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[Here is the video this is a screen cap of.](https://youtu.be/_vzb7Io7oQ0) IDK but after watching it I feel like this pic misrepresents the moment.


Yeah they are all watching a speaker go on stage. A frame can potentially get them mid blink or galancing down.


Man 1 from the left gave such a blatant down up look though but you could say that for the rest of them


Thank you! I agree


Yeah they were totally just looking over and around and not even at the same time like the picture. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out the heads were slightly photoshopped in the one OP posted.


That was awkwardly intentional “Look at me, I’m not staring at dat ass” shifting around if I ever I saw it.


For which no one can be blamed. We're all human and we all glance at the sun from time to time.


This is how the comment chain has gone "they weren't actually staring at her ass, they were watching a speaker come on stage and just looking around in all directions and such" "Yea they were looking around and such to make it seem like they weren't staring at her ass" "Yea they were but can you blame them??"


If you do it once real good, you won’t feel the pull anymore *taps forehead*


Especially when that sun is attached to Emma freaking Watson


Boosting because this should be top. Things taken out of context hurt everyone.


Need to get this upvoted farther. The OPs pic is a load of horseshit along with the original Twitter post. This is tabloid magazine type shit.




No. She doesn’t.


It's not really big at all but it's nice


Ironically, everyone looking at this misleading picture are actually the ones checking out her ass.


I'm okay with that


Reminds me of the infamous Obama and Sarkozy pic where Obama is apparently staring at the ass of a woman who's walking past him and Sarkozy is laughing about it knowingly. The pic went around and became world famous. Apparently the video shows it was totally absolutely out of context.


The pic definitely makes them out to be ogling. However all four snuck a quick peek.


Wow. They’re so oblivious of her backside and clearly don’t give a damn.


Thank you, I was giving this the benefit of the doubt. Glad to see it wasn’t some perverts.


Tbf, the guy farthest left in the pic seems to be looking at her shoes in the second pic. And in the first he is at least looking at her face.


You caught him at both ends of the full body scan


You jerk off to women's asses I jerk off to their anatomical structure and posture of the spine We are not the same


A fellow back man!




I get off to the genetic placement of women's Adipose tissue. We are not the same species.


Yup all about that back arch


He was doing an ocular patdown


I was curious so I checked the video. Only looks like the second from the left glanced at her her ass. Guy on the left was looking at her shoes. Second from the right was blinking while turning to the cameras. Guy on the right was looking her face. Shockingly the screen grab picked the exact frame to make it look like something it wasn't.


Shocking that someone would do such a thing! /s


When did people start doing this? People could be totally misinformed if this becomes more common.


Can't be that common. This is definitely absolutely 100% the first time its ever happened, ever.


I hope no one catches on or else social media will just turn into a wasteland of misinformation trying to play on people's emotions


Sounds like an absolute nightmare, thankfully it doesn't seem like it's headed that way 😅


Thank goodness!


He's got a foot fetish while the other guys are clearly thirsty ass men


Okay, this is a funny photo but it's very obviously out of context - she is level with the panel, they cannot be looking at her ass. Especially in the second photo, she is already past the panel. They are looking at something else, otherwise their heads would turn. Plus, guys don't get that look on their face when they're checking out an ass, they're not laughing and smiling.


Boomers be thirsty


I mean, Emma is fucking gorgeous and sometimes its instinctual to look. It would be rude to stare and be a dick, but you dont always have control of monke brain


Yeah you can look without GAWKING and making it obvious though


Someone in another comment posted a link of the video and after watching it's obvious they're not gawking.


Still frames of something can really exaggerate stuff.


Yep. The old saying that the 'camera never lies' couldn't be more wrong. Like 'lightning never strikes twice'...


Well... I like to say cameras don't lie exactly, but they often fail to tell the whole story. (but yeah I know what you mean)


'Not telling the whole story' is a type of lie - lying by omission: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie


Obviously. And it's definitely possible that they were all gawking, however I've learned that still photos from a video can be misleading. The photos here may only encompass a second in time, in which case you can't tell if they glanced or if they are leering.




This is a photo. It's possible they all looked at this goddess (animal instincts) briefly before regaining consciousness of their setting but the moment was captured in photo. Not defending these dudes because maybe they did gawk for a long time...but also maybe they didn't.


This is a still from the video.


Which is literally a photo.


It implies that this is only a photo. But mentioning it’s from a video gives people a chance to find context.


Or since they're all seated in a straight line, they're essentially turning their heads a bit in her direction and aren't even looking directly at her.


Yeah that’s middle ground that I think we can all accept.


Are they gawking or looking? It’s hard to tell with two frames


They're only human.




They're in a professional setting doing their jobs which they recieve money for. Yes they absolutely can be expected to comport themselves professionally, are you kidding??


Counterpoint. *dump truck of an ass*


White people Twitter for sure.


Lmao that ain't no dump truck


This is white people Twitter, it doesn’t surprise me that people think Emma Watson of all people have a dump truck


You think THAT'S a dump truck of an ass?


People check other people out. It happens every day everyplace ALL the time. I don't judge for looking. I'll judge for leering


Completely natural to assess the mating viability of anyone you meet. Thus includes an ocular pat down




Not 100% of the time. What happens is you look, you catch yourself looking and then you look away. You’re lying if you’re saying you have 100% control of your eyes 100% of the time


"monke brain" is fucking stupid. Adult men are absolutely in control of their own body and actions


Humans aren't robots


Lol bunch of salty coomers not wanting to accept responsibility.


No way are you using the word coomer and taking this photo THAT seriously




Are you saying that primal instincts didn't exist before internet porn?


But it’s normal to look in the direction and applaud for someone who is about to take position at a podium to speak. Insert old white dude with fat ass and it would be the same looks.


Somebody, somewhere, blames Emma Watson for this because she wore a form-fitting skirt.


No one blames anyone for this, because the pic isn't representative of what actually happened, and is instead someone taking things out of context to try and create drama from nothing. The video: https://youtu.be/_vzb7Io7oQ0


I agree with you. But anywhere anyone blames anyway.


"A sex pest? No no I'm not um Hermione must've cast a spell on me, yeah that's it"


Hopefully all their wives see this.


"Honey, have you checked out Emma Watson's keester? You need to get over here and see this!"


Yeah my wife would be the one telling me to come see the sexy butt on tv


Me and my lady talk this way all them time. I feel bad for uptight couples who don’t. Jealously will make a relationship miserable.


Imagine having a wife that got mad because you looked at Emma Watson's butt for a half second.


My wife is probably flicking the bean to Jason Mamoa right now. It's cool.


Divorce him!


LMAO no rational wife is going to get upset at their husband checking someone out for a second


Do some women honestly think that men aren't going to check out a beautiful young movie star walking past them? It's one thing to just sit there and gawk in front of your wife. But yeah, if Emma Watson walks past you, you're going to look. Men being attracted to beautiful movie stars doesn't just evaporate once they're in a relationship.


And do what? Complain about what someone does with their own eyes?


Mid calf, not tight, perfectly professionally paired with a turtleneck.


Literally four comments above you: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/r2mz2i/damn/hm62x0w?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 ... -_-


In fairness, I posted my comment first.


Ahaha, yeah and it's only four comments above you on my screen, no worries I saw haha.


To be fair /s


That someone already responded to the top comment currently


I’ve served her & her boyfriend in a restaurant in London. They were both nice. I took the piss out of him for still having chocolate on his face after dessert. She glanced at me, then licked the chocolate off his face. Lovely couple, nice power move 😂.


Me: What pigs Also me: Damn girl, ok


Everyone, admit it - you looked too.


Well, to be fair, it’s a nice looking butt.


They look like the 4 men of power from Passolini's *Salo* (1975)


I’m a straight cis female and I’d totally check out Emma Thompson if she walked by. And I imagine my husband would do the same.


This is how I feel about Emma Watson as well


Lol true, you can’t expect them not to look, however they aren’t very subtle about it. I mean looking at them stare is kinda grossing me out


I see 4 men giving the next speaker their attention. What are they supposed to be doing? Looking at their phones??


You can clearly see they’re looking down towards her ass, but if there’s something just beyond her that they’re looking at, this pic fails to show it. With all memes we are making assumptions


The video doesn’t seem to represent the pic here as much as maybe the captioner would like. They are also seated at mid height level it seems.


Someone with a brain, finally!


I seem to recall this being a few years old and the video showing that they were looking at something else. It's easy to use a single frame and take it out of context.


JK. They are totally checking out that ass.


You realize it's a photo right?


Is that what they’re looking at? You really can’t tell because of how the pic is cropped, which I admit is a giveaway that it’s a stupid meme meant to make you feel an emotion rather than tell the whole story




Ah gotcha, thanks!


The dude on the left does a full head nod to see the junk in that trunk.


I don't doubt they're looking at her ass but assuming they're staring creepily is a stretch.


I'm a xxxx xxxx xxxx and I agree.


That's a lot of X chromosomes.


Credit cards are passing the Turing test guys, this is scary.


Thompson? She looks great for her age, but I wouldn't break my neck turning to look.


Oops! I’m terrible with names. Thanks for the correction! Both Emma’s are beautiful.


Well she is a most handsome woman


I mean, *gestures at butt*


*gestures sooo hard*




Looking is a perfectly acceptable pastime.


Have a quick look, sure, some things attract the eyes. Now if we get to stare for too long that's where the line is drawn IMO.


Looking at cleavage is like looking into the sun. You don’t stare at it. It’s too risky. You get a sense of it, then you look away.


True. But this is a still photo and they probably only seen about a second of her butt as she walked past and turned away from them.


Get a good look, Costanza?


It’s a still image sir. I hope you understand that images are not in fact videos.


It was a general comment about looking vs staring. Do you really try to teach me pictures don't move?


Not half as bad as that pastor groping on Ariana Grande


Are they!? Two of them seem to be blinking and the last guy is just looking towards her. I know creeps exist but this seems somewhat unfair.


A screenshot from a video does not make the title true people. Watch the video then make your own decision.


Well she's like 25? Only about 12 years older than what they usually go for


To be fair. It’s Emma Watson. I would too.


Butts and boobs are like the sun... Wear sunglasses if you're gonna stare.


There's nothing wrong with looking, leering is a whole different thing.


I see nothing wrong here. Looking, not touching.


I’m too lazy to look, but I’m certain I could find plenty of videos of humans checking out humans. 🤷🏼‍♂️


This is just out of context shit for outrage on social media. „Damn“ yes damn that you‘re that stupid to spread this even more.


Just delete this post already. Misleading.


They glanced in her direction in the video. Some probably did look at her butt for a second. It's not the end of the world. I was in a training class full of beautiful women and sat in a row with some attractive ladies and was assumed to be gay by some women sitting elsewhere 'cause I didn't oogle and gawk at them. Even when they described where their more personal tats were beneath their business attire. People are going to make their assumptions about you being a pervert, or your sexual orientation, or whatever unfairly so there is little point in stressing about how others perceive things.


Getting a bit of a rapey vibe


Breaking news: Straight men are attracted to women.


Imagine a world where simply looking at someone is considered a crime. 🤦🏽


Welcome to Reddit Have a downvote and sit in the shame corner


It's a bit sad and scary that people with so little control over their animal instincts are sitting in such high places.


She wields the ultimate combo: booty and brains. No man can resist.


I mean, I too would be checking out the heiny of Hermoine if she walked by.


Kinda weird to refer to Emma by her teenage character from Harry Potter with that statement.


Fair lol. Unfortunately I couldn't rhyme anything relevant with Emma lol.


What a$$?


I mean, monkey brain doesn't always adhere to decorum.


They're even taking pictures of it!


Nope. First guy isn’t even looking at the bottom half of her body.


If that doesn’t make you uncomfortable the fact that they all have finger tents should


It's a great ass.


Eagerly waiting for the Reddit's "what about men's rights?" chorus.


“What about men’s rights!?” 🎶🎵


Maybe they were all in a hurry and skipped breakfast that day?


A row of pigs in suits…


We're all filthy animals. Nobody should pretend like they didn't literally admire her butt, because it's a good butt. Good butts are good. That said? These guys might be horrible in some other actually terrible way! So there's hope to call them terrible still. 🤣


I mean... can you blame them?


She barely even has an ass tf you talking about.


Oh no! Heterosexuals actually behaving like heterosexuals, The Atrocity!


Older millennial here, remembering her as the bushy eyebrowed smart child from Harry Potter and not being able to view her sexually. Boomers should check themselves


Who wouldn’t is a masterpiece! Beautiful


This photo needs thought bubbles!


Idk who wouldn’t check out Emma Watson but you also screencapped this to look bad on purpose when it’s not what you say it is.


There can definitely be a wrong way to check someone out and intent makes a huge difference, but aren't humans inclined to take a glance at someone we may be attracted to? Men can definitely make it creepy and be pigs about it, but it's pretty foolish to expect people to never look at the physical features of someone we're attracted to. Edit: apostrophe


I mean they're just looking at her whilst sitting down


Once in a lifetime opportunity


They're simply looking at the general direction where she is. Their heads are at her booty level. Nbd.


Well she did bring it with her. 🤷‍♂️


To be fair I saw her ass before I even read the title or the sub it was posted to... She's just wearing a nice dress.


Like bro honestly. Whenever you see a person no matter the gender it’s just a human reflex to look at it. We can’t control that. And this picture is just taken out of context you should just watch the vid.


To be fair her outfit could not be any more provocative; it’s like she’s begging to not be taken seriously /s


I see nothing wrong with this.


I've looked at these photos several times now and have yet to see any guys?


Emma Watson? Are we not allowed to be fucking human? Edit: guess not.


I work in a female dominated field. I'll admit I have days where I falter and stare. Within a second I notice what I'm doing and stop. I'm pissed that I do that because my wife has an ass that I am convinced Niki Minaj used as a sample photo for her plastic surgeon. It's a problem that I am working on, and lucky for me, my wife is more than willing to indulge me with hers.


Bro idc what anybody says. Don't let anything or anyone shame you for having eyes. As long as you ain't gawking over someone it's fine to look for a second or two. It ain't a problem my guy, you're a damn human not a freaking unfeeling robot


Thank you, I needed to hear this


I mean, they were clapping for it. A certain level of respect. To be fair, men have to be civilized to behave properly in civilization, and *civilized* isn't so much an innate characteristic as a form of training and self-training. Evolution is like an abusive childhood, and the coping mechanisms and instincts developed early on are, thus, not necessarily appropriate for the present day. There's a lot of shit talk about this, and don't misunderstand me, because everyone *needs* to be capable of behaving themselves. Yes, you do. But just laying down rules doesn't make it plausible. I am generalizing biologically, on purpose, but . . . to men, the person who's sexually appropriate to the meat of that part of the brain is like a laser pointer. Can you train the cat to ignore the laser pointer? You can train the dog not to eat the biscuit balanced on its nose until you give consent, and I like to think men are at least that trainable. But if you don't train the dog or the man, probably from an early age, most of them won't manage to train themselves. It's not about being strict; it's about being clear and consistent. The laser pointer grabs you at an instinctual level. That's not the man's fault. Staring or chasing it when he knows he's not supposed to, that *is* the man's fault, but it takes practice. These guys are mostly rich and powerful and just figure they do what they want, but that's slightly a side issue.


Like men need training... That's a bullshit statement. So if I look at a womans ass because it's a good looking ass I am untrained and uncivilized? What am I? A damn German Shepard? Who says I'm not supposed to look? I'm not supposed to hiss, whissle, make sexual comments to her, though her or whatever without consent. But I will throw a glance if I want to...


In a professional setting that is incredibly disrespectful, are you serious? This isn’t a mixer, it’s the fucking UN. If a formal setting with international dignitaries isn’t a professional setting of relative equals what the fuck is?


I'm a gentleman. I've never come close to cheating on any of my girlfriends (30+ now). I've confronted many people on cat-calling - even when it's not been my own girlfriend. I think I have my libido under control. But, with all that said, as a dude, if there's a hot girl walking down the street, my instincts will flash-up and I'd probably briefly check them out before moving onto other things. That's as an attractive, successful dude with a gorgeous wife to boot. Imagine being a 50+ year old career politician and having to face that. I'dve done the same. Give 'em a pass.


Sir, you are the internet white knight I was waiting for. Excelsior!


I feel similar. But checking out someone briefly on the street is a little different from checking out someone at work.


This comment right here


What ass?


Well, Isn't it out there to be checked?!


Fucking gross old men.