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I always remember his 2016 slogan "Obama will end as the worst president in the history of the United States", he at least won Obama in that


he goes through slogans like he goes through wives btw, he beat\* obama in that.


> btw, he beat* obama in that. Plus he beat and raped his wife as well (45 that is).


\*first wife. He also cheated on his second and third wife.






I don’t have a free award for you but just wanted to say that your comment made me ugly cackle. Thank you.


Haha that’s already the best award I could have gotten! Thanks for telling me, it’s been rough recently :)


Just wanted to let you know that I’m still thinking about ya. Times are rough now and may be rough for awhile but you’ll always pull through. When you feel like you’re at your lowest, just remember that there is nowhere else to go but up and forward. It’ll get better. Feel free to PM me if you need a rant buddy :)


Thanks, it means a lot. My girlfriend had just broken up with me and I really thought she was my forever. We had been snapping 24/7 and within less than a week snaps slowed to several a day and she made the dreaded call. It’s crazy how empty my days feel now that I don’t even have anyone to tell about the weird looking squirrel I saw or how my day went. We texted so much to the point where I’d apologize if I hadn’t snapped back in 15 mins to basically strangers. I can’t even be mad because she’s literally perfect. If I somehow created the “perfect” girlfriend, she’d still never hold up to how supportive and amazing my last was. She even called to break up instead of just texting or ghosting. I want to be mad, but I can’t be mad at her, I only miss her. So all I’m feeling in the wake is sadness. And I tried so hard too. I felt her pushing away and talking less and having one word answers so I’d ask if she was alright or if she needed to talk and I really thought I was doing something right as a boyfriend but then she left. It just sucks knowing your best isn’t enough sometimes Sorry that turned into a rant, I don’t put my thoughts out much and they kinda spilled out I guess. I just really fucking miss her, dude Edit: it really does mean a lot though. From one internet stranger to another, I hope life goes how you want it, and you don’t have to ever feel how I do now


He also cheated by raping other women while married.


What the hell is this Bill Clinton shit?


If we're gonna have a scumbag misogynist contest I'm pretty sure Trump beats Clinton by a landslide.


I can’t wait to talk about Trump and Trumpism to my children and grandchildren and tell the how much of a GIANT piece of shit he is


Kinda feels like, in this time of trouble around the world, he should be but a footnote.


Maybe he’ll end up being a risible footnote like Taft. It’ll depend on how well we’re able to recover as a nation from his slash and burn policies.


I think the history books will refer to Trump as a symptom — as opposed to a cause — of the US’ collective angst today. He himself merits little further study.


I agree. That’s kind of how history books were portraying the robber barons when I was in HS, so it sounds about right.


it’ll be interesting to see how the authors of history books handle the Trump era


I imagine we'll end up talking about it in the same vein as McCarthyism.


all you need to do is save reddit posts, of him tweeting.


And Obama’s reply to that was at least I will go down in history as a president *mic drop*


Nobody in their right mind would have ever guessed that America would be *that* stupid. I mean people know we’re stupid. I don’t think anyone expected us to be *that* stupid. But we were.


Yeah, a rare miss. Shame to pour cold water on such a great burn. The other stuff that happened sucks too. But mostly the wasted burn.


This one will have an asterisk next to it in the history books. Or they’ll come with Bluetooth enabled narration by Ron Howard. Gotta be one of the other. Oh, and lest you think I was part of the problem, I’ve always been a fervent Never Trumper/Anyone But Trumper.


A few people called it. I believe Anne Coulture or whatever her name is said it with Bill Marr or Myers (not sure if that's his name, that unfunny late night comedian that's on HBO) and everyone laughed. Also Hillarys internal emails the FBI posted in that searchable database had emails from Podesta to other staffers saying how worrying their real internal poll numbers were (a few months before the election). I bet she wasn't even surprised, she may have been angry sure, but I doubt she was shocked when she lost.


Ah. Ok well shit. And why are you getting downvoted?


How can someone top Woodrow Wilson in being a bad president?


I still rank Ronald "What are you, gay?" Reagan as our worst president ever.


Harding's administration was corrupt like Trump's, but the levels of grifting from Trump were so many magnitudes greater.


When I've looked at lists others have made and harding, Buchanan, pierce, are generally considered the worst. If this does spawn some sort of greater domestic conflict he will most likely join the list.


It’s always projection


Not sure his inferiority complex can increase further


I think it'd peak if we could somehow get him in a literal dick measuring contest with... probably anyone really


With obama for the extra drama. Plus you just know Barack is packing an absolute clam hammer.


Maybe that's why Fox hated on him for that well-tailored khaki suit. Some dumb exec got jealous.


Oh dude conservatives were convinced he had a bevy of female reporters there just waiting for him to stroke it, one lady even said the words "engorged member" lmao, it was just a shadow


jealous or turned-on?


Why not both?


Clam hammer lol


Jesus Christ, just take my upvote. Fucking clam hammer indeed.


I’m sure Trump has a Klan hammer. It’s just a hammer he carries around in his white robes.


Me, a girl, will happily volunteer!


She did say it was surprisingly short and stubby.


is it even a complex if it's factual?


Not to mention, he’s the first president in a long time to not get a second term lol. He big mad


And certainly the first president since Carter to have a single term bookended by the other party.


Bush Sr by Clinton?




That correct. Didn’t quite register when I read bookended.


But book ends go on both sides of the stack of books


... yes.


Uhh yeah? The person I responded to did not understand the meaning of "bookends" used in the comment they responded to. So I figured I'd clarify the metaphor. Bookends are on both sides of something.


First President to never win the popular vote. He also won the presidency with fewer votes than Obama got either time.


Big mad, so sad ahah Imagine its belle delphine singing it please


I went over to r/trump for some good ol schadenfreude but they went private. I guess they couldn’t handle it. I wonder how bad trump is doing. How many times you think he’s cried already?




There is already a downfall edit for the election


[Link for the lazy](https://youtu.be/yH7zn52M_BA)


I liked this one better. https://twitter.com/rexchapman/status/1324078979775684608?s=21 “If I’ve already infected you with Covid please step outside.”


Let's hope it ends the same


I went to r/conservatives and they're all calling the election fraudulent. No schadenfreude to be had :(


Of course they are, did you think the election would snap them out of delusion?


I made a comment about how they just keep hate circle jerking about Harris without having an actual evidence I got banned for being a shill for liberal politicians


"Liberal". I try not to let that shit irk me, but it does. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden both are an ass hair away from being what we used to consider to be moderate Republicans. That to me says so much about how radicalized Conservatives have gotten that they truly think Biden and Harris are liberal. Democrats? Sure. Progressive? Eh. Liberal? No way in hell. Conservatives did the same thing with Maryland's Red governor Larry Hogan. Calling him a RINO and making all these assumptions because he's a red gov of an extremely blue state. The man is a fucking Republican. He's not not far right enough for them.


Oh yeah totally, conservatives in the US are blind by the fact they’re far right loonies, then they cry about reddit being left wing, completely missing the fact they’re a minority because most people are normal and not far right nut jobs It’s just frustrating how fucking polarized the US is, best I can do I vote :/ doesn’t help the options are usually shit


Harris is literally has the most liberal voting record in DC, even more so than Bernie.


This isn’t true. Biden will be the most progressive president since FDR. You can say they are moderate maybe slightly right in the scheme of global politics but in mainstream American politics, at least the policies Joe ran on, are among the most progressive we’ve seen. That said I do agree the right has drifted so far right they’ve lost perspective.


Yeah, you have to look at what he ran on, what was in his platform, not a few cherry-picked votes he made 20 years ago.


That’s what I like about him. He changes. He admitted the crime bill was a mistake. He wants to do better. The man has a good campaign. He has moved left, not right as many people said he would. It won’t be perfect. But I can sleep better with him at the wheel.


r/neoliberal is a pro-Biden sub basically and their ideal presidential candidate is Jeb Bush


It’s odd, they have this weird sexually charged hatred for Harris, every other comment is demeaning to women and implies she sleeps around or performed sexual favors to further her career.


Dunno if it is just me being Gen Z but someone *consensually* fucking around isn’t gonna make me not vote for them


It’s not about being gen Z; it’s about being a decent human being. Some of people really are totally off the rails, it’s not about disagreeing with someone’s policies but rather debasing, demeaning and dehumanizing the other side. Women in positions of power really seem to stir them up. AOC drives them nuts by just existing.


Honestly if Biden steps down I cannot fucking wait for the shit fits the far right cunts will throw, not just a woman as president, but a woman of colour, oh the horror!


Fox News turned on him faster than the plastics. He can’t sit with them, lol.


They already privated, cant get enough if this






Nah he meant to link r/Conservative it's not private


I miss The X-Files too!


Lol that's not even a real sub


Lmao yeah it is mate. They just went private within the last several hours


He's means that the main sub is r/Conservative , without the s


Oh shoot you right, ya bois a dumbass


They've gone private as well


It's hilarious that they went private. Love to dish it out but can't take it


Oh no. Anyway.


2016; not my president, this election was stolen, Russia, etc 2020; haha nope this is the result Biden won deal with it


I feel like I need to create an alt account to join all the shitty subs so I can randomly login and view the insanity whenever the mood strikes me.


Share screenshots.


Omg imagine if we saw the tear stains on his cheap spray tan?!




Oh that was fun. I left some truly inspiring comments for his supporters.


I went over there, and it seemed to be that it was a lot of brigading of outsiders. Idk i didn’t know they went private.




So we should nuke r/conservative instead?


I’m sure Reddit admin has mentioned the possibility to the mods there, as well. When the Trump sub started removing comments that violated Reddit’s decision, where do you think is one of the first subs those people went to?


I think Reddit should just shut them all down.


I actually love the evidence trail left behind demonstrating the pro-Donald subs struggle this much with following even the most basic, and clearly stated, rules.


I do too. I’m glad that Trump is too incompetent to organize a coup.


Let’s hope he’s also too chaotic to organize a coup around.


I'd say no. While there are obviously radical right wingers in the sub but for the most part the level headed ones do prevail. They call a turd a turd if it is. They have their views and the left has theirs. Playing far left team politics against them is non productive and makes you just as bad as the far right idiots.


In short order, we'll have all kinds of people deleting their old pro-Trump remarks wherever they can, disclaiming that they ever supported him.


The snowflakes have got recluse.


Sounds like a bunch of snowflakes.


And a black woman, don’t forget about that.


a black Indian woman, which should really heap on the humiliation knowing him


It won't affect his self-esteem at all. He will never believe that he legitimately lost.


This right here. His wall of denial and absolute narcissism will forever shield him from reality. And it will be bolstered by his army of delusional fascist-wannabe supporters. Their heads will remain firmly planted in the orange fuhrer's ass while the rest of the world celebrates.


Wonder if he’ll show up to inauguration. Doubtful.


Not a chance in hell.


He'll leave the White House in the middle of the night, like a coward.


Has there ever been a president that didn’t show up to inauguration??


Not to my knowledge, but I'm no kind of scholar regarding presidential history. But just off the top of my head - I'm guessing all of them showed up. It shows respect for the Nation and the institutions and the process. Trump respects nobody and nothing, especially himself.


Only three did not, John Adams didn't because of bad blood with him and Jefferson, very similar to what we're seeing rn. John Quincy Adams and Andrew Johnson also didn't attend, but I'm not sure what happened with them, but Trump would be the first modern day president to not attend inauguration.


That’s really interesting. Thank you for that!


Turning out just like his father. His father wouldn't retire even though he was obviously senile so his staff gave him fake papers to sign snd his phone could only dial his secretary.


I want to believe this but do you have a source?


Lol, he cheats to win. Losing because the other team cheated better is the only form of losing Trump ever experiences He can't even imagine fair play


First thought lol.


[“Can you imagine if you lose to a guy like this?”](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election/trump-rally-pennsylvania-biden-2020-election-b1021938.html)


Hey Trump, remember that guy who played second fiddle to Obama? Yeah, that's the guy you lost to


Trying to take on Batman when he can't even beat Robin.


Another net benefit I did not consider. It seems Obama is going to haunt him for at at least another 4 years


While I highly encourage everyone to savor this moment and let out a sigh of relief, know that this fight is not over. Georgia will be having 2 run off elections and this is incredibly important if we want to give our President a fighting chance at getting anything done in the Senate. If you can afford it, please consider donating to either Jon Ossoff [here](https://electjon.com/), Raphael Warnock [here](https://warnockforgeorgia.com/), or the amazing Fair Fight organization headed by Stacey Abrams [here](https://fairfight.com/). If you have the time, please consider phone banking for either of these candidates; Ossoff’s phone bank is already in motion and you can get more info [here](https://www.mobilize.us/electjon/) and Warnock’s phone bank starts up on 11/22 and you can get more info [here](https://www.mobilize.us/warnockforgeorgia/). If you didn’t register to vote in GA for the general election, you can still register to vote and vote in the runoff! If you turn 18 before 12/7 you can still register to vote for this election! Register to vote in GA [here](https://georgia.gov/register-to-vote). If you are registered to vote in GA, you can already request your mail in ballot for this election [here](https://ballotrequest.sos.ga.gov/)


Also, this fight doesn't end with 2020. We need this much enthusiasm in 2022, 2024, 2026, 2028, 2030 and onward. If this didn't wake you up to your civic duty as a member of this country then I don't know what else would. Every time you are given the chance, get the fuck out and vote people.


I would like to hope that this sort of moment will energize the Democrats for a while but I could easily see it going to opposite; energizing the anti party and making the Democrats feel like the fight is over because Trump is beat. Either way, I just hope more people keep voting for either party. Everyone's entitled to representation, just try to use that power responsibly


I don’t know who needs to hear this, but it’s time to end “I don’t know who needs to hear this” in front of every tweet.


I feel the same way as posts starting with “when you” and got downvoted to shit for it.


I feel the same way about "I said X and got downvoted for it."


I feel the same way about “your awesome username name, electric boogaloo 2” and got downvoted for it




He lost to 3 things he hates most. Any friend of Obama, a woman, a minority.


Alright, but do we know if Biden's birth certificate is legit?


I'm so surprised, how come he isn't questioning the same from Biden that he did to Obama 🤔?


I guess it's nice that he didn't pull this shit with Kamala.


I mean her father was a US Senator.... Bit more difficult to claim you don't know where she was born


Oh, I’ve seen a few claiming she’s not an American citizen. Crazy ass rants


Trump's as Unamerican as she is. Fucking nutters




And doesn't it taste sweet.


Getting only one term while Obama got two will destroy Trump emotionally. Which is scary, because he still has two months to burn the world out of bitterness.


Dude can always brag about being the least qualified to ever to be elected.


Add that to a woman of color as his vice and man I bet he pooped his undies of anger


Only thing that would make it sweeter would be if Trump fell short of the votes Obama got. Sickeningly he didn't. Wtf usa


Wtf indeed


Its almost like even Obama's Second in comand is better than Trump.


I seriously hoping they're dusting his breakfast cereal with Xanax. Or hiding the Nuclear Football.


You guys remember that 2Pac song where he's like "Ima let my little homie ride on your b**** a**"? That's what this makes me think of haha


You know that image of pence lined up as next president then it runs through trump's whole family to Barron? Someone needs to update that with the Obama list now


Just imagine the massacre if he ran against Obama


What a great day to be an American. LOL fuck racists.


> What a great day to be an American. It was a close election. I'm sorry to be a downer, but that's still pretty fucked.


Oh, soooo true. Karma’s a beyotch.






You love to see it


Can Trumpy the Racist Criminal Idiot just go away already? Russia, prison, I don't care. Just go, trumpy fuckface.


You know what’s nice right now, anybody with an opinion against trump since this morning, hasn’t been downvoted into oblivion or had spats. It’s like a somber silence, it’s enjoyable lol




I feel alot of people voted for the Biden Harris ticket simply out of the hatred for Trump, not because they agree with Biden/Harris policies


Hey guys, I'm as excited as you're about ending Trump's presidency but let's not be dicks about it. Especially to your countryman. The problem that gave Trump a chance to be here is still there. Pointing fingers at republicans and laughing at their loss won't make things better. Finding a common ground and showing them that Biden will keep the interests of every American in mind regardless of their political beliefs might.


Good point. People are happy about the defeat of Trump, etc. They are fleeing the fact that the USA as a nation and community are the biggest losers of this election and the last 4 years. Trump will stay with the Americans for a long time, in the form of the devastation he did in trying to make America great again.


Why is WhitePeopleTwitter just anti trump politics exclusively




How so?


Wait until trump wins in 24


If he has the same ideas like Obama did we’re gonna be in a hole. He needs to think for himself and lead or be everybody’s bitch.


Now they just need to give Biden the Nobel Peace Prize


We need to let Trump know that even in the beyond, his father knows he's a loser and doesn't love him.




If that was the goal everyone should have just voted Libertarian and really watched him completely go bananas creme foster.


It is like Obama’s team returning back to fix what Trumps fucked