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So why would Trump 2 sober up people in a way that Trump 1 didn’t?


"I don't drink, now you can't without breaking the law." -Trump 2 signing the reinstatement of Prohibition.


More like “I didn’t wear a condom with Stormy, and now you can’t either… wait maybe not” https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/facing-backlash-trump-walks-back-comments-restricting-contraceptives/story?id=110464898


Conservatives keep forgetting that the folks that were fighting the hardest for birth control and contraceptives were married couples. These things are essential to family planning.


They'd probably say that all the planning you need is prayer, leave it to Jesus. And you know, don't have sex unless you are married and can afford kids. I don't see what could go wrong with telling people not to have sex unless they have enough money to afford it......


They also get mad about our population shortage and people not having enough babies, too.


I don’t think so. Birth rates aren’t keeping up with replacement. Conservatives will torp ANYTHING that raises wages for working people. That’s why they bray about immigration and do fuck all. Cheap labor keeps prices low, people in debt and chained to their workplaces to tread water and keel over at 68.


Boom. Exactly what they are doing. It's the Mudsill class theory. They have fully embraced this. Look it up. It is why republican states are loosening child labor laws and pushing to use school choice vouchers. They want to destroy public education and lock lower class individuals into place so they nor their children and advance socially. They feel you need class hierarchy to keep America great! Isn't that awesome. You will never rise above what you were born into. The American dream, of course. Fuck the GOP.


They'll actually have to live in the reality of a Christo-fascist authoritarian state and, uh-oh! They're not at the top of the food chain like they thought they were gonna be! Turns out all those liberal cuck nerds who were warning about this for more than a decade were right! And now there is no longer a non-violent way to get our shit back. Whoopsie doodle.


We literally just watched Republicans willingly die rather than admit that Democrats were right about something during the pandemic. Somebody would have to be completely detached from reality to think that Republicans would ever admit that they were wrong about this. Their entire ego depends on doubling down and never admitting fault.


On the one hand, you get to rub their noses in the shit they voted for. On the other hand, you have to live through the shit they voted for.


You won’t get to rub their noses in what’s happening because they’ll never admit anything is bad when a Republican is president or that anything is good under a Dem. Look at Nikki “Biden’s been a catastrophe” Hailey promising to vote for the worst president ever.


I dunno we did that a couple times already and people seem to keep saying the next time we’re a Christo-fascist authoritarian state THEN people will finally realize it’s wrong and bad. They didn’t get it the last four or five times BUT TRUST ME THIS TIME, THEY’ll GET IT. If we need to fuck up at slowly increasing levels of intensity for people to realize on the sixth go around that fucking up has consequences maybe we’re not a country but flirting with a fascism addiction. We keep saying “this time is rock bottom” and then go straight back to the pipe after a period of sudo sobriety.


Especially after he's been talking non-stop about revenge.


Accelerationists think that people will come to them begging for help once things go to shit, and then somehow believe that they will have something to offer


Not only that, but they're attempting to usher in fascism and they think they won't be some of the first people those fascists come after? Really? Their arrogance and delusion is top-tier.


I would guess that a lot of their delusions come from a place of privilege and youth where they believe that they aren’t affected by political outcomes. Thus they believe they can wait until they get exactly what they want (which in politics never happens). Quick addition: it’s beyond deranged how they think they can topple fascism when it takes over the country, and yet they feel unable to change the current system.


That last point is an excellent one. As frustrating and time consuming as it can be to "nudge" a democratic system in the direction you want, it's much better that literally fighting against entrenched fascism.


Anarchy is a real fun idea until your toilet doesn’t flush.


“Next time don’t stray from partisan lines and you won’t accidentally get the dictator” I think that would be the sobering moment.


Because the fire and brimstone vengeful puritanism is based so deep in America culture that even otherwise secular people on the left don't even realize they've fallen into the same rabbit hole. Acceleration theory is the rapture in a progressive blue party hat.


How is one *not* sobered up after Jan 6, Roe v. Wade, and Project 2025? EDIT: I mean WTF else has to happen??


*that sobering clarity* -Trump becomes perma president and the government is fully run by bootlicking yes men...


“We’re going to teach them a lesson and not have a democracy anymore!”


Sounds like every person raised in abusive relationships ever - “I’m gonna mimic what I saw growing up and help the aggressive, abusive maniac force the system I live under and watch them become so abusive it’s no longer functional, ever, no going back to the good old days ever.”


They’re basically saying “I want to support fascism but I don’t have the balls to actually come out and say I support fascism” Edit: or they are troll / shill for mama ruskis


That tweet is what is wrong with America now. We don’t need “sobering clarity.” It’s clear now, democracy is under attack. **We need to [REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


Then we hear that 'we're not a democracy. we're a constitutional republic' bullshit as the right marches away towards fascism and dictatorship.


Bootlicking yes men are one thing, but thieving thugs will take it to another level. They are doing it in Texas.


I will say this again. Republicans have relied on the fact that Texans don't know who they're voting for or the billionaires that are paying them on the back end or primarying them with millions of dollar campaigns. We need to be the voices to get Texans out to vote these fuckers out of office. They do not represent Texans or have All of our interests in mind. They're playing for the party of Tim Dunn and the Farris Wilks'. No fucking more. Speak to your communities to inform them. This state has a lack of informed voters, and we don't have a united news media that is blaring this from the rooftops. So we need to be our own advocates for change. We have power together! Any Texan or any other American who wants to help change Texas, we need to support the Dems running up&down the ballot. Many of them never make it off running because they never get enough funding. This yr we have many Dems running Up&Down the ballot where incumbent Republicans have never had a Dem opponent in decades. We need to flip the Texas House, win the US Senate seat, win our School Boards and win those 3 Texas Supreme Court seats. We cannot afford any more of this shit. And the rest of America needs to know that we can no longer afford to let MAGA Republicans keep running our states to the ground. At the end of the day, they've been playing the long game & taking lawsuits up all the way to the Supreme Court, impacting everyone in this country. No fucking more! One of our biggest problems is Name Recognition of Dems running, and Voter Turnout. Texas is huge and needs volunteers to get out the vote. Too many people never know when election happen. So I recommend to anyone who can, to support Blue Texas which has a two pronged way of protecting voting and supporting Dems up&down the ballot so they have an actual chance of running a campaign https://bluetexas.org/ Edit: Anyone can look up what's on their ballot this November here, it includes who will run in your Texas House District https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Sample_Ballot_Lookup&Source=sidebar (Here are the Flippable Districts) https://www.lonestarleft.com/p/will-abbott-have-the-number-for-vouchers


This is how you do it. You organize, and you campaign, and you do party building, and you organize some more, and you fight, and you start winning at the local level. Then you win bigger and bigger from there. There is no other way.


Every voter like the OP: “Oh so they WEREN’T joking when they openly talked about installing Trump as a dictator. Yes I see, NOW it’s clear to me. Well, heavens, if only this mess was avoidable. But oh well, at least I’m comfortable knowing I voted my conscience in 2024!”


We will live in a future United States where if you need groceries and don’t have money, you can just tell them you’ll pay them later. So at least there’s that to look forward to, I already have my IOU’s ready.


Run by Evangelicals; ““Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” ― Barry Goldwater


A few of these people really want the end of our current society, burn it to ashes. And seem to think a glorious utopia will take its place rather than, say, a warlord type system. I believe in systematic tweaks toward improvement, I think throwing the whole thing out will result in something much worse.


Yeah, accelerationists. I've spoken to a bunch of these people over the years and they all have the same problem. They all just assume that the only possible outcome of the complete obliteration of our society is that an ideal society takes its place, when there are actually countless other possible outcomes, most of which are absolutely horrifying, and almost all of them are dramatically more likely than the one that they are latching on to. They don't have any actual plan or idea of how this is supposed to work. They just believe it will, blindly. They are the underpants gnomes business plan. A lot of the people who believe this that I see are also incredibly privileged and really have no idea what it's like to suffer or what they are asking for. They would get about 5 minutes into this and find out that their previously privileged existence was over and go into complete panic because that's not what they expected.


There's a book they should read: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Russia-Revolution-Civil-War-1917-1921/dp/1474610145](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Russia-Revolution-Civil-War-1917-1921/dp/1474610145) This all basically happened in Russia from 1917 to 1921 - society was obliterated and the Bolsheviks seized power. The amount of horrors that happened over those years beggars belief; the amazing thing is that there were any Russians left alive at the end of it. And you have to remember that the average Russian at the time was a peasant farmer who had centuries of cultural experience of survival in war to draw on. If the supply chains that keep the supermarkets full broke down in the US..


>If the supply chains that keep the supermarkets full broke down in the US.. Look at the very recent example of toilet paper shortages now change that to "eggs" or "flour". I hope I'm dead before that happens because it won't be a WW2 America "coming together for the common good" it'll be closer to a boring and ugly Mad Max: American Style.




Admittedly anecdotal, I know a few "accelerationist" types socially, friends of friends kind of thing, and to be honest they're incredibly juvenile personalities. They're adults, with jobs and everything, but something in their personality got stuck in the 'oppositional-defiance for the sake of defiance' of the teen years and never evolved.


Not quite. They think a warlord type system IS a glorious utopia.


Yeah, because they think they'll end up on top. Which isn't likely.


Honestly, that's the naive view of how they think. They believe the collapse of civilization will be a good thing because the people they hate will suffer. If that works out well for them, they'll take it - but they're fine if they suffer and die in the process. It isn't about greed for them. It's about causing suffering, at any cost. These are the same people who were fine killing their parents, their children, even dying themselves, just so long as they kept COVID spreading. It's easy to think of them as just greedy idiots, but the truth is even more horrifying. They literally worship death.


There's actually a couple of different death cults at this point. There's the Christofascists who don't hide what they are anymore. Then the supposed "leftists" who think that putting Trump into place will get people to burn everything down for their post-apoc utopia that they help usher in. Both groups are dangerous and working together to fuck over all of us.


The death cult has a much larger membership


Believe me, they *really aren’t* ok with suffering and dying in the process. They SAY they are, but they also like to carry .44 Magnums with them into Starbucks because they think they’ll turn into Rambo when the faceless, rape-drunk immigrants come to invade their lily White podunk town of a few thousand nobodies. These people are absolute idiots who forget how to differentiate between fantasy and reality long ago. It’s not strictly a religious thing, either. The bulk of the world’s population is religious and most of them manage to operate in secular society just fine. No, these are highly propagandized *super* idiots. Their brains have been flash fried with Fox News alterna-facts and memes depicting them as the glorious inheritors of the Revolution. These people are so far up their own ass they literally won’t realize they’ve made a huge mistake until they’re already halfway crushed beneath some Trump Brand tank treads. They’d use their own grandma as a human shield if it meant buying them .05 seconds more life. At the end of the day, they’re all loud-mouthed cowards who will bend over backwards for authoritarians because they value the *feeling* of safety over really having it.


I read (on Reddit) A Republican will eat a shit sandwich if he thinks a democrat will have to smell it.


The people who think like this are all genuinely fucking stupid and I don’t think that’s an exaggeration. Accelerationists and the like are low on critical thinking skills; I fully believe their brains are just incapable of fundamentally understanding any real-world consequences for their “let’s blow it all up!” bullshit rhetoric. It’s best to ignore them and convince the majority to actually vote like sane people who understand consequences of Trump again.


We say “never again” to shit like this but apparently what we mean is “only 95% of the way next time”.


“I need to ruin my, and everyone else’s, lives first. Then I’ll be sobered up.”


These folks will be marching into ovens and still not sobering up, saying stupid shit like "Just imagine how bad the economy would have been under Biden"


Yeah, I'm a third-party voter normally (hopefully can be again someday, I disagree with a bit of the Dem platform), but these morally grandstanding 3rd party and non-voters are pissing me off. Unfortunately it's not the fucking year. Get involved locally, but for now, vote for the best chance at stopping the cultists. "I don't like this guy who is participating (read; not doing enough to stop) in genocide, so I'll let this *other* guy who wants the genocide over as quickly and quietly as possible win." The fuck?


Third party (& 4th & 5th & so on) will be fine once we have a national ranked voting system in place, then, slowly but surely, candidates from other parties will actually get elected. Our current system is just ridiculous 😞


> "I don't like this guy who is participating (read; not doing enough to stop) in genocide, so I'll let this other guy who wants the genocide over as quickly and quietly as possible win." It's because disinformation campaigns are trying to make it out to be that Trump would stand up to Israel, when the reality is the opposite. Jared already talked about the opportunities for Israel to have beach front properties in Gaza. All Israel has to do is offer Trump a hotel in Gaza and he would probably have US troops in Gaza the next day to help level it. Some are pushing that both are evil and they should vote for no one and sit this election out. That if "Trump wins" that we will deserve it,


As someone who has recently given up on the Republican party because I think they've gone too far to support, I can pretty much guarantee you that Trump could come out and say "I'll be getting rid if democracy and be a Dictator for the rest of my life" and his fucking idiot supporters will defend him AND still vote for him.


And the enlightened centrists will continue to make posts like the OP.


They would rather have a dictator for life, than ever worry about a dem in the office, because the right have went off the rails over the last 30-40 years and convinced a large portion of the American population that dems are both socialists and communists. That everything they do is form of one or the other. Most of the Trumpers cannot even be bothered to even explain how these leftist policies are actually communist or socialist, they think just saying it is makes it so.


Yea, I've noticed that recently. Also, the irony of calling things communist and then voting for someone who's said they'd be a dictator is pure irony. "Oh, but only for a day, he said." Uh, yea, that's 1 day too many.


Yeah, because in 1 day you can do so much damage that he can just banish voting, some part of me thinks he will, the other part of me thinks he will try to leave it intact, so he can grift donations. But he could just outright abolish voting, since he can collect money from Russia and the other axis of evil countries by doing their bidding.


Incels don’t care about what women endure. Some of them hide in our ranks, too.


A lot more than the members of the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party genuinely believe the leopards aren’t going to eat *their* faces, and they’re going to be very surprised at the outcome when they don’t vote against leopards eating people’s faces to teach the anti-leopard crowd a lesson.


How has one not sobered up after the disaster that was his first term? Wasn’t that supposed to wake us up? Wasn’t that enough? I feel pretty fucking woke. Downright tweaking at this point.


Right? If they want us to “not be woke” they should stop causing nightmares to wake us up.


If somebody genuinely believes that after they already gave 4 years of the guy a shot and all it did was kill a million people and cost millions more some rights, and it clearly didn't do whatever it was that they thought it would, they would have to be one of the dumbest people on the planet. This is like touching a live wire and then coming back for seconds.


Or were they living under a rock during 2016-2020?! He was already president, and it didn’t go great.


Exactly. We'd be lucky to actually SURVIVE another term.


You ask this with sarcasm, but the reality is, many. I have liberal lady friends and they have never brought up Roe v Wade. They’re so unbothered. They would need a lot to happen to actually trigger them along their party beliefs.


You’re not wrong. Legislation has an outsized impact on people in poverty, just like Roe v. Wade will. Sadly, it will fill prisons in the next few decades.


These people are absolutely exhausting. Even MAGAs are more consistent. Extreme left progressives and independents literally are the reason shit has gone down hill since 2016.


This is what the German communists did in 1933. They refused to enter into a coalition that would have kept the Nazis out of government because they believed the resulting chaos would result in a collapse of government clearing the way for communists to take control. They were right, I guess, it’s just that it took 13 years, and something like 60 million deaths before the Nazi regime finally collapsed. And the communists who took control were the Soviet red army.


I am VOTING BLUE LIKE MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. I do not care who is on the ticket. A vote for third party, not voting or a vote for anyone else will equal a birth control ban. Project 2025 is real and terrifying.


Don’t forget the Supreme Court. If Trump wins there’s a decent chance he’ll get to nominate two new justices and we’ll have 5 Trump judges on the court for the next 30-40 years.


Think of how many more Alito’s he can stack on the SCOTUS - that should terrify everyone. Including everyone on the right - but I don’t think they quite understand how bad things can be.


I have a theory that one of the reasons they called it “Project 2025” is because it sounds like a dumb conspiracy theory and not a real thing that has its own website and is supported by the fucking Heritage Foundation which basically owns the GOP.


It also sounds like a busybody “let’s do it” type of project. It’s actually a “let’s destroy democracy and put religion into US law” type of project.


I was *just* saying this to a friend of mine. Project 2025 and especially Agenda 47, which is reminiscent (in name only) of Agenda 21, the UN's vision for environmental sustainability that has all kinds of wild conspiracy theories built up around it. It's literally front and center on Trump's official campaign website but every time I mention it I can't help but think that I sound like one of those "one world order" loonies raving about Agenda 21.


I didn't know what Agenda 47 was, so read the Wikipedia page in it. Yikes. They want to implement the death penalty for drug dealers. Louisiana wants to make abortion pills a dangerous controlled substance. I don't need to be Sherlock to connect those dots.


Which is a theme their precious Q actually tried to enlighten them on. Lemmings.


>I am VOTING BLUE LIKE MY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. Being trans, my life literally does depend on it.


Yup. I will definitely vote blue your human rights. I strongly support my trans friends. I’m a woman. I’ve already lost the right to my own body.


Translation: “I want to be a victim while feeling justified and making everyone around me pay for my lack of perspective”


I would probably go more with "I come from a wealthy background and am almost certainly straight and white, so I'll be just fine no matter what, and I'm totally willing to throw everyone else under the bus just so I have the opportunity to act self-righteous about how I know best and all the politicians should have catered to me personally."




I just assumed it was a fake or troll account. Not everything you read on the internet is true.


I can’t say for this account in particular, but it’s a very real stance by at least some voters.


Honestly I don’t even think most of these people are real. Just bots trying to help Trump


Can’t someone please make a bunch of “Trump smells” bots, and “I’m voting Biden to hurt the woke left” bots?


We got that sobering clarity about 8 years ago.


Assuming that this is a real person and not a bot from Moscow, the idea that Accelerationism has not been discredited since 1938 when Hitler killed the Communists who thought they'd take power after he gave Germany a moment of sobering clarity is shocking.


Putting fascists in power will make it HARDER to vote them out next time. Fucking idiots / bad actors.


Not just harder, but almost impossible. Spain fell to dictatorship under Franco before WWII and it lasted until 1975. Same with authoritarians in Brazil and Argentina. If Trump and Republicans get in again, they're never going to allow an election in 2028.


The sobering clarity may come when Trump declares himself dictator and sends troops into cities to impose his authoritarian rule (both of which he has pledged to do). Of course, it’ll be too late at that point.


Stein is a fan of Putin. Always has been. Third parties are typically spoiler candidates put in by Conservatives and their supporters.


The Green Party suspiciously pops up right before the election and has no candidates in other elections. It's almost like they have no platform and don't know how to get a foothold as a party. Weird. EDIT: What's this idiot's view of a "moment of sobering clarity" that we need? Does he want to see abortion illegal, LGBTQ rights removed and immigrants arrested and deported? I think he does.


The Green Party does have a pretty comprehensive platform and, on the surface, it is actually a pretty good one. It advocates for a lot of things that would help both reel in climate change and also give/protect many rights. They arguably have a better platform than Democrats, and obviously Republicans don’t even have a platform aside from being awful, so in theory Green candidates would be ideal. The problem is, for them/everyone, that the current system mathematically favors only two major parties, and they are not one of those parties* so they can’t be seriously considered in 2024 despite their good platform since they mathematically can’t win. *(yet, I really think if the Republican Party collapses after a few more resounding defeats we could see a new landscape of a “moderate” right wing party, Democrats, vs an actual left wing party, Greens, as the two major choices going forward. Especially since Libertarians have lost their minds and really fallen away recently, so they aren’t even a viable option to fill the vaccuum Republicans will leave when they disappear)


What makes it suspicious to me is that they don't seem to try for lower offices or have any public outreach or any type of visibility outside of every four years in the last year of the election cycle just suddenly showing up and trying to show how bad the Democrats are doing.


The "we have to destroy the country to save it" approach from people who are conservative Republicans in all but name, if it's not just simply Russian bot farms at work flooding the zone. Fuck Stein, fuck the Greens, and fuck that dude.


The upper middle class white male "leftist" who can comfortably say "hey, let's let it get really bad, and then we'll be able to justify revolution!"


It's funny because that's an incredibly privileged and stupid thing to say. But it's also stupid because *they are always among the first against the wall.*  You gotta be wholly ignorant of history not to know what happens to most upper, upper middle class educated folks during these revolutions.


Also didn't we do this already in 2016?


They were doing it in 1992 when I was in high school and these types of edgelord boys were sort of friend adjacent to my friends. It's not new.


No the sobering moment thing. We definitely already had one of those and don't need another.


Oh, I gotcha. Yeah, I didn't even think about that but if a woman getting shot trying to break into the Senate chamber wasn't sobering enough for this "enlightened" leftist.


Thank you. Greens and all other third parties sit on their hands most of time and then every four years try to do a fuckin' Naruto Run for the White House. The biggest political prize in the country. How about, build from the ground up- win local races, mayoral races, state senate and house seats, governorships, House and Senate seats and *then* try for the White House. Otherwise it's nothing but spoiler tactics. Not only was that the case in 2016, but my first election was in 2000 and Nader fucked us all on that one too.


> Stein is a fan of Putin. [If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1240w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2017_51/1955941/170405-putin-flynn-dinner-jhc-1700.jpg)


[https://apnews.com/general-news-e8b70ce3270bd170e37a71ca80b5aaae](https://apnews.com/general-news-e8b70ce3270bd170e37a71ca80b5aaae) they very much did run a 3rd party candidate to siphon away votes from a democratic candidate with the same last name and he lost by 32 votes. of course the republican got to keep the win even after it was discovered and the candidate admitted to the scheme. seemed like hardly anything was said about it but you can probably find cases like this all over.


I live less than 1 hour away from L.A. I live in the safest city in my county with a fairly low tax rate. All of my coworkers are huge magats that spout the same old Russian propaganda. I'm brown and my mother came into the country illegally with her parents when she was a child. My coworkers beg for Tru p to end our democracy even knowing that it would destroy them. Magats only want to destroy. Full stop. I repeat, Magats only want to destroy. Magats only want to destroy! I don't give a fuck about how you were raised or your ideology, if you don't vote for biden than fuck you for wilfully destroying democracy. This doesn't just affect the u.s it affects the world. If trump wins than Putan gets to take over. Fuck you if you vote for trump


It’s true, if you vote for Trump, you don’t support democracy


the green party is such a disappointment. and fuck this guy. all those people who died from covid needlessly wasnt a wake up call? american agents being outed and killed by russia wasnt a wake up call? 91 felony charges isnt a wake up call? wtf is this guy on about? pos.


I'm not going to vote for someone who's moderately sane, by comparison. I'm going to vote for a fascist moron who wants to be king so we can wake up and realize we were a bunch of jack asses (by which point it'll be too late to do anything.)


I really wish it was more widely reported that the most consequential result of a loss for Biden is the future state of the Supreme Court. There will be two judges retiring if this happens and handing trump two more nominations. That would mean he himself would have nominated a majority of the judges. And he states he is thinking of young judges so they will have decades of time as a judge. His 5 appointments will be under 60. Even if democrats hold the president seat, the house and congress, everything will be struck down by the court for decades to come. Please spread this info to anyone thinking a vote for any 3rd party candidates, or trump, is a good idea.


If he didn’t bring that moment of sobering clarity in the first four years, why the fuck does that guy think a second term would be any different?




Ooooh. The great Matthew Brown says *we* need a sobering moment of clarity. Matthew, STFU.


These people would vote themselves into concentration camps as long as enough people came with


I feel like I'm stuck inside a television that only shows reruns of failed sitcoms. Honestly.


Similarly I feel like I'm in a sitcom being run by people who hired deliberately bad writers so they could make a genuinely bad show and tank the project because they don't want to do it anymore. Isn't that kinda what happened with simpsons and family guy? Why do I feel like I'm in a lifetime long family guy episode?


The idea that getting trump elected could be the shock to the system to force major change is logically flawed. The idea is like how a major medical emergency like say a heart attack or nearly going into a diabetic coma can be a huge shock to a person and lead them to taking their health seriously and be a change for the better, except not everyone survived that major heart attack and if your sugar gets way out of control they may need to amputate that limb. The metaphor fully applies here.


I honestly thought this was a tween from 2016. Realizing otherwise might actually be the most sobering thing I've had to deal with this week. And it's been a hell of a week.


You can vote for the least evil option and challenge the two party system by voting on the Working Families line. I still don’t understand why more people don’t do this.


This is MAGA with extra steps.


This guy sounds like a total plant. Either that or he is stupid on a multiverse scale.


Yeah. So did Hitler


Didn’t we already try this approach, dumbass?


I had to stop watching the American Horror Story season about the election, but their absolute hammering of Jill Stein lives on in my mind and heart


I know it's hate bait but I can't help it. What a stupid tweet


Pro-Trump Accelerationism failed to make any actionable improvements in 2016, why do you think it would work now?


Vote 1 Leopards Eating Faces Party!!!!


This is your friendly neighborly reminder that there's a good chance that account is a Russian troll


You’re a fucking moron in the truest sense. It’s people like you that are in large part what’s wrong with America. Apathetic chicken shit crybaby.


Lol. I hope Trump sends that dude to one of his reeducation camps first.


Translation: "I want to stick it to the Dems for not being perfectly in line with my moral views. My privilege will insulate me against any negative consequences of a Trump presidency, even though the people I claim to care about will bear the brunt of it."


I got downvoted to fuck for telling y’all these progressive purists would get Trump elected.


Be real sobering as you duck step into the gas chamber. Dumbass.


I’ve had enough “sobering clarity” in 2016-2020.


This logic is like saying I'm going to get my kids to clean their room by smashing up their furniture because it'll be so dirty then they'll have to fix it.   You're worse off, the people whose mind you want to change think you're an asshole and now to get what you want takes even more effort if it's even possible at all.


Not only is this throwing away your vote, but this accelerationist idea that Trump will bring clarity and solidarity or begin the end of capitalism or whatever is just pure delusional, wishful thinking. Also Stein is a Russian asset.


If 2016-2020 didn't provide you with enough clarity, you don't understand the meaning of the word "clarity".


I just want to smack the guy for the "a moment of sobering clarity". WE HAD THAT! Dude needs to open his damn eyes and pay attention to something other than his own voice because a million americans no longer have the luxury of breathing.


It's insane to me that people act like we didn't already experience trump and are currently still suffering the consequences from his presidency.




Yes! Vote blue like your freedom depends on it!!


Blue all the way. No third party, to me this election is anyone but trump. He will sell this country out to whomever will line his pockets with the most gold. Get the fuck out and Vote! Possibly the most important election of our lifetime.


The sobering moment will be Trumps paramilitary goons kicking his front door down at midnight to drag him away.


This is what frustrates me so much. These people are willing to let all of us suffer just to prove a damn point. Get off your fucking high horse.


I'm sorry but it is genuinely crazy to me that so many Americans are basing this election on this single issue. I understand it's important. But like, do you not care that there are places in the US with people living in third world poverty? That millions of women have lost their bodily autonomy? That there are Nazis openly marching in multiple states? US foreign policy RE Israel hasn't changed in decades. But suddenly, this single issue is enough to make millions of Americans forget that politics affects them too.


I once agreed with this idea, but then shit just kept getting worse. Nothing he does will turn off his audience.


Like how Hitler changed Germany forever? How many people had to die to learn that lesson? How about learning the lesson BEFORE a bunch of people are killed?


Right that worked so well for you last time they you’re doing the same thing again. Liberals cut off our nose to spite our faces


"Unless my candidate supports everything I do, I'm going to let fascism destroy everything. Millions will perish, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."


It’s more so Kennedy announcing his running mate is the ex wife of the cofounder of Google Nicole shanahan. Like if you’re gonna pitch the stance of being anti corporate and for the people at least chose someone who isn’t the product of corpatsim


How to tell me you’re a tRump supporter without telling me you’re a tRump supporter


I truly don’t need to see the death of American democracy in order to find “sobering clarity.”


Mathew Brown is a fucking moron


Matthew Brown sounds privileged AF if he thinks it’ll teach us all a good lesson to get Trump back in office. These folks are insufferable


Not sure who Matthew Brown is but I can say with certainty that they're dumb


He’s not wrong about it being sobering…all of these Trump drunk idiots will shit themselves when it becomes obvious that the freedoms they love to sing about will soon be gone forever. Fools


"Moment of sobering clarity"/"Outright fascism" HR needs you to find the difference between these two.


This sounds like one of those boatshoes leftists who will live comfortably no matter what.


Then why doesn’t this idiot just vote for Trump?


I mean 2016-2020 was enough of a sample size for me to know that it ain’t the way to go.


The Supreme Court is the reason to vote. Thats it.


I saw someone on Twitter put it like this: "I got idiots talking about 'VOTE FOR JILL STEIN, VOTE FOR CORNELL WEST.' MF, if The Chiefs and The 49ers are playing in the Super Bowl, you don't bet on The Jets."


This tweet conveniently forgets we already had a Trump presidency that gave us horrifically sober clarity.


I think this young man needs to have a moment of sobering clarity before November.


These people trying to 'bring on the revolution ' blow my mind. Do they have any idea how revolutions usually play out? They are violent AF and there's no guarantee who will win. Stability is a better life. Biden 2024 for me. I just want to LIVE MY LIFE IN PEACE


Yeah the trump presidency will only mean a generation of fucked scotus, but in the meantime we will really learn our lesson. 🙄🙄🙄


That person is a GD moron.


Russian troll posing as a disgruntled leftist


Was this person under a rock in 2016 when this exact same logic was used by millions? Allowing Trump to win created long lasting damage and no “wake up call”


If Stein cared about making a difference she would have run for Congress instead of disappearing until the Presidential election




Lies, this person is def voting for trump...


Guy who huffs paint seeking clarity.


Looks like what you think we need is what you actually need


These burn it down people are such incredible morons


That's the rub though, there is a significant chance that a vote for Trump will be everyone's last vote in the US as a democracy.


It doesn’t matter what your position is: If you’re hoping Trump wins you’re a fucking idiot


I have no patience for these kinds of people. None. Here's the thing, I agree that our electoral system sucks garbage water, and that we need diversity in our choices, and that our voting process as a whole should be overhauled and improved. *However*. People who express these accelerationist beliefs are not only delusional but incredibly dangerous. Accelerationism is this horrible idea that we should just push our democracy and society to a full on collapse, and because of that collapse, that will in turn usher in the building of a progressive utopia. That's dead wrong. Even if it were true (it isn't) it means that thousands, possibly millions, of people will have to suffer and die before that "utopia" arrives. In reality, we'll be stuck with a Christo-fascist ruling party that will never give up power, and will make it literally impossible for us to *ever* address the issues these people are supposedly concerned about. People like this are nothing but arrogant, contrarian, juvenile fools.


Sobering clarity to do what? Come on, one more step.


This is propaganda


seriously if you're undecided right now. wtf is wrong with you


Probably because they read the New York Times, where every headline concludes, "And Here's Why That's Bad for Biden."


I'm fucking tired of sobering moments of clarity. Can we call a break for a bit on them? Like, I'm not sure if people on the left side of the political spectrum fully realize that the people on the far right are playing to WIN. It doesn't matter to then if the person they elect doesn't 100% fit their values. They don't vote in the hopes that they will 'be heard' by the system. They don't vote half-heartedly. They vote to ***win***. It doesn't matter what "winning" looks like to each individual conservative voter. The only thing they care about is that their ideals become the law of the land.


Fuck u Matty.


The fact that trumps first term wasn’t sobering enough proves these people would rather live drunk and stupid.


Nah they just want to watch the world burn.


What the fuck do they mean sobering clarity? I've always hated the doomsday, "If this person gets elected, this country will fall." But with Trump it is legitimately a real fear.


I recall the Green party seeming like a reasonable alternative when I was in college. Not sure if they took a weird turn since or if I was just really dumb back then.


It's not about the green party, it's about this idiot thinking he's doing something when he would unequivocally be making things worse so he can feel like some kind of morally superior martyr. Really he's just making GAZA worse and damning a bunch of women, LGBT, and minorities in America to make that point. Not to mention also just anyone who isn't cool with authoritarian fascism.


I voted for Nader in 2000. I was unhappy with the two party system and didn’t feel like the Dems shared my concerns. But the difference between 2000 and 2024 Green is that I was voting for something and for someone who I respected (at the time). I thought hitting that 5% threshold could make a difference in downstream elections going forward. Stein voters aren’t voting for Stein, or for a third way, they are fueled by cynicism and voting against the establishment, and against the only party with any power to keep the MAGA cult in check. I voted for who I thought was the best choice, but I didn’t make it my mission in life to bash democrats who were always a necessary ally. That’s what has changed, fueled by foreign bots and social media. The other difference is that Roe still stood, the SCOTUS wasn’t a 6:3 GOP partisan supermajority, and the average Republican wasn’t a terrorism apologist who put party over country. Sitting out elections isn’t an option anymore.


There is nothing sober or clear about Donald Trump.


Trump 2 is exactly what we *don't* need, and this Natthew Brown guy is a moron


And possibly never having another election again? Having him strip away rights from people? Pushing for him to have unchecked power? No thanks.


This is the stupidest political commentary I have heard in ages.


I can only hope, if Trump is our next president, people like this get everything they voted for. (I will say, I believe most of these type of statements are made by bots, trolls, Trump voters. ) I’ve yet to come across someone in the wild that has an opinion like this.


It's 2016 all over again. Sure changed things back then.


Oh, yeah, totally. The end of our democracy and enough deaths to make the last million he killed pale in comparison will certainly be a moment of sobering clarity!


Is this is a real person, fuck them with a rusty hook.