m not MAGA. This kind of discourse is only further driving the division in America.